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The element of air and telekinesis

The air element can be used in places where there is natural air element, to direct it, but this requires high proficiency. It can direct weather phenomena according to the will of the person doing this.
I would like to learn about this. 💡
The air element can be used in places where there is natural air element, to direct it, but this requires high proficiency. It can direct weather phenomena according to the will of the person doing this.
Well I have been meaning to write threads on firstly two main subjects: telekinesis (I personally have some abilities I don't think just fall under that category and have for a couple years called it Vrilekinesis rather...at least for to encompass more of what I would like to share about and also ask things of in others experiences) and secondly is the topic of someone whom I feel somehow related to..and that is Julius Streicher (Der Stürmer) and how even back in the 30s he was expressing a warning of the jews mandated vaccinations etc...anyways...since I see this thread here on telekinesis is already started, thank you by the way (& Love your honor of the air element in title in all this) would then write here more on this and shall likely even this day later on write about some things in mote detail.
How exactly can the air element help with the use of telekinesis?
Hail! And now where to start? Was breathing a good place? Air. And then thoughts of a bath as if before ritual even before writing a little on telekinesis.
🜏💧 The water has a way of cleansing on so many levels and seems to encourage breathing..a meditation.. remember then of within wombs of waters we.. into the air and then feet upon earth, that breathing air as the fires hearth in the heart of time gave itself ways to see itself with a companionship with all the matter and non-matter experienced.
⛈️🌌𖤐💫🌬️🍃There is great joy in the relation of air..and of all elements..yet it is in our breathing where a new healing takes place and is a shared awareness we begin to realize more of how ..much .. within ourselves is yet to be discovered and as it reveals itself ..🌀🌀🌀 keep in mind, speaking for myself, this/these awarenesses(?) are not as one might imagine or expect in how they will happen and how you yourself will handle it... regardless of how much one might think they would be centered and balanced with the growing reality of just how real this all is🐍Hail Sa⸸an!❤️, we can many of us benefit from letting go of thinking you don't/won't have telekinesis or some kind of spirit over matter experience because 'I'm too younge', 'I'm too old', I'm not that good at mediation', 'I have no problem being still and breathing but nothing happens' etc etc ...
..... ⚡Because it is very much possible for experiences and MORE then experiences but rather .. relationships to happen in regards to interaction with a variety of "things/matter' inanimate "objects, living things of nature stones plants . Metal bending or anything like this for example..one must let go of staining their brains to try to control something to bend to its will but rather feel the joy of the air and molecules within what it is all around and within without and what your focusing or desiring on...it might not happen instantly nor actually doing much sweeping but the broom 🧹🌿leaning on your wall is much more likely to begin to playfully slowly move as if we are all in the very heart of Satan...a new space is created..or was already there..yet we now find it as naturally as breathing to unite with the demonic heart beat of an awakened state that will help also strengthen the Vril. 🌿🕯️🌹
🖤💀⚡⚡ Don't dismay if any one was out there...nor overly arrogant in a way that cuts off the Vril between you and that which is but then it takes time and alot I could write on for would like to do so about lots more and in a alot more detail though will try to keep these writings somewhat shorter then what could be very extensive lengthy text.
66688666🌓🌠One last thing until next entry, is one of the things I have noticed in the patterns observed over some time now (my daughter has even made scientific looking charts she herself thought to do where she had symbols she made for different motions we would most commonly obesrve and then she would put a check mark under it if something was doing this kind of animation or movement(s) for example.. 🌻🌠well I will detail more on that next time) 🌌🌛is that when the moon is waxing it(vrilekinesis) seems to happen more 🌝(full moon the zenith or climax of Vril for me .. interesting cause my blood time usually always starts on the new moon) the telekinesis/vrilekinesis is often or with greater intensity & even surprise if you will as most things just do what they want and is not always?ever?) about oh look what I can do Im so cool and powerful 😼trying to make somthing do or move but rather the joy of what is. AND THROUGH Air ..the nothingness/space inside the bowl that holds "it" all...breathing knowingly we are creative capable and even if "nothing" happens now or ever, I guarantee that a sort of self control (less or no desire to do old shit you might have felt you had to have to feel better in your past) also happens naturally as breathing ~ 🌬️❤️‍🔥🍃✨

Hello, since I can't send you private message or write on your profile post, I have to write it here, sorry.
Please avoid sharing too much personal information especially videos and pictures of your stuffs. What can be seen on the video is interesting though, for first I thought it's a particle or the video is edited, but if it's legit than it's interesting. Still, you should consider deleting it.
Hello, since I can't send you private message or write on your profile post, I have to write it here, sorry.
Please avoid sharing too much personal information especially videos and pictures of your stuffs. What can be seen on the video is interesting though, for first I thought it's a particle or the video is edited, but if it's legit than it's interesting. Still, you should consider deleting it.

Hello, since I can't send you private message or write on your profile post, I have to write it here, sorry.
Please avoid sharing too much personal information especially videos and pictures of your stuffs. What can be seen on the video is interesting though, for first I thought it's a particle or the video is edited, but if it's legit than it's interesting. Still, you should consider deleting it.
Thank you for your concern and everything, though I'm not showing myself in the video and it is not edited, just clipped short. Would be too much uploading long videos here and I'm really interested in reading and get rather busy. I can film things happening all day night long if wanted, doesn't maybe always look like anything unless you really observe whats going on an. 🌾Other times its very obvious.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
