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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
The mission, our collective mission is what unites us, regardless of our overall character and character-based compatibility. What gives more compatibility than anything else between people is their common goal. The rest is a secondary quest of adaptation and accepting one another. Of getting to know your brothers and sisters and thus the BROTHERHOOD.

The character, in turn, is also strongly defined by the mission. Other than that, the four main factors that define and shape our character are astrology, genetics, education and life experience.

As an SS, I cannot emphasize enough how rewarding is to find another SS in real life or at least a friend who shares most of our vision. The quality of people is so low, mainly due to their need to conform to the current ruling power. Other than that, many are simply lazy and stupid and can barely put two phrases together. While we are struggling on a war for our own existence and continuity, some want to play the tough thug on the streets with random strangers just to fill their own insecurities and others wish to play the soy pseudo-intellectual that shows tolerance by supporting the first category.

In my first book, “Conclusions before the great storm”, I elaborated about forming communities with people of the highest quality possible that share most of our ideas. This way, if a member of that community gets in trouble, others will feel that their family is basically under attack and show the most needed pack type of loyalty. This is the best and possibly the only way to endure in those circumstances where we are vastly outnumbered by a wide range of enemies.

It is even more difficult for the ones who wish to get involved into the affairs of the world, rather than just survive, even though the two are strongly linked to each other. Such individuals need to find friends from all professions, such as: economists, lawyers, businessmen, sociologists, fighters, engineers and very possible even doctors. The enemy attacks from all fronts and we must be prepared. One cannot know all areas of knowledge therefore he must surround himself with real experts of each field.

More than that, the sane, exceptional people must know that they are not alone in their great endeavor and they must feel safe and confident. Such a friend is extremely precious, but both individuals forming this specific human relationship must show loyalty, understanding and seriousness. They must without exception, be more than talk and debate partners. They must be ready to help the other if the need arises. They must make it a mission to be there for the friend and try their best to help. Failure is acceptable if one has tried sincerely to offer help and not just mimic it.

Being constantly surrounded by weak minded, obedient sheep makes one feel alone. Loneliness is sometimes felt much tougher when one is surrounded by braindead zombies or ideological whores of the enemy. True friendship is so exceedingly rare that it must be treated almost with the same priority as one’s own life. Usually, friendships from childhood which lasted until adulthood that fit in this description are the easiest to keep as they are easily tested over time. Finding such friends after one has reached a mature age is much more difficult as the one that we suspect of being a potential good friend, must be tested with great carefulness.

As any sane human being understands deep inside, a friend is both to give and to receive. This is how we measure the value of people. The Christian type of mentality which is mirrored by progressive zombies regardless of their claims, teaches us that friendship does not ask for anything in return. This is false and dangerous. Friendship is always tested by circumstances. A friend must give help in need or at least try his best. Being a talk partner is not enough to be considered a friend. A friend must be useful, as much as the enemy and their vegetables would like to twist those words and say “they are only using you”. Such a phrase cannot be truly believed if all members of a friendship are focused on giving help and none is a leech that just waits to receive and be served. A friend must be loyal and keep secrets. If they no longer agree with each other and the relationship is beyond repair, than the logical chain of events would be to break the friendship. I personally had a close friend for a long time that, when the ideological war begun, aligned himself with all the left-progressive ideological elements. Turned out this person was partly Jewish. I was shocked at first at how he was stupid enough to fall for this trick, but I was the fool here for a while. He was not. He was doing what his twisted mind and soul consider to be in the interest of his race and that is breaking the unity of a potential enemy with chaos and a total lack of uniformity in the instincts. Diversity in short.

This is why one must be careful at all elements when assessing a person’s blood. A Jew can be discovered by a few physical and physiognomic traits as well as a few psychological tendencies.

There are people that can be converted, but one must be very careful about the evolution of such individuals. One who comes to our conclusions of their own accord is much more valuable than one who yielded out of social pressure. Such individuals can later betray one if the pressure changes sides.

One cannot go into a group of unknown or slightly known people and start preaching our ideas. By known, I am referring strictly to their views about our ideas.

It would be wiser to first have your group of loyal friends who share your views. Then, the neutral ones who one considers to have potential to honestly join our direction, must be tested one by one, by being added in a group activity in which they also talk about our world view. It could be anything, a friendly football match, a steak and a beer, a gym session, a walk in the park, a board game day, a video game session, anything enjoyable by a group of friends.

The friends then can start talking about subjects relating to the world in a more minimal language and see the reaction of the new comer. Due to them being more, the new friend may feel safer to talk about those subjects as well if he already had a healthy mind. It is much safer and strategically sane to apply such a method and give the new comer a bit of confidence and a sense of safety, rather than one going by themselves into a group with mostly unknown views and open his mouth about subjects relating to Jews and their conspiracies. Chances are, even if there is no Jew or no one whoring for the enemy, they may be scared of the possible reactions of the potential ones being in those categories.

So, we must be smart and give the potential friends a chance to feel safe and accepted. If their reaction is negative or lacks, then it may be best to reconsider all of that decision.

Loyalty and involvement remain important factors in a friendship. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This is not said for no reason.

If one is of the chosen segment, the exceptional or SS type of individual, then one must also look at other friends so they do not compromise on their principles. I have a “friend” that shares my views in most areas, but he still keeps the company of the ones who were hysterically pushing for vaccine restrictions, immigration and LGBT activism even though he dislikes those ideas. He may have some healthy views, but he is a weak individual that would rather compromise for a few bits of social validation and some benefits as well from a toxic friendship. He one told me he accepted to befriend a gay Jew, just because he bought him a free meal and free train ticket. Such fluctuating individuals must be carefully observed. One can keep a certain degree of relationship with them, but in reality, cannot consider them “close friends”. The circumstances put us in situations where one is a work mate or a friend of one of our old friends from school or university. But the real group of friends must be kept as pure as possible, even if they interact with others often. Social interaction is part of our lives and we must adapt, but the group must not compromise on their vision for the sake of social validation. This is when we lose. I personally accept nothing less that full loyalty in such a group as I give the rest my full loyalty.

There are situations where others admit a toxic member into their group, but this means the rest were also compromisers. That is not a true brotherhood. My close friends know such facts by instinct and even if we are put in the situation where we must meet and interact with other lesser elements, we do our tasks, we act friendly and politely, but we understand the value of those people and we keep a certain type of limited interaction with them. We do not include them in our type of discussions and debates if they are not fit for them.

Brotherhoods are often formed around difficult sets of circumstances, situations that try and test us, situations where people may need to offer help to one another and thus opening possible paths of friendship. Endless comfort and a total lack of challenges will only bind us with weak people and the few exceptional ones risk of going unnoticed.

To achieve all of the above, one must start with a certain degree of courage in the area of social interaction. Isolation will not help our path at all and will certainly not help us find the right friends. One must go to a series of disappointments in order to sort the gold from the rocks. Nothing really just falls on our plates, that is a false illusion of comfort that often ends in an even greater disappointment.

A smart individual must build the social skills to form relations, test and understand people and find the right people for themselves. A certain balance must be understood and properly comprehended by the warrior between carefulness and a limited and manageable risk. In short one must expose his vision and intentions to a certain degree in order to see the reaction and compatibility of others. If others choose to do so, then we must be vigilant and brave to show them our approval of their ideas. When one of our own is engaged in a debate or confrontation on this plane, one must show support. This will show the person that he is not alone, grow their confidence and it will discourage the others from further attacking the one they disagree with. Both quality and numbers are of importance. Where one lacks, the other may come in to compensate.

An SS perceives such concepts much easier than others and values them to the core. We understand this and why it is called a brotherhood. It is because such a friendship binds individuals exactly like blood relatives and forms a family.

Immigrant invaders understand the need for loyalty and solidarity as they know they are on foreign land. Therefore, even if they are of multiple races, they support each other in their parasitic goals as they identify themselves as “non-white”. We as exceptional people, must all the more reason, be loyal and show solidarity as we are also on the enemy’s playbook and we are outnumbered by many groups that wish to do us harm.

Although we have common goals, one must understand the fundamental difference between allies and friends. An ally or a partner, may just constitute a temporary collaboration for achieving common goals or trading for separate interests. This can end at any time when the relation is no longer profitable. Friendship on the other hand is bound by more than just a few common interests. Even those interests are usually life lasting compared to a temporary alliance, but they are bound by a vision and by a human feeling of trust and brotherhood. A friend understands one’s worth and even if he has nothing to offer at that time, if they are in need, he will jump to help. Friendship is not equivalent with business or trade, but it transcends that type of relation.

I believe this can be summed up by stating that friends do not keep score, but instinctively look for the good of their brothers and sisters.

Perhaps, one of the simplest ways of knowing you are with the right people, besides sharing the same overall views, is to know you can say almost anything with great ease. When you have no inhibitions and no intent to impress or to refraining from making the wrong impressions, then you can relax knowing you are with the right people. And those people are worth fighting for and not taking for granted. Let them know in your own ways, that you respect and care for them.

Euripides was an ancient Greek tragedian whose plays influenced the period of classical Athens.

He has a few quotes about friendship that are very relevant in defining it. Euripides states that “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.”

He also says “Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends.”

And finally, a simple definition is given by Aristotle that says “Friendship is the most necessary thing in life, since no one wishes to live without friends even if he has all other goods”, but he does emphasize that “a friend to all is a friend to no one”, underlying that one must have principles in life and choose their friends based on those principles.

Perhaps if one is lost in regards of what we are fighting for, this chapter is the simplest and purest answer. We fight for true friends! One of the best stories about brotherhood was Frodo and Sam’s friendship from the Lord of the Rings.

Frodo once asked Sam “What are we holding on to, Sam?” and Samwise replied to him “There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo and it’s worth fighting for!”

“It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.”
This was highly needed and empowering for all of us here and I thank you for sharing this message!

It's true that the world is seemingly en masse self-destructing itself out of it's own stupidity and feelings of discontent. Not that many people step outside of that whole living to die mentality and instead seek to gain truth through contemplating broad concepts. Those that do however aren't as uncommon as I'd once thought as there seem to be innumerable people out there (often professionals) who see the role of religion throughout the ages, the Jew-world order plan and the corruption that shapes the state of Israel and (by extension) the world today. It boggles my mind yet there truly are people in the world who even see and understand the role of the Illuminati and (by extension) Freemasonry. For this reason it shows that people of our thinking aren't so rare and that the world truly has entered an awakening like we've never seen.

These people of high intellect however are also not devoid of seeking escapism through the many traps created by the enemy; such as binge drinking, drug use, senseless pleasure seeking, etc. This for me has made it a great challenge to determine who to deem as a true 'friend' opposed to an acquaintance with friendly terms.

These people, crazy and lost as they may seem, often have a high-functioning life and are highly punctual and driven. It's kind of a broad and complex sort of thought, but it's one I haven't completely figured out yet. I think in terms of trust and genuine character, these things largely supersede lifesyle choices (given those are functional, moral and not negatively impacting the individuals ability to work, etc). These aformentioned things however can only be determined through time and experience.

PS - kinda random but I've been thinking a lot lately about how Pissrael, so obviously and desperately, keeps trying to eeke-out a reasonable excuse for the next 'great economic collapse' via war and genocide, while the West is hemmoraging money on things like electric cars, wind turbines, etc. Because of this talk of power outages have been going on more frequently as of late and I wouldn't be suprised to see such a thing affecting financial institutions, like we've seen during the pandemic. One can only surmise with the psychos running the world of course and overall it's best to apply most of our daily focus on our ultimate cause and goal that our beloved Gods and HPs/HPSs have bestowed us with.

We'll have to keep especially strong to our cause in these challenging times. I thought the pandemic was anxiety inducing enough, yet this whole genocide has triggered a sort of even greater sense of utter disdain Israel in myself. Truly, I can't wait until she gets what she deserves. It shall come to pass just as our creator said, though I'm not sure if it will be in my lifetime. If not, then I'm sure it will be at a time with all of us reincarnated (or perhaps arrive apotheosized) in union facing a new world to come. That's the one greatest and most positive thing that I look forward to in our journey here.

Thanks again for the excellent post. It resparked an old love for the Lord of the Rings I've had and a general love for nature, fantasy and comrodory. Tolkien's books I imagine have some excellent value in the perspecive of an SS so I'll for sure give them a try. I have noticed that the dwarves don't mix with the elves and such, something I subconsiosly took great joy and inspiration through as a kid; that there are these beings and those beings; some interact well while others don't. I could be reading into that a bit too much. Regardless, the author of those books that inspired those movies must have been quite the genius in many regards.
This was highly needed and empowering for all of us here and I thank you for sharing this message!

It's true that the world is seemingly en masse self-destructing itself out of it's own stupidity and feelings of discontent. Not that many people step outside of that whole living to die mentality and instead seek to gain truth through contemplating broad concepts. Those that do however aren't as uncommon as I'd once thought as there seem to be innumerable people out there (often professionals) who see the role of religion throughout the ages, the Jew-world order plan and the corruption that shapes the state of Israel and (by extension) the world today. It boggles my mind yet there truly are people in the world who even see and understand the role of the Illuminati and (by extension) Freemasonry. For this reason it shows that people of our thinking aren't so rare and that the world truly has entered an awakening like we've never seen.

These people of high intellect however are also not devoid of seeking escapism through the many traps created by the enemy; such as binge drinking, drug use, senseless pleasure seeking, etc. This for me has made it a great challenge to determine who to deem as a true 'friend' opposed to an acquaintance with friendly terms.

These people, crazy and lost as they may seem, often have a high-functioning life and are highly punctual and driven. It's kind of a broad and complex sort of thought, but it's one I haven't completely figured out yet. I think in terms of trust and genuine character, these things largely supersede lifesyle choices (given those are functional, moral and not negatively impacting the individuals ability to work, etc). These aformentioned things however can only be determined through time and experience.

PS - kinda random but I've been thinking a lot lately about how Pissrael, so obviously and desperately, keeps trying to eeke-out a reasonable excuse for the next 'great economic collapse' via war and genocide, while the West is hemmoraging money on things like electric cars, wind turbines, etc. Because of this talk of power outages have been going on more frequently as of late and I wouldn't be suprised to see such a thing affecting financial institutions, like we've seen during the pandemic. One can only surmise with the psychos running the world of course and overall it's best to apply most of our daily focus on our ultimate cause and goal that our beloved Gods and HPs/HPSs have bestowed us with.

We'll have to keep especially strong to our cause in these challenging times. I thought the pandemic was anxiety inducing enough, yet this whole genocide has triggered a sort of even greater sense of utter disdain Israel in myself. Truly, I can't wait until she gets what she deserves. It shall come to pass just as our creator said, though I'm not sure if it will be in my lifetime. If not, then I'm sure it will be at a time with all of us reincarnated (or perhaps arrive apotheosized) in union facing a new world to come. That's the one greatest and most positive thing that I look forward to in our journey here.

Thanks again for the excellent post. It resparked an old love for the Lord of the Rings I've had and a general love for nature, fantasy and comrodory. Tolkien's books I imagine have some excellent value in the perspecive of an SS so I'll for sure give them a try. I have noticed that the dwarves don't mix with the elves and such, something I subconsiosly took great joy and inspiration through as a kid; that there are these beings and those beings; some interact well while others don't. I could be reading into that a bit too much. Regardless, the author of those books that inspired those movies must have been quite the genius in many regards.
Thank you for your words friend! And I agree with your assessment of the situation. I do believe what many lack is courage and integrity rather than intelligence. There are also many false temptations laid out by the enemy.
Although Tolkien was a hard believing Christian, he did not put any emphasis of this in his books, rather he took elements of the Nordic culture and made a copy of then in creating multiple pure cultures. He does underline some natural, healthy principles in his stories that are far superior to the garbage modern culture of the Jew. Besides, the message of friendship and fighting for the good in the world is illustrated sublimely. And Peter Jackson did a wonderful job with the soundtracks. Sound and music are quintessential in transmitting a message with a strong emotional component.
Thank you for your words friend! And I agree with your assessment of the situation. I do believe what many lack is courage and integrity rather than intelligence. There are also many false temptations laid out by the enemy.
Although Tolkien was a hard believing Christian, he did not put any emphasis of this in his books, rather he took elements of the Nordic culture and made a copy of then in creating multiple pure cultures. He does underline some natural, healthy principles in his stories that are far superior to the garbage modern culture of the Jew. Besides, the message of friendship and fighting for the good in the world is illustrated sublimely. And Peter Jackson did a wonderful job with the soundtracks. Sound and music are quintessential in transmitting a message with a strong emotional component.

A lack of bravery, that's a perfect way of putting it. It's a shame but it's so true that many educated people might have a sense that there's something very wrong in the world, yet to them going against the grain leads only to a harder and more difficult life. Some people are even offended or afraid of truth due to the aversion they built in themselves against it.

In that way I guess it takes a lot of bravery, perhaps in some situations quite a lot. Some job sectors are very strict on vaccinations. Govt jobs also seem to pay a bit better with benefits, yet generally in some capacity you're helping to run the cogs of the system.

It's one thing working near the bottom of the pyramid, or in trades I feel. Those who go higher towards the top probably see stuff that would make me have a fit, and I'm certain at certain levels people face great jeopardy if speaking out, be it for their jobs or even their lives.

I have also heard that we have people on our side in high positions (thank goodness). Of course the enemy cannot run the whole system without other people there to make it presentable and seemingly functional. I guess when it comes to speaking out it must have to be done in a very careful and calculated way.

Many people have been disappeared (especially during the Pandemic; so many researchers, truth tellers and scientists). It's in my nature to be one of those people and be very upfront, honest and blunt when it comes to things of integrity and fact. Yet at the same time, I think going down as a 'hero' that way isn't the best approach as we all have greater things we can accomplish on our spiritual path.

Anyway, I probably should just remind myself not to overthink those things, that patience is a virtue and that change can be fairly slow sometimes.

Thanks again brother for the comment. I love that people here see Satan's positive influence, even coming from Christians. I've never felt such an optimism before finding this path and contemplating the duality of things. It's been very liberating to me given my hyper-analytical (black-white) way of thinking, when in reality the world isn't so black and white.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
