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The Occult Meaning Of Christ(os)


Sep 21, 2017
ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛊᚨᛏᚨᚾ!
Greetings everyone. I've been sitting on this for quite some time and I wasn't sure if I should post it or not. What was holding me back I can't quite say, maybe the fear of criticism, knowing that people will be reading this or something else. But I won't grow if I don't face my fears, so here it is - my first attempt at deciphering enemy literature (not something I recommend).

Please feel free to share your thoughts on this, it's only my interpretation after all.

In this post I'll show you some of the Occult secrets within the Bible (KJV). It will be mainly Old Testament since the New Testament is garbage, which itself even admits and tells you to go read the Old Testament.

Let us begin with Genesis which contains the foundational principles of manifestation (hence the name), some Universal laws, and chakras (including the correct order to open them).

Genesis 1 ||| "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
One thing became two things. Perpetual duality found everywhere.

Genesis 2 ||| "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

Genesis 2-3 is where you can find all you need to manifest reality. An empty mind (the earth was without form, and void), state of complete focus in a trance (darkness was upon the face of the deep), and breath/vibration (the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters).

You need to think what happens when air moves over the water - you get waves. What can also cause waves? Sound(vibration). Spirit of God refers to breath, which you need in order to vibrate things. You can exhale completely and then try to vibrate something; it won't work.

So, we have: an empty mind, clear focus in a trance, and breath/vibration. What's the final step?

Genesis 3 ||| "And God said, let there be light: and there was light." Affirmation.

Days mentioned in Genesis are chakras. I'll skip a very long explanation but the Crown chakra is Day 1 and the Root chakra is Day 7 (where "god" takes a break, a very grounding thing to do).

If you follow the days of creation, you would start with the Crown chakra and work all the way down to the Root chakra. The correct order.

Now let's dissect the myth of Christ(os).
It's irrelevant if he was even real or not, the Occult in Christos firstly lies in the origin of the name. Christos (Greek Χρίστος) means "anointed [one]".
Exodus 25:37 ||| “Then make its seven lamps and set them up on it so that they light the space in front of it"
Anointed refers to a person who has all seven lamps (chakra) burning (active). The way anointing is done is to have oil (energy) poured on a person's head (Crown chakra).

Don't worry, it's stolen like all other things.

So now we know that Christos refers to a mage who seeks to achieve Godhood. Celibacy is an Occult word for spiritual purity, i.e, one does not eject their "christos" (oil, anointing), instead they keep it. The oil/anointing is energy.

As such, oil as it descends from the Most High (the brain), more specifically the pineal and pituitary gland which secretes "milk and honey" (two secretions that intermingle and form the "christos"), has the opportunity to ascend back up the 33 vertebrates of your spine, go into your "Golgotha" (place of skull) and be "crucified" there.


He was crucified at the age of 33. Crucifixion means combining of the energies, that's why there were also two thieves crucified with him(one on the left side of him, the other the right), one was "good" and other was "bad" = union of polar opposites again.

That's the whole allegory behind Christ being crucified and "ascending into heaven". It's about having your chakras active (lamps oiled) so the energy can flow freely from the "Most High"(brain) and uplift you into a higher dimension of being. Him dying on a cross is mortality being killed and becoming immortal (ascending into heaven).

Notable mentions:
Kundalini (the Serpent) rising is also mentioned in the Bible as well when Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Doing that, your body will be regenerated, your "nervous system" in that body (your Nadis) is going to go online or light up. That's what the "burning bush" allegory is. Risen Serpent is why Moses was able to talk with "god" through a "burning bush" which lets him comprehend the higher realm ("god").

The occult meaning of celibacy is explained in the Matthew 25:1-4 in the story of 10 virgins. This is from New Testament, surprisingly enough.
As the story goes 10 virgins took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom, 5 were wise and also brought oil for their lamps, 5 were foolish and didn't bring any oil. Since the bridegroom was long time in coming, they became drowsy and fell asleep (feminine energy isn't a driving one, hence why they fell asleep). Once the bridegroom arrived, those who didn't bring any oil asked the 5 that did to give some to them. The wise told them no and to go buy some. While they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom called them for a wedding(masculine rouses/directs the feminine). The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding (union of masculine and feminine). And the door was shut. When the remaining 5 returned, they weren't allowed in.

True celibates keep their anointing, their "christos", instead of wasting/ejecting it. Thus, this qualifies them as wise, instead of foolish. The story warns that those who don't keep their chakras active will never achieve the union of masculine and the feminine i.e perfection.
ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛊᚨᛏᚨᚾ!
I have read Fulcanelli and other alchemical authors who hid (for their own safety) alchemical allegories within a сhristian setting. The problem, in my opinion, is mainly that in addition to something *deeper* and occult things, in addition there are all these dogmas that we are all aware of here and all the unnatural things for humanity. That is, considering something as an alchemical symbol of working with the soul, you cannot simply throw out a huge number of prohibitions and programmed toxic Jewish energy and curses. At the highest level of understanding it is possible, but why do you need these things at this highest level? When there is pure and unconditionally pagan knowledge in Egypt, India, Sumer and many other places.

Let's take the Rosicrucian society, an order that existed during the Renaissance and probably even later. The treatise "The Chemical Wedding" tells the story of the Magnum Opus in the form of an extremely confusing legend associated with the symbolism of christianity and many other things. However, does this mean that these things were part of Satanism and helped people to actually achieve Divinity? The question is quite complex. I think this was an attempt to preserve knowledge until better times, something like Rar archiving. So that in the future, using these legends, people with the key can see and extract the essence, leaving the husk out.
Jesus (may his name and remembrance be blotted out for all eternity) is the Blood Atonement Sacrifice intermediary to initiate the Gentiles into serving the Jewish God. Because Judaism is an Ethnic Supremacist religion where you cannot convert a Gentile into a Jew. And Jesus (may his name and remembrance be blotted out for all eternity) never preached to a single Gentile in his entire life.

What seems to have happened is that after the Jew Paul became a Christian (claimed he saw a vision and never actually met Christ), he incorporated the stolen Pagan Elements of the Virgin Birth and Soul Resurrection from Pagan Religions to make it attractive to the peasant Gentiles of that day. There were Stories of Julius Caesar rising up in the Clouds after his death.

None of these were ever meant to be attractive to Jews. The target audience was changed to proselytizing Gentiles. Paul claimed at that point that Circumcision or keeping any of the commandments weren't necessary because the Apocalypse was imminent and everyone was going to be raptured into the Christ (which never happened.)

The real founder of Christianity is Paul, not Jesus. Historically speaking Jesus was the Bastard child of a Roman soldier named Pantera who was stationed there and moved away and the Jewess Mary. I read that Hitler believed in this version of the story. She married the old Joseph when she was already pregnant and then Joesph died due to his old age. She then married another man and had more children. The virgin birth narrative was stolen from Eastern myths like of Horus, Krishna and otherwise.

The Figure of Christ born of the Virgin and resurrected was used as a narrative tool and to create a cosmology by Paul. In his entire life, Yeshua never claimed to be God or wanted for anyone to worship him. Which can be seen if we look at early Christianity. And i believe the reason Yeshua wanted to reform the Jews of that time and become the messiah was his Roman Blood speaking. The Jews obviously had the Romans crucify him ,which is hilarious. The Jews in his lifetime were calling him Yeshua Ben Pantera meaning son of Pantera (which is a name for a random Roman Soldier.)

Paul the Jew then created the religion of Christianity to link the Gentiles to the Jewish God. The disagreements between Judaism and Christianity is because they don't agree with who the Messiah is and thats the only distinction. They still worship the same God.

The Christian persecution of the Jews is because they dont agree that Christ is the messiah not because the Jews dont believe in their God or anything. They still believe that the Jews are Gods Chosen people.
The real founder of Christianity is Paul, not Jesus. Historically speaking Jesus was the Bastard child of a Roman soldier named Pantera who was stationed there and moved away and the Jewess Mary. I read that Hitler believed in this version of the story. She married the old Joseph when she was already pregnant and then Joesph died due to his old age. She then married another man and had more children. The virgin birth narrative was stolen from Eastern myths like of Horus, Krishna and otherwise.

The Figure of Christ born of the Virgin and resurrected was used as a narrative tool and to create a cosmology by Paul. In his entire life, Yeshua never claimed to be God or wanted for anyone to worship him. Which can be seen if we look at early Christianity. And i believe the reason Yeshua wanted to reform the Jews of that time and become the messiah was his Roman Blood speaking. The Jews obviously had the Romans crucify him ,which is hilarious. The Jews in his lifetime were calling him Yeshua Ben Pantera meaning son of Pantera (which is a name for a random Roman Soldier.)
Well said! This would be a great introduction for a xian into Spiritual Satanism, but I disagree on jesus' existence. Everything about his "life" is stolen from Appolonius of Tyana, a REAL person who became a REAL God and was loved by millions in the Roman Empire. Yeshua never existed, and Saul made up a jewish character with striking similarities to Apollonius, so that the people would feel sympathtic towards him.
Jesus (may his name and remembrance be blotted out for all eternity) is the Blood Atonement Sacrifice intermediary to initiate the Gentiles into serving the Jewish God. Because Judaism is an Ethnic Supremacist religion where you cannot convert a Gentile into a Jew. And Jesus (may his name and remembrance be blotted out for all eternity) never preached to a single Gentile in his entire life.

What seems to have happened is that after the Jew Paul became a Christian (claimed he saw a vision and never actually met Christ), he incorporated the stolen Pagan Elements of the Virgin Birth and Soul Resurrection from Pagan Religions to make it attractive to the peasant Gentiles of that day. There were Stories of Julius Caesar rising up in the Clouds after his death.

None of these were ever meant to be attractive to Jews. The target audience was changed to proselytizing Gentiles. Paul claimed at that point that Circumcision or keeping any of the commandments weren't necessary because the Apocalypse was imminent and everyone was going to be raptured into the Christ (which never happened.)

The real founder of Christianity is Paul, not Jesus. Historically speaking Jesus was the Bastard child of a Roman soldier named Pantera who was stationed there and moved away and the Jewess Mary. I read that Hitler believed in this version of the story. She married the old Joseph when she was already pregnant and then Joesph died due to his old age. She then married another man and had more children. The virgin birth narrative was stolen from Eastern myths like of Horus, Krishna and otherwise.

The Figure of Christ born of the Virgin and resurrected was used as a narrative tool and to create a cosmology by Paul. In his entire life, Yeshua never claimed to be God or wanted for anyone to worship him. Which can be seen if we look at early Christianity. And i believe the reason Yeshua wanted to reform the Jews of that time and become the messiah was his Roman Blood speaking. The Jews obviously had the Romans crucify him ,which is hilarious. The Jews in his lifetime were calling him Yeshua Ben Pantera meaning son of Pantera (which is a name for a random Roman Soldier.)

Paul the Jew then created the religion of Christianity to link the Gentiles to the Jewish God. The disagreements between Judaism and Christianity is because they don't agree with who the Messiah is and thats the only distinction. They still worship the same God.

The Christian persecution of the Jews is because they dont agree that Christ is the messiah not because the Jews dont believe in their God or anything. They still believe that the Jews are Gods Chosen people.
Never existed physically, the figure of Jewsus was created by copying the history of Apollonius of Triana who was a real historical character and was an ascended Greek priest.
Well said! This would be a great introduction for a xian into Spiritual Satanism, but I disagree on jesus' existence. Everything about his "life" is stolen from Appolonius of Tyana, a REAL person who became a REAL God and was loved by millions in the Roman Empire. Yeshua never existed, and Saul made up a jewish character with striking similarities to Apollonius, so that the people would feel sympathtic towards him.
I understand that point , but a random jew that was crucified and was leading a Messianic Cult was not uncommon in those times. There were many of these similar cults with similar figureheads. The pagan myths being superimposed on a random jew who wasn't divine in any sense but may have been a messianic cult leader in that time is not that hard to believe because these messianic cults were quite common in those times.

That was a period when Jews were constantly leading revolts against the Romans and Acknowledging someone like that existed doesn't actually make us lose any points because the entire religion was based off of stolen Pagan Myths. So him just existing in that time period doesn't really matter to us or our side because we reject the Jewish God. So even if he existed and claimed to be a Messiah of the Jews, it doesn't concern us because we follow a Different God.

  • A Jew who was part Roman because he had an illegitimate Roman father was going around telling the Jews of his time that he was their messiah and that they should acknowledge him as such.
  • The Jews reject him (because of his doubtful heritage and him telling them not to conduct predatory loans on interest in their Jewish temple) and pester the Romans to crucify him as they did periodically for any number of reasons to many people and wasn't uncommon.
  • The Jew Saul is possessed by an Angel (he describes Entities visiting him and giving him painful visions) and converts to Paul.
  • Paul steals Pagan Myths and introduces various themes previously not there with the Virgin Birth, Soul Resurrection and miracles to proselytize to Gentiles.
  • Thus the Blood Atonement Ritual creates the intermediary for the Gentiles to be initiated into worshipping the jew God.
Whether or not Jesus was real or fake doesn't even matter in these series of events. Its Paul who created this entire cosmology and created this religion.

And people have been trying to establish the historicity of Jesus since forever as they have been of Muhammad. And the events that actually happened and what are fiction causes confusion about whether the person is just an anagram of a previous spiritual tradition or actually real.

And that reasoning has not lead to the masses of Christians reject their religion. What i believe is more productive is to directly attack the Jewish God and reject him altogether from the get go and acknowledge our Gentile Pagan Gods. So it doesn't matter what the Jews in that area at that time were doing because we don't believe in the Jew God. We believe in our Ancient Aryan God.

I have tried to argue about the Historicity argument before with Christians and it always devolves into a litany of Historical facts and dissecting these. The Christian apologist will bring up something and you'll bring up something and it just goes on and on without any conclusion. I found the better way to argue is to say that even if Jesus existed ,definitely wasn't born of a virgin, he wasn't divine and Paul stole Pagan myths to create that religion. And that we have no reason to choose to follow a particular desert God instead of our original Pagan Gods.
Jesus same as "Christos" are both irrelevant...
The fact is that the enemy made their programs and lies extremely flexible, to reach as many people as possible. "Oy vey goyim, I know that 2 seconds ago Rabbi Jesus and his followers would've burned you alive or chopped you to pieces just because you read a page of a book about Witchcraft, but this was all a big misunderstanding!! Rabbi Jesus is actually your spiritual teacher!!! He did miracles, right? The bible contains some hidden spiritual teachings, it's obvious that the only way you can understand spirituality is through Rabbi Jesus!!!" People are so tied to this filth that they want to stay attached to it at all costs.

Once one starts to see how ancient our Truth is, our Gods and our Knowledge, he will see how useless and unnecessary it is to put this goofy jew (in all of its forms) everywhere. Jesus is simpy irrelevant. It's just a weapon used by the jews to corrupt, confuse and keep people away from the Truth. And also to keep Gentiles kissing the jew's feet. It's so funny how these modern "antisemites" that "hate the jews" know that politics, finances and media are all run by the jews and they're angry about it, but when they are taught (by the jews) to worship the God of Israel YHWH and to kiss a Rabbi's feet they don't bat an eye. Lol.

Another thing that really angers me is when these kike-loving Jesus followers want to access Satan's Knowledge. When they want to know about Astrology, Meditation, Kundalini and so on. They love slandering His name, but they want His Knowledge at the same time, I remember you saying something along these lines HP.
Plato was based on Socrates, and mentioned it.

The hoax of Jesus was not based on, but rather, stepped on the ruins of Apollonius of Tyana and tried to remove his mention from all existence.

Chrisitanity mentioned for centuries it was the "source" of all things, until the illiterate populace became literate and the ruins of the Ancients were undug. Then, people found out it was just a hoax step by step.

Confronted with the reality of this, the agencies of the enemy tried to claim "Hey goy, it was just a continuity of your history, lol, let it live". Eventually the evidence mounted more and more to the heavens that it was just a jewish hoax and nothing else, a malicious hoax of death and theft.

Those who say it was "based on", which are xian apologists, are denying the whole causes and reasons of the creations of xianity, which was to uproot and ruin the knowledge of the past, to establish jewish supremacy over the Gentile people.

"Based off" or "Coming from". should contain sources, honorable mention, continuity in culture, similarity and expansion of ideas. The programs of the jews responded to the past with fire, brimstone, burning, desecration, perversion, calling it all "evil" and "forbidden" and "Satanic" to study, telling people that what they stole from and reading into this will land you straight to eternal damnation.

If you kill, outlaw and exterminate those who came before you and from whom you stole it all as "Spawns of the Devil who is the source of all evil", this is not called "Based off", but "living on the ruins of" a situation based on theft and ruin. That's what the jews did.
Plato was based on Socrates, and mentioned it.

The hoax of Jesus was not based on, but rather, stepped on the ruins of Apollonius of Tyana and tried to remove his mention from all existence.

Those who say it was "based on", which are xian apologists, are denying the whole causes and reasons of the creations of xianity, which was to uproot and ruin the knowledge of the past, to establish jewish supremacy over the Gentile people.
That's what I meant, I should probably have used better wording there.
That's what I meant, I should probably have used better wording there.

I know, no worries. It's just that my response also blanket answered for the other category of idiots who say the argument I answered at.

I know this wasn't you brother, no worries.
ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛊᚨᛏᚨᚾ!
Greetings everyone. I've been sitting on this for quite some time and I wasn't sure if I should post it or not. What was holding me back I can't quite say, maybe the fear of criticism, knowing that people will be reading this or something else. But I won't grow if I don't face my fears, so here it is - my first attempt at deciphering enemy literature (not something I recommend).

Please feel free to share your thoughts on this, it's only my interpretation after all.

In this post I'll show you some of the Occult secrets within the Bible (KJV). It will be mainly Old Testament since the New Testament is garbage, which itself even admits and tells you to go read the Old Testament.

Let us begin with Genesis which contains the foundational principles of manifestation (hence the name), some Universal laws, and chakras (including the correct order to open them).

Genesis 1 ||| "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
One thing became two things. Perpetual duality found everywhere.

Genesis 2 ||| "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

Genesis 2-3 is where you can find all you need to manifest reality. An empty mind (the earth was without form, and void), state of complete focus in a trance (darkness was upon the face of the deep), and breath/vibration (the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters).

You need to think what happens when air moves over the water - you get waves. What can also cause waves? Sound(vibration). Spirit of God refers to breath, which you need in order to vibrate things. You can exhale completely and then try to vibrate something; it won't work.

So, we have: an empty mind, clear focus in a trance, and breath/vibration. What's the final step?

Genesis 3 ||| "And God said, let there be light: and there was light." Affirmation.

Days mentioned in Genesis are chakras. I'll skip a very long explanation but the Crown chakra is Day 1 and the Root chakra is Day 7 (where "god" takes a break, a very grounding thing to do).

If you follow the days of creation, you would start with the Crown chakra and work all the way down to the Root chakra. The correct order.

Now let's dissect the myth of Christ(os).
It's irrelevant if he was even real or not, the Occult in Christos firstly lies in the origin of the name. Christos (Greek Χρίστος) means "anointed [one]".
Exodus 25:37 ||| “Then make its seven lamps and set them up on it so that they light the space in front of it"
Anointed refers to a person who has all seven lamps (chakra) burning (active). The way anointing is done is to have oil (energy) poured on a person's head (Crown chakra).

Don't worry, it's stolen like all other things.

So now we know that Christos refers to a mage who seeks to achieve Godhood. Celibacy is an Occult word for spiritual purity, i.e, one does not eject their "christos" (oil, anointing), instead they keep it. The oil/anointing is energy.

As such, oil as it descends from the Most High (the brain), more specifically the pineal and pituitary gland which secretes "milk and honey" (two secretions that intermingle and form the "christos"), has the opportunity to ascend back up the 33 vertebrates of your spine, go into your "Golgotha" (place of skull) and be "crucified" there.


He was crucified at the age of 33. Crucifixion means combining of the energies, that's why there were also two thieves crucified with him(one on the left side of him, the other the right), one was "good" and other was "bad" = union of polar opposites again.

That's the whole allegory behind Christ being crucified and "ascending into heaven". It's about having your chakras active (lamps oiled) so the energy can flow freely from the "Most High"(brain) and uplift you into a higher dimension of being. Him dying on a cross is mortality being killed and becoming immortal (ascending into heaven).

Notable mentions:
Kundalini (the Serpent) rising is also mentioned in the Bible as well when Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Doing that, your body will be regenerated, your "nervous system" in that body (your Nadis) is going to go online or light up. That's what the "burning bush" allegory is. Risen Serpent is why Moses was able to talk with "god" through a "burning bush" which lets him comprehend the higher realm ("god").

The occult meaning of celibacy is explained in the Matthew 25:1-4 in the story of 10 virgins. This is from New Testament, surprisingly enough.
As the story goes 10 virgins took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom, 5 were wise and also brought oil for their lamps, 5 were foolish and didn't bring any oil. Since the bridegroom was long time in coming, they became drowsy and fell asleep (feminine energy isn't a driving one, hence why they fell asleep). Once the bridegroom arrived, those who didn't bring any oil asked the 5 that did to give some to them. The wise told them no and to go buy some. While they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom called them for a wedding(masculine rouses/directs the feminine). The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding (union of masculine and feminine). And the door was shut. When the remaining 5 returned, they weren't allowed in.

True celibates keep their anointing, their "christos", instead of wasting/ejecting it. Thus, this qualifies them as wise, instead of foolish. The story warns that those who don't keep their chakras active will never achieve the union of masculine and the feminine i.e perfection.
ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛊᚨᛏᚨᚾ!
By reading this it all make since now so we not suppose to waste it then the creation and all those other topics make since it does

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
