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The Bible as a Mass Destruction Mind Weapon

If you dont have money you won't be able to grant yourself the things you need in life.

Positive things to ingrain: principles and culture from people's as to brings about a grander version of yourself from them as planned in ways that should be more acceptable to your own consciousness.
There are people whom were told to learn their study books by heart.
Now not that I ever did but it meant to be able to reproduce by the word pretty much.

Reading this Im glad I never did on my text books, but you have those nice calendars with a 2 week schedule with an added phrase and a picture to it.
Every single day going to the toilet. Seeing that picture and already knowing what the f it says.

Also, if youre easy on taking in info from your environment means one would
I wasnt finished! ...

.. Means that youll see flashes of the situations right before going to bed which is annoying.
Even situations can then become subconcious :/ And those are not something you can choose but those are things youll most likely remember.

And the same goes for having songs on repeat over and over being forced to listen to them because some people just dont bother changing the song or shutting it down.
Where also laziness seems involved.
If you dont mind me Im going to try to get rid of this stupid part of a song that has been playing in my head for way too long now because of this reason.

Have a good day all!
Tbh , I have read Torah bible and quran fully and I couldnt find an atom worth of spirituality in it . It just seems a stupid historical text record compiled over time . Hell I dont know even when I was not a SS this bible quran shit could never influence my mind .

Btw roadtorevolution here :) Just got too indulgenced fighting with enemy in the real world kek
HoodedCobra666 said:
No animal believes in "God". God is obviously, a level of existence which would never exist without us either. In other words, we are "God" as we inhabit in ourselves the energy that permeates the whole universe, and the consciousness that makes it all possible.

Do cats, dogs, sharks and any other species grovel over, or obsess over "God" all that much? They experience "God" very directly without having all this lying garbage into their mind. Therefore animals were revered as Gods in the Ancient civilizations, because they were on a high level of consciousness beyond the tramples that many humans fall into.

The above doesn't justify animal behavior as 'human' behavior, or that animal and human must be equalized, but it's admirable. We are a different species after all.

There is no need to seek externally, and there is no need to create lies in regards to one omnipotent spook that overrules the whole of creation like a mentally ill despot, and decides everything little or big in one's life.

Well, there is no need, given you are SANE of course. If you are a control freak or an alien from another planet that wants to enslave other species, depending on their kind, you may need some creativity to enslave some species. Like claiming, even if you are obviously lying about it, that you are the source of everything and the 'highest god' etc etc.

The Ancients believed in many Gods simply over the fact the universe is eternal, infinite, and the Godhead is an individual birthright for living beings who reach an ascension by internal rectification of the Soul. There is space for everyone.

The jews on the other hand and what powers lie above them, want nobody else to have that right, simply because it's threatening to them. They are at war. And who wants their enemies to prosper, be healthy, or vigorous enough to destroy them?

They are also on an vicious, and aggressive war of straight up conquest of other people. They know that if their victims find out and decide to do anything, they will be done with. There will be no reasons to 'explain' either. So they make 'rules' and 'regulations' about decreasing and damning their victims.

Do not eat, do not have sex, do not think, do not exist, leave your family to perish, believe in a jewish rabbi and so forth. The above is a sprinkle of the bible in summary.

Therefore they invented 'monotheism' to rid people of this power, and steer the whole world away from the beings (Demons) who wanted to give us this birthright of ours. Our history in the 'religious beliefs' is really that simple.

There was no religion in the past, but one 'religion' with many faces, which we call Spiritual Satanism, and is the Truth, and the Godhead and the path of it, and nothing else. Just a natural way of reaching the next state of what we are to become. Development, in a nutshell.

Now the powers that be, if you pay attention, they are hated. Most politicians and many others are really hated. This is highly subconscious, as even in people who are not that clever, the subconscious mind is of immaculate cleverness in most beings. So they feel threatened and at a subconscious level, hateful of these people.

Nobody really has to say everything good about a person. There are no ties between the leaders and the lead. This is because this planet is under occupation, and humans live in a hostile environment for many thousands of years.

In anyway, if we take note of the past, the leaders back in time were straight up. Here is our King, here is our Queen and so forth. Maybe they weren't perfect, but they definitely were upfront. Now, upfront leadership and anything of that nature is gone. The enemy despises Hitler for this reason, and many other honest leaders whom they desecrated after their time has gone.

Where I am getting with this is simple. You see all the so called 'leaders' of the world now, they constantly invoke the jewish patterns, the jewish pseudo-history, and above all the jewish 'religion'. They take oaths on the jewish bible, and they swear in the name of "Christ". They are using lies to lead others, as they serve an agenda.

Many people disregard the importance of one's religion. But it's very important. It shows what one is striving to become. In Buddhism one strives to be come nothingness and cease existing, in Christianity one strives to become a good cuckold for christ, in Islam one strives to become a bomber filled with TNT so they can take out innocent children and go have sex with 'virgins' and eat rice, and so forth.

One reason I am against studying the torah is because of the following reasons:

Because...It programs your mind and it builds associations which are negative for Gentiles, and positive for the jews. In the bible, every Gentile civilization is attacked and they all lose. When you read this ficticious story, and even worse, believe it's real, you are creating a reality in your mind, which can boomerang back at you. This is the only reason the bible was conceived on a material level, and as rabbis admit, the bible was written in late Roman empire, and definitely NOT from any "GOD". It was written by the Rabbinate.

This is straight up subconscious programming with your consent. Actually what the jews do in their hours of studying is INGRAIN this into themselves. In some Jesuit circles (Where many "leaders" come from) the slaves that are to lead the cattle, have to read this book over 20 times, and to ingrain it in their mind. In this way, those above them can easily control them. George W. Bush is a blatant example. He admitted on a straight face that his whole policy was based on the Talmud Bavli, which is the basically the jewish Talmud. He was a happy slave for the jews. And he wrecked the planet a great deal.


Your mind must be ingrained in things you consider positive for yourself. I myself have ingrained the Joy of Satan by reading it too many times. But with my CONSCIOUS admission. It wasn't forced on me, I wasn't programmed through movies, and I did not do this because I had to in order to get a degree, pass exams, or whatever else of this nature.

The least cluttered and the more natural the mind, the better. You will have the upper hand by keeping a clean mind. The whole populace is enslaved because they have sunk in unconsciously the messages of the bible.

There are those idiotic enough who say this is the word of 'God'. Whom have they accepted as their 'god'? A jewish ficticious rabbi from Israel. This is what 'Jesus' is. The New testament is a psyop that is designed specifically for the Gentile, to turn them into a slave Goyim, and the Old Testament is designed to program the young jews in the appropriate programmings that they need to assault the Goyim, who are open to them by reading and being programmed with the New Testament. This is a process of breaking down the mind of the victim. This later on goes into occult avenues.

For example, the reason the Gentiles get financially screwed over by the jews, is not because the Gentiles are stupid. Actually, many Gentiles are above average IQ and not stupid at all. But they are simply programmed subconsciously to be financially screwed, and their mind follows suit loyally.

The late stage of "Christianity" and "Islam" is the full creation of a person into a living and walking borg that serves the jews. You talk to a christian, and they reply with bible verses. The software in their brain has set in. All they lack after a point is a bionic body, so they can serve the jews in all eternity. This is the complete breaking of the mind, and this happens through the bible, and the mass energy generated.

The enemy also knows the mind works by synchronization and assosciation. This is why they need a major number of slaves. Because the more the slaves, the more amounts of energy are raised, and through this energy, weaker souls succumb to the pressure of the stronger ones.

Of course this is too spiritual, and they follow the material more in that case, such as killing, extortion, attacking those who do not comply, bribe, etc etc. But in the free world, they use massive programming that only them are aware of. Many are only scrapping at the surface.

The bible has to be understood as one of the most murderous manuscripts ever written, and one very alien and mind destroying weapon. It must be removed from the world, same as all other similar materials that keep humanity back from higher understanding and moving towards our future.

As for those who are so weak as to serve this monstrosity, they deserve hated and pity. Hatred because they are murdering humanity, and pity because of what condition they bring their soul and for the suffering they will invite to themselves. Because the jews promised you 'eternal life', this is not the case.

To believe a jew, is to be-lie-live, and be, live, and exist a lie.

Hail Satan, our Truth!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Those Jewish books are like ancient twilights forced upon us by the retarded authors. The bible, Quran and Torah are #1 cringeworthy books in history, so are the followers of those books:


And this is what happens when you give Jews green screen and a camera, therefore are they the cringiest beings to ever exist:

Cringiest? If Kikes are "kiddies" of reptards and Greys, then I wonder what their cringe level is...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
