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The "Corona-Virus" & The Satya Yuga/Golden Age

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Slowly, we are moving into the next Satya Yuga or the Golden Age or the Age of Satan, or the Age of Aquarius. This is happening very slowly. This is Satan's New Aeon.

The above, is unstoppable and will definitely happen. This is not up to the Jews to stop. As with everything else, they can and will try their utmost to delay humanity from getting there. What's worse, they have arrayed plans to try to make this the worst transition between ages the world has ever seen.

Whether they like it or not, it is going to happen. Nobody can stop this from happening, yet, what can happen is that there can be massive casualties and many left behind. Others will not make it at all into this Age because of the jews leading this.

The above involves also physically, but also spiritually. Quite a few people will be left behind on a spiritual level. The end of the Kali Yuga or the "Dark Age", is going to consume many beings where they will be stuck on the previous level of development. This will also have physical manifestations, not only imagined. See pods and whatever other insanities the enemy promotes.

Now, for the enemy to restrain humanity, they have created this so called virus, which was later "decided" to be called "Corona" virus. In Ancient Greek, Corona means Crown literally, and is related to the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra, is related and rules over feelings of security, accomplishing one's higher purpose etc.

The above correlation is so that humanity will try to relate the negative restrictions, pain and misery caused by this virus, and associate this with the Crown, subconsciously with the Crown Chakra. This is a subtle attempt to make people hate spirituality and life, making association with restrictions and evil.

The same game of wrong associations was done towards Satan. Satan's Name [which I will explain in another post what it means in increments, in reality], was also viciously slandered. Saturn and other notions went through the same attacks.

The reason the ghouls wanted to slander Satan as the most major evil in existence and associate him with the source of all evil, was to disconnect humanity from all that is positive and good in this world, but above all, Satya or Truth or Spiritual Understanding. Now, they want to disconnect human beings from their crown chakra.

As I have said before in the posts, vaccinated or not vaccinated, the situation of all the abuse, rights removal, division of society, and above all, fear and uncertainty, remains the same for all. The real challenges that cause this are not really natural or other forms of disasters, and most of this has to do with choices of the enemy to cause this.

There are emotions that disconnect someone from their higher purpose, and one of them is the emotion of incessant paralyzing fear. When people are kept fearful, uncertain of employment of life, terrorized that they might contact a virus or over the vaccine, all day long, unceasingly, this creates over-activation of the base chakra since the people need to respond to perceived dangers.

The same situation now is being replayed with the choice of words for the "Coronavirus". The real "Virus" is the one affecting the Crown Chakra of human beings. If you look back into these last 2 years, fear, uncertainty and other emotions like stress have been running rampant. Insecurity, also related to the base chakra, has also been running rampant.

You might also have noticed how many destructive natural phenomena, are named after Gods or other similar names. This is to again relate fear and terror with the names of the Gods. Humans run away from what they fear.

The opposed of this, is how beautiful things were named after the Gods, to keep people on a positive mindset that would later result to accept their existence and then spiritually advance.

From this fear, there will arise a generation of humans that does not advance. Fear is also an emotion that causes numerous issues to people, especially when fear is not overcome.

One cannot be governed by fear to these extents many people are today, and expect to advance very far. Wise people that meditate have navigated better emotionally during this crazy worldwide situation.

As the situation implies, financial strife, a difficult winter and other similar events are being advertised. More fear is also promoted for climate change, and so on.

In general, the enemy reveals their true face. They are nothing but a fear based cult. They abuse humanity and scare it based on it's ignorance. The threats can be real or imagined, but fear is the ONLY ingredient in how they rule. Nobody loves the jews anymore, and everyone worldwide knows where they are going, therefore the card of fear is the last card they can pull up their sleeve, but also the most potent one.

I don't expect the large masses to understand the above at this point or anything of what we say here. For this reason we have separated ourselves to them.

You will see many people now that they have caved in to "Fear". They can't go to a cafeteria because of a deadly virus, whatever, or other people are shaking in their boots that if they vaccinate they will die in the apocalypse. Others are getting fearful of others who might "spread the Co-Vid on them" and quite a few people exist overwhelmingly in a state of confusion and fear.

This fear spiral, is now empowering the enemy to restrain national freedoms and everything else. Even more people, cannot make much out of this restrain, lockdowns, or the insanity going on. Instead of looking inward, doing inner research and meditating, they squander this time and this opportunity to advance, let alone to prepare for a passing into a higher personal level.

Astrologically, none of this freedom robbing attempts will be ending before 2023. For this winter, restrictions and increased measures for response to "Co-Vid" are going to be attempted by quite a few Nations worldwide. The planets are favorable for freedom grabbing and the enemy is using them to the maximum. There will be harassment until 2023 in a very direct way with all of this this.

After 2024, the situation will turn even harder. Then there will be change, but after a lot of cost and pain.

Many people also falsely think that the next coming Age is some sort of bad thing. In fact, many of the things that we now consider negative, will be positive on that Age of Satan. People might laugh at you for meditating now, but they will honor the people that meditate then. The structure of this civilization that will come will be in reverse.

The only painful thing will be the transition and that's because the jews are handling the earth, and they are flaring up like a virus flares up before the immune system kicks in. Jews and how they are in their alien nature, is going to be incompatible with the coming age.

Now, the lowest level of vanity is rewarded and being a pointless egotist, but then the "egos" that will be rewarded will be the people that have purpose and substance to them. Of course, we are not on this age yet, so don't change how you behave towards this world for survival. We have to survive and mind all our business here.

The reason why the enemy is on a frenzy, is that if we pass through in this era, many Gods will be made on the next Satya Yuga or Satanic Era. Clearly, not everyone will become a God in this era either. Because things will be better then, but this still does not guarantee people will engage in the practice. Also, people can become Gods in any era, however, certain opposition from the external world will exist.

In the Satya Yuga, there will be no way for someone to claim they wanted to do this and didn't "Know", or "Could not". The ability to rise to very spiritual levels will be accelerated tremendously. The enemy watches this opening window with maximum dread.

As such, disconnecting people from their Crown and making them close down to the positive energies that are flowing into the world, they hope that this will lock people down on a very negative consciousness state so that they don't receive and attune to the higher energies. The fame of the Gods will also rise powerfully during this time and this will power will accumulate.

We have been playing a major role in this transition. Those who do the meditations and warfare, having higher understanding, will have seen things about that.

Currently we are seeing not many reverberations of the above era, but the enemy's reaction to this coming era, and a height and last height of the situation of enemy's action in Age of Pisces.

Wise men have prevented the loss of all knowledge in this tsunami of destruction of the previous era. And they will guarantee again that our knowledge is spread far and wide for those who don't exist solely for this failed era, but want to move onto the next one. The Souls of Satan who practice will have wonderful opportunities in this era.

However, until we get there, there will be suffering, thinning of life, and quite many other challenges. These could not be stopped at the emergence of this era [enemy rode the wave], but also it's change cannot be stopped by them now.

We will blunt the blow as much as people have done in the previous era, and this will include work in all levels. But the fact this is coming is a given.

In fact, many people foolishly are bringing this disaster on themselves, since this time around, this did not happen with weapons, christian mobs that destroyed temples because of "Jesus", or violence, but it will come through enslaving the human soul in other more corrupted ways. Violence will also likely occur, and much of it, but it won't be the first and centered theme here.

As the start of the previous era had a lot of effects in it's beginning from the previous era of Wisdom and Truth, so will this one be affected by the lies, fear and plague of the enemy in it's beginning. But the end result will be the opposite and be towards the good when it's all properly transitioned.

Is the above of concern to spiritual people who have their aim to advance? Yes. To blunt the blow and to work on ourselves. And everyone should be happy because they are being prepared for this. With your inner power discovered, none of the above is going to scare you.

We should be thankful to be with Satan through all this and for the opportunity to spiritually advance and prove our collective through this. Things are expected from us in accordance to our abilities and powers now, so we play our part in the face of these great events.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is my belief that because I did all those warfare rituals in the last 3 to 4 years I've been with this organization, I and my family have been protected and not been affected by any of this. The only one who is vaccinated with a deadly shot is my Father and I believe nothing will happen to him even though he didn't listen to me. Recently my mother was telling me how the man living infront of their house died of a heart attack 2 weeks after taking the vaccine and now his two kids aged 5 and 9 are orphaned for life. Multiple people I know who are close to me have died from heart attacks. Thankfully nothing yet has happened to my father. I hope nothing will in the future as well.
Personally i am very glad that i live in this era, even tough it has been a hard life, I have the perfect opportunity to work and to lead our world to Satans era. I feel ecstatic about the work that we do, and about the role that we are fulfilling.

Great sermon as always, I might not reply to the sermons all that often but i read most of them.
Jack said:
It is my belief that because I did all those warfare rituals in the last 3 to 4 years I've been with this organization, I and my family have been protected and not been affected by any of this. The only one who is vaccinated with a deadly shot is my Father and I believe nothing will happen to him even though he didn't listen to me. Recently my mother was telling me how the man living infront of their house died of a heart attack 2 weeks after taking the vaccine and now his two kids aged 5 and 9 are orphaned for life. Multiple people I know who are close to me have died from heart attacks. Thankfully nothing yet has happened to my father. I hope nothing will in the future as well.

We do all these rituals ad nauseum for a reason, and as it has been stated, the Demons *ARE* protecting people. Satan takes care of His people. The people who do their end along with the Gods are going to be fine.

Many people [outsiders] that I know, their lives have been flattened on many levels and they have been on their own.

Nobody from here at least as far as I know has died from "Co-vid" or from the "Vaccine", and despite the very difficult circumstances, most are pulling through with minimal damage compared to many others who had their lives flattened. People have lost all the way from jobs to mental health and sanity.

Mental health and sanity is IMO the worst plague that has fell now because of all the oppression and fear. I read some research that 1 in 3 people has developed PTSD like diseases from the lockdowns and other perils like rampant depression.
I do not intend for humanity to have a pyrrhic victory here, but rather a decisive one! I hope everyone here feels similarly. After the RTR's, I believe we will be obligated in continuing group rituals to reconstruct the earth and its people.

I feel bad for those who know of this path, but may not take it seriously. I am not referring to those who are trying, but struggling, rather those who willingly dismiss this journey.

Always remember that with magic, anything is possible. If you are struggling to overcome your obstacles, be open to your fellow SS and the Gods. There is always a way forward, even if not apparent, or perhaps it requires sustained effort.

Just as someone's astrological chart can make them geared for certain abilities or work, so to can you accelerate your own ability to advance, in accordance with the elements. There is no reason to simply chug along at a mediocre pace.

One's focus should be placed on how they can most quickly advance, in a stable fashion, and with respect to your warfare obligations. From here it should become obvious where you are lacking, and therefore solutions can be derived, and energy applied.

Just imagine the sheer amount of power one can wield in the next 5, 10, or 15 years of advancement. With this power, you can masterfully craft your own existence, or reach down and save your loved ones from their own. Speaking of which, everyone should be aware of the idea of performing a 3x RTR on their family members, which only takes 10 or fewer minutes. This is a small effort that will reap large rewards as time goes on.
In relation to so much fear and anxiety, I remember feeling a lot of this way before becoming an SS and was extremely lonely in this world(When I was a sixth-grader lad). One thing I did to overcome myself at least a step higher was to take matters into my own hands, not give a shit about it all anymore and get my flaws fixed like ultra vigilance mode until I attained a better me, even if it meant sacrificing a few things I loved so much forever. It was like finally snapping but this time for the better and I called those occurrences in me as adaptation spikes in my life.
Reminds me how the main protagonist in the Hunger Games shatters the dome["veil"] in the arena with an arrow and that is the start of the rebellion against the jewish class who oppresses everybody else in poverty.
Jack said:
It is my belief that because I did all those warfare rituals in the last 3 to 4 years I've been with this organization, I and my family have been protected and not been affected by any of this. The only one who is vaccinated with a deadly shot is my Father and I believe nothing will happen to him even though he didn't listen to me. Recently my mother was telling me how the man living infront of their house died of a heart attack 2 weeks after taking the vaccine and now his two kids aged 5 and 9 are orphaned for life. Multiple people I know who are close to me have died from heart attacks. Thankfully nothing yet has happened to my father. I hope nothing will in the future as well.

I feel the same Jack. I can protect myself with the aura of protection 216 ( 2 times a day, in the morning and at night), but my family is not vaxxed and everytime I think at them I feel that they are protected by the Gods. Also they told me that they don't want to take the vax in any case, but only in case they have no other option. I think that's not the case.

Also my collegue that is recently vaxxed sneezed last night and had an agressive nosebleed. I always feel that his aura is covered by death.
Jack said:
It is my belief that because I did all those warfare rituals in the last 3 to 4 years I've been with this organization, I and my family have been protected and not been affected by any of this. The only one who is vaccinated with a deadly shot is my Father and I believe nothing will happen to him even though he didn't listen to me. Recently my mother was telling me how the man living infront of their house died of a heart attack 2 weeks after taking the vaccine and now his two kids aged 5 and 9 are orphaned for life. Multiple people I know who are close to me have died from heart attacks. Thankfully nothing yet has happened to my father. I hope nothing will in the future as well.

Remember awhile back how i said family was protected too by the Gods to an extent? I'm glad to see this manifesting here too.
The enemy loves nothing but fear and misinformation. I have blown off this hysteria since the beginning about the scamdemic and will continue to do so. I am having to venture out for work now to travel and luckily i have not come in contact yet with places that demand proof of vaccination in terms of lodging or occupation. My whole family has the vax with me as an exception and they are still well with no drawbacks. I have been coming in contract with jobs right on time to keep us going with out issue and i am always finding solutions to create time for our schedules which i am very happy for.

I still want to be optimistic that not too many people will be left be hind for dead at the hands of the enemy in the end. But putting the truth to many faces is like showing a mirror to a brick wall sadly in many cases and this often doesn't change reguardless of anyones feelings in the moment.

Because we all continue to do the right thing by our race and Satan we and he will continue to be slandered because this is the anthem of our foes.

So with that i want to say this: If anyone is reading this and is having a hard time in life mentally emotionally or materially and you are looking to blame Satan and have really been meditating and cleaning where do you think this actually comes from? Why blame Satan? Evolution is harsh and is not a cakewalk. Our souls bear alot of scars and traumas from past lives and when we meditate and clean these come out at mass proportions even. The "depression" and "insanity" one may go through is in fact alot of this coming to the surface because your meditations are working. I cannot count how many times munka gave me a major crying spell or when obliterating saturn so much anger came to the surface and left like a weight was off my shoulders. Empowering ones own dross without sufficient cleaning does this as well, allowing very bad karma not yet resolved to manifest in the most horrid ways. Going up to higher vibrations means having to clear up alot of gunk and that is no walk in the park. Terms such as "ascension flu" and "kundalini syndrome" acording to other sources i have seen describe this very well and are consistant with alot of the things JOS talks about with kundalini. The best or worst of this depends on alot of individual factors as well as ones chart IMO.

So before one wants to run from Satan out of fear due to misinformation take this into consideration. No pain no gain. Life is a bitch alot of times and Coming to Satan isn't going to make it into complete rainbows and ponies. But it will change you and advance you and sometimes this will constitute manifestations of changes that at first do not feel very good. That is life. Fear is the enemy. Toss it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, for the enemy to restrain humanity, they have created this so called virus, which was later "decided" to be called "Corona" virus. In Ancient Greek, Corona means Crown literally, and is related to the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra, is related and rules over feelings of security, accomplishing one's higher purpose etc.

The above correlation is so that humanity will try to relate the negative restrictions, pain and misery caused by this virus, and associate this with the Crown, subconsciously with the Crown Chakra.

I kept questioning myself from the past 15 months, "What has happened to me?", I did have an answer but it felt and it was actually incomplete.
Now it's complete, I do understand what happened to me, why I was so deeply affected[or still affected] by this coronavirus pandemic. When it all started, within the first 15-30 days, I started slacking off/stopped doing warfare, big gaps of no meditations, also started fearing that Gods don't like me because of the porn I watched, basically I was full of guilt, had thoughts like 'I don't deserve to be a satanist or to be with Satan and the Gods', 'I am low and crap', 'whatever I write here is foolish and crap' ; literally stopped posting here. I have so many replies on my notes app that I did not post. I just couldn't click the submit button.

The coronavirus was literally a spiritual attack, and I thought it was mostly a physical one. I was advancing nice and good before it.
It was quite depressing or I am not sure what I felt like. So many doubts on myself and also on the Gods, which I am very ashamed of.

I want to live and advance. I want to be with Satan and the Gods, but sometimes I just feel too guilty for some reason. I feel like the Gods are upset and I am not giving my 100% to my spiritual life and the enemy entities and enemy curses are taking a toll on me. Especially when my body develops these temporary illnesses like throat infection many times, prior to RTR warfare schedule, such events also add up into the guilt of not doing the warfare.

I have throat infection right now, and when it started to develop a few days ago, instead of thinking 'the enemy is trying to stop me from doing the RTR', I literally thought of 'what if the Gods don't want me to advance and leave JoS?'
I am very ashamed of this, the guilt wave for some reason goes up and down many times.

I believe I became a prey to all this solely because I slacked off with my AoP a lot before covid, and at that time and during covid I was bombarded with spiritual/psychic attacks, including many sleep paralysis attacks. So many paralysis attacks that I started loving those attacks, cuz they became my primary way of experiencing the spiritual/psychic world visually. But I still got something positive out of it, my faith in Satan and the Gods can never be broken, and those attacks don't happen anymore probably because they were useless on me, I had no fear. This was a bad and dangerous way and I don't recommend this to anyone at all. I survived obviously because of Satan and the Gods.

I think my situation is a much needed example of what happens if you take AoP lightly. Many SS who fall, I believe fall primarily because of weak AoP.

I am sorry I am unable to take part in the warfare but I will keep trying. If not tomorrow, I hope my throat will improve in the next 2-3 days.

Blitzkreig said:
I do not intend for humanity to have a pyrrhic victory here, but rather a decisive one! I hope everyone here feels similarly. After the RTR's, I believe we will be obligated in continuing group rituals to reconstruct the earth and its people.

I feel bad for those who know of this path, but may not take it seriously. I am not referring to those who are trying, but struggling, rather those who willingly dismiss this journey.

Always remember that with magic, anything is possible. If you are struggling to overcome your obstacles, be open to your fellow SS and the Gods. There is always a way forward, even if not apparent, or perhaps it requires sustained effort.

Just as someone's astrological chart can make them geared for certain abilities or work, so to can you accelerate your own ability to advance, in accordance with the elements. There is no reason to simply chug along at a mediocre pace.

One's focus should be placed on how they can most quickly advance, in a stable fashion, and with respect to your warfare obligations. From here it should become obvious where you are lacking, and therefore solutions can be derived, and energy applied.

Just imagine the sheer amount of power one can wield in the next 5, 10, or 15 years of advancement. With this power, you can masterfully craft your own existence, or reach down and save your loved ones from their own. Speaking of which, everyone should be aware of the idea of performing a 3x RTR on their family members, which only takes 10 or fewer minutes. This is a small effort that will reap large rewards as time goes on.
I'm with you Brother. There are many levels, and layers to everything, as with this Path and everything else.

2020 was hands down my best year thus far, and this year even better. Even though those without are suffering tremendously, I'm golden. I can only imagine when I apply myself with the resources that have been laid out before me what can be achieved. And it's not only me. There is a legion of us, grinding our battle axes every day. A Brother I am doing translations with just mailed me that he has completed JoS meditation section. He did it alone. He goes by the name kajo, and I would like to shoutout for his massive effort. He is not very active here, but we all have our roles and part to play. What a freaking beast. His effort regards to translating JoS puts me to shame. I am not one bit afraid of the enemy when I'm surrounded by such people. Best of the best gathered to this cause, and we are ever growing, attracting more people and gaining more power, understanding, wisdom and so on both individually and collectively.

Now, with war there are casualties on our side of course too, and many are suffering, but overall... They can only buy a few more seconds to their pathetic existense at this point. Consequences of their actions are heavy, and ready more than ever to fall right back on them.

The enemy fears us, and for a good reason. They are having taste of real resistance, and it tastes like hot steel.


Ps. Can you make an addittional comment how the performing rtr on your family members has benefited them?
You might also have noticed how many destructive natural phenomena, are named after Gods or other similar names. This is to again relate fear and terror with the names of the Gods. Humans run away from what they fear.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes and also ISIS. Everytime I hear Isis now I think of terrorists immediately. Before that I thought about a God and it was a beautiful name. How come I still think of the terrorists when I hear the name although I know they used the name to associate fear with it?

Does that mean I need to deprogram? Maybe if I read a lot of articles about the real ISIS it will change.
The Gods have definitely helped their own throughout this time.

These things you mentioned for 2023 and onward, give some context to what many of us can see in our own astrological charts. It should give people a "second wind" to prepare and advance before these important dates.
Yeah i felt this rising up the levels at times the latest one where i gained the power to see the world very spiritually like all colors of the rainbow and seeing atoms shining and such instead of seeing a fence i also saw the gods as if they were in front of me like a normal person except they would change from looking like blue ghosts to looking like their Nordic self's.

I was able to do this because i decided to do 13x9 repetitions of Final RTR and it was like it created a field were the Jewish curses and veil no longer held back my spiritual power things that would be very difficult to do normally i.e. telepathy, lucid dreaming, healing and telekinesis was very very easy if its returning to how i used to be in Egypt then these dirty Jews are so fucked i was once able to sink whole army's in sand storms that i could create Israel is going to be fucking buried if i survive till 2024 what inspired me to do this was i got very pissed off with the enemy forcing me out of my very good job and with the WA Government (West Australian) following The Victorian Governments super communist rule policies fortunately i have prepared well the gods warned me of this 18 months ago directly so I'm in no real trouble money wise.

but then when i stopped it took less the 8 hours to get knocked* and dragged back down again i felt like i got knocked* from 100s of them they really don't want a real god everyone would see how much of a false god these fucking rats are and if these greys and reptilians think I'm stopping on this world i will seek to burn these rats from every fucking world in this galaxy.

i hope you read this you fucking rats I'M COMING FOR YOU!
“The above involves also physically, but also spiritually. Quite a few people will be left behind on a spiritual level. The end of the Kali Yuga or the "Dark Age", is going to consume many beings where they will be stuck on the previous level of development. This will also have physical manifestations, not only imagined. See pods and whatever other insanities the enemy promotes.”

Is Kali Yuga bad? Maxine said Kali is Lady Lilith here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=25386&p=114711&hilit=kali+yuga#p114711
CinnamonCake said:
“The above involves also physically, but also spiritually. Quite a few people will be left behind on a spiritual level. The end of the Kali Yuga or the "Dark Age", is going to consume many beings where they will be stuck on the previous level of development. This will also have physical manifestations, not only imagined. See pods and whatever other insanities the enemy promotes.”

Is Kali Yuga bad? Maxine said Kali is Lady Lilith here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=25386&p=114711&hilit=kali+yuga#p114711

What is bad is that the next age is knocking on their door and they didn't listen to Kali that was trying to transition them to a more spiritual mindset.

There is no bad age, there are only people who don't internalize the lessons from these ages. The ages themselves are not bad. While they have a tendency to promote specific energies, still humans have choices in on if they leave themselves drift into nothingness etc.
THANK YOU so much for your words, Brother. It means a lot to me, and I think you're doing a lot of great work, too. Let's keep it up!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CinnamonCake said:
“The above involves also physically, but also spiritually. Quite a few people will be left behind on a spiritual level. The end of the Kali Yuga or the "Dark Age", is going to consume many beings where they will be stuck on the previous level of development. This will also have physical manifestations, not only imagined. See pods and whatever other insanities the enemy promotes.”

Is Kali Yuga bad? Maxine said Kali is Lady Lilith here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=25386&p=114711&hilit=kali+yuga#p114711

What is bad is that the next age is knocking on their door and they didn't listen to Kali that was trying to transition them to a more spiritual mindset.

There is no bad age, there are only people who don't internalize the lessons from these ages. The ages themselves are not bad. While they have a tendency to promote specific energies, still humans have choices in on if they leave themselves drift into nothingness etc.

Thank you High Priest 🌸
Very well wrote/explained Commander.
I knew corona means crown in Greek and you have described it wonderfully why they chose the word for their agenda.
Also the number 19, i googled the 19th letter of the hebrew alphabet and it has something to do with the needle, maybe you know more.
Whatever happens we will keep fighting.
Here are some predictions the ancients made about Kali yoga
Very interesting. I honestly thought Kali Yuga translated from sanskrit to mean in English "the age of death and destruction" but maybe I was wrong. It could be a spiritual age too I guess. I mean age of Pisces could have been wonderful for spiritual advancement were it not for the enemy I know that. It actually really is a beautiful sign and energy in its positive aspect.
CinnamonCake said:
“The above involves also physically, but also spiritually. Quite a few people will be left behind on a spiritual level. The end of the Kali Yuga or the "Dark Age", is going to consume many beings where they will be stuck on the previous level of development. This will also have physical manifestations, not only imagined. See pods and whatever other insanities the enemy promotes.”

Is Kali Yuga bad? Maxine said Kali is Lady Lilith here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=25386&p=114711&hilit=kali+yuga#p114711

There is a difference between Kali, an asura, and Ma Kaali, an aspect of Mother lilith.
slyscorpion said:
Here are some predictions the ancients made about Kali yoga
Very interesting. I honestly thought Kali Yuga translated from sanskrit to mean in English "the age of death and destruction" but maybe I was wrong. It could be a spiritual age too I guess. I mean age of Pisces could have been wonderful for spiritual advancement were it not for the enemy I know that. It actually really is a beautiful sign and energy in its positive aspect.

The Kali Yuga is also an age of purification. However, the nature of the sign of Pisces, is either very spiritual, or none at all. We missed a wonderful spiritual age because of the enemy. We can only imagine what would have happened under Pisces were it not for the enemy. The spiritual levels reached would be immense.
I'm thinking that there are clearly too many of us on Earth, and we consume too much. We should stop consuming too much now, but people are not willing to. What will be the end of this? We will surely go to the wall. Will there be a big crash and then Satya Yuga? I don't know how that is possible with 8 billion people...
Dark Lawyer said:
I'm thinking that there are clearly too many of us on Earth, and we consume too much. We should stop consuming too much now, but people are not willing to. What will be the end of this? We will surely go to the wall. Will there be a big crash and then Satya Yuga? I don't know how that is possible with 8 billion people...

There is a lot of land that is unoccupied. If humans were to occupy every piece of land, it can fit at least 30 billion more people. The issue is that the metropolitan lifestyle is polluting our earth, our system, and giving this illusion of scarcity. We can't even see the stars at night, all those neon lights. The Earth can fit more people and with lots of nature and growing food it's possible, just not the way this society is, is it going to help.
Dark Lawyer said:
I'm thinking that there are clearly too many of us on Earth, and we consume too much. We should stop consuming too much now, but people are not willing to. What will be the end of this? We will surely go to the wall. Will there be a big crash and then Satya Yuga? I don't know how that is possible with 8 billion people...

There are too many Jews on Earth, may the coming Age destroy all of Judaism. So be it.
Its my first time writing about my case in a JOS forum, I made my initiation in 2010 during the holiest muslim month of ramadan, my GD saw it as a kind of challenge, 2 yrs before that I was very dedicated sufi, I've been spiritual in nature, practiced yoga in my teenager years, the enemy was there since I was child, also Satan was there, but due to the restrict islamic society and family I had grown up with I couldn't identify who Satan was, after many attempts of the enemy system to split me from my GD whom I used to have sex with during my time of ignorance, also trying to recruit me or getting me to their side.
Due to my ignorance I considered her evil thing and was in hostility with her, she used to manifest herself in my dreams and through very deep spiritual intercourse that I can never describe in words, she was a warrior also.
I got into sufism to be able to banish her but she never left, after a while I began to get high in sufism, doing strong prayers to get stronger and I got strong in what I was doing, due to my dedication, and I didn't know it was a trap to lure me deeper into the enemy swamp of filth, the sufis wanted to got me into some kind of oath which after that I would be in a different level, that's when my beloved Goddess separated me from them, I just walked away and they called me many times to bring me back to their shit but I just walked my way out, at that time i felt unleashed, started to have astral projection visions, I was still in my old faith, attacks were made back then but without any scratch, this lasted for few months of total freedom and strength, later on, 2 months before ramadan, I encountered someone on my way home from work, that was in summer of 2009, it was 3 am, the street was totally empty and someone came in front of me walking and getting closer, till he get very close to me and while walking he hit his hand with my left hand hardly, I didn't bother at the time, but while at home I started feeling something creeping in my hand through my joints, but that attack was dispelled the same day, then I contacted some sufi ass, he told me to buy certain ring with islamic engravings on it and wear it all the time, I did, then just few days before ramadan the guy approached me and told me with all the grudge of his filthy soul, put the ring in water and leave it for few minutes and drink it, I told him what would happen, he just replied : it's a gift from our beloved ones, I did that for one reason only, to challenge him, just after me drinking that shit I started a very violent spiritual torture, the thing that was injected in me got grip of my whole left side and feelings of burning and heart being stabbed were my every day routine, my GD was blocked from me and tortured as well, I saw her mutilated in my dreams, i was praying and crying badly to that piece of shit to just give me few moments of sleep, I was very exhausted and couldn't sleep and so hungry yet couldn't eat, this lasted with me a year or so, I stopped praying sometime later and felt kind of released, started to read in the occult and the writings of Crowley.
I was searching for anything concerning the succubus and came across a website called Joy of Satan, and here I am, I got through meditations and felt much better, I made my initiation and started fighting back with double interest but that parasite they injected in me was still there, till now, I had some attack to seal it on my crown chakra, the one who did the attack I throw runes on her and the runic working was very successful.
I had ups and downs and have to confess that I fell back to the enemy many times, i believe that this parasite is connected directly to the allah entity, no matter what I do I can't cut it down from me, now my only connection with my demonss is through telepathy, she is telling me that our time of freedom is at hand, she speaks of some stars will come in one line someday and that would mark the coming era.
I am Egyptian, living currently in Turkey, since I moved here I started to feel some freedom.
Sorry for my very long topic and for my English as well.
My only problem of advancement is that parasite, hope to find a way some time to banish or destroy it.
Hail Satan forever.
Hail the mighty gods of duat.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Here are some predictions the ancients made about Kali yoga
Very interesting. I honestly thought Kali Yuga translated from sanskrit to mean in English "the age of death and destruction" but maybe I was wrong. It could be a spiritual age too I guess. I mean age of Pisces could have been wonderful for spiritual advancement were it not for the enemy I know that. It actually really is a beautiful sign and energy in its positive aspect.

The Kali Yuga is also an age of purification. However, the nature of the sign of Pisces, is either very spiritual, or none at all. We missed a wonderful spiritual age because of the enemy. We can only imagine what would have happened under Pisces were it not for the enemy. The spiritual levels reached would be immense.

Does this Kali Yuga thing relate to what you said about the earth and it's position in space keeping some people in a very low dimension or vibration or is that something different.
Came up with a riddle back in 2016 with peole in power aware of this if they view the forum in which they do. The riddle alpha bypassed bravo met with delta to create omega. Then will i have my clearance never knew this riddle was just junk back then but since and hence covid whats next. All i know is ive got my clearance at omega cya circa 2022.
Thanks to the jos for expanding my mind and psychic potential going dark from the interwebs after this post. Cant afford classified materials etc.

Hail satan .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
