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The Collapse Is Real: Economy Goes Down The Drain [+Crypto Update] - Reminder - "Here We Are"...

Larissa666 said:
The next Bitcoin halving cycle is in 2024, so by the end of 2023 it might be a good idea to start investing bit by bit.

As for LUNA no matter who did it, was it kikes or someone else, there was a serious flaw and that flaw was exploited and used for attack. What happened to LUNA was just a matter of time.

Stay strong, brothers and sisters in Satan. Times are hard, but we are going to survive this and come out even stronger.

I am preparing myself for the next Bitcoin Halving cycle.
Every month I buy BTC and XMR.
Gold cash bullets and long life can food is the way I do business also my grand father was a hunter and taught me how to process meat and what not I would suggest to people that you familiarise yourself with these practices as for crypto it pays to have a good look at the morals of the creators of the coins and what not to see wether or not they would succeed or flop.

They always do this every 100 years plague war financial crash try to cause more war and more plague then have a time of peace when they start to spend too much of their money from pushing it be apart of the solution to fix to problem to try and gain more wealth then do the same thing to the people all over again except this time their artificial plague didn't do so well and now their war hasn't killed and dragged the world into conflict like last time so we shall see if their attempt to crash the economy will succeed or fail
Just a friendly reminder for anyone who's doing any sort of trading, especially in crypto - you can always short and make money that way. Especially during times like these.

Although the best time for selling and shorting was a month ago for crypto prices will keep going down. Next BTC halving is in 2024 so don't expect recovery in crypto until then.

Hope none of you had anything in Luna or UST.
Aquarius said:
When I was going to school and didn't work I would just find money on the street when doing money spells.

The question then is was it actually enough to sustain you, and how much energy was it requiring to manifest that?
Although annoying to do, doing an hour of chanting would still take less time than even a part-time job. Also, add in an hour for walking around town or something.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=354043 time=1652428997 user_id=21286]
Aquarius said:
When I was going to school and didn't work I would just find money on the street when doing money spells.

The question then is was it actually enough to sustain you, and how much energy was it requiring to manifest that?
Although annoying to do, doing an hour of chanting would still take less time than even a part-time job. Also, add in an hour for walking around town or something.
It was at the middle of a sun square. And it wasn't needed to sustain me as I was sustained by my parents, I also got monthly money, and money given at random, I always had money in my pockets and the workings probably made it better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Hail Satan!
Hail Beezlebub!
🐝 🐝
GloriaBlackjack474 said:
I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Being in the military is not going to make your spiritual advancement easy. You need privacy to meditate. In the case of RTR's, you will either have to do it in your head entirely, otherwise risk getting in trouble for anti-semitism.

Being in such a position is going to make you choose between being in the military, or advancing spiritually. You will also have to be careful about doing RTR's or something with little protection, especially in a high-risk job like the military.

I know that you probably want to do this career, but I would leave it entirely, simply because it impedes your advancement so much, if not entirely. Not just for a few months, either.
Aquarius said:
It was at the middle of a sun square. And it wasn't needed to sustain me as I was sustained by my parents, I also got monthly money, and money given at random, I always had money in my pockets and the workings probably made it better.

Ok. I am trying to judge how much energy, roughly, it would take to produce such results. Being from a Sun Square is a problem because you cannot do that forever, of course. Did you do it specifically for money, and was it material or spiritual?
Have you practiced Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia? A lot of JoS members recommend learning it if you’re an athlete or joining the military because it’ll develop a steel, indestructible body. Iron Shirt Chi Kung is an ancient Satanic practice that was mandatory in ancient times until the Abrahamic religions took over. Here’s a free PDF: https://we.riseup.net/assets/213123/IronShirt+QiGong+I.pdf

You should read these articles:

The Military by High Priestess (HPS) Maxine Dietrich
Part 1:
Part 2:

On Physical Training by HPS Maxine Dietrich

About Body Advancement by Stormblood

On Bone, Teeth, Joint, Ligament and Skin Health by HPS Shannon

How To Build An Aura Of Protection
You should be doing an aura of protection meditation multiple times everyday or at least twice per day, especially if you’re in the US military which is controlled by Jews.

Protecting Yourself by HPS Maxine

Updated Aura of Protection by the Goddess Inanna

Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protections by Lydia

Returning Curses Part 2 - Ultimate Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protection (AOP) Working by ShadowCat
GloriaBlackjack474 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Hail Satan!
Hail Beezlebub!
🐝 🐝

Memorize an rtr (that doesn't include erasing hebrew letters) and with its affirmation or memorize JOS prosperity ritual and JOS then protection ritual and perform them during free time. Just reason to your officers that you believe in Shiva and you have to chant for your worship.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=354274 time=1652485140 user_id=21286]
Aquarius said:
It was at the middle of a sun square. And it wasn't needed to sustain me as I was sustained by my parents, I also got monthly money, and money given at random, I always had money in my pockets and the workings probably made it better.

Ok. I am trying to judge how much energy, roughly, it would take to produce such results. Being from a Sun Square is a problem because you cannot do that forever, of course. Did you do it specifically for money, and was it material or spiritual?
Material square.
GloriaBlackjack474 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Hail Satan!
Hail Beezlebub!
🐝 🐝

Just a strong reminder for you, do not get the covid vaccine if they are still requiring it. Not the most up to date on the army/military requirements, but, you still want to avoid it like poison, because it is literal poison to anyone. Ask the Gods for more information about what they're really doing with the vaccine. Of course the covid thing died off but you shouldn't forget to avoid that vaccine if possible. I would love to go into the army/military, so best of luck to you. Although myself however, I will never fight for the enemy, their jew run government, or these rich asshole jews, so I would recommend you keep in mind that you should be learning to fight for the Gods and not the shitty US government. Not sure that needs to be said but wanted to throw it out there. Best of luck though, do your best. I'm sure the experience you will learn could be of use if things get very rocky in the US with civil unrest, civil war, etc etc. Not that'd it happen, but I always like to train like the military so I can always be tip top shape for if I'm needed for our cause in the streets.

As for meditations, whenever I'm working and am craving energy some, I pretty much do meditations without vocalizing anything. Cleaning my aura, focusing with void, moving energy and working on my chakras. It's harder to do meditations without using vocal vibrations, but I've found you can somewhat draw in energy without actually saying anything. Think of Goku from Dragon Ball Z, they can power up and such, kind of how I imagine it. Like breathing in and pulling in energy and then moving it, empowering it, etc etc. Not as effective as actual vibrations, but it can be done. Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't done that a lot. Just some personal experimentation. Also for AOP, thinking about your affirmations in your mind if you'll get yelled at for saying, "weird" shit. Not as effective again, but better than nothing.

Enough of my 2 cents though, best of luck!

Hail Satan! May He help you on your journey ⛧
Aquarius said:
Kurat said:
Get countryside home. Grow your own food. Forgot the system.
Yes goy, leave all the system to the jews, so that they will have all the financial power to themselves.

You can´t win a game against the game master, they can change the rules as they see fit (print money,.. etc), FED (Federal Reserve) with it also European central Bank (one can see the FED as like main MC Donalds company and the other central Banks as kind of Licenses taker with a different name, but same owner) is privately owned to Rothschild family eg they control all money supply (USD and Euro²), I would not be surpised if they control the other main currencys aswell, as like the health sector is/was mostly controled by Rockefeller³ as far as I know Bill Gates is related to them or his father was working for them somehow and he is now taking thear place.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild.

You can´t destroy thear money system by using thear money, Bitcoin is probably the only solution to break thear monopoly. This is not to say it is bad to try to get as much money from them as you can. But you won´t kill thear monopoly with it.

So in a sense you both are right, everybody should try to get as much FED money to support BTC or JOS or other means that break thear monopoly and get out off thear systems (money, health, spiritual etc).

²on every Euro bill is a smal e in a cicle this means it is trademarked


on USD it is directly printed Federal Reserve


"As an alternative medicine practitioner I have a lot of conversations with patients who are disenchanted with the current Western medicine system. This disenchantment is both related to the quality of care they receive and also the way in which the business of Western medicine is conducted. This post is a brief historical look at the business of Western medicine. This article will not directly address aspects of patient care, instead it will focus on the origins of our current medical business model.

Western Medicine IconAs someone who has been practicing medicine for over 10 years, I try to keep an open mind and appreciate both the good and bad that coexist in the Western system. In order to understand our current medical system it is helpful to take a look back at the history of medicine in the America. The business story of Western medicine, in the modern sense, starts with John D. Rockefeller (1839–1937). Rockefeller is “widely considered the wealthiest American of all time, and the richest person in modern history.” Rockefeller is probably most famous for securing a monopoly in America’s oil market, but many people haven’t heard the rest of the story.

By the turn on the 20th century, Rockefeller controlled 90% of all petroleum refineries in the America through ownership of the Standard Oil Corporation (later split into Mobil, Chevron, Exxon, etc.) Concurrently, around 1900, the science world was getting excited about new “petrochemicals” and the ability to create a variety of new of compounds from oil. Some of the first products derived from petrochemicals were plastics, but organic chemists knew that oil had the potential to create far more than plastic toys.

test tubes icon representing laboratory science
During this same era (early 1900’s) scientists were doing groundbreaking work to understand the basic mechanics of life and human health. It was during this time that most of the essential vitamins were discovered, including B1, B2, Biotin, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, etc. By identifying these vitamins science took a huge step forward and enabled simple vitamin remedies to cure conditions that were cause by vitamin deficiencies (such as scurvy and rickets). And of course, scientists were also involved in research to re-create synthetic versions of these vitamins in a laboratory. In 1935, Vitamin C became the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized in Switzerland. Rockefeller was smart enough to see this as a big opportunity, with the possibility that vitamins and medications could be developed from petroleum. He saw the chance to control and monopolize multiple industries at once: petroleum, chemical and medical. And of course, petrochemicals were ideal from a business perspective because they could be patented, owned and sold for high profits.

But there was a big problem with Rockefeller’s plan. Natural and herbal medicines were very popular in America during the early 1900s. Almost one half the medical colleges and doctors in America were practicing holistic medicine, using extensive knowledge from Europe and Native American traditions. Rockefeller knew that to get total control of the medical industry he would have to expunge the competition. Rockefeller’s first move was to use his vast wealth (from oil) to purchase part of the German pharmaceutical company I.G. Farben. (look up Farben’s involvement in WWII). Now that he controlled a drug manufacturing company he could move forward with his plan to eliminate the competition.

In the early 1900’s there were a variety of doctors and healing modalities in America. Some of the medical specialties included chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, holistic medicine and herbal medicine. To eliminate the competition Rockefeller he hired a contractor named Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910. This report “concluded” that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds of years were unscientific quackery. The report called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only the AMA (another monopoly) would be allowed to grant medical school licensure in the U.S.

Certainly, Flexner’s report did have some valid points, but unfortunately the motives for the report were entirely driven my Rockefeller’s desire for complete control of the medical system. Based on the report, congress acted upon the Flexner’s recommendations and changed laws related to medical practice. Incredibly, allopathic medicine became the standard modality, even though at the time its main treatment methods where blood-letting, surgery (quite barbaric at the time) and the injection of toxic heavy metals (lead and mercury) to supposedly “displace disease”!

With new laws in place, Rockefeller teamed up with Andrew Carnegie and started funding medical schools all over America on the strict condition that they only taught allopathic medicine. Through the power of their huge “grants”, this powerful team systematically dismantled the previous curricula of these medical schools, removing any mention of the healing power of herbs or natural treatments. Teachings on diet and other natural (non-drug) treatments were also completely removed from medical programs.

map of America created with various drug capsules
After removing traditional medicine from medical schools, Rockefeller made sure to secure his monopoly by launching a targeted smear campaign against his competitors. Homeopathy and natural medicines were discredited and demonized through the newspapers and other media of the time. Some doctors were even jailed for using natural medicine treatments, including treatments that had been used safely and effectively for decades before. In a very short time, medical colleges were all homogenized. All the students were taught the same allopathic system and medicine was now defined as a process of prescribing patented drugs. “A pill for an ill” became the mindset of American medicine.

colorful medication pill on a table
One shocking fact that I found while researching this post was that Rockefeller didn’t stop at U.S. borders. He actually went into China to spread Western Medicine. Upon hearing this I actually got chills down my spine! Rockefeller wasn’t content with just wiping out traditional medicine in America, he saw a bigger market on the other side of the world and wanted to remove Traditional Chinese Medicine from China! Luckily, his venture in China mostly failed and the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine was preserved for centuries to come. To quickly summarize what happened in China: The China Medical Board (CMB) was created in 1914 by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and provided with a $12 million grant. The RF’s goal was to “modernize medical education and to improve the practice of medicine in China”. They started by building a hospital in Beijing (Peking Union Medical College, opened in 1919), but they were unable to expand to other locations (as planned) due to mounting expenses.

In short, the diligent work of Rockefeller and Carnegie was a smashing “success”. They crushed the underfunded, grassroots competition and created our current medical system. This system continues today wherein “Big Pharma” makes large “donations” to medical schools in exchange for teaching the medical students to use their patented drugs. As part of this system, many alternative treatments are criminalized. For example by law, it is illegal to treat cancer with any modality except chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. It is actually a criminal felony for a medical practitioner to treat cancer with anything but these three modalities. Why is this the case? Follow the money. The average cost of cancer treatment is $150,000, so clearly Rockefeller and his precedents were keen to keep the monopoly on this one. And of course, the American Cancer Society was founded by none other than John D. Rockefeller in 1913.

paper billing statement on a desk
Hopefully this post will shed a bit of light on the history of our current medical system. At the very least we can all be less surprised when “patients” are treated like “customers” and when medications cost thousands of dollars per month. We should also not be surprised we are faced with the fact that the COST of medical care in America rated #1, yet the QUALITY of our medicine care is rated at #37, just below Costa Rica! [1, 2]. Unfortunately, these are the natural effects that occur when our medicine system is run like a mega corporation instead of a service to the people.

On a final note, you may notice that there are no grainy black & white pictures of John D. Rockefeller in this post. Perhaps you can guess why – all images of Rockefeller are all “owned” and their use must be paid for. The monopoly stands. In closing, below is a picture of Rockefeller Center, NYC"
GloriaBlackjack474 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Hail Satan!
Hail Beezlebub!
🐝 🐝

bro get the fuck out of jew army, if WW3 happens ure gonna be toast or dead
"START: Waxing moon in Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. The best times for doing this working are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies

2. Vibrate FEHU 40 times, 100 times or 216 times.

3. Affirm 9 times: “Large amounts of free and easy money are coming to me. This money is all mine to keep and spend as I please. This money is coming to me in a very positive and happy way for me.”

4. Visualize brilliant white gold energy either around your entire self and/or around whatever it is that you want. Visualize in your mind whatever it is that you wish to manifest and that it is OCCURRING. Visualize the money [your wallet full, or whatever], even *feel* and *smell* the money, touch it; the more realistic your visualizations are and the more astral senses you use, the more effective the working will be, and infuse it with as much energy as you can, the more brilliant, the better, using your visualization. Feel happy emotions.

5. Forget about the working and try to think of other things. This can be difficult in desperate situations, but do the best you can, because worry and obsessing over a working can undo the energy you put into it. Just let it go and know it is working. The only exception is this: You can also visualize energy throughout the day and state your affirmations a few times to reinforce the working. Just don't obsess over it, as this is a lack of faith in your own power and can dilute the energy or ruin the working.

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days."

Hi. What planetary time do you recommend on Monday or Tuesday?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
PinOcchio said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.
I know you didn't mean to, but this only causes unnecessary panic and doubt on workings, just think of the young people who can't do anything but use magic, a money working can find many ways to manifest; also, we are protected, we must do all we can to help ourselves and think and act wisely, but life goes on, we have the Gods watching over us!

NEVER, EVER doubt your magickal workings. They will succeed. They just need time, effort, and for you to do the physical requirements.

Sorry. What I wrote, I wrote about myself. And about my country. Of course, in many places the situation is better.

I don't expect the Gods to suddenly fix my 10 years of stupidity in the middle of an economic collapse. The fact that I have not been able to find a graduate job for the past year is proof of this. If Satan wanted to help me, He would have.

The informations was just as available 10 years ago, when I should have started collecting bitcoins, collecting non-perishable food, etc. I think a responsible SS takes the consequences of its actions. And if he's messed up the last 10 years, he shouldn't be whining to Satan in the middle of a crisis like a kindergartner. (I repeat: I am talking about myself.)

Or if I am at zero, I wait in vain for a money spell when the shit falls like a waterfall. Now I don't have time to wait. Of course, I would be happy to work a money spell if I had spent the last 10 years building up the necessary foundations. But now it's the middle of May, and at the end of the year we may not be able to heat the house and pay the electricity bill. Unfortunately, this is not a situation where money wizardry makes sense to me.
Hungaryan said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Note: money spells work on existing capital. But correct me if I'm wrong. You cannot create from nothing, you cannot build a castle from shit. Those who have been foolish and have not built up a serious financial capital (among others in bitcoin) will soon be vegetating in abject poverty. (At least in my country.)

In the same way: Gods help is given to those who were not foolish, and while they had the opportunity (now they don't), they built a foundation through which to help them.

It's fine to have assets in another currency, but what will you spend it on if there's an economic crisis in the country? Because the money will be worth nothing, but there will be no food and many other things besides money because of a crash. You have to be prepared for that too. Money alone is of no value.

For about two years now, I have been collecting non-perishable food and other things. Unfortunately, I don't have much opportunity to do this on minimum wage, and in a crisis of this magnitude, it's very little. But I do what I can.
It's frustrating to see that the masses haven't attacked a single **** for the vaccine adverse reactions, yet they're still thinking they can, as Fuchs puts it, "win a game against the game master." The stupidity of this shit is mind-boggling. If the masses decide to just raid a synagogue, maybe, just maybe will they lure out the Jews in power, and that's only if the masses raid the right synagogue at the right time. I mean, all they have to do end the "pandemic" is to attack a synagogue, but the masses are still willing to beat the game master in their own game because of a strange combination of some inspirational "advice" that tells never to quit, and a variation of the bandwagon effect that's more associated with historical people than anything else. People are peacefully protesting? "Gandhi and Dr. King did that, and you should too, because it was a historical moment."

Aside from the law, what kind of superstition are the masses even on to prevent them from attacking the Jews, anyway? The Bible and the Koran? I'm willing to have these "religious" texts destroyed.
Dark Lawyer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
PinOcchio said:
I know you didn't mean to, but this only causes unnecessary panic and doubt on workings, just think of the young people who can't do anything but use magic, a money working can find many ways to manifest; also, we are protected, we must do all we can to help ourselves and think and act wisely, but life goes on, we have the Gods watching over us!

NEVER, EVER doubt your magickal workings. They will succeed. They just need time, effort, and for you to do the physical requirements.

Sorry. What I wrote, I wrote about myself. And about my country. Of course, in many places the situation is better.

I don't expect the Gods to suddenly fix my 10 years of stupidity in the middle of an economic collapse. The fact that I have not been able to find a graduate job for the past year is proof of this. If Satan wanted to help me, He would have.

The informations was just as available 10 years ago, when I should have started collecting bitcoins, collecting non-perishable food, etc. I think a responsible SS takes the consequences of its actions. And if he's messed up the last 10 years, he shouldn't be whining to Satan in the middle of a crisis like a kindergartner. (I repeat: I am talking about myself.)

Or if I am at zero, I wait in vain for a money spell when the shit falls like a waterfall. Now I don't have time to wait. Of course, I would be happy to work a money spell if I had spent the last 10 years building up the necessary foundations. But now it's the middle of May, and at the end of the year we may not be able to heat the house and pay the electricity bill. Unfortunately, this is not a situation where money wizardry makes sense to me.

There is still 10 years in the future, unless you are 80 years old. In this case if you were 80, worry about the past. In regards to the region, be aware and expand your talents in the internet, or where you can have a touch of other economies.

"Wizardry" is all about expanding your mind, finding solutions, and magick helps to put these things in order more efficiently. Oftentimes, workings will lead you to learning and understanding, so you can address flaws or misfortunes that have lead you to your current impasse.

Keep going, you are clearly intelligent so you just need adjustment, time and energy to proceed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is still 10 years in the future, unless you are 80 years old. In this case if you were 80, worry about the past. In regards to the region, be aware and expand your talents in the internet, or where you can have a touch of other economies.

"Wizardry" is all about expanding your mind, finding solutions, and magick helps to put these things in order more efficiently. Oftentimes, workings will lead you to learning and understanding, so you can address flaws or misfortunes that have lead you to your current impasse.

Keep going, you are clearly intelligent so you just need adjustment, time and energy to proceed.

Thank you for your encouraging and motivating words!
I think I remember hearing or reading on the JOS site that Satan taught us all this wisdom so that we could cope with Nature's decrease….

I was wondering If anyone has a view on what this means?

1/That there is a decreasing amount of energy available to earth in the form of some sort of cosmic energy?

2/ Or does this refer to a reduction in the availability of fossil fuels and metal minerals?

I'm curious, what role do people see technology playing in the future?

1/ Do you think we should be carrying on with the current tech (phones/laptops) ---creating our own crypto currency and communication networks, with mesh networks and satellites?

2/ Or should we be researching more Tesla/Walter Russel’s teachings?

3/ Or both

Or on another angle...

1/ Should we be focussing on leaving the planet physically? Taking our DNA to other planets

2/ Or Should we be focussing on leaving the planet astrally? So we can navigate at point of death?

3/ Or both

Ave Satana!
Kurat said:
Get countryside home. Grow your own food. Forgot the system.

Depends on location. They have plans to force people into “smart” cities, if you are in America than it’s a good bet. But places like Europe, Australia are going to be the first to do this. The land is divided up into preservation zones and believe me, they already have their ideal plans drawn up. They will use the excuse of ecological harm, but it’s really about control. Vechiles are too much freedom for the normies(according to their thinking) and they will use air quality control as a way to control them. Expect things like only odd numbers can drive M W Friday, and evens have the rest of the week. Like in China.
Aside from Herpes outbreak afflicting many people here in the U.S. of pre-teen age and as well as Monkeypox(cured by smallpox vaccine). There seems to be a Global Cooking Oil shortage coming up: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VAHXi6UAT58/.

There seems to be an odd amount of global shortages going on this is happening not just U.S. nationwide but all over the World.

In the video the only reason nations do not horde all the cooking oil. Is because they are bound by treaties. But Indonesia already cut off 30% for export and kept it, domestic in their country for use for their population of Palm Oil.

Lotta people saying SHTF moment coming sooner rather than later.
Dark Lawyer said:
I don't expect the Gods to suddenly fix my 10 years of stupidity in the middle of an economic collapse. The fact that I have not been able to find a graduate job for the past year is proof of this. If Satan wanted to help me, He would have.

The informations was just as available 10 years ago, when I should have started collecting bitcoins, collecting non-perishable food, etc. I think a responsible SS takes the consequences of its actions. And if he's messed up the last 10 years, he shouldn't be whining to Satan in the middle of a crisis like a kindergartner. (I repeat: I am talking about myself.)

Or if I am at zero, I wait in vain for a money spell when the shit falls like a waterfall. Now I don't have time to wait. Of course, I would be happy to work a money spell if I had spent the last 10 years building up the necessary foundations. But now it's the middle of May, and at the end of the year we may not be able to heat the house and pay the electricity bill. Unfortunately, this is not a situation where money wizardry makes sense to me.

Why wouldn't you whine to the Gods?
They helped our ancestors that were in worse conditions. They didn't have the internet and were making dumber decisions than we do.
The Gods will be more than happy to help you in difficult situations. That's when you are supposed to ask for help.
Buying land/woodland and living with like minded people definitely is a good idea. Here is a list of eco villages. I haven't seen any intentional satanic or pagan villages as of yet! Though there are more and more villages with yoga, dance, art core practices.
Wolfsage said:
Kurat said:
Get countryside home. Grow your own food. Forgot the system.

Depends on location. They have plans to force people into “smart” cities, if you are in America than it’s a good bet. But places like Europe, Australia are going to be the first to do this. The land is divided up into preservation zones and believe me, they already have their ideal plans drawn up. They will use the excuse of ecological harm, but it’s really about control. Vechiles are too much freedom for the normies(according to their thinking) and they will use air quality control as a way to control them. Expect things like only odd numbers can drive M W Friday, and evens have the rest of the week. Like in China.

Absolutely insane. If people decided to just abandon, better yet, destroy the churches, and mosques and synagogues, this tyranny wouldn't be happening.
Grin said:
GloriaBlackjack474 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Hail Satan!
Hail Beezlebub!
🐝 🐝

Just a strong reminder for you, do not get the covid vaccine if they are still requiring it. Not the most up to date on the army/military requirements, but, you still want to avoid it like poison, because it is literal poison to anyone. Ask the Gods for more information about what they're really doing with the vaccine. Of course the covid thing died off but you shouldn't forget to avoid that vaccine if possible. I would love to go into the army/military, so best of luck to you. Although myself however, I will never fight for the enemy, their jew run government, or these rich asshole jews, so I would recommend you keep in mind that you should be learning to fight for the Gods and not the shitty US government. Not sure that needs to be said but wanted to throw it out there. Best of luck though, do your best. I'm sure the experience you will learn could be of use if things get very rocky in the US with civil unrest, civil war, etc etc. Not that'd it happen, but I always like to train like the military so I can always be tip top shape for if I'm needed for our cause in the streets.

As for meditations, whenever I'm working and am craving energy some, I pretty much do meditations without vocalizing anything. Cleaning my aura, focusing with void, moving energy and working on my chakras. It's harder to do meditations without using vocal vibrations, but I've found you can somewhat draw in energy without actually saying anything. Think of Goku from Dragon Ball Z, they can power up and such, kind of how I imagine it. Like breathing in and pulling in energy and then moving it, empowering it, etc etc. Not as effective as actual vibrations, but it can be done. Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't done that a lot. Just some personal experimentation. Also for AOP, thinking about your affirmations in your mind if you'll get yelled at for saying, "weird" shit. Not as effective again, but better than nothing.

Enough of my 2 cents though, best of luck!

Hail Satan! May He help you on your journey ⛧

Thank you! No, I appreciate every word from everyone here concerning my question. And yes, I’ve managed to avoid the vaccine so far like the plague it is. Usually just lying saying I already got it done is enough, so I’m not very worried about that. That DBZ reference was actually wonderful lol considering that’s vaguely what I do when I know I’m short on time or in a awkward space in public. And as for the toxicity of the jews in the us military, I’m aware sadly. This part may be wishful thinking on my behalf, but I think if enough brothers and sisters like us infiltrate the ranks (that the jews themselves have no business being in) that is how or at least a big step in changing everything for the better. Your two cents was absolutely lovely, thank you kindly! I want to keep the Gods close to my soul as much as I can throughout the whole experience.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=354273 time=1652484990 user_id=21286]
GloriaBlackjack474 said:
I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Being in the military is not going to make your spiritual advancement easy. You need privacy to meditate. In the case of RTR's, you will either have to do it in your head entirely, otherwise risk getting in trouble for anti-semitism.

Being in such a position is going to make you choose between being in the military, or advancing spiritually. You will also have to be careful about doing RTR's or something with little protection, especially in a high-risk job like the military.

I know that you probably want to do this career, but I would leave it entirely, simply because it impedes your advancement so much, if not entirely. Not just for a few months, either.

Thank you! And I think you’re correct. I don’t think it will impede advancement entirely, but I certainly will have to strike more of a balance whenever I can concerning mediation and prayers. I truly appreciate your honest insight here, I’m going to make certain to bear this advice in mind. Thank you 🌞

Hail Satan!
Hail Beelzebub!
🐝 🐝
Academic Scholar said:
Have you practiced Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia? A lot of JoS members recommend learning it if you’re an athlete or joining the military because it’ll develop a steel, indestructible body. Iron Shirt Chi Kung is an ancient Satanic practice that was mandatory in ancient times until the Abrahamic religions took over. Here’s a free PDF: https://we.riseup.net/assets/213123/IronShirt+QiGong+I.pdf

You should read these articles:

The Military by High Priestess (HPS) Maxine Dietrich
Part 1:
Part 2:

On Physical Training by HPS Maxine Dietrich

About Body Advancement by Stormblood

On Bone, Teeth, Joint, Ligament and Skin Health by HPS Shannon

How To Build An Aura Of Protection
You should be doing an aura of protection meditation multiple times everyday or at least twice per day, especially if you’re in the US military which is controlled by Jews.

Protecting Yourself by HPS Maxine

Updated Aura of Protection by the Goddess Inanna

Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protections by Lydia

Returning Curses Part 2 - Ultimate Aura of Protection by HPS Maxine

Aura of Protection (AOP) Working by ShadowCat

Ah thank the Gods, thank you so much! I only read some of this previously before. I’m writing all of this down as soon as possible, thank you so very much!
RockSeed13 said:
GloriaBlackjack474 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I actually wanted to ask the JoS an important question here. I’m joining the US Army, and I leave for basic training this summer (I’m currently 21 years old). I wanted to know in the case of RTRs if there were any kind of rituals or even simple prayers I could do while I’m gone since I will have little to no way to have my phone on me for a few months. I want to help and serve the Gods and humanity best I can while I’m not home for a while, since it’s always easy to find space for RTRs in my own house. I apologize if this is off topic, I leave in a few weeks and was hoping to hear any advice from you all concerning this.

Hail Satan!
Hail Beezlebub!
🐝 🐝

Memorize an rtr (that doesn't include erasing hebrew letters) and with its affirmation or memorize JOS prosperity ritual and JOS then protection ritual and perform them during free time. Just reason to your officers that you believe in Shiva and you have to chant for your worship.

Hahaha, I appreciate your cleverness here. That’s pretty much what I was thinking to do as well, but you worded it much better for me so thank you! Even for my current job right now, when I get my 30 min break I go to my car and RTRs there since I know I’ve got time and I won’t be disrupting anything. In the military it’s going to be much harder and scarce to have this kind of time for it I imagine but I’m defiantly going to strike a balance and do what I need to. Thank you so much, everyone’s insight has been amazing so far🌞🐍
Dark Lawyer said:
I don't expect the Gods to suddenly fix my 10 years of stupidity in the middle of an economic collapse. The fact that I have not been able to find a graduate job for the past year is proof of this. If Satan wanted to help me, He would have.

The informations was just as available 10 years ago, when I should have started collecting bitcoins, collecting non-perishable food, etc. I think a responsible SS takes the consequences of its actions. And if he's messed up the last 10 years, he shouldn't be whining to Satan in the middle of a crisis like a kindergartner. (I repeat: I am talking about myself.)

Or if I am at zero, I wait in vain for a money spell when the shit falls like a waterfall. Now I don't have time to wait. Of course, I would be happy to work a money spell if I had spent the last 10 years building up the necessary foundations. But now it's the middle of May, and at the end of the year we may not be able to heat the house and pay the electricity bill. Unfortunately, this is not a situation where money wizardry makes sense to me.

The Gods are always available to help, such as guiding you on what steps you should take. They can do this despite your advancement level or communicative abilities. They will most certainly not let you starve.

In regards to money workings, these can always be done at any time. Even as a beginner, if you are consistently putting forth energy to gain more wealth, then it will come to you. Of course, it is important to work on your spiritual abilities to make this process easier.

Also, be very careful with your time. I noticed you mentioned starting a large workout program, but this may take up too much of your free time if your job already takes 12 hours of your day. Yoga will help your physical health a lot, in addition to being spiritually empowering, so that takes priority to strength or cardio training.

As far as using Mars energy, you should use this not for physical strength, but for productivity. I have even used one for reducing my sleep needs. My sleep has been about 5.5-6 hours per night, consistently and without trouble.

You can use the Mars square, or similar mantras, to give you the drive and energy to advance as fast as possible, for example. This can manifest in increased physical energy or mental power/motivation towards meditation, yoga, and other spiritual activities.
Not Luna. I'm only considering Private cryptos at the moment, and those working on new communications/internet infrastructure. But I am uncertain that crypto has a future, because of reduced resources and the internet being dependent on larger corporations and governments. I am not really sure right now the part technology or crypto will play in the future. I was very keen on crypto for many years, but it's difficult to find a team of developers/crypto community that are truthful/in tune with the earth.

BlackOnyx8 said:
Anyone investing in Luna? Some sources claim it could go back up, but considering it is tied to the dollar, I'm not sure they can do much about it. Also the people who supposedly can do anything about this are the ones who created the problem in the first place...
Fuchs said:
You can´t destroy thear money system by using thear money, Bitcoin is probably the only solution to break thear monopoly. This is not to say it is bad to try to get as much money from them as you can. But you won´t kill thear monopoly with it.

And then JPow raises interest rate by 0.5% and your BTC crashes another 50% lol. You don't destroy money system unless you wanna turn everything into Mad Max world; instead you nationalize Central Bank and kick all kike bankers out Hitler style. This way you salvage your nation, while jews own nothing and they're "happy". :cool:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=357402 time=1653274084 user_id=21286]
Dark Lawyer said:

The Gods are always available to help, such as guiding you on what steps you should take. They can do this despite your advancement level or communicative abilities. They will most certainly not let you starve.

Not too long ago when working with my GD, he said to me “We’re a team.” when referencing my relation to him, and how he helps and guides me through things.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=357402 time=1653274084 user_id=21286]

As far as using Mars energy, you should use this not for physical strength, but for productivity. I have even used one for reducing my sleep needs. My sleep has been about 5.5-6 hours per night, consistently and without trouble.

You can use the Mars square, or similar mantras, to give you the drive and energy to advance as fast as possible, for example. This can manifest in increased physical energy or mental power/motivation towards meditation, yoga, and other spiritual activities.

What affirmations would you use for those Mars squares? Not having to sleep as much sounds like such a blessing.
SleepingWolf said:
What affirmations would you use for those Mars squares? Not having to sleep as much sounds like such a blessing.

This manifested to me through a Mars in Scorpio square, as explained here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=317032#p317032

"This Mars Square has permanently decreased the time I require to sleep, in a totally positive and healthy manner for me." x10

The thought process is that Mars symbolizes raw energy and action, so you are accelerating your ability to recuperate. We know that sleep is a general process where your body cleans and repairs itself. We also know that both Mars and Sun energy adds to one's vitality. Therefore, you are augmenting a specific process of yourself.

Other people use Mars to add power to their muscles, for example, yet here you are shuttling extra power into your sleep process. The Mars energy I used for the above was Scorpio, but this upcoming Square will be in Aries. My prediction is that Aries is better for this, but I don't know for sure.

Keep in mind that I have not tested this exact affirmation, and will instead do something similar to what I described for the previous Mars Square. Something like "This Mars Square has permanently increased my drive and ability to advance my Satanic career, in the best way for me." x10
BlackJackal said:
Fuchs said:
You can´t destroy thear money system by using thear money, Bitcoin is probably the only solution to break thear monopoly. This is not to say it is bad to try to get as much money from them as you can. But you won´t kill thear monopoly with it.

And then JPow raises interest rate by 0.5% and your BTC crashes another 50% lol. You don't destroy money system unless you wanna turn everything into Mad Max world; instead you nationalize Central Bank and kick all kike bankers out Hitler style. This way you salvage your nation, while jews own nothing and they're "happy". :cool:

1 BTC stays 1 BTC. Jewmoney does what Jewmoney does.
A smooth transaction to only BTC will make the world a much more safe place as it is now.
A deflating currency is way better then a inflation one for the currency holder.
Even a grain of sand is more worth then any amount of Jewmoney, they can destroy there money in a glimpse off an eye if they see fit.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=357676 time=1653363429 user_id=21286]
SleepingWolf said:
What affirmations would you use for those Mars squares? Not having to sleep as much sounds like such a blessing.

This manifested to me through a Mars in Scorpio square, as explained here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=317032#p317032

"This Mars Square has permanently decreased the time I require to sleep, in a totally positive and healthy manner for me." x10

The thought process is that Mars symbolizes raw energy and action, so you are accelerating your ability to recuperate. We know that sleep is a general process where your body cleans and repairs itself. We also know that both Mars and Sun energy adds to one's vitality. Therefore, you are augmenting a specific process of yourself.

Other people use Mars to add power to their muscles, for example, yet here you are shuttling extra power into your sleep process. The Mars energy I used for the above was Scorpio, but this upcoming Square will be in Aries. My prediction is that Aries is better for this, but I don't know for sure.

Keep in mind that I have not tested this exact affirmation, and will instead do something similar to what I described for the previous Mars Square. Something like "This Mars Square has permanently increased my drive and ability to advance my Satanic career, in the best way for me." x10

That one does make more sense.

I like the "This Mars Square has permanently given me the drive, energy, and ability to spiritually advance as fast as possible, at all times, in a totally positive and harmonious manner for me."

I assume this was done with the spiritual square but just want to make sure? Energy also sounds like it could be a physical thing but I want to be sure.
SleepingWolf said:
That one does make more sense.

I like the "This Mars Square has permanently given me the drive, energy, and ability to spiritually advance as fast as possible, at all times, in a totally positive and harmonious manner for me."

I assume this was done with the spiritual square but just want to make sure? Energy also sounds like it could be a physical thing but I want to be sure.

I modified it to "Satanic career" just to not leave out any JOS work like RTR's or other projects. Although, the original is good enough.

Yes, it was a spiritual square. A material one would be for manifesting an Aries-related job, or something. I think a better way to think of spiritual/material squares is more like internal vs external to you.

Even a spiritual square will still influence your interaction with the world around you, but a material square directly changes the world. It is sort of like where the focus is being placed, initially.

As far as your physical body, this is a manifestation of your soul and so I would do spiritual squares for changing anything directly about yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
