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The Beginning Of The Joy of Satan & Demystifying Jews [PART 1]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Andreas said:
Eamonomae said:
What about other deities like Naamah or Agrat bat Mahlat? Samael? Azazel? maybe even Ahriman?

The creator of the JoS organization was originally a Traditional Satanist. She wasn't aware of Satan or the Demons having any Pagan origins and she wasn't red-pilled about the jews, she didn't hate them. One day, she asked Satan who he is, and he embarked in a whole journey where he disclosed to her his true origins, the origins of the Demons and how jews are the enemies of the human race. Up until 2004, the JoS didn't see the jews as a race as enemies, only the jewish religion as one of the Abrahamic lies.

So when you consider the JoS history in context, it all makes sense. The JoS wasn't created by an edgy Pagan Nazi who used names like Satan and Demons for shock value, but by a Traditional non-Nazi Satanist who later discovered the origins of Satan and the Demons and was red-pilled by Satan and the Demons on Jews.

HPS Maxine was outside of the factions of the so called "National Socialism" in the strict sense despite of her understanding the values of race early on. The clearer articulation of these ideas arrived after years of extensive study, meditation, and communication with the Gods.

The recognition of certain rules and regulations that unfortunately in the Western Mind only register as "National Socialist" [due to lack of other examples] are actually verbatim laws of managing life that were practiced in many Ancient Civilizations.

It's not the Nazis that invented you must take care of your race, it was common sense. Spartans practiced it, Chinese practiced this, Mesoamericans did and everyone else. Yet as many people completely lack knowledge, everything related to these points brings up programmed unease.

While we don't feel uneasy we can only plow a field at specific dates and times because we should "best" follow natural law, we have been programmed to recoil from many other natural laws and their effects. In a hundred years this will be common knowledge, like the fact that the sun exists and we must work around this is common knowledge.

Still, the Joy of Satan is firm but continuing and I am doing my work in restoring on the path that the Gods indicate to us. That's why the clarity of the links between our Gods and the Pagan Gods, despite of being evident, arrives in steps.

A large awakening in both knowledge and information occurred after 2000, up to today, and this knowledge is cumulating and arriving to us in intervals. With all the information hidden, kept down, submerged and constantly besieged, we are now on a level of "enough" knowledge to proceed step by step.

The Joy of Satan is not a political party. It's a Spiritual Organization that is above politics, vested with the mission and focused to awaken humanity to higher spiritual understanding, standards and to present a higher reality so that we can eventually transition ourselves to a higher state of consciousness. We want to restore everything from the past and give it publicly available for humanity.

JoS was not borne out of hate and nobody specifically chose to hate the jews. The Jewish situation arose later as it did arise for Henry Ford well after he established himself as a great genius in the land of automobiles, as the jews appeared like ghouls of a higher echelon to start doing things and could be seen as manipulators of society and the societal destiny of the Western people, whom the jews name as "Esau and Amalek".

The reason jews do this is because they believe "God has instructed them" to smite and destroy these people, which is something that was a "fully unknown conspiracy" until recently where now everyone knows this exists.

Jews made up that lie so that they can easily accuse anyone of disliking them for no "reason", reason which being is that they are one of the power blocks of this world that runs a very aeons long conspiracy, of all places in front of the eyes of all human beings on earth.

The Pagan Gods clearly have been attempted to be displaced and have been subjected to endless slander and removal by the jewish people and their fairytales, which the world has falsely accepted as being "testament" on anything else besides the selective psychopathy of the jewish people.

Despite of being the lowest people on earth compared to the Japanese, the Hindus, The Greeks, the Europeans, or basically everyone else, jews managed to uphold a very specific mission borned out of sheer hate against others. Nietzsche has went into great depth on the psycho-pathologies of the jews, which have to do with the subterranean hate being left unaddressed for centuries and not only allowed to ferment against all people, but certainly taking the way against and opposed to anything like forgiveness and spiritual healing.

The reality remains however that the jews, especially when one makes research, have done a centuries upon centuries old warfare against us, our religious tenets, and what they refer to as the "Satanic Side", which means that no progress and no restoration can happen unless a brutal war of information and powerful defence occurs to defend this Truth that they also "happen" to have been eradicating over and over again for centuries.

To give context, the "beginner" level knowledge about Egypt being anything else than dust, begins in around 1750, after massive "Dark Ages" coverups, coverups that deal with our past and history. The old Freemasons played a large role in the restoration of the real Ancient Greek, Mesopotamian and Egyptian origin discovery of our world history. India is close next up.

To further reveal the full facts about jews so that people actually start seeing the matter for what it is. Overt-mystification of the jew has resulted out of great incompetence of Gentiles with no spiritual exposure, which was systematically imposed upon the "Goyim" or the "Heathen Nations" by the jews, so they simply have a competitive edge against us.

The "Old Testament" is nothing but a book celebrating genocides, casting down the "Demons", and essentially just cultural warfare. Somehow, jews have through manipulation and creating cultural gaps in the Civilizations of Gentiles [these gaps occur on societal downfalls], they "convinced" people that this hebrew nonsense was their "Culture". To carefully fabricate it, it was only a copy of already existing cultures, which Gentiles were not aware of in late history of being the case.

Old Testament is simply that: How jews entered a land that helped them, gave them work etc, how they carefully worked to upset this land and to deceive the locals to get into positions of power, how this power was then used to take down these lands while stealing the maximum spiritual and material loot for the "jewish people", and then how they pretended they were innocent despite of admitting they did literally that which they branded to as "God's plan".

Then invent fake causes that people were "against God" for defending themselves in any level of that plan, and celebrate when if you leave everything is in ruins and everyone died. Reasons for this? Unknown, just remorseless hatred.

Such approach to life is nothing different from many desert dwelling worthless tribes who took a wrong turn in the Ancient times, yet in the case of the jews they managed to actually succeed better at establishing the invader tactic. That's the epitome of what racial science refers to as "Dysgenics".

While many think that this is a grandiose plan, it's actually more focused on merely them forcing themselves into a rule, as they constantly maintain paleolithic hatred against Gentiles whom they have formed a culture around executing and maybe even genocide.

Their primary objectives are cashing in the money of Gentiles, mastering parasitism and confusion as a race, mindwashing Gentiles to serve the agenda of their own destruction, and trying to cloak themselves from being discovered until they succeed. Even the jews have no idea where any of this leads but as long it fills their worthless desert tummy, which was empty because they never took a shovel to build anything, that is fine.

The accurate name of the Jew is not a Jew, it is Yehudim, as they refer themselves to themselves. The "Jew" is a stolen title to hide behind like many other titles they have given themselves. So technically that's a nasty tribe from the Middle East that just did strike bad bargains and was a master at thievery and usury, that also took mid-range spiritual weaponry to use against it's host Nations and unsuspecting people, towards whom it had sheer jealousy and resentment for being far greater than they.

As they had no state and were stateless, and even less productive and most lazy, but over the years and centuries their "Religion" made them accumulate a gathering of schizophrenics, sociopaths, psychopaths, OCD, thiefs, overly arrogant desertmen that believed they deserved the loot without giving nothing in return, people with uncontrollable hatred, and mindwashed them for centuries to become aggressors and destroyers, severe persecution complex, completely deranged ideas of the idea of "God", adding on top of these "desirable traits" for their race maniacal religious "justified" violence, they have create a monstrosity of a people and culture, that is highly threatening to others.

Rabbis circa their early times in the "Babylonian Exile" started creating a false identity of how this bunch of mongreloids was some sort of "Divine gathering" and institutionalized theft and all the known practices jews do today, such as infiltrating heathen Nations, taking slaves, and enslaving whole continents like they did in Africa. On this gathering of lunatics, they also put fancy ribbons that supposedly have to do with "God's Word" and other nonsense.

If one breaks them down to elements, you will see they are nothing "mysterious" but just an accident in the seas of time, and a very bad "breed" that has maintained itself due to the arrogant factors that they have chosen as aims for their "people".

Adding on top of this selective breeding process and maximum bastardization the secularized hate of a paleolihic system of death that they call "religion", coupled with the constant channelling of otherwordly negative entities that for whatever reason infected them further, they have created a toxic combination of both metagenetic factors and material behaviors that derive from culture, that made them not only dangerous but toxic to everyone else.

The above is literally just a recipe of what the Gods indicate as "Be careful how you breed and be careful to uphold the racial laws". The systematic production of repetitive mistakes for centuries, has created the cutthroat people that we call jews, which have no qualms about putting brainchips, forcing you to eat bugs etc, and despite of being a very confused bunch filled with arrogance, managed to run the planet temporarily over psychopathic traits and an over-extension of their low bogus "spiritual system" is a careful selection of theft.

Systematic breeding of people with schizophrenic, ill tendencies, or murderous tendencies, or no remorse, can actually lead to ever worse examples in just a few generations. If this process is continued for as many as 40 or so generations, the situation becomes extremely difficult.

Most people who analyzed them, be this Hitler or Ford or Nietszche or so many of their presently extinct neighbours, were very right, but all of them lacked the spiritual depth to understand the spiritual spine of the jews which is the amalgam of their stolen and perverted spiritual knowledge and occult power. This gave them an edge towards the unsuspecting victims.

In India, the jew has failed to take control, because the Hindu's have maintained the Aryan culture and at best they were only able to cause corrosion, but not downfall.

In regards to why the Jews were not annihilated by the Ancient Peoples, who kept them in "check" for their behaviours, the situation is very simple is that they were observed as "humans". In fact, they might have "begun" their very early origins as a very bad race of humans, filled with unaddressed evil, inferiority complex, and other qualms.

I do believe after years of research on this particular vermin, that it later on and progressively became the alien nonsense it is today, and it was not really left down by a spaceship or anything like this.

Yet from closely studying their history I have came to the conclusion that any so called "Reptilian traits" arrived later, as the leaders of their race started to strike unholy bargains with very evil entities in order to promote their intents at all costs.

The above is obvious as simply there is no way the enlightened people of the past would not have dealt with what should be dealt with. In fact, I believe the origins of the material and physical form of the jews were "human" like anyone else, but a tribe that did all the wrong moves a tribe can possibly do, including asking the most disgusting entities to accompany them on a journey for global damnation.

If I am very objective, I will also say the Jewish people are actually on a large decline from the very "Ancient" types, who arguably seem to be just a deranged bunch that started somewhere in Mesopotamia, and that's likely why they were tolerated by everyone else, as they at least visually were like "Anyone else".

Rabbis have tried to constantly mystify their origins to give false credence to what the jews are, presenting them as super otherworldy conquerors, yet the contribution, knowledge and understanding of this tribe is medium at best, and it's medium after all the theft they have done. They are not a single fingernail of a Brahman or Shinto master, and they were not even a fingernail of Aristotle or many other legends.

This bandit tribe filled with race mixed bozos, that has just used institutionalized spiritual knowledge by the wiser Indo Aryans, and Whites, to run a little mafia that they call a "Race". For that reasons, you will notice that jews seldom hestitate to race mix to drag more people into their mix of bozos, while simutaneously retaining a semblance of purity for their "Rabbis". That's because they simply bring on more cannon fodder in the desert mafia.

The only thing we are to take away from this is that the jews "are" or in my view, have "fully become" alien, to the point that the progressive changes on whatever they used to be are now permanent, and now other "entities" can take control of them based on unholy bargains their elders and others have struck.

Their alphabet, myths or lore, is nothing else but stolen and copied "Carry overs" from people they always slander and they say should be genocided, and always are from the places the jews had strong presence. Ie, theft.

Due to metagenetic factors that deal with transforming a human body and genome, affected strongly by the spiritual practices [this is the same reason people heal by meditation, for example] rampant transformation started taking place to them until they became abominations. Like a fruit that was once a seed, they "manifested" later.

To put it simply, if one engages in wholly corrupted practices and other things, other entities can progressively start making "changes" to people, similar to how it's stated in Eastern Yoga one will fully transform eventually as a species by following Yogic Sadhana.

Very proper Gentile populations have been massacred by these entities, like the Toltecs and others, who had whole factions of their race turning against them after communication and effects from the lizards. As one lives close to the lizard for a very long time, they become the lizard, it's that simple.

As nobody stopped or knew about this abomination process of evolution, they were too late to stop them, or certain people due to knowledge of a very high level might have assumed this situation could be rectified, which apparently it did not. Up until a point everyone knew of their existence but the deeper conspirator mission came progressively to the jews.

A key element to this very strange plans that looks alien to our days, is about destroying our religion, and perverting everything they can reach and pervert, to weaken and subvert us, a practice that they learned in the later Roman Empire which they managed to internally sabotage and accelerate it's downfall by the use of these practices.

That is purposeful and to disconnect us from the good powers that can help us escape this, and also run the Ancient Civilizations for tens and tens of thousands of years.

Their antagonism is for real and is not something anyone interested in Ancient Spirituality can ignore, we have to address this issue and that is through the settling of accounts with this giant mistake and removing the chains it has put on everyone for no reason whatsoever.

Ancient Civilizations didn't have time and seldom cared about this accident happening anywhere, and none of the stories of "JHVH" doing anything to nobody are real. Yet this ignorance reached a point where after they maintained their cult for thousands of years and finally infiltrated a bit, they just happen to sit on undeserved chairs in Gentile States now, running them to oblivion.

Most of the claims of the jewish people that the universe works for them is just because they are lunatics and among their many illnesses they have a complete disassociation from reality, where they are taught since infancy that if a cashier bows down to pick one penny that dropped, that's because a Jew is a master of the universe and they did this to serve them.

The extent of insanity when one watches them close will make everyone question why they are even leading anything or why anyone listens to them, but that's what happens when you allow deranged creatures to take control of your financial, religious and political power.

Systematic enforcement of Xianity made sure that they eliminated their enemies and broke their spirit from wanting anything, further opening up people to nonsense like that Jews must be accepted as universal rulers worthy of enslaving anyone else or something. Even that, is nothing that much mystical, and is only based on mind-washing.

The restoration to normalcy will be when they are cast down and eventually driven as far away as possible.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Huh, I actually read up about this last night, it was mentioned on an old sermon from
https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/2011_2012_2013_Sermons_Volume_3.pdf on page 24, "Andras and the Weald".
This is very interesting. It makes sense they may have been humans that have degenerate and made pacts with the enemy aliens. They later my have been genetically modified with the reptilian genes.

I don't know they extent you can change someone genetic with spirituality. I know we can become immortals so it wouldn't be impossible that they undergone a process to become "closer" to their Gods and they modified their genes just with spirituality. It's sad but interesting to know how it happened.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The restoration to normalcy will be when they are cast down and eventually driven as far away as possible.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Instead of the obvious way of dealing with this which is inappropriate to be discussed here, could their kind be spiritually sterilized in some way so as to prevent them from reincarnating on earth again? Maybe redirected by making them incompatible with human bodies somehow. Just a thought. Another one - When the failure to complete their mission is made even more evident than their reptilian handlers might punish them by incorporating these abominations in the new jerusalem described on the LLF instead of human souls. That seems close to a just result. To fall into the hole you've dug for someone else. Whatever their fate, as with any disease there must be a medical solution. For some forms of cancer the scalpel is not the right way so chemo and radiation must be used instead.
U.S. Soldiers talking about "Jewish Aliens":


I strongly recommend everyone watch this video. It seems like a joke but this is what HP.Cobra said above, We gave sympathy to the jews for looking "Human" but could have been a wretched tribe of scoundrels and rascals; whom work with whichever entity is darker and more evil.

Also HP.Cobra and people of JoS. I posses Schizophrenia or to be more specific I'm diagnosed as Schizophrenic with Psychosis. I've explained my issues and it might be possible I don't posses full blown schizophrenia but do posses a psychosis. My symptoms were mild and only occur due to chemical imbalance requiring 5mgs of Fluphenazine(Prolixin) and 2mgs of Benztropine(Cogentin). Prolixin is the main anti- and cogentin prevents Extra Pyramidal Syndrome(the front of the brainstem contains pyramids to control basic motor functions) so I don't shake due to the substance or overdose on the substance. I take it twice a day and have been since 2014. Never had a problem anymore all my issues resolved with being hospitalized I was hospitalized 4 times, twice in 2012, once in 2013, and once more in 2014. Hell for my last visit I met this black guy that said, "He'd been here 5 months".

Does the fact I have this disease make me jewish? Or have jewish genes?

I'm not one of these fools that believes "I'm jewish" or whatever shit people do when they learn about the enemy or whatever psychic noise in the air the enemy throws out. I'm not really into that shit. But does having this make me a jewish person or jewish Gentile?

I ask because originally the people who suffer from schizo-spectrum and psycho-spectrum properties were jews especially in America post Civil War-1900s all the places had shit ton of kaballah studying jews and all these crazy shit jews from that era.

So does having this mental chemical imbalance make me one of them? Or is it simply that my family is merely conduits of Gentile diseases and this disease manifested in me?
It's strange and appalling beyond belief, in that if this is truly the case for the jews, it mirrors the case of the enemy who became what they are through many serious mistakes as a species.

As most likely the reptilians were a normal species at one point. Then they proceeded to fuck up to an extremely horrible extent and became the hateful bio borg abomination that they are now.

This is also likely why the enemy took such an interest in them, as it was fertile ground for them to just fuck them up and have a field day with genetic manipulation on humans. The enemy probably loved distorting them into abominations.

I'm sure however, that this is only one of many ways the enemy chooses to besiege worlds. Like a cold calculating machine that tallies the odds to come up with a solution.

It really goes to show just how much can go wrong in the process of being a species at certain intervals and periods, and just how far these fuck ups can extend for a beings a existence.

It's pretty horrifying to see it from this angle and perspective honestly. As it's just disgusting and scary that things can go that route if beings are that evil and degenerate.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The restoration to normalcy will be when they are cast down and eventually driven as far away as possible.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Instead of the obvious way of dealing with this which is inappropriate to be discussed here, could their kind be spiritually sterilized in some way so as to prevent them from reincarnating on earth again? Maybe redirected by making them incompatible with human bodies somehow. Just a thought. Another one - When the failure to complete their mission is made even more evident than their reptilian handlers might punish them by incorporating these abominations in the new jerusalem described on the LLF instead of human souls. That seems close to a just result. To fall into the hole you've dug for someone else. Whatever their fate, as with any disease there must be a medical solution. For some forms of cancer the scalpel is not the right way so chemo and radiation must be used instead.
Gear88 said:

Does the fact I have this disease make me jewish? Or have jewish genes?


I ask because originally the people who suffer from schizo-spectrum and psycho-spectrum properties were jews especially in America post Civil War-1900s all the places had shit ton of kaballah studying jews and all these crazy shit jews from that era.

NO. This is entirely different in magnitude than what is explained here.

These are mental tendencies that exist in many people, and they are nothing to be "afraid" of, they can be addressed. Yet in the case of the jewish people, this became institutional to have these things, which is bad in itself.

Nowadays anyone that goes to a psycho doctor, will be given these in the plenty, even if people are really just mostly normal.

In other words, there is not heavy held weight on these right now.

These exist in extreme form in Jews, way more than one could explain. One must watch documentaries and videos on them to comprehend how that is for them, and it's not a simple situation.
Thank you HP Cobra!
I am constantly reaffirmed during my studies how the JOS has always been aligned with the Highest Truths within Philosophy, Religion, Politics, Ethics, Family and Race, Science, Spirituality.

There is a purpose behind the myths and legends, the Gods and Daemons, Spirituality and Philosophy.
I feel I have only just begun my Occult path, Knowing is different from seeing and believing.
So the JEWS....? are and should be called Yehudim.. Yehus!!! Yahoo's lol... who are nothingness and some group of pestilent people from the Middle East.. and a Type A trash people that should have been exterminated like the rodents they are!... and yet....people? In those early days! Didn't even acknowledge that they were enemies! Thinking that they were just another common person? Who obviously stood out! As a threat to others. 🤔
I remember reading some part in the Bible.. YEARS AGO about wheat? And how to recognize a stray among the wheat! Of course the Jews were referring to us gentile people! When obviously they were referring to themselves! And people being compared to such shit.. but then again the Jews were always building themselves up in that particular way! For their benefit! Always comparing us to something lower than they... and as USUIAL .. .. and still life goes on.. and we are still dealing with these hoodlums! Who created their empire from out of nothing! Living among us like flies who spread lies and diseases!... Yehus!!!! Lol.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
AristocraticDragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Andreas said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi, i dont believe im in position to lecture anyone about anything but i want to giv3 my opinion anyway, i believe we can only be
Totally free if the jewish teachings are totally destroyed but for that wee dont have to kill them lets say like with a bomb or guns, but if people around the globe start to realize how important is to be racist and how parasitic their are towards gentiles, they will start to fade way like a thick without blood cant reproduce itself but still they are hard to starve to death, i think i made my pont, i hope you understand it.

Never surrender
Like I've said in the past, myself, and presumably many others, had a sort of 'opposite' path to how Maxine arrived at her destination. I had no interest, nor inclination, towards what I perceived and knew of 'Satanism' at the time. To a younger me it was nothing but the contrary side of Abrahamism, a system I had no urge or desire to take part in. I was Pagan, through and through, only caring for the names, myths and terminologies present in these systems. I worshiped the Gods through all their many incarnations, even ones not belonging to cultures I was a part of, strange as that may sound, but I was a young man. The Pagan Gods were the Pagan Gods, and I was fascinated by the variety and the beauty of their many varying portrayals, from the most isolate cultures of Polynesia to the deepest reaches of Mesoamerica. It was only really as I grew older, did I develop a more refined sense of racial identity, of my own bloodline's ancient culture. Even still, however, I still take the time to research the many Pagan cultures I am not a part of. Even for aesthetics alone, the pursuit of Pagan beauty and understanding is still core to my being, and it's only through gazing at the world as a whole have I refined my own perspective. At these past times, things like 'Satan' or the 'Goetia' or 'Demonology' or 'Hell', none of it really meant anything to me. It was only after further immersion into JoS material that I began to really grasp the nature of these terminologies, and how many of the words, like 'Satan' as a word itself, had place in Vedic Hinduism and such. The increasing 'Pagan' material of the JoS is what initially cemented my membership. My point is, there's multiple paths to the JoS, but there is a convergence, once true understanding starts being developed.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I do believe after years of research on this particular vermin, that it later on and progressively became the alien nonsense it is today, and it was not really left down by a spaceship or anything like this.

Yet from closely studying their history I have came to the conclusion that any so called "Reptilian traits" arrived later, as the leaders of their race started to strike unholy bargains with very evil entities in order to promote their intents at all costs.

The reason this makes perfect sense to me personally is because of a certain "stopping-and-starting" effect. You see various forms of Monotheism raise their head throughout history, usually associated with either complete barbarism or early forms of proto-communistic behaviour. It's not as if Akhenaten's poisoned bloodline necessarily continued through history, but he was evidence of a certain enemy trend. A sort of Abrahamism in the context of the Egyptian system of worship, similar to how modern day Judaism is nothing but thievery from nearby Mesopotamian systems, further obscured through time. When you stop perceiving the Old Testament as a book of literal history (which anyone with half a brain cell should figure out), you can see the blatant implications. The Jews, from an occult standpoint, do see Akhenaten as "Moses", because Moses isn't a person, so much as he's a pseudo-Jewish deity that's meant to represent their racial lineage, magic and collectivism as a tribe, and their link to their "God". How the Jews in that story were punished and cast out by the Egyptians, and how they cursed them, is a warped mirror image of how Akhenaten himself was dealt with. Egyptian culture did suffer as a result of the enemy fool known as Akhenaten. Was he aware he was the link in a chain that'd still be manifesting thousands of years on? Probably not. In the context of the time, his actions were probably nothing more than manifestations of his own greed and ill-nature, a pitiful desire to have the world's greatest empire revolve around the worship of a deity he had sole access to.

The same thing happens again later, with Zarathurstra, in the context of Ancient Persia. Jainism in India. And as Cobra said, it happened in Mesoamerica too. Did the Jews hop on a sail boat and physically invade ancient Mesoamerica before the rest of the world was even aware of them? Probably not. But the enemy was always on the lookout for agents, lesser people in positions of power who would do anything to prop themselves up and inflict their malevolent natures on the people. If Mesoamerica never fell in the way it did, as the centuries went by, perhaps we'd see a caste of people that were effectively another tribe of Yehudim, simply by virtue of them having served the enemy, and warping into creatures that reflected the energies they worked with over time. People really need to understand, the physical can be a very apt reflection of the spiritual. Did you ever wonder why the worst of the Christians are sickly, pale, prone to mental issues, and are generally the most pathetic class of person? Lifetimes of praising Jehova has turned them into reflections of Christianity itself. You don't need physical spaceships dropping off Jews, for a miserable tribe of people to slowly warp into Reptillian esque subhumans over the course of ages.

Furthermore, as stated, there's nothing "unique" about Judaism. The more you peer into its systems, the more you'll see what's stolen from neighbouring civilizations at the time. Even the name of "Yahweh" itself, if you break it down into basic terminology, appears elsewhere. People often forget, of an early version of "Judaism", before it was ever called as such, where Yahweh is one of multiple Gods. Even in the Old Testament you still see references to a plurality of Gods, including the "Queen of Heaven" or Yahweh's consort. Many of these deities were simply just slight alterations of other regional Gods. Once upon a time, Yahweh may have been nothing more than a local, tribal name for Jupiter. But as these people fraternized with negative forces, it began to reflect the same Monotheistic, Communistic slime that had infested the world during other ages. And all these centuries and millennia later, now you have this race with illbred biology that reflects their spiritual-racial nature, and that of their masters. People have speculated the exact same thing transpired with what we call "Gypsies" or "Romani". A pitiful, disliked tribe of people once local to India, but travelled from nation to nation, being kicked out due to their lesser, parasitic natures. They're basically Jews that aren't Jews, but it's the same manifestation of enemy energies in this world, and the same devolution over time of the least of humanity, until they can scarcely be considered such.

Apologies for the long post, but I felt this was truly worth talking about, as I've had the same precise thought myself from my own research.
is possible for someone to assume jewish genes, assuming a jewish behavior or is it possible only through the contact with enemy ET?
Gear88 said:

Brother do not worry about being jewish, one can only be by birth. Struggling with an issue, be it spiritual or physical, does NOT make you jewish.
Fiery Pluto said:
is possible for someone to assume jewish genes, assuming a jewish behavior or is it possible only through the contact with enemy ET?

Well from a technical standpoint all the people I have seen going anywhere past the level of "just interested" in anything that deals with hebrew gimmick, eventually find themselves in this vortex of consciousness where they become what is referred to as "Spiritual Jews".

Or in simpler terms, their soul starts getting covered and progressively taken over with this jewish bullshit until they start assuming either Xian or Jewish behavior, so yes, to an extent.

The "Genes" of the material body take many generations to show any effects, but the emotional, mental and spiritual changes can be pretty apparent.

You do not become a physical jew with an altered DNA by reading things obviously, YET, the manipulation these take in the mind and soul levels, manifests itself in behaviours that will eventually lead to other things - for example, marriage with a jew etc.

The jews have "become this" after generations and generations of recurring practices and other things, and even now, they are not literally lizards walking around with giant teeth. Constant invoking of the lizards and whatever else, after many generations, altered them to the point they also started exhibiting changes that arrived metagenetically.

They looked "Like Arabs" and "Like Others" but with a verified genetic twists that jews constantly try to rave is something that "Differentiates" them from everyone else. Presently that is known physically and it's manifested in genes, yet the manifestation of this started due to practices they have followed for circa 3000 years and cumulated itself.

Then eventually they started mongrelizing and doing "eugenics", until they are the kike species they are today.

Yet the primary issue remains on the supernal levels which later on manifest here. In other words if the problem was addressed above in the astral, the physical manifestation would dwindle and cease. The Rituals answer that. Everyone can understand I think.

Many zombies from the Vatican aren't even jews, they are Whites or even Asians, and because of overt infestation in the system of death, they start becoming parts of the negative forces that represent these things.

Historical traitors to the jews were for all intents total kikes behaviorally, without necessarily being "physically jewish". This has to do with the metaphysical aspects of alignment, such as proneness to the negative, the degenerate, and other things which have created jews over time among the aforesaid factor of hostile creatures behind that.

So we have:

1. Physical jews who are also spiritual jews.
2. People who are Gentiles but taken over to various extents through psychic means. This can make people behave upwards to like being a kike, but they aren't "really" one. Might as well call them sell-outs.
3. People who aren't jews and completely unrelated to them. The very striking majority of people on earth.
4. Rare cases of harassed Gentiles whom the jews try to forcibly assimilate, but these aren't spiritually or materially jewish, like forced slaves, who eventually are only Gentiles in control of the jews and sometimes against their will.
Sarramixa said:
AristocraticDragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi, i dont believe im in position to lecture anyone about anything but i want to giv3 my opinion anyway, i believe we can only be
Totally free if the jewish teachings are totally destroyed but for that wee dont have to kill them lets say like with a bomb or guns, but if people around the globe start to realize how important is to be racist and how parasitic their are towards gentiles, they will start to fade way like a thick without blood cant reproduce itself but still they are hard to starve to death, i think i made my pont, i hope you understand it.

Never surrender

We will never surrender, that is for sure, but, people will not understand what the word racist really means and they will start to act violent

That is why mental work is necessary so people act as racists, that is true and I totally agree with, but in a very calm and subtle manner.

Moreover, Jewish teachings like the stolen Kabalah from the Egyptians or their supposed Bible or whatever books theyay have to share their putrid energy such as the Qu'Ran or the Torah, do not read this and they will be devoid of power - they try to attack you by reading them - build a strong Aura of Protection and do the RTRs in order to shatter the power of Jewish writings.

We will never surrender.

In nomine de nostri Luciferi, Satani excelsi!
Arcadia said:

No worries :D

Thank you for sharing this. It is worth the sharing to let everyone know how beautiful this path, the path of Truth is and, maybe, sooner or later, have a lot of members to see this and many others' long posts related to their experiences and thus, helping a lot of people awakening their minds.

I have been more like a lurker in the Path of Satanism and I was a Pagan too.

A lot of days I would voluntarily do work for the Gods and helping people reach the Truth, as, after all, that is what Satanism is about in the first place, and I would also magically empower the communications with Demons / Gods and Astral entities that were good in nature.

Then, after a lot of years I have found the JOS and I was extremely happy to see that I finally can express my despise regarding the reptilians and greys and the Jews and even better, have a magical tool such as the RTR that keeps me both safe and in my home comfort I can do them, or even on the go as I have the mobile RTR version.

Keep up with the good work Sister.

Hail Satan
Arcadia said:

What you write is absolutely correct. I have no doubts personally because of spiritual knowledge and copious indepth research that this is what happened.

Jews aren't mystical or anything they are just a bunch of gypsies that kept going around and around but just had higher manipulative abilities and abilities of theft, that's all.

As a gypsy with a giant nuclear gun that it found stolen from a fallen Aryan spaceship terrorizes the planet, so does the jew.

The reason they are successful is because they have kept everyone else from access to these things, like a gypsy that uses a dagger [spiritual knowledge] that they won't allow the victims to have. Using it again and again, the jew with the dagger can take out a whole city of helpless individuals.

People severely overrated them or underestimate them and these are both very negative. The reality is in the middle.

As for the "JHVH" it's just a ripoff of the Tetragrammaton of "IAEO" which is used in the Four Pillars Meditation on Joy of Satan.

Jews appropriated this and linked themselves to the quasi-alien reptile-degenerate-whatever-invading alien species and just became it's servants because they wanted a quick buck out of their poverty, in a typical example of "selling out" one's self to something.

Anything else is just bogus statements by the kikes to cover that they are gypsies that are misusing spiritual power. They are just more "successful" gypsies in their manipulation tactics. Jews are just not that successful in doing this as jews were, nothing else.

Certain tribes like that who deviated and took the bad path have been eliminated before by both the Roman authorities or the Mesoamerican authorities, but they also exist in India today where they are constantly eliminated there as well.

I don't believe the Mesoamericans who were contacted by the reptilians were "jews". They were just local tribes so when the enemy ET's came, they looked for crazy people and cannot fodder to use. They tried to strike a bargain with these and were eliminated. Most of them have been eliminated as time went.

Even today in India there are circles of crazy practicioners who are contacted by these entities who use them and dispose them for a quick meal. In Congo and in other places shamans etc are still tried to be conned by these entities.

The Yehudaim or "Jews" survived by being a postulate virus that went around and around, doing their gypsy shit and being also partly useful at it, and they are now high on their own supply that they will become masters of the planet based on invented pseudo-history and so on.
I recall 2017/2018 Rabbi Avron Shimon of the Spanish Sephardic community. Mentioning passages in Genesis, Exodus, and a few other parts state "Gypsies = Lost Tribe". I believe Egon might have prominently posted on that page or found it.

My question is are those statements done by just the Bible or all the malignant crap they put in their cross-reference, scientific, cross-kaballistic interpretations.

Gypsies seem like a crazy people for example kids running around trainyards with shit in their hand to throw it in the trains. Just recently one of our Balkan members was saying Orban and company over there want to create Romaniland/Gypsieland in the Balkans.

Also I'd like to ask @HP.Cobra, What do our Gods do to kosher supervision people?

In other words do the Gods just wave their hand and massacre and send their souls to hellzones that make Gehenna look like 72 virgin paradise.

I assume the Gods show no mercy, correct?
I'll be honest. This seems really deflating in a number of ways, and it also seems extremely humiliating that they ever could have originally been human in any imaginable way. Although I guess this isn't too dissimilar from saying that they are a hybrid race - it's just more details really. I still don't like thinking that they were ever human. That would mean, in theory, that any human is capable in the long term of developing scatological tendencies... *puke*

How to cope?
jrvan said:
I'll be honest. This seems really deflating in a number of ways, and it also seems extremely humiliating that they ever could have originally been human in any imaginable way. Although I guess this isn't too dissimilar from saying that they are a hybrid race - it's just more details really. I still don't like thinking that they were ever human. That would mean, in theory, that any human is capable in the long term of developing scatological tendencies... *puke*

How to cope?

Every virus out there that eventually rose to kill humanity was once in some form of simply a proto-biocell state, before it formed into a plague.

Now it's the plague. So it's treated like the plague, as this is irreversible.

In fact, that makes matters worse, as the element of free will was given to the kikes, with many bleeding hearts saying that "Oh, evil Reptiles put them here to do dis, they never had any choice, oh it's because they were holocoa$ted", yet the reality is they picked all these choices one by one as a whole.

Jews also collectively also always pretend that it was "something else" but the reality is these are only their choices. They chose to do the things that they did, they weren't "forced".

Therefore it's still that they are alien and willing servants, not just some victims who dindu nuffin and people just started "hating" them out of nowhere. They brought this upon themselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
I'll be honest. This seems really deflating in a number of ways, and it also seems extremely humiliating that they ever could have originally been human in any imaginable way. Although I guess this isn't too dissimilar from saying that they are a hybrid race - it's just more details really. I still don't like thinking that they were ever human. That would mean, in theory, that any human is capable in the long term of developing scatological tendencies... *puke*

How to cope?

Every virus out there that eventually rose to kill humanity was once in some form of simply a proto-biocell state, before it formed into a plague.

Now it's the plague. So it's treated like the plague, as this is irreversible.

In fact, that makes matters worse, as the element of free will was given to the kikes, with many bleeding hearts saying that "Oh, evil Reptiles put them here to do dis, they never had any choice, oh it's because they were holocoa$ted", yet the reality is they picked all these choices one by one as a whole.

Jews also collectively also always pretend that it was "something else" but the reality is these are only their choices. They chose to do the things that they did, they weren't "forced".

Therefore it's still that they are alien and willing servants, not just some victims who dindu nuffin and people just started "hating" them out of nowhere. They brought this upon themselves.

Bleeding hearts actually argue that? Wow, wtf. It's not like any of the jews really care, and they're not willing (or capable) to change their nature. They are all complicit. The only jews who are out trying to spill the beans are the ones doing so out of a self interest to gain mercy because they know their punishment is imminent.

Good analogy. The jews can't stop being a virus, and nobody goes around sympathizing with viruses... I hope.
I agree with Jrvan, this was hard to swallow and I am unsure why. Knowing that they were once a human tribe that deliberately turned away from their creators to find "new creators" is mind boggling. And that it is possible for the Satanic genes to change into something else entirely..

So a question comes to mind, if these "people" over generations and generation became what they are today, is it possible for them over many generations to unbecome, or do they stay as filthy as they are no matter what?
My head is swimming, so what about the whole Hebrew System, was it still "given" by the reptilians or was it made up by these tribesmen? And why, and how??

So many questions...
How strange, I thought the kikes were just some poor Gentile sods that were kidnapped by the lizard and infected with their genome or something similar.
Even so to change their genetical code to the point they posses the ''cohen gene'' and mess up the throat and hearth chakras only through spiritual practices... no.. I think the higher ups of their groups maked contact with the lizards and suffered some futher genetic modification to end up like they are today.
GoldenxChild1 said:
My head is swimming, so what about the whole Hebrew System, was it still "given" by the reptilians or was it made up by these tribesmen? And why, and how??

So many questions...

It's a ripoff from the local alphabets, and has theft elements from Ancient Greek, Aramaic, Egyptian and many other local languages.

They take the glyph from their neighbouring tribe, then strike two lines more. "Proto-Hebrew" is essentially the language of everyone in the region and nothing else. After this, they started just doing modifications of theft upon theft. That's all.

It's like a monkey that robbed a car and then progressively adds elements to it.

So no, that is not the product of super smart reptilians but actually a ripoff of everything else like kikes always do. It is somehow connected with the higher enemies as it was "inspired" by them, but nothing really much else.

These desert dwellers would never have invented anything like the Alphabet let alone anything original. As about their "system", it's a ripoff of many systems. Gematria for example or Isopsephy [Aligning number with letter] was invented by the Ancient Greeks and is Pythagorean.

When these Greek dudes were on the Golden Age these other dudes were essentially going around the world trying to find a golden shekel fallen from someone's pocket, and being really angry that they haven't done much else.

Ancient Greeks had the so called "alien knowledge" and this is proved beyond dispute to me. It doesn't take much for a jew to take things like they did from Alexandria and then a few things from open mouths and then suddenly claim they are so very wise. That's what they did.

It only takes a desert gypsy brain to do that, nothing else.

Weassel said:
Even so to change their genetical code to the point they posses the ''cohen gene'' and mess up the throat and hearth chakras only through spiritual practices... no.. I think the higher ups of their groups maked contact with the lizards and suffered some futher genetic modification to end up like they are today.

Correct, this "metagenetics" applied over a long course of time. After recurring connection with the lizards this is what was generated.

"hey lizards i want alphabet and steal goy knowledge, for lots of golden coins. must live, pls help"


That's the Grand History of The Jewish People.

And then after your whole tribe spends around 30 centuries with the lizards, this is what we are ended up with:


Then this is what it thinks of doing to you while simultaneously believing it was it's own divinely inspired idea:


Because the messages it was channeling for a long time was from that:

GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree with Jrvan, this was hard to swallow and I am unsure why. Knowing that they were once a human tribe that deliberately turned away from their creators to find "new creators" is mind boggling. And that it is possible for the Satanic genes to change into something else entirely..

There are two explanations: either anyone spiritually in the past was stupid and didn't "deal" them off, which, even on my present level of consciousness I cannot accept as being factual, and is impossible.

The other explanation: Or that yes, it was just another shit tribe among the many, which we also have examples from all over the world, that actually took that way.

Gentiles for millenia didn't give a single fuck about them as simply they didn't matter and they had already many of these to face.

Along these lines we had alien interventions too, which caused certain element changes, like Saruman enjoying to manipulate the orcs for global destruction.

After cooking them up real good, a monstrosity was created, we are with the schizo racial infiltrator lizards over the course of time.

That or very smart jews actually made super boats and went all the way to the Mesoamerica's and who knows where, some people claim even Japan, because apparently the desert dwelling tribes that never even made a village of their own and always lived as parasites inside others, managed to somehow acquire naval technology which they never had an idea WTF it even was until they saw the advanced Gentiles in the regions.

GoldenxChild1 said:
So a question comes to mind, if these "people" over generations and generation became what they are today, is it possible for them over many generations to unbecome, or do they stay as filthy as they are no matter what?

They can't 'unbecome' certain things. They can however FAKE unbecoming which they have done many times over, where Gentiles repeatedly tried to treat them as normal human beings, and we all saw how that went around 200 times again and again in the past. So they cannot "unbecome". You can also not force them to "unbecome" or reason with them to "unbecome".
This makes a lot of sense with the jews, but I was told Akhenaten was more of a direct reptilian hybrid and a prototype that came out of nowhere, not even from any identifiable ethne.

Part of why I believe this is true is because in addition to this thing's children being deformed, its grandchildren were not even biologically viable, like cats who are not fed meat and die out by the fourth generation. The mummies of this thing's supposed grandchildren are extremely creepy and distinctly nonhuman.

Then I also have to wonder about the gypsies and question if they were a similar weapon of a chandala tribe used to saboage India (which failed).
Karnonnos said:
This makes a lot of sense with the jews, but I was told Akhenaten was more of a direct reptilian hybrid and a prototype that came out of nowhere, not even from any identifiable ethne.

Part of why I believe this is true is because in addition to this thing's children being deformed, its grandchildren were not even biologically viable, like cats who are not fed meat and die out by the fourth generation. The mummies of this thing's supposed grandchildren are extremely creepy and distinctly nonhuman.

Then I also have to wonder about the gypsies and question if they were a similar weapon of a chandala tribe used to saboage India (which failed).

I have written about Akhenaten being a hybrid and I was the first to write this.

Yet, this "Akhenaten" situation is kind of late in the saga, likely 2000 or so years after these events unfold, even from the jewish "5700" something calendar.

This means that by then, the damage explained here was well set. Additionally, when a world "opens up" to these things, then invasions and other events can take place, and yes, I do believe Akhenaten was a case of possession.

Akhenaten's story also seems to be highly influenced from the general attack going on the planet at the time, with the "One God" nonsense. This was pervasive everywhere at the time, and this was truly the work of very high aliens.

Very high level of spiritual knowledge disallows me from thinking that you need literal UFO's to enter an atmosphere to do something like that. There are other ways.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In regards to why the Jews were not annihilated by the Ancient Peoples, who kept them in "check" for their behaviours, the situation is very simple is that they were observed as "humans". In fact, they might have "begun" their very early origins as a very bad race of humans, filled with unaddressed evil, inferiority complex, and other qualms.

I do believe after years of research on this particular vermin, that it later on and progressively became the alien nonsense it is today, and it was not really left down by a spaceship or anything like this.

Yet from closely studying their history I have came to the conclusion that any so called "Reptilian traits" arrived later, as the leaders of their race started to strike unholy bargains with very evil entities in order to promote their intents at all costs.

Is the reason behind their blasphemy against the Gods including the false claims that "Satan will steal you soul" and "Deals with the Devil" because they themselves had aligned themselves with the Enemy factions and are simply projecting this onto our own Gods? I had wondered how they came up with that whole lie.

If the origin behind the them is "indigenous human tribe" that existed here in the past and through thousands of years of their own choices and degeneration is what lead to the current race of Jews on top of aligning with enemy ideas and creed then it somewhat makes sense that they were given leniency way far in the past. I wonder if the ancients believed that those people would be able to also walk an advanced spiritual path and obtain understanding and enlightenment given enough time.

At this point in time though anyone who does sympathize with them needs a reality check. Thousands of years of crime, theft, and destruction that have no justification from their racial group as a whole. Their existence is like late stage cancer at this point and only complete removal can there be possibilities of recovery.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Karnonnos said:
This makes a lot of sense with the jews, but I was told Akhenaten was more of a direct reptilian hybrid and a prototype that came out of nowhere, not even from any identifiable ethne.

Part of why I believe this is true is because in addition to this thing's children being deformed, its grandchildren were not even biologically viable, like cats who are not fed meat and die out by the fourth generation. The mummies of this thing's supposed grandchildren are extremely creepy and distinctly nonhuman.

Then I also have to wonder about the gypsies and question if they were a similar weapon of a chandala tribe used to saboage India (which failed).

I have written about Akhenaten being a hybrid and I was the first to write this.

Yet, this "Akhenaten" situation is kind of late in the saga, likely 2000 or so years after these events unfold, even from the jewish "5700" something calendar.

This means that by then, the damage explained here was well set. Additionally, when a world "opens up" to these things, then invasions and other events can take place, and yes, I do believe Akhenaten was a case of possession.

Akhenaten's story also seems to be highly influenced from the general attack going on the planet at the time, with the "One God" nonsense. This was pervasive everywhere at the time, and this was truly the work of very high aliens.

Very high level of spiritual knowledge disallows me from thinking that you need literal UFO's to enter an atmosphere to do something like that. There are other ways.

In ancient times the kingdom of Egypt was much more extensive than what can be seen today.
What happened to the great lake with two pyramids in its center or the labyrinth temple?
I know that the lake with the two pyramids existed and it is not just a legend.
I am a bit confused now. Also I started to feel myself uncomfortable a bit...
I can undestand that materially jews had human origin in the past. I also can understand that there must have been some metagenetic effects etc...
But now you mean the jewish soul has no literal alien origin? I mean earlier it was a different narrative...it was discussed here that jews, in soul level, actually are alien infiltrator invaders from another galaxy. As that filthy Rabbi Laitmann admitted it too. You know, in that video you put into your own documentary, War from another galaxy.

That Zuckerberg who accidentally even admitted he's not human, would be the worst example, I think. Just enough to look at his eyes to see his literal alien soul. Once it was discussed that the full blown jews, especially the leaders of their race look even more alien.

What you mentioned here, their own choices to collab with these reptilian filths, their belief system, their eugenics, their devolution etc can be all true but still, to me it seems it is not enogh to "become a lizard".
There also must have been some direct, concrete genetic alteration or "engineering"...

Btw I really hope I won't see any trolls later who will try to twist this sermon and use it to manipulate others with a narrative like "see, jews were human too...they are still human but they changed in way because of alien contacts..."
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
But now you mean the jewish soul has no literal alien origin? I mean earlier it was a different narrative...it was discussed here that jews, in soul level, actually are alien infiltrator invaders from another galaxy. As that filthy Rabbi Laitmann admitted it too. You know, in that video you put into your own documentary, War from another galaxy.

Yes, correct. But it did not begin with a body, rather, it appears the game started with a "soul". Then, this manifested over generations into bodily forms.

If anything, the post clearly explains that what is done is done, but also how it happened. But the post explains the method of how the lizard became what it is, contrary to people thinking the Ancients were simply just stupid and couldn't figure out that Zuccerborg is something else.

Apparently, Zuccerborg can be figured out by people who have 90 IQ of being something else, but the wisest Pharaohs couldn't figure the "infiltrators" out? I can tell from ten miles away a jew currently, so what about them? Clearly, a gap of time exists here, where things were "different".

Today is today and this doesn't change.

Kikes claim they are super aliens all the time, but the reality is, they are the garbage of the bunch. Gentiles themselves are too "alien" if we are to take things very back in time. Every Gentile out there has a lot more of the "from another world" and the jews know this.

Aryans are far more "Alien" and from "Another Galaxy" compared to these delusional jews. There was never an important temple or anything found from kikes besides sub par worthless broken things and nothing else. These "aliens" therefore clearly were nothing but a bandit low tier shit tribe and nothing else, historically.

If they were "as alien" and the "favorite aliens" as they try to claim, they would have made at least a single Ziggurat, but they have made nothing, besides maybe one tent inside the desert. This means they were nothing historically.

If you want to see alien things then go check what our ancestors have built.

In that case, the whole "alien" rhetoric is mostly the way of the jew of saying like "we have bargains with astral jew lizards going" and nothing substantial.

Rabbi Laitman is a kike who tries to make a super articulate form that him and his retards are all "alien souls" that "infiltrated with the same body as everyone else" and he also adds that they "awaken as they go".

That's code word for that: "We were once a worthless piece of shit inside the desert that didn't even make anything but a tent. But at some point some retards who stole some knowledge from the Aryans, started opening portals to reptiles and other things because we were sending signals in the universe that our lives suck because we don't have Aryan people wealth and knowledge, and our resentment grew too much. Eventually the lizard things showed up in earth and we tried to strike a bargain and we did that, and they progressively make us better parasites, lol. Maybe also they fucked some of our wives or added some weird things in them that make us want to eat foreskins today, and we do our best to uphold these with Eugenics over millenia, while simutaneously we act as a living kike astral antennae for the lizards. We are so aliens lol...Don't pay attention now to that pyramid because this will notify you on how many times better the real aliens on this earth were, it's a sin"

What Rabbi Laitman tries to explain in his retards is that the more they have the reptilian connection going, these entities "download" aspects into their collective, terraforming them over time. This later manifests in their bodies and form.

Jews after a very long time have become a "habitat" for certain astral entities and forms, which are literally "from out there". This doesn't make them still much else than delusional kikes who are still after your penny and you can fix 6 million on them inside a bus if you just throw one penny in it.

The jewish "soul" is something that is of an astral form, malleable, and yes, it comes from a negative and "alien" source. But the vessels from here, clearly didn't follow the same "path". The changes occured from astral to physical, not from physical to astral. Unless people want to collectively believe that the ancients were that retarded that they saw something like Zuccerborg once and said "oh, that's an Aryan" or "absolutely normal".

Kikes began as an infiltrator physically, and as Laitman says, since the kike is cited they had the "same form" as "everyone else". Still, putting a kike on the side of an Arab, you might have a difficult time saying who is who, but Arabs are Gentiles, and kikes are something else entirely.

We could in a sense say, they hijacked something, which no longer exists, like a virus hijacks a cell and later on turns it into a virus carrier and it's not a cell anymore.

I doubt anyone would see a bunch of Zuccerborgs walking around and not question the situation, let alone keep them around and allow the situation to escalate too far.

Their bodies, which produce things like the lizard Zuccerborg now, are later "achievements" of all this process.

I doubt a literal Zuccerborg walked around in Egypt as the Bible says and Rammesses II didn't figure it out the reptile that was eating it's own foreskin and stole pennies from Egyptians.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
But now you mean the jewish soul has no literal alien origin? I mean earlier it was a different narrative...it was discussed here that jews, in soul level, actually are alien infiltrator invaders from another galaxy. As that filthy Rabbi Laitmann admitted it too. You know, in that video you put into your own documentary, War from another galaxy.

Kikes claim they are super aliens all the time, but the reality is, they are the garbage of the bunch. Gentiles themselves are too "alien" if we are to take things very back in time.

Aryans are far more "Alien" and from "Another Galaxy" compared to these delusional jews. If you want to see alien things then go check what our ancestors have built.

In that case, the whole "alien" rhetoric is mostly the way of the jew of saying like "we have bargains with astral jew lizards going" and nothing substantial.

Rabbi Laitman is a kike who tries to make a super articulate form that him and his retards are all "aliens", while they are actually creating an energetic form "kinda" like the alien one.

Jews after a very long time have become a "habitat" for certain astral entities and forms, which are literally "from out there". This doesn't make them still much else than delusional kikes who are still after your penny and you can fix 6 million on them inside a bus if you just throw one penny in it.

They are in other words overplaying it, while they know that the real POWERFUL ALIEN cultures, are their enemies.

I see... Yes of course I know that we also have alien origin.
The question is not this but if the jewish race have literal origin from those parasitic reptilians or not.

Ok then. So it seems you want to say that they have no literal reptilian DNA and alien soul? Do I understand it well? The jews only just created an energetic form as you say and they have no literal common DNA with the reptilians and they are not originated from them? I really would like to get a yes or no on this question...
And you just figured it out recently, I suppose? As, again, earlier the narrative and discussions about this was different here.
Maybe then it will be necessary to rewrite the earlier posts/sermons and pages of JoS?
I am honestly wondering...
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
But now you mean the jewish soul has no literal alien origin? I mean earlier it was a different narrative...it was discussed here that jews, in soul level, actually are alien infiltrator invaders from another galaxy. As that filthy Rabbi Laitmann admitted it too. You know, in that video you put into your own documentary, War from another galaxy.

Kikes claim they are super aliens all the time, but the reality i, they are the garbage of the bunch. Gentiles themselves are too "alien" if we are to take things very back in time.

Aryans are far more "Alien" and from "Another Galaxy" compared to these delusional jews. If you want to see alien things then go check what our ancestors have built.

In that case, the whole "alien" rhetoric is mostly the way of the jew of saying like "we have bargains with astral jew lizards going" and nothing substantial.

Rabbi Laitman is a kike who tries to make a super articulate form that him and his retards are all "aliens", while they are actually creating an energetic form "kinda" like the alien one.

Jews after a very long time have become a "habitat" for certain astral entities and forms, which are literally "from out there". This doesn't make them still much else than delusional kikes who are still after your penny and you can fix 6 million on them inside a bus if you just throw one penny in it.

They are in other words overplaying it, while they know that the real POWERFUL ALIEN cultures, are their enemies.

I see... Yes of course I know that we also have alien origin.
The question is not this but if the jewish race have literal origin from those parasitic reptilians or not.

Ok then. So it seems you want to say that they have no literal reptilian DNA and alien soul? Do I understand it well? The jews only just created an energetic form as you say and they have no literal common DNA with the reptilians and they are not originated from them? I really would like to get a yes or no on this question...
And you just figured it out recently, I suppose? As, again, earlier the narrative and discussions about this was different here.
Maybe then it will be necessary to rewrite the earlier posts/sermons and pages of JoS?
I am honestly wondering...

I say what I say on the topic. I am uncertain if you are pretending to not read whole lines of what I said.

The rest is you either playing stupid, or wanting to pretend so.

Re-read what I have said line to line, and be very specific about what you read.

Then, if the above is a product of lack of understanding, I will answer CLARIFIED questions.

From above, which you ignore and don't even read because you react emotionally because you falsely think that is anything else but what I have reiterated for years, but with more details:

The jewish "soul" is something that is of an astral form, malleable, and yes, it comes from a negative and "alien" source.

In summa, yes, they are "alien". The "first material" of creating them, was clearly a hominid. That is why the Ancients didn't immediately "figure it out".

Reason being here, is that the jew is only a slave which has to have a very marginal piece of it's "masters", which is a sub par version meant only for infiltration.

How do you do that as an alien? You go to a place, and you find the most compatible and evil creature you can find. Clearly, reptilians tried this with quite a few species of the earth, including people from Mesoamerica [the people there squashed and killed them all who tried to "engage" the reptilians] and they seem to have went to Africa, to Europe, and anywhere else to no avail. They kept meeting with the local cultures first.

Then, what they do is they abducted/engineered/astrally affected/enslaved/metagenetically altered [a mix of all happened, and it wasn't instant], a hominid thing like the many on earth, and specifically, something that clearly has it's root in the Middle East.

Then, you take this flawed thing, alter it, and then you release it to the wild to fuck everyone up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The jewish "soul" is something that is of an astral form, malleable, and yes, it comes from a negative and "alien" source. But the vessels from here, clearly didn't follow the same "path". The changes occured from astral to physical, not from physical to astral. Unless people want to collectively believe that the ancients were that retarded that they saw something like Zuccerborg once and said "oh, that's an Aryan" or "absolutely normal".

Kikes began as an infiltrator physically, and as Laitman says, since the kike is cited they had the "same form" as "everyone else". Still, putting a kike on the side of an Arab, you might have a difficult time saying who is who, but Arabs are Gentiles, and kikes are something else entirely.

We could in a sense say, they hijacked something, which no longer exists, like a virus hijacks a cell and later on turns it into a virus carrier and it's not a cell anymore.

I doubt anyone would see a bunch of Zuccerborgs walking around and not question the situation, let alone keep them around and allow the situation to escalate too far.

Their bodies, which produce things like the lizard Zuccerborg now, are later "achievements" of all this process.

I doubt a literal Zuccerborg walked around in Egypt as the Bible says and Rammesses II didn't figure it out the reptile that was eating it's own foreskin and stole pennies from Egyptians.

Would you say the ideology of the reptilians is basically, as far as pushing things onto others goes, resentment? Do they use [corrupted] biological elements of this planet as tools via ressentiment? I can't imagine something like communism ever originating organically among actual humans.

Another thing I keep wondering about is why many primitive tribes are the way they are. When you look at a tribe like the Jivaroan peoples of the Andes who kill 40 percent of their people [they believe they gain souls by murdering over and over again] to the point where they are barely viable and men can't even mention relationships [with a specific woman] without the other men resorting to murder (jealousy), was their lifestyle a succession of very shit choices and bad breeding on their part?
Karnonnos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The jewish "soul" is something that is of an astral form, malleable, and yes, it comes from a negative and "alien" source. But the vessels from here, clearly didn't follow the same "path". The changes occured from astral to physical, not from physical to astral. Unless people want to collectively believe that the ancients were that retarded that they saw something like Zuccerborg once and said "oh, that's an Aryan" or "absolutely normal".

Kikes began as an infiltrator physically, and as Laitman says, since the kike is cited they had the "same form" as "everyone else". Still, putting a kike on the side of an Arab, you might have a difficult time saying who is who, but Arabs are Gentiles, and kikes are something else entirely.

We could in a sense say, they hijacked something, which no longer exists, like a virus hijacks a cell and later on turns it into a virus carrier and it's not a cell anymore.

I doubt anyone would see a bunch of Zuccerborgs walking around and not question the situation, let alone keep them around and allow the situation to escalate too far.

Their bodies, which produce things like the lizard Zuccerborg now, are later "achievements" of all this process.

I doubt a literal Zuccerborg walked around in Egypt as the Bible says and Rammesses II didn't figure it out the reptile that was eating it's own foreskin and stole pennies from Egyptians.

Would you say the ideology of the reptilians is basically, as far as pushing things onto others goes, resentment? Do they use [corrupted] biological elements of this planet as tools via ressentiment? I can't imagine something like communism ever originating organically among actual humans.

Another thing I keep wondering about is why many primitive tribes are the way they are. When you look at a tribe like the Jivaroan peoples of the Andes who kill 40 percent of their people [they believe they gain souls by murdering over and over again] to the point where they are barely viable and men can't even mention relationships [with a specific woman] without the other men resorting to murder (jealousy), was their lifestyle a succession of very shit choices and bad breeding on their part?

Typically, Racial Theory for the Pythagoreans was an analysis that took around anywhere from 15 to 30 years in people knowing the astral in and out to understand. So now, I am likely wasting my time trying to explain a complex subject. But I am trying anyway.

To answer your question because you are actually reading what I write instead of emotionally reacting, yes, it is unnatural.

Simply, they come from the "unholy side". The more unnatural and disharmonious elements are produced in a species, especially something like a humanoid, it can create a dross of never seen before implications, that doesn't exist even in animals.

The more beings dwell there on the lower domains of consciousness, they open up to certain influences. The inner dysfunctional dynamics present in the soul and the behaviour, automatically "sync" a certain tribe/person/living being into another course in it's evolutionary form.

The higher enemy can only relate to what mirrors them below to an extent. So they needed already corrupt lifeforms, especially because, corruption brings powerful resentment and lack of harmony, which by defaults creates "Jew like" things.

This later on broadly creates evil, disharmony, and all sorts of other problems, which are in their central course "The same problem". Jews are to be considered a form of entropic manifestation that has been bolstered by the efforts of negative entities to sink humanity spiritually, and they could only work alongside something that resembles them to achieve that end.

Many people who are completely deviant from the higher elements, already behave like kikes outside, without necessarily a reptilian having manipulated them. This is the consequential result of very bad attunations.

From a practical standpoint, a menance can be created wherever these disharmonious elements are rampant, and it disappears where harmony takes control.

That's why Ancients foolishly believed the jews were "like anyone else" and just "too fucked up" [as many people who have no clue FALSELY believe today] or that they could be "corrected", and have went as far as to trying to correct them, unbeknownst to them that the product of this evil was not solely a bad "birth", but actually, the product of many bad things PLUS a hidden alien timebomb.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
