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The Right And Wrong Spirit Of The World

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The "Aryan People" whose culture has been widely adopted in India and even upon which modern "religious" systems have been based off [it's all stolen], were among the first people to come into terms with the supernal laws of existence which relay heavily in what we refer to as "Karma".

Before anyone thinks that this is about "Northern Europeans", I want to mention here that this culture is not explicit to Northern Europeans, who for many intents have widely not only strayed from this culture, but did not at all historical intervals understand it as good as other adoptees and contemporaries. We could say that while the culture arises out of a people, if removed upon them, what remains is the hardware of a people without the software.

So eventually, all teaching and instruction from the Wise People or the Gods, can fall into jeopardy.

The Asians have also comprehended these realities, yet the situation is that when people are mindwashed into certain programs which bring them closer to the animal level of consciousness, the animal level of consciousness is what will come out of them. We see the results of this worldwide today in lesser or higher extents.

If we just observe the situation simply; there are two paths, that towards the Gods, and the other path towards gross decay of existence. Due to the latter being closer to the boundless "natural laws", it's always easier to go into the second path than the first, however, the first path of the Gods always yields the results of the highest nature for both individuals or civilizations.

The so called "Aryan" title, as was the title of the "Hellene" or the person educated spiritually into the higher levels of existence, is something that is not gained by mere birth or eye color, but rather a constitution that arises in someone after proper spiritual education, evolution and a higher intelligence that arises out of one's development.

Therefore as many people just seek to find "racial" classifications for "noblety", that always is half the Truth, because anyone can be habituated to behave as an animal or worse in the absence of the culture of the Gods.

The jews have been commonly criticized strongly by all Ancient Civilizations because of their lack of this, with some writers last century even speaking of "Two spirits" that animate this world, the human spirit of the "Aryan" and the "Jewish Spirit". This divides the world in two spiritual categories, not really inclusively linked to the color of the skin. It's another way of saying on if one follows the real dictates of the Gods or they are not.

If we take the jews as a wrong example, we will see how they wage warfare today for example. In their mind, everything is "allowed"; we see them bombing hospitals, having encircled all the innocent Palestinians and doing endless torture on them, bombing hospitals and ambulances, slow torture and so on. None of this really has to do with them winning any war about the Palestinians, since the jews are also backed up by the "big guys" in the world and have them under control, it's just an expression of hatred and rage that jews consider justified to act upon.

As war in general brings carnage out of people, certain people have come to the natural conclusion that "Everything goes" in wars, immoral actions and so on. Many peoples also constantly rant and rave about how they will "Conquer the world" and we see this raving in all Abrahamic religions, such as Islam and Judaism. These generally preach to do maximum warfare without any moral inhibitions, essentially just mentioning it's important to just "Win Wars" and nothing else.

What these beings above are not in awareness off, is that our universe is observed and overseen by the higher beings that we call the Gods. The Gods albeit they let us have our own way in our "Aquarium" that we call earth, they are the rulers, controllers and managers of this small aquarium in where the fish constantly try to ruin each other with atom bombs or what have you.

The Gods as higher beings are also beings that inhabit higher dimensions, and in these dimensions, timelines and consequential results of human behavior, ranging from small to great, are clear, seen and easy to understand. Because human beings have souls, which extend further than the laws of the "Natural" and "Material" realm, they have tried to teach humanity repeatedly to move towards the higher state of consciousness where they will balance out the imbalances present in the mere "Natural" state of existence.

In the "Natural" state of existence, theoretically speaking, if one murders an innocent or walks away, and you do not die, you have "won". Nobody caught you, you think you are "well", and retribution in this case does not exist. The Jewish Spirit I mentioned above, which is a spirit of decadence of spirituality, expresses itself in this way towards life and other peoples on earth.

Judaism is the only religion on earth where the dashing of Gentile infants against rocks is celebrated as an act of "Bravery" towards the Assyrians or the Babylonians or the "Goyim" in general. That however does not take much of an understanding to comprehend as both a cowardly and vilest way to approach the reality of even war.

In the jewish mind, so long the international community or some Amalek or Hitler shows up to enslave all of them to make them behave in a normal way, they are "allowed by God" to do whatever it is that they please. They believe still in the law of "retribution", which is the law expressed in the Old Testament, however, the jews have evolved this law to "an eye for a thousand eyes" towards their enemies, and never stayed in the context of an "Eye for an eye" despite of their own stolen cultural legends that were taken from Aryans in a perverted fashion teaching them even this basic semblance of Justice.

The same mindset is harbored by other nonspiritual and unenlightened beings on earth, who due to the headwinds of this behavior, can temporarily gain advantage over the higher races, which do not behave in this way. We see this daily in the United States and elsewhere.

Hardworking and better spirited people have to observe the looting of stores everyday or any sorts of animalistic behavior, especially in places where the Law [another instruction of the Gods to help in fair judgement and order in society] is being left to rot. That's essentially the underlying manifestation of lack of consciousness manifested in society.

The jewish media and other outlets powerfully promote this as "correct" and "humane", while all it breeds is the groundwork for civilization destruction. Meanwhile, jews in Israel do their earnest to maintain order among their own by all means necessary.

Jews, when they describe their "History" with all it's calamities and genocides, are very well aware that these extreme effects of retribution they invite on themselves, are essentially the accumulated anger of the Gods towards their injustices. They know firsthand how this works, and this strikes them so badly each time, that the whole world watches in awe. That is because when th state of justice, which the Gods rule, is seriously violated, then the retribution strikes in many unnatural ways.

Judaism if anything, is just 100% applied gross "Natural law". Christianity, which is half of it Pythagorean, Egyptian, Ancient Greek and stolen, has 60% gross Judaism in it, yet other underlying [perverted] messages, do talk about humanity and so on as spoken by the previous civilizations, who did not built on the consciousness that mere "Might Makes Right".

Islam on the other hand, generated from the bossom of Judaism as well, is still a small percent affected by Aryan messages, especially where the respect of family and other virtues are present.

I am not saying here the above things or programs are "somewhat right", but I try to show everyone that even some drops of the so called "Aryan Spirit" do actually make a foundation for a higher spiritual manifestation.

The Asian Cultures who have held strongly on the teachings of the Gods, do perform the highest when it comes to spiritual life and duty, yet when these are mixed with Communism and other innate problems in each people's [all human beings, we have flaws] this is where things go wrong.

If we take a circle of the world and it's civilizations, what we will see is that the closer a civilization towards the Aryan "Spirit", the better it performs where life is concerned. In the end, because the jews have corrupted the word "Aryan" to mean hate and programmed it, we might as well go further and say this: There is the path of the Gods on the right, and the path of the jewish spirit on the wrong. Woes and calamities have found humanity just because of following on the wrong path.

Now humanity is at a good chance of adoption and recognition of the path of the Gods, and that is the purpose of the Joy of Satan and all people of this "Side" of life to do. Indeed, there are many people who have a natural grasp of this, and we must firmly stand our ground, as we must fight against the causes of decay that animate the world towards the grossest states of consciousness and entropy that will seek to consume the human species into the lesser levels of existence.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The Great post! :) Thank you very much! ;)

This post is Very Great! :) "Right" I would also call "Aristocratic"!
Even before I joined the JOS and I somehow, did found out that Hitler was a good guy, it always did feel wrong, if some christian right wingers did say: Hail Hitler or state, I'm a white Aryan (following a jewish messiah*face palm*).

All these statements / titles mean nothing, if they are not connected to the spirit off the gods, if uneducated people use them. This does undermine there meaning/message and only reinforces jewish brainwashing about these.

Which you rightfully pointed out. Thank you HPHC for enlightening us on the subject.
The jews as a species have just walked down the road of decay and embraced this fully, becoming an abomination. I remember one post you made a few years ago about how the jews have something seriously internally wrong with them to be the way they are, especially in studying them in depth.

It's just so apparent and in plain sight these beings have went to incredible lengths to just become what they are. Repeated decisions to keep fucking up and reaping the karma associated with this.

No sane, natural species would just keep going down this road if they had a consciousness capable of understanding where this was leading them.

The path they took towards the enemy just terraformed them into the very bio borg they seeked to emulate.

It's like the same case with the reptilians as well. They kept fucking up, and fucking up, continuing down the road into cybernetic technology and artifical intelligence... until they completely lost themselves and their free will in this and then took to ravaging weaker species.

Personally, I'm sure there were those of their own who didn't want this, but the rest of the reptilians just ganged up and changed them all into how they are now.

Humanity must comprehend what road it wants to take. The Gods knew very well the endless roads a species could walk down when they are not adherent to the teachings set forth for them.

This universe does not give a fuck. Everything is subject to the natural laws, and the upwards spiral for a species is to emulate those who have overcome the lower aspects and become Gods in their own right.

Humanity is beyond blessed to have Satan. So many species in our vast universe would have been incredibly grateful to have been in the embrace of Father, had they not met the enemy and been wiped from existence before this could occur.

As bad as things are in this world. We have it really good. If we were on our own would be extinct.
Now humanity is at a good chance of adoption and recognition of the path of the Gods, and that is the purpose of the Joy of Satan and all people of this "Side" of life to do. Indeed, there are many people who have a natural grasp of this, and we must firmly stand our ground, as we must fight against the causes of decay that animate the world towards the grossest states of consciousness and entropy that will seek to consume the human species into the lesser levels of existence.

In a time of heavily focusing on workings for crappy transits, I really needed to hear this. There are times when I still need to be reminded that the human race isn't a lost cause that I honestly sometimes feel like I just want to stop caring about in moments of doubt bitterness and anger.
Finely illustrated image of reality. True eloquence doesn't lie in fancy word constructions but in efficient and elegant conveying of meaning and essence. Thank you Commander for yet another gem of a sermon.

The balancing out of great injustices such as the one we're witnessing since last month (or 1948 or the last few millennia) is a process I'd like to build a deeper understanding of. Working my way out of feelings, preconceptions and a multitude of other factors tainting the limited human perception of justice, righteousness and related concepts, I aspire to reach a new vantage point, a higher peak.

War is more than we know, I see indescribable beauty in it. Maybe I'm just insane but I highly doubt it. Being on the right side is not a choice, it is among other things a definition of who we are.

Perun clad in splendor, show us the way to be worthy of being in this great war.

Hell yes, HPHC! Another great, and comprehensive sermon. Very succinct! Hail Satan and our true Gods! Hail we Warriors of Wodan!!
I just love your writings, Bravo. Always happy to see a post by the HP
The jews have been commonly criticized strongly by all Ancient Civilizations because of their lack of this, with some writers last century even speaking of "Two spirits" that animate this world, the human spirit of the "Aryan" and the "Jewish Spirit". This divides the world in two spiritual categories, not really inclusively linked to the color of the skin. It's another way of saying on if one follows the real dictates of the Gods or they are not.

Really got me thinking, in regards to the other races, that technically all races are Aryan. As all were created by the Aryan gods, and have retain some of their dna to a higher or lesser extent. So non whites really are just different levels of "Aryan".

So it really is just us the Aryans against the Jews.

Perhaps this is the explanation of the Albinism condition that occurs in many races too.
Thank you HPHC,
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Before anyone thinks that this is about "Northern Europeans"...

The so called "Aryan" title, as was the title of the "Hellene" or the person educated spiritually into the higher levels of existence, is something that is not gained by mere birth or eye color, but rather a constitution that arises in someone after proper spiritual education, evolution and a higher intelligence that arises out of one's development...

Is anyone able to educate me where this physical allusion to the Aryan race came from originally?
To me, it seems, from this post, most people here may be on the path to becoming Aryan (unless they are jewish of course)physicality is almost irrelevant here.
Thank you hphc!

I have a few questions I’d like to ask:

So I have diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia, was raised causally Christian and I get hallucinations that match what the bible says about demons. I love father Satan, but how do I overcome these delusions that make me feel (not believe) that I am possessed? I hate to even think it. It can be really scary. I’m truly blessed but will father Satan be cross or upset if I do not submit fully to notion that he is god? I don’t want to upset him or be disrespectful I just haven’t deprogrammed from xianity. I just feel a little overwhelmed I guess, I don’t want to ever go back to Christianity but I have my weak spots, triggers and such. Does Satan mind if you haven’t fully deprogrammed? I feel really guilty if I dare to see him other than perfect. (Which he is) it’s just the imagery I have in mind of what those foul Jews depict him as, it won’t go away.

Also what am I doing wrong becuase every time I say hail Satan in my mind my whole body gets anxiety, and I see these black shadows and I just want to get closer to Satan and my guardian demon. It’s just a big hurdle I need to jump. How should I go about it? Thank you! :) I did the dedication ritual years about the way! Any advice would be appreciated thanks a lot!
HP you are the best Hp one can ask for I'm sorry i attacked you once before everything i blamed you for was me but i didn't see it because i was one a path of decay.

When i did the God ritual to Lord Baal i saw the enemy won't get away with their crimes because no matter how hard they try Lord Baal sees it all.

The link i had with Lord Baal was strong

It was amazing i remembered His power and parts of myself that the enemy has long tried to erase from my memory
This is great sermon, thank you HPHC, i am wondering if we will have a schedule in December for father Satan, i mean sure we will have but i can't imagine what it's about.
The shattering ritual works to destroy this spirit or soul of Juda

The tetra helps against them angels
Thank you for sharing this sermon. I will be happy to see more positive changes throughout our own individual lives on here. Working with the joy of Satan and doing whatever I can on my end. And I will do whatever it takes! And I will just keep going and I will just keep going strong! ❤️
Ancient Africa said:
HP you are the best Hp one can ask for I'm sorry i attacked you once before everything i blamed you for was me but i didn't see it because i was one a path of decay.

When i did the God ritual to Lord Baal i saw the enemy won't get away with their crimes because no matter how hard they try Lord Baal sees it all.

The link i had with Lord Baal was strong

It was amazing i remembered His power and parts of myself that the enemy has long tried to erase from my memory

No problem, it's fine. Just look after yourself and look what's best for you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ancient Africa said:
HP you are the best Hp one can ask for I'm sorry i attacked you once before everything i blamed you for was me but i didn't see it because i was one a path of decay.

When i did the God ritual to Lord Baal i saw the enemy won't get away with their crimes because no matter how hard they try Lord Baal sees it all.

The link i had with Lord Baal was strong

It was amazing i remembered His power and parts of myself that the enemy has long tried to erase from my memory

No problem, it's fine. Just look after yourself and look what's best for you.

Thank you i will do that

I apologize for doing such things without your permission.

Take care of yourself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Asians have also comprehended these realities, yet the situation is that when people are mindwashed into certain programs which bring them closer to the animal level of consciousness, the animal level of consciousness is what will come out of them. We see the results of this worldwide today in lesser or higher extents.

........I try to show everyone that even some drops of the so called "Aryan Spirit" do actually make a foundation for a higher spiritual manifestation.

The Asian Cultures who have held strongly on the teachings of the Gods, do perform the highest when it comes to spiritual life and duty, yet when these are mixed with Communism and other innate problems in each people's [all human beings, we have flaws] this is where things go wrong.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I found out Shintoism literally means "Way of the Gods" in Japanese, not sure if it modern or an archaic version, which is a direct transliteration from the older Chinese "Shen Dao - ism". I wouldn't be surprised if it was also "Shen-Tao", Tao being the beginning in "Tao-" ism which HP Lucius Oria revealed was Satanic.

They both use the same characters as well, namely "神道". What I discovered about the ancient Khanji alphabet is exactly what I had suspected about it, it was used for Runic magick....kinda like the East Asian version of the Nordic Runes, where many didn't pay attention to what translates to what, rather the understanding of what the symbols meant and the charging of those symbols via power meditation. In Ancient Korea, Chinese script was used for spiritual classes, while the Hangul script (native script) was used for practical literacy. A speaker of Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Vietnamese back in the day understood exactly what "神" meant not by direct translation, but rather it meant "God" akin to the Semitic root "-el" (or "-al" or "-ul" in Arabic).

Thank you for making mention of this and Happy Thanksgiving to you, surprised I'm not passed out right now from eating turkey and Asian food.......

I think the above information may be of interest to you, since you're Japanese if I can recall.
Satan's Crow said:

I apologize for doing such things without your permission.

Take care of yourself.

I do not need to give any permissions because I am not here to control you and give you permissions. You just have to learn judgement on your own.
Thanks you HP for this wonderful sermon.
Dantesolider said:

The Gods are understanding of these things and aren't going to hate you or anything. As you clean your soul and do RTRs, plus do the rituals of the Gods, then the negative programming will lessen.

The more contact you have with the Gods, like meditating on their sigil or chanting their names, the more you will be able to subconsciously realize that they are a friend and not a possessor of you, as there is no reason for them to abuse you or your energy. You shouldn't beat yourself up for having anxiety after saying 'hail Satan', because that is a response to you taking positive action against negative programming.

Furthermore, you should work on your base chakra with meditations or the Nauthiz rune, both now and in the long term, as a means of stabilizing your soul against delusions or panic. Similarly, the Wunjo or Berkano runes are both calming, and should be able to resolve upper chakra problems pertaining to schizophrenia, with the caveat that should be relatively stable before attempting this (ask your GD), to avoid problems with backlash.

If you have competency with the basics of this path and want to take more aggressive action, you can do a freeing working, such as using Ansuz to specifically remove any negative programming of the Gods. This can cause some backlash while it is ongoing, but the end result will be positive and definitive.

All of these actions will help you over time. It is best not to imagine the Gods as mad at you, as this is usually a means for the enemy to attack you, making you feel abandoned or distant.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474229 time=1700833570 user_id=21286]
Dantesolider said:

The Gods are understanding of these things and aren't going to hate you or anything. As you clean your soul and do RTRs, plus do the rituals of the Gods, then the negative programming will lessen.

The more contact you have with the Gods, like meditating on their sigil or chanting their names, the more you will be able to subconsciously realize that they are a friend and not a possessor of you, as there is no reason for them to abuse you or your energy. You shouldn't beat yourself up for having anxiety after saying 'hail Satan', because that is a response to you taking positive action against negative programming.

Furthermore, you should work on your base chakra with meditations or the Nauthiz rune, both now and in the long term, as a means of stabilizing your soul against delusions or panic. Similarly, the Wunjo or Berkano runes are both calming, and should be able to resolve upper chakra problems pertaining to schizophrenia, with the caveat that should be relatively stable before attempting this (ask your GD), to avoid problems with backlash.

If you have competency with the basics of this path and want to take more aggressive action, you can do a freeing working, such as using Ansuz to specifically remove any negative programming of the Gods. This can cause some backlash while it is ongoing, but the end result will be positive and definitive.

All of these actions will help you over time. It is best not to imagine the Gods as mad at you, as this is usually a means for the enemy to attack you, making you feel abandoned or distant.

Great! I will do another rtr, keep my aura clean and work on my base chakra! Thanks heaps!
Dantesolider said:
Great! I will do another rtr, keep my aura clean and work on my base chakra! Thanks heaps!

Your welcome. When I was referring to cleaning, I meant beyond just simple cleaning of the aura, like deeper purification of the soul: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=255935#p255935
Egon said:

This video gave me strong chills.

Anyway even jewtube took it down, but at least it's still on Electronic Intifada(but who knows for how long? :? :lol: ). I think it's quite eye-opening about the kikes and shows the true face of the kikes very well(not accidentally deleted from jewtube).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
