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The Real Agenda: That's Why They Don't Finish The "Pandemic"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Woden said:
The vaccines became totally useless (if they were ever effective) when the alpha variant mutated. The delta variant is dominant now, with the "Brazilian" variant sweeping through South America with a big death toll there. The BIG question is what's worse - the virus or vaccine? Probably both.

The virus is a low grade constantly mutating bioweapon. It was made in a lab, purposefully. This "conspiracy theory" has been validated to be totally real.

The vaccine is a blank that doesn't really grant the given or claimed protection or the full immunization type of protection.

As it was created from goblins and sold like snake oil, promising the "Full and Ultimate Cure", the "key to prevention", or miracle cure when it does really nothing or at best helps only a tiny bit. We know this wasn't the case. In fact, it might even be contributing in forcing the virus to mutate.

If it worked, we wouldn't be seeing half of the people of all severe cases to literally be "vaccinated". But regardless many don't want to accept this reality. The system will not admit it's plan or a major failure.

Natural immunity according to researchers that have been shunned, produces four chains of virus information in defense of the immune system, giving great natural inoculation. The vaccine, only counters a part of the virus. The virus, being human engineered, was probably programmed for quick adaptability. This is also the case for natural viruses, but this one appears to be boosted in that regard.

Using a blank vaccine on such a virus, and just allowing it to perpetually spread, while it hits on mediocre defenses, means that everyone will get sick, vaccinated or not vaccinated. Regardless, jews will only keep pushing the "Vaccine" and sell their nonsense experimental snakeoil that they pulled out of their ass within a few months.

It's a looped circle. They know this is the case and probably willfully allow this to escalate and keep escalating, by suppressing normal cures as we would need in any pandemic such as this. From the ancient times pandemics were treated with medicine and were kept under control.

In the modern world, we also discovered vaccines, but to suppress and dominate the disease, you need to give people medicine until the virus and everything else is properly and fully studied. So that it will at least work and not be dangerous.

Jews like Fauci won't admit that the vaccines are not giving the anticipated results, because they want to troll people and keep making 50 billions per turn when they are at it. Governments don't want this to end because they just love the QR code and rights strangulation business, the jewish clique sees this as an opening window towards the Great Reset.

They will therefore oppose any other cure from emerging, or medicine. Because you really can't justify QR coding people like cattle if there is medicine involved. You take it, and if it has let's say 85% of success, the virus will eventually give in.

If there were actual leaders without a nefarious objective in mind, they would also research a safe vaccine on the scientifically proper given lines of 5 years research at a minimum, and only have volunteers take it, nobody else. Then whomever wanted could take their vaccine. For the rest, the generation of medicine would probably save most people as it is.

Kikes are driving the planet with the cliffs with all this. And it's purposefully done that way so they can torment people over something that could be fixed.

Since they want to keep this going and destroy or marginalize any political or any other opposition to the "Governments" [the jews consider themselves the government and not the actual government], people who have been skeptical are used as lightning rods to be blamed for all this.

The troll level here is that high that Israel has something of 20% unvaccinated [the "herd immunity has been reached" levels], yet they still insist on blaming them. Countries that have leaders appointed by the jews, are mimicking the very same behavior.

Even if the above reached literal zero, then they would start blaming people who have taken 2 doses, over not taking a third one. In effect, whomever doesn't want to go completely on board and make themselves into a constantly injected junkie, will be attacked by the government.

Many Asiatic countries are understanding this useless nonsense and they are already adopting the above solution which is only an adaptation of common sense. Media over in the west even if a cure was found with 99.9% success rate, they would call this "horse dewormer" or whatever else just to keep the narrative going.

None of it makes any sense nor it made any sense from the beginning. The more time goes the more apparent this reality is becoming. The situation is warped, insane and dictatorial. It has no relation to logic, common sense, or even science at this point. It's all a ritual of subjugating people.

At this point one might actually wonder on if all of this is literally purposeful to create a deadly co-vid mutation or something in the next years. The insistence on something that doesn't really inoculate people or defend them, that is clearly not providing the "soft co-vid" promised [medicine could do this] only reveals they are literally trolling humanity at this point.

People who are unaware literally had their logic busted over this. They are wondering how this all is even happening?

But how can you have common sense when you literally have people in positions that only want to enforce a "Great Reset", "Greater Israel" and all this worthless nonsense?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woden said:
The vaccines became totally useless (if they were ever effective) when the alpha variant mutated. The delta variant is dominant now, with the "Brazilian" variant sweeping through South America with a big death toll there. The BIG question is what's worse - the virus or vaccine? Probably both.

Natural immunity according to researchers that have been shunned, produces four chains of virus information in defense of the immune system, giving great natural inoculation. The vaccine, only counters a part of the virus. The virus, being human engineered, was probably programmed for quick adaptability. This is also the case for natural viruses.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't know about this anymore, but schools would allow families kids to come to school without vaccines, usually poor familes, if they had built up their own immunity by getting the virus (chicken pox), totally proving that if you had covid you and built up immunity you do not need to get the vaccine, but like you said they don't fucking care. they are trying to fast track our borgification, they know they are running out of time.
SATchives said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woden said:
The vaccines became totally useless (if they were ever effective) when the alpha variant mutated. The delta variant is dominant now, with the "Brazilian" variant sweeping through South America with a big death toll there. The BIG question is what's worse - the virus or vaccine? Probably both.

Natural immunity according to researchers that have been shunned, produces four chains of virus information in defense of the immune system, giving great natural inoculation. The vaccine, only counters a part of the virus. The virus, being human engineered, was probably programmed for quick adaptability. This is also the case for natural viruses.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't know about this anymore, but schools would allow families kids to come to school without vaccines, usually poor familes, if they had built up their own immunity by getting the virus (chicken pox), totally proving that if you had covid you and built up immunity you do not need to get the vaccine, but like you said they don't fucking care. they are trying to fast track our borgification, they know they are running out of time.

All this shit abuse they are doing with the rights strangulation is over the kike shitmouth lying pretext that this happens for "Public health".

If someone has been through it, they are the SAFEST to have around, safer than the fully vaccinated too, in both not contacting and not passing the virus. The non vaccinated who have been successfully through co-vid have the hardest inoculation from the virus statistically.

Even doctors and other medical personnel who are "against vaccination", could take a fall [those who don't want to vaccinate] and as they helped people theoretically get sick with this and survive with a strong immunity. Most people who don't want to vaccinate consciously accept this danger.

The vaccinated have also been given a snake oil sense of superiority that they won't get ill, so they probably transfer and mutate the virus, since they are literally left loose while their inoculation is not really the case.

They have lied to the people, and they vaccinated to protect themselves but this doesn't appear to be the case that they are protected as promised.

Not only they don't care, but they want to punish the unvaccinated category that theoretically takes the "highest risk" with scientifically the best inoculation, and they penaltize them.

To the vaccinated they shill to them falsely that they are immune Gods or something and they are now in many Nations half hospitalized because they gave up on keeping sanity on the measures, which later lead to illness and so on.

They have lied to everyone involved.
I also think back to the sermon HPS Maxine made about Thoth and His Homeland, being genetically modified, chipped. the vaccine not only mutate the virus, turning people who take the vaccine into variant factories, but to also destroy the immune system this is all to weaken the gentiles, gas up the useful idiots, cull the strong minded first it will be punishing then it they will try concentration camps, and whose to say the jab they push into the Gentiles who resisted the vaccine from the start won't be a 2 year kill shot, they push the insane as normal, until one day we are no longer human, also I read Japan and other's found what looked like black specks in the vaccine, with the way nano tech has been progressing, I would not be surprised if some scientist came out and said that it was a chip of some kind. Most likely not, as you can't really see nano tech, and a chip would be a stupid choice move when everyones eyes on the vaccine, but it's all apart of normalization and putting seeds into the masses today no but if the world ever got used to getting the shot you can gaurantee that's the road it will be taken too, I fucking hate this shit, but I try to keep a positive outlook, things that could have gone WAY worse are actually going well, things are backfiring for them, and I see our victory, we just need to keep working hard at what we have been doing all along, FIGHTING FOR TRUTH! FIGHTING FOR SATAN! FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM! HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!
If you ever need to question something, simply put it through the filter of common sense. Most government red tape and bureaucracy these days borders on the complete illogical, from what I've seen in my own country. I haven't seen a government issued form in years that wasn't needlessly vague, complicated, required pointless repetition, or absolutely redundant information, only for it to arbitrarily take ten weeks for an email to arrive saying you've filled out the form, for example.

My point is, here in Australia, we have these weird "vaccine checkpoints", for lack of a better word. Once a certain amount of the population is vaccinated, the country will suddenly be allowed to re-open, with priorities being given to the vaccinated. Let's take this statement and inspect it, bit by bit. First off, case numbers haven't gone up or down since the vaccinations kicked in. So what was the point of the lockdown, or the subsequent vaccinations? Who knows. Secondly, why are freedoms specifically being given to the vaccinated first and not everybody? They've already admitted that being vaccinated does not stop you from being a spreader, so being vaccinated doesn't change anything on that front. Why should I be locked down if my potential as a spreader doesn't change either way? Next, they don't count you if you've had the virus but aren't vaccinated. The majority vaccine here is Pfiezer. Natural immunity is medically proven, in the mainstream at that, to be far more effective than Pfiezer. And yet it doesn't matter if you have natural immunity or not. They'll only count you if you've had the weaker vaccine.

So when this 70% deadline is hit, all the retail outlets will re-open. If you're going to open at a totally arbitrary percentage in some weeks from now, why not just open now? It won't matter if the numbers are twice as high tomorrow because the date the 70% vaccination rate remains the same, re-opening isn't based on lower case numbers anymore. This is all just insanity.

Wear a mask outside? Why? There's no one around for thousands of meters. Sign in before entering the supermarket? Pointless, half the places enforce it, the other half don't.

Even the smallest amount of rationality makes all of this shit completely pointless. The only reason the vaccine rate is so high isn't because people are being "good citizens". They've just had the freedoms they had several months ago dangled in their faces.
Woden said:
The vaccines became totally useless (if they were ever effective) when the alpha variant mutated. The delta variant is dominant now, with the "Brazilian" variant sweeping through South America with a big death toll there. The BIG question is what's worse - the virus or vaccine? Probably both.
The vaccine obviously. The virus death toll has been inflated by at least 90%. This virus is really weak. It can kill very few people, and severe reactions to it have happened to few people as well. For most who've got it, they never had any reaction to it at all. Some have got a light or moderate reaction.

If many people with shit health (i.e. drinker-tards, smoker-tards, drugtards, junk food-tards...) can have the virus with none or mild reactions, it really speaks volumes about its strength.

The vaccines not only were unnecessary, but were also never useful in combating the virus. They exist just to further weaken people's health, as if their retard lifestyle already doesn't weaken it enough. Some of them have are also random blanks doing nothing at all.

The problem will arise if the virus actually starts picking up strength and killing people. But why should it? A killing virus is a dead virus, because it cannot survive without a host. It's a parasite like the enemy.
I think some JNWO cockknockers have been playing Pandemic on Kongregate one too many times and said lets do this.

Anyways on serious topic.

I'd like to ask what is the mortality rate of the mutated versions?

For example coof-19 on a basis was about 0.54%-0.64% sub-1%, below Flu of 2-4%. So in essence sub-55 year old people 0.54%, post-55-73-75 year olds 0.64% apparently at about the 73 to 75 mark the virus settles down to about 0.57%. So slightly higher than baseline of younger people but low enough that even the rise isn't exponential mortality if anything it seems 55ers to 75ers are a baseline higher.

But with these mutated coof-19 what is the mortality? I was on yahoo news and some prominent G.O.P. member anti-vaxer died. Like it seems like are people being killed by other means is it JUST coof-19M(mutated). Is these mutated versions more mortality rate increased?

It seems like people are dropping like flies in some places. For a virus that is less than the flu it sure pops some people. It's like the whole school district thing multiple students multiple teachers dead prominent school districts.

There's also the whole anti-DeSantis thing anti-Republican, anti-Red state non-sense and it seems like these nations that never lockeddown and it seems like they are kicking ass and nothing bad is happening. But here in the States it seems people are dying left and right and it's like WTF is going on?

So what is the mortality rate of these M(utated) variants? Why are people dropping like flies?
SATchives said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woden said:
The vaccines became totally useless (if they were ever effective) when the alpha variant mutated. The delta variant is dominant now, with the "Brazilian" variant sweeping through South America with a big death toll there. The BIG question is what's worse - the virus or vaccine? Probably both.

Natural immunity according to researchers that have been shunned, produces four chains of virus information in defense of the immune system, giving great natural inoculation. The vaccine, only counters a part of the virus. The virus, being human engineered, was probably programmed for quick adaptability. This is also the case for natural viruses.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't know about this anymore, but schools would allow families kids to come to school without vaccines, usually poor familes, if they had built up their own immunity by getting the virus (chicken pox), totally proving that if you had covid you and built up immunity you do not need to get the vaccine, but like you said they don't fucking care. they are trying to fast track our borgification, they know they are running out of time.
I believe some people are already borg as they are. I was seeing Nicki Minaj telling on Twitter how her cousin has a friend who wound up with swollen testicles from a vaccine. Then she said she'll do her research on the vaccines and that people's free will should not be messed with. Her fanbase cancelled her :lol:

Then the media of course did the usual with headlines mocking the testicle thing. I think it was only Fox News that wasn't biased and pushing the enemy's agenda.

Just say you're not vaccinated or you're going to research and see people switch up on you like remotely controlled robots. 'You're posing a danger for the vaccinated', like the vaccine wasn't supposed to keep them protected lol.

My family isn't getting vaccinated as far as I'm aware.
Again as I posted elsewhere in this forum given my experience with Lyme and with their methods this the peak States institute treatment for covid gives a big protection (at present it clears in 2 hours all post covid long covid cases and all but the hypoxia cases of active covid) but I do believe "they" are suppressing the release of this as, if enough people did it (I understand it takes a couple of hours to do it) it would cause a change of paradigm: pathogens can be cured by acquiring immunity without having to catch the disease. Game over for pandemic scares, fear mongering government over, depopulation plan over or they would need a more overt war to try to achieve it....
Problem is it's in the hands of a few people and they want to keep it for themselves either for monetary gain or because they have been threatened.
If someone you know has covid (active covid as they would give them the full treatment treating all the pathogens) please direct them to do this treatment writing it's urgent and tell them to record it on the sly without the therapist's knowledge and share here and everywhere the steps If they ask where they have heard about it "somewhere online, don't remember"as they are aware someone is trying to record it and release it. After that the more we share and urge people to do it the more this house of cards will fall
P.s. why not try to deceive them and do it if BV you don't have covid? the therapist's don't have ways to know whether you are recording but they do have ways to know whether you have covid or not they can see into the body and into the primary cell for pathogens and markers
Aquarius said:
SATchives said:
You mean Lucifuge Rofocale

You're 100% Right, I made that mistake, I should of doubled back and checked, shows I need to reread everything again. Can't always trust memory, man I feel ashamed.
AntonellaIT said:
Again as I posted elsewhere in this forum given my experience with Lyme and with their methods this the peak States institute treatment for covid gives a big protection (at present it clears in 2 hours all post covid long covid cases and all but the hypoxia cases of active covid) but I do believe "they" are suppressing the release of this as, if enough people did it (I understand it takes a couple of hours to do it) it would cause a change of paradigm: pathogens can be cured by acquiring immunity without having to catch the disease. Game over for pandemic scares, fear mongering government over, depopulation plan over or they would need a more overt war to try to achieve it....
Problem is it's in the hands of a few people and they want to keep it for themselves either for monetary gain or because they have been threatened.
If someone you know has covid (active covid as they would give them the full treatment treating all the pathogens) please direct them to do this treatment writing it's urgent and tell them to record it on the sly without the therapist's knowledge and share here and everywhere the steps If they ask where they have heard about it "somewhere online, don't remember"as they are aware someone is trying to record it and release it. After that the more we share and urge people to do it the more this house of cards will fall

I wouldn't take those people too seriously, especially as they say chakra are 'fungal infections' and can't even tell that chakra are not in the front of the body but along the middle.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woden said:
The vaccines became totally useless (if they were ever effective) when the alpha variant mutated. The delta variant is dominant now, with the "Brazilian" variant sweeping through South America with a big death toll there. The BIG question is what's worse - the virus or vaccine? Probably both.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Grazie HP Cobra,i tui discorsi mi aiutano sempre molto,io vivo in italia dal 15 ottobre grazie a draghi per poter lavorare in qualsiasi settore pubblico o privato ci vorra il il "greenpass" inoltre e stato già applicato a tutti bar ristoranti cinema piscine, persino per andare a prendere mia figlia a scuola di 5 anni :cry: io non sono vaccinata e così mi tocca lasciarla li all'entrata della scuola ,senza poter più cambiare le scarpine etc..
Se non avessi avuto la 'fortuna' nel 2015 di ritrovarmi a leggere joys e diventare satanista spirituale, per come ero messa io hai tempi ora sarei stata nel mio delirio cristiano di apocalisse sicuramente vaccinata e lobotomizzata come la maggior parte delle mie vecchie conoscienze!!
Coraggio famiglia satanica andiamo avanti senza indugio!!!!
Blackdragon666 said:
SATchives said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I believe some people are already borg as they are. I was seeing Nicki Minaj telling on Twitter how her cousin has a friend who wound up with swollen testicles from a vaccine. Then she said she'll do her research on the vaccines and that people's free will should not be messed with. Her fanbase cancelled her :lol:

Then the media of course did the usual with headlines mocking the testicle thing. I think it was only Fox News that wasn't biased and pushing the enemy's agenda.

Just say you're not vaccinated or you're going to research and see people switch up on you like remotely controlled robots. 'You're posing a danger for the vaccinated', like the vaccine wasn't supposed to keep them protected lol.

Next up: The vaccinated need to vaccinate to keep the vaccinated from getting sick because they weren't really safe and people were being trolled.

Meanwhile: We could just put all our energy into finding medicine, getting it to work, and no QR codes, nothing would be needed.

But who has time for medicine and that type of stuff when you have a Great Reset to attempt to pull?
SATchives said:
Aquarius said:
SATchives said:
You mean Lucifuge Rofocale

You're 100% Right, I made that mistake, I should of doubled back and checked, shows I need to reread everything again. Can't always trust memory, man I feel ashamed.
Don't be so hard on yourself Brother, it's just a little mistake.
Around here everything is back to normality, but we're usually 5-6 months behind european countries and the US. Can I expect another lockdown era as the covid cases start to rise up again (post-mass vaccination)?
not to mention biden saying the (buck stops with me) im sure hes talking about economic collapse an not to mention him saying (its going to be a cold winter) its cant be more obvious,
Aquarius said:
SATchives said:
Aquarius said:
You mean Lucifuge Rofocale

You're 100% Right, I made that mistake, I should of doubled back and checked, shows I need to reread everything again. Can't always trust memory, man I feel ashamed.
Don't be so hard on yourself Brother, it's just a little mistake.

Thanks, I can be pretty hard on my self shows up in my chart.

If you gave someone your name helped them many times and they forget something about you. I just feel its kinda fucked up on my part with everything Satan and the Demons have done for us, here I am pretty much forgetting a Demons past\name. Im sure Lucifuge Rofocale has done so much untold great things for humanity and JoS, things that i could never repay in kindness, I know its just a little mistake, and the Demons are patient and understanding, but i've already made more mistakes than i like to admit in this life. Ill be re reading everything ive already read, its the least I can do.

Thanks for your words they mean a lot.
I have been suspecting intuitively that the Jew and Chinese elite are from the same family. There's some reptilian connection there and we already know the chinese believe they are descended from some celestial dragon.
Yet there are still a huge bunch of people who cannot see anything wrong with this present situation. People don't want to believe the truth when the lie is more comforting to them.

To carry on as normal and pretend everything is OK is most convenient. And when things eventually do go wrong, and things are revealed, people are complacent. They'll take every deal from their trusted Jewish rulers to make themselves comfortable again. Have an experimental jab, or two, or three! Digital ID cards, vaccine passports. Wear face nappies, walk in single file, one-way around an empty supermarket - like cattle.

The immediate future will be a constant fluctuation between comfort and discomfort for most people. Discomfort will be created by global crisis, media, shortages, fuel and electricity problems, financial difficulties - and comfort will be "offered" in the form of Jewish "solutions" - ultimately an attempt to further their agenda.
Dreissz said:
I have been suspecting intuitively that the Jew and Chinese elite are from the same family. There's some reptilian connection there and we already know the chinese believe they are descended from some celestial dragon.

Some are others are just useful idiots,but if I remember some of the Chinese Communists leaders,liniage was traced back to the reptilian jews
Satnam666 said:
Dreissz said:
I have been suspecting intuitively that the Jew and Chinese elite are from the same family. There's some reptilian connection there and we already know the chinese believe they are descended from some celestial dragon.

Some are others are just useful idiots,but if I remember some of the Chinese Communists leaders,liniage was traced back to the reptilian jews

The Dragon was a symbol of Satan. This is completely unrelated. Asian Jews exist but they are not the same as the Chinese.
I have notice (((They))) are trying to strangle Canada with this pandemic propaganda. People are aware here but unfortunately no action is seen being taken. Aside from the youtube dislikes and complaints.

I don't have much faith in this country as it seems this is orchestrated for generations. I just don't have to think and keep moving forward. A negative mindset can disrupt my work either, spiritual or physical.

Satnam666 said:
Dreissz said:
I have been suspecting intuitively that the Jew and Chinese elite are from the same family. There's some reptilian connection there and we already know the chinese believe they are descended from some celestial dragon.

Some are others are just useful idiots,but if I remember some of the Chinese Communists leaders,liniage was traced back to the reptilian jews

अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Reptilian scum Billy Gates released a video in which he announced his plans for upcoming pandemics:


The next pandemic? We are not ready


Lol disgusting.
He wants to give ppl shots with manufactured antibodies, that fight a virus and disable it... 80% less ppl would die from that disease...
Of course it would help, in the beginning, when everyone still has a sound and strong immune system. After let’s say 1 year or more, I bet 500% more ppl would die, simply because their immune system has become literal trash.

In Germany they also want vaxxed ppl to be able to ditch masks, because they want those ppl to come into contact with the common flu again, so their immune systems can deal with it.

Same should have happened with covid, just fucking get into contact with viruses and you Body will be fully able to deal with it.

If not, oh my, we can not let the entire world crash into a wall just to save a few ones (which are weak af anyways).
Satnam666 said:
Dreissz said:
I have been suspecting intuitively that the Jew and Chinese elite are from the same family. There's some reptilian connection there and we already know the chinese believe they are descended from some celestial dragon.

Some are others are just useful idiots,but if I remember some of the Chinese Communists leaders,liniage was traced back to the reptilian jews

I found some things about the Jews infiltrating throughout history.

Every celebrity and major politician is jewish. We all know that. This phycisist and portrait artist named Miles Mathis has dozens of papers laying out history and genealogy, with the sources that anyone can validate for themselves, but most people don't and won't.

Just look at his recent paper about the NXIVM sex cult which was all just a jewish scam to further divide men and women and make women even more skeptical of other women. All members of that cult are jewish and none of their accusations, arrests, and jail time make any sense nor legal sense.




The Tartarian paper linked above suggests even Genghis Khan was jewish and was really named George Cohen. Just look at all the early artwork of him looking very semitic with red hair.

And then I found this.

Dreissz said:
The Tartarian paper linked above suggests even Genghis Khan was jewish and was really named George Cohen. Just look at all the early artwork of him looking very semitic with red hair.

While I agree that Genghis Khan was a kike, there's no need to include 'red hair' in the same sentence, as red hair is mainly a White Aryan trait, most frequent in Ireland and Scotland.
Stormblood said:
Dreissz said:
The Tartarian paper linked above suggests even Genghis Khan was jewish and was really named George Cohen. Just look at all the early artwork of him looking very semitic with red hair.

While I agree that Genghis Khan was a kike, there's no need to include 'red hair' in the same sentence, as red hair is mainly a White Aryan trait, most frequent in Ireland and Scotland.

That would mean there are over 16 million kikes in Asia allegedly descended from him. That sucks.

I agree with and 100% support your defense of red haired folk. Red hair =/= jewish. That myth needs to die. There's an obvious reason why jews hate on redheads so much on twitter and stuff. One might wonder if they have it out for them even more than the Swedish blondes.
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
Dreissz said:
The Tartarian paper linked above suggests even Genghis Khan was jewish and was really named George Cohen. Just look at all the early artwork of him looking very semitic with red hair.

While I agree that Genghis Khan was a kike, there's no need to include 'red hair' in the same sentence, as red hair is mainly a White Aryan trait, most frequent in Ireland and Scotland.

That would mean there are over 16 million kikes in Asia allegedly descended from him. That sucks.

I agree with and 100% support your defense of red haired folk. Red hair =/= jewish. That myth needs to die. There's an obvious reason why jews hate on redheads so much on twitter and stuff. One might wonder if they have it out for them even more than the Swedish blondes.

I love red hair and my grandfather was a red head. I didn't mean to refer to it as solely belonging to the Jews with their stereotypical clown appearance with red hair and hook noses. I just added it to supplement the authors argument.
I don't mean to derail the discussion by focusing on asian jews, but I just saw that the picture link I posted was broken. Here it is listing the 8 common Chinese surnames given to the jews a few hundred years ago.


Ai, Shi, Gao, Gan, Zhang, Zhao, Li, Jin

Jin and Shi are basically equivalent to the most common jewish surnames in the west, Gold and Stone.
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
Dreissz said:
The Tartarian paper linked above suggests even Genghis Khan was jewish and was really named George Cohen. Just look at all the early artwork of him looking very semitic with red hair.

While I agree that Genghis Khan was a kike, there's no need to include 'red hair' in the same sentence, as red hair is mainly a White Aryan trait, most frequent in Ireland and Scotland.

That would mean there are over 16 million kikes in Asia allegedly descended from him. That sucks.

I agree with and 100% support your defense of red haired folk. Red hair =/= jewish. That myth needs to die. There's an obvious reason why jews hate on redheads so much on twitter and stuff. One might wonder if they have it out for them even more than the Swedish blondes.

Probably because many pharaohs were redhead, blue-eyed, pale folk.
Dreissz said:
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
While I agree that Genghis Khan was a kike, there's no need to include 'red hair' in the same sentence, as red hair is mainly a White Aryan trait, most frequent in Ireland and Scotland.

That would mean there are over 16 million kikes in Asia allegedly descended from him. That sucks.

I agree with and 100% support your defense of red haired folk. Red hair =/= jewish. That myth needs to die. There's an obvious reason why jews hate on redheads so much on twitter and stuff. One might wonder if they have it out for them even more than the Swedish blondes.

I love red hair and my grandfather was a red head. I didn't mean to refer to it as solely belonging to the Jews with their stereotypical clown appearance with red hair and hook noses. I just added it to supplement the authors argument.

No worries. I wasn't trying to shame you or condemn you. I was only replying to Stormblood's message. When I said I support his defense of red-haired folk, I meant the word "defense" in a more broad sense as he has spoken about redheads elsewhere on the forums with frequency. The subject seems to be close to his heart.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
