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The 666, The WWW, Saturday, And Hexagram

As a person who's always had disproportionally greater emphasis on affairs ruled by the upper chakra's in life, Saturn has recently become my new best friend.

For years I had thought of Saturn as a malefic force, something to be warded off or removed from ones life due to its association with hardship, suffering and death, however in reality Saturn is the greatest grounding force there is in our solar system, and is your best and most integral friend on the path of advancement.

Without Saturn, you cannot advance or accomplish on any level. As without Saturn there is no discipline, no order and no "exis".

Without Saturn life is aimless and void of lasting attainment. Saturn and its rulership, is the foundation from which manifestation and success is build, on all levels. It is the driving force which pushes one to advance.

Neglecting Saturn is what leads to hardship, suffering and death, while working with it leads to success and manifested power.

There is nothing evil about Saturn at all.

Neglecting it is the evil, as neglecting Saturn is equivalent to neglecting the very foundation of life.

Anyone who has ever felt they lacked internal discipline or motivation, or struggled to succeed even after many attempts and failures and anyone who feels they need a helping hand to push them onwards in life, should look no further than Saturn, as Saturn is your best and most misunderstood friend.

Saturn never betrays you and always tugs you on no matter what challenge you face or how hopeless one may feel.

However if one is fearful of struggle and struggles against it, then Saturn appears to one as the most terrible monster.

Only if one understands the essence of Saturn is equivalent to the very driving force which propels life to advance, the foundation of all upwards motion and attainment, can one see the true benefice nature that Saturn brings to all.

Life is eternal struggle, and it is Saturn which gives us the strength and the means to struggle eternally for life.

Hail Satan!
patrioticgentile_666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Interestingly enough, I remember watching a video of how the Muslims march around the Ka'aba, it too, forms a hexagonal pattern, the imams meditate inside that Ka'aba and they do something with Saturn, I don't know, I feel led to think they and the Greys hijack Saturn's energy, but it definitely is connected. On a 2-D view, a cube viewed from one of the corners looks like a hexagon.

That storm on Saturn's north pole definitely fascinates me too, and I seriously wonder what's up there.......

Same with the black cube that jews stick on their head, hijacked from Saturn worship.

Now of course, being the retarded Christian that I was, I thought that "Saturn is Satan and is evil", and that "Satan/Saturn" was behind Islam or Jewish kabbalah when in reality, they just stole and hijacked it from us.
Very interesting to know. Thanks for the info. I've only delved deep enough to be disgusted by the whole program of death that is islam and ferociously apply RTRs to it's entire cancerous existence. I think of all the death and slavery caused by it. The sickening torture. Their existence is RTR fuel and I always send extra energies to SS living in mudslime countries.
I understand it's necessary to know our enemy.
https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi <--- ACCOUNT SUSPENDED!
The first link, whitedeathofislam was my favorite, it along with deathofcommunism seem to have been attacked most likely.
Larissa666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Aren't the jews using Saturn energies for their purposes? This might be the manifestation of that. Or maybe it's natural to Saturn and has always been that way as manifestation of its energies.
Maybe the direction in which the mudslimes march around the kaaba correlates with the direction of the hexagonal storm on Saturn? Knowing our enemy is important to me, but the whole program of pisslam is so repulsive to me, RTR fuel, and I ferociously focus upon it's demise in my RTRs. :twisted:
https://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress.com this link still works, for now...
Sadly this link, https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi is suspended at the hands of the enemy I feel. It was my favorite source on pisslam warfare knowledge.
Kosherly convenient for it to be "suspended" along with this link:https://www.deathofcommunism.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi right after Klaus Schwab announced the global instillation of the Reset and communism.
Kike Schwab: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XVIEKhBEpf7q/
I've personally increased the number of my RTRs and intensified them as well as Cursing pissrael daily. I noticed more experienced SS stating they will do this and I have followed suit.
Good luck on the path!
A poweful AOP and bright squeaky clean shining chakras and auras are a necessity for SS these times!
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.
Thanks for the info HP. David Icke... I just ran across him for the first time recently on some media or other, I wasn't impressed. I'm grateful that JOS was the first place I landed in my search for the truth and magick, not some "guide" such as Icke. He seemed dull and at the same time scatter minded and hyper. Also too happy happy new agey. Anyone who denies jewry when it's in their face are compliant to all of its evils, I feel that about that Icke guy.
SagittarianMage said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Interestingly enough, I remember watching a video of how the Muslims march around the Ka'aba, it too, forms a hexagonal pattern, the imams meditate inside that Ka'aba and they do something with Saturn, I don't know, I feel led to think they and the Greys hijack Saturn's energy, but it definitely is connected. On a 2-D view, a cube viewed from one of the corners looks like a hexagon.

That storm on Saturn's north pole definitely fascinates me too, and I seriously wonder what's up there.......

Same with the black cube that jews stick on their head, hijacked from Saturn worship.

Now of course, being the retarded Christian that I was, I thought that "Saturn is Satan and is evil", and that "Satan/Saturn" was behind Islam or Jewish kabbalah when in reality, they just stole and hijacked it from us.
Very interesting to know. Thanks for the info.
https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi <--- ACCOUNT SUSPENDED!
The first link, whitedeathofislam was my favorite, it along with deathofcommunism seem to have been attacked most likely.

No probs! I like that website (Exposing Islam) too, because most anti-Islam websites exposing the Paganism in Islam tend to be retarded xians. Exposing one corrupted and stolen Paganism and go follow another (xianity). Just like the websites exposing the jews, run by deluded xians under the excuse that the jews in power are "fake jews" or whatever.

Yes and unfortunately as I've seen, the Russian sites have been hacked. They have plans to use Russia to help out with the global Islamic takeover, so I got no surprise they would be hacked, the Lubavitch family is the ruling kike faction in Russia, as well as Deep State Russia factions that operate overseas, especially in NYC (oh vey, what a surprise :roll: ).

I have seen Jewtin is trying to make Russia very Mudslime-friendly like the U.K. (this the first step), ever since his bromance with Turkey, Putin's been aiding and selling weapons to all the Mudslime governments around the world. It's also evident with the way he handled the Chechen terrorists, instead of blowing them to smithereens, he gave Chechnya "autonomy".

Russian government also supports building mosques, and considers Islam as "heritage" religion.

After the Turkish shoot-down of those Russian jets back in 2015, I was ultra-flabbergasted when Putin, supposedly "disgusted" by the event, agreed to sell Turkey its S-400, its best air defense that makes even the best of NATO quiver. In addition, Putin started signing all these defense contracts with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Tunisia, Qatar and etc., like really?

After Turkey murdered a Russian ambassador, Putin did nothing, but nuthug Turkey even more. Any real true Russian nationalist in the Kremlin would be mortified, and cut all ties with Turkey, not that I have anything against Turkish Gentiles themselves, as we do have many Satanists in that Mudslime country.

Article: Russia sells weapons to Saudi Arabia and Turkey

Article: Russia tries to sell S-400 to Qatar

Article: Russia and Pakistan strengthen military ties

Ever since then, Putin's just been holding hands with Mudslime leaders across Russia and the world, and placing them in positions of power. Mudslimes also live in almost autonomy, "free of national law"-status across the country, and whenever they commit atrocities, the Russian government doesn't do jack shit.

Article: Putin High-Fives Saudi Prince (almost like they were in on something together.........very unnerving to say the least)

Back in 2015 thru 2017, Putin fooled the world into thinking that Russia was finally standing up to the jews, with the Syria operations, but ever since he started getting close to Sultan Erdogan and Turkey, it's clear he was in on it. When Syria needed Russia the most, he just ran and ordered Russian forces to evacuate and withdraw.

Every once in a while, Putin pulls out a move and flexes a muscle to keep the Syrian people in false hope.

Article: Russian and Turkish forces cooperate in Syria
When ever I see this Topic, I feel there are knowledge pertaining this to practice.
I just wanted to mention, today is 6/15 ( 1 plus 5 = 6 ), 2022 ( 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 ),, = 666 Today.
Manofsatan said:
When ever I see this Topic, I feel there are knowledge pertaining this to practice.

There is, the point is to educate and then share the knowledge, but first, when there is no education and one is fighting against so many long hoaxes and subjects like Saturn is here to kill us all, it's quite difficult.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
I used to be one of those Christian whistleblowers/conspiracy theorists and a student of Bible prophecy, still am a whistleblower but not a xian, thought that the jew abomination was "of Satan" or that they were Pagans, or as the Book of Revelation calls it the "Synagogue of Satan", although we all know, Satan has no such "synagogue", and the jews are the jews, period.

I used to be brainwashed into thinking that all and anybody Pagan, occultic or Satanic was pro-vaccine, pro-LGBT (though I'm not militantly against them like the xians), leftist and anti-American/un-patriotic, but when Truth-seeking, sometimes you gotta let go of all religious dogma.

When I first started giving yahweh the middle finger, one of the things i always looked for was for occult and pagan groups that opposed the COVID vaccine, and the scamdemic agenda - VOALA, Joy of Satan "came to me".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Exactly the same charade is what the jews do such as Madonna and others, when they steal and promote 'Pagan symbols' for abominations of the jewish race. For decadence, stupidity and other defiled acts, they take the symbols of the Gods to desecrate them and give them bad press.

This is no different than how the Vatican, commonly uses Satanic symbols to ridicule them and blame the Gods for their own atrocities, which led many foolish people to also call them "Of the Devil", while clearly, they are nothing but the core of Christianity on earth.

People connect the abominations these infiltrator agencies they do in our lands, to their own Gods and the Satanic symbols, and distance themselves from them. This is a basic infiltration and theft tactic.

What the above is, is simple: You hypothetically dress as a cop to do a hypothetical crime, then you blame the cops for your crimes. Cops were actually there for your protection, but it's the police that will get the bad reputation. But all along, you were nothing but a fake actor, nothing sort of a cop. This is how Satanic symbols have ended up.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I stopped being a Christian, this was perhaps one of the GREATEST and MOST relieving revelations I've ever read and come across. And lol...speaking of cops, I've actually heard that these "police brutality" incidents weren't involving real cops, but staged actors, Jewish Masons inserted into the police departments. The Sheriffs, were either fellow Masons or bulled into keeping their mouths shut, now all cops received the bad press, or either get influenced (like fake Satanic groups, worshiping Satan from the jew pov).

I'm a hardcore Patriot, but I seriously love the Pagan cultures of the world, and just felt there something just "wasn't right" with the hebrew god and his cultural genocidal ways, and I wasn't alone, when I started reading about the HPs' posts exposing the abusive nature of the biblical god. i knew i found my tribe. Now I'm still just working on eliminating the fear that "I'm going to Hell" - as the HPs indeed pointed out, it can be quite hard to deprogram myself from that, given that I been under so much xian indoctrination.

Like many Christians (or former thereof), the more "walked with :roll: God :roll: " or yahweh, he exposed himself to be the true evil of all creation, whether he's just a thought form or a malignant E.T., as I've seen the E.T.s are divided into the good and evil factions.

Quite frankly, the biggest question I had always asked, was if Satan and the Pagan Gods of old TRULY were behind madness, why there are Pagans and SS sounding the alarms and why Satan is waking people up to save this country from the jew abomination?

I also noticed the jew hijacked the "6" and "13" by making "613 laws" in their cursed torah, Paul has 66 books. In John 3:16 where Rabbi Jeebuz falsely "loves" the world (and then tells people to hate in Luke 4:26), they hijacked it again with 3:16, anagram of 6:13.

Among countless other numbers.......Revelation 7 and Revelation 14, both obssess with the "144,000" - and the numbers of those books as well, 7 and 14. Good grief.

I once diefied the jews, now I pray for their death, destruction and annhilation!

Ave Satanas!

LGBT aren't bad though it's sad most of their communities are infested with reptilian jews
(oy vey goyims how's else will they know yous gay if you not talks sex 24 7)if anyone is gay, I would rather be remembered by my works, what I invented, an contributed to humanity, than just sex,though heterosexuals are their targets to,
Which is why RTR's is the biggest middle finger to the reptilian jews an their thoughtforms
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
When ever I see this Topic, I feel there are knowledge pertaining this to practice.

There is, the point is to educate and then share the knowledge, but first, when there is no education and one is fighting against so many long hoaxes and subjects like Saturn is here to kill us all, it's quite difficult.

I am Learning. Absolutely!
Satnam666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
I used to be one of those Christian whistleblowers/conspiracy theorists and a student of Bible prophecy, still am a whistleblower but not a xian, thought that the jew abomination was "of Satan" or that they were Pagans, or as the Book of Revelation calls it the "Synagogue of Satan", although we all know, Satan has no such "synagogue", and the jews are the jews, period.

I used to be brainwashed into thinking that all and anybody Pagan, occultic or Satanic was pro-vaccine, pro-LGBT (though I'm not militantly against them like the xians), leftist and anti-American/un-patriotic, but when Truth-seeking, sometimes you gotta let go of all religious dogma.

When I first started giving yahweh the middle finger, one of the things i always looked for was for occult and pagan groups that opposed the COVID vaccine, and the scamdemic agenda - VOALA, Joy of Satan "came to me".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Exactly the same charade is what the jews do such as Madonna and others, when they steal and promote 'Pagan symbols' for abominations of the jewish race. For decadence, stupidity and other defiled acts, they take the symbols of the Gods to desecrate them and give them bad press.

This is no different than how the Vatican, commonly uses Satanic symbols to ridicule them and blame the Gods for their own atrocities, which led many foolish people to also call them "Of the Devil", while clearly, they are nothing but the core of Christianity on earth.

People connect the abominations these infiltrator agencies they do in our lands, to their own Gods and the Satanic symbols, and distance themselves from them. This is a basic infiltration and theft tactic.

What the above is, is simple: You hypothetically dress as a cop to do a hypothetical crime, then you blame the cops for your crimes. Cops were actually there for your protection, but it's the police that will get the bad reputation. But all along, you were nothing but a fake actor, nothing sort of a cop. This is how Satanic symbols have ended up.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I stopped being a Christian, this was perhaps one of the GREATEST and MOST relieving revelations I've ever read and come across. And lol...speaking of cops, I've actually heard that these "police brutality" incidents weren't involving real cops, but staged actors, Jewish Masons inserted into the police departments. The Sheriffs, were either fellow Masons or bulled into keeping their mouths shut, now all cops received the bad press, or either get influenced (like fake Satanic groups, worshiping Satan from the jew pov).

I'm a hardcore Patriot, but I seriously love the Pagan cultures of the world, and just felt there something just "wasn't right" with the hebrew god and his cultural genocidal ways, and I wasn't alone, when I started reading about the HPs' posts exposing the abusive nature of the biblical god. i knew i found my tribe. Now I'm still just working on eliminating the fear that "I'm going to Hell" - as the HPs indeed pointed out, it can be quite hard to deprogram myself from that, given that I been under so much xian indoctrination.

Like many Christians (or former thereof), the more "walked with :roll: God :roll: " or yahweh, he exposed himself to be the true evil of all creation, whether he's just a thought form or a malignant E.T., as I've seen the E.T.s are divided into the good and evil factions.

Quite frankly, the biggest question I had always asked, was if Satan and the Pagan Gods of old TRULY were behind madness, why there are Pagans and SS sounding the alarms and why Satan is waking people up to save this country from the jew abomination?

I also noticed the jew hijacked the "6" and "13" by making "613 laws" in their cursed torah, Paul has 66 books. In John 3:16 where Rabbi Jeebuz falsely "loves" the world (and then tells people to hate in Luke 4:26), they hijacked it again with 3:16, anagram of 6:13.

Among countless other numbers.......Revelation 7 and Revelation 14, both obssess with the "144,000" - and the numbers of those books as well, 7 and 14. Good grief.

I once diefied the jews, now I pray for their death, destruction and annhilation!

Ave Satanas!

LGBT aren't bad though it's sad most of their communities are infested with reptilian jews
(oy vey goyims how's else will they know yous gay if you not talks sex 24 7)if anyone is gay, I would rather be remembered by my works, what I invented, an contributed to humanity, than just sex,though heterosexuals are their targets to,
Which is why RTR's is the biggest middle finger to the reptilian jews an their thoughtforms

I think you say LGBT is not bad because you are talking about people's sexual orientations, in which case I agree with you. However, in general, LGBT is a moniker for a certain rights activist organisation, which is 1000% bad and run by yhr nrmy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The 666 is a universal number of great power, and has to do with many things. One of these things, is about material power. The 666 is also the 36 in manifested power, which has to do with the Union of the Soul and the elements of the material and the astral. It's a divine number.

All of this, relates to the symbol of the Hexagon, which is two interlocked perfect triangles, which shows the union of spirit and matter. This is all Ancient Greek, Egyptian and Babylonian knowledge, but it also exists in India. Still, today, in India, they give the Hexagon as a shape for the Heart Chakra - to signify the union of the higher and lower realms.

One is called an "Antichrist" or a "666" when they have successfully raised the Kundalini Serpent in full and permanently. That however, is NOT the final objective, and there is more to this. After this, we have 777, which is a number of rectification of the soul further, which the enemy falsely uses for "Christ", again of theft. The 888 represents another stage, and 999 and 1000 represent respectively another state.

In prior sermons, I have mentioned "SAT", which is the concept of True Knowledge. The symbol for this is the 1000. In India, this is surmised as the Thousand Petal Lotus. Satan, in His Poem, explains that this is the place where He makes His "Revelation", which is no other than the revelation of the Godhead power residing within.

The enemy, declares this number as hostile and evil [as with anything - Satan, the Gods, everything good in this world] and claim this is "evil". Even if they say it's evil and condemn it, they heavily use it and try to promote this. When Gentiles see this promotion, since the enemy is evil, they associate falsely what they see with the evil of the enemy, and they therefore start hating things like the 666.

Exactly the same charade is what the jews do such as Madonna and others, when they steal and promote 'Pagan symbols' for abominations of the jewish race. For decadence, stupidity and other defiled acts, they take the symbols of the Gods to desecrate them and give them bad press.

This is no different than how the Vatican, commonly uses Satanic symbols to ridicule them and blame the Gods for their own atrocities, which led many foolish people to also call them "Of the Devil", while clearly, they are nothing but the core of Christianity on earth.

People connect the abominations these infiltrator agencies they do in our lands, to their own Gods and the Satanic symbols, and distance themselves from them. This is a basic infiltration and theft tactic.

What the above is, is simple: You hypothetically dress as a cop to do a hypothetical crime, then you blame the cops for your crimes. Cops were actually there for your protection, but it's the police that will get the bad reputation. But all along, you were nothing but a fake actor, nothing sort of a cop. This is how Satanic symbols have ended up.

Saturn is not an evil planet, and it's greatly misunderstood. Saturn is associated with the Base Chakra and the Kundalini Power, the gift of Satan, and is connected with the 666. Saturn is the disciplinary planet that puts us in order, so that we can advance. Those who advance spiritually will experience less evil from Saturn. The Rites of Saturn are important in cleaning the soul, and getting to higher levels of understanding and power.

Saturn is associated with the power of Shiva to clean and purge the lower "self" so the union with the higher self can be made more effortlessly.

For this reason, the jews are obsessed with Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are the two important days to do certain meditations and procedure to advance in cleaning the soul in the week.

The WWW is a transliteration of the so called "VAU" letter of the Jews, but it's not a letter like this. The WWW is based on the Latin Alphabet, to signify again the 666. The World Wide Web is belongs to the world, and not the jews. But Christian conspiracy theorists who don't know of anything of the true agenda of the jews, or their symbols, confuse all of the above.

While the Jews have stolen everything, they use what they have stolen, and use it against us all. None of these symbols are evil. The 666 is a hallmark of Satanic Power, and the jews knowing how fundamentally important it is to the universe, they could not remove it.

The Jews are not the first culture to adopt the "Saturday" either, it was stolen from the Babylonians, who also followed a Lunar Calendar.

The Jewish people have nothing of their own. It's all theft by other wiser Gentiles and Ancient Civilizations. By misrepresenting what they have stolen, they deter Gentiles away from it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This also confused me when I first began my journey becoming a Satanist. As you mentioned though, the more you research the enemy and learn, you begin to see why they would use these symbols even though Satanic.

What better way for them to scare the Gentiles away from there true potential than celebrities painting Satan and the symbols 666 as "Evil" in there music videos? The goyim would be to afraid of programmed fears such as hell and eternal damnation to ever even consider exploring occult numbers or Satan. This leaves them with the material power, only allowing the useful idiots to gain power - once they keep the fear and brain washing going.

It's normal to question these things though, it becomes more clear and natural to spot and easier to make sense of it as you grow older.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
