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The Gods Are In Control

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
99% or more of people on the earth are currently the offspring of the Gods.

Details aside, the life giving project on the earth, and our evolution, has been crowned with success. We exist, many vibrant civilizations are around, and life goes on, with it's ups and downs.

While there are some disharmonious events taking place [normal for life] everything is going and always went according to plan.

Our Gods have colonies in Aldebaran, Orion, Sirius and many other places. They exercise control and visit us astrally, and do many other things for our future on a constant basis, and they are clearly helping us and we are clearly developing.

Satan and Beelzebub have been tasked with this and so many other people you see today on the earth are genetic creations of other Gods, such as Dagon, or Gods worked together in many of them. Then, these super advanced entities were given people to look after.

So far, it all goes fine. We humans keep doing mistakes that we could avoid, but we are overall, learning.

The only primary issue is that human beings are ignoring spiritual knowledge, but this isn't everywhere on earth. The more we also prove ourselves as great entities to the Gods, the more the blessings for us. Everyone here knows firsthand what I mean from this.

Beelzebub has shown me repeatedly, we currently at best comprehend 1% of this. They have a whole overview that most people can't even remotely imagine or comprehend.

The enemy exists of course, but as the Gods have reiterated to me many times, all of this is not besides the ordinary or the expected, and they are in full control. Humans or even the enemy acting in stupid ways, is also not outside of the plan, in the same way one knows that a baby will have a series of diseases on it's way to adulthood.

We have to do our end in maintaining ourselves to not fall outside of this and do damage to ourselves, in the same way a baby must keep itself in a crib or stay in the car when it's mother tells it to.

But everyone must understand that the whole situation is always under their supervision and control. That is not to make us pointlessly become lazy, as this will be our undoing by our own hand, but so long we do what we ought do and approach the future based on the ethical, spiritual and knowledge norms the Gods have given us, we will be fine as a species.

All the things they told us are for our evolution and a sharing of intense experience to help us in our journey. We can know this by just observing the universe, which they also allow us to do on our own pace.

Eventually, in one way or another, we will come to our 'senses' collectively.

We have to do our part. As everyone can understand, we are both "self responsible" and also "collectively" responsible in the same time.

The process of all of this on the highest levels has always been under control.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for sharing this, this fills me with great pride for our future, motivation, and a sense of peace.
Beelzebub has shown me repeatedly, we currently at best comprehend 1% of this. They have a whole overview that most people can't even remotely imagine or comprehend.
Correct me if I'm wrong but are GD beside us to not only help advancing but on the long run help up comprehend that 1% and beyond? I always thought that there's more behind the role GD than we can acknowledge at first.

And thanks for sharing this, even if we subconsciously know god's and goddesses are in control, reading it put my mind at ease.
May the gods be with you. And may you be with the gods. Satan is perfect and has shown me many times the illogical of that regrading mainstream religion. I love him. And seeing my demon and blue energy around me makes me feel absolutely sublime. I hope anyone on this path understands that it is not easy to grasp some real truths. About society about religion and about life.. but it’s a blessing.. thank you high preset for doing your work.

I am very thankful. Hail Satan!
The fact that the Gods are taking care of A LOT of civilizations in the Universe is something many people don't understand or that they underestimate.

This is why they panic so much when something bad happens in this planet, thinking that the Gods left us or any other nonsense. This war is much bigger than us alone, and what we consider A LOT of time is really nothing to the Gods and to the Universe.

Satan is Eternal and Victorious! His Will is a Law in the Universe. I pity His enemies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We have to do our part. As everyone can understand, we are both "self responsible" and also "collectively" responsible in the same time.

The process of all of this on the highest levels has always been under control.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this!

As long as the Gods are in control, which will be forever, we will be fine. There is no room for worry there is also no reason for fear. When our hearts are filled with the Love the Gods bring and the Courage they give us there isn't room for anything else other than advancement, hope, strength, fearlessness. There is no room for doubts or anything else.

The enemy will try to harm us, to slander, to make us doubt in ourselves and our abilities, to bring disunity and fear, people who are without and people who don't get it because they haven't felt this love before will mock and vilify us, they will argue with us because they don't want to accept the truth that the Gods bring, this may seem to be "the burden of being a Spiritual Satanist". because the closer we get to Father the more we will be attacked, but also the more we will be protected, the stronger we will be. We are bringers and givers of the light of Father Satan's truth, an extension of Father and the Gods on this earth. Rather than a "burden" look upon it as a badge of honor, because the closer we get to Father and the Gods the closer we understand his love, we understand how and why he loves us as he does.

I asked him how does he love us so much even when so many have slandered his Good name. I received an answer to this, not in words but by circumstance and I know now that it is Love. Not the xian corrupt concept of love, but Real Love. As long as there are still people amongst us that know him there is hope for the rest. If there was no hope we wouldn't even be here. If Father didn't love us, we wouldn't be here. If the Gods weren't in control we wouldn't be here!

We Will stand up to fight

We Will succeed

We Will not fail

We Will not be silenced

The Gods ARE in control
And they always will be! HAIL SATAN!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Humans or even the enemy acting in stupid ways, is also not outside of the plan

The greys and other entities that have attacked me in my sleep and trance[was training, used to get into trance accidentally] have done nothing but strengthened my faith in Satan and his Daemons. All these years walking this path, I've come to a conclusion that these entities are somewhat or maybe very much confined to their lower realms/or state of mind. While I agree they can be highly psychic but many aspects of an "intelligent being" are simply missing in them, to me they seem to be an upgraded version of 'andropoda' who were given some psychic abilities for the sole purpose of being malicious on the astral. Their state of mind is clearly visible through their actions, for example they seem pretty blinded by their lowered level to see the future or lets say the consequences of their actions, for me their stupid actions have only helped me prove to myself that this path of Satan is absolutely true. They will see your bright aura, they will see you meditated, they will not stand to think but rather get triggered and just curse you and attack you in your sleeps, not much forethought will take place, just an attack :lol:

Albeit, the new SS may get tricked by their methods like I did, but as one advances, they will begin to notice the stupidity of these hostile entities and how low these beings are.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Humans or even the enemy acting in stupid ways, is also not outside of the plan

The greys and other entities that have attacked me in my sleep and trance[when I was new, used to get into trance accidentally] have done nothing but strengthened my faith in Satan and his Daemons. All these years walking this path, I've come to a conclusion that these entities are somewhat or maybe very much confined to their lower realms/or state of mind. While I agree they can be highly psychic but many aspects of an "intelligent being" are simply missing in them, to me they seem to be an upgraded version of 'andropoda' who were given some psychic abilities for the sole purpose of being malicious on the astral. Their state of mind is clearly visible through their actions, for example they seem pretty blinded by their lowered level to see the future or lets say the consequences of their actions, for me their stupid actions have only helped me prove to myself that this path of Satan is absolutely true. They will see your bright aura, they will see you meditated, they will not stand to think but rather get triggered and just curse you and attack you in your sleeps, not much forethought will take place, just an attack :lol:

Albeit, the new SS may get tricked by their methods like I did, but as one advances, they will begin to notice the stupidity of these hostile entities and how low these beings are.
I begin to feel how much they help us, even at my current level.
For exemple, since a few days, I feel a small pain around my heart chakra which prevent me to vibrating too much. I think it’s due to a difference in energy with my lower chakras. In short, the gods let me know how much vibrations I can do for each ritual / cleaning, how much yoga I can do… before I can fully use my chakra again.

I'm literally taken by the hand, I feel a little too dependent but this proximity is amazing.
I was adopted when I was old enough to stay home alone about 12 years old I think and I don't know my bio family..... anyway for the most part of my teenage years it was just me and my adopt mom..... My brothers moved on etc my adopt dad worked I mean a lot 40 plus hours plus work trips across the country.

It always felt like he wasn't their or really didn't care but somehow he found out all the stuff I did in school etc...

It is like that with father Satan / the gods just because their is working their ass off or sends somebody else doesn't mean they doesn't care. It just means they got a lot going on. That is why they gave us earth parents

AstralFrog said:
Beelzebub has shown me repeatedly, we currently at best comprehend 1% of this. They have a whole overview that most people can't even remotely imagine or comprehend.
Correct me if I'm wrong but are GD beside us to not only help advancing but on the long run help up comprehend that 1% and beyond? I always thought that there's more behind the role GD than we can acknowledge at first.

And thanks for sharing this, even if we subconsciously know god's and goddesses are in control, reading it put my mind at ease.

As far as my personal experience with my GD and what's his explained to me.

1) Advancement is the key too more understanding. You can't put someone on the frontlines who still struggles with basic training the same way they won't be cleared for higher level information. Simple they won't be able to understands and there's nothing in your ability you could do to solve it.

2) Your GD is highly powerful being, with thier own rank and duty. Specialty and key work area's... so when they are with you what gets accomplished? There's alot more they can help you with but yet they are limited in what they can involve you in.

The scope of thier entire role is revealed to those who need to understand to be able to move even further forward.
Even when things are rough, I have always felt the Gods are in control. It has helped me stay calm, I believe, on many occasions.

Thank you for this sermon, HP. It's also really interesting to hear about the colonies of Gods among the stars.

Hail Satan and all the Gods.
Brandonn said:
As far as my personal experience with my GD and what's his explained to me.

1) Advancement is the key too more understanding. You can't put someone on the frontlines who still struggles with basic training the same way they won't be cleared for higher level information. Simple they won't be able to understands and there's nothing in your ability you could do to solve it.

2) Your GD is highly powerful being, with thier own rank and duty. Specialty and key work area's... so when they are with you what gets accomplished? There's alot more they can help you with but yet they are limited in what they can involve you in.

The scope of thier entire role is revealed to those who need to understand to be able to move even further forward.

That's what I thought, when long time ago my GD changed I thought was for some mistake I committed, or for several things I finished to learn from her. But know I know for sure. Understand helps you moving in the right direction. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank You

Hail Satan
Hail Andras
Hail Belzebub
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Moloch
AstralFrog said:
Brandonn said:
As far as my personal experience with my GD and what's his explained to me.

1) Advancement is the key too more understanding. You can't put someone on the frontlines who still struggles with basic training the same way they won't be cleared for higher level information. Simple they won't be able to understands and there's nothing in your ability you could do to solve it.

2) Your GD is highly powerful being, with thier own rank and duty. Specialty and key work area's... so when they are with you what gets accomplished? There's alot more they can help you with but yet they are limited in what they can involve you in.

The scope of thier entire role is revealed to those who need to understand to be able to move even further forward.

That's what I thought, when long time ago my GD changed I thought was for some mistake I committed, or for several things I finished to learn from her. But know I know for sure. Understand helps you moving in the right direction. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

I believe it happens quite a but. My GD slowed down on how many times thier visited me i thought i had done something wrong to find out my GD just changed the approach on how they help as well as doing thier other duties.

If you travel with your GD and go to Father Satan's castle you'll find that the beings there are quite busy.. so it's easy to only come with conclusions based on what we see. But all is done accordingly.

No problem
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our Gods have colonies in Aldebaran, Orion, Sirius and many other places.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is a very interesting and undisclosed topic. I would really like to have more information on this topic. People can only learn the truth about this topic from JoS.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The only primary issue is that human beings are ignoring spiritual knowledge, but this isn't everywhere on earth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The problem also lies in the fact that many people search for the truth all their lives and even when they find it, they do not always know that they have found the truth and lose it. The enemy is working very powerfully to confuse people. I hope that in the future most people will accept the truth, and no jews will be able to prevent it.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Beelzebub has shown me repeatedly, we currently at best comprehend 1% of this. They have a whole overview that most people can't even remotely imagine or comprehend.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In fact, I would like to understand 100% of this, see and realize the full review. It would be cool if the full review was put on paper, I wouldn't get out of such a library :) But if I understand correctly, we are talking about spiritual information that can be perceived only if you are at certain, very high vibrations, therefore it is necessary to achieve these vibrations.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy exists of course, but as the Gods have reiterated to me many times, all of this is not besides the ordinary or the expected, and they are in full control. Humans or even the enemy acting in stupid ways, is also not outside of the plan, in the same way one knows that a baby will have a series of diseases on it's way to adulthood.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am very glad that the enemy will eventually be completely defeated and destroyed. I really want to see how the souls of the enemy realize their defeat after physical death. I would really like to look at the faces of the souls of dead Jews before they realize that their souls will be completely destroyed.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But everyone must understand that the whole situation is always under their supervision and control. That is not to make us pointlessly become lazy, as this will be our undoing by our own hand, but so long we do what we ought do and approach the future based on the ethical, spiritual and knowledge norms the Gods have given us, we will be fine as a species.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

These words motivate me very much.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We have to do our part. As everyone can understand, we are both "self responsible" and also "collectively" responsible in the same time.

The process of all of this on the highest levels has always been under control.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is very, very good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Beelzebub has shown me repeatedly, we currently at best comprehend 1% of this. They have a whole overview that most people can't even remotely imagine or comprehend.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I could say it's true, but what can you see with higher levels of advancement?
Lylithium87 said:
If the Gods are in control, then why are you saying that Beelzebub is only knowing 1% of the things? Lol you are the one addressing slander now

HPHC is speaking about humanity we only know 1%, you understand English?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
