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The Beginner Meditation Guide in Spiritual Satanism


Active member
May 25, 2022
( I posted this originally on the Romanian Forum, as I've seen it proved to be quite useful, I've decided to Translate it )

Hello, and congratulations, for having dedicated yourself, recently or less recently.

This means that you have already come with a baggage of knowledge, or/and a thirst for knowledge, both are appreciated here.

Considering that, the JoS Romania community, respectively BlS is constantly growing, I think it was about time to have a starting guide, this is not an official guide, it's a guide from me, which probably would have saved me a ton of time when I dedicated myself. ( although to know is not equal to understand in essence, on many topics, we come back and back, each time with different eyes )

I am known on this Forum as ramses13th, but also on the one in English.

I am not an advanced member, yet, but I have been studying JoS for 6 years now, I have had many obstacles that have slowed down my progress, one of them is myself, I could maybe say that I am heading towards an average level, this path is long, and it is not only about your spiritual formation, but also mental, even physical, that is material. A Spiritual Satanist is not a "Guru" who only works spiritually, a Spiritual Satanist masters all aspects of life. According to the High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, in Ancient Greece, until the age of 30, and until you proved yourself as an individual, by your actions, accomplishments and character, you did not have access to all the knowledge that we all have access to now.

In this thread I will talk purely about the spiritual path, as it can be more or less intuitive, it all makes sense as you test the waters.

And you may be wondering :

  • I got here, now what?
  • How do I meditate correctly?
  • I have mastered this meditation, what is the next step?
  • How do I know my routine is right? How do I form a meditation routine?
  • In which direction should I go with my meditations? Where do I want to go? Where do I need to go?
  • What expectations should I realistically have?

I will answer these questions in turn, from my point of view:

1. I got here, now what?

Now it's time to really start studying Satya, it's time to walk the path, a path that will become easier and easier as you go on.

Study the following :


2. Proper meditation comes by itself, I understand that at first it can be uncomfortable, maybe even dubious for some people. Or for some even Natural.

The correct attitude towards meditation, is good relaxation and strong intention, the more adept you become in these the better, the effectiveness of meditation increases exponentially if you are consistent.

Forget everything, it's just you, your spiritual body, and your intention. Spirit-body connection and harmony is essential.

Trance and Void Meditation are gold to empower your routine.

3. Often, when we are just starting out, we feel like we have mastered something very quickly, when in fact we have only scratched the surface and mastered at a mediocre level. Many tend to underestimate basic meditations, including myself at first, basic meditations go beyond the initial instructions at some point, you will understand their essence better and better. Basic meditations build up our basic needs in magic, raising, directing...

Although our belief must be 100% that we are directing the energy properly, we must not allow ourselves to be eaten by a false ego, it can have extremely undesirable results, which is why a beginner should not use black magic.

4, A good routine is a routine that fulfills your basic spiritual needs and then fulfills your goals.

By basic spiritual needs I mean the following:

  • Pranayama
  • Void Meditation
  • Aura and Chakra Cleansing
  • Aura of Protection
  • Hatha Yoga, Kundalini
  • Foundational Meditation
  • Chakra Work

Out of the above I will detail only one thing, namely Chakra Work.

To work on them, if you haven't done it yet, start the soul opening program: https://joyofsatan.org/OpeningChakras.html

Moving on, if you've already initiated your soul opening, it's time to open it more and more, and empower it, I'll specify exactly how I do it in my own routine.

Every day I work on all the chakras with their mantras, one at a time, from bottom to top, and then I spin them:

Mantra x18/9 ( ex Raum ) | "My X Chakra is fully open, active and strong permanently" x9 ( as of this moment I changed it a bit and now I'm doing 3 minutes per chakra )

And, for the chakra of the planet that rules over that day, I increase the number of repetitions and if I have the opportunity I practice in the hour of the day:

Mantra x111/108/100/55/36 ( ex Yaum, day Monday, hour of the Moon ) | "My 6th chakra is fully open, active and strong permanently" x9 ( To check the planetary hours : AstroChronos | Ancient Forums | Planetary Hours

This is enough to make you stronger every day and open you up to forming your own routine for your own goals after a while.

5. When we refer to the direction in which to go with the meditations we are already referring to your own goals, "skills", because here also comes that "we are not all the same", we have different needs spiritually.

First you ask yourself, what am I not good at, what do I want to improve?

And let's say the answer would be, astral vision and visualization.

The second question is, I know what I want, how do I get there?

For this step you have to do research, either on the forum or on the website, be guided by the Gods and your intuition.

A pretty simple answer I can give in this situation is that, you are already working on the chakras, so it is only a matter of time, which may lead you to the question, how do I accelerate this?

Very simply, if you want to get better at something, do it, you want to get better at visualization? Do visualization exercises. ( https://satanisgod.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/First_Month.html - days 10-24 )

You want to get better at astral vision? We have meditations for the astral senses. ( https://satanisgod.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/First_Month.html - days 25-31 )

Also extra work on the chakras responsible for this will help you tremendously. https://joyofsatan.org/Clairvoyance_Points.html

Two own meditations varied from the original ones that I use for this purpose are :

THAUM x10 (in the Third Eye) | YAUM x10 (in the Sixth Chakra) | GAUM x10 (in the Pineal Gland) | INANNA x10 (throughout the whole being, with great emphasis on the nadis related to the spiritual senses)

I affirm: "My psychic abilities are permanently active and strong. x9"

In every center of clairvoyance : INANNA x13 | 1 Minute Focused on it | Closing Affirmation : "My clairvoyant centers are fully open, active and powerful all the time." x9

You can work for any skill/scope, if you want something orientative, study the 6 months program present on the website ( https://satanisgod.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Spiritual_Warfare_Training.html ) or the roadmap I made, inspired by the 6 months program and forum : https://roadmap.sh/r?id=65d613bd66cd6d03d2c365fa

Your expectations should be equal to your efforts, to the extent that you appreciate any kind of progress, you will not fly on a rocket, nor master all the elements from day one. Ignorance can be detrimental to the self.

Be happy with yourself, progress at your own pace, we need strong spiritual satanists who see the world from a positive perspective, understand life and respect it.

And life equals action, stagnation means death on all levels, the whole Universe is in motion.
wow very useful, i will send them to newbies who need a guide for sure
thank you a lot 🫶🏻
Thank you very much, I will definitely follow this guide.
Thank you a lot🪷💕
All the guides for new people are more than welcome. Thank you for taking your time in making this!
I will save it with other guides and use it whenever appropriate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
