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The BENEFITS of being a Spiritual Satanist.


Feb 7, 2020

Felt motivated to Write about the benefits of being an SS.

1. You get to learn and see the truth, Real raw truth. And as we know, Truth once embraced Sets One Free. Truth about Satan and the gods, truth about the enemies out there and their servants the jews, truth about their evil mind programming religions, truth about the Curses they throw at us the gentiles relentlessly

2. You Get to have a personal relationship with Father Satan and the gods themselves. Beings that have advanced for hundreds and thousands of years both spiritually, physically, mentally.. Beings with a higher civilization, technology and greater understanding of the laws of nature and how the universe works. This boosts your advancement as a human in a very major way.

3. You get to free your soul from all the mind programming, the dirt, the curses, the bindings, the lies and emptyness of the enemy. You get to unvail yourself and see the side of the true You. And being the real you is such a beautiful thing. Your Aura brightens, You wake up in the morning glowing with beautiful warm bioelectrical life force in you. You soul becomes truly happy.

4. You get to be informed of how to advance fast though in a safe way through different power meditations. Meditation that Works. You learn about your Soul, your chakras and other spiritual concepts that have been hidden from most man kind.

5. You get to Possess the knowledge of Real True Magick. Magick that works. And you can see it working. No one is doing it for you, you are doing it yourself. And get to ultimately control your destiny and life while following natures course. And that feeling of learning that your life is in your hands makes you so empowered.

6. You learn about powers of your soul and mind. Telekinesis, reading thoughts, pyschic reading, power over fire, power over electricity etc..... You learn what psychic talent works good for you and Empower it, or learn new talents.

7. You are not afraid of problems because you know you can use your energy to solve them. You can attract money, you can attract love in your life, you can attract honor, success and status. You get to be able to use this opportunity to rise in the hierarchy of your race and get to be a person of influence.

8. You learn how to protect yourself against danger with your “Aura of protection”. You build a powerful aura of protection which protects you against things like bad luck, disease, harm, psychic vampires, curses even unnatural death. (And the major life threatening attempts against your life are being handled by Satan and the Deamons. Our pagan gods. Since you are a true dedicated Satanist by blood.)

9. You learn about your Race. It’s importance. You learn that you are here and healthy, handsome/beautiful, intelligent, white/brown/black and alive because of your family bloodline generation. And without them keeping it pure, you wouldn’t be. And if you mix your blood with other genes of other races you destroy your bloodline. DNA is highly connected with your soul and you learn that intermarrying destroys the DNA footprints required for your soul to reincarnate and you seize to be. You learn the importance of a pure bloodline White/black or Brown Family. Which is actually a very honorable and naturally beautiful thing.

10. You learn true history, facts, secrets and get enlightened on most things those without don’t know. You learn different things from astrology to divination, numerology, birth-chart reading, yoga and more... And Mostly with great HONOR; you Get to fight for Your Race, Country, Civilization and planet Using the RTR’s offered to us by the gods.

Being an SS is the best thing that happened to me. If you are new and are reading this, and maybe you feel depressed, undecided or even fearful. Don’t hesitate/give up. Talk to Satan he does truly care about you. Yes this path is for the Strong and surely not for everyone, but doors and knowledge is open for all Gentiles.

“Surely The Fruits of Spiritual Satanism are Sweet”
The beauty of Spiritual Satanism is the natural beauty of life, existing with the wealth of knowledge that the Gods intended.

That was a great post my fellow SS.
This is beautiful.

I can say I started out in this lifetime horribly, I cannot even begin to summarize how terrible sheer existence was for so many years before I really started to develop as an SS.

In my years of being an SS, especially the past few and even more so just the last few months I've had of major life-changing development, I can honestly say I have never experienced so many bouts of happiness, freedom, everything, it's like living in an entirely different lifetime. I kid you not even in this comparison, it was like a reincarnation without the actual reincarnation.

My whole life has changed over the years in the most improbable of ways and I have no fear for my future anymore, wherever I end up, wherever I may go I will not fear it, because if I was able to escape and break free from something so horrible as my first start to this life, I can surely break free of much more and the same again, and again, and again.

Satan and the gods have honestly saved my life a billion times over and I simply cannot thank them enough, but I sure try.
TanzanianGod said:

Felt motivated to Write about the benefits of being an SS.

1. You get to learn and see the truth, Real raw truth. And as we know, Truth once embraced Sets One Free. Truth about Satan and the gods, truth about the enemies out there and their servants the jews, truth about their evil mind programming religions, truth about the Curses they throw at us the gentiles relentlessly

2. You Get to have a personal relationship with Father Satan and the gods themselves. Beings that have advanced for hundreds and thousands of years both spiritually, physically, mentally.. Beings with a higher civilization, technology and greater understanding of the laws of nature and how the universe works. This boosts your advancement as a human in a very major way.

3. You get to free your soul from all the mind programming, the dirt, the curses, the bindings, the lies and emptyness of the enemy. You get to unvail yourself and see the side of the true You. And being the real you is such a beautiful thing. Your Aura brightens, You wake up in the morning glowing with beautiful warm bioelectrical life force in you. You soul becomes truly happy.

4. You get to be informed of how to advance fast though in a safe way through different power meditations. Meditation that Works. You learn about your Soul, your chakras and other spiritual concepts that have been hidden from most man kind.

5. You get to Possess the knowledge of Real True Magick. Magick that works. And you can see it working. No one is doing it for you, you are doing it yourself. And get to ultimately control your destiny and life while following natures course. And that feeling of learning that your life is in your hands makes you so empowered.

6. You learn about powers of your soul and mind. Telekinesis, reading thoughts, pyschic reading, power over fire, power over electricity etc..... You learn what psychic talent works good for you and Empower it, or learn new talents.

7. You are not afraid of problems because you know you can use your energy to solve them. You can attract money, you can attract love in your life, you can attract honor, success and status. You get to be able to use this opportunity to rise in the hierarchy of your race and get to be a person of influence.

8. You learn how to protect yourself against danger with your “Aura of protection”. You build a powerful aura of protection which protects you against things like bad luck, disease, harm, psychic vampires, curses even unnatural death. (And the major life threatening attempts against your life are being handled by Satan and the Deamons. Our pagan gods. Since you are a true dedicated Satanist by blood.)

9. You learn about your Race. It’s importance. You learn that you are here and healthy, handsome/beautiful, intelligent, white/brown/black and alive because of your family bloodline generation. And without them keeping it pure, you wouldn’t be. And if you mix your blood with other genes of other races you destroy your bloodline. DNA is highly connected with your soul and you learn that intermarrying destroys the DNA footprints required for your soul to reincarnate and you seize to be. You learn the importance of a pure bloodline White/black or Brown Family. Which is actually a very honorable and naturally beautiful thing.

10. You learn true history, facts, secrets and get enlightened on most things those without don’t know. You learn different things from astrology to divination, numerology, birth-chart reading, yoga and more... And Mostly with great HONOR; you Get to fight for Your Race, Country, Civilization and planet Using the RTR’s offered to us by the gods.

Being an SS is the best thing that happened to me. If you are new and are reading this, and maybe you feel depressed, undecided or even fearful. Don’t hesitate/give up. Talk to Satan he does truly care about you. Yes this path is for the Strong and surely not for everyone, but doors and knowledge is open for all Gentiles.

“Surely The Fruits of Spiritual Satanism are Sweet”

There have been through hard times in my life but I absolutely DREAD the thought of never having met Satan. All of this has been the entire meaning to ALL my life.

I was so lost before, no religion felt right. I believed in reincarnation and being psychic. Everything was so meaningless. Like why do I keep incarnating to this shit over and over.

I have met alot of people and traveled the Country. I would have sat on a farm in the middle of no where, tending to cattle and shit. With no friends and nothing. Inherited land from my family to sit and cry on everyday. Till I finally died or shot myself.

Satan came to me in this forsaken field, in a time when we barely had dial up internet and flip phones that didnt go online. He Held his hand out to me and saved me from all of this.

He had me look up Satanism until I found the JOS and then he said, "This is the essence of who I am, read everything here and you will know all I wish to teach you."

I was 16, and it took 5 minutes to load a page. My parents would come and I would try to click everything off, and it would barely go off before they walked in. We had crucifixes on every door way that went outside and into a bedroom.

I ripped the one off my room, painted it black and turned it upside down. I dedicated in my Astral Temple and the Goddess who had helped me, who told me Satan wanted to talk to me. Appeared behind me, walking through the door.

I said oh hello, did you need to tell me something? She said I've been waiting your whole life for this moment, I'm here to watch. So I dedicated and I got hit with this awesome power, that blasted my soul. Bursted out of my physical body and made my bedroom felt like it was on fire, for days afterward.

I tried cutting myself and doing a physical ritual but couldn't. Then Beelzebub came and said there is a knife in your father's closet, go and look at it. Sure enough there was, a fishing fillet knife.... He said run your finger across it to see how sharp it is.

I did and ofcourse knowing now, how dangerous those are. It slit my finger wide open. I was in shock and then excited. Thank you Beelzebub!! I ran and smeared it all over my signature. Went out to the Barn and did the physical ritual. This strange gust of wind blew on it, as if telling me it was accepted. I didnt feel much different as I already did it. But I felt better knowing it was fully done.

Three days later the people that got us into church showed up. My parents defied some christian things and it erupted into a fight and they left. Then they took all the crucifixes down and the beginning of my family totally rejecting christianity began.

Satanism is my life, there is no life without.
Dude, I literally cried reading this. It reminded me of all the reasons I dedicated myself to Satan years back. Being a Satanist is truly freeing and helped all of our members in their time in need. I still read stories how Satanists have dedicated their selves and how Satan and the Gods helped better their lives. People have conquered drug additions, depression, suicide, personal situations and more. It gave us the freedom to spiritually advance and reconnect to our spiritual roots. To free ourselves of leaching abrahamic religions created by the jews, and rejecting their fucking odious kike on a stick. This is our time to take back our spiritual freedom.

Hi, I am new. Don’t know what is exactly the RTR and how to perform it.. I ve read many scripts about numerous meditations in the forum but still havent found the RTRs, can you show me
This is all so true.

One important thing, when Spiritual Satanist advances enough and grow in power, they might become carried away (it’s the human nature). They might become arrogant and think that they are invincible compared to NPCs.

Therefore, my personal opinion is that it’s important to remember to be humble. It will mean a lot to you. I know sometimes it can be hard to rule over your ego, but please try. We are powerful but not invincible, yet.
Sanatana Dharma- The Eternal Natural Righteous Way
the path that always has been always will be its a path with no beginning nor end and is the Primordial Tradition of mankind.
Inspiring post. Fuck I remember the darkness that was my life before Satan came to me. I remember shortly after the dedication ritual I begged Satan to stop the daily harassment and bullying I was recieving at school which was literally ruining my life and mental health.

I'm not sure how it happened, but they never bothered me again, even when walking past me.

Bravery666 said:
Dude, I literally cried reading this. It reminded me of all the reasons I dedicated myself to Satan years back. Being a Satanist is truly freeing and helped all of our members in their time in need. I still read stories how Satanists have dedicated their selves and how Satan and the Gods helped better their lives. People have conquered drug additions, depression, suicide, personal situations and more. It gave us the freedom to spiritually advance and reconnect to our spiritual roots. To free ourselves of leaching abrahamic religions created by the jews, and rejecting their fucking odious kike on a stick. This is our time to take back our spiritual freedom.


I was also driven to research satanism until I found JOS.

Xtians talk about selling your soul to the devil. But Satan shows you how to save your own soul.

The followers of the abrahamic religions actually give their souls away for nothing. And to be a fearful slave on top of it.

Shame so many people lacking the truth hungering to fill the void that they don't know is the need for spiritual nourishment.

The material is important and to be respected and cherished. But others try to fill their spiritual hunger in the soul with materialism, drink and other unhealthy pursuits.

It definitely is in the soul and has so many benefits.

We Spiritual Satanists are very lucky indeed. It was our destiny.

The xtians say that once you get into satanism there's no going back.

And they're right. Who in their right mind would go back to being used as a slave for the enemy agenda when Satan sets you free!
It is more than refreshing to see posts like this, it feels odd remembering who I was before JoS and after first dedicating.

Even then I did it out of spite, as I rationalized "What other options were there?" And I can say it was the best decision I ever made. Though it has a price, as all things do. Time. This time a day I spend isn't wasted in the slightest, but it is necessary to do Yoga, the Final RTR, and protection meditations daily. This all weighed on me heavily for 2 and a half years, until I started to take this all day by day while planning for the future. And remembering wisdom I once learned about working '12 hours a day', that being 8 hours for your employer and 4 hours for yourself.

HP Mageson's post: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=34837 is something I think about often when I struggle too, and how necessary it is to work for myself and Humanity now rather than wait or do nothing like so many others.

I think another thing that is ironic too is I have so much 'free time' at my work as it is a muscle memory type of job, so I am often thinking for hours on end. But in my whole time of having my job, and the time in and outside of work I have NEVER been able to disprove the JoS and Spiritual Satanism as our enemy claims it is. Despite their mind attacks, tricks, and the frequent thoughts I have about my dedication I did and why I did it. It is all very real, and I can not wait for the day when the world learns of us and is confronted with the very blatant and irrefutable truth that has been hidden for so long.

I owe so much to Satan for where I am now, and the situation I was able to get myself out of. And though from time to time I wish I could go back in time to chastise my younger self for not doing the meditations and yoga, or skipping days. I see why I did, and the progress I've made as a whole. It was slow, but my burdens have been lifted since then. As with all things, spiritual advancement takes time AND patience.

Hail Satan!! Hail the Gods of Hell!!
Andrejuška said:
Hi, I am new. Don’t know what is exactly the RTR and how to perform it.. I ve read many scripts about numerous meditations in the forum but still havent found the RTRs, can you show me

Here it is:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Satan and the gods have honestly saved my life a billion times over and I simply cannot thank them enough, but I sure try.

I thought about this, and come to a conclusion that best way to thank is to first of all get rid of jew problem. Then onto Magnum Opus. All the while side by side with Satan and His army. Forever and ever.
Hello. I'm new to this forum and spiritual satanism. Born to a Hindu family and followed Hinduism all this days. I learned about satanism thrugh my friend. But refused to teach me anything. I'm trying to become a satanist for past 2.5 years. Iam trying to have speak with Satan.I have done intial ritual last week and dedicated my soul to satan as mentioned in j.o.s website. What next I have to do. Some one please guide. I'm serious about satanism. And I believe he is my father. All I want is peace through him. Btw I'm very much happy to see this post first.
hearing Aldrick's story kinda made me wanna tell mine. It all started when I was about 5, when I was just a little dipper. I was actually kind of a religious kid at the time wanting to pray just for the fun of it, like grace and thanking god for inventing santa (funny how god is santa), but a xtian person I knew at the time had a stroke and became totally paralyzed (that person didn't have any air signs in their natal chart by the way) and cant talk. I thought that was so sad and I cried my but off. I was so confused and mad at "god" I remember sitting in the hospital hallway asking myself "why would god do this". I eventually sided with the devil at just 5 and I hated "god" for being stupid. I didn't even know what a Satanist was at that time as I was a slow kid, but 4 retrograde planets will do that for ya. Eventually when I was around 12 I decided to look up the words: " how to get closer to satan" and I found the JOS. I started to read it, but I kept looking and found the church of satan and I thought " wow this is THEE church of satan, so its GOTTA be the real deal" and I became a levayanist. Now this is where it gets shitty. At this point life at home and school were terrible and I was going literally insane. I needed a purpose or a god or an explanation as to why I was born and I didn't get either at that point, so imagine my face when I needed a god and I find out the only thing I believed in declared that "god wasn't real, its just a natural force and we are our own gods". my life was total shit I hated being a levayanist and I stayed that way for multiple years. In high school I met this kid who ill call cornbread. Cornbread knew I was a "Satanist" and hated to be around me to an extent, because I would follow the rules as to not giving your opinions unless asked and I would get so depressed for breaking any of the rules, it was stupid, BUT eventually near the end of high school I decided to look up the other website I found back when I was 12, the JOS, and I was thinking of converting, so I looked up the "comandments" and it said "there are no rules, be your self. also stupidity is stupid so don't do that" ( in a nutshell). I eventually converted and oh...boy...im so glad I did. I eventually dedicated in august that year and did the 40 day self empowerment and actually felt it, it was crazy. I've grown up in a place that was so unnaturally, bitterly cold and I had felt like that for so many years until I did the dedication; it was the very thing I was so desperate for, for all those years and I've been WAY better ever since. Cornbread knows of my Satanist stuff and agrees that i'm far better than the kid I was in high school (Cornbread isn't a Satanist, they're a type of agnostic). About 7 or 8 months later I moved my ass away from those shitty people and that shithole West Frankfort, Illinois and i'm living in MO currently. I have been a SS for a couple years now and joining was the best thing that has happened to me.
Wow this is huge. Thank you!

Here it is:
Thank you for posting this. I hope new member read this to get a better understanding.
When I was young I had no idea at all about what I was getting into, I quickly found out it was the path I was meant to be on. When I was young I always thought differently. I never believed the bible as a child, it always deeply disturbed me, even made me cry when my parents would read it to me. I always questioned everything, and never believed Father was evil. I always wondered why my parents and other adults said their god, someone who destroyed families, destroyed cities, caused floods and destruction was ''good''. I got into the practice of ignoring everything they read from it. As years went by I got into a dark place, The enemy was messing with me, messing with my head, making me hate the way I looked and was. I hated myself, hated my life, hated people, I was afraid and felt all alone in the world. I felt different, no one cared, no one will truly understand me, I was an outcast, I was different and I didn't know why. I was a target for others to mess with me, and make fun of me, and they did, and It made me not want to interact with people. I stayed to myself for most of my childhood. I was young when I found Joy of Satan. I had just turned 14 and I was into heavy metal and black metal music, I was into the false satanism that the music promoted, I didn't understand that at the time, but as time went on, I went on to research Satanism, I looked up many different religions, and one day I found a website/blog, a Lady who was in her 20s was writing about Joy of Satan. It caught my attention, she spoke of how it was founded by this lady Named Maxine, It seemed worth looking up, SO I did! and it really spoke to me, now it would be another two years before I truly got into Satanism the way I needed to. I had to wait until I felt safer, because at 14 I was still very watched by my parents. At 16 I was able to fully read and learn about Father and the Gods, I learned so much, and I felt so bad for the things I was doing before, and the way I was. I was also suddenly aware of the things I was doing that were blasphemous to Father, because some of the music and clothing I wore were the false depictions of Satanism, so I quickly fixed that, and got rid of the things I felt were blasphemous. I truly was overcome with a feeling of purpose, I no longer wanted to harm myself, or to kill myself, I wanted to have a better life, So I did the dedication ritual. My life has been better ever since. There are times in the past where things got rough again, and I fell away some, but I overcame those moments and I am here to stay. and My life has never been more refreshing. It's like being trapped in a room full of pollution and filth and then finally having the door unlocked and being thrust into a field of flowers and sunshine and fresh air.
Super post OP

Saved it :D
TanzanianGod said:

Thank you my Brother. Your words are amazing, and the more I read this forum the more I love my life and Satan.
We all have a goal, and this means so much to me.
Hail satan *66 said:
Hello. I'm new to this forum and spiritual satanism. Born to a Hindu family and followed Hinduism all this days. I learned about satanism thrugh my friend. But refused to teach me anything. I'm trying to become a satanist for past 2.5 years. Iam trying to have speak with Satan.I have done intial ritual last week and dedicated my soul to satan as mentioned in j.o.s website. What next I have to do. Some one please guide. I'm serious about satanism. And I believe he is my father. All I want is peace through him. Btw I'm very much happy to see this post first.

Greetings and Welcome.
This is a good place for you. After dedicating start with the power meditations. They are in the Joy of satan Website (you can check the link in my signature). Start slow and add pace as you see fit. Empower your soul. You can also start with the (40 day meditation program for begginners it boosts alot)

Hinduism is actually highly related to satanism, it has just been corrupted by the enemy but it is of Satan. Thats why it was easy for you to accept satanism. Empower yourself. And Study more and gain knowledge more. Welcome once again.

“We are all Growing and Advancing.”
Thanks for your reply.
Yes I have already started with breathing practices. But I could not find a PDF in drop box about 40 days medication program. It I'll be helpful if someone re-upload it.

Yes I always believed lord Shiva/adiyogi and father satan are same. I feel very comfortable with satanism. Ter is no big difference with hindhuism and satanism To my knowledge. Thanks and once again. And thank you for sharing your experience with us.
txg said:
Aldrick said:
TanzanianGod said:

Felt motivated to Write about the benefits of being an SS.

1. You get to learn and see the truth, Real raw truth. And as we know, Truth once embraced Sets One Free. Truth about Satan and the gods, truth about the enemies out there and their servants the jews, truth about their evil mind programming religions, truth about the Curses they throw at us the gentiles relentlessly

2. You Get to have a personal relationship with Father Satan and the gods themselves. Beings that have advanced for hundreds and thousands of years both spiritually, physically, mentally.. Beings with a higher civilization, technology and greater understanding of the laws of nature and how the universe works. This boosts your advancement as a human in a very major way.

3. You get to free your soul from all the mind programming, the dirt, the curses, the bindings, the lies and emptyness of the enemy. You get to unvail yourself and see the side of the true You. And being the real you is such a beautiful thing. Your Aura brightens, You wake up in the morning glowing with beautiful warm bioelectrical life force in you. You soul becomes truly happy.

4. You get to be informed of how to advance fast though in a safe way through different power meditations. Meditation that Works. You learn about your Soul, your chakras and other spiritual concepts that have been hidden from most man kind.

5. You get to Possess the knowledge of Real True Magick. Magick that works. And you can see it working. No one is doing it for you, you are doing it yourself. And get to ultimately control your destiny and life while following natures course. And that feeling of learning that your life is in your hands makes you so empowered.

6. You learn about powers of your soul and mind. Telekinesis, reading thoughts, pyschic reading, power over fire, power over electricity etc..... You learn what psychic talent works good for you and Empower it, or learn new talents.

7. You are not afraid of problems because you know you can use your energy to solve them. You can attract money, you can attract love in your life, you can attract honor, success and status. You get to be able to use this opportunity to rise in the hierarchy of your race and get to be a person of influence.

8. You learn how to protect yourself against danger with your “Aura of protection”. You build a powerful aura of protection which protects you against things like bad luck, disease, harm, psychic vampires, curses even unnatural death. (And the major life threatening attempts against your life are being handled by Satan and the Deamons. Our pagan gods. Since you are a true dedicated Satanist by blood.)

9. You learn about your Race. It’s importance. You learn that you are here and healthy, handsome/beautiful, intelligent, white/brown/black and alive because of your family bloodline generation. And without them keeping it pure, you wouldn’t be. And if you mix your blood with other genes of other races you destroy your bloodline. DNA is highly connected with your soul and you learn that intermarrying destroys the DNA footprints required for your soul to reincarnate and you seize to be. You learn the importance of a pure bloodline White/black or Brown Family. Which is actually a very honorable and naturally beautiful thing.

10. You learn true history, facts, secrets and get enlightened on most things those without don’t know. You learn different things from astrology to divination, numerology, birth-chart reading, yoga and more... And Mostly with great HONOR; you Get to fight for Your Race, Country, Civilization and planet Using the RTR’s offered to us by the gods.

Being an SS is the best thing that happened to me. If you are new and are reading this, and maybe you feel depressed, undecided or even fearful. Don’t hesitate/give up. Talk to Satan he does truly care about you. Yes this path is for the Strong and surely not for everyone, but doors and knowledge is open for all Gentiles.

“Surely The Fruits of Spiritual Satanism are Sweet”

There have been through hard times in my life but I absolutely DREAD the thought of never having met Satan. All of this has been the entire meaning to ALL my life.

I was so lost before, no religion felt right. I believed in reincarnation and being psychic. Everything was so meaningless. Like why do I keep incarnating to this shit over and over.

I have met alot of people and traveled the Country. I would have sat on a farm in the middle of no where, tending to cattle and shit. With no friends and nothing. Inherited land from my family to sit and cry on everyday. Till I finally died or shot myself.

Satan came to me in this forsaken field, in a time when we barely had dial up internet and flip phones that didnt go online. He Held his hand out to me and saved me from all of this.

He had me look up Satanism until I found the JOS and then he said, "This is the essence of who I am, read everything here and you will know all I wish to teach you."

I was 16, and it took 5 minutes to load a page. My parents would come and I would try to click everything off, and it would barely go off before they walked in. We had crucifixes on every door way that went outside and into a bedroom.

I ripped the one off my room, painted it black and turned it upside down. I dedicated in my Astral Temple and the Goddess who had helped me, who told me Satan wanted to talk to me. Appeared behind me, walking through the door.

I said oh hello, did you need to tell me something? She said I've been waiting your whole life for this moment, I'm here to watch. So I dedicated and I got hit with this awesome power, that blasted my soul. Bursted out of my physical body and made my bedroom felt like it was on fire, for days afterward.

I tried cutting myself and doing a physical ritual but couldn't. Then Beelzebub came and said there is a knife in your father's closet, go and look at it. Sure enough there was, a fishing fillet knife.... He said run your finger across it to see how sharp it is.

I did and ofcourse knowing now, how dangerous those are. It slit my finger wide open. I was in shock and then excited. Thank you Beelzebub!! I ran and smeared it all over my signature. Went out to the Barn and did the physical ritual. This strange gust of wind blew on it, as if telling me it was accepted. I didnt feel much different as I already did it. But I felt better knowing it was fully done.

Three days later the people that got us into church showed up. My parents defied some christian things and it erupted into a fight and they left. Then they took all the crucifixes down and the beginning of my family totally rejecting christianity began.

Satanism is my life, there is no life without.

are you adlrick strickland/dps?

Larissa666 said:
This is all so true.

One important thing, when Spiritual Satanist advances enough and grow in power, they might become carried away (it’s the human nature). They might become arrogant and think that they are invincible compared to NPCs.

Therefore, my personal opinion is that it’s important to remember to be humble. It will mean a lot to you. I know sometimes it can be hard to rule over your ego, but please try. We are powerful but not invincible, yet.


Very well said. One must balance the power with humility to fully achieve advanced enlightenment.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
