JoS Forum Contributions
The ADL For Real
The situation of the ADL that has been made popular with the Pewdiepie case is many of the Alt-media commentators are not actually addressing what the ADL is and why its so powerful. Many are just commenting on it like its some almost meaningless comic organization of losers.
"The world’s largest spy network, the ADL – the Anti-Defamation League – is either too powerful to be curbed or too well imbedded to be mentioned or to come under public scrutiny. What is the ADL? It is a private investigative organization engaged in spying and preparing secret dossiers and reports which it uses to suppress free speech and discussion, and to influence public thought and sentiment of an unsuspecting citizenry. The CIA and FBI are tinker toys compared to the ADL. ”
—John Rarick , U.S. Congressman for Louisiana
The ADL was founded in 1913 by the Jewish Masonic organization the B'nai B'rith which is also part of The World Jewish Congress. The ADL was founded to defend fellow B'nai B'rith leader, Leo Frank for the rape and murder of a thirteen year old girl, Mary Phagan who worked in his pencil factory. Frank tired to blame this on the African American janitor but police cleared him and arrested Frank who was convicted on overwhelming evidence. He had also been using his position to sexually abuse other Gentile employee's at this factory as well mostly children he was Jewish pedophile. Mary Phagan who was only thirteen years old and working at the factory to help her family, wouldn't have sex with him so Leo Frank flew into a rage and beat her violently while raping her to death.
The ADL runs a major intelligence operation that has been investigated by the FBI and other law enforcement services more then once for its data collecting on American citizens and some of its members such as Abraham Feinberg, for being agents of Israel and being involved in illegal arms trafficking to Israel. The FBI openly wanted to investigate the ADL going back to 1969 for being an Israeli espionage agency.The major thing the ADL has been engaging in for decades is being behind cases within America that work to install bogus hate crime laws and other laws that overturn the American Constitution and bring in what amounts to Orwellian thought crime laws. They have also been highly active and the main hand behind internet censorship going back decades. This is now more noticeable as the ADL is the organization that is running Utube from behind the scenes and installing his censorship algorithms. This is an act of espionage that allows the ADL to data collect on the public and target Free Speech and dissenters. This is nothing new the ADL runs a organized army of spies, informants and agents across America and has for decades. They also have ties to Jewish organized crime members and have taken large sums of donations from them.
The ADL has been the major force behind transforming the culture of America from a free society into the Orwellian cult of Judeo-Political Correctness of today they have been at this for decades:
"The little offshoot of 1913, the "Anti-Defamation League", had by 1947 become a secret police of formidable power in America. In Doublespeak "anti-defamation" means "defamation" and this body lived by calumny, using such terms as anti-semite, fascist, rabble-rouser, Jew-baiter, Red-baiter, paranoiac, lunatic, madman, reactionary, diehard, bigot and more of the like. The vocabulary is fixed and the true nature of any writer's or newspaper's allegiance may be detected by keeping count of the number of times these trade-mark words are used. The achievement of this organization (usually known as the A.D.L.) has been by iteration to make fetishes of them, so that party politicians hasten to deny that they are any of these things. Under this regime reasoned debate became outlawed; there is something of sorcery in this subjugation of two generations of Western men to the mumbo-jumbo of Asiatic conspirators. ”
—Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, 1956.
Reed wrote that in the 1950's now its the mainstream narrative of today. That is how powerful this organization of Jewish infiltration has been.
How powerful is the ADL within American politics and the corporate and financial world?
The Austin American-Statesman in December 13,1998 on page B3, mentions something important: "In a statement that could prove helpful if governor George W. Bush enters the presidential race, the Anti-Defamation League has put its seal in writing."
The article is referring to a contract style letter between the then leader of the ADL, Foxman and Bush in which was called the "Covenant" of which what the document contains have never been disclosed but it was signed with the ADL after Bush returned from Israel and was given the Jewish stamp of approval. After Foxman sent this word out all of a sudden Bush got major backing from Jewish billionaires all over America and all kinds of money flowed in along with media, political and corporation support. The ADL was the hidden hand behind getting Bush elected president. The ADL also got Truman elected using the same networks of Jewish power and the first thing Truman did after his victory was recognize the state of Israel. Abraham Feinberg was the major ADL agent behind Truman on such. Truman was going to lose the campaign till the ADL threw their power behind him.
Why is the ADL so powerful? The B'nai B'rith is run by the same dynasties such as the Rothschild's and others Jewish elites who own the Federal Reserve and run the international financial markets, global banking cartels and multinational corporations. These powers run America and America is the global superpower. Who runs America controls the world. The World Jewish Congress the other wing of the B'nai B'rith which the ADL is part of is run by Jewish elites like the Bronfman family who are right up with the Rothschild's in power and have connections to American Jewish mafia figures like Bugsy Siegel the Jew that ran most of the underworld. The Bronfman family also ran the NXIVM Hollywood sex slave cult that's job was to run espionage operations against the enemies of the Jewish power structure. The Epstein case is the same style Mossad run organization as well for the same reasons. How much of this kind of intelligence makes its way to the Mossad and how much to the ADL.
The ADL has been around for decades and has been the grip of organized Jewish power over American life. The ADL goes all the way to the top of the Jewish elites and what is their power? Notice the image of the leader of the ADL Jonathan Greenblatt he made a mistake and showed something on his wrist....
The red Kabbalah string, he is a major member of the Jewish elite and is a Kabbalistic adept the B'nai B'rith of which the ADL is part of is an occult Jewish organization that is based on Kabbalah this is well understood. The leaders of the B'nai B'rith such as the Rothschild's and Warburg's are all Kabbalah adepts and their families were part of occult Jewish movements to create the Jewish World Government such as the Frankists. The leadership of the Jewish race are Kabbalah adepts called Sadok's and to be such they must be able to perform psychic abilities that are extreme to the tests of other Rabbi's. That is the secret weapon of Jewish power the Kabbalah. Its right there hanging off Mr. Greenblatt's wrist for all the world to notice.
The situation of the ADL that has been made popular with the Pewdiepie case is many of the Alt-media commentators are not actually addressing what the ADL is and why its so powerful. Many are just commenting on it like its some almost meaningless comic organization of losers.
"The world’s largest spy network, the ADL – the Anti-Defamation League – is either too powerful to be curbed or too well imbedded to be mentioned or to come under public scrutiny. What is the ADL? It is a private investigative organization engaged in spying and preparing secret dossiers and reports which it uses to suppress free speech and discussion, and to influence public thought and sentiment of an unsuspecting citizenry. The CIA and FBI are tinker toys compared to the ADL. ”
—John Rarick , U.S. Congressman for Louisiana
The ADL was founded in 1913 by the Jewish Masonic organization the B'nai B'rith which is also part of The World Jewish Congress. The ADL was founded to defend fellow B'nai B'rith leader, Leo Frank for the rape and murder of a thirteen year old girl, Mary Phagan who worked in his pencil factory. Frank tired to blame this on the African American janitor but police cleared him and arrested Frank who was convicted on overwhelming evidence. He had also been using his position to sexually abuse other Gentile employee's at this factory as well mostly children he was Jewish pedophile. Mary Phagan who was only thirteen years old and working at the factory to help her family, wouldn't have sex with him so Leo Frank flew into a rage and beat her violently while raping her to death.
The ADL runs a major intelligence operation that has been investigated by the FBI and other law enforcement services more then once for its data collecting on American citizens and some of its members such as Abraham Feinberg, for being agents of Israel and being involved in illegal arms trafficking to Israel. The FBI openly wanted to investigate the ADL going back to 1969 for being an Israeli espionage agency.The major thing the ADL has been engaging in for decades is being behind cases within America that work to install bogus hate crime laws and other laws that overturn the American Constitution and bring in what amounts to Orwellian thought crime laws. They have also been highly active and the main hand behind internet censorship going back decades. This is now more noticeable as the ADL is the organization that is running Utube from behind the scenes and installing his censorship algorithms. This is an act of espionage that allows the ADL to data collect on the public and target Free Speech and dissenters. This is nothing new the ADL runs a organized army of spies, informants and agents across America and has for decades. They also have ties to Jewish organized crime members and have taken large sums of donations from them.
The ADL has been the major force behind transforming the culture of America from a free society into the Orwellian cult of Judeo-Political Correctness of today they have been at this for decades:
"The little offshoot of 1913, the "Anti-Defamation League", had by 1947 become a secret police of formidable power in America. In Doublespeak "anti-defamation" means "defamation" and this body lived by calumny, using such terms as anti-semite, fascist, rabble-rouser, Jew-baiter, Red-baiter, paranoiac, lunatic, madman, reactionary, diehard, bigot and more of the like. The vocabulary is fixed and the true nature of any writer's or newspaper's allegiance may be detected by keeping count of the number of times these trade-mark words are used. The achievement of this organization (usually known as the A.D.L.) has been by iteration to make fetishes of them, so that party politicians hasten to deny that they are any of these things. Under this regime reasoned debate became outlawed; there is something of sorcery in this subjugation of two generations of Western men to the mumbo-jumbo of Asiatic conspirators. ”
—Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, 1956.
Reed wrote that in the 1950's now its the mainstream narrative of today. That is how powerful this organization of Jewish infiltration has been.
How powerful is the ADL within American politics and the corporate and financial world?
The Austin American-Statesman in December 13,1998 on page B3, mentions something important: "In a statement that could prove helpful if governor George W. Bush enters the presidential race, the Anti-Defamation League has put its seal in writing."
The article is referring to a contract style letter between the then leader of the ADL, Foxman and Bush in which was called the "Covenant" of which what the document contains have never been disclosed but it was signed with the ADL after Bush returned from Israel and was given the Jewish stamp of approval. After Foxman sent this word out all of a sudden Bush got major backing from Jewish billionaires all over America and all kinds of money flowed in along with media, political and corporation support. The ADL was the hidden hand behind getting Bush elected president. The ADL also got Truman elected using the same networks of Jewish power and the first thing Truman did after his victory was recognize the state of Israel. Abraham Feinberg was the major ADL agent behind Truman on such. Truman was going to lose the campaign till the ADL threw their power behind him.
Why is the ADL so powerful? The B'nai B'rith is run by the same dynasties such as the Rothschild's and others Jewish elites who own the Federal Reserve and run the international financial markets, global banking cartels and multinational corporations. These powers run America and America is the global superpower. Who runs America controls the world. The World Jewish Congress the other wing of the B'nai B'rith which the ADL is part of is run by Jewish elites like the Bronfman family who are right up with the Rothschild's in power and have connections to American Jewish mafia figures like Bugsy Siegel the Jew that ran most of the underworld. The Bronfman family also ran the NXIVM Hollywood sex slave cult that's job was to run espionage operations against the enemies of the Jewish power structure. The Epstein case is the same style Mossad run organization as well for the same reasons. How much of this kind of intelligence makes its way to the Mossad and how much to the ADL.
The ADL has been around for decades and has been the grip of organized Jewish power over American life. The ADL goes all the way to the top of the Jewish elites and what is their power? Notice the image of the leader of the ADL Jonathan Greenblatt he made a mistake and showed something on his wrist....
The red Kabbalah string, he is a major member of the Jewish elite and is a Kabbalistic adept the B'nai B'rith of which the ADL is part of is an occult Jewish organization that is based on Kabbalah this is well understood. The leaders of the B'nai B'rith such as the Rothschild's and Warburg's are all Kabbalah adepts and their families were part of occult Jewish movements to create the Jewish World Government such as the Frankists. The leadership of the Jewish race are Kabbalah adepts called Sadok's and to be such they must be able to perform psychic abilities that are extreme to the tests of other Rabbi's. That is the secret weapon of Jewish power the Kabbalah. Its right there hanging off Mr. Greenblatt's wrist for all the world to notice.