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The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

Ghost in the Machine

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2018
We are the future gods of our people. Start acting
Hoo boy, bring it on! I'm ready for a fight to the end!

The only thing coursing through these veins is the burning passion of a thousand suns itching for more fight. I don't have permission to be afraid!

Victory or death!
HP Mageson666 said:
42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year the year of the Rat, the Chinese leader announced that 42 people had died in China. Rat in gematria is 42 the word 42 written out is 142 the term Coronavirus is 142 the term "Year of the Rat" is also 142 and the first stated case in America was put in the Jewish media in the 42th second state of Washington. The first case of this virus confirmed was 1-21-20 a date which adds to 42.
I really struggle to understand these numbers and letters references, I don't get the whole meaning of this and how it works
Recently they presented a new step in the strategy: they started to say that the quarantine should extend until 2022. It makes me very worried. Yesterday I went to see a dentist in my city, but our governor forbade them to be active. We are being fined here in Brazil if we are walking on the street. Are we really going to make the new order and stay there? I introduce myself, I'm new here and made my commitment a few months ago, but I only commented on the forum now.
Hail Satan
Recently they presented a new step in the strategy: they started to say that the quarantine should extend until 2022. It makes me very worried. Yesterday I went to see a dentist in my city, but our governor forbade them to be active. We are being fined here in Brazil if we are walking on the street. Are we really going to make the new order and stay there? I introduce myself, I'm new here and made my commitment a few months ago, but I only commented on the forum now. Hail Satan
Ghost in the Machine said:
Hoo boy, bring it on! I'm ready for a fight to the end!

The only thing coursing through these veins is the burning passion of a thousand suns itching for more fight. I don't have permission to be afraid!

Victory or death!
Right on man!
Even though I've read about how bible is a jewish witchcraft book, connection of numbers and the depth to which many disasters connect with the jewish occult, I can never get used to these types of information.

This post reminds me that the enemy is no joke and I shouldn't slack. Let's move with full power, brothers and sisters!

Sieg Heil!
The saying "what a moment to be alive" couldn't be more of a perfect fit. A shame that I can't seem to do more than 2 RTRs without draining myself though... :evil:
Young Faith said:
HP Mageson666 said:
42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year the year of the Rat, the Chinese leader announced that 42 people had died in China. Rat in gematria is 42 the word 42 written out is 142 the term Coronavirus is 142 the term "Year of the Rat" is also 142 and the first stated case in America was put in the Jewish media in the 42th second state of Washington. The first case of this virus confirmed was 1-21-20 a date which adds to 42.
I really struggle to understand these numbers and letters references, I don't get the whole meaning of this and how it works
This is basically a Jewish system of magic. All their magick schools are like pieces to a puzzle which adds up as a whole. For details you have to go back magesons articles and search through them.
There's some secret "Operation Gotham" happening in New York City. A cyclists camera caught this badge and some military personnel were very secretive about having these badges seen on them:


Also I'm really annoyed at how the 5G cable installers are really out in force at the moment. They wear orange hi-viz jackets that say key worker on it.

So everything's under lock down but installing 5G fibre optic cable is essential key work? Yes for their planned global control network grid!

There have been studies on mobile phone radiation being a contributor towards cancers.

And radar is hot, it not only frys us. But it's radar that heats foods in the microwave. So there's the proof that these microwave transmitters are bad.

We have a problem with all of these 5G towers and the human health risks they pose. As well as the endgame plan they have up their sleeve as mentioned here of ID2020.
If anyone wants hope go to the comment section of bill gates instagram. ALL OF THEM are comments calling him out for the evil he’s done and is trying to promote. He keeps deleting them but the people know. I don’t see this ID2020 microchip vaccine crap succeeding. I can’t link it on mobile it’s @thisisbillgates
V12-POWER said:
The saying "what a moment to be alive" couldn't be more of a perfect fit. A shame that I can't seem to do more than 2 RTRs without draining myself though... :evil:

2 is norm now.

Maintain the consistency.
How can someone avoid this virus chip vaccine? I work on a health facility and this worrys me since i hadn't became proper open inside to help myself. I just can hold my both hands on some concern energy inside and hope Father Satan and the Gods be with me and with us on this new timing disaster!
Jack said:
Young Faith said:
HP Mageson666 said:
42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year the year of the Rat, the Chinese leader announced that 42 people had died in China. Rat in gematria is 42 the word 42 written out is 142 the term Coronavirus is 142 the term "Year of the Rat" is also 142 and the first stated case in America was put in the Jewish media in the 42th second state of Washington. The first case of this virus confirmed was 1-21-20 a date which adds to 42.
I really struggle to understand these numbers and letters references, I don't get the whole meaning of this and how it works
This is basically a Jewish system of magic. All their magick schools are like pieces to a puzzle which adds up as a whole. For details you have to go back magesons articles and search through them.
Thank you
HP Mageson666 said:
Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle who drafted the biological weapons anti-terrorism act of 1989 for the American government. Has come out and stated this Covid-19 is a bioengineered weapon and has stated that Canadian and French researchers have stated such and including two Chinese doctors also leaked this out to the public as well.
You may have heard of Frank Vaughan, but he is a Canadian that posts around an hour long videos on COVID19 every day. He has been in direct contact with Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle, and Boyle frequently recommends articles for Frank to go over on his show. Boyle has agreed to be interviewed by Frank shortly, which he mentions in today's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OK_ndFu6nE

I've watched his videos near daily for a couple months now, and Frank is a very intelligent man that isn't afraid to speak out against migrants, etc. He goes over news headlines daily with a very level-headed view, and frequently references Zero Hedge among other alternate news sources. I have been hesitant to share his channel on JoS as I don't want to put him in danger or anything, but I have a good feeling about it today.

Unfortunately he is not 'woke' in terms of the Jews, at least not yet. On nearly every other front however I have agreed with him 95% of the time.
HP Mageson666 said:
The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

The Event 201 the simulation that was run for a global Covid pandemic last autumn which was only a few months before any of the current Covid pandemic existed. Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle who drafted the biological weapons anti-terrorism act of 1989 for the American government. Has come out and stated this Covid-19 is a bioengineered weapon and has stated that Canadian and French researchers have stated such and including two Chinese doctors also leaked this out to the public as well. This along with the reports from India that the virus is bioengineered.

This Event 201 which was run by Bill Gates who is the main funder of the World Health Organization which was part of Event 201. Bill Gates has come out and stated the whole world will have to be vaccinated for Covid-19. And this will then require one to be given some type of ID stating they have been vaccinated. He stated a Communist China style Social Credit system will be implemented to enforce this.

What kind of an ID will this be some have stated a Quantum Tattoo. ID2020:
What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.

All this while 5G which is the network required for ID2020.

One of the partners behind the creation of ID2020 is the Jewish, Rockefeller Foundation of whom Bill Gates is a member of the Jewish, Rockefeller family. The same Rockefeller Foundation created the World Health Organization which was at Event 201. David Rockefeller stated in 1991:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries

This is the same David Rockefeller who created the Trilateral Commission.

All this while the UN which their head quarters was built by the Rockefeller Foundation is rolling out the demand for Global Currency as the economic and financial systems of the nations are falling over the shut downs brought in by the WHO.

The United Nations (UN) revealed their interest to create and maintain a “Global Reserve Bank”, one that will be also the publishing house for a Global Currency

And now the Jewish Fed is bringing about a digital currency for America which is a Fed Bitcoin that will have serial numbers and be issued and all transactions will be tracked digitally. This can also involve a expiry time in which it will delete. This will be set up so only the Jewish global banking cartels will now control the flow of money. All transactions will become digital and this will require the 5G network for proper function. This will also be placed with the Social Credit model in which if you sin against Jewish Big Brother they will just delete your Digital money. This is the model of the coming global currency.

ID2020 from reports was created several years before the year of 2020 its named after. This is due to Jewish Kabbalah the 2020 in Kabbalah numerology is collapsed to 22 the number of the name of the Jewish God in Kabbalah. The Jewish elites are using their Jewish witchcraft right in the open to manifest this Jew World Order. 22 is the number of their Jewish World Kingdom in Judaism.

This is connecting into the enemies thought form that is generated by their book of Jewish witchcraft the Bible. This is also why the numbers constantly showing up in the Jewish controlled media panicdemic around the Covid-19 is Kabbalistic numerology this pandemic is tied into the energy of the Jews ritual curses on the Gentile world.

As HPS Maxine has wrote the year of the Rat and how this plague was planned to connect into the same dates in history that started with the year of the Rat. They do this to connect into Karmic patterns and attempt to tap that energy into their workings to manifest more power this also relates to the mass mind. The enemy uses these events along with their curses to connect the energies together and manifest their curses to create a situation to bring this about along with physical planning. The two work together. The enemy is attempting to create a major pandemic. The black death brought by rats came from China.

The enemy uses letters as numbers which connect into the energies of their thought form and the frequency of each. What this means is the numbers also show the curses of the enemy manifesting as well where the energies are manifesting it leaves behind the occult crawl print. Which is why the enemy attempts to keep this knowledge from the population.

42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year the year of the Rat, the Chinese leader announced that 42 people had died in China. Rat in gematria is 42 the word 42 written out is 142 the term Coronavirus is 142 the term "Year of the Rat" is also 142 and the first stated case in America was put in the Jewish media in the 42th second state of Washington. The first case of this virus confirmed was 1-21-20 a date which adds to 42.

Remember these curses the Jews are throwing to attempt to manifest this ritual into a global pandemic is also connecting through the mass mind of tens of millions of Christian golems this includes in China in which there are tens of millions of Christians. This is the enemies to attempt to open the doors to bring this about through the unconsciousness mass mind.

Do you recommend buying Bitcoin? Or is buying it contributing to the problem?
Its tuning into the astral frequency and beaming it into the material.

MalinBaze said:
Even though I've read about how bible is a jewish witchcraft book, connection of numbers and the depth to which many disasters connect with the jewish occult, I can never get used to these types of information.

This post reminds me that the enemy is no joke and I shouldn't slack. Let's move with full power, brothers and sisters!

Sieg Heil!
The Jews require the power of the Jewtrix of energy of their though form to manifest this fully. I suspect as well this is why the Rabbi's were bragging their Messiah was coming this April as they are connected into the top of the Jewish elites. This is why the leader of Chabad knew the USSR was going to collapse in the mid 1980's and started to move as many Jews as possible to America as he was an insider.

The problem the Jews now have is all the centers of their programs occult power are closed and were closed this entire Passover. This time is the important date for them hence why they launched the pandemic to connect into this time of the year. They put their workings into being around this time. So without this energy for the mass ritual on this year date. And with the Final RTR working all the time they don't have the energy to connect anything. And I suspect that they have simply succeeded in collapsing their though form drastically and waking millions of people up to them.

I wonder how many churches are still going to be open and how many people are going back to Christianity after this.
HP Mageson666 said:
The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

The Event 201 the simulation that was run for a global Covid pandemic last autumn which was only a few months before any of the current Covid pandemic existed. Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle who drafted the biological weapons anti-terrorism act of 1989 for the American government. Has come out and stated this Covid-19 is a bioengineered weapon and has stated that Canadian and French researchers have stated such and including two Chinese doctors also leaked this out to the public as well. This along with the reports from India that the virus is bioengineered.

This Event 201 which was run by Bill Gates who is the main funder of the World Health Organization which was part of Event 201. Bill Gates has come out and stated the whole world will have to be vaccinated for Covid-19. And this will then require one to be given some type of ID stating they have been vaccinated. He stated a Communist China style Social Credit system will be implemented to enforce this.

What kind of an ID will this be some have stated a Quantum Tattoo. ID2020:
What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.

All this while 5G which is the network required for ID2020.

One of the partners behind the creation of ID2020 is the Jewish, Rockefeller Foundation of whom Bill Gates is a member of the Jewish, Rockefeller family. The same Rockefeller Foundation created the World Health Organization which was at Event 201. David Rockefeller stated in 1991:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries

This is the same David Rockefeller who created the Trilateral Commission.

All this while the UN which their head quarters was built by the Rockefeller Foundation is rolling out the demand for Global Currency as the economic and financial systems of the nations are falling over the shut downs brought in by the WHO.

The United Nations (UN) revealed their interest to create and maintain a “Global Reserve Bank”, one that will be also the publishing house for a Global Currency

And now the Jewish Fed is bringing about a digital currency for America which is a Fed Bitcoin that will have serial numbers and be issued and all transactions will be tracked digitally. This can also involve a expiry time in which it will delete. This will be set up so only the Jewish global banking cartels will now control the flow of money. All transactions will become digital and this will require the 5G network for proper function. This will also be placed with the Social Credit model in which if you sin against Jewish Big Brother they will just delete your Digital money. This is the model of the coming global currency.

ID2020 from reports was created several years before the year of 2020 its named after. This is due to Jewish Kabbalah the 2020 in Kabbalah numerology is collapsed to 22 the number of the name of the Jewish God in Kabbalah. The Jewish elites are using their Jewish witchcraft right in the open to manifest this Jew World Order. 22 is the number of their Jewish World Kingdom in Judaism.

This is connecting into the enemies thought form that is generated by their book of Jewish witchcraft the Bible. This is also why the numbers constantly showing up in the Jewish controlled media panicdemic around the Covid-19 is Kabbalistic numerology this pandemic is tied into the energy of the Jews ritual curses on the Gentile world.

As HPS Maxine has wrote the year of the Rat and how this plague was planned to connect into the same dates in history that started with the year of the Rat. They do this to connect into Karmic patterns and attempt to tap that energy into their workings to manifest more power this also relates to the mass mind. The enemy uses these events along with their curses to connect the energies together and manifest their curses to create a situation to bring this about along with physical planning. The two work together. The enemy is attempting to create a major pandemic. The black death brought by rats came from China.

The enemy uses letters as numbers which connect into the energies of their thought form and the frequency of each. What this means is the numbers also show the curses of the enemy manifesting as well where the energies are manifesting it leaves behind the occult crawl print. Which is why the enemy attempts to keep this knowledge from the population.

42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year the year of the Rat, the Chinese leader announced that 42 people had died in China. Rat in gematria is 42 the word 42 written out is 142 the term Coronavirus is 142 the term "Year of the Rat" is also 142 and the first stated case in America was put in the Jewish media in the 42th second state of Washington. The first case of this virus confirmed was 1-21-20 a date which adds to 42.

Remember these curses the Jews are throwing to attempt to manifest this ritual into a global pandemic is also connecting through the mass mind of tens of millions of Christian golems this includes in China in which there are tens of millions of Christians. This is the enemies to attempt to open the doors to bring this about through the unconsciousness mass mind.
I wonder what it would mean if this plan fails. I also wonder if they have a back up plan, it seems they are going all in in their attempt to bring the JWO.

It's like they know they won't have much energy to make huge moves in the future (thanks to the Final RTR), plus astrologically they'll be fucked so they are trying everything they can now, recklessly even.

I wouldn't be surprised if the back up plan is a Samson Option kinda thing, which will also probably fail.
Your better off spending the time educating the public online then spamming that globin's social media. The Jews are attempting to silence the topic online so we need to educate the public now more then ever online.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
If anyone wants hope go to the comment section of bill gates instagram. ALL OF THEM are comments calling him out for the evil he’s done and is trying to promote. He keeps deleting them but the people know. I don’t see this ID2020 microchip vaccine crap succeeding. I can’t link it on mobile it’s @thisisbillgates
Nowhere to go but forward! Not one step back brothers and sisters! Not even to gain impulse!
There is talk that they want to give us the vaccine, then require people to present papers, when they travel, to prove we have been vaccinated.
Some christian extremists are, of course, calling the vaccine the Mark of The Beast and claiming it will turn us into zombies. Change our DNA,, that sort of thing. ( I know,, stupid,, but they believe it. I don't ).
I think most, of us here, if not all of us, know it is just christian fear propaganda.
The Mark of the Beast is supposed to be in the right hand or forehead. So when doctors start putting the vaccine in shoulders, butts, bellies, biceps, left side of body parts, etc. that will ruin the christian conspiracy in a hurry, wouldn't it.? I'd like that.
Of course,,,,, what the vaccine will actually do to us,, is something to consider. Might not be pleasant at all. Maybe even worse than the flu shot.
Of course,,,, if the vaccine did kill people off, then the Jews can turn around and blame Satan, and the "underground" occult community at large.
They seem to like doing that.
V12-POWER said:
The saying "what a moment to be alive" couldn't be more of a perfect fit. A shame that I can't seem to do more than 2 RTRs without draining myself though... :evil:

The RTR shouldn't be draining. If it's making you feel tired or run down you're probably pushing your energy work too much in some way. Either doing too much in each session, doing them too soon after each other, or doing too many sessions for the day. Your meditations, RTRs, and workings must each be within comfortable limits so you're not straining your nervous system, and also spaced apart to settle your energies after each session. Tiredness is a sign to back off and reduce the load.
Also, more of the number 6:

Coronavirus: Chinese officials didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 days
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
If anyone wants hope go to the comment section of bill gates instagram. ALL OF THEM are comments calling him out for the evil he’s done and is trying to promote. He keeps deleting them but the people know. I don’t see this ID2020 microchip vaccine crap succeeding. I can’t link it on mobile it’s @thisisbillgates

Not to mention all the jootube comments as well. People ain’t falling for his shit.
Bigot Boy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle who drafted the biological weapons anti-terrorism act of 1989 for the American government. Has come out and stated this Covid-19 is a bioengineered weapon and has stated that Canadian and French researchers have stated such and including two Chinese doctors also leaked this out to the public as well.
You may have heard of Frank Vaughan, but he is a Canadian that posts around an hour long videos on COVID19 every day. He has been in direct contact with Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle, and Boyle frequently recommends articles for Frank to go over on his show. Boyle has agreed to be interviewed by Frank shortly, which he mentions in today's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OK_ndFu6nE

I've watched his videos near daily for a couple months now, and Frank is a very intelligent man that isn't afraid to speak out against migrants, etc. He goes over news headlines daily with a very level-headed view, and frequently references Zero Hedge among other alternate news sources. I have been hesitant to share his channel on JoS as I don't want to put him in danger or anything, but I have a good feeling about it today.

Unfortunately he is not 'woke' in terms of the Jews, at least not yet. On nearly every other front however I have agreed with him 95% of the time.

Thanks for the link man, his videos are interesting and very informative.
Young Faith said:
I really struggle to understand these numbers and letters references, I don't get the whole meaning of this and how it works
That is jewish kabbalistic numerology that connects the energy of the masses to the jewish thoughtform. 42 is a number of the jewish thoughtform, 4+2=6, this is why we see so many references in the media to number 6 or numbers that make 6 if counted together. It is a sort of unconscious manipulation of the masses to channel their mind energies to the jewish egregore/thoughtform because thought = energy, combine the energies of billions of people and you have a very powerful thoughtform constantly fueled that the jews are using to materialize their agenda of world domination. Their trouble is that we are destroying their thoughtform with the Final RTR. For more details on how jewish spirituality works, read:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Hoo boy, bring it on! I'm ready for a fight to the end!

The only thing coursing through these veins is the burning passion of a thousand suns itching for more fight. I don't have permission to be afraid!

Victory or death!

Same . :)
Goods news Switzerland has stopped 5G installation due to health concerns. This is a new precedent we are winning thanks to the Final RTR and our rituals. The enemy is doing this in desperation as their control is falling apart all they have done is sped up their defeat. They have ensured the EU will not last in my opinion.
Nikois666 said:
Bigot Boy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle who drafted the biological weapons anti-terrorism act of 1989 for the American government. Has come out and stated this Covid-19 is a bioengineered weapon and has stated that Canadian and French researchers have stated such and including two Chinese doctors also leaked this out to the public as well.
You may have heard of Frank Vaughan, but he is a Canadian that posts around an hour long videos on COVID19 every day. He has been in direct contact with Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle, and Boyle frequently recommends articles for Frank to go over on his show. Boyle has agreed to be interviewed by Frank shortly, which he mentions in today's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OK_ndFu6nE

I've watched his videos near daily for a couple months now, and Frank is a very intelligent man that isn't afraid to speak out against migrants, etc. He goes over news headlines daily with a very level-headed view, and frequently references Zero Hedge among other alternate news sources. I have been hesitant to share his channel on JoS as I don't want to put him in danger or anything, but I have a good feeling about it today.

Unfortunately he is not 'woke' in terms of the Jews, at least not yet. On nearly every other front however I have agreed with him 95% of the time.

Thanks for the link man, his videos are interesting and very informative.
No problem! I agree, they tend to be very thought provoking and are non-partisan.
HP Mageson666 said:
Goods news Switzerland has stopped 5G installation due to health concerns. This is a new precedent we are winning thanks to the Final RTR and our rituals. The enemy is doing this in desperation as their control is falling apart all they have done is sped up their defeat. They have ensured the EU will not last in my opinion.

There are protests in America to end the lockdown.
HP Mageson666 said:
What kind of an ID will this be some have stated a Quantum Tattoo. ID2020:

Looks like the poo people may have even written about it in their xtian bible too, bringing it to manifestation through the unknowing christards and their insane obsession with Revelations right now:

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17
Young Faith said:
HP Mageson666 said:
42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year the year of the Rat, the Chinese leader announced that 42 people had died in China. Rat in gematria is 42 the word 42 written out is 142 the term Coronavirus is 142 the term "Year of the Rat" is also 142 and the first stated case in America was put in the Jewish media in the 42th second state of Washington. The first case of this virus confirmed was 1-21-20 a date which adds to 42.
I really struggle to understand these numbers and letters references, I don't get the whole meaning of this and how it works

Just like we align our magick with certain astrological events so does the enemy. For example casting a curse on a Tuesday or Saturday, there are destructive energies to utilize. When we celebrate Yule.. remember 2012? There is so much energy to be cultivated on astrological events like these. The Chinese Astrology is good for forecasting the zodiac ruler of the year. The Chinese Zodiac in order is Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. So in that order I believe their other astrological correspondences are:

1st Aries,Mars,Libra (Rat)
2nd Taurus,Venus,Leo (Ox)
3rd Gemini,Mercury,Sagittarius (Tiger)
4th Cancer,Moon,Leo (Rabbit)
5th Leo,Sun,Cancer (Dragon)
6th Virgo,Mercury,Ceres,Scorpio (Snake)
7th Libra,Venus,Aries (Horse)
8th Scorpio,Mars,Pluto,Virgo (Goat)
9th Sagittarius,Jupiter,Gemini (Monkey)
10th Capricorn,Saturn,Cancer (Rooster)
11th Aquarius,Saturn,Uranus,Pisces (Dog)
12th Pisces,Jupiter,Neptune (Pig)

(Above correspondences are theoretical and may have errors)

Last year was the year of the Pig, a year of delight and good fortune. We celebrated dismantling the YHVH thoughtform, you do feel the release of the curse of the enemy right? I sure as hell do. This year we will have to work hard to retaliate to the malevolent astrological zodiac influence of the year of the rat being as it is very useful to the enemy in that it is a strong placement for inducing plague.
Hearsync said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What kind of an ID will this be some have stated a Quantum Tattoo. ID2020:

Looks like the poo people may have even written about it in their xtian bible too, bringing it to manifestation through the unknowing christards and their insane obsession with Revelations right now:

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17

The Jews don’t realize they are included in this. Both in the verse and what will happen to them if they got their wish and had the messianic age.
"ID2020 from reports was created several years before the year of 2020 its named after. This is due to Jewish Kabbalah the 2020 in Kabbalah numerology is collapsed to 22 the number of the name of the Jewish God in Kabbalah. The Jewish elites are using their Jewish witchcraft right in the open to manifest this Jew World Order. 22 is the number of their Jewish World Kingdom in Judaism.

This is connecting into the enemies thought form that is generated by their book of Jewish witchcraft the Bible. This is also why the numbers constantly showing up in the Jewish controlled media panicdemic around the Covid-19 is Kabbalistic numerology this pandemic is tied into the energy of the Jews ritual curses on the Gentile world.

As HPS Maxine has wrote the year of the Rat and how this plague was planned to connect into the same dates in history that started with the year of the Rat. They do this to connect into Karmic patterns and attempt to tap that energy into their workings to manifest more power this also relates to the mass mind. The enemy uses these events along with their curses to connect the energies together and manifest their curses to create a situation to bring this about along with physical planning. The two work together. The enemy is attempting to create a major pandemic. The black death brought by rats came from China.

The enemy uses letters as numbers which connect into the energies of their thought form and the frequency of each. What this means is the numbers also show the curses of the enemy manifesting as well where the energies are manifesting it leaves behind the occult crawl print. Which is why the enemy attempts to keep this knowledge from the population.

42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah."

I have been very interested in gematria lately. I feel the gods are trying to communicate to me, because ever sense I started researching I have heard it mentioned multiple times by random people, and appearing many times. I am trying to learn more about how all these numbers mentioned tie in. How do you calculate 42 to be rat, where can I learn what 22 represents? I understand it is their way of harnessing power and programming the masses. Wondering where the correlations occure, I have googled and surfed looking, can't seem to find.
https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/g31cn7/microsoft_has_patented_a_cryptocurrency_device/ .. https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 .. Some are saying this is the Mark of The Beast.... Seems to be Jew beast in origin, so again, the christians are attacking the wrong source.
The real question is "will this chip turn people into zombies? Alter our DNA in a negative way ?. Population control ?).
If the Jews intend to do this to Gentiles EN MASS, then might be best to find out beforehand and refuse the chip EN MASS.
Rabbi Schmuckersten ( David Lau ) would love to see us Gentiles as Mindless Golems ( zombies )
https://youtu.be/-gXlRzCClG8 .. This video seems Jew free, no religious jargon.
Type in "Patent 060606 Digital Currency Chip" on youtube search engine,, and Google search engine.
Warning : There is a LOT of "Satanic Panic" from the christian world. Hard to find a Jew free video or article on it.
Personal Growth said:
There's some secret "Operation Gotham" happening in New York City. A cyclists camera caught this badge and some military personnel were very secretive about having these badges seen on them:


Also I'm really annoyed at how the 5G cable installers are really out in force at the moment. They wear orange hi-viz jackets that say key worker on it.

I thought I saw a person with this kind of jacket not too long ago tbh..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
