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The Enemy And Common Sense

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Frequently in the Joy of Satan website, it is emphasized to see the obvious and to think for one's self. This includes having common sense.

Frequently as one advances and meditates, one will look at stupidity around them, and question themselves how some things are even possible of happening?

While some of this can be the result of natural difference and/or error, much of this is actually manufactured by the enemy.

It is very rare in nature to have beings that want to kill and extinct themselves and/or their species collectively, but in modern society, many people are specifically tailored to be this way.

You cannot tell a cat or even force it to attempt breeding with a being that will make it disappear as a species, nor a bird, nor a dog. Meanwhile, if humans are sufficiently brainwashed, they can do some terribly self destructive things. Or even self extinct themselves.

The enemy knows very well of all of this, and this is why the Bible and Islam are a program meant to act as a self fulfilling prophecy. These programs end up with the destruction of mankind, jews ruling the earth and killing off the Gentiles, and the earth becoming toast, billions dying, and many other atrocities are coded in these books. These are of course, based on hebrew and the jewish perception about what "is deserved" to happen to this Earth.

If Christians and Muslims had common sense, they would see this. But these people put hardly have any common sense.

Common sense is basically under siege, because it is a manifestation of a mind making simple observations without the desire to bend things to a particular way.

One example where common sense applied for centuries, was basically, race. We understood for example, that breeding two healthy horses, is likely to breed a healthy horse. Another situation is where people understood that for example, ownership or wealth, do constitute a better thing than let's say poverty.

You put two partners that know about wealth together, chances are, their children will too. Normally, we used to gravitate to what is most beautiful, most powerful and so forth, and even if one didn't care about this, one would understand what is better and what is worse.

Since however the above consciousness is threatening to aliens like the enemy, who for all intents and purposes want to entirely castrate and limit humanity, we have since been having many mental constructs created to dissuade people from healthy common sense.

This should be clear in why they are doing this, and reason why they have an accurate technique to make this happen, is because they understand the constitution of the human soul, and it's polarity. They make therefore certain that the negative polarity of all energies does manifest in humans and society.

On the other hand, a war is being waged to this simplicity of thought and understanding, and people who apply common sense in some regards are frequently called "retarded", and "stupid".

In particular, one can observe this on how the Jewish Media frequently labels Trump Supporters, which they try to promote the idea that everyone is "trailer trash", "lower class", and other terms the jews have coined to basically assault the overwhelmingly White base that happens to now have gathered behind "Trump".

This is not about "Trump" or to promote him, but to show you how the enemy views the common man and how much he hates them. Except of jewish snobbish of a reptilian character, they view the common man as a pest. In regards to how they view all of us, "Goyim = Animals".

Jews specify in their texts all the time that their greatest and most insurmountable problem were smart Gentiles and people of sound instincts, and of course, the spiritual ones above all.

These three powers basically revolve around the three main functions of the mind, the good and potent base chakra function [physical body], the good and sound function of the mental body, and the good and proper function of the soul of a person. Each of these levels is a goal to itself for people to make better.

In that regard, the enemy is an enemy of health, betterment and advancement for mankind. This is normal for a parasite, because it wants to weaken it's host.

According to the jews, the highest moral value people should have, is to just allow them to parasitize them, and self ruin their own senses everytime they understand something is going on that is leading us to a negative path, because of jews.

And also, how deathly afraid the enemy is of this "Common sense" that they are trying to replace and remove with endless mental concoctions.

To name an example here, see how many people are really talked into literally reaching zero birthrates and they are being told this will "Help the Earth". This is said in Europe and in the United States, which just happen to be the countries first and foremost in technologies such as recycling, management of waste and so forth.

Meanwhile, 3rd world countries which have uncontrollable birthrates, and have not quite advanced, are told only of one thing: "PROCREATE" in full capitals. Then, somehow, the jews blame shift [and make the matter a problem in Europe] that the "Human Species" is responsible for ruining the earth.

These complaints are centered on Europe and the US which are the primary players and those primarily interested in waste management if at all. As for the rest, who cares anyway? It's not like they are going to listen or whatever.

The other thing everyone forgot to say is that the inhabitants of earth that are in Europe and in the US are like 1 out of 10 worldwide, so no matter what these "guilty oy vey" countries do, there is no way we can reasonably save the planet with just...1 out of 10 people giving a damn about the planet.

Satan was always associated, same with Satanism, with the natural. Jews go into back breaking routines to instruct humans to hate earth, hate themselves, and hate everything natural, live while banishing all inclinations, from food, to advancement, to health, to everything beneficial.

The Pagan Gods were always associated and symbolized with powerful divine symbols of life, greenery, animals, the highest level of human and all life in all the universe.

Analyzing an example with common sense, such as for example, incessant and boundless migration, leads us to this understanding: drastically different people, with, many times, opposed natural and other instincts and interests, are going to increasingly exist on a land where there will be limited resources, which they will have to fight over for their survival, in what we call life. It does not take academic genius to understand that the outcomes will be one of the three:

1. An increasingly divided country [if there are resources] and willing segregation
2. Mild to severe cultural war.
3. Division of interests that is severe upon people, and so forth.

And the enemy knows this is exactly where it leads in the end. The United States has been hovering on the level 1 of the scale, simply because it's the richest country on Earth, and because the Founding Fathers were exceptionally smart and did put a powerful Constitution, to protect the country from the erosion they saw would probably come in the future.

After all, they escaped the church and the jew, and they understood exactly how this would go. But even with the failsafe in place, a Nation or a people can only take that much.

Even now, the US election situation, is again reflecting this whole race warfare thing. Just watch the debate of the two Presidential Candidates. One Jew moderating the debate was enough to establish so much control, that whatever the two candidates said didn't even matter.

Looking at this matter with common sense, one sees the two "To be" potential leaders of the US, but one would also notice a third leader: a representative of the jewish race literally on the panel, sitting there, judging and controlling whatever they will say or will be liable to answer.

And this is the third leader of the United States which runs the show, running the show like they have been "modulating" this debate.

The Jewess Angela Merkel was called recently to answer on a global conference in regards to the "Rights Of Women". The evasive jew as always, answered "We have a long way to go about the rights of Women".

At the same time, this jewish granny, has made sure that in Europe, there is a never ending injection of people who have beliefs, and a mental and spiritual constitution, of hating civilization, hating women, and they are brought in without women and/or families, in a predatory way. Their "Belief System" puts women in equality to pigs, and any and all so called "attainments of women's rights" are only shit paper for the so called "Islam".

Meanwhile, Jews are still pretending that Angela Merkel is somehow defending the so called "Women's Rights", or that she constitutes a symbol for empowered women. Yes, she is an empowered Jewish Woman, who has opened the borders of Europe to infinite millions of apes, in full knowledge that Islam may retract women's rights back to the stone age if the situation proceeds as it has been planned: they dominate Europeans with birthrates.

The enemy also has a language that they blame and attack the common people. They hate common people because common people actually get it.

If one is a villager somewhere in the 16th century and they suddenly saw boats and boats of other races coming in their country, and speaking with the king to be given financial grants, and taking over neighborhoods and everything else, it would dawn to them that one is being replaced.

Criminalizing the sane instincts, is a specialty of the enemy. One of these instincts is for example, noble loyalty or racial care. On the other hand, the enemy sharpens all the misappropriated instincts, such as the instinct of going ape mode and destroying civilization. It is true to say, that the enemy brings out the worst in humanity.

Nowadays, to conduct exactly the same thing, given there is the appropriate brainwashing at hand, makes these that would make people instantly revolt, actually possible to pull through with political and media mind washing.

Without these, none of these lies would stand, as they have no functional or natural basis, and instinctively, people would perceive the threats that are being created by the enemy against them. Now that they are starting to perceive them, they are scared.

Learning to view things with common sense is not difficult. Just observe how much the enemy is scared with the Coronavirus event.

Basically, everyone who has a little common sense to ask a question instead of getting corn fed by the media, is called a "Conspiracy Theorist", for asking the most simple questions about the motivations of this extreme reactions in regards to an illness that has no supportive death data to even come close to justify all that has occurred globally "because" of it.

Since the enemy cannot answer to these concerns and because they are dependent on lying, they went the other way, which was to wage war on the masses financially, emotionally, spiritually and in every other means, to keep people enslaved and compliant. Nothing scares these tyrants more than people figuring the jewish agenda out.

These creations of the enemy, are highly dependent on hostile energetic thoughtforms that they create with the jewish alphabet. Yes exactly these energetic forms that the F-RTR is basically wiping out.

Without this, and without prayer energy, their jewish matrix [Jewtrix] of ideas will be unsupported, energetically unsustainable, and incapable to move forward, and will not be able to withstand the instincts of self preservation and the Pagan souls of Gentiles. And all in all, they will collapse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I think each and every ss should make time to obsever their enemy.

How they do thing ? What was their intention ? What will it achieve in long term or in short term ?
How did they do it ? Why did they do it in this time ?

Every one of us should ask this question and observe our surroundings.
That way we will know about them.
Knowing your enemy is 80% defeating them. The rest 20% comes from your action with the 80 % as foundation.

By such, we can predict and even counter their moves leading them to be eventually wiped out from the face of existence.

I hope that I am not being arrogant or cocky by saying all these things.
Username said:
I think each and every ss should make time to obsever their enemy.

How they do thing ? What was their intention ? What will it achieve in long term or in short term ?
How did they do it ? Why did they do it in this time ?

Every one of us should ask this question and observe our surroundings.
That way we will know about them.
Knowing your enemy is 80% defeating them. The rest 20% comes from your action with the 80 % as foundation.

By such, we can predict and even counter their moves leading them to be eventually wiped out from the face of existence.

I hope that I am not being arrogant or cocky by saying all these things.

Very true. That is exactly what we are doing. Bringing things into attention, sharing information, and teaching about the methods they deploy. Then, they become useless to those of us who know them.

Nothing cocky here, only good advice.
One more interesting thing to watch, is what the Jews are doing in regards to trying to hack into people and doing all sorts of e-warfare to people.

In recent months, I have finally realized the importance of online activism. I finally understood why you and Maxine have said the importance of education. Posting the truth about Jews and their programs with facts, people cannot deny what you say; in many cases, people will gain the courage to speak up against the Jews. Posting against the enemy inspires other people to speak out, while bringing people to our cause. This causes a ripple effect where everyone wakes up. If you aren't against the Jews, now YOU are the conspiracy theorist.

The Jewish Bolshevik revolution 100 years ago caused the world to wake up to the Jewish menace. Even though the Jews were unfamiliar to most, everyone became aware of them. With a little push, we can make the world against the Jews again.

The Jew wants you to think they are invincible and all seeing, so you don't speak out against them: they will fall apart with the people against them.

It's easy to construct comments for virtually any YouTube video. If a video is about homelessness in the United States; point out how rising homelessness is caused by our jobs being outsourced to China, pandemic shutdown, or whatever; then comment how Congress refuses to help these people, but can give billions of dollars to Israel at a moments notice; and then post how much of an injustice this is and drop a link to kabbalahexposed, deathofcommunism, or your website of choice.

Once you create one Youtube comment, you can just spam that comment on any relevant videos or comments. You can post a dozen or so comments in a few minutes, once you have a group of comments constructed. As a warning, it can be frustrating to figure out how to get past comment censorship, but it can be done and is rewarding once done so. In my experience, you can never be shadow banned off YouTube: you can only be shadow banned from a specific comment or video. You can test your comment on a random video to see if it is approved, once approved, you can then post it on the desired comment topic.

The Gods want us to do online activism because it works.

With our effort, we WILL turn the table on the Jews and their ilk.
Meteorite said:
Once you create one Youtube comment, you can just spam that comment on any relevant videos or comments. You can post a dozen or so comments in a few minutes, once you have a group of comments constructed. As a warning, it can be frustrating to figure out how to get past comment censorship, but it can be done and is rewarding once done so. In my experience, you can never be shadow banned off YouTube: you can only be shadow banned from a specific comment or video. You can test your comment on a random video to see if it is approved, once approved, you can then post it on the desired comment topic.

Hey, care to send tips to [email protected] ?

I am still figuring it out, and could use help. Thanks!
The enemy has made masses of people mentally ill and use them as pawns to destroy the West and attack innocent people as seen for the last 120 days with the riots in the USA. Their chants as they walk the streets at night is straight out of a horror film. They're robots/zombie like.

I knew it was bad but never knew it was this bad. I'm happy for this recent schedule. I've been seeing it's affects a lot as well. Everything you mentioned I have seen lately. Very spot on.

Hail Satan
hailourtruegod said:
The enemy has made masses of people mentally ill and use them as pawns to destroy the West and attack innocent people as seen for the last 120 days with the riots in the USA. Their chants as they walk the streets at night is straight out of a horror film. They're robots/zombie like.

I knew it was bad but never knew it was this bad. I'm happy for this recent schedule. I've been seeing it's affects a lot as well. Everything you mentioned I have seen lately. Very spot on.

Hail Satan

These riots are just insane, and the thing is, the jews let loose the rioting mob on the George Floyd case. And as everyone knows they were supported by people on the inside of the Gov. People losing their livelihood and everything as if out of a horror movie. Jews did this to sublimate the hate and sadness because of the pandemic thing.

In regards to brainwashing, Blacks were literally razing Black neighborhoods telling themselves they are somehow helping Black people out of oppression by turning anyone who has built anything into flat broke poor again. They literally razed many of the neighborhoods that did better based on George Floyd, and now it's more of the same drill. The brainwashing is real.

We truly needed this schedule it has to happen, so that the enemy's magick does fail to stick these events to their benefit, and to cause them failure.

The good manifestations are going to come forward and have been coming. Until now, eventhough they are doing major harassment, these always end up backfiring at them.

The good news is that it looks like the enemy has no longer the traction they need, this is why they over-advertise these looting mobs etc 24/7 in the media. People disagree with them left and right, everywhere. And rightfully so, because this is mindless destruction that leads nowhere, except of course, the satisfaction of jews.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
The enemy has made masses of people mentally ill and use them as pawns to destroy the West and attack innocent people as seen for the last 120 days with the riots in the USA. Their chants as they walk the streets at night is straight out of a horror film. They're robots/zombie like.

I knew it was bad but never knew it was this bad. I'm happy for this recent schedule. I've been seeing it's affects a lot as well. Everything you mentioned I have seen lately. Very spot on.

Hail Satan

These riots are just insane, and the thing is, the jews let loose the rioting mob on the George Floyd case. And as everyone knows they were supported by people on the inside of the Gov. People losing their livelihood and everything as if out of a horror movie. Jews did this to sublimate the hate and sadness because of the pandemic thing.

In regards to brainwashing, Blacks were literally razing Black neighborhoods telling themselves they are somehow helping Black people out of oppression by turning anyone who has built anything into flat broke poor again. They literally razed many of the neighborhoods that did better based on George Floyd, and now it's more of the same drill. The brainwashing is real.

We truly needed this schedule it has to happen, so that the enemy's magick does fail to stick these events to their benefit, and to cause them failure.

The good manifestations are going to come forward and have been coming. Until now, eventhough they are doing major harassment, these always end up backfiring at them.

The good news is that it looks like the enemy has no longer the traction they need, this is why they over-advertise these looting mobs etc 24/7 in the media. People disagree with them left and right, everywhere. And rightfully so, because this is mindless destruction that leads nowhere, except of course, the satisfaction of jews.

One of the big reasons why those monkeys worms dont stop with their riots is many because people let them roam free, i seen people who wanted to fight against them but no one would come to their aid and just standing there taking abuse, how fking disgusting these people are, most of the rioters are teens who just want to be cool and idiots blacks who dont know what they are doing, still it's good thing that there are groups like Proud Boys who had begun to fight those degenerates but the fact that the people who acted cowardly and did nothing would not be schooled make me puke to no end.
I am really curious what will happen to these cowards after Satan will win the society, they will just let them be like nothing happen even if they contributed to the chaos?!
Btw sorry for the rant, i get very angry every time i hear about them i am quite sad that i do not live in US because maybe i could buy a whip (and learn to use it) and leave some of them with an autograph on their faces (yeah sorry for the r/iamverybaddas moment).
Weassel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
The enemy has made masses of people mentally ill and use them as pawns to destroy the West and attack innocent people as seen for the last 120 days with the riots in the USA. Their chants as they walk the streets at night is straight out of a horror film. They're robots/zombie like.

I knew it was bad but never knew it was this bad. I'm happy for this recent schedule. I've been seeing it's affects a lot as well. Everything you mentioned I have seen lately. Very spot on.

Hail Satan

These riots are just insane, and the thing is, the jews let loose the rioting mob on the George Floyd case. And as everyone knows they were supported by people on the inside of the Gov. People losing their livelihood and everything as if out of a horror movie. Jews did this to sublimate the hate and sadness because of the pandemic thing.

In regards to brainwashing, Blacks were literally razing Black neighborhoods telling themselves they are somehow helping Black people out of oppression by turning anyone who has built anything into flat broke poor again. They literally razed many of the neighborhoods that did better based on George Floyd, and now it's more of the same drill. The brainwashing is real.

We truly needed this schedule it has to happen, so that the enemy's magick does fail to stick these events to their benefit, and to cause them failure.

The good manifestations are going to come forward and have been coming. Until now, eventhough they are doing major harassment, these always end up backfiring at them.

The good news is that it looks like the enemy has no longer the traction they need, this is why they over-advertise these looting mobs etc 24/7 in the media. People disagree with them left and right, everywhere. And rightfully so, because this is mindless destruction that leads nowhere, except of course, the satisfaction of jews.

One of the big reasons why those monkeys worms dont stop with their riots is many because people let them roam free, i seen people who wanted to fight against them but no one would come to their aid and just standing there taking abuse, how fking disgusting these people are, most of the rioters are teens who just want to be cool and idiots blacks who dont know what they are doing, still it's good thing that there are groups like Proud Boys who had begun to fight those degenerates but the fact that the people who acted cowardly and did nothing would not be schooled make me puke to no end.
I am really curious what will happen to these cowards after Satan will win the society, they will just let them be like nothing happen even if they contributed to the chaos?!
Btw sorry for the rant, i get very angry every time i hear about them i am quite sad that i do not live in US because maybe i could buy a whip (and learn to use it) and leave some of them with an autograph on their faces (yeah sorry for the r/iamverybaddas moment).

The jews brainwash the violent ones and the victims to where the latter admit publicly that don't fight back because of xianity. Making comments like "god/jewsus will get them back" or "jewsus took more abuse and was hUmBlE about it so we should too". Another reason why the F-RTR is so important and sharing online the exposingchristianity site. At the end the brainwashed violent ones and victims get destroyed at the end and the enemy coming on top if nothing is done. Like HP HC we just gotta put up with the harassment and keep on fighting. We are coming on top.
Just yesterday had a vision in a dream, where xian and muslims conjoined in churches in order to raise energies. What I saw there was shocking. The devotion some have and the psychosis of some of them. The churches had also audio recordings of some books playing in them.

I woke up like what just happened, why
Henu the Great said:
Meteorite said:
Once you create one Youtube comment, you can just spam that comment on any relevant videos or comments. You can post a dozen or so comments in a few minutes, once you have a group of comments constructed. As a warning, it can be frustrating to figure out how to get past comment censorship, but it can be done and is rewarding once done so. In my experience, you can never be shadow banned off YouTube: you can only be shadow banned from a specific comment or video. You can test your comment on a random video to see if it is approved, once approved, you can then post it on the desired comment topic.

Hey, care to send tips to [email protected] ?

I am still figuring it out, and could use help. Thanks!

I will make a post where we can talk on the JoS Activism sub at the bottom of the forum page. It is very simple, and other people can benefit from my method. We can organize or you can ask questions there. The post will be called "Beguiling YouTube".

P.S. I did not send you an email. If someone is claiming to be "Meteorite", they are not me. I don't trust email because that is where ((((infiltrators)))) like to hide and play. Not saying you are one, but, in this instance, we can discuss down under.
Meteorite said:
I will make a post where we can talk on the JoS Activism sub at the bottom of the forum page. It is very simple, and other people can benefit from my method. We can organize or you can ask questions there. The post will be called "Beguiling YouTube".

P.S. I did not send you an email. If someone is claiming to be "Meteorite", they are not me. I don't trust email because that is where ((((infiltrators)))) like to hide and play. Not saying you are one, but, in this instance, we can discuss down under.

Ok, thanks. I will keep an eye out.

I was asking you to send mail because I was afraid that publishing what you know in public may hinder the effectiveness of the said methods. You know, kikes monitor this forum.

Ps. I did figure you did not send me email already. It just took a moment for you to reply here. :) No worries.
HP, I must confess I had this "episode" late night on the19th early morning 20th where I was compelled to ask allowed to myself is "Satan even real"(wasn't dedicated, was planning to after this schedule), having this weird feeling of despondency and confusion, and immediately after I had this ego break down where I felt utmost despair and that everything was dead, a lie, a disingenuous trick. It put me in this catatonic state for a about a week, I didn't feel compelled to do any of the rituals, and I thought I learned that my soul is nothing without me, and then I was "compelled" and directed by ads on youtube and the like to pursue the get big and rich path but quickly realized it's a cult program to reshape my personality and keep me on their chain and to distract me. Have you heard of this sort of thing before, is it quite obvious what their plan was? I've identified movies "programs" which I've seen before, long before, which I believe they've "activated" to trigger this. I must also add I was doing a modified version of the post rtr cleansing ritual where I imagined rings around my chakras exploding. From one ring up to five. Then I imagined a sphere made of five layers that was around me exploding and then another bigger one, and then another all the way up to the fifth and final one which I'd try to imagine even past my minds eye. Was this a deadly error without being dedicated. Any suggestion to heal my soul? Thanks.
It's funny this comes up because it reminds me of Egon's post from last year.


Egon: "They're basically saying, resist Satan or he will teach you how to have common sense and not be retarded.

dragon bleu 666 wrote:
From a xian french website : "

Apparently this French xtian website talks a lot about alien activity and funny enough even if Satan comes still believe in krast. Because somehow an advanced alien civilization isn't xtian enough. :lol:
Meteorite said:
In recent months, I have finally realized the importance of online activism. I finally understood why you and Maxine have said the importance of education. Posting the truth about Jews and their programs with facts, people cannot deny what you say; in many cases, people will gain the courage to speak up against the Jews. Posting against the enemy inspires other people to speak out, while bringing people to our cause. This causes a ripple effect where everyone wakes up. If you aren't against the Jews, now YOU are the conspiracy theorist.

The Jewish Bolshevik revolution 100 years ago caused the world to wake up to the Jewish menace. Even though the Jews were unfamiliar to most, everyone became aware of them. With a little push, we can make the world against the Jews again.

The Jew wants you to think they are invincible and all seeing, so you don't speak out against them: they will fall apart with the people against them.

It's easy to construct comments for virtually any YouTube video. If a video is about homelessness in the United States; point out how rising homelessness is caused by our jobs being outsourced to China, pandemic shutdown, or whatever; then comment how Congress refuses to help these people, but can give billions of dollars to Israel at a moments notice; and then post how much of an injustice this is and drop a link to kabbalahexposed, deathofcommunism, or your website of choice.

Once you create one Youtube comment, you can just spam that comment on any relevant videos or comments. You can post a dozen or so comments in a few minutes, once you have a group of comments constructed. As a warning, it can be frustrating to figure out how to get past comment censorship, but it can be done and is rewarding once done so. In my experience, you can never be shadow banned off YouTube: you can only be shadow banned from a specific comment or video. You can test your comment on a random video to see if it is approved, once approved, you can then post it on the desired comment topic.

The Gods want us to do online activism because it works.

With our effort, we WILL turn the table on the Jews and their ilk.
I think this is a extremely effective tactic, where jewtube gets millions of views and virtually any topic can be searched. I tend to post primarily on any videos that have christianity, islam or judaism as a theme, but I don't discriminate anything from spirituality too sports finals and celebrity interviews (just based on the sheer amount of views)
To be a little more specific it's hard just "being". I sometimes have this anxiety, itch, and feel like I have to "do" but don't know what, and clearly this is meant to get me to question my reality and identity and to go back to "them"(I believe they're shapeshifting "reptilians" who've been giving me tailored messages and putting insinuations in my mind for quite some time now) for answers. I dedicated to Satan last night, felt solid and felt like I was coming back to myself but this morning had this angst again. I'd really appreciate some guidance, thanks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
... without prayer energy...
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I should have asked this question a long time ago. But does "prayer" reach/help Satan or his family at all? Or is meditation the only thing that works?
Gear 88 said:

What are you talking about? Her account is ok, not banned.
I’m new so please humour lol. I’m still doing spiritual warfare RTRs even though the jewtard’s holiday is over. There’s so much info here and on the JOS sight, we new Satanist get lost, information overload and miss things. Some new people may not realize the importance of continuing the RTRs. Would it be a good thing for a top member ( no names “cough cough Hooded Cobra cough cough”) to open a post as a gentle reminder to newbies to keep on doing them?
Blackdragon666 said:
Gear 88 said:

What are you talking about? Her account is ok, not banned.

This is just some more new BS posted, I wonder what will come next. They impersonate members now and even other HPS.
Gear 88 said:
Attention everyone
*kike desperation talk*

Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points,


the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed .
CB666 said:
I’m new so please humour lol. I’m still doing spiritual warfare RTRs even though the jewtard’s holiday is over. There’s so much info here and on the JOS sight, we new Satanist get lost, information overload and miss things. Some new people may not realize the importance of continuing the RTRs. Would it be a good thing for a top member ( no names “cough cough Hooded Cobra cough cough”) to open a post as a gentle reminder to newbies to keep on doing them?
Every 2 hours there is a reminder to do the Final RTR here: https://www.evilgoy.com/

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Gear 88 said:

What are you talking about? Her account is ok, not banned.

This is just some more new BS posted, I wonder what will come next. They impersonate members now and even other HPS.

It's quite humorous, albeit sad. They really expect these low tier trolling attempts to work? Must be quite the low IQ Jew behind the fake account.
CB666 said:
I’m new so please humour lol. I’m still doing spiritual warfare RTRs even though the jewtard’s holiday is over. There’s so much info here and on the JOS sight, we new Satanist get lost, information overload and miss things. Some new people may not realize the importance of continuing the RTRs. Would it be a good thing for a top member ( no names “cough cough Hooded Cobra cough cough”) to open a post as a gentle reminder to newbies to keep on doing them?

It is common knowledge, and already stated on JoS and on numerous threads that final rtr should be done every day.



Currently rtr is best done for maximum havoc on our enemy with the timer at https://evilgoy.com/
Henu the Great said:
CB666 said:
I’m new so please humour lol. I’m still doing spiritual warfare RTRs even though the jewtard’s holiday is over. There’s so much info here and on the JOS sight, we new Satanist get lost, information overload and miss things. Some new people may not realize the importance of continuing the RTRs. Would it be a good thing for a top member ( no names “cough cough Hooded Cobra cough cough”) to open a post as a gentle reminder to newbies to keep on doing them?

It is common knowledge, and already stated on JoS and on numerous threads that final rtr should be done every day.



Currently rtr is best done for maximum havoc on our enemy with the timer at https://evilgoy.com/

It may common knowledge to most but I don’t recall reading this. I thought RTR was done on Oct 3. So, thanks CB666 for your post.
Henu the Great said:
Wielder of the wooden spoon said:
It may common knowledge to most but I don’t recall reading this. I thought RTR was done on Oct 3. So, thanks CB666 for your post.

That means you have a lot more reading to do. ;)

LOL ain’t it the truth.
Wielder of the wooden spoon said:
It may common knowledge to most but I don’t recall reading this. I thought RTR was done on Oct 3. So, thanks CB666 for your post.

Wait you literally believed the F-RTR was done on October 3, as in done for good?

No way the F-RTR, according to some members might be something we do for another year and half, two years, maybe three years. Some other members who are more conservative believe we might be doing the F-RTR well nearing into 2030.

October 3 is the done date for spamming the F-RTR and JoS ritual. To keep the enemy holidays pumped down. Then we return to normal ritual mandatory 1; recommended 3-5(either 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 or 9 x 3-5 as in stacked 27-45)

We've been doing RTRs since 2014 with the first being 42 names of god ritual or 42N.O.G. ritual. We still got a while to go with more rituals. Shame the enemy has to be attacked ritually cause we could have done other rituals like race rituals or weather rituals such as last years Amazon Rain Forrest ritual to prevent more fires and destruction.

But the enemy exists and we continue to do our part in eliminating them through spiritual warfare plus the enemies stupidity i.e. covid-19 lockdowns.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but there are no enemies for that implies some sense of competition. There is no enemy and there is no competition. If there is an enemy, it is only within ourselves, although i know the word is used pejoratively to direct one's attention. There is only Love and moving towards Love from a state of fear. Illusion means "I lose you", everything in the Universe (you never see) moves towards a state of Love. There are no mistakes, coincidences or accidents, only an everlasting attempt to reach beauty.
DevilsMinion said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but there are no enemies for that implies some sense of competition. There is no enemy and there is no competition. If there is an enemy, it is only within ourselves, although i know the word is used pejoratively to direct one's attention. There is only Love and moving towards Love from a state of fear. Illusion means "I lose you", everything in the Universe (you never see) moves towards a state of Love. There are no mistakes, coincidences or accidents, only an everlasting attempt to reach beauty.

Lol, whut?

This sounds like some xtian bullshit. I checked your 24 posts and it seems all you do is post bullshit non-sense perhaps your a xtian or perhaps your not very deep in Satanism. IF your being ignorant for the sake of being ignorant or are truly ignorant you got a lot to learn. But if your just fucking around then your saying a whole load of bullshit.
Gear88 said:
DevilsMinion said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but there are no enemies for that implies some sense of competition. There is no enemy and there is no competition. If there is an enemy, it is only within ourselves, although i know the word is used pejoratively to direct one's attention. There is only Love and moving towards Love from a state of fear. Illusion means "I lose you", everything in the Universe (you never see) moves towards a state of Love. There are no mistakes, coincidences or accidents, only an everlasting attempt to reach beauty.

Lol, whut?

This sounds like some xtian bullshit. I checked your 24 posts and it seems all you do is post bullshit non-sense perhaps your a xtian or perhaps your not very deep in Satanism. IF your being ignorant for the sake of being ignorant or are truly ignorant you got a lot to learn. But if your just fucking around then your saying a whole load of bullshit.

Sounds like a bunch of new age crap.
Gear88 said:
DevilsMinion said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but there are no enemies for that implies some sense of competition. There is no enemy and there is no competition. If there is an enemy, it is only within ourselves, although i know the word is used pejoratively to direct one's attention. There is only Love and moving towards Love from a state of fear. Illusion means "I lose you", everything in the Universe (you never see) moves towards a state of Love. There are no mistakes, coincidences or accidents, only an everlasting attempt to reach beauty.

Lol, whut?

This sounds like some xtian bullshit. I checked your 24 posts and it seems all you do is post bullshit non-sense perhaps your a xtian or perhaps your not very deep in Satanism. IF your being ignorant for the sake of being ignorant or are truly ignorant you got a lot to learn. But if your just fucking around then your saying a whole load of bullshit.
Some people just love to eat poison mushrooms and chant kabbalah.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
