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The Crucible Of Life

Power of Justice [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Nov 2, 2019
All heroic tales throughout history have one thing in common: the hero is faced with an obstacle he has to overcome. The greater the obstacle, the greater the act of heroism required to overcome it. The hero’s journey is never easy or painless, otherwise, it wouldn’t be very interesting or believable, and by the end of it, the hero is transformed by the experience. Having faced adversity and overcome it, he emerges stronger and wiser than ever. 

A life without hardship, pain, or failure is a life in which you learn nothing. It is adversity that forces us to grow and rise above our circumstances. Suffering (Saturn) is the greatest teacher and the only source of true maturity and wisdom. Once we have learned from it, suffering’s proper role is to create a tension that propels us forward into development and growth: 

“It is the tension between the warring ends of the bow that gives the arrow the power to fly, as it is the tension in the strings of the lyre that gives rise to melody; this is what is meant by the saying ‘war is the father of all things’.”  

—Iain McGilchrist

It is a sad reality, however, that adversity tends to destroy more people than it elevates. It is very easy, especially if one is unaware or doesn’t have a supportive environment, to sink beneath the waves and be overwhelmed by life. All too often, people procrastinate to escape the pain of dealing with their problems through the consumption of mindless entertainment or substance abuse.

By avoiding the legitimate suffering that results from dealing with our problems, we also avoid the growth that problems demand from us.[1] Nietzsche proposes that the problem of suffering is its perceived meaninglessness, not the suffering itself:

“Man, the bravest of animals, and the one most accustomed to suffering, does not repudiate suffering as such; he desires it, he even seeks it out, provided he is shown a meaning for it, a purpose of suffering.”

We need a justification for our suffering, a reason to persist; otherwise, we become prone to nihilism and a festering hatred of life. This existential longing of man has been abused by enemy programs to the fullest extent. 

From birth, people have been indoctrinated to believe that the physical world they live in is only temporary and nothing more than a transitional plane to another, better reality. A so-called “true world” free of pain and suffering. This concept is commonly posited as the religious heaven, the worker’s utopia in communism, digital utopias (the most recent manifestation of this and what has come to be called transhumanism), and others. 

Such worldviews attempt to give suffering meaning by promoting the idea that, as long as we endure our present suffering, at some point in the future we will find salvation in a reality devoid of it. As High Priestess Maxine has written in sermons past, these programs lead people to literally live for their deaths. 

Suffering, however, is unavoidable. It seems that life is divinely designed to keep us in a perpetual struggle for self-improvement, a never-ending pendulum swing between joy and misery. For an individual to know joy, they must also know the pain of suffering, and the greater our capacity for one of these types of experiences, the greater our capacity for the other. Or as Nietzsche wrote: 

“How little you know of human happiness, you comfortable and benevolent people, for happiness and unhappiness are sisters and evil twins that either grow up together or, as in your case, remain small together.”  

Opposites are not resolved by eliminating the one we happen to dislike, any more than cutting off the south end of a bar magnet gets rid of the south pole; it just shortens the magnet.[2] In a very real way, suffering increases our capacity to enjoy life.

Pain, hardship, challenges—these are all names for the opposing force that we need in order to facilitate growth. Nothing can ever grow without resistance. A tree that has not suffered the force of the wind will fall under its own weight. Exposure to winds causes the growth of ‘stress wood’, which is the core of the tree’s strength and integrity. 

The strongest and wisest people are the ones who have suffered the most. More than anyone, they have been purified by the divine flames of the crucible of life, forged into the people we see and admire today.

As we are all the heroes of our own stories, I implore everyone making plans for the upcoming year to make them bold and over the top. Instead of cowering from life and settling for what is easy to accomplish, we should run toward the fire and go through the crucible as many times as we can, so that we emerge stronger and more mature from each hardship we overcome.

You either succeed or you learn something. By succumbing to the grip of fear and not even trying, you lose twice.

Notes & References:

1. Any attempt to avoid and escape from our problems will not only fail, but make them worse as they fester and compound under the weight of time. 

“This tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis of all human mental illness…In the succinctly elegant words of Carl Jung, “Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.” But the substitute itself ultimately becomes more painful than the legitimate suffering it was designed to avoid. The neurosis itself becomes the biggest problem. True to form, many will then attempt to avoid this pain and this problem in turn, building layer upon layer of neurosis…when we avoid the legitimate suffering that results from dealing with problems, we also avoid the growth that problems demand from us. It is for this reason that in chronic mental illness we stop growing, we become stuck.” 

—M. Scott Peck

All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them.

2. This is a quote by Iain McGilchrist that I adapted into the article for a smoother transition instead of quoting it directly:

“Opposites are not to be resolved by eliminating the one we happen to dislike, any more than lopping off the south end of a bar magnet gets rid of the south pole: it just shortens the magnet.” 

Academy of Ideas – Why You Should Seek Power, Not Happiness – Nietzsche’s Guide to Greatness

Academy of Ideas – Why Suffering can Promote Strength and Health

Academy of Ideas – How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness – The Road Less Traveled
Excellent sermon. A lot of this echoes what has been told to me lately: "PERSIST!"

I also want to interject here about Nietzsche, that Nietzsche brought to attention the point that the strongest and most beautiful creatures have often mastered suffering, rather than being devoid of and never experiencing it, as the supposition claims.

The contemporary person views the slave as being the worst off and most piteous of beings. We see variations of this in any kind of scenario; endless racialized whining about white supremacy and how whites stole this and that to be what they are, sexualized variations of this in every format about the privileges of men and women respectively, even things like the incel spamming on how 'Chad' is the most privileged and blessed being on the planet due to a 'milimeter of bone'.

Yet the Ancient Greeks considered the priest, the king or the philosopher to be the hardest worker, the most troubled and beleaguered of beings taking on tasks that were complex to handle on the soul with the highest level of responsibilities... it was understood that to have such a complex coterie of beings under your command was like bearing the biggest weight imaginable. Slaves and those chained to their less-than-animal desires were often represented as childish, lazy and feckless.

Now in a planet partially ruled by an enemy, where we know a large degree of spiritually worthless jews have acquired the weight in gold by ill-begotten means, wages for even western goyim get worse and worse and defenseless children are constantly thrown in the meat grinder, this perception has problems, especially because our opportunity to learn from suffering can be blocked. But even the conniving jews have worked hard to bring their terrorist vision to manifest into reality; their intelligence should never be dismissed by a Satanist. If they had not lifted a finger they would have achieved nothing.

What makes the jews dangerous is that their natural attenuation to suffering as cursed beings makes it easier to weaponize without a conscience, while the goy tries to flee from Saturn in any way whatsoever: fleeing from responsibility, fleeing from criticism, fleeing from risk, and ultimately fleeing from even age, which in the end creates instability and a backlog of problems.

Note what HPS Maxine said about an unaspected Saturn:

HPS Maxine said:
Saturn always gets the bad rap [obviously], but I have noted in charts that either have an unaspected saturn, or saturn with no hard aspects, the lives were anything but happy. One woman I knew had a life in total chaos. Saturn is known for stability and this woman had NONE. By the time she was 30, she had been married 5 times, she had 3 kids [not from any of the husbands], she put all three up for adoption [one was 4 at the time], and this haunted her every single day of her life. Her self-esteem was total shit, her health was horrible, she could never stay very long on a job or live very long at any permanent residence, as circumstances always came up. She was bi-sexual, but went through men [no stable relationships of either sex]. She had 29 of scorpio with sagittarius intercepted in the first. Ruling Pluto at one of the worst degrees 15 of Leo

Saturn at its positive gives endurance and stability.
In Spiritual Satanism essence of our progress is dealing with obstacles. This is very important and essential to mention what you have wrote in this sermon.

Very easy by the time slowly get lost in obstacles with forgetting why we are on this road in the essence, and starting to focus on not necessary things.

This sermon reminds and emphasizes this in straight and simple manner.

Thank you, brother. :)
Thank you for writing this, JG Power of Justice :)

I've had hardship, suffering, pain, and adversity in my life. We have to overcome it, strengthen ourselves, and keep going. People these days aren't as prepared for it in previous generations though, so by writing on these topics will help them. People are not taught strength and real-life skills in school anymore (the previous centuries did). People are not prepared for real challenges and obstacles in life, or how to handle them. This is why it's important to seek the Gods and learn from them, and reading insightful books definitely helps with perspective and mindset.
Nietzsche made one of the greatest revivals of Pagan Philosophy of his time and the National Socialists built upon him heavily. However its interesting that in his personal life he was just a scholar who was left a vegetable after he went insane encountering a Horse being beaten. I think a lot of these geniuses didn't have the Spiritual Output to raise their energies and their spirit that was giving these World Shattering ideas couldn't be handled in a material body. If Nietzsche had been an Yogi , i dont think he would have gone insane.
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=479551 time=1703605717 user_id=21556]
All heroic tales throughout history have one thing in common: the hero is faced with an obstacle he has to overcome. The greater the obstacle, the greater the act of heroism required to overcome it. The hero’s journey is never easy or painless, otherwise, it wouldn’t be very interesting or believable, and by the end of it, the hero is transformed by the experience. Having faced adversity and overcome it, he emerges stronger and wiser than ever. 

A life without hardship, pain, or failure is a life in which you learn nothing. It is adversity that forces us to grow and rise above our circumstances. Suffering (Saturn) is the greatest teacher and the only source of true maturity and wisdom. Once we have learned from it, suffering’s proper role is to create a tension that propels us forward into development and growth: 

“It is the tension between the warring ends of the bow that gives the arrow the power to fly, as it is the tension in the strings of the lyre that gives rise to melody; this is what is meant by the saying ‘war is the father of all things’.”  

—Iain McGilchrist

It is a sad reality, however, that adversity tends to destroy more people than it elevates. It is very easy, especially if one is unaware or doesn’t have a supportive environment, to sink beneath the waves and be overwhelmed by life. All too often, people procrastinate to escape the pain of dealing with their problems through the consumption of mindless entertainment or substance abuse.

By avoiding the legitimate suffering that results from dealing with our problems, we also avoid the growth that problems demand from us.[1] Nietzsche proposes that the problem of suffering is its perceived meaninglessness, not the suffering itself:

“Man, the bravest of animals, and the one most accustomed to suffering, does not repudiate suffering as such; he desires it, he even seeks it out, provided he is shown a meaning for it, a purpose of suffering.”

We need a justification for our suffering, a reason to persist; otherwise, we become prone to nihilism and a festering hatred of life. This existential longing of man has been abused by enemy programs to the fullest extent. 

From birth, people have been indoctrinated to believe that the physical world they live in is only temporary and nothing more than a transitional plane to another, better reality. A so-called “true world” free of pain and suffering. This concept is commonly posited as the religious heaven, the worker’s utopia in communism, digital utopias (the most recent manifestation of this and what has come to be called transhumanism), and others. 

Such worldviews attempt to give suffering meaning by promoting the idea that, as long as we endure our present suffering, at some point in the future we will find salvation in a reality devoid of it. As High Priestess Maxine has written in sermons past, these programs lead people to literally live for their deaths. 

Suffering, however, is unavoidable. It seems that life is divinely designed to keep us in a perpetual struggle for self-improvement, a never-ending pendulum swing between joy and misery. For an individual to know joy, they must also know the pain of suffering, and the greater our capacity for one of these types of experiences, the greater our capacity for the other. Or as Nietzsche wrote: 

“How little you know of human happiness, you comfortable and benevolent people, for happiness and unhappiness are sisters and evil twins that either grow up together or, as in your case, remain small together.”  

Opposites are not resolved by eliminating the one we happen to dislike, any more than cutting off the south end of a bar magnet gets rid of the south pole; it just shortens the magnet.[2] In a very real way, suffering increases our capacity to enjoy life.

Pain, hardship, challenges—these are all names for the opposing force that we need in order to facilitate growth. Nothing can ever grow without resistance. A tree that has not suffered the force of the wind will fall under its own weight. Exposure to winds causes the growth of ‘stress wood’, which is the core of the tree’s strength and integrity. 

The strongest and wisest people are the ones who have suffered the most. More than anyone, they have been purified by the divine flames of the crucible of life, forged into the people we see and admire today.

As we are all the heroes of our own stories, I implore everyone making plans for the upcoming year to make them bold and over the top. Instead of cowering from life and settling for what is easy to accomplish, we should run toward the fire and go through the crucible as many times as we can, so that we emerge stronger and more mature from each hardship we overcome.

You either succeed or you learn something. By succumbing to the grip of fear and not even trying, you lose twice.

Notes & References:

1. Any attempt to avoid and escape from our problems will not only fail, but make them worse as they fester and compound under the weight of time. 

“This tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis of all human mental illness…In the succinctly elegant words of Carl Jung, “Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.” But the substitute itself ultimately becomes more painful than the legitimate suffering it was designed to avoid. The neurosis itself becomes the biggest problem. True to form, many will then attempt to avoid this pain and this problem in turn, building layer upon layer of neurosis…when we avoid the legitimate suffering that results from dealing with problems, we also avoid the growth that problems demand from us. It is for this reason that in chronic mental illness we stop growing, we become stuck.” 

—M. Scott Peck

All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them.

2. This is a quote by Iain McGilchrist that I adapted into the article for a smoother transition instead of quoting it directly:

“Opposites are not to be resolved by eliminating the one we happen to dislike, any more than lopping off the south end of a bar magnet gets rid of the south pole: it just shortens the magnet.” 


Academy of Ideas – Why You Should Seek Power, Not Happiness – Nietzsche’s Guide to Greatness

Academy of Ideas – Why Suffering can Promote Strength and Health

Academy of Ideas – How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness – The Road Less Traveled

brother u have great wisdom in your writing ..But I am EXTREMELY sorry to say no body learns anything through pain or suffering ..all suffering does is waste your precious time and make you suffer ..someone who has met a very severe accident (with absolutely 0 mistake of this person) who has lost his legs or hands or even his life can NOT learn anything .
.what even is the use of suffering when u do NOT even know exactly why even are u suffering in the first place when people around you are living very happily getting all good things at the right time ..somebody who was abused in various ways whether physically ,sexually,verbally with absolutely no fault of theirs do NOT learn anything ..Someone who are suffering for THE very REASON UNKNOWN when people around them are living a very happy life do NOT learn anything ..

All suffering can even do is TAKE all your precious years and time which could have been spent in doing productive things ..People ONLY learn when they are comfortable and happy NOT NOT in pain or suffering ..We suffer because oF NEGATIVE KARMA and the main aim must be to eradicate all negative karma so that we do NOT suffer and keep our life under our total control ..All suffering can even do is LEAVE LONG LASTING SCARS which ONLY adds more negative karma into your soul ..

NAH do NOT normalise saturn ..It does NOT teach you anything ..Saturn is the planet of suffering ,pain,misfortune ,misery ,all unwanted things in life ..Suffering does NOT TEACH you anything ..This is a purely nonsensical thing ..New age and christian people claim suffering is good where u evolve and grow from it ..Again TERRIBLY wrong ..Suffering only stagnates and inhibits your life where u can do absolutely NOTHING ..Normalising saturn and suffering is a plain new age garbage ..WE satanists are NOT to suffer BUT TO TAKE PRIOR STEPS spiritually so that we AVOID all sufferings EVER in life 

people who are living a great life have NOT suffered much ..It is because they dont have negative karma the way the one who suffers has ..These people are the one who have time to do great works in life ..Someone who is born in a poor family has to struggle a lot to come up in life rather the one who was born in an affluent family who can easily come up in life ..suffering can ONLY waste your time on this earth when others can easily get what they want to ..The one who is suffering has to struggle really a lot ..someone who has heavy money can easily afford what they want like quality education ,all good items ..stop normalising suffering ..
phi3.14infinity said:
brother u have great wisdom in your writing ..But I am EXTREMELY sorry to say no body learns anything through pain or suffering ..all suffering does is waste your precious time and make you suffer ..someone who has met a very severe accident (with absolutely 0 mistake of this person) who has lost his legs or hands or even his life can NOT learn anything .
.what even is the use of suffering when u do NOT even know exactly why even are u suffering in the first place when people around you are living very happily getting all good things at the right time ..somebody who was abused in various ways whether physically ,sexually,verbally with absolutely no fault of theirs do NOT learn anything ..Someone who are suffering for THE very REASON UNKNOWN when people around them are living a very happy life do NOT learn anything ..

All suffering can even do is TAKE all your precious years and time which could have been spent in doing productive things ..People ONLY learn when they are comfortable and happy NOT NOT in pain or suffering ..We suffer because oF NEGATIVE KARMA and the main aim must be to eradicate all negative karma so that we do NOT suffer and keep our life under our total control ..All suffering can even do is LEAVE LONG LASTING SCARS which ONLY adds more negative karma into your soul ..

NAH do NOT normalise saturn ..It does NOT teach you anything ..Saturn is the planet of suffering ,pain,misfortune ,misery ,all unwanted things in life ..Suffering does NOT TEACH you anything ..This is a purely nonsensical thing ..New age and christian people claim suffering is good where u evolve and grow from it ..Again TERRIBLY wrong ..Suffering only stagnates and inhibits your life where u can do absolutely NOTHING ..Normalising saturn and suffering is a plain new age garbage ..WE satanists are NOT to suffer BUT TO TAKE PRIOR STEPS spiritually so that we AVOID all sufferings EVER in life 

people who are living a great life have NOT suffered much ..It is because they dont have negative karma the way the one who suffers has ..These people are the one who have time to do great works in life ..Someone who is born in a poor family has to struggle a lot to come up in life rather the one who was born in an affluent family who can easily come up in life ..suffering can ONLY waste your time on this earth when others can easily get what they want to ..The one who is suffering has to struggle really a lot ..someone who has heavy money can easily afford what they want like quality education ,all good items ..stop normalising suffering ..

Did you even read the whole article?

If you had something terrible happen to you, ask yourself: would you be the person you are proud to be today if that thing hadn't happened to you? Would you be even 1/10th as strong as you are now if you weren't forced to improve yourself in order to overcome adversity?

I’m willing to bet anything that 98%+ of the people who found the Joy of Satan website did so because their lives were lacking in some way, and that's putting it mildly.

After all, would anyone living a perfect life ever have a reason to look for anything else? If your life were perfect and you spent every waking moment in bliss, would you have a reason to seek out the Gods? 

The people you mention, who seem to live carefree lives, did not get there with happy wishes or good karma alone. In the extremely unlikely scenario, they somehow managed to get there without enduring any pain. These people would be ruined if and when something out of their control presented itself. They simply do not have what it takes to face adversity, so the universe corrects itself. They may lose a lot, or even everything, until they learn to get past that point and move forward again.

I honestly don’t know what else to say, aside from a sincere suggestion to deprogram yourself of false notions that suffering is to be avoided at all costs.
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=479551 time=1703605717 user_id=21556]
All heroic tales throughout history have one thing in common: the hero is faced with an obstacle he has to overcome. The greater the obstacle, the greater the act of heroism required to overcome it. The hero’s journey is never easy or painless, otherwise, it wouldn’t be very interesting or believable, and by the end of it, the hero is transformed by the experience. Having faced adversity and overcome it, he emerges stronger and wiser than ever. 

A life without hardship, pain, or failure is a life in which you learn nothing. It is adversity that forces us to grow and rise above our circumstances. Suffering (Saturn) is the greatest teacher and the only source of true maturity and wisdom. Once we have learned from it, suffering’s proper role is to create a tension that propels us forward into development and growth: 

“It is the tension between the warring ends of the bow that gives the arrow the power to fly, as it is the tension in the strings of the lyre that gives rise to melody; this is what is meant by the saying ‘war is the father of all things’.”  

—Iain McGilchrist

It is a sad reality, however, that adversity tends to destroy more people than it elevates. It is very easy, especially if one is unaware or doesn’t have a supportive environment, to sink beneath the waves and be overwhelmed by life. All too often, people procrastinate to escape the pain of dealing with their problems through the consumption of mindless entertainment or substance abuse.

By avoiding the legitimate suffering that results from dealing with our problems, we also avoid the growth that problems demand from us.[1] Nietzsche proposes that the problem of suffering is its perceived meaninglessness, not the suffering itself:

“Man, the bravest of animals, and the one most accustomed to suffering, does not repudiate suffering as such; he desires it, he even seeks it out, provided he is shown a meaning for it, a purpose of suffering.”

We need a justification for our suffering, a reason to persist; otherwise, we become prone to nihilism and a festering hatred of life. This existential longing of man has been abused by enemy programs to the fullest extent. 

From birth, people have been indoctrinated to believe that the physical world they live in is only temporary and nothing more than a transitional plane to another, better reality. A so-called “true world” free of pain and suffering. This concept is commonly posited as the religious heaven, the worker’s utopia in communism, digital utopias (the most recent manifestation of this and what has come to be called transhumanism), and others. 

Such worldviews attempt to give suffering meaning by promoting the idea that, as long as we endure our present suffering, at some point in the future we will find salvation in a reality devoid of it. As High Priestess Maxine has written in sermons past, these programs lead people to literally live for their deaths. 

Suffering, however, is unavoidable. It seems that life is divinely designed to keep us in a perpetual struggle for self-improvement, a never-ending pendulum swing between joy and misery. For an individual to know joy, they must also know the pain of suffering, and the greater our capacity for one of these types of experiences, the greater our capacity for the other. Or as Nietzsche wrote: 

“How little you know of human happiness, you comfortable and benevolent people, for happiness and unhappiness are sisters and evil twins that either grow up together or, as in your case, remain small together.”  

Opposites are not resolved by eliminating the one we happen to dislike, any more than cutting off the south end of a bar magnet gets rid of the south pole; it just shortens the magnet.[2] In a very real way, suffering increases our capacity to enjoy life.

Pain, hardship, challenges—these are all names for the opposing force that we need in order to facilitate growth. Nothing can ever grow without resistance. A tree that has not suffered the force of the wind will fall under its own weight. Exposure to winds causes the growth of ‘stress wood’, which is the core of the tree’s strength and integrity. 

The strongest and wisest people are the ones who have suffered the most. More than anyone, they have been purified by the divine flames of the crucible of life, forged into the people we see and admire today.

As we are all the heroes of our own stories, I implore everyone making plans for the upcoming year to make them bold and over the top. Instead of cowering from life and settling for what is easy to accomplish, we should run toward the fire and go through the crucible as many times as we can, so that we emerge stronger and more mature from each hardship we overcome.

You either succeed or you learn something. By succumbing to the grip of fear and not even trying, you lose twice.

Notes & References:

1. Any attempt to avoid and escape from our problems will not only fail, but make them worse as they fester and compound under the weight of time. 

“This tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis of all human mental illness…In the succinctly elegant words of Carl Jung, “Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.” But the substitute itself ultimately becomes more painful than the legitimate suffering it was designed to avoid. The neurosis itself becomes the biggest problem. True to form, many will then attempt to avoid this pain and this problem in turn, building layer upon layer of neurosis…when we avoid the legitimate suffering that results from dealing with problems, we also avoid the growth that problems demand from us. It is for this reason that in chronic mental illness we stop growing, we become stuck.” 

—M. Scott Peck

All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them.

2. This is a quote by Iain McGilchrist that I adapted into the article for a smoother transition instead of quoting it directly:

“Opposites are not to be resolved by eliminating the one we happen to dislike, any more than lopping off the south end of a bar magnet gets rid of the south pole: it just shortens the magnet.” 

Academy of Ideas – Why You Should Seek Power, Not Happiness – Nietzsche’s Guide to Greatness

Academy of Ideas – Why Suffering can Promote Strength and Health

Academy of Ideas – How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness – The Road Less Traveled
Survival day by day.. take it day by day.- z6
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=480598 time=1704142615 user_id=21556]
phi3.14infinity said:
brother u have great wisdom in your writing ..But I am EXTREMELY sorry to say no body learns anything through pain or suffering ..all suffering does is waste your precious time and make you suffer ..someone who has met a very severe accident (with absolutely 0 mistake of this person) who has lost his legs or hands or even his life can NOT learn anything .
.what even is the use of suffering when u do NOT even know exactly why even are u suffering in the first place when people around you are living very happily getting all good things at the right time ..somebody who was abused in various ways whether physically ,sexually,verbally with absolutely no fault of theirs do NOT learn anything ..Someone who are suffering for THE very REASON UNKNOWN when people around them are living a very happy life do NOT learn anything ..

All suffering can even do is TAKE all your precious years and time which could have been spent in doing productive things ..People ONLY learn when they are comfortable and happy NOT NOT in pain or suffering ..We suffer because oF NEGATIVE KARMA and the main aim must be to eradicate all negative karma so that we do NOT suffer and keep our life under our total control ..All suffering can even do is LEAVE LONG LASTING SCARS which ONLY adds more negative karma into your soul ..

NAH do NOT normalise saturn ..It does NOT teach you anything ..Saturn is the planet of suffering ,pain,misfortune ,misery ,all unwanted things in life ..Suffering does NOT TEACH you anything ..This is a purely nonsensical thing ..New age and christian people claim suffering is good where u evolve and grow from it ..Again TERRIBLY wrong ..Suffering only stagnates and inhibits your life where u can do absolutely NOTHING ..Normalising saturn and suffering is a plain new age garbage ..WE satanists are NOT to suffer BUT TO TAKE PRIOR STEPS spiritually so that we AVOID all sufferings EVER in life 

people who are living a great life have NOT suffered much ..It is because they dont have negative karma the way the one who suffers has ..These people are the one who have time to do great works in life ..Someone who is born in a poor family has to struggle a lot to come up in life rather the one who was born in an affluent family who can easily come up in life ..suffering can ONLY waste your time on this earth when others can easily get what they want to ..The one who is suffering has to struggle really a lot ..someone who has heavy money can easily afford what they want like quality education ,all good items ..stop normalising suffering ..

Did you even read the whole article?

If you had something terrible happen to you, ask yourself: would you be the person you are proud to be today if that thing hadn't happened to you? Would you be even 1/10th as strong as you are now if you weren't forced to improve yourself in order to overcome adversity?

I’m willing to bet anything that 98%+ of the people who found the Joy of Satan website did so because their lives were lacking in some way, and that's putting it mildly.

After all, would anyone living a perfect life ever have a reason to look for anything else? If your life were perfect and you spent every waking moment in bliss, would you have a reason to seek out the Gods? 

The people you mention, who seem to live carefree lives, did not get there with happy wishes or good karma alone. In the extremely unlikely scenario, they somehow managed to get there without enduring any pain. These people would be ruined if and when something out of their control presented itself. They simply do not have what it takes to face adversity, so the universe corrects itself. They may lose a lot, or even everything, until they learn to get past that point and move forward again.

I honestly don’t know what else to say, aside from a sincere suggestion to deprogram yourself of false notions that suffering is to be avoided at all costs.

while it is definetely true that many people here would have found joy of satan because of the mishaps and havocs in their life ,and while here suffering did pay to the actual truth which could Never have been reached by most people if their life was indeed blissful ..But other than that sufferings does NEVER help u ..u say this always "how much strong one becomes through suffering " ..This is something very weird ..no body can become strong if they had met a very severe accident or been abused or been betrayed ..Imagine those people on this earth who had never suffered through all these things ..Such souls who had never suffered all these things are the one who had enough time to do all right things and be happy in their life ..such souls are the luckiest ..You do NOT become strong after a severe accident or a severe abuse ..those things only make you weak in heart and take out all your precious time in life ..
phi3.14infinity said:
while it is definetely true that many people here would have found joy of satan because of the mishaps and havocs in their life ,and while here suffering did pay to the actual truth which could Never have been reached by most people if their life was indeed blissful ..But other than that sufferings does NEVER help u ..u say this always "how much strong one becomes through suffering " ..This is something very weird ..no body can become strong if they had met a very severe accident or been abused or been betrayed ..Imagine those people on this earth who had never suffered through all these things ..Such souls who had never suffered all these things are the one who had enough time to do all right things and be happy in their life ..such souls are the luckiest ..You do NOT become strong after a severe accident or a severe abuse ..those things only make you weak in heart and take out all your precious time in life ..
You are not correct here. While it is true that there will be those who break under pressure, there are also those who do not and will eventually grow stronger as a result. You are looking at this from a very limited angle and should reflect what Power of Justice has relayed to you for a longer period of time while also following the advice he gave you.
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=480598 time=1704142615 user_id=21556]
phi3.14infinity said:
brother u have great wisdom in your writing ..But I am EXTREMELY sorry to say no body learns anything through pain or suffering ..all suffering does is waste your precious time and make you suffer ..someone who has met a very severe accident (with absolutely 0 mistake of this person) who has lost his legs or hands or even his life can NOT learn anything .
.what even is the use of suffering when u do NOT even know exactly why even are u suffering in the first place when people around you are living very happily getting all good things at the right time ..somebody who was abused in various ways whether physically ,sexually,verbally with absolutely no fault of theirs do NOT learn anything ..Someone who are suffering for THE very REASON UNKNOWN when people around them are living a very happy life do NOT learn anything ..

All suffering can even do is TAKE all your precious years and time which could have been spent in doing productive things ..People ONLY learn when they are comfortable and happy NOT NOT in pain or suffering ..We suffer because oF NEGATIVE KARMA and the main aim must be to eradicate all negative karma so that we do NOT suffer and keep our life under our total control ..All suffering can even do is LEAVE LONG LASTING SCARS which ONLY adds more negative karma into your soul ..

NAH do NOT normalise saturn ..It does NOT teach you anything ..Saturn is the planet of suffering ,pain,misfortune ,misery ,all unwanted things in life ..Suffering does NOT TEACH you anything ..This is a purely nonsensical thing ..New age and christian people claim suffering is good where u evolve and grow from it ..Again TERRIBLY wrong ..Suffering only stagnates and inhibits your life where u can do absolutely NOTHING ..Normalising saturn and suffering is a plain new age garbage ..WE satanists are NOT to suffer BUT TO TAKE PRIOR STEPS spiritually so that we AVOID all sufferings EVER in life 

people who are living a great life have NOT suffered much ..It is because they dont have negative karma the way the one who suffers has ..These people are the one who have time to do great works in life ..Someone who is born in a poor family has to struggle a lot to come up in life rather the one who was born in an affluent family who can easily come up in life ..suffering can ONLY waste your time on this earth when others can easily get what they want to ..The one who is suffering has to struggle really a lot ..someone who has heavy money can easily afford what they want like quality education ,all good items ..stop normalising suffering ..

Did you even read the whole article?

If you had something terrible happen to you, ask yourself: would you be the person you are proud to be today if that thing hadn't happened to you? Would you be even 1/10th as strong as you are now if you weren't forced to improve yourself in order to overcome adversity?

I’m willing to bet anything that 98%+ of the people who found the Joy of Satan website did so because their lives were lacking in some way, and that's putting it mildly.

After all, would anyone living a perfect life ever have a reason to look for anything else? If your life were perfect and you spent every waking moment in bliss, would you have a reason to seek out the Gods? 

The people you mention, who seem to live carefree lives, did not get there with happy wishes or good karma alone. In the extremely unlikely scenario, they somehow managed to get there without enduring any pain. These people would be ruined if and when something out of their control presented itself. They simply do not have what it takes to face adversity, so the universe corrects itself. They may lose a lot, or even everything, until they learn to get past that point and move forward again.

I honestly don’t know what else to say, aside from a sincere suggestion to deprogram yourself of false notions that suffering is to be avoided at all costs.

I had read the whole article ..From my personal life suffering only makes one become weak and have heavy inferiority complex and feel that I am just a useless person because of the sufferings I had been through..No body who has suffered a very lot will ever feel that they had become strong but the opposite
Henu the Great said:
phi3.14infinity said:
while it is definetely true that many people here would have found joy of satan because of the mishaps and havocs in their life ,and while here suffering did pay to the actual truth which could Never have been reached by most people if their life was indeed blissful ..But other than that sufferings does NEVER help u ..u say this always "how much strong one becomes through suffering " ..This is something very weird ..no body can become strong if they had met a very severe accident or been abused or been betrayed ..Imagine those people on this earth who had never suffered through all these things ..Such souls who had never suffered all these things are the one who had enough time to do all right things and be happy in their life ..such souls are the luckiest ..You do NOT become strong after a severe accident or a severe abuse ..those things only make you weak in heart and take out all your precious time in life ..
You are not correct here. While it is true that there will be those who break under pressure, there are also those who do not and will eventually grow stronger as a result. You are looking at this from a very limited angle and should reflect what Power of Justice has relayed to you for a longer period of time while also following the advice he gave you.

I still do NOT know who even thinks that suffering is good ..It is definetely NOT ..suffering ,pain,delays ,misfortune only MAKES you become inferior ..You do NOT become strong in pain ,suffering ..One becomes strong only when they have good luck ,riches ,name,fame,successs
phi3.14infinity said:
Henu the Great said:
phi3.14infinity said:
while it is definetely true that many people here would have found joy of satan because of the mishaps and havocs in their life ,and while here suffering did pay to the actual truth which could Never have been reached by most people if their life was indeed blissful ..But other than that sufferings does NEVER help u ..u say this always "how much strong one becomes through suffering " ..This is something very weird ..no body can become strong if they had met a very severe accident or been abused or been betrayed ..Imagine those people on this earth who had never suffered through all these things ..Such souls who had never suffered all these things are the one who had enough time to do all right things and be happy in their life ..such souls are the luckiest ..You do NOT become strong after a severe accident or a severe abuse ..those things only make you weak in heart and take out all your precious time in life ..
You are not correct here. While it is true that there will be those who break under pressure, there are also those who do not and will eventually grow stronger as a result. You are looking at this from a very limited angle and should reflect what Power of Justice has relayed to you for a longer period of time while also following the advice he gave you.

I still do NOT know who even thinks that suffering is good ..It is definetely NOT ..suffering ,pain,delays ,misfortune only MAKES you become inferior ..You do NOT become strong in pain ,suffering ..One becomes strong only when they have good luck ,riches ,name,fame,successs

If that were true, you would not be hearing stories of people who overcame addiction on their own and found a new joy and appreciation for life, an appreciation that most people lack.

You would not hear stories of self-made millionaires who lost everything, and at their lowest point, instead of accepting their fate, they found the thing that made them an infinitely greater success, often emerging as billionaires or developing an incredible character trait.

Have you ever read the autobiography of literally any famous person? Is it just good luck? Were they famous by default? They were losing for literally 60 to 80 percent of their lives. Nobody sees that, or wants to. They all want the excuse. "They're just lucky, I'm not"

Go to a library and open the contents page of every autobiography you see. It would be a miracle if you came across one that didn't have a challenging past, if not a tragic one.

Get over your loser mindset! I don't know how else to say it.
It is not exactly suffering, but it is challenges that make people stronger. If you never have to do anything, you never will do anything. A person who decides to sit down and never stand up again, the muscles will disappear and eventually the person will not be able to stand up again even if he wants to.

But a person who has the challenge of having to climb over mountains, this generates a strength and a skill that will last forever. And this person is able to walk over anything and will never be stopped.

The only way to grow, to become stronger, and to become better in any kind of way is to have a challenge that forces you to grow in this way to be able to get past it. Look at a gym, these people understand that the only way to grow stronger is by having to do a lot of manual work, and their lives are too easy, so they have to pay for the opportunity to do more difficult work and heavier things to lift.

Suffering is a different thing. Suffering is more like an injury than a challenge. Suffering and challenges often go together so people may assume that they are the same thing, but they are seperate. The challenge is more like the work that needs to be done to solve the problem, and the suffering is the injury and the damage that is being done by the problem not being solved yet. The goal is to complete the challenge, and to remove and move away from the suffering.
brother u have great wisdom in your writing ..But I am EXTREMELY sorry to say no body learns anything through pain or suffering ..all suffering does is waste your precious time and make you suffer ..someone who has met a very severe accident (with absolutely 0 mistake of this person) who has lost his legs or hands or even his life can NOT learn anything .
.what even is the use of suffering when u do NOT even know exactly why even are u suffering in the first place when people around you are living very happily getting all good things at the right time ..somebody who was abused in various ways whether physically ,sexually,verbally with absolutely no fault of theirs do NOT learn anything ..Someone who are suffering for THE very REASON UNKNOWN when people around them are living a very happy life do NOT learn anything ..

All suffering can even do is TAKE all your precious years and time which could have been spent in doing productive things ..People ONLY learn when they are comfortable and happy NOT NOT in pain or suffering ..We suffer because oF NEGATIVE KARMA and the main aim must be to eradicate all negative karma so that we do NOT suffer and keep our life under our total control ..All suffering can even do is LEAVE LONG LASTING SCARS which ONLY adds more negative karma into your soul ..

NAH do NOT normalise saturn ..It does NOT teach you anything ..Saturn is the planet of suffering ,pain,misfortune ,misery ,all unwanted things in life ..Suffering does NOT TEACH you anything ..This is a purely nonsensical thing ..New age and christian people claim suffering is good where u evolve and grow from it ..Again TERRIBLY wrong ..Suffering only stagnates and inhibits your life where u can do absolutely NOTHING ..Normalising saturn and suffering is a plain new age garbage ..WE satanists are NOT to suffer BUT TO TAKE PRIOR STEPS spiritually so that we AVOID all sufferings EVER in life

people who are living a great life have NOT suffered much ..It is because they dont have negative karma the way the one who suffers has ..These people are the one who have time to do great works in life ..Someone who is born in a poor family has to struggle a lot to come up in life rather the one who was born in an affluent family who can easily come up in life ..suffering can ONLY waste your time on this earth when others can easily get what they want to ..The one who is suffering has to struggle really a lot ..someone who has heavy money can easily afford what they want like quality education ,all good items ..stop normalising suffering ..

Saturn is considered the most malefic planet, but that doesn't mean it has no benefits. All energy and planets have benefits when used properly, including Saturn. I have done about 10+ Saturn Squares myself.

While Saturn relates to suffering, you are making the assumption that this is the only manifestation. Actually Saturn grants wisdom by showing us where we are making mistakes. It does so by inducing stress, which forces you to grow to avoid it.

A simple example is like if your hand touches a fire, and you immediately pull your hand away, learning never to directly touch a fire again. This simple analogy can be found in any other area of life in which we try to do things out of delusion or irrationality. Saturn shows us the limits of reality. It is only harsh because we are at a low level of evolution, not because it is only malefic.

Another example would be like if I think I am the strongest man in the world, so I try to fight someone, but I end up getting punched in the face. That is a hard lesson which tempers and matures my original aggressive energies, forcing me to grow and train harder so that I avoid being punched in the face again. This is another example of learning through stress.

You ask what the use of suffering is when we do not know, but that is the beauty of Saturn, in which it is able to grant us wisdom that does not need logical comprehension to understand. It does not care if you are ignorant or knowledge about something, but only whether you do that action or not, and it will show you the outcome of that action.


When you write your messages in all caps, and when you write in a purely oppositional way to others like JG Powers of Justice, this just comes across as stubborn and arrogant. You should allow other people to have a conversation with you, rather than trying to totally dominate the conversation.

If you are right, then this will prove itself naturally as a result of the facts you present to them. If you are wrong, then you learn something new and this empowers you anyway, so it is not like you are losing anything here. Rather, you lose out when you shut your mind to other possibilities, refusing to explore them or understand why someone may tell you something.

Someone who is smart like you would be able to grow more quickly if you expose yourself to new ideas, but if you don't do this, then you are only hurting yourself.
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Saturn is considered the most malefic planet, but that doesn't mean it has no benefits. All energy and planets have benefits when used properly, including Saturn. I have done about 10+ Saturn Squares myself.

While Saturn relates to suffering, you are making the assumption that this is the only manifestation. Actually Saturn grants wisdom by showing us where we are making mistakes. It does so by inducing stress, which forces you to grow to avoid it.

A simple example is like if your hand touches a fire, and you immediately pull your hand away, learning never to directly touch a fire again. This simple analogy can be found in any other area of life in which we try to do things out of delusion or irrationality. Saturn shows us the limits of reality. It is only harsh because we are at a low level of evolution, not because it is only malefic.

Another example would be like if I think I am the strongest man in the world, so I try to fight someone, but I end up getting punched in the face. That is a hard lesson which tempers and matures my original aggressive energies, forcing me to grow and train harder so that I avoid being punched in the face again. This is another example of learning through stress.

You ask what the use of suffering is when we do not know, but that is the beauty of Saturn, in which it is able to grant us wisdom that does not need logical comprehension to understand. It does not care if you are ignorant or knowledge about something, but only whether you do that action or not, and it will show you the outcome of that action.


When you write your messages in all caps, and when you write in a purely oppositional way to others like JG Powers of Justice, this just comes across as stubborn and arrogant. You should allow other people to have a conversation with you, rather than trying to totally dominate the conversation.

If you are right, then this will prove itself naturally as a result of the facts you present to them. If you are wrong, then you learn something new and this empowers you anyway, so it is not like you are losing anything here. Rather, you lose out when you shut your mind to other possibilities, refusing to explore them or understand why someone may tell you something.

Someone who is smart like you would be able to grow more quickly if you expose yourself to new ideas, but if you don't do this, then you are only hurting yourself.
hi brother ,,my caps were not to actually dominate someone ..I just tried to highlight my point ,thats it ..It was not in any way meant to dominate anyone to prove someone inferior or superior ..could you brother please tell me what is even the point of suffering when you lose all your precious time,that time where one is actually suffering could be used in doing many productive and happy things rather than losing all the precious time of life going through bad things ..saturn is in a very worst malefic place in my natal chart ..It is not at all good ..If saturn is benefic in a person's natal chart ,it brings discipline and self control ..Other than this there is literally absolutely zero good thing of saturn ..

Because of saturn's worst placement in my natal chart my education got delayed and because saturn aspects my house of career ,my career is delayed and also it aspects my ascendant ,every thing in my life is delayed and I have gone through heavy suffering ..The years which I have lost ,,had I known right things at the right time ,,Those years of suffering should have been used into productivity and focus ,,But because of this evil planet and its evil aspects ,,every aspect of my life is delayed and denied ..Instead of getting only good things ,I have got only worst things in my life ..why do you people normalise suffering,I still do not understand ..No body learns anything in suffering ..You only loose all your precious time and get bad things in suffering ..If I had the power ,I would have destroyed saturn ..Unfortunately I do not have that power
If that were true, you would not be hearing stories of people who overcame addiction on their own and found a new joy and appreciation for life, an appreciation that most people lack.

You would not hear stories of self-made millionaires who lost everything, and at their lowest point, instead of accepting their fate, they found the thing that made them an infinitely greater success, often emerging as billionaires or developing an incredible character trait.

Have you ever read the autobiography of literally any famous person? Is it just good luck? Were they famous by default? They were losing for literally 60 to 80 percent of their lives. Nobody sees that, or wants to. They all want the excuse. "They're just lucky, I'm not"

Go to a library and open the contents page of every autobiography you see. It would be a miracle if you came across one that didn't have a challenging past, if not a tragic one.

Get over your loser mindset! I don't know how else to say it.
wrong brother ,,for every one such millionaire that u show ,,I can show you 100 who have their life very easy and have seen only success ..Those people who have lost much and then emerged back double would have achieved even a very lot if they never struggled ..suffering and struggles keep you way behind others ..When the world is enjoying things ,and when u suffer ..It shows you have hard luck and negative karma that you need to rigourously work on to remove ..You loose all your precious time in suffering ,and absolutely nothing good comes from suffering ..The time lost in suffering could have been spent in doing productive works and this would have made you stand at the top ..From suffering absolutely nothing ever comes ..No body who has gone through abuses ,accident will ever claim that suffering made them strong..suffering makes one weak ..suffering makes one literally think they are worthless and it is absolutely not something to normalise ..

compare a self made millionaire with bill gates (lets leave the jewishness of gates for this case and see) ..Gates is extremely lucky to be born in the right place ..he knew what he is skillfull at ..started a company at age 18 and see how way ahead he is compared to a person born in a poor family ,but after millions and millions of struggles became a millionaire at age 71 ..Life must be like that of gates and not that of a person who suffered hell to reach millionaire status at age 71 ,by this time gates is already a billionaire and one of the top 10 richest persons in this world who is way ahead of this self millionaire ..please dont normalise suffering and saturn ..Exactly what is the use of your character development and you becoming strong ..absolutely nothing ..no body needs to waste their precious time on this earth by having this so called character development and so called strength when the same time could be used in really doing productive and happy things ..
hi brother ,,my caps were not to actually dominate someone ..I just tried to highlight my point ,thats it ..It was not in any way meant to dominate anyone to prove someone inferior or superior ..could you brother please tell me what is even the point of suffering when you lose all your precious time,that time where one is actually suffering could be used in doing many productive and happy things rather than losing all the precious time of life going through bad things ..saturn is in a very worst malefic place in my natal chart ..It is not at all good ..If saturn is benefic in a person's natal chart ,it brings discipline and self control ..Other than this there is literally absolutely zero good thing of saturn ..

Because of saturn's worst placement in my natal chart my education got delayed and because saturn aspects my house of career ,my career is delayed and also it aspects my ascendant ,every thing in my life is delayed and I have gone through heavy suffering ..The years which I have lost ,,had I known right things at the right time ,,Those years of suffering should have been used into productivity and focus ,,But because of this evil planet and its evil aspects ,,every aspect of my life is delayed and denied ..Instead of getting only good things ,I have got only worst things in my life ..why do you people normalise suffering,I still do not understand ..No body learns anything in suffering ..You only loose all your precious time and get bad things in suffering ..If I had the power ,I would have destroyed saturn ..Unfortunately I do not have that power
They normalize suffering since its part of a normal life. Absolutely no one can go beyond this part of life. Like Blitz wrote to you, its part of learning things. Its the way life is. I dont understand why you would like to destroy a planet.

By the way, there is other people that suffers in their life. Some keep playing the victim, some kick their ass and learn from it. Who will you be?
wrong brother ,,for every one such millionaire that u show ,,I can show you 100 who have their life very easy and have seen only success ..Those people who have lost much and then emerged back double would have achieved even a very lot if they never struggled ..suffering and struggles keep you way behind others ..When the world is enjoying things ,and when u suffer ..It shows you have hard luck and negative karma that you need to rigourously work on to remove ..You loose all your precious time in suffering ,and absolutely nothing good comes from suffering ..The time lost in suffering could have been spent in doing productive works and this would have made you stand at the top ..From suffering absolutely nothing ever comes ..No body who has gone through abuses ,accident will ever claim that suffering made them strong..suffering makes one weak ..suffering makes one literally think they are worthless and it is absolutely not something to normalise ..

compare a self made millionaire with bill gates (lets leave the jewishness of gates for this case and see) ..Gates is extremely lucky to be born in the right place ..he knew what he is skillfull at ..started a company at age 18 and see how way ahead he is compared to a person born in a poor family ,but after millions and millions of struggles became a millionaire at age 71 ..Life must be like that of gates and not that of a person who suffered hell to reach millionaire status at age 71 ,by this time gates is already a billionaire and one of the top 10 richest persons in this world who is way ahead of this self millionaire ..please dont normalise suffering and saturn ..Exactly what is the use of your character development and you becoming strong ..absolutely nothing ..no body needs to waste their precious time on this earth by having this so called character development and so called strength when the same time could be used in really doing productive and happy things ..

I don't understand, should we all just be handed everything from the start? If it weren't for my Saturn placement, I would most likely be incredibly wealthy right now. The limitations brought upon by Saturn actually are life changing, but are you just going to sit around and let that continue to be the case? Have you attempted to remove your negative Saturn karma at all?

What everyone else has told you so far has been correct, Saturn teaches. It highlights mistakes and forces you to correct them. Then you are rewarded after.

Once I started clearing away my negative Saturn karma, my life improved. I was forced to mature and grow due to life's hardships. With the additional mental strength, you can take on bigger challenges and grow.

Yeah, Gates had some astrological manifestations and he got wealth. But if he had your attitude, he would be poor.
I don't understand, should we all just be handed everything from the start? If it weren't for my Saturn placement, I would most likely be incredibly wealthy right now. The limitations brought upon by Saturn actually are life changing, but are you just going to sit around and let that continue to be the case? Have you attempted to remove your negative Saturn karma at all?

What everyone else has told you so far has been correct, Saturn teaches. It highlights mistakes and forces you to correct them. Then you are rewarded after.

Once I started clearing away my negative Saturn karma, my life improved. I was forced to mature and grow due to life's hardships. With the additional mental strength, you can take on bigger challenges and grow.

Yeah, Gates had some astrological manifestations and he got wealth. But if he had your attitude, he would be poor.
Yes I am removing Saturn negative karma ,Saturn worst placement is the reason why my life has been completely messed up ..I have lost much of my precious time in my life because of worst Saturn placement in my natal chart ..You people keep saying "you learn things "..May I ask what can you learn when you are delayed and denied every good things in your life and you go through only pain and sufferings in life ..I really learnt nothing except losing my time ..
I don't understand, should we all just be handed everything from the start? If it weren't for my Saturn placement, I would most likely be incredibly wealthy right now. The limitations brought upon by Saturn actually are life changing, but are you just going to sit around and let that continue to be the case? Have you attempted to remove your negative Saturn karma at all?

What everyone else has told you so far has been correct, Saturn teaches. It highlights mistakes and forces you to correct them. Then you are rewarded after.

Once I started clearing away my negative Saturn karma, my life improved. I was forced to mature and grow due to life's hardships. With the additional mental strength, you can take on bigger challenges and grow.

Yeah, Gates had some astrological manifestations and he got wealth. But if he had your attitude, he would be poor.
I never said one need to sit and continue whining ..all I m trying to say one should never suffer and need to do meditation and yoga to never ever suffer ..One must never have suffering in life ,because of which one loses all their precious time ...no body grows from pain ..One grows only from happiness ,ambitions ,zeal
Bill gates like person has a perfect natal chart ..One needs to meditate and remove all the negative karma so that one gets natal chart like such people ..

What sort of growth one needs when one has been denied and delayed of all good things ..you all normalise Saturn ..I am the example of worst Saturn placement ..If not for Saturn worst placement ,I would have been in a much greater place ..You don't need so called growth when you are denied and delayed all great things in life ..You are not born on this earth for character development..You are born to achieve great things and be happy in life
I never said one need to sit and continue whining ..all I m trying to say one should never suffer and need to do meditation and yoga to never ever suffer ..One must never have suffering in life ,because of which one loses all their precious time ...no body grows from pain ..One grows only from happiness ,ambitions ,zeal
Bill gates like person has a perfect natal chart ..One needs to meditate and remove all the negative karma so that one gets natal chart like such people ..

What sort of growth one needs when one has been denied and delayed of all good things ..you all normalise Saturn ..I am the example of worst Saturn placement ..If not for Saturn worst placement ,I would have been in a much greater place ..You don't need so called growth when you are denied and delayed all great things in life ..You are not born on this earth for character development..You are born to achieve great things and be happy in life
This is a wrong perspective. There is different kind of suffering. But suffering generally makes one aware of what needs to be fixed. Suffering has built Hitler's character and made him hard as steel, he was in one of the most dangerous positions in ww1, he would run from frontline to frontline to give war news. He once got gassed and spent one week blind, but in that week he had spiritual experiences that changed him.

Bill Gates isn't a good example, he is a jew connected to the rockefeller family who wants to genocide the world.

Me having back ache has made me suffer, but through that suffering I understood that I should not neglect my body and now I don't have back ache anymore.

The thing is that you've been very hurt by suffering, so you're on the defensive towards it, but you can learn from suffering, it brings wisdom and tells you what is good and what is to avoid.

Are you not gonna train your body because by doing so you are gonna suffer the pain of discipline? Every thing thst makes us stronger makes us initially suffer something, be it discipline, being consistent, ecc are you gonna avoid your responsabilities because of "suffering". ?
This is a wrong perspective. There is different kind of suffering. But suffering generally makes one aware of what needs to be fixed. Suffering has built Hitler's character and made him hard as steel, he was in one of the most dangerous positions in ww1, he would run from frontline to frontline to give war news. He once got gassed and spent one week blind, but in that week he had spiritual experiences that changed him.

Bill Gates isn't a good example, he is a jew connected to the rockefeller family who wants to genocide the world.

Me having back ache has made me suffer, but through that suffering I understood that I should not neglect my body and now I don't have back ache anymore.

The thing is that you've been very hurt by suffering, so you're on the defensive towards it, but you can learn from suffering, it brings wisdom and tells you what is good and what is to avoid.

Are you not gonna train your body because by doing so you are gonna suffer the pain of discipline? Every thing thst makes us stronger makes us initially suffer something, be it discipline, being consistent, ecc are you gonna avoid your responsabilities because of "suffering". ?
I am saying one must totally avoid suffering ,So how to do that ??by doing heavy spiritual practises ..If one does heavy spiritual activities,one is never going to suffer ..I have suffered a hell lot for many and many years ..If I had those years which instead of suffering if used for doing productive works ,I would have been in a great happy place ..We are not born to suffer ..We are born to never suffer and stay rich and blessed ..
Yes bill gates is a jew ,I have written in the bracket ,to ignore his jewishness and just see his natal chart ..One should have such kind of natal chart where you are way ahead of others .Always working on ambitions,goals ..Suffering puts a heavy setback to all good things in life
Those who have suffered are way behind others than those who have not ..I don't understand why you people say ,u emerge very strong after suffering ..The point of life is not to become strong after misfortunes ..The point of life is to never suffer ,and always be moving ahead and being at the top in all things ..No body needs crucible of life when one is not born to suffer but to only win
This is a wrong perspective. There is different kind of suffering. But suffering generally makes one aware of what needs to be fixed. Suffering has built Hitler's character and made him hard as steel, he was in one of the most dangerous positions in ww1, he would run from frontline to frontline to give war news. He once got gassed and spent one week blind, but in that week he had spiritual experiences that changed him.

Bill Gates isn't a good example, he is a jew connected to the rockefeller family who wants to genocide the world.

Me having back ache has made me suffer, but through that suffering I understood that I should not neglect my body and now I don't have back ache anymore.

The thing is that you've been very hurt by suffering, so you're on the defensive towards it, but you can learn from suffering, it brings wisdom and tells you what is good and what is to avoid.

Are you not gonna train your body because by doing so you are gonna suffer the pain of discipline? Every thing thst makes us stronger makes us initially suffer something, be it discipline, being consistent, ecc are you gonna avoid your responsabilities because of "suffering". ?
You do not even need to suffer to learn things ..There are many people on this earth who without suffering have learnt things ...Things come easily to them without any suffering ..That is the kind of good luck and good natal chart one should have ...By the evil planet Saturn and sufferings ,you never learn any important things in life ..You only invite all sort of unnecessary pain,suffering,misfortune ,havoc in life ..All sort of sufferings do not make you learn any relevant things, relevant things related to life ..It makes you go through non unwanted things which only wastes your time .

No body learns anything in abuse,accident etc When mistake was not even their side ..It is you people who say suffering is good ..I am saying we as satanist need to avoid suffering and have it all easy so that we do NOT go through any bad phase in life so that we don't miss things that others have ..

Each and every day and time of our life must be easy ..Suffering puts you through things which are not even needed in the first place ..No body in this earth would want set backs,pain in life ..You people are seeing those who have suffered and obtained things ..I am talking of those who have it all easy in life ..Who did not go through any suffering in pain just to "learn"things ..
You do not even need to suffer to learn things ..There are many people on this earth who without suffering have learnt things ...Things come easily to them without any suffering ..That is the kind of good luck and good natal chart one should have ...By the evil planet Saturn and sufferings ,you never learn any important things in life ..You only invite all sort of unnecessary pain,suffering,misfortune ,havoc in life ..All sort of sufferings do not make you learn any relevant things, relevant things related to life ..It makes you go through non unwanted things which only wastes your time .

No body learns anything in abuse,accident etc When mistake was not even their side ..It is you people who say suffering is good ..I am saying we as satanist need to avoid suffering and have it all easy so that we do NOT go through any bad phase in life so that we don't miss things that others have ..

Each and every day and time of our life must be easy ..Suffering puts you through things which are not even needed in the first place ..No body in this earth would want set backs,pain in life ..You people are seeing those who have suffered and obtained things ..I am talking of those who have it all easy in life ..Who did not go through any suffering in pain just to "learn"things ..
People who always have it easy, often have no wisdom. Look at most rich kids, they are heavily spoiled, they don't know what it's like to struggle for money.
I for example used to drive recklessly when I was new to driving, one day I almost killed 2 people, wrecked my car, and lost my driving license, I suffered for it, and even then I did not suffer so much as thank to the Gods I literally came out of that incident without a scratch. But if that suffering didn't come, I probably would've continued to drive like an idiot.

Having it always easy doesn't create a strong character. And most people won't have it easy, the people who have it easy are either lucky or come from a lifetime in which they worked on themselves a lot. You are very naive in this. Perhaps when you will have it difficult you will understand how that can help you.
People who always have it easy, often have no wisdom. Look at most rich kids, they are heavily spoiled, they don't know what it's like to struggle for money.
I for example used to drive recklessly when I was new to driving, one day I almost killed 2 people, wrecked my car, and lost my driving license, I suffered for it, and even then I did not suffer so much as thank to the Gods I literally came out of that incident without a scratch. But if that suffering didn't come, I probably would've continued to drive like an idiot.

Having it always easy doesn't create a strong character. And most people won't have it easy, the people who have it easy are either lucky or come from a lifetime in which they worked on themselves a lot. You are very naive in this. Perhaps when you will have it difficult you will understand how that can help you.
I have suffered a very very damn lot than an average person ..There are many rich kids who are still responsible..The people who are "lucky" or who have a great natal chart is the kind of natal chart which every one on this earth should want,so one needs to work on it spiritually a very very lot ..I know many people who have a great easy life despite they don't deserve anything ...Life must be easy with real important things coming to you very easily,that is how much spiritually one needs to work on so that you can have it all very easy in life ..Compare a person who has struggled a lot to become millionaire by age 70 and with a person who had it all easy ,was responsible since young despite being born rich ,knew what he is skillfull at and got all things at the right time and became a billionaire by age 20 ..Compare those ppeople ..Easily the one who became a millionaire by age 20 is the one who will be miles ahead atleast 50 years of his peer who became a millionaire only by 70..He is 50 years ahead of the 70 year old peer ..That is the kind of good natal chart which one must have ...For which one needs to really spiritually work hard so that all things come to you very easy so that you are way ahead of others and also own all things ..This is how a life should be and not with struggles which wastes your life and time ..I am not talking of spoiled people who waste their life ..I am talking of a person born in a well to do family ,yet is a responsible person ,got exposed to the things he is naturally good at ,since a very young age ..Worked hard in honing his skill ..Started a company at a young age of 21,This kind of life is what one must aspire rather than a person of his own age ,who went through immense struggle and became a millionaire only by age 71 ,..Compare the life of both who were born in the same year ..The first one is the one who is way miles ahead ,who has it all easy and kept on earning more and more ..This is how much blessed one must be and no body cares of the latter who got things at age 71 ,by the time this former had conquered many things in this world
I have suffered a very very damn lot than an average person ..There are many rich kids who are still responsible..The people who are "lucky" or who have a great natal chart is the kind of natal chart which every one on this earth should want,so one needs to work on it spiritually a very very lot ..I know many people who have a great easy life despite they don't deserve anything ...Life must be easy with real important things coming to you very easily,that is how much spiritually one needs to work on so that you can have it all very easy in life ..Compare a person who has struggled a lot to become millionaire by age 70 and with a person who had it all easy ,was responsible since young despite being born rich ,knew what he is skillfull at and got all things at the right time and became a billionaire by age 20 ..Compare those ppeople ..Easily the one who became a millionaire by age 20 is the one who will be miles ahead atleast 50 years of his peer who became a millionaire only by 70..He is 50 years ahead of the 70 year old peer ..That is the kind of good natal chart which one must have ...For which one needs to really spiritually work hard so that all things come to you very easy so that you are way ahead of others and also own all things ..This is how a life should be and not with struggles which wastes your life and time ..I am not talking of spoiled people who waste their life ..I am talking of a person born in a well to do family ,yet is a responsible person ,got exposed to the things he is naturally good at ,since a very young age ..Worked hard in honing his skill ..Started a company at a young age of 21,This kind of life is what one must aspire rather than a person of his own age ,who went through immense struggle and became a millionaire only by age 71 ,..Compare the life of both who were born in the same year ..The first one is the one who is way miles ahead ,who has it all easy and kept on earning more and more ..This is how much blessed one must be and no body cares of the latter who got things at age 71 ,by the time this former had conquered many things in this world
Life is unjust, and it will always be. Perhaps one day it's gonna be much better, but still justly unjust.
Life is unjust, and it will always be. Perhaps one day it's gonna be much better, but still justly unjust.
exactly and hence one must never normalise suffering and do all things to avoid an unfair life
brother u have great wisdom in your writing ..But I am EXTREMELY sorry to say no body learns anything through pain or suffering ..all suffering does is waste your precious time and make you suffer ..someone who has met a very severe accident (with absolutely 0 mistake of this person) who has lost his legs or hands or even his life can NOT learn anything .
.what even is the use of suffering when u do NOT even know exactly why even are u suffering in the first place when people around you are living very happily getting all good things at the right time ..somebody who was abused in various ways whether physically ,sexually,verbally with absolutely no fault of theirs do NOT learn anything ..Someone who are suffering for THE very REASON UNKNOWN when people around them are living a very happy life do NOT learn anything ..

All suffering can even do is TAKE all your precious years and time which could have been spent in doing productive things ..People ONLY learn when they are comfortable and happy NOT NOT in pain or suffering ..We suffer because oF NEGATIVE KARMA and the main aim must be to eradicate all negative karma so that we do NOT suffer and keep our life under our total control ..All suffering can even do is LEAVE LONG LASTING SCARS which ONLY adds more negative karma into your soul ..

NAH do NOT normalise saturn ..It does NOT teach you anything ..Saturn is the planet of suffering ,pain,misfortune ,misery ,all unwanted things in life ..Suffering does NOT TEACH you anything ..This is a purely nonsensical thing ..New age and christian people claim suffering is good where u evolve and grow from it ..Again TERRIBLY wrong ..Suffering only stagnates and inhibits your life where u can do absolutely NOTHING ..Normalising saturn and suffering is a plain new age garbage ..WE satanists are NOT to suffer BUT TO TAKE PRIOR STEPS spiritually so that we AVOID all sufferings EVER in life

people who are living a great life have NOT suffered much ..It is because they dont have negative karma the way the one who suffers has ..These people are the one who have time to do great works in life ..Someone who is born in a poor family has to struggle a lot to come up in life rather the one who was born in an affluent family who can easily come up in life ..suffering can ONLY waste your time on this earth when others can easily get what they want to ..The one who is suffering has to struggle really a lot ..someone who has heavy money can easily afford what they want like quality education ,all good items ..stop normalising suffering ..
I have the same thought as you.
A stable, happy and unblocked mind enables you to explore and achieve.
The greatest truth in life is suffering, and we must fight with everything to learn to destroy these things along the way.
I believe that learning to destroy and avoid suffering is the real learning of life.
This is one of THE best sermons I have ever read!
I think this is the reason why we were sent to this earth, and why we are going through these hard times! Dealing with the Enemy and with the Enemy dishes out, what we are programmed to do? And how we choose to handle it? At least we have options! And at least we have the chance to prove ourselves Worthy along the way dealing with these hardships and pain. Becoming a better and stronger people, learning how to figure out our problems and how to face these obstacles. Becoming the people we want to be. As Masters in training
This was an inspiring post, thank you brother! I've got to get on reading some of Nietzsche's works. I see his quotes here sometimes and I can't help but think he had a very Satanic mindset, seeing through all the BS of religion.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
