You can see this pattern in almost all Hollywood produced movies, specifically horror movies. All the bad/evil character are either possessed or have connections with or direct to the "devil". This is basic psychological manipulation. Over time, the brain notices the patterns and tells itself that all bad in the world comes from the "devil" and so on. This is incorporated in every day church and xtian practices. Oh no, you looked at a woman's tits or a pedophile touched a kid, THATS THE DEVIL WORK!!! All the bad aspects a person has are blamed on the evil force of the "devil" instead of being publicly shamed and worked on.
The human brain, if not worked on, will fall into lies and deception really easily. For centuries, all bad that happened in the world was the work of the "devil" and was to be avoided in the best way. Only people who have strong minds and souls (like all of our current SS) are able to awaken from this deep slumber. Now, with our new era, others will slowly awaken to, each to their own times, maybe in this life or the next. We must not force or do it for them. Coming to Satan is individual.