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The Emptiness of Knowledge

Francesco92 said:
Hi brothers and sisters, how can i contact a demon?
if you're italian there's the translated website: www.ItaJoS.com
GD. said:
I swear I wrote something again, of the same manner, and I've accidentally lost the message somehow, my fault, still really long message as usual, it is extremely weird. I guess it is something that I really shouldn't say.. I will just reply to this as I do not have enough time, but I will take my time to rewrite everything in the next days, making sure I do not include that part, it is really interesting that I managed to save everything that I wrote until now, but WITHOUT that part...

I wanted to respond to this "moving the conversation" thing, I think it would be a good idea, even if there are people who will see this conversation here, or still read it, in the end will be the link of yours to the continuation, so they will click the link to read further if they want to do so. So seems really good to me. If I feel like doing so, I will send the response for your message on the topic you send the link to. I have no problem with this.

I'm half tempted to give you my email (in a way that wouldn't make it look like a searchable email at all) just to make sure you have somewhere other than the Forum to send your message should something happen while you write it, even if it's a jewgle account (but I do assume they spy on everything around, not just gmail dot com ones).

Regarding the continuation of this message, do take your time, dear Sister. I don't want to be in the way of your meditation and training. I do find it very strange that it's our Gods and Goddesses causing this loss of partial message.. in my experience relating things to other so that they would understand what I do better, usually it's the enemy that tried to stop me from saying some basic things that would have otherwise increased the person's knowledge and understanding of how much the enemy does to keep us ignorant.

If you have a "notepad" app on your phone or somewhere you can type and save often, I suggest you type your message in there (put my "quotes" in brackets or something, I'll understand anyway as I read on, no problem).

I must say I'm getting curious now as to what this information may hold for me. It almost feels like something that would potentially benefit me, BUT do not reveal anything that would slightly endanger or expose you.
That's the priority, your safety.

Aquarius said:
Francesco92 said:
Hi brothers and sisters, how can i contact a demon?
if you're italian there's the translated website: www.ItaJoS.com


This is the specific page, there are others in the "Demons" page that will give you more information as well as techniques of meditation in the "Meditations" page.

Personally, lately I have favored visualizing the sigil and trying to feel a connection with the Demons. It usually works better if you have formally tried to summon the Demon/Demoness before, as They know you are serious about this, but sometimes Demons you are unfamiliar with might come to you on their own. This, in my experience, usually means They're trying to get you to realize something for yourself, often about who you really are and what skills you should focus on developing to grow faster and better.

Do check the Italian JoS version if you're Italian (Francesco e' un nome molto Italiano :p abbiamo il Forum in Italiano se non l'hai ancora trovato, https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=6 scrolla giu' fino a Topics).

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I'm half tempted to give you my email (in a way that wouldn't make it look like a searchable email at all) just to make sure you have somewhere other than the Forum to send your message should something happen while you write it, even if it's a jewgle account (but I do assume they spy on everything around, not just gmail dot com ones).

Regarding the continuation of this message, do take your time, dear Sister. I don't want to be in the way of your meditation and training. I do find it very strange that it's our Gods and Goddesses causing this loss of partial message.. in my experience relating things to other so that they would understand what I do better, usually it's the enemy that tried to stop me from saying some basic things that would have otherwise increased the person's knowledge and understanding of how much the enemy does to keep us ignorant.

If you have a "notepad" app on your phone or somewhere you can type and save often, I suggest you type your message in there (put my "quotes" in brackets or something, I'll understand anyway as I read on, no problem).

I must say I'm getting curious now as to what this information may hold for me. It almost feels like something that would potentially benefit me, BUT do not reveal anything that would slightly endanger or expose you.
That's the priority, your safety.


I think it would be way too weird to make this conversation private suddenly as long as others can see here how we are, and let's just say, may take some ideas and further evolve their own view on something, for a simple kind of information, I maybe really shouldn't have said.

As we are talking here on important articles from JoS Ministry, this topic appears right on top every time we do say something, and even if someone really reads what we say in here, they will have the link to the rest of the conversation in the end. I am pretty sure there are people who do read, I think Aquarius would be an example.

About jewgle, I don't use it either, and actually, I have none of its services on my phone, therefore almost anything that can "spy" on me. And for the email, I use protonmail. As you said, safety first. But if after I said you still consider talking to me on email, just let me know.
Francesco92 said:
Hi brothers and sisters, how can i contact a demon?

Hi! Here is an useful link for you
keep in mind that you should not "summon" a demon if your intentions are of a stupid manner, like just doing it because you want to have fun or just see how it is like.

Are you dedicated to Father Satan? If not, then take your time to read the main site (my brothers gave you some links) and just read, let the knowledge absorb, and after you dedicate, if you choose to do so, then contact demons with a clear purpose. Wish you luck! Hail Satan!
GD. said:
I think it would be way too weird to make this conversation private suddenly as long as others can see here how we are, and let's just say, may take some ideas and further evolve their own view on something, for a simple kind of information, I maybe really shouldn't have said.

As we are talking here on important articles from JoS Ministry, this topic appears right on top every time we do say something, and even if someone really reads what we say in here, they will have the link to the rest of the conversation in the end. I am pretty sure there are people who do read, I think Aquarius would be an example.

About jewgle, I don't use it either, and actually, I have none of its services on my phone, therefore almost anything that can "spy" on me. And for the email, I use protonmail. As you said, safety first. But if after I said you still consider talking to me on email, just let me know.

Definitely don't want to go for way too weird, and it's obviously better if any information we discover and share to make everyone's life better and easier is easy to reach for all our Family. Just thought of email as a backup plan.

I do hope people read all these messages (long as they are) and find them inspiring. Just yesterday I realized I was still doing the scheduled rituals when I read HP HoodedCobra's post about taking a rest. There are things I really wanted to try BEFORE the scheduled warfare but there was too much going on other than warfare (car broke down, had a course to attend and pass, public transport was nearly unreliable, etc) so I decided to postpone them.. one of them being the Thoughtform I mentioned before.

By the way, I don't know how it normally is for others, but I used to receive ZERO notification unless I was "quoted" somewhere, so I normally found replies after months in some posts I made. To this day I'm sure I have still got something to read but it would take me too long to browse all I ever posted.
I HAVE found, however, an unchecked square in the profile settings and since I changed it I'm getting a lot more notifications when I hope up the Forum in the morning. I suggest everyone check their settings and see if it's off for some reason.

Lastly, I heard of protonmail before and have been meaning to get an account there. Unfortunately, current cellphones here are sold with UN-uninstallable apps from jewgle so you're stuck with them in the phone, and some places (like for work) will only accept gmail as a valid email.. talk about control (plus, for a while I tried to "make it big" on jewtube telling people about jews and anything related but as you can guess they deleted my account.. :lol: I'll look into protonmail and see what it's like.

PS. Oh, before I forget.. :O remember I mentioned a dream involving DVDs (about a cartoon/anime)? Yesterday night I realized what it was about... part of the anime that I had never seen before popped up in a completely unrelated search and there was a strong reference to a Goddess I worked with before. Not my Guardian, but someone I always felt very close to. I think it's finally time to get to know Her better, always believed I could learn a lot from Her.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
WARNING: LOOOONG post, Sister. Make yourself comfortable.

GD. said:
When I wanted to continue the message it was all gone
I really think it was the Gods that did not wanted it posted, it was, by most part, about attacks from enemies, but it doesn't matter anymore, at least I'd like to say it doesn't.

It could be, but it would also be plausible to think that the enemy (if this partial post was about enemy attacks) didn't want that information to be spread around, possibly helping others avoid it and fight it more efficiently.

And with almost impeccable timing, here's an extract from my last few days of continuous enemy harassment.

The most absurd I had in a while, a nightmare.
Long story short, I was having a dream about irrelevant bullshit, shopping and buying presents that I felt were pointless..
Once again, though, another proof that our side is SO much stronger and spiritually superior to the enemy, and possibly the reason why a relatively FEW of us doing Spiritual Warfare for a few years is demolishing what MANY of them have built for at least a couple thousand years.

I'm back with the reply. That warning lol :lol: I like it. And in the post I was saying about some issues I do have in advancing right now and how enemies intervine. Maybe... you're right about this, but I am not sure. And regarding the dreams, yeah, most of them mean nothing, but when there is an impact on you when you wake up then that should be questioned.

I once had a dream, the meaning of which I still don't know from then on. It had a really agitated vibe, I was in a totally strange house and there was a man, I still don't know who that was, and I also felt that there was a woman, I didn't see her but her energy was familiar. And he pushed me from behind all the way to a little kind of garage, outside, but it was poorly looking, made of wood, and had a single wooden door. After he dressed me with a beekeeper's suit (I couldn't do anything), he opened the door and pushed me in. There were lots of bees, thousands, in that little space, but they were calm, so when they saw I arrived they were just agitated, studying me, but weren't intending to do me harm in any way, and a huge one, let's say the size of an eggplant, sat on my forearm, and just stung me through the suit, really slow, and that's how I woke up. I continued to feel something in my arm after I woke up, for several minutes, up to 10.

I don't know if it even meant something but it was a kind of dream I don't usually have, so if it meant something and you have any ideas, I am all ears. As for attacks in dreams, I have some experiences with them... "some", but I think I will try to keep this message as short as possible as I have a lot of things to do lately, so I maybe am going to talk about this in another messaje.

As for cardinal orientation when you sleep, I don't think that it actually has anything to do with how you sleep. I personally see sleeping as annoying, because I only do it to keep the same program. I don't remember ever being tired, except for when my parents forced me to work day and partially night, to a point where I had hallucinations because of the lack of sleep, but this is what I've already said in a link I sent to you here, and I bet you've read it.

I pretty much have in my chart the fact that I am always full of energy, very high bioelectricity, and that it is possible to have problems with sleeping, and here is how I do not struggle with sleep at all: when I put myself to bed I am saying that "I now put myself to sleep" or something similar a few times then I do void meditation. I think may be of help, no matter the orientation of your body when you sleep, or the bed you sleep in. Until this year's Beltane I've had the most degraded bed I've seen at least this lifetime, extremely uncomfortable and it was doing harm to my spine, and to be honest I've always had uncomfortable beds until now, but I managed to sleep with that method almost whenever I wanted. When I found this method I was 13 or 14 I think, when I would just stay awake until 3 or 4 am until I finally could sleep.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Last night, between Beltane and Walpurgis, between all this energy I felt during the day...
these worsening attacks and these beautiful encounters are certainly no coincidence.

These kind of things are a blessing in one's life when the happen, at least this is just how they feel, I am very happy for you. For me, I only once, and that was all, "met" a God in a dream, and that was Satan. The whole dream was about jews and their agenda, and I couldn't see Satan but my whole attention was at Him at a point in that dream, He spoke to me, and when I woke up I felt Him in my room, and I felt from Him an approval that it was Him and that Yes, I should keep in mind what He said. His wish is my command, I do not take a SINGLE step back, I never did!

However... if I start talking about Satan I maybe ain't going to stop, so... I am wondering how do you clean your room with elements? As you say "in a half-elemental way", but how do you do it?

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
More than half? :O ...Gotta say, suddenly I'm thinking "could it be that she was lead to me to learn about Air skills?" Well, honestly I am a little surprised that you don't feel that attracted to Air. At least in my experience so far, people with a high Element (like 5 or 6 planets) really feel like they're displaying it in nearly all they do. I may be wrong here, though.. a high Element doesn't necessarily mean you HAVE to have skills associated with that Element.

Considering how good you are with Fire already, you should probably experiment more with different Elements and see how far you get with each. Pyro seems like a really good and useful ability of course.. and you also seem more responsible than me with it (it's nooooot like I would snipe joos with my extremely long range skill lol :twisted: ), but you may have other hidden talents you've never discovered. I'm sure you're much more powerful than you think.

To be honest, I don't think I do have that much experiences with elements as you clearly have, but I always was attracted to fire for a reason or another. I remember, when I was 14, I would go outside in the middle of the winter, here was a lot of snow, maybe because I live near the mountains, and I would just lay on my back in the snow watching over my little brother playing, and absorbing fire while doing that. When I got up once I saw hints of grass in the place where I stood, and I was doing that as I remembered Maxine once said about similar but more extreme practices in Asia. But I can't say I worked much with other elements, I think I should, but until now I am the most attracted to fire.

This may also be the subconscious "call" for using elements that you lack, I never was serious with air but was it that air is the easiest element to use for me? I have in my chart that I lack confidence regarding both information I possess and the way I look (which will dissappear after the first part of my life), but I most like don't have to worry about any of these... and maybe this is why I feel this "attraction" to fire, as it increases self-confidence. Maybe this is why I felt this "calling" to use fire, it wasn't something I've necessarily chosen, but I was "craving" fire, honestly, and I have no idea why.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
If you've got the means to, I do suggest you move out of your parent's house as soon as you can. What you have gone through is no joke, and you're right.. pain is still pain.. you don't harm your child for their beliefs or anything like it.
I would advice every teen who has a xtian family NOT to reveal that they found Satan until it's safe for them, meaning that they won't be beaten or that they can move out if things go sour.

For them what was painful was the fact that I actually haven't told them, and maybe this made them act a lot more brutally than they would have normally done. My mom came in my room when I was doing a standard ritual and there were all candles and I was dressed all black as I can remember, and I also had a black journal which they read entirely. I was making huuuge progress with myself in a few weeks back then, and they crushed everything. Then yea, I wanted to convince them that satanism is actually the best thing that happened in my life and I was extremely happy with myself and I wanted them to accept that.

That's when statements like "this is only in the beginning", "Satan will do you harm one day", "That's what Satan does, it entices you then crushes you, makes you its slave" came out of those xtian mouths, then I decided to just shut up and continue my work and studies without them knowing. I haven't done a standard ritual in years...

Also, thank you for these little corrections you make, regarding my english.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I really don't know HOW someone could watch Shotokan Karate and call a karateka "ballerina".... there are some Wushu styles (especially from Northern China) that may look "too graceful" and even feminine sometimes, but no Karate I know sounds remotely like that.
Somehow, it is straightly connected with the throat and will cause one to cough and suffocate if you apply prolonged pressure. Cool, huh? ;)

Wow, I wasn't expecting that :lol: Thank you! We learned such things as well there, even that one you mentioned in the end. They're really nice. This makes me want to train myself a lot more, as I've put on some weight lately.

I recently saw some videos on Pinterest about martial arts, and there's one of them that really put an impact on me, where was one guy, looked like a teenager but he maybe was in his 20s or 30s, with 3 hanging bricks in front of him. He used a really great impact, and really fast motion and managed to break all of them in half in a single, really short-distance, punch. We learned exactly this at the shotokan class, but with a single piece of wood, and from a distance. That one with bricks was incredible.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
In a Greek mythology story I read last year, about "Eros and Psyche" (in English it would be "Love and Soul", as psychology isn't the study of the mind but of the Soul), they mentioned the beautiful Psyche was to be claimed by the most insidious monster, capable of even making Zeus submit... Psyche was surprised when she learned that this "monster" was the beautiful God of Love.
Love can be used as a weapon and can be the maker of indescribable pain, so it's wise to know how and when to let yours be unleashed. In my opinion, only our Gods and Goddesses are safe to direct out entire Love to, because they won't betray it. People... well, I can honestly only speak for myself :lol: which is one of the reasons I'm in no relationship, ever, with women. I'll certainly try to get closer to a Goddess, starting with dreams it seems.

Really well said, love, just as hate, can be both beneficial and detrimental, and this being a part of the process for becoming "balanced", one has to learn when and how much to let any of these manifest in their life. Nowadays is really hard to find a partener, whom will stay with you or whom you'll truly love.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Speaking of which, just yesterday night my sister (a weak minded idiot in an abusive relationship with a completely narcissistic asshole) offered me to smoke something she does.
well, most people, this is what I believe is the only logical conclusion one can reach.

I see it a healthy mentality, rather than a cold-minded logic. It's a healthy approach. We aren't meant to save everybody, and in fact, lots of people will never rise up from their level of slave-behaving goys. Don't you see that even kids can now turn into slaves of jews by just the fact that they know how to use their parents' phone and enter jewtube to search for cartoons made, as well, by jews? Every addiction makes you a slave, a slave to the addiction, and almost every addicting thing is "manufactured" by jews.

I saw someone wrote on the forums that we should get to a level in meditation where we become addicted to it. Oh really? You eat everyday, does this make you addicted to food? Or is it something natural for you to do and rather than call it an addiction you embrace the fact that you need food to be alive and live healthy, and so should be with meditation? Let aside addicting substances from our food nowadays such as monosodium glutamate.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I think that this is one of the many cases where jooish programming has corrupted the core beyond the person's ability to restore themselves to sanity and mental health.
If each one of us would get 10 people a month like this, and Spiritual Satanism will be the new world religion by Summer! :D

It would be nice, indeed. We don't have a long way to go anymore until we will get to a point where satanism will be accepted as a legit and ethical religion. A few years from now, maybe 5? Who knows... but it will happen, no doubt about that.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
What I don't really know what to think about are those jews that HATE the jews. Those poor bastards that have been at the lowest level all their existence and are getting forcibly vaccinated left and right in Pissrael. Don't mistake my thoughts for pity... they only look human, I know what they are. I just think it's sad that a parasitic race is SUCH a parasite that it won't even treasure its own, but uses them like guinea pigs just to give an example of what they would want the rest of the world to be like.
Such a horrifying thing. It almost feels like their utter, complete and permanent destruction would be an act of kindness from us.

Just like their creators :3, isn't it nice how the ascensors really have their influence on the individuals? I've said somewhere in the forums that I personally see getting rid of them like getting rid of head lace, but on a greater level.

Have you read the 612 mitzvah? I told my mom to, as a joke, saying that there you can see fully how these creatures are, and I was shocked to see she actually did. She said that her heart started to beat faster and she was really angry. But I think that there is the purest form, condensed in a few paragraphs, basically an overview of how these parasites are.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
In school?? Wow.. I'm honestly surprised because it seems the politics surrounding education in schools in Italy sucks WORSE than I thought.
Perhaps an attempt to get kids to question things and rethink what is possible?

Everyone complains about the school system in here that what we learn is way too complicated for some. And the fact is that there really should be a selection of how good are some kids in certain domains, but jewish media is overexaggerating this, promoting things that make kids stupid.

Maybe it is like this everywhere. I personally am from Romania, and to be honest, as I saw, school systems should be changed worldwide, and adapted, because while for me, it is perfectly fine to learn quantum physics and we even started talking about alchemy and ancient alchemy and how this is supposed to work, for some this isn't interesting at all and they rather learn, for example, programming or whatever else. The fact is, we learn A LOT in school, but for some is way too much.

Remember I said that one should further exploit their dominant skill? That's what we should do. Test kids from when they're very young, up to a few years old, and find out what they like and what they do not like. In a perfect world we would even analyse them spiritually, look at their chart and actually see what they would like to do and where they fit perfectly. Then in school to select them and make sure to put an emphasis on what they're good at.

I would take as example a kid who had liked a lot to paint and draw from the very start, and had a really great passion over 3D forms and representing this 3rd dimension. This kid shaded his drawings, he liked to add shadows to the ground when drawing stickmen. Let's look at his chart... we see a very strong Mercury and aspects which makes him have a great imagination but also exactly what we already observed until now. I think he would be a good architect, as he has a lot of aspects which would make him a great one, and a lot of them which show he will like this a lot. We will, of course, give him a chance to change, maybe he will like to get more artistic, just in case we haven't correctly read his chart.

How would it be? Society will know from the very start that they will have that certain kid as a great architect. Or that they will have a little girl being a prostitute, which isn't a problem, but we have to teach her at least some things to be educated. Or what if we had a great cook? We teach him about plants and their effects in the body, their flavour, whatever is needed. What if we have a really great makeup artist? We teach him or her about the effects of the products on their skin, how colors work with each other on each skin type, whatever is needed.

All this, of course, making sure we do teach every single one of them some basics on maths, their natal language, biology, and whatever basics may be of help for the adults that they are becoming. Also, making sure we do provide additional information when they want to study something new, even for the individual.

I would have a lot to say about how I think we should teach children but I am not in a position to talk about this. Indeed, while in my country they do put there way too much information that kids and parents are complaining, I have a friend of mine who studied in a western country and said that they learned math on a level of "2+2=4", of course, an exaggeration, but in comparison of what we're doing here. Both systems make people dumb, that's a fact, and none of them teaches problems of society nowadays, teens basically graduate highschool and have no idea about politics, the brainwashing that is going on, some serious problems we are now facing and all this is intentional.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Won't lie, it was.. lol but as I really enjoy reading from you I don't even notice. Besides, I'm the one who usually replies to a one line question with a thousand words, so.. do keep it up (if you have the time of course.. don't want to be in the way of your running, Yoga or RTRs).

You know... running, yoga, RTRs and all these things I enjoy doing are a very little part, I have a lot to study for exams, I have a project to make for my CAD (computer aided designer) diploma, to get my driving licence, as well as taking care of the house (my mom does a little part), I feel a bit overwhelmed but I am trying to put myself back together... I feel I have so much to do and so little time...

Take good care, Brother, it is a pleasure to talk to you as well!
Francesco92 said:
A simple ritual, i don't know
If you're not dedicated nor are you here to learn but are here with the idea that Satanism is for quick and easy gains then I'd just avoid it.
Francesco92 said:
A simple ritual, i don't know

Hey, look... we just gave you all you need. The simplest way to contact demons is to focus on their sigil and talk to them, but if you are not dedicated this may not work, and if you are, you will most likely hear nothing, even if the demon hears you. There are certain steps one has to take before in order to be able to contact a demon, or to receive answers from that demon, and this does not come overnight. I asked you if you're dedicated and you completely ignored that, it is the first step if you're serious about contacting one of our Gods. Take your time and read and if you have any more questions, ask.

Hail Satan!
GD. said:
I'm back with the reply. That warning lol :lol: I like it.

Glad you did lol, today I'll try to keep this shorter.. note: "try".

(Note: I just finished typing.. ummm... make yourself tea, Sister. A couple jars should do. XD Sorry!!!)

GD. said:
And in the post I was saying about some issues I do have in advancing right now and how enemies intervine. Maybe... you're right about this, but I am not sure. And regarding the dreams, yeah, most of them mean nothing, but when there is an impact on you when you wake up then that should be questioned.

If you're having that much trouble every time you try to tell me about it, it's either something that the enemy doesn't want me (or others reading this) to know OR something that the Gods think is best left to yourself (for now, perhaps). I can't tell for sure, as I have no clue what that could possibly be about. If you think it could help, you could only tell me about it using other words in order to conceal details.. (if details are the thing you're not being allowed to tell me about, nor do I need to know them if they're too personal). Hopefully it won't be that confusing for me to understand and I'll be able to offer some advice. If in doubt, ask for a clear sign on what you should do to our Gods and Goddesses, something you won't be able to miss and interpret wrong.

GD. said:
I once had a dream.... there was a man.... also felt that there was a woman.... her energy was familiar.... he dressed me with a beekeeper's suit (I couldn't do anything), he opened the door and pushed me in....lots of bees, thousands.... but they were calm.... weren't intending to do me harm in any way.... stung me through the suit.... I woke up.... I continued to feel something in my arm after I woke up

I'm no dream expert but sometimes it's just easier to tell why I dream what I dream (.."dreamt"? "dreamed"? ..fucking Engrish :lol: ) and how I can use that knowledge to learn from myself.
From what I see in your dream, the man and woman (the woman being more familiar and the man being more rude and violent) might have been your parents. The "dressing you up in a protective equipment forcefully" might have been his attempt to keep you away from something good, not allowing you to touch it by wearing an armor. The bees probably symbolize the spiritual awakening, and he probably shoved you in the room to "prove" to you (because your armor might have been "xtianity" itself) that the armor was going to "protect you" from spirituality.
This of course completely failed the moment the bees became agitated and a big one "stung through the armor" (read as: spirituality still breached through xtianity, proving itself as the path for you instead of xtianity (as your father tried to push on you).

The bees themselves are a very spiritual sign, in my opinion. Not for nothing pharaohs used to wear the "stinger" in the back of their headgear and the "buzzing sound" is a good example to follow for someone who uses chanting while meditating.

The fact that the arm still felt something as you woke up might have been another sign for you to pick up on, confirming the "bees' path" (spirituality) was stronger for you than any fake religion or "armor".
I wouldn't be surprised if you felt something deeper the moment you realized the bees became agitated or when a eggplant sized one landed on your arm.
In my personal experience, bees have been very useful in meditation: I used to meditate under a pink peppercorn tree that was crowded with bees, if you focused on their buzzing sound you couldn't hear anything else... never got stung.. I actually got stung twice in all my childhood and had a moderate reaction to it, but I never "saw" the bees, and it might have been wasps instead. Bees don't normally sting for no reason, you must reeeeally bother them for them to become aggressive. I lost count of the ones I saved from the pool and wouldn't leave my hand until they got dried up lol. Good time to take pictures. :p

Something I must mention here....

I had a single dream about bees, that I remember at least. There was this "girl" who was actually a human sized queen bee (yeah, I must watch too much anime lol :lol: ), her colors were mostly hot white (like a light, "luminous", and a vibrant pink) and she explained to me about the "Lust of bees" (don't laugh! XD) while a normal bee landed on my back around the sacral chakra area and I could feel her "buzzing" vibrate through my lower chakras and up the spine.. it was almost electromagnetic, now that I come to think of it again.

Point is: I think this dream had a LOT of spiritual information for me. The buzzing and the mantras, awakening the lower chakras with vibrating powerful sounds, spiritual evolution literally by "embracing Nature"....

You'd almost think that our Gods and Goddesses chose this Planet BECAUSE it has so many things that trigger our evolution. No wonder that damn jewish PLAGUE is always hurting Nature and trying to destroy it along with our Humanity.

Hope that gives you something to work with, Sister.

GD. said:
As for cardinal orientation when you sleep, I don't think that it actually has anything to do with how you sleep.

Thank you for saying that, it actually helped. I "challenged" myself last night and slept again in the normal way my bed is oriented, with the head towards East. I went to sleep confident and after a good day between FRTR, kung fu training and understanding, Kundalini Yoga and then some. I think what really does the trick here is the mentality one adopts: especially if you're stressed and your mind is focused on the daily problems, this isn't going to make sleep a peaceful experience and you'll likely wake up bothered or annoyed. Something that also helps and I didn't use to do before: blessing your bed. If you're going to lay there for say 8 hours or something (depends by each person of course), you'll want to make sure you're the most protected possible, not leaving any chance for the enemy to attack, especially knowing how little control we normally have on dreams. I've noticed a SLIGHT increase in control, linked to an increase in "sexiness" (lol) as a consequence of a better dream environment (it's surely better to have a wet dream or something romantic than a dream in which you're forced to take an old school exam, are naked, and suddenly you don't know anything about that subject anymore).

GD. said:
I personally see sleeping as annoying, because I only do it to keep the same program. I don't remember ever being tired, except for when my parents forced me to work day and partially night, to a point where I had hallucinations because of the lack of sleep, but this is what I've already said in a link I sent to you here, and I bet you've read it.

I used to think the same because my sleep was simply a waste of time, other than to reset the biological clock. I never thought of myself as "tired" no matter then work.. just aching if I had to abuse some muscle groups for something to be done. The only two times I might say I was "tired" was when I had to wait for a dumbass removalist who showed up late and I had to load up the truck almost entirely by myself, so when I arrived to the other place I was dead after unloading everything in 20 minutes or less, and the other time (also a house moving) when I had to empty the house I was born in of all the stuff remaining as my "dad" put me and my family on a street (that was one time I really believe the Gods and Goddesses were there as we got a govt house we applied for but knowing 1 in a 100 ever gets it).. I don't believe I ever worked as much as in those days and I don't believe there's situation more stressful and tiring than moving houses, but I guess in my case it was always pretty traumatic due to the particular situations.. good thing I don't get tired easily.. I suppose that's when my "Earth" shows up.

I normally feel out of breath when running a few hundred meters and have to badly reoxygenate as I walk the rest of the distance, or before I tell myself it's safe to run again, but things like lifting heavy weights and doing martial arts kind of "empower" me instead.. martial arts of course empower me more than anything, but I guess it depends by how they seem to work on all Elements in the same measure, forcing you to balance yourself, even switching to styles that favor an Element more than others.. like Baji Quan for Earth, Tai Chi for Water, and so on.

Chinese knowledge of the Soul and what it needs to feed itself is really awesome in my opinion, I have no doubt the Qing Dynasty wanted to weaken the Chinese people when they forced them to live without martial arts for 300 years (among other things they forced on the Chinese, and that was BEFORE freaking Mao forced communism). Good to know, I've seen a rise in people who are actively promoting ANTI-communism parties (CCP) in China lately. I can't begin to imagine how horrifying it must be to live there. The Chinese people need to go back to their own roots and BADLY awaken... and yes, I DO disagree with the lack of an "Asian Awakening Ritual".
I was actually fired because an Asian guy reported me to his White boss because I questioned the use of masks at work (I also wrote "Covid is a HOAX" on my mask :lol: ), and although this may be an isolated event and not enough to judge the ENTIRE Asian race, I do see how Asian folk today are more brainwashed than most, following orders better than anyone else, wearing masks even when nobody asked them to, and simply believing this existence is only meant for a person to work and procreate and work some more.

I'd like to know what you think about it. I've been speaking with some Black dudes at work and I gotta say they felt more Awake than most White, so it was a pleasant surprise.. but when I tested the Asian and talked about well known world problems (well known to us, at least) they shut the door and believed I was insane. Someone here once said "the Asian aren't as asleep as the rest", but even if I was Asian I wouldn't believe that to be true, considering the testing I've done on random people around me.

Speaking of Asian and races... do you know any Asian Gods or Goddesses? And what about Black? I don't know if any of our 72 most famous Goetic Demons are either White or Black or Asian.. all I could do was see some similarities between some Demons and some Gods and Goddesses of the Asian pantheon, like Amaterasu whom (in my opinion) looks a lot like Haures, but I can't be sure of that of course. I'd love to meet all Gods and Goddesses, not only the White race's ones, but I don't know how to distinguish them if their are among those I know or if they are other ones entirely.
I just always had this enormous interest in Asian culture and felt it was highly spiritual.. it actually still helps me to focus and get results faster than the Hindi culture, which sometimes has too much information at once and I tend not to know what to focus on first. Being an all times fan of Chinese martial arts doesn't help me focus on other cultures much as well. :p

Sure can't wait for those "Demons" pages to be updated and see if there's anything that will help me realize things faster. Sometimes a word, a symbol or even an animal has been more than enough to boost me forward and make progress.

I'll add one quick thing to this matter...

The "8 Yoga Siddhi" include (I must have mentioned it before) Vasitva (control on everything that is energy and material, so like TK and kinesis types) and Isitva ("control of the mind" type of power, called "Lordship" which makes others "recognize you as a master/Lord/whatever that means"). Today I was practicing some TK but I raised the bar very much (wait.. I didn't "raise the bar with TK" lol.. I "added weight :lol: ) so I wasn't expecting much result. What happened however was something new... I became very aware of two well defined energies, one that is much denser and harder to move (the Vasitva one) and another that clearly had to do with Isitva/Lordship, which was subtler and more... how to say this... gentler, softer, had more "design and detail" to it. I actually felt it was an easier energy to work with, while TK requires a more "earthy" type of approach, sturdy and strong, grounding yourself a lot.
Obviously this may as well mean I need to ground myself a lot more before I can attempt a good TK training (along with linking the upper and lower chakras with the heart).

GD. said:
when I put myself to bed I am saying that "I now put myself to sleep" or something similar a few times then I do void meditation. I think may be of help

That's actually very helpful. You're in control of your own sleep, it's not the other way around, being a victim of your mind "collapsing into a dream". You're something else, Sister. ;) I'm gonna try to approach sleep as you do. Thanks for that!

GD. said:
For me, I only once, and that was all, "met" a God in a dream, and that was Satan.
I felt Him in my room, and I felt from Him an approval that it was Him and that Yes, I should keep in mind what He said. His wish is my command, I do not take a SINGLE step back, I never did!

I'll pay more attention (or rather, put myself to sleep with that intention and let's see how much I learn inside the dream) and try to understand what kind of beings I meet. Normally, the people in dreams are kinda shallow, almost like robotic actors reciting their role without emotion or anything. I think they are simply reflections of memories that I re-live, and it's boring as fuck, and useless. I get stuck in these boring and often stressful situations like exams already taken in school, or a job I hated but I'm suddenly back there and doing tasks out of a sense of duty... if I recognized the dream for what it is I'd slap my ex boss and ex coworker so hard in the face that I think I'd shift in my bed and wake up from just that (better not actually hitting anything as the cats come sleep with me and I don't technically have a door in this room at the moment).

I have however met different characters in dreams and they feel different.. some feel like the consciousness of someone I know, almost like a faint telepathic connection but when asked the next day they knew nothing about it. Some DID feel more powerful and they might have been Gods or Goddesses, maybe lesser ones, I don't know for sure. Some others, I might go as far as to say they were Succubi... not because of any sex in the dream as I haven't had any with these characters, but I could clearly feel a romantic, deep connection that made me really wonder if that was just a dream or if they were more "real" than that.
And, odd enough, I only now realize that whenever I'd meet these romantic, sweet and gentle females I would become aware that the dream was a dream.
Now I am wondering about Musashi Miyamoto's words...


...what if I found these characters by simply "going within" in myself more and finding them through my own Soul? Like the key to reach them was always NOT to look for them outside of myself?

This is actually a concept that was brought to my attention from that narcissistic psychopath I told you about, the one that I spoke with for one year. It's the only thing she ever taught me, and I am still absolutely sure she hasn't ever used it.. narcissists don't want to help themselves. But I used that method and for the first time ever I reached the deepest trance states. (For a moment there, as I used the "fear of the sea depths" as my focus back then, I almost typed "the deepest TRENCHES" lol... lapsus? :p Anyway..)

I think this is something I need to work much more with. Focusing on my inner self and using that "space" to reach our creators. When you think about it, it makes even more sense actually.. that one should use the purest and original "self" to reach the ones that made us all. And since the greatest majority of my unhappiness comes from feeling isolated from our Gods and Goddesses, I'd say this is a perfect method for me. I'll try this again, and if you feel inspired by this maybe you should try it too, see where it takes you.

GD. said:
However... if I start talking about Satan I maybe ain't going to stop, so... I am wondering how do you clean your room with elements? As you say "in a half-elemental way", but how do you do it?

:lol: Don't worry about that, Sister.. it's a pleasure to read your messages, I just worry that you don't have enough day time to do all you normally have to do. You can take your time and type eons of message if you feel like. :)

As for cleaning with the Elements, I guess it comes with feeling energy in an Elemental way.. like "solid", "liquid", etc. In this case, I usually cast protection auras in "solid" and "earthy" versions, like visualizing huge golden rock formations, or huge vines and tree trunks enveloping my house entirely, and even pyramids programmed to keep unwanted people away (anyone that is not part of my family or not an animal). In a way it's almost like creating Thoughtforms, only these one are shaped like natural environments or pyramids and programmed with protection and banishing towards any enemy.
It's not hard at all.. it takes a lot of visualization and you suddenly manifest this, knowing in the next dimension this stuff already exists and does what you created it for.
How did it go then with that Thoughtform you thought of.. the one directly absorbing energy from the Sun and passing it onto you? Have you tried that yet? I'm thinking I should try something similar, but I want to experiment with other sources too, the Sun would be perfect for Fire skills and pyro, the sky and wind for Air skills and TK, and so on. I'm also thinking.. what about Water from all the seas? Could it help in getting better skill in some subtler abilities, like controlling emotions and trance states? I really want to learn how to open myself up a LOT more, using dreams, astral projecting every day, meeting our Gods and other beings like lesser Gods and any other friendly "Satan approved" beings around. Been wanting... well, no.. "needing" this, since I was a child. I always felt this need above anything else. Astral communication. I've made some progress in the last couple years, but I'm not ever getting started for what I want do achieve.

GD. said:
To be honest, I don't think I do have that much experiences with elements as you clearly have, but I always was attracted to fire for a reason or another. I remember, when I was 14, I would go outside in the middle of the winter, here was a lot of snow, maybe because I live near the mountains, and I would just lay on my back in the snow watching over my little brother playing, and absorbing fire while doing that. When I got up once I saw hints of grass in the place where I stood, and I was doing that as I remembered Maxine once said about similar but more extreme practices in Asia. But I can't say I worked much with other elements, I think I should, but until now I am the most attracted to fire.

Exactly, I thought of that Sushumna exercise before I read the part where you mention that stuff too. :p It seems Fire is simply the Element you're mostly attracted to.. no wonder you're so good with it. (In case you're wondering, every time I read you talking about Fire I feel so inspired I want to go back to pyro training.. XD)

I don't consider myself very experienced with the Elements, honestly. This has to do with the fact that I haven't felt energy for so long, and the few times I did I also had some trouble holding them.. the worst one of them has probably been Earth so far:
back in 2012 (the same year I met Haures, but a little before that, I think) I was in bed one night and felt like trying to use Earth on myself as I was confident I would feel something. And something I did feel.. I imagined and felt "boulders of gravity" pressing me down, laying on my like a mountain was being parked on top of me, and I felt great at the thought of "yeah! I can feel energy! This is what Earth feel like, finally!" ....only, the next morning I woke up with THE WORST sore neck and shoulders and it lasted for two weeks. It was an excruciating pain, I felt as if the muscles in my neck and shoulders were about to rip completely every time I moved. It took me minutes just to get into and out of bed, I looked like I was constantly doing slow Taichi lol.... but it wasn't funny at all being like that. That's the most painful pain I ever felt, or maybe it was only as bad as the worst toothache, with the difference that toothache doesn't tear you apart like a knife under the skin every time you have to wake up to go to the bathroom.

After THAT time, I swore I would never do Earth again.... until a year later :lol: ..I was curious if I would feel that shit again, but I didn't. I didn't feel the energy that much at all, and there was no pain other than maybe feeling "duller", but nothing like that 2 weeks nightmare.

Today... with the knowledge I have about my chart, I'm sure that this strongly had to do with the lacking Earth, and that it wouldn't be that bad with other Elements (either 3 or 4 planet each, so easier to stand). I do have a MUCH better tolerance to Earth than I had 9 years ago however, so even working with that wouldn't do a number on me now.

And talking about Air again... I'm kind of ashamed that I tend to give a lot more value to Fire than Air. This is surely because I always see Fire as "the killing Element" through pyro and Fire direction, even if I learned that Air offers a lot more than just "levitation" in its skills.
Anyway, enough about single Element talk.. we should all learn to use them all and raise our tolerance to all of them, no matter what dominant or weakest ones we have.

GD. said:
This may also be the subconscious "call" for using elements that you lack, I never was serious with air but was it that air is the easiest element to use for me? I have in my chart that I lack confidence
Maybe this is why I felt this "calling" to use fire, it wasn't something I've necessarily chosen, but I was "craving" fire, honestly, and I have no idea why.

It could be. If you're dominant in one Element it doesn't necessarily mean you HAVE to love that Element over another, or that you can't simply be attracted to another one very much.
In your case, you seem either very attracted by Fire and also very skilled with it. No doubt following this path will make you stronger.. just be careful not to overdo it as all Elements have pros and cons: you may reach that confidence level you need, but overconfidence easily transforms into recklessness and makes one cocky and in the worst of cases arrogant. I don't think this could be your case at all, as you seem a lot wiser than any Fire dominant idiot that has no control over himself, but still.. be careful. As a rule of thumb, you should rotate between Elements and make sure you balance them all evenly... no one says you have to master an Element you don't feel attracted by, but do keep in mind that each Element will not only teach you about itself, but also about others (and not always just about their opposite.. remember the Earth&Water to extinguish a flame?).

GD. said:
That's when statements like "this is only in the beginning", "Satan will do you harm one day", "That's what Satan does, it entices you then crushes you, makes you its slave" came out of those xtian mouths, then I decided to just shut up and continue my work and studies without them knowing. I haven't done a standard ritual in years...

Sorry you had to go through all that. Xians always think they know best, don't they? Thankfully, we'll see this shit happening less and less as we enter the deepest part of the Age of Aquarius and people wake up faster thanks to our rituals and Final RTRs. We're possibly the last ones to ever have suffered in our childhood because of xianity rooted in our families.

Once again, I believe that the more you're ready to face, the more the enemy puts obstacles in your path. I can clearly see you're advanced, Sister, and that you know what you want and how to get it. The fact that things are harder doesn't mean that they CAN stop you. I consider you one of the best SS we have here.

As for not being able to do a proper standard ritual, this may have to do with your own development and training... remember that we can make astral temples and do whatever we want in another dimension, including full standard rituals. Even in dreams, if you can control them enough for that.

GD. said:
Wow, I wasn't expecting that :lol: Thank you! We learned such things as well there, even that one you mentioned in the end. They're really nice. This makes me want to train myself a lot more, as I've put on some weight lately.

Hope you enjoy the book :) I couldn't believe the price when I read that lol, glad I could share it with you. Now that I'm a lot more skilled and understand martial arts better I finally see a lot more applications for these "pressure points" and anatomical weaknesses to exploit... I even got back to studying Animal styles with a lot more confidence should a fight occur. This knowledge has been developed by Shaolin monks for many centuries, and if the damn empire did what it did to try and eradicate them from the people that tells me they're more powerful than I ever gave them credit for.

Plus, I'm a sucker for martial arts based on Animals.. :lol: I just love animals so much it feels right for me to follow this path too.

The 3 bricks thing sounds pretty interesting.. ;) I might try something like that too, got enough firewood boards to play with. Something I just started doing is a Dim Mak training, the one that conditions your hands where you basically shove your hand in harder and harder material.. gravel, rice, dirt, whatever it is to make your fingers stronger and better penetrate an enemy's flesh.

Recently I discovered there was another hand form that Karate and other styles use.. I don't know what it's called.. let me find a picture...



Just found out it's called Keikoken. I do it a little different, with less angle between the index and back of the hand, but I'm pretty confident I could easily break someone's skull or ribs with it. The point of pressure it VERY focused here.

And because it's so much more sturdy and the finger won't break, I decided to adapt it to my mantis style, as the Chinese use this hand form..



This is used in Tang Lang (Seven Stars Mantis) and it's really accurate and everything, but when you do it fast.. it get be harder to hit a very small area, and the more it needs to be precise the more you can miss and jeopardize your own technique, something I felt very insecure doing after an almost brawl last year. So I decided to rewrite some techniques and adapt more variations, from Karate, from anything that I feel will work.
Another one of my favorites, something I would use instead of snake style (Shequan) is the Leopard fist...



Basically, NOT extending your finger will lower the damage you can do to your finger, as the knuckles will take all the impact and this will also make your strike deeper and deadlier.

(Besides.. leopard is a cat.. I LOVE cats... so you see, my logic is undeniable. :lol: Ok.. just ignore me now)

GD. said:
Really well said, love, just as hate, can be both beneficial and detrimental, and this being a part of the process for becoming "balanced", one has to learn when and how much to let any of these manifest in their life. Nowadays is really hard to find a partener, whom will stay with you or whom you'll truly love.

I think "balanced" here is exactly the word to look for. I see all the people around me simply dying to be with someone else. I ask myself "why can't they see their own worth and need someone else to tell them they love them or that they are beautiful?" ...I don't wanna be cynic, but after all the love delusions I've had in my life, I find it pitiful for one to keep looking for "someone else to love them" when he or she WON'T love himself/herself in the first place. Someone who doesn't love the self should have the right to 'demand' love from others.. if you can't even love yourself, how can you possibly love someone else in a measure that make both the individuals feel better about anything?

When you say balanced, also, I think back of what I said about the dreams and the characters in them. Dreams are very much a mystery for most people, but what if those never met before characters who seem like the absolutely perfect love are actually a part of ourselves that wants to tell us that we are already complete and don't need to look any further?

Obviously, I don't have enough experience with this to confirm or disprove anything, so I'll leave this topic open for the future...

GD. said:
Don't you see that even kids can now turn into slaves of jews by just the fact that they know how to use their parents' phone and enter jewtube to search for cartoons made, as well, by jews? Every addiction makes you a slave, a slave to the addiction, and almost every addicting thing is "manufactured" by jews.

I know... shit, don't get me started on jewtube, I'll never stop talking. I just noticed an increase in amount of "fetish videos" and loooots of views too. This easily tells me that people have less and less interest even in normal healthy sex, that they wouldn't call it "making love" anymore, and that the corruption of weaker minds is reaching absurd levels... it stinks like jews everywhere you check. Not to mention the younger ones, getting bombarded with so much programming.. I wouldn't be surprised if every current 5 years old will want to belong to the opposite sex before reaching puberty.

Addictions are probably the worst... and I know this because I was addicted to some of this bullshit before I would finally get so angry at myself and hated what I had become I forced myself out of it.
We're literally talking about programming and mental drug... you might say I have used martial arts as a "self therapy" in order to better myself and fish myself out of that hole. I still see how many people are so enthralled by some completely self destructive ideas and fantasies... I don't think they will want to save themselves at any point. They are completely dependent and actually "love to be slaves" to someone else or some ideas. It's revolting and pitiful. And these are supposed to be being that were created by our Gods and Goddesses, meant to advance spiritually in order to become gods themselves??? -_- ...I just feel sorry knowing what Father Satan must think and feel looking at these insects.

Spiritual Satanism clearly isn't for everyone... some desire nothing but to be nothing. I guess they'll have that desire granted if they keep living that kind of existence. Every idiot that serves and defends the system is one more idiot that will point his cum stinking finger against us throwing ignorant insults. Time will take care of those weeds (or just until they have a bad vaccine reaction....)

GD. said:
I saw someone wrote on the forums that we should get to a level in meditation where we become addicted to it. Oh really? You eat everyday, does this make you addicted to food? Or is it something natural for you to do and rather than call it an addiction you embrace the fact that you need food to be alive and live healthy, and so should be with meditation? Let aside addicting substances from our food nowadays such as monosodium glutamate.

I guess the idea isn't negative.. the concept is wrong though. An addiction isn't positive under any circumstances. Perhaps what he wanted to say was: if meditation became an addiction like people develop addictions to the most self destructive things, it would certainly help them evolve and appreciate spirituality. Meditation IS Soul nourishment, but how many people still believe there is "no soul"? That's because the link between the Soul and the body and all the ability to feel it has been severed over the years by addictions, programming, weakening of the energy flow.... this would be the same as if someone could teach your body not to feel hunger or thirst. You stop eating and your body never tells you "hey moron, eat something before you die!".. what happens is that the person dies. Same happens for the Soul and meditation.. if someone doesn't ever feel any interest towards spirituality, any curiosity about psychic powers, any need to know more about the Gods or anything like that.... they'll never meditate, and the soul will just fade out of existence.
This is once again due to jews manipulating society in a way that is the LEAST spiritual possible, and even more, teaching everyone that "these things only happen in jewlloywood movies" but "aren't real"...... this is way often people that actually SEE something so called paranormal will not accept it as magick or anything like it, but will look for cameras and a material answer to explain something their mind is not ready to accept (due to too much jewish programming).

The only way I see for someone to become "addicted" to meditation would be to start by meditating and seeing lots of results within very short time, and wanting to witness those results again and again and again... until they realize their "addiction" is simply the natural food they should feed their Soul and is completely natural, but let's face it... people can meditate for long time and not achieve "godlike results"... there's really no excuse for dumping meditation just because it didn't work the first day after years of videogames and pornography.

GD. said:
It would be nice, indeed. We don't have a long way to go anymore until we will get to a point where satanism will be accepted as a legit and ethical religion. A few years from now, maybe 5? Who knows... but it will happen, no doubt about that.

That would be something, huh? ;) Let's keep firing those RTRs as much as we can and see actual results in the world.

GD. said:
I told my mom to
and I was shocked to see she actually did. She said that her heart started to beat faster and she was really angry. But I think that there is the purest form, condensed in a few paragraphs, basically an overview of how these parasites are.

Now that you mention it, I have started to see more and more activity from people that expose xianity for the human sacrifice propaganda that it is... I was amazed to see so much coming out of nowhere, I can't wait to find out more about it and see people refuse xianity for good! :D

GD. said:
Everyone complains about the school system in here that what we learn is way too complicated for some
promoting things that make kids stupid.

Not sure about which ones exactly, but I read that some govts in some countries in Eastern Europe have refused bribes to start coNvid scandemic measures... you see people acting and living like always, no lockdowns or masks whatsoever. These same countries, or neighboring ones, probably also have a better understanding of how important it is for kids to learn more than the pitiful level other countries forces on the young, trying to get them to mature into more intelligent and capable adults. In a world as corrupted as this, that's commendable.

I love that reasoning about analyzing kids' natal charts and finding out a blueprint of their more dominant skills. :) That should be interesting... I don't know if it could work in EVERY single case, but it would certainly allow kids to have plenty of time to know themselves, explore their most innate skills, and eventually choose to change them in favor of something else they feel they really want to do or learn about.
I'm thinking of what we talked about on our Gods and Goddesses, how their Element and possibly initial skills defined what their current office of skills is, but still not being limited to those skills, and flourishing into completely new sets of abilities and powers.
Everyone is individual and unique, so everyone's "skill tree" will be defined by multiple factors, starting with the dominant traits but evolved by all that the individual finds truly appealing.

GD. said:
You know... running, yoga, RTRs and all these things I enjoy doing are a very little part, I have a lot to study for exams, I have a project to make for my CAD (computer aided designer) diploma, to get my driving licence, as well as taking care of the house (my mom does a little part), I feel a bit overwhelmed but I am trying to put myself back together... I feel I have so much to do and so little time...

And now I feel bad about writing so freaking much! :lol: sorry.. :roll:

Take care, Sister! And do take your time answering this super long post... (I DID try to trim it to make it shorter lol... still a Shakespearian size dammit..)

GD. said:
here is how I do not struggle with sleep at all: when I put myself to bed I am saying that "I now put myself to sleep" or something similar a few times then I do void meditation. I think may be of help, no matter the orientation of your body when you sleep, or the bed you sleep in.

Sister, you're freaking amazing. XD

I tried your trick last night and my sleep felt very different. I cleaned up any previous energy from the place I sleep in, then decided I'm putting myself to sleep as you said, and used Void to slow myself down.

I realized my usual sleep entrance is very similar to simply losing consciousness and falling into some unknown place, but THIS time my entry felt much more like a "controlled rope descent".
For the first maybe 3 hours (as I went to sleep past 1am.. watched old Chinese kung fu movies :lol: ) I only slept without any dream (OR that's the phase they say dreams usually aren't recalled). I'm almost sure I "must have dreamt of something" but when I woke up around 4:30am I couldn't remember shit. The cool part came later, when I did this again and mentally stated where I wanted to go in the dream, in order to make it manifest easier I guess.
The "where" didn't seem to work but I did get to meet some Succubi that felt like a real being (the romantic type, not the sex one) and I felt honestly loved. I can't be too sure after one successful session but I think I met her before, or the archetype I'm looking for is really similar.

Woke up two hours later (I checked the clock to keep an eye on the dream's duration and sleep patterns) and realized that I dreamt a lot of "time" for only two hours of sleep.

I tried this one more time but didn't dream or I don't remember what it was about.
I'm thinking I might use some suggestions about "how to trigger lucid dreams" I read about, one about setting your alarm clock and waking up at specific intervals to trigger lucidity (the WBTB one, for "Wake Back To Bed") as it seems the case in the one I pulled last night.

...Actually, I just remembered I did something similar when I was a child and trying to control my dreams (before I heard lucid dreaming was something people could do) and a few times it worked but I didn't control this well.
Thanks to you, I feel like I can manage this now. :)

I've got to say, dear Sister, I think you've been sent by our Gods and Goddesses! :lol: You've been nothing but a blessing, I feel I'm making constant progress. I'm really glad you're here.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Glad you did lol, today I'll try to keep this shorter.. note: "try".

(Note: I just finished typing.. ummm... make yourself tea, Sister. A couple jars should do. XD Sorry!!!)
If you're having that much trouble every time you try to tell me about it, it's either...
If in doubt, ask for a clear sign on what you should do to our Gods and Goddesses, something you won't be able to miss and interpret wrong.

You wouldn't believe... I wanted to ask for help here for a thing I was struggling with for the past year, and everything has cleared out suddenly, and it is all alright now. I suppose Gods have their ways, even if I am busier than ever before, I will maybe have to get used to it.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I'm no dream expert but sometimes it's just easier to tell why I dream what I dream (.."dreamt"? "dreamed"? ..fucking Engrish :lol: ) and how I can use that knowledge to learn from myself.
Bees don't normally sting for no reason, you must reeeeally bother them for them to become aggressive. I lost count of the ones I saved from the pool and wouldn't leave my hand until they got dried up lol. Good time to take pictures. :p

The man actually had an attitude... how should I explain... he wanted to put me there like he wanted it for a long time, not to protect me, and he wasn't aggressive at all, he was enthusiastic, also everything felt like in a hurry. And you might be right about the bees, I am not quite sure, looking at the context.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Something I must mention here....
The buzzing and the mantras, awakening the lower chakras with vibrating powerful sounds, spiritual evolution literally by "embracing Nature"....

I think that really is the meaning of it, all about vibration. This reminds me of something.. when I was little, around the ages 5 to 9, I was vibrating M because I liked how it feels in my whole body. Vibration is essential in advancing. Everything is vibration.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Thank you for saying that, it actually helped. I "challenged" myself last night and slept again in the normal way my bed is oriented, with the head towards East.

I am glad it did, I have read your other reply regarding this, and I am so happy for you. At any level we have a lot to do and fix, it's like it never ends, and I personally love this.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I normally feel out of breath when running a few hundred meters and have to badly reoxygenate as I walk the rest of the distance, or before I tell myself it's safe to run again, but things like lifting heavy weights and doing martial arts kind of "empower" me instead.. martial arts of course empower me more than anything, but I guess it depends by how they seem to work on all Elements in the same measure, forcing you to balance yourself, even switching to styles that favor an Element more than others.. like Baji Quan for Earth, Tai Chi for Water, and so on.

It is normal that most people have their strengths and weaknesses, very few are actually "flexible" regarding anything and can be good in most areas. Running may not be a strength for you but martial arts are and this is what you should look up to, while, of course, making sure you have the resistance to run a bit more, as it also helps with the resistance in general. What about swimming? It uses all of the muscle groups as far as I know.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Chinese knowledge of the Soul and what it needs to feed itself is really awesome in my opinion, I have no doubt the Qing Dynasty wanted to weaken the Chinese people when they forced them to live without martial arts for 300 years (among other things they forced on the Chinese, and that was BEFORE freaking Mao forced communism). Good to know, I've seen a rise in people who are actively promoting ANTI-communism parties (CCP) in China lately. I can't begin to imagine how horrifying it must be to live there. The Chinese people need to go back to their own roots and BADLY awaken... and yes, I DO disagree with the lack of an "Asian Awakening Ritual".
I'd like to know what you think about it. I've been speaking with some Black dudes at work and I gotta say they felt more Awake than most White, so it was a pleasant surprise.. but when I tested the Asian and talked about well known world problems (well known to us, at least) they shut the door and believed I was insane. Someone here once said "the Asian aren't as asleep as the rest", but even if I was Asian I wouldn't believe that to be true, considering the testing I've done on random people around me.

The race awakening rituals are done for the "racial intelligence" if I may call it like this. It is for people of certain races to start being aware of the fact that other races are different by nature and by soul from them. Most asians are already subconsciously or even consciously aware that other races are different, while most whites think that, for example, blacks differ from them by only skin colour, this is why we do not have such ritual for them, as it is not needed.

The problem you talked about is not about race awakening, but rather an overall awareness one, some if not most of the problems regarding what you said come from consistent brainwashing and propaganda for extremely skinny and unhealthy type of lifestyles, or whatever you may think of, reversing hebrew letters combined with ending the veil will help vanish all this, and all people from around the world will be craving to turn to their ascensors and know their past. It's just a matter of time.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Speaking of Asian and races... do you know any Asian Gods or Goddesses? And what about Black?

Actually no, I don't, just yet. I feel I have a lot to go through and evolve in general, I will surely know in the future.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Normally, the people in dreams are kinda shallow, almost like robotic actors reciting their role without emotion or anything. I think they are simply reflections of memories that I re-live, and it's boring as fuck, and useless. I get stuck in these boring and often stressful situations like exams already taken in school, or a job I hated but I'm suddenly back there and doing tasks out of a sense of duty... if I recognized the dream for what it is I'd slap my ex boss and ex coworker so hard in the face that I think I'd shift in my bed and wake up from just that (better not actually hitting anything as the cats come sleep with me and I don't technically have a door in this room at the moment).

How cute, I love cats just as I love dogs. When I asked Father Satan for a familiar I was already imagining my blue nosed amstaff playing outside, and I've got to live and actually see what I imagined, he looks exactly like that. It's been 5 years and we've been through a lot, my "little" gift from Satan during His day, and during yule. I don't let him sleep near me however, he snores incredibly loud lol.

If you want to control your dreams, do affirmations before going to bed and fall asleep repeating them in your mind. Or record yourself saying the affirmations and listen to the recording before you sleep 10 minutes or how much you need, then do the same method with "now I put myself to sleep" once.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Now I am wondering about Musashi Miyamoto's words...

I know that, in this same topic, I said my views on that quote, I already linked you there, and my perspective haven't changed. Use whatever you feel needed to advance if it helps. Looking only within is a problem, as well as looking only on the outer space than yourself is a problem. Life is about balance and one should learn how to use both the "within" and "outer"... let's call them "worlds". Humans now really need to get more in touch with their inner self indeed.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
As for cleaning with the Elements, I guess it comes with feeling energy in an Elemental way.. like "solid", "liquid", etc.
It's not hard at all.. it takes a lot of visualization and you suddenly manifest this, knowing in the next dimension this stuff already exists and does what you created it for.
How did it go then with that Thoughtform you thought of.. the one directly absorbing energy from the Sun and passing it onto you? Have you tried that yet? I'm thinking I should try something similar, but I want to experiment with other sources too

Thank you for telling me about the way you do clean your place astrally, I tried to do some cleaning with elements as well, it works just fine, but I was personally doing something similar before, but with blue flames and solar energy spheres. About the thoughtform, no, I haven't done it yet, I want to enter a trance state to do it like that, when I decide I will, maybe it is something way too advanced for me, as I've lost a lot of power lately, I would use the amount I have in things I know for sure work.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I'm also thinking.. what about Water from all the seas? Could it help in getting better skill in some subtler abilities, like controlling emotions and trance states? I really want to learn how to open myself up a LOT more, using dreams, astral projecting every day, meeting our Gods and other beings like lesser Gods and any other friendly "Satan approved" beings around. Been wanting... well, no.. "needing" this, since I was a child. I always felt this need above anything else. Astral communication. I've made some progress in the last couple years, but I'm not ever getting started for what I want do achieve.

It may be a really great idea to try it. Whatever helps. Also, be aware of the fact that there is water in the air as well. You can try to do what I did with fire, but get water from all the seas and rivers and even lakes and ALSO from the air's humidity, and earth's humidity, as it has its humidity as well. Get water in all its cycles, even clouds and glaciers, imagine all the snow where it is on this earth and absorb water from there as well. Imagine every single particle of water and absorb it, if you really want to do this.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I don't consider myself very experienced with the Elements, honestly. This has to do with the fact that I haven't felt energy for so long, and the few times I did I also had some trouble holding them.. the worst one of them has probably been Earth so far:
back in 2012 (the same year I met Haures, but a little before that, I think) I was in bed one night and felt like trying to use Earth on myself as I was confident I would feel something. And something I did feel.. I imagined and felt "boulders of gravity" pressing me down, laying on my like a mountain was being parked on top of me, and I felt great at the thought of "yeah! I can feel energy! This is what Earth feel like, finally!" ....only, the next morning I woke up with THE WORST sore neck and shoulders and it lasted for two weeks.

You at least seem a lot more experienced with elements than I know I am. This makes me want to experiment with elements again.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Sorry you had to go through all that.
As for not being able to do a proper standard ritual, this may have to do with your own development and training... remember that we can make astral temples and do whatever we want in another dimension, including full standard rituals. Even in dreams, if you can control them enough for that.

To be honest, I was always tending to open my astral senses in order to communicate with our Father and His demons, and standard rituals, after some time not having the intimacy to do them, felt like something I didn't need anymore. Of course sometimes is really nice to get formal. It's a strange feeling I have over doing one, I cannot describe it. Also thank you for your kind words, really means a lot to know that I maybe have helped someone to a point where they see me like that, and thank you for letting me know about how you feel about this, I am glad you did.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
The 3 bricks thing sounds pretty interesting.. ;) I might try something like that too, got enough firewood boards to play with. Something I just started doing is a Dim Mak training, the one that conditions your hands where you basically shove your hand in harder and harder material.. gravel, rice, dirt, whatever it is to make your fingers stronger and better penetrate an enemy's flesh.

I said the video I saw was on Pinterest, but it turns out I found a video of him on YouTube as well, it took me some time tho, here the video is. What I saw was similar to that seen on the minute 1:40 here, but there were 3 bigger bricks. And searching for it I saw the technique is called the one inch punch.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Recently I discovered there was another hand form that Karate and other styles use.. I don't know what it's called.. let me find a picture...

I looked at all the photos you sent and read what you said about them, the first thing that came through my mind when you sent the mantis hand form was the fact that my dad used to tickle me with it when I was little :lol: and it hurt lol, don't mind me, but what I wanted to say here is pointing out the fact that adapting them is great, depending on what you're doing with them. You seem just as pasionate for martial arts as I am for painting, so as these are basically both called "arts" don't be afraid to experiment, Brother.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I know... shit, don't get me started on jewtube, I'll never stop talking. I just noticed an increase in amount of "fetish videos" and loooots of views too. This easily tells me that people have less and less interest even in normal healthy sex, that they wouldn't call it "making love" anymore, and that the corruption of weaker minds is reaching absurd levels... it stinks like jews everywhere you check. Not to mention the younger ones, getting bombarded with so much programming.. I wouldn't be surprised if every current 5 years old will want to belong to the opposite sex before reaching puberty.

I suppose the humanity will get on a state of healing however. Until then we'll continue to see both what you said and young girls being extremely proud they had sex with a jew at 14 (one of my classmates) or porn between children of ages between 10 and 12 (my 12 yo brother showed me a video recently). I feel disgusted of this world they created.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Addictions are probably the worst... and I know this because I was addicted to some of this bullshit before I would finally get so angry at myself and hated what I had become I forced myself out of it.
They are completely dependent and actually "love to be slaves" to someone else or some ideas. It's revolting and pitiful.

Spiritual Satanism clearly isn't for everyone... some desire nothing but to be nothing. I guess they'll have that desire granted if they keep living that kind of existence. Every idiot that serves and defends the system is one more idiot that will point his cum stinking finger against us throwing ignorant insults. Time will take care of those weeds (or just until they have a bad vaccine reaction....)

Most do not realise it completely, I think. For those who do... what can I say? Should we feel sorry for them? If one is willing to change then they should be encouraged and helped, if they know that what they do is wrong and choose to continue to do it, then they should deal with it on their own.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I guess the idea isn't negative.. the concept is wrong though. An addiction isn't positive under any circumstances. Perhaps what he wanted to say was: if meditation became an addiction like people develop addictions to the most self destructive things, it would certainly help them evolve and appreciate spirituality.
Of course it wasn't a bad idea, but I bet you know what I was saying.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
You stop eating and your body never tells you "hey moron, eat something before you die!".. what happens is that the person dies. Same happens for the Soul and meditation.. if someone doesn't ever feel any interest towards spirituality, any curiosity about psychic powers, any need to know more about the Gods or anything like that.... they'll never meditate, and the soul will just fade out of existence.

However, both your body and your soul will give you signals, one has to be opened enough to receive them. In the example of dying from starvation, body gives some signals, but if one is not able to receive them and do something about it then what can someone else do for them? Same applies for spirituality.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
The only way I see for someone to become "addicted" to meditation would be to start by meditating and seeing lots of results within very short time, and wanting to witness those results again and again and again... until they realize their "addiction" is simply the natural food they should feed their Soul and is completely natural, but let's face it... people can meditate for long time and not achieve "godlike results"... there's really no excuse for dumping meditation just because it didn't work the first day after years of videogames and pornography.

Imagine, people which have been sedentary their whole life, when they start to workout, if they do it to much their muscles will get sore after, but if they start to do it gradually they will find pleasure in doing it from a point, and not only it will come naturally but their body will start craving a workout, their mind will naturally beg them to move the body, it isn't any philosophy behind this, and the same applies to meditation.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Not sure about which ones exactly, but I read that some govts in some countries in Eastern Europe have refused bribes to start coNvid scandemic measures... you see people acting and living like always, no lockdowns or masks whatsoever.

Here we theoretically still do have restrictions, but almost no one is respecting any measure or whatever. There are people scared and wearing masks, still, but I personally take my mask off pretty often even during classes but no one says anything. I saw that the younger people are actually really hard to fool, as most already saw there is too much exaggeration.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I love that reasoning about analyzing kids' natal charts and finding out a blueprint of their more dominant skills. :) That should be interesting... I don't know if it could work in EVERY single case, but it would certainly allow kids to have plenty of time to know themselves, explore their most innate skills, and eventually choose to change them in favor of something else they feel they really want to do or learn about.

Actually, astrology can be extremely explicit and specific if you know how to use it. For example I've read in my chart that around the ages 13-14 I may develop an oughtright hostility towords my dad that may lasts through the whole life which is exactly what happened. Imagine if we did that to every single child, reading their charts. I think parents should do this, pay someone or read it on their own in order to know how to help their child if they truly care.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
And now I feel bad about writing so freaking much! :lol: sorry.. :roll:

Take care, Sister! And do take your time answering this super long post... (I DID try to trim it to make it shorter lol... still a Shakespearian size dammit..)


Don't feel sorry for that, I will read whatever you text me, and respond to it when I have the time, not a big deal.

Take good care, Brother! And don't ever again worry about texting much, please :D.
GD. said:
You wouldn't believe... I wanted to ask for help here for a thing I was struggling with for the past year, and everything has cleared out suddenly, and it is all alright now. I suppose Gods have their ways, even if I am busier than ever before, I will maybe have to get used to it.

From what I could observe in my own experience with everything about the Gods and our own evolution and journey, every step takes us a little closer to an answer and each time we circle around something closer and closer we unveil a little more, that we couldn't see before and it looks new. The answer was simply there all the time, out of our previous ability to reach.
The way I see this now, our own effort and the help from our Gods and Goddesses are the two forces that bring us closer to each and every success, one after another, only separated by the time we take to circle close enough to the next answer that, in turn, boosts us forward.

GD. said:
The man actually had an attitude... how should I explain... he wanted to put me there like he wanted it for a long time, not to protect me, and he wasn't aggressive at all, he was enthusiastic, also everything felt like in a hurry.

The way you put it, I thought this man would be a negative influence or someone that tried to hurt you but failed.. under another view, he could have been the part of you that wanted to force you to trigger progress in a faster way, perhaps.

GD. said:
This reminds me of something.. when I was little, around the ages 5 to 9, I was vibrating M because I liked how it feels in my whole body. Vibration is essential in advancing.

I remember doing something like that often enough.. I suppose "M" is a sound that's particularly nice as it vibrates inside more than sounds you make that can get 'lost' outside of your mouth. One sound that I like now is the 'B' as in buzzing bees because I can either feel it vibrating in different areas of my brain and also I find that it's easier to direct it in a focused way by changing the lips shape slightly.. it's hard to describe how to do this, I guess it just comes natural when you focus on an area of the brain, like the back or sides for instance, and will the sound there as you shift it with your mouth.

GD. said:
I am glad it did, I have read your other reply regarding this, and I am so happy for you. At any level we have a lot to do and fix, it's like it never ends, and I personally love this.

Yeah, I can see that method has got a lot of potential.. :) I haven't been successful the last few nights (had too much on my mind and didn't focus enough for sure), but I'm in the learning and tuning process, finding out what triggers it better. I'll definitely treasure your advice.

GD. said:
Running may not be a strength for you but martial arts are and this is what you should look up to, while, of course, making sure you have the resistance to run a bit more, as it also helps with the resistance in general. What about swimming? It uses all of the muscle groups as far as I know.

Guess I'm out of shape regarding resistance and stamina.. back in the day when I competed in the European Wushu championship I was able to pull a complete form (it's generally around 2-3 minutes I think) and didn't break a sweat... I remember when I studied those and you'd be dead by the end of the first of 4 sequences/rows/lines/whatever you wanna call them. Forms need plenty of stamina and the further you get into it the more you have to be aware of not making mistakes because you're getting tired. Running definitely helped tone up muscles, but I really felt it was a limited thing when during the form I'd use muscles I never used for anything else.
As for swimming, you're absolutely right, and I'd love to.. it's been like two years since I've been to the beach (and knowing where I live this sounds almost like a joke). I used a small (1000 L) pool in the backyard to swim and train some. Next year nothing's gonna hold me back, I just love the scent and sounds of the sea.. hopefully the world's madness hasn't triggered an insane jellyfish overpopulation. I don't really mind sharks anymore lol... used to be terrified of them but now I see them as simply friendly animals. Is that insane? :lol: It's not like I'm gonna swim in metres of water anyway.. always preferred the shallows where I can visually check around myself and see danger from afar.

GD. said:
The race awakening rituals are done for the "racial intelligence" if I may call it like this. It is for people of certain races to start being aware of the fact that other races are different by nature and by soul from them.
most whites think that, for example, blacks differ from them by only skin colour

That makes a lot of difference then.. thanks for explaining that, I always thought of the Race Awakening as in rituals that are supposed to 'enlighten' people of one's own race and boost understanding of problems we know about, more than anything. I hear what you say about the Whites thinking only color defines the difference with Blacks... I guess this isn't something that I would have normally thought about by myself because I normally always feel a biological/genetic difference with a lot of people. Call it a "biokinesis sense" if you like, I could almost always spot the difference between myself and others, and suddenly I'd lose all interest in them as partners... mostly this felt like some kind of genetic 'damage', but now I think it might have been the vaccines they had to turn them into "less than Human" in a way. I don't want to put all the people I've ever met under one only umbrella term as I think someone was simply naturally stronger, had a kickass biology and fought whatever afflicted them in a way that made them almost feel unvaccinated, undamaged, "biologically superior" in some way perhaps, but others just felt like they were scarred for life... I could still obviously befriend them, some became tight buddies for while, but let's say I would turn my head away when I'd see people kissing and such, knowing I couldn't mingle with them.

I know.. I'm kinda fucked in the head.

GD. said:
reversing hebrew letters combined with ending the veil will help vanish all this, and all people from around the world will be craving to turn to their ascensors and know their past. It's just a matter of time.

This was like a nice fresh breeze.. :p I can't wait for the world to start looking more like "home" and less like the current shit it is.

GD. said:
How cute, I love cats just as I love dogs. When I asked Father Satan for a familiar I was already imagining my blue nosed amstaff playing outside, and I've got to live and actually see what I imagined, he looks exactly like that. It's been 5 years and we've been through a lot, my "little" gift from Satan during His day, and during yule. I don't let him sleep near me however, he snores incredibly loud lol.

:D That's great... I'm glad your request got you that familiar. They are surely precious beings. I don't really think ALL of my cats.. (can't say the number but let's say they're "slightly more than the letters in the 'E' word in this post".. :lol: got it? ) are familiars, but there is definitely one and maybe two that I feel particularly close to.. other than the fact that they would probably kick an improbable girlfriend out of my bed, jealous as they are lol.

GD. said:
If you want to control your dreams, do affirmations before going to bed and fall asleep repeating them in your mind. Or record yourself saying the affirmations and listen to the recording before you sleep 10 minutes or how much you need, then do the same method with "now I put myself to sleep" once.

I guess I only started this last year to properly believe in the power of affirmations, so I'll experiment with them from now on. I don't know if I could listen to myself speak without horror at my own voice lol so I'll just keep it personal and real time.

GD. said:
Use whatever you feel needed to advance if it helps. Looking only within is a problem, as well as looking only on the outer space than yourself is a problem. Life is about balance and one should learn how to use both the "within" and "outer"... let's call them "worlds". Humans now really need to get more in touch with their inner self indeed.

I read that older post again. Guess I still find myself only agreeing half, but only because of the obvious programming that stopped me from asking the Gods for help for all this time. I do see it's a common problem among less experienced Satanists as we believe we're 'bothering the Gods' with our requests for help, even when we feel lost. Guess this is where I see (one of) the difference between us, You being more advanced and knowing this stuff already, and me having to figure many things out yet.
I do agree that living only in the within OR outer worlds is a problem. I suppose the trick here could be that the within needs to expand so much the outer will be enveloped and involved in the within so much that they'll simply reach a new balance and they'll co-exist and work together, "magick" being the observable result of this union.

GD. said:
Thank you for telling me about the way you do clean your place astrally, I tried to do some cleaning with elements as well, it works just fine, but I was personally doing something similar before, but with blue flames and solar energy spheres. About the thoughtform, no, I haven't done it yet, I want to enter a trance state to do it like that, when I decide I will, maybe it is something way too advanced for me, as I've lost a lot of power lately, I would use the amount I have in things I know for sure work.

I'm guessing the trick with that kind of cleaning, with Elements, is simply that you use what you're mostly familiar with, or have a better ability to visualize. In your case, Fire was the Element chosen as it seems you really enjoy working and mingling with that Element, which is also very probably why you're so good with it. It is something you find pleasurable using so (speaking of "positive meditation addiction") it is also something that you managed to learn quicker, through experimenting and seeing your results as a positive feedback.

Funny thing, your words about enjoying Fire more than any other Element have been something that stuck with me these days a lot and after cycling through all of them once more, trying simply to find what I want to do the most, I had my answer. Odd how I had to cycle through them all in one day though... this rarely happened: I started with the obvious one, the dominant. After Air felt so shallow and empty I wanted to give up, I immediately switched to Earth, wanting to see whether or not it could fill that 'void'. Initially grateful for that filling, I became quickly displeased with the absolute dullness of Earth (also, I have yet to learn much about how to use Earth physically, while other Elements are more direct and obvious, like extremes of temperature or levitation and weather magick), so I ran to Fire. Fire is usually a great Element for me but it does tend to overdo and "burnout quick", meaning the magic will fade quicker than with all the other Elements. The last one left, Water, wasn't supposed to "cool down" too much Fire, but simply help me test if it had or hadn't a certain balance I was becoming desperate to feel.

As it turns out, Water is the one Element that I feel the most balanced. One of the last times I had worked with it (decently for the first time perhaps) I found a curious effect: you know how you used Fire as with the Sushumna expansion to warm up in the snow? I discovered the same can be done with Water, but while Fire warms you up to the point of ignoring the cold (I HAVEN'T done this successfully so I'm hypothesizing this.. you'll know best), I feel that Water lowers (comfortably enough) the body temperature so much that the cold is perceived as "warmer" than cold...

I don't know if this makes perfect sense when you're reading it. It made me feel like a fish in the sea, so used to cold temperatures and cold currents that when cold water brushes outside the body, "brushing" is the only effect felt, and "cold" is bypassed as secondary and unimportant.
For now I only find it hard to keep this effect up for very long before the body tends to become stiffened and discomfort takes place creeping in with the external cold, but the effect is certainly very visible for me and I find just the lightest clothing will suffice to meditate at night with the window open (it's around 9C or 48F here at night lately).

My goal with Water however is not cryokinesis.. not right now at least, enhancing resistance to the cold is just a nice bonus, but I'm fascinated by water itself. I've been returning to it over and over in my life, finding it beautiful, peaceful, magnetic, something to behold... I don't know if that's what you feel when you think of Fire, but that's the impression I've got from what you explained.

Also, there have been unforeseen effects on my perception. I noticed today, I'd feel something that could spell danger so I changed my family's plans for tomorrow. Glad my mother does buy into these things sometimes.. I felt scents that I thought only Air could pick up on, so I'm still pretty shocked that Water would reveal that much. The "psychic" Element? Never worked like this for me before now.

And another thing, I seem to have started to perceive liquids itself like a different substance, something easily ..I don't know.. "manipulated"? It felt like an extension of myself, kinda like a web is to a spider. This made me immediately think about when today I read your post and you reminded me that water exists in all things, gaseous in the air, humidity in the earth, etc.. it's basically everywhere.

Now that I think about it, when I wrote the post last time I didn't mention that I'd absorb "water from all the seas" because I was thinking of Water as the Element to work with lol... I was thinking about Air and the sky, but I'm glad I ended up mentioning Water because you gave me, once again great advice.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I'm also thinking.. what about Water from all the seas?

GD. said:
there is water in the air as well....
get water from all the seas and rivers and even lakes and ALSO from the air's humidity
even clouds and glaciers, imagine all the snow where it is on this earth and absorb water from there as well. Imagine every single particle of water and absorb it, if you really want to do this.

Yeah, exactly that. :lol: Guess I'm pretty short sighted for an Air person.. or I'm just used to doing this over and over changing very little every time, resulting in poor progress.

And before I forget....

I don't think you're not ready or not capable enough to start using Thoughtforms. You did mention doing something like it when you were younger, so this is surely no new skill for you. The only thing stopping you is probably your own lack of expectation in great results, or the fact that you know you probably haven't controlled this skill as well as others you have...
Personally, I see no problem here at all. You're very wise and savvy, you're more experienced with energy than I am, you know how to use affirmations to shape your reality and make things manifest. You're ready for this too.
Perhaps I'll start calling you Big Sister... :lol: you may be like half my age but damn... you're good. :) I learn something every time you speak. That's just amazing.

GD. said:
You at least seem a lot more experienced with elements than I know I am. This makes me want to experiment with elements again.

I've simply always felt really attracted to them because I always perceived them as "the most natural thing on the Planet", and because I always thought of "Nature" as something like an actual Goddess (rather than xian bullshit and such lies) I wanted to get closer to this "Goddess" by embracing what I felt defined her. I guess this interest and connection with the Planet has trained me to stand stronger Elemental energy since I was much younger, way before I'd find the JoS website. I'd just focus on these energies by visualizing them and I'd feel a beautiful effect that felt like belonging and familiarity. When I learned that Spiritual Satanism involved magick that worked with these energies, I think that was the best day in a long while. I just couldn't stop wanting to know more.
I don't know if this type of magick is for everyone. Many still tell me it's impossible I don't feel some energies that prove to be too much for them, some think I'm bullshitting them or something. I'm just used to this because I've done it for what feels like most of my life now. The only real thing I regret is believing that I shouldn't use this much power (this is once again coming from programming) because I feared hurting someone I love. If I think about this programming now and know exactly where it came from.... I could freeze a jew solid and mawashi geri his fucking head off.

If you want to experiment with the Elements more I can only encourage you to do so. For me this has been the most revealing and useful magick I've learned from. I don't think there's much I haven't said on that super long "Regarding Elements" post, but if you want to ask anything I'll help as best as I can.

GD. said:
Of course sometimes is really nice to get formal. It's a strange feeling I have over doing one, I cannot describe it. Also thank you for your kind words, really means a lot to know that I maybe have helped someone to a point where they see me like that, and thank you for letting me know about how you feel about this, I am glad you did.

I think I understand what you mean. Many people have found it difficult to perform standard rituals often or as freely because of xian families and lack of privacy, so many have resorted to astral temples and simply isolating themselves from the world through meditation, establishing a connection with Father Satan and the Demons without anyone suspecting it. You can even do it while riding on a bus and nobody will ever know, that's the convenient part, but I know there's something lacking. I don't think I know that feeling you mentioned as well as you do but there's definitely a better intimacy with a proper ritual done when you know nobody will walk in the room and bother you or stop you.

And, you're very welcome, but I am the one who's thanking you. :) lol glad you don't feel me as a bothersome punk always asking for directions.. :p

GD. said:
What I saw was similar to that seen on the minute 1:40 here, but there were 3 bigger bricks. And searching for it I saw the technique is called the one inch punch.

Ohhh yeah.. that's definitely one inch punch. Don't know how famous this fact is, but the one inch punch was "invented" by Bruce Lee. He used to demonstrate absurd skills like this... in the original video it looks like he's just pushing the guy into a chair, but later the guy reported he couldn't breath properly for days lol. That man... another incredible video I'm thinking of is the one where he plays (and wins) a ping pong game but uses a nunchaku! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SncapPrTusA
This to show just to what degree of skill he would constantly challenge himself with, pushing his limits further than anyone else at the time.

As for the guy breaking bricks, I don't know if you can see that, there's a tiny and powerful exhale just before he hits. That's obviously where he uses his Soul's energy, whether he knows about it or simply does it without realizing, thinking it's all part of "his mojo" or something.. (he probably knows more but after someone like Bruce Lee got killed for showing the world too much and SAYING too much, exceptional people tend to limit what they reveal to a minimum).

GD. said:
used to tickle me with it when I was little :lol: and it hurt lol, don't mind me


GD. said:
You seem just as pasionate for martial arts as I am for painting, so as these are basically both called "arts" don't be afraid to experiment, Brother.

You enjoy painting? :) I used to draw.. not much and wasn't as good as I wanted to of course, but before I'd lose my job I'd fill much of the empty time in the long shifts with drawing. That's actually where I developed some better skills, practiced crosshatching (ink pen), different textures and basically I became less rigid and gave myself more freedom. Now it's been a while since the last time I drew anything.. I guess there's only one thing online that I can show you (barely even look at that channel after jewtube closed my last one) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3winTKDCB_A mind you, it's definitely not the best I've done lol.. just something done in an hour to post a quick one while I was mad at the assholes who ruined months of work.

GD. said:
Should we feel sorry for them? If one is willing to change then they should be encouraged and helped, if they know that what they do is wrong and choose to continue to do it, then they should deal with it on their own.

Can't disagree at all here. I only wish I learned this hard lesson earlier, it would have spared me years of suffering trying to wake up those that responded by turning on the other side and kept sleeping.

GD. said:
Imagine, people which have been sedentary their whole life, when they start to workout, if they do it to much their muscles will get sore after, but if they start to do it gradually they will find pleasure in doing it from a point, and not only it will come naturally but their body will start craving a workout, their mind will naturally beg them to move the body, it isn't any philosophy behind this, and the same applies to meditation.

That's actually very beautifully said. It's only a pity that many, even those that are starting well and give meditation a shot, soon enough give up and look for something else that can somehow satisfy a need that will never be satisfied other than by meditating and learning those experiences, unlocking magick skills, learning ultimate truths, and so on. Guess that's where you see who's really worth helping and who's so willingly lost they don't deserve your time.

GD. said:
I saw that the younger people are actually really hard to fool, as most already saw there is too much exaggeration.

There's either very awake and very very dormant. Every day someone posts a picture showing idiots that go to the grocery store wearing something they could wear at the bottom of the sea with a long air tube coming out of their head. Give it time... we're seeing a lot of Final RTR effects and other rituals are working as well. Also, it's crazy but sometimes I can almost "hear" the jews panicked and screaming their horror at seeing their empire collapsing faster than anyone can mend it... it's amazing! :lol:

GD. said:
Actually, astrology can be extremely explicit and specific if you know how to use it.
Imagine if we did that to every single child, reading their charts. I think parents should do this, pay someone or read it on their own in order to know how to help their child if they truly care.

To be completely honest, I think I am a little afraid of finding out too much and too soon.. I'm probably the last person anyone should ask about astrology as I never learned anything about it (yet) but I keep seeing how others are discovering things about themselves that help them grow.. I wonder if this step could really help me make the difference, if there's something huge that's just behind the corner for me to find out about... can I ask you where have you learned about astrology so much? There are still plenty of skills and pages in the JoS I haven't read as I mostly focused on the same skills I have been using and working on, but I feel this could probably be as good a time as any to get started and see if this is for me or not... I know some Demons are excellent in astrology and divination while others have different sets of skills, but I bet all of them know at least more than enough to teach about any subject.

Wow, it's past 2am.. I'll meditate some before sleeping, good thing I don't feel the slightest cold right now.. :D

Take care, Sister! Always a pleasure to read you!

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
From what I could observe in my own experience with everything about the Gods and our own evolution and journey, every step takes us a little closer to an answer and each time we circle around something closer and closer we unveil a little more, that we couldn't see before and it looks new. The answer was simply there all the time, out of our previous ability to reach.
The way I see this now, our own effort and the help from our Gods and Goddesses are the two forces that bring us closer to each and every success, one after another, only separated by the time we take to circle close enough to the next answer that, in turn, boosts us forward.
A lot more interesting is the way our perception and views on the world are changing constantly, depending on what we go through, and what we've been through, this with the help of the "two forces" you mentioned, until "we" get to a point of understanding where we just go forward on a path of learning on our own and achieving what our nature dictates us to, under the willing of Satan. Wherever one finds itself, this journey of growing never ends, not even after achieving the Magnum Opus, there is the beauty of it all.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I remember doing something like that often enough.. I suppose "M" is a sound that's particularly nice as it vibrates inside more than sounds you make that can get 'lost' outside of your mouth. One sound that I like now is the 'B' as in buzzing bees because I can either feel it vibrating in different areas of my brain and also I find that it's easier to direct it in a focused way by changing the lips shape slightly.. it's hard to describe how to do this, I guess it just comes natural when you focus on an area of the brain, like the back or sides for instance, and will the sound there as you shift it with your mouth.
Vibrating G stimulates the pineal gland, just as a matter of fact. Maybe this additional information helps you in a way or another. Gaum mantra on the pineal.

[quote_Satan_is_our_Father666]Yeah, I can see that method has got a lot of potential.. :) I haven't been successful the last few nights (had too much on my mind and didn't focus enough for sure), but I'm in the learning and tuning process, finding out what triggers it better. I'll definitely treasure your advice.[/quote]
This may also show you how good you are with void meditation, and if you should work a lot more on it.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Guess I'm out of shape regarding resistance and stamina.. back in the day when I competed in the European Wushu championship I was able to pull a complete form (it's generally around 2-3 minutes I think) and didn't break a sweat...
I suppose it's never too late to increase your resistance, and, in general, do what you feel like doing. And regarding swimming, I wasn't referring to the beach, I don't personally like them at all, I haven't seen sharks, only small jellyfish, and to be honest, this all is not my type of environment. I like to swim in high salinity lakes and there is one near where I live, right next to a forest and on the top of a hill, I just love to go there.

It isn't a natural lake, it is formed after the explosion of a salt mine, this is also why it has really high salinity, and no one knows its depth for sure, even if a group of professional divers tried to get as deep as possible, they couldn't because of the salinity that was bringing them to the surface, there is no way you can drown in there, I swear :lol: you can just stay still in the middle of the lake and you will remain to the surface, that's a good place to learn to swim for beginners.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
That makes a lot of difference then.. thanks for explaining that, I always thought of the Race Awakening as in rituals that are supposed to 'enlighten' people of one's own race and boost understanding of problems we know about, more than anything. I hear what you say about the Whites thinking only color defines the difference with Blacks... I guess this isn't something that I would have normally thought about by myself because I normally always feel a biological/genetic difference with a lot of people. Call it a "biokinesis sense" if you like, I could almost always spot the difference between myself and others, and suddenly I'd lose all interest in them as partners... mostly this felt like some kind of genetic 'damage', but now I think it might have been the vaccines they had to turn them into "less than Human" in a way.
My pleasure :), and the fact that you can spot these differences may come from the fact that you've maybe been a satanist before this lifetime, and this sense of analysing, even unconsciously, your relation between you and others, even spiritually, may come from there. Maybe, who knows, you've been a "late bird" this whole time and now you start to improve yourself, and it happens quite fast, like a cloud in movement, isn't it?

You will realise if it is like this when the moment is right, trust your timing, brother. You will, maybe, realise that you've been advanced before, that it is in you, and this will make you even more motivated to continue. I can see that lots of answers came to you lately and you’ve advanced a lot, and this happened quite recently. So, let the cloud be consistent in its movement and look at it some time later, see it in a completely different place looking a completely different way. Changing is obvious.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I guess I only started this last year to properly believe in the power of affirmations, so I'll experiment with them from now on. I don't know if I could listen to myself speak without horror at my own voice lol so I'll just keep it personal and real time.
You know... I used to think about my voice like that as well, maybe because I was little, and my voice was deep, now I embrace it, I actually love it, it still is deep but feminine and powerful, at the same time being sensible, if it makes any sense. People's voices are amazing, especially when they know how to use them. I usually am silent, but when I open my mouth and say something, everyone's attention is at me, and it creates a complete silence.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I read that older post again. Guess I still find myself only agreeing half, but only because of the obvious programming that stopped me from asking the Gods for help for all this time. I do see it's a common problem among less experienced Satanists as we believe we're 'bothering the Gods' with our requests for help, even when we feel lost.
This isn't something you can only agree half, either you know that you find all that you need within yourself either you find it in both inside and outside. Would a midway be finding yourself only within and a bit outside? That would be the second possibility, so there's no way you can.

All about finding balance, people coming here should incline to the most balanced life possible, and this concept is great if you want to tell them not to be afraid to ask for help, as the solution for their problems should come from both within and outside of them.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I'm guessing the trick with that kind of cleaning, with Elements, is simply that you use what you're mostly familiar with, or have a better ability to visualize.
Now that I think about it, when I wrote the post last time I didn't mention that I'd absorb "water from all the seas" because I was thinking of Water as the Element to work with lol... I was thinking about Air and the sky, but I'm glad I ended up mentioning Water because you gave me, once again great advice.
I was thinking about this cold resistance you said having to do with the water element, and I remember that in the beginning of this year here were -15°C, and I was going to school in basically a sweatshirt and a T-shirt in the morning. I didn't knew how cold it actually was until my mom told me. Well, yea, I mean, my eyelashes and hair froze until I got to school (it usually takes me about an hour on foot) but I didn't catch any cold nor felt bad in any way, but the exact opposite, as I love cold weather a lot.

So I was wondering, is there any chance that water element is also strong in my soul? Considering what I said, and that I wasn't using fire but rather feeling the cold and embracing it.

About your experience after experimenting a bit, I don't think I should be shocked.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Yeah, exactly that. :lol: Guess I'm pretty short sighted for an Air person.. or I'm just used to doing this over and over changing very little every time, resulting in poor progress.

And before I forget....

I don't think you're not ready or not capable enough to start using Thoughtforms. You did mention doing something like it when you were younger, so this is surely no new skill for you. The only thing stopping you is probably your own lack of expectation in great results, or the fact that you know you probably haven't controlled this skill as well as others you have...
Personally, I see no problem here at all. You're very wise and savvy, you're more experienced with energy than I am, you know how to use affirmations to shape your reality and make things manifest. You're ready for this too.
Perhaps I'll start calling you Big Sister... :lol: you may be like half my age but damn... you're good. :) I learn something every time you speak. That's just amazing.
Thanks for encouraging me, it turns out I am underestimating myself a lot just yet. I will gradually get rid of this, you're not the only one who's saying that, my guardian did as well, also Satan, but a lot more subtle, so I suppose I should solve this in a way or another, and this started recently by mentally realising this, now I should act on the spiritual area to fix it, then it will materialise. I feel I am am on the right path.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I don't know if this type of magick is for everyone. Many still tell me it's impossible I don't feel some energies that prove to be too much for them, some think I'm bullshitting them or something. I'm just used to this because I've done it for what feels like most of my life now. The only real thing I regret is believing that I shouldn't use this much power (this is once again coming from programming) because I feared hurting someone I love. If I think about this programming now and know exactly where it came from.... I could freeze a jew solid and mawashi geri his fucking head off.
Believing that that much power will hurt someone and choosing not to use it because of that, doesn't come from programming. Not wanting to hurt someone you love it's natural, and if you feel like not doing something because you are pretty sure it will hurt a loved one it is normal. Programming of course takes place here but not by what you mentioned, by the desire of doing a lot and using a lot of power in a very short period of time, while you are not familiar with this and can hurt anybody, including yourself, without being conscious enough about it.

The programming you have to work on is not by "directly jumping on experimenting" because you know you can do those things and may or may not advance you or boost your confidence by trying to convince yourself that you were right, but on being conscious you can and gradually get into the things you love and getting more and more experienced, making sure you have COMPLETE CONTROL over your powers.

As while you have complete control over your own abilities you will no longer fear you will hurt someone. Do not forget that that "fear" is a normal thing to feel regarding this, even if you may not call it like that.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
You enjoy painting? :) I used to draw.. not much and wasn't as good as I wanted to of course, but before I'd lose my job I'd fill much of the empty time in the long shifts with drawing. That's actually where I developed some better skills, practiced crosshatching (ink pen), different textures and basically I became less rigid and gave myself more freedom. Now it's been a while since the last time I drew anything.. I guess there's only one thing online that I can show you (barely even look at that channel after jewtube closed my last one) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3winTKDCB_A mind you, it's definitely not the best I've done lol.. just something done in an hour to post a quick one while I was mad at the assholes who ruined months of work.
I enjoy painting a lot, with oils. I am into romantic art a lot and I paint in a romantic style, just as the painting of Satan exulting in my signature, but instead of using pencil over oil paint to create shadows (as you see Richard has done in this one if you zoom in) I personally do shadows with paint as well, so only paint in my artwork. I want to paint Father Satan in that romantic manner one day, and maybe other gods as well.

I saw someone have done it before, in digital formats, but then I found out that it was an infiltrator, I don't know when was this but I'd love to do something similar as well, and on real canvases, but I suppose only close gods would want this, as everyone has a different style or sees a certain god in different ways, especially if they do not know them well, and this could distort perception of new ones over a god. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll see where this gets me I guess.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
That's actually very beautifully said. It's only a pity that many, even those that are starting well and give meditation a shot, soon enough give up and look for something else that can somehow satisfy a need that will never be satisfied other than by meditating and learning those experiences, unlocking magick skills, learning ultimate truths, and so on. Guess that's where you see who's really worth helping and who's so willingly lost they don't deserve your time.
Well, everyone has their timing, if it isn't this lifetime then it could be the other or two lives from now, there are already lost cases however, let's just don't think about them, but rather focus on a more positive future.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
To be completely honest, I think I am a little afraid of finding out too much and too soon.. I'm probably the last person anyone should ask about astrology as I never learned anything about it (yet) but I keep seeing how others are discovering things about themselves that help them grow.. I wonder if this step could really help me make the difference, if there's something huge that's just behind the corner for me to find out about... can I ask you where have you learned about astrology so much? There are still plenty of skills and pages in the JoS I haven't read as I mostly focused on the same skills I have been using and working on, but I feel this could probably be as good a time as any to get started and see if this is for me or not... I know some Demons are excellent in astrology and divination while others have different sets of skills, but I bet all of them know at least more than enough to teach about any subject.

Wow, it's past 2am.. I'll meditate some before sleeping, good thing I don't feel the slightest cold right now.. :D

Take care, Sister! Always a pleasure to read you!

It is as you desire, and you don't have to force yourself to learn it and see the aspects if you don't want to, just let is come naturally. I've personally done it because I felt from Satan I should, and I did so, only to find out I am underestimating myself and that I will get rid of this soon, seeing my actual nature. I bet there are other things He wanted me to see, I still look forward to it. I suppose there are things that help one in their growing, I, however, suggest you look at yours deeper as well, who knows, maybe you'll find something of interest or see how to fix certain problems you have, and may be of extreme help. Just take this as a simple advice, if you don't feel like it, don't do it.

Take good care as well, Brother! I won't reread this message, I'll just press submit, hope there aren't too many grammar mistakes or unintelligible ideas :lol I was usually making them a lot more clearer after writing them, I now have a lot of things in my mind, I've just put them all down. And sorry for this late reply tho.
GD. said:
this with the help of the "two forces"....
Wherever one finds itself, this journey of growing never ends, not even after achieving the Magnum Opus, there is the beauty of it all.

I've been feeling lately (or paying more attention to) how the sky seems closer. The stars, especially. It almost seems like my ..consciousness?.. has been expanding upward and I see less distance between us and the stars, and our Gods and Goddesses. We'll probably never stop evolving, this is such a beautiful concept, but also makes one much more angry at the enemy for wanting us to stay the same and even less. They need to go for good, this charade has been going on for too long already. "We're the future gods of mankind. Start acting like it." like a dear Brother said before. Who knows how many we will guide once we're advanced enough, all while we keep learning and evolving.

GD. said:
Vibrating G stimulates the pineal gland, just as a matter of fact. Maybe this additional information helps you in a way or another. Gaum mantra on the pineal.

Yeah, pretty sure I read that in the chakra awakenings, or from someone here. "G" is actually one of the sounds that helped me the most. I should work with it again. Thanks for reminding me.

GD. said:
This may also show you how good you are with void meditation, and if you should work a lot more on it.

Truth be told, the best experiences I've had were all while "trying" Void meditation. It's difficult most of the time, but there are times when it seems suddenly a lot easier. Don't know if this depends by planetary alignments of whatnot or if it's just my own approach to the Void, but when I did and got good and immediate results I just knew I was doing it alright. I guess the rest of the time my mind is simply too busy with problems and thoughts and I forget to focus, if that's even possible. Air headed, you know...

GD. said:
I suppose it's never too late to increase your resistance, and, in general, do what you feel like doing. And regarding swimming, I wasn't referring to the beach, I don't personally like them at all, I haven't seen sharks, only small jellyfish, and to be honest, this all is not my type of environment. I like to swim in high salinity lakes and there is one near where I live, right next to a forest and on the top of a hill, I just love to go there.

Guess I'd need longer days to do all the training I want to do, between spiritual and Yoga, and then martial arts to keep fit and able. As for sharks, I haven't seen them in the sea (apparently the shark population is almost on the brink of extinction due to indiscriminate "fin fishing"... damn bastards who do that need to become shark food) and disappearing of entire species that create imbalance in the marine ecosystem, but I'm actually more scared of jellyfish lol. There shouldn't be any here because of the colder water but there's a jellyfish called Irukanji that can be 2 millimeters long (read that as "freaking invisible") but is one of the first 3 most venomous creatures in the world. So.. yeah, not eager to meet one. And this is the "known" species.. apparently marine snakes are the most venomous in the world. The sea itself is a coven of venomous wonders.

This lake of yours sounds like a wonder I'd love to visit someday. So salty it's impossible to find the bottom?? :lol: Holy shit.. ever heard that before, but it's so very intriguing. I'll try to look it up somehow and see if I can "theta project" there or something.. definitely sounds like the safest possible body of water to swim into.. no chance of drowning and I assume there's too much salinity for anything dangerous to inhabit it (unless SOME killer bacteria live in salt lol.. but I'd hypothesize the salt would just destroy their composition... then again, nature is a continuous wonder so who knows...)

GD. said:
the fact that you can spot these differences may come from the fact that you've maybe been a satanist before this lifetime
Maybe, who knows, you've been a "late bird" this whole time and now you start to improve yourself, and it happens quite fast, like a cloud in movement, isn't it?

Well, I can certainly tell these skills haven't come from THIS lifetime as I never trained them before, so yes.. pretty sure I've been very involved with Satanism before.

And ahah... I just checked to be sure, but "late bird" means someone who wakes up late and goes to sleep late.. :p which I am too :lol: ..what you were trying to say is "late bloomer", means someone who "flowers" or unfolds or sprouts late, like a flower that opens the petals at the end of the season after every other flower.
And... I don't think you're wrong at all here, Sister. To be honest, I can only think this sucks lol... because I've always seen others making progress with little effort (some even making progress and THEN GIVING UP ON SATAN.. :evil: ) and this always frustrated me and made me feel like I was stupid or something for not being able to feel energy, or to do some things others "reported easy"... whether they really did or not.

After I became a SS I definitely noticed a change after a while: I could suddenly use that Thoughtform type I told you about and some things simply were easy to understand.. energy matters sounded obvious, like a school subject I hadn't been studying for a long while but that I used to be very good at, sort of.
It could very well be that I'm using more of the Eight Paths of Enlightenment now, paths that I didn't even know about until recently or that I simply didn't believe so important, like Yoga turned out to be, and that was the trigger that would start my engine, allowing me to make progress.

This sounds like a good moment to tell you about the last week or so.

I've been bitching with myself about my lack of Earth Element and wanted to do something about it. A few days ago, after setting my mind and thoughts toward Earth and Earthy things, I bought a beads necklace (the 108 beads kind for mantras and affirmations) that is made almost entirely of Tiger's Eye. To me this stone is (to put it kindly) "the most unbearable gemstone". I used to wear it before and it always made me uneasy, agitated, the arm where I wore the stone made ring on my finger would twitch and feel uncontrollable spasms after a while, so I stopped using it.

This time, however, I decided I was going to balance that damn Element and keep it up until I saw results.
I got the necklace and for like 3 days I didn't even take it off. I'd focus on Earth, absorb it, manipulate it (like for cleaning as I explained before, visualizing outcrops and pyramids) and before the 3rd day I started to feel something too obvious not to notice: I'll call it "boost of adrenaline" because it sounds similar at a physical level, something by body "seems" to feel, but it's actually a "boost in emotion".

Long story short, I'm pretty sure I somehow unblocked my third chakra and a bridge has formed between my lower and upper chakras (in the heart chakra), and it's so strong and happens so unexpectedly it demands my full attention. To put it in an emotional example, it's showing up almost randomly, immediate, fast, and it feels like a strong mix of excitement and love...

Remember when I said the Serpent RTRs were doing something that made my base chakra vibrate and pulse? This feels the same, but it's a completely different reaction... BUT it's moved up two chakras. I can't really locate the second chakra between these spots, but I don't think it's asleep at all..

Yesterday night I was feeling sick from eating something bad and couldn't sleep, so I did another FRTR and decided to try and focus and direct that "love" to a Succubus.. However, not being very familiar with her yet, I asked Leraje, my Guardian, to deliver the love for me. I'm definitely doing this again, as I felt a clear positive response from her. Like she was "loving me back", but I don't know if this love came from my Guardian or a Succubus. (I can feel it even now that I'm telling you about it. :) )It felt very pure and perfect.. pure joy.

GD. said:
You will realise if it is like this when the moment is right, trust your timing, brother. You will, maybe, realise that you've been advanced before, that it is in you, and this will make you even more motivated to continue. I can see that lots of answers came to you lately and you’ve advanced a lot, and this happened quite recently. So, let the cloud be consistent in its movement and look at it some time later, see it in a completely different place looking a completely different way. Changing is obvious.

You're absolutely right, and I love the cloud analogy. Besides, I took a step back from Earth right now, as I'm trying to work with all the Elements at once. Can't do it all in one go with each, or the reaction from the others will be too strong and create a mess of imbalance I think. I'm focusing on Air right now, just enough to keep balanced and not forget about the importance of the breath in meditating.

GD. said:
I usually am silent, but when I open my mouth and say something, everyone's attention is at me, and it creates a complete silence.

That, I take as one of the signs saying you're very advanced. I think the voice (among other things) can reveal a lot about the person, and yours probably reveals how powerful you are.

GD. said:
I was thinking about this cold resistance you said having to do with the water element, and I remember that in the beginning of this year here were -15°C, and I was going to school in basically a sweatshirt and a T-shirt in the morning. I didn't knew how cold it actually was until my mom told me. Well, yea, I mean, my eyelashes and hair froze until I got to school (it usually takes me about an hour on foot) but I didn't catch any cold nor felt bad in any way, but the exact opposite, as I love cold weather a lot.

So I was wondering, is there any chance that water element is also strong in my soul? Considering what I said, and that I wasn't using fire but rather feeling the cold and embracing it.

About your experience after experimenting a bit, I don't think I should be shocked.

I'd say that sounds actually very reasonable. From what I understand you're very strong with Fire, but also it seems the cold (like when you were sitting in the snow also) doesn't bother you at all. The way I usually look at things, Elemental magick is the most advanced (as the Elements are the most extreme kinds of energy, pulling towards completely different directions), so someone who's very skilled with them can only be someone very advanced.
I don't know (anymore) how much this has really to do with the planets distribution in the natal chart... their presence in an Element could simply be a guideline, telling a person what they should work more with, OR they tend to lose importance the more a person advances and gains control and resistance to them.

I just checked your older messages to be sure.. if I'm not mistaken your Elements in growing order in the chart should be Earth, Fire, Water and Air.. meaning Fire and Water being this strong already probably mean you've got more than a decent control on your Earth too, and I have no idea what you can do with Air. :lol:

The way I understand this, Elements aren't always obvious and people can display them in different ways. For example: you're Air dominant, which suggests you like to be very sociable and talkative, but you also said that you're mostly quiet.. perhaps your Earth displays in a controlled silence? Just a thought, don't take this too literally of course. Another example is the way one works.. if you like to take frequent breaks (Air) or you prefer to do everything tirelessly and finish at the end (Earth). I used to be silent and shy as a kid, then I pushed myself a little and ended up talking for long time with anyone that I found somewhat interesting (this in person, but there's still nobody I prefer talking with other than a Brother or Sister in arms).

To sum things up, I don't think you're imbalanced at all, but it's possible that you don't know the real extent of your skills because you focused mostly on Fire and Water (pyro and ignoring the cold completely)... in my experience with Earth (and why I won't let it go for too long in my training) is that it triggers Void and spiritual communication. Feeling underground roots, subtler connections within your Soul... it's all too important to postpone for later.
Air.... I think you either already know your skills, or have to discover this side of you yet.

Something easy I don't remember asking you before (might have already, we speak a lot! :lol: ) is Astral Scent (or "Clairalience" lol.. weird name). If you haven't tried it, just open your senses and breath slowly while looking at something in a picture... in my experience it only really works with colors, but there are people who have such a sight they can see much more of the light spectrum, not to mention astral beings and our Gods and Goddesses. This works even with things you haven't smelled before, like tropical fruits that don't make it in all countries and such.

This is just one skill, of course. Air is very versatile... if you visualize it "spinning" through a door you can slam it. Found out in school, lol. Scared the whole class. :lol: Priceless. Only catch is, this SEEMS to work better when there's already currents in the air... if all windows are shut the odds of success seem reduced, but that's just me. You'll do better for sure, Sister. ;)

GD. said:
Thanks for encouraging me, it turns out I am underestimating myself a lot just yet. I will gradually get rid of this, you're not the only one who's saying that, my guardian did as well, also Satan, but a lot more subtle, so I suppose I should solve this in a way or another, and this started recently by mentally realising this, now I should act on the spiritual area to fix it, then it will materialise. I feel I am am on the right path.

I think it's probably a common mistake we all make, especially in a world that's been cursed with "anti magick curses"... not surprising people start thinking "they can't". This is all changing now, don't worry. :)

GD. said:
The programming you have to work on is not by "directly jumping on experimenting" because you know you can do those things and may or may not advance you or boost your confidence by trying to convince yourself that you were right, but on being conscious you can and gradually get into the things you love and getting more and more experienced, making sure you have COMPLETE CONTROL over your powers.

It's always been a very common thing for me, I'm currently working on that by including more things that rule each "aspect of the office" I'm trying to learn about, like more Elements rule each one. Answers are starting to pop up, slowly, but it's happening. Thanks for your advice.

GD. said:
I enjoy painting a lot, with oils. I am into romantic art a lot and I paint in a romantic style, just as the painting of Satan exulting in my signature, but instead of using pencil over oil paint to create shadows (as you see Richard has done in this one if you zoom in) I personally do shadows with paint as well, so only paint in my artwork. I want to paint Father Satan in that romantic manner one day, and maybe other gods as well.
but I suppose only close gods would want this, as everyone has a different style or sees a certain god in different ways, especially if they do not know them well, and this could distort perception of new ones over a god. Maybe I'm wrong but I'll see where this gets me I guess.

I don't really know if what we see is always or even just "very close" what "is". The Gods surely know we're going to pick up on specific details and use them to realize who they are, even if they're possibly mistakes in descriptions or commonly believed facts about them, like the color of one's wings or the hair length and such. Perhaps you should just trust yourself and paint what you see. And if later you have another vision you can always paint them differently and compare them. :) Perhaps the mere differences will be a way for them to tell you something, like a change you need to be more aware of or something to work on within yourself.

And thanks for telling me about this guy using pencil on top of paint.. sounds convenient and useful. Actually, it reminds me a lot of a technique I just discovered this week watching instagram people draw faces: this one guy made the general guidelines and then, before using any pencil to draw eyes and features, used a brush and powdered graphite, like it were paint, to create all the major shading areas and giving the face already a sense of depth, and only then he added eyes, lips, nose and worked on the minor shading. I always bitch a lot about getting the details wrong and then being unsatisfied about my shading, but this sounds like a method that will make me learn faster and better. I'm trying a few things now (mostly textures with ink) and soon I'll try that too. Got a really positive vibe about it. :)

GD. said:
It is as you desire, and you don't have to force yourself to learn it and see the aspects if you don't want to, just let is come naturally. I've personally done it because I felt from Satan I should, and I did so, only to find out I am underestimating myself and that I will get rid of this soon, seeing my actual nature. I bet there are other things He wanted me to see, I still look forward to it. I suppose there are things that help one in their growing, I, however, suggest you look at yours deeper as well, who knows, maybe you'll find something of interest or see how to fix certain problems you have, and may be of extreme help. Just take this as a simple advice, if you don't feel like it, don't do it.

Take good care as well, Brother! I won't reread this message, I'll just press submit, hope there aren't too many grammar mistakes or unintelligible ideas :lol I was usually making them a lot more clearer after writing them, I now have a lot of things in my mind, I've just put them all down. And sorry for this late reply tho.

I think that's exactly what I'll do.. looking within as I feel I'm getting to more answers and unlocking something big. I'll keep astrology for later, definitely on my to-do list but not yet.. I've only started opening one door and peeking in, I want to keep opening that one now and see where I get to.

And no worries.. :p your message was very readable, I'm not that fussy lol.

Take care, Sister! And do take your time, we're pretty busy with the current schedule and all the other things. :)

This might seem weird, but your messages were really cute and enjoyable, I love seeing Satanists communicating like this c:. Thank for keeping your conversation here, and for having it in first place, especially the RTR part, since I have the same energy problems…
siv said:

Hi, just saw your reply as this is an account I seldom use now (I'm using "Eagle Bearer 666"), I'm glad you appreciated these messages. :) I hope these longer ones (if someone wants to read them and see something they can use from them) contain at least a few keywords or concepts that will help. I used to see a lot of "synchronicities", as I used to call them, when I joined here and some people seemed to always say **exactly** the things I needed to hear as answers, and it turn that made me grow some more, definitely more than all those years before joining this Forum and learning so much about myself in a much shorter time than I've ever done (mostly being stuck and with wrong mindsets).

Persistence and hard work are everything for us SS. It may be harder in the beginning (and I also mean "many years" here.. I just started dipping my toes in the Astrology and found it extremely accurate and fascinating), but don't ever give up and take note of every little success. It will all add up later and you'll spot results more and more often. :)

siv said:
This might seem weird, but your messages were really cute and enjoyable, I love seeing Satanists communicating like this c:. Thank for keeping your conversation here, and for having it in first place, especially the RTR part, since I have the same energy problems…

I only recently saw this message, and I can reply now. I'm glad you saw our messages as enjoyable and cute, and it doesn't seem weird at all, I actually thought someone thinks that, even if I didn't expect anyone to say it at some point. Your username seems familiar to me tho..

As for your energy problems, keep being consistent. Consistency is something I personally struggle with right now, and I recently started inhaling earth element, as it brings stability, and I started to see results in a week or so, but for some reason I stopped, so I gotta continue to keep it permanent. Advancement is with ups and downs, in no matter what area, so we shall keep our heads up and never give up. Currently I am personally at a point where I jump between 2 stages, I'm either seeing and slightly hearing astrally, I'm highly vibrational and everything's going great, either in a stage where I can barely feel in the astral, and pretty sure this has to do with consistency now, speaking of my case, but earth might help you as well in case it's the same for you.

Analysing patterns is also something to do, like if you feel something, what have you felt exactly and in what circumstances have you felt it? I was recently reading the book "Meditations" by this roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius, and I saw that "introspective meditation" done almost all the time, especially speaking of the "reason" you're doing something or the reason why something happens to you. But now speaking of analysing in general, this also helped me quite much, asking yourself questions like why, what, how.. I've always done this as a little child and every child does this, as this is how they grow mentally, until society or even family pushes the idea that you're punished for asking some things.

But anyway, I wrote a lot to reply to a little message lol. But I'm glad you wrote this message in the first place. Hail Satan!
GD. said:
siv said:
This might seem weird, but your messages were really cute and enjoyable, I love seeing Satanists communicating like this c:. Thank for keeping your conversation here, and for having it in first place, especially the RTR part, since I have the same energy problems…

I only recently saw this message, and I can reply now. I'm glad you saw our messages as enjoyable and cute, and it doesn't seem weird at all, I actually thought someone thinks that, even if I didn't expect anyone to say it at some point. Your username seems familiar to me tho..

As for your energy problems, keep being consistent. Consistency is something I personally struggle with right now, and I recently started inhaling earth element, as it brings stability, and I started to see results in a week or so, but for some reason I stopped, so I gotta continue to keep it permanent. Advancement is with ups and downs, in no matter what area, so we shall keep our heads up and never give up. Currently I am personally at a point where I jump between 2 stages, I'm either seeing and slightly hearing astrally, I'm highly vibrational and everything's going great, either in a stage where I can barely feel in the astral, and pretty sure this has to do with consistency now, speaking of my case, but earth might help you as well in case it's the same for you.

Analysing patterns is also something to do, like if you feel something, what have you felt exactly and in what circumstances have you felt it? I was recently reading the book "Meditations" by this roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius, and I saw that "introspective meditation" done almost all the time, especially speaking of the "reason" you're doing something or the reason why something happens to you. But now speaking of analysing in general, this also helped me quite much, asking yourself questions like why, what, how.. I've always done this as a little child and every child does this, as this is how they grow mentally, until society or even family pushes the idea that you're punished for asking some things.

But anyway, I wrote a lot to reply to a little message lol. But I'm glad you wrote this message in the first place. Hail Satan!

Don’t worry about writing too much haha! I really appreciate it. I would write longer messages as well, but I’m kind of struggling to sound good in English, and I end up deleting half of the things I want to say :lol:
You remember me from our country’s Satanic forum, I asked about a witch ball, if it would be good enough for making ectoplasm in it, and you replied to me.
And thank you for the tips, I definitely need to be more consistent, but I’m struggling with motivation. My energy levels are horrible, and I plan to fix this with yoga and mantras. Do you have any advice here? And for the analyzing, I have an unused agenda, and I’ll start writing things down.
Hail Satan!
siv said:
GD. said:
siv said:
This might seem weird, but your messages were really cute and enjoyable, I love seeing Satanists communicating like this c:. Thank for keeping your conversation here, and for having it in first place, especially the RTR part, since I have the same energy problems…

I only recently saw this message, and I can reply now. I'm glad you saw our messages as enjoyable and cute, and it doesn't seem weird at all, I actually thought someone thinks that, even if I didn't expect anyone to say it at some point. Your username seems familiar to me tho..

As for your energy problems, keep being consistent. Consistency is something I personally struggle with right now, and I recently started inhaling earth element, as it brings stability, and I started to see results in a week or so, but for some reason I stopped, so I gotta continue to keep it permanent. Advancement is with ups and downs, in no matter what area, so we shall keep our heads up and never give up. Currently I am personally at a point where I jump between 2 stages, I'm either seeing and slightly hearing astrally, I'm highly vibrational and everything's going great, either in a stage where I can barely feel in the astral, and pretty sure this has to do with consistency now, speaking of my case, but earth might help you as well in case it's the same for you.

Analysing patterns is also something to do, like if you feel something, what have you felt exactly and in what circumstances have you felt it? I was recently reading the book "Meditations" by this roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius, and I saw that "introspective meditation" done almost all the time, especially speaking of the "reason" you're doing something or the reason why something happens to you. But now speaking of analysing in general, this also helped me quite much, asking yourself questions like why, what, how.. I've always done this as a little child and every child does this, as this is how they grow mentally, until society or even family pushes the idea that you're punished for asking some things.

But anyway, I wrote a lot to reply to a little message lol. But I'm glad you wrote this message in the first place. Hail Satan!

Don’t worry about writing too much haha! I really appreciate it. I would write longer messages as well, but I’m kind of struggling to sound good in English, and I end up deleting half of the things I want to say :lol:
You remember me from our country’s Satanic forum, I asked about a witch ball, if it would be good enough for making ectoplasm in it, and you replied to me.
And thank you for the tips, I definitely need to be more consistent, but I’m struggling with motivation. My energy levels are horrible, and I plan to fix this with yoga and mantras. Do you have any advice here? And for the analyzing, I have an unused agenda, and I’ll start writing things down.
Hail Satan!

Took me a while to reply.. Don't worry about sounding good in English, I can see your English is pretty good tho, and even if it wasn't, good thing about this language is that you can completely mess it up and someone will still understand what you were trying to say lol.

Actually, after I wrote the message above, I've been to our forums and saw a message from you there, then I knew why your username seemed familiar. Should have thought about it just a little more before sending the message tho..

Anyway... struggling with "motivation"? Gotta say here that.. you don't need motivation to meditate. At all. Imagine if we all depended on motivation to advance.. imagine.. the days in which you're extremely attacked, or in which you're going through pain, be it psychical or physical, these are days in which we have little to no motivation, generally. I've struggled with this before, and it has to do with self-discipline rather than motivation. Motivation is what gets you started, self-discipline is what keeps you going.

Low energy levels can be fixed by just meditating consistently, everyday, and slowly increasing the time of meditation per day. Ofc mantras, asanas (or simply yoga in general), yantras, bandhas are things to include in your routine as these are part of the Eight Fold Path, but for higher energy levels you should be consistent with practicing these, even during the days you "don't feel like" or you don't have the "motivation" to. Other things which can rise your energy levels or some examples are RAUM meditation, Foundation meditation, but these are the only ones that come through my mind now.

It's great if since you wrote this message you started using a notebook to write things down, writing in some too I could revise my progress during the past years and I take a look at them even now from time to time when I need to see something and figure out what worked well and what didn't.

Also, analysing myself, not only with the journals but with everything, my family's stories about me when I was little and how I was this whole life, my own memories and so on, I realised that before getting to use social media more frequently, I was analysing the world around me a lot, and reading a lot, hence I found JoS when I was 12, after about 1 year I've got my own device with Internet, and dedicated at 13. I saw that before using sm, I had a huge "hunger" for information (I'll just call is hunger lol), but social media just vanishes it, or maybe... feeds your brain with unrelevant information, so this might be a reason for why when you open most social media apps the first page with the posts they provide you is called "Feed"... and that's for a reason, I think.

Just like with the body, when it's hungry you feed it, but you can choose to either feed it with nutritious food, full of necessary things to sustain a healthy body, either with junk food, which has little to no nutritional value and may even be harmful for your body. Whatever you choose to eat, your body will still feel full, and your stomach won't ask for food until it needs again, but your choice has a long-term impact. Same with the mental body I believe, and kikes are exploiting this, messing with our self-confidence, motivation, and even energy levels even if we realise it or not.

I recently created an Instagram account for JoS activism, but fell a little into that mindless social media scrolling and I felt how it affected me now, even just a little, also realised what impact it had on me before I quit long time ago. I however remind myself what I have that account for and I'm alright.

Quitting social media helped, at least me, a lot with getting my "hunger" for information back, hence getting a some sort of motivation to meditate more. Speaking of you, see how you "feed" yourself, spiritually, mentally or even physically if you want to, and see what's holding you back, or feeding you the wrong way just so you don't feel this natural need we're supposed to feel, regarding meditation or anything uplifting. Bad days however happen, and are inevitable, just like loss of motivation is. I guess we just have to learn how to handle all these things for now.

It just feels like I can never stop writing in English.. for real :lol: But I love talking to satanists, always did.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
