All spells are meant to be done the same. Disregard what the book states. Just consider the effect described by each word of power and you're fine.
You can look to the money spells pdf as an example. There are two words from the Necronomicon there. Drawing from there I'd suggest your do something like this:
• Vibrate a word for x times, where is the number of the word
• Vibrate the other word connected to the first for word. Do it for the same number of times.
• State your affirmations, while focusing on the energies you raised through the words of power. 8 or 9 times, according to what you're doing.
• Visualise the sigil for about 2 minutes. Like you are doing void meditation on that sigil.
I only tried one word from that book and I found it very powerful and quicker to manifest than other methods. I assume I had this impression because of the sigil. We don't usually use them for other workings. At least, I don't use sigils for all workings.