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The 666, The WWW, Saturday, And Hexagram

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
lodoshurricane said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to our Satanic Family.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

So what is the 666 gesture that goy celebrities make with their hands, constantly pointing at one of their eyes? Also 666 is actually related to saturn. Saturn is the 6th planet, has 6 large moons, and the day of Saturn is the 6th day of the week. Otherwise, it is the Jews who celebrate the day of Saturn (Sat-ur-day u know...). The www we use on the internet is Hebrew 666. The letter w is the number 6 in the Hebrew alphabet. How do we explain theese?
The 666 is a universal number of great power, and has to do with many things. One of these things, is about material power. The 666 is also the 36 in manifested power, which has to do with the Union of the Soul and the elements of the material and the astral. It's a divine number.

All of this, relates to the symbol of the Hexagon, which is two interlocked perfect triangles, which shows the union of spirit and matter. This is all Ancient Greek, Egyptian and Babylonian knowledge, but it also exists in India. Still, today, in India, they give the Hexagon as a shape for the Heart Chakra - to signify the union of the higher and lower realms.

One is called an "Antichrist" or a "666" when they have successfully raised the Kundalini Serpent in full and permanently. That however, is NOT the final objective, and there is more to this. After this, we have 777, which is a number of rectification of the soul further, which the enemy falsely uses for "Christ", again of theft. The 888 represents another stage, and 999 and 1000 represent respectively another state.

In prior sermons, I have mentioned "SAT", which is the concept of True Knowledge. The symbol for this is the 1000. In India, this is surmised as the Thousand Petal Lotus. Satan, in His Poem, explains that this is the place where He makes His "Revelation", which is no other than the revelation of the Godhead power residing within.

The enemy, declares this number as hostile and evil [as with anything - Satan, the Gods, everything good in this world] and claim this is "evil". Even if they say it's evil and condemn it, they heavily use it and try to promote this. When Gentiles see this promotion, since the enemy is evil, they associate falsely what they see with the evil of the enemy, and they therefore start hating things like the 666.

Exactly the same charade is what the jews do such as Madonna and others, when they steal and promote 'Pagan symbols' for abominations of the jewish race. For decadence, stupidity and other defiled acts, they take the symbols of the Gods to desecrate them and give them bad press.

This is no different than how the Vatican, commonly uses Satanic symbols to ridicule them and blame the Gods for their own atrocities, which led many foolish people to also call them "Of the Devil", while clearly, they are nothing but the core of Christianity on earth.

People connect the abominations these infiltrator agencies they do in our lands, to their own Gods and the Satanic symbols, and distance themselves from them. This is a basic infiltration and theft tactic.

What the above is, is simple: You hypothetically dress as a cop to do a hypothetical crime, then you blame the cops for your crimes. Cops were actually there for your protection, but it's the police that will get the bad reputation. But all along, you were nothing but a fake actor, nothing sort of a cop. This is how Satanic symbols have ended up.

Saturn is not an evil planet, and it's greatly misunderstood. Saturn is associated with the Base Chakra and the Kundalini Power, the gift of Satan, and is connected with the 666. Saturn is the disciplinary planet that puts us in order, so that we can advance. Those who advance spiritually will experience less evil from Saturn. The Rites of Saturn are important in cleaning the soul, and getting to higher levels of understanding and power.

Saturn is associated with the power of Shiva to clean and purge the lower "self" so the union with the higher self can be made more effortlessly.

For this reason, the jews are obsessed with Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are the two important days to do certain meditations and procedure to advance in cleaning the soul in the week.

The WWW is a transliteration of the so called "VAU" letter of the Jews, but it's not a letter like this. The WWW is based on the Latin Alphabet, to signify again the 666. The World Wide Web is belongs to the world, and not the jews. But Christian conspiracy theorists who don't know of anything of the true agenda of the jews, or their symbols, confuse all of the above.

While the Jews have stolen everything, they use what they have stolen, and use it against us all. None of these symbols are evil. The 666 is a hallmark of Satanic Power, and the jews knowing how fundamentally important it is to the universe, they could not remove it.

The Jews are not the first culture to adopt the "Saturday" either, it was stolen from the Babylonians, who also followed a Lunar Calendar.

The Jewish people have nothing of their own. It's all theft by other wiser Gentiles and Ancient Civilizations. By misrepresenting what they have stolen, they deter Gentiles away from it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.
I used to be one of those Christian whistleblowers/conspiracy theorists and a student of Bible prophecy, still am a whistleblower but not a xian, thought that the jew abomination was "of Satan" or that they were Pagans, or as the Book of Revelation calls it the "Synagogue of Satan", although we all know, Satan has no such "synagogue", and the jews are the jews, period.

I used to be brainwashed into thinking that all and anybody Pagan, occultic or Satanic was pro-vaccine, pro-LGBT (though I'm not militantly against them like the xians), leftist and anti-American/un-patriotic, but when Truth-seeking, sometimes you gotta let go of all religious dogma.

When I first started giving yahweh the middle finger, one of the things i always looked for was for occult and pagan groups that opposed the COVID vaccine, and the scamdemic agenda - VOALA, Joy of Satan "came to me".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Exactly the same charade is what the jews do such as Madonna and others, when they steal and promote 'Pagan symbols' for abominations of the jewish race. For decadence, stupidity and other defiled acts, they take the symbols of the Gods to desecrate them and give them bad press.

This is no different than how the Vatican, commonly uses Satanic symbols to ridicule them and blame the Gods for their own atrocities, which led many foolish people to also call them "Of the Devil", while clearly, they are nothing but the core of Christianity on earth.

People connect the abominations these infiltrator agencies they do in our lands, to their own Gods and the Satanic symbols, and distance themselves from them. This is a basic infiltration and theft tactic.

What the above is, is simple: You hypothetically dress as a cop to do a hypothetical crime, then you blame the cops for your crimes. Cops were actually there for your protection, but it's the police that will get the bad reputation. But all along, you were nothing but a fake actor, nothing sort of a cop. This is how Satanic symbols have ended up.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I stopped being a Christian, this was perhaps one of the GREATEST and MOST relieving revelations I've ever read and come across. And lol...speaking of cops, I've actually heard that these "police brutality" incidents weren't involving real cops, but staged actors, Jewish Masons inserted into the police departments. The Sheriffs, were either fellow Masons or bulled into keeping their mouths shut, now all cops received the bad press, or either get influenced (like fake Satanic groups, worshiping Satan from the jew pov).

I'm a hardcore Patriot, but I seriously love the Pagan cultures of the world, and just felt there something just "wasn't right" with the hebrew god and his cultural genocidal ways, and I wasn't alone, when I started reading about the HPs' posts exposing the abusive nature of the biblical god. i knew i found my tribe. Now I'm still just working on eliminating the fear that "I'm going to Hell" - as the HPs indeed pointed out, it can be quite hard to deprogram myself from that, given that I been under so much xian indoctrination.

Like many Christians (or former thereof), the more "walked with :roll: God :roll: " or yahweh, he exposed himself to be the true evil of all creation, whether he's just a thought form or a malignant E.T., as I've seen the E.T.s are divided into the good and evil factions.

Quite frankly, the biggest question I had always asked, was if Satan and the Pagan Gods of old TRULY were behind madness, why there are Pagans and SS sounding the alarms and why Satan is waking people up to save this country from the jew abomination?

I also noticed the jew hijacked the "6" and "13" by making "613 laws" in their cursed torah, Paul has 66 books. In John 3:16 where Rabbi Jeebuz falsely "loves" the world (and then tells people to hate in Luke 4:26), they hijacked it again with 3:16, anagram of 6:13.

Among countless other numbers.......Revelation 7 and Revelation 14, both obssess with the "144,000" - and the numbers of those books as well, 7 and 14. Good grief.

I once diefied the jews, now I pray for their death, destruction and annhilation!

Ave Satanas!
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Interestingly enough, I remember watching a video of how the Muslims march around the Ka'aba, it too, forms a hexagonal pattern, the imams meditate inside that Ka'aba and they do something with Saturn, I don't know, I feel led to think they and the Greys hijack Saturn's energy, but it definitely is connected. On a 2-D view, a cube viewed from one of the corners looks like a hexagon.

That storm on Saturn's north pole definitely fascinates me too, and I seriously wonder what's up there.......

Same with the black cube that jews stick on their head, hijacked from Saturn worship.

Now of course, being the retarded Christian that I was, I thought that "Saturn is Satan and is evil", and that "Satan/Saturn" was behind Islam or Jewish kabbalah when in reality, they just stole and hijacked it from us.
But High Priest if 666 is related to Saturn, what is the relation between the Sun (and solar chakra) and 666?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For this reason, the jews are obsessed with Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are the two important days to do certain meditations and procedure to advance in cleaning the soul in the week.

So the jews take Saturday and Sunday, "the weekend", days off from work and school, to do their important meditations.

Whereas the Goyim, programmed by the jews, party and get drunk friday night and saturday night, and spend sunday with a hangover....
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The 888 represents another stage, and 999 and 1000 represent respectively another state.

Could you briefly give information about 888? It was in the answer I received in a Tarot reading, three cards and all of them were eights. Information available online is all about “angel numbers” and don’t have any logic or explanation behind.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For this reason, the jews are obsessed with Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are the two important days to do certain meditations and procedure to advance in cleaning the soul in the week.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Can you please give some examples? Are all cleaning meditations enhanced during Saturday and Sunday or are there more specific ones?
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Aren't the jews using Saturn energies for their purposes? This might be the manifestation of that. Or maybe it's natural to Saturn and has always been that way as manifestation of its energies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
lodoshurricane said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to our Satanic Family.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

So what is the 666 gesture that goy celebrities make with their hands, constantly pointing at one of their eyes? Also 666 is actually related to saturn. Saturn is the 6th planet, has 6 large moons, and the day of Saturn is the 6th day of the week. Otherwise, it is the Jews who celebrate the day of Saturn (Sat-ur-day u know...). The www we use on the internet is Hebrew 666. The letter w is the number 6 in the Hebrew alphabet. How do we explain theese?


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The Hexagram is also based on the 6 conjuctions Jupiter makes with Uranus before Uranus makes a full orbit around the Sun. Every 13-14 years, they conjuct, and they do this 6 times before Uranus reaches the 84 years of a Solar Return.

I also noticed that the Jews restrict the things Jupiter and Uranus rule. Jupiter rules higher knowledge and Dharma, while Uranus rules science, evolution and human growth, technology. (Just look at the Middle Ages).

The problem is not Saturn. But the rings around the planet saturn artificially constructed by gray aliens to amplify their negative influences on earth. For sure the Gods will destroy those rings someday. Or we do it with a few thousand nuclear warheads.
Powerofjustice said:
Can you please give some examples? Are all cleaning meditations enhanced during Saturday and Sunday or are there more specific ones?
Check this out: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=58191 - Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=364073 time=1654681991 user_id=57]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For this reason, the jews are obsessed with Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are the two important days to do certain meditations and procedure to advance in cleaning the soul in the week.

So the jews take Saturday and Sunday, "the weekend", days off from work and school, to do their important meditations.

Whereas the Goyim, programmed by the jews, party and get drunk friday night and saturday night, and spend sunday with a hangover....

"Looking for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. I don't. Also love a gin/beer/glass of red." All profile pictures with a drink in hand except the one where they just have to put emphasis on big their arse is. "No Tories". Also "Full-time alcoholic". The reality of dating for gay guys lol "Match me if you fancy a night of vodka and clubbing, and spending the next day hangover in bed"
The enemy's favorite weapon is it;s ability to infiltrate, impersonate someone/something and discredit it. This is the second top curtain to fall, then the next step is people getting courage and the ability to coordinate masses.

"Can you imagine a world without them sir? Do you think there are any jews in Valhalla?" - Hitler in a movie that did more redpilling than damage. "Hitler, the rise of evil"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.

Maxine mentioned I remember in one of her sermons not exactly sure which that there were curses related to the planets placed by the Jews or they did things to change the influence of some of them. I agree that I don't think that they can cause anything like that on Saturn or anywhere.

I think they would have done something to make Saturn more negative in it's influence.

I do think too like Kavya Shukra that Uranus and Jupiter is related to this too. The enemy can use the vibrations of these planets too. Where they are from is very cold kind of chaotic energy it seems they would like Uranus but the bad aspects of it only. Jupiter may be used for the pushy aspect of the enemy stuff and to keep people fanatical and blinded. This is the negative aspect of Sagittarius.
Shadowcat said:
Interesting info further on all of this, thank you.
I always thought 777 was an enemy number..i have seen all these sycnrocities often, the two most frequent being 555 and 666.

I see 555 the most out of all numbers. Isn't 555 the Nazi party number and relates to one of Satan's sigils?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=364073 time=1654681991 user_id=57]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For this reason, the jews are obsessed with Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are the two important days to do certain meditations and procedure to advance in cleaning the soul in the week.

So the jews take Saturday and Sunday, "the weekend", days off from work and school, to do their important meditations.

Whereas the Goyim, programmed by the jews, party and get drunk friday night and saturday night, and spend sunday with a hangover....

They also have such thing as weekend xian schools for goyim to feed off of their prayers.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.
In the past, mageson had written than the enemy aliens maintain the hexagon storm, and the rings, to increase the effect on Saturn's energy on Earth. Is that not the case?
CinnamonCake said:
But High Priest if 666 is related to Saturn, what is the relation between the Sun (and solar chakra) and 666?

Anyone to answer? 🌸 I also find it interesting that Apollo/Azazel, who is referred to as the Sun God, has something to do with Saturn.

For example on Azazel’s page:
“Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees), for Spiritual Work, Ophiuchus Degrees of Scorpio**
Tarot Card: Ace of Swords
Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon's Tail)”

Why do the Sun and Saturn seem related? Is 666 related to both the Sun and solar chakra and Saturn and the base chakra?

Of course, what is referred to as the sun (i.e. a star) does not have to be the Sun in our Solar system. There are countless suns in the universe. But a sun and a planet are not of the same vibration or influence (whatever it is called). I want to understand its connection to Saturn.
CinnamonCake said:
But High Priest if 666 is related to Saturn, what is the relation between the Sun (and solar chakra) and 666?
He never said 666 was related to saturn. In fact it is a solar number.

He just mentioned saturn wasn't evil.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=364459 time=1654729735 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.
In the past, mageson had written than the enemy aliens maintain the hexagon storm, and the rings, to increase the effect on Saturn's energy on Earth. Is that not the case?

I doubt that was his original thought. It's from Joseph Farrell's book. As usual, the kike just copied things to make himself look good. If the post is still up, I assume it was verified by Lady Maxine. Rings are not natural things anyway, usually. They are debris from destroyed planets and the likes which is then caught in the gravitational field of a planet, assuming a ring shape.. I mean, destruction of this could be both of natural and artificial cause, as the enemy has the technology to do this and to also move asteroids in space.
Kavya Shukra said:
The Hexagram is also based on the 6 conjuctions Jupiter makes with Uranus before Uranus makes a full orbit around the Sun. Every 13-14 years, they conjuct, and they do this 6 times before Uranus reaches the 84 years of a Solar Return.

I also noticed that the Jews restrict the things Jupiter and Uranus rule. Jupiter rules higher knowledge and Dharma, while Uranus rules science, evolution and human growth, technology. (Just look at the Middle Ages).

Interestingly, I found the JoS and dedicated to Satan at the last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=364587 time=1654776225 user_id=57]
Kavya Shukra said:
The Hexagram is also based on the 6 conjuctions Jupiter makes with Uranus before Uranus makes a full orbit around the Sun. Every 13-14 years, they conjuct, and they do this 6 times before Uranus reaches the 84 years of a Solar Return.

I also noticed that the Jews restrict the things Jupiter and Uranus rule. Jupiter rules higher knowledge and Dharma, while Uranus rules science, evolution and human growth, technology. (Just look at the Middle Ages).

Interestingly, I found the JoS and dedicated to Satan at the last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.

In Vedic astrology, Joy of Satan was created the same time Uranus entered Aquarius 1°. (Otherwise it would be like 20ish° for Western, which conjucts Deneb Algedi, a lucky star). And it fits the Uranian nature of Joy of Satan, which promotes growth, evolution, advancement, science and the occult.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Shadowcat said:
Interesting info further on all of this, thank you.
I always thought 777 was an enemy number..i have seen all these sycnrocities often, the two most frequent being 555 and 666.

I see 555 the most out of all numbers. Isn't 555 the Nazi party number and relates to one of Satan's sigils?

Yes it is to both of those :)
Fanboy said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=364459 time=1654729735 user_id=346]
In the past, mageson had written than the enemy aliens maintain the hexagon storm, and the rings, to increase the effect on Saturn's energy on Earth. Is that not the case?

He did say that the greys are living in a hollow moon orbiting Saturn. But he never said that the hebrew things maintain the rings or the storm.
Uh, yes he did. Here is one such post:
"And what is found on Saturn is there are AI ships maintaining and building the rings around the planet."

I'm believe he also mentioned the hexagram being artificial in another post, but I can't find it.
*** said:
you fool didnt even mention the hexagram.

all your topics are irrelevant garbage and your legacy will be wiped away you are wasting your time.

Unfortunately, it will remain to help SS for many generations to come. Also, I don't think I need to explain to your stupid jewish ass that inside a Hexagram, you have a Hexagon. Your people should know this very well after all, you have stole this and know indepth. If you have questions, ask your local rabbi.

All of this, relates to the symbol of the Hexagon, which is two interlocked perfect triangles, which shows the union of spirit and matter.
Thank you, this is very important for context and study.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=364459 time=1654729735 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SagittarianMage said:
Saturn also has a hexagonal storm. I was always so fascinated as to what causes a hexagon shaped storm. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/11819043/saturn-hexagon-storm-mystery/
Typical of the jew. Classic jewry. Gods know what else they have hidden from us. I will revel in seeing them fall apart.

Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.
In the past, mageson had written than the enemy aliens maintain the hexagon storm, and the rings, to increase the effect on Saturn's energy on Earth. Is that not the case?

No, this is all nonsense. They do not maintain any hexagram storms or any artificial rings. Any civilization that was able to do this, could easily fence, nuke, or do anything else with humanity. They would be too advanced to handle. One could imagine they could be living in some moon, but not really going into events of said magnitude.

If you can do things like this, causing things unimaginably worse could occur from them, which is not the case. And clearly, this is because the Gods do not allow this to happen. Even the above is nonsense.

The hexagon storm probably has to do with sound and resonance, and is also very important that is appears on Saturn. In regards to the Rings, I will write another topic, but the rings are also natural. Saturn is not what we presently know, let alone the crazy nonsense of David Icke or the Devil.

It rules the base and our very basic existence.

The main problem with Saturn's energy on earth, is that people do not meditate, and we do not handle this energy properly. Curses from the enemy, intensify all of these effects sadly, and they use planetary energies for these curses, no different than we use them and anyone else can use them.
I also want to say, that to me the base chakra presented as a lion in meditation, as well as Saturn as well. A lot of lions.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=364459 time=1654729735 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.
In the past, mageson had written than the enemy aliens maintain the hexagon storm, and the rings, to increase the effect on Saturn's energy on Earth. Is that not the case?

No, this is all nonsense. They do not maintain any hexagram storms or any artificial rings. Any civilization that was able to do this, could easily fence, nuke, or do anything else with humanity. They would be too advanced to handle. One could imagine they could be living in some moon, but not really going into events of said magnitude.

If you can do things like this, causing things unimaginably worse could occur from them, which is not the case. And clearly, this is because the Gods do not allow this to happen. Even the above is nonsense.

The hexagon storm probably has to do with sound and resonance, and is also very important that is appears on Saturn. In regards to the Rings, I will write another topic, but the rings are also natural. Saturn is not what we presently know, let alone the crazy nonsense of David Icke or the Devil.

It rules the base and our very basic existence.

The main problem with Saturn's energy on earth, is that people do not meditate, and we do not handle this energy properly. Curses from the enemy, intensify all of these effects sadly, and they use planetary energies for these curses, no different than we use them and anyone else can use them.

Should that disinformation be removed from Satanslibrary.org?
mercury_wisdom said:
CinnamonCake said:
But High Priest if 666 is related to Saturn, what is the relation between the Sun (and solar chakra) and 666?
He never said 666 was related to saturn. In fact it is a solar number.

He just mentioned saturn wasn't evil.

He said “Saturn is not an evil planet, and it's greatly misunderstood. Saturn is associated with the Base Chakra and the Kundalini Power, the gift of Satan, and is connected with the 666.”
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=364459 time=1654729735 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Formations such as these occur in snowflakes, same as spirals and anything else. Saturn is a very mysterious planet, and has captivated humanity for a very long time.

What causes this appears to be some sort of resonance, which occurs also in cells and in other natural organisms. In regards to why this happens, there could be many reasons.

Jews cannot do anything that would cause such an event. These are planets and planetary events. They cannot change because of some Rabbi that shits their own pants in a synagogue. The only thing they can attain, is merely to direct negativity on human beings and ruin people, but not much else.

I will write more on this, as it's a big issue that has arose out of lies from David Icke, who does not know of any philosophy, nor about anything in particular for these subjects, except of maybe calling "Satan" as an "Evil" all day long, because his local pastor said so, and bringing Saturn into this as well for quick book sales.
In the past, mageson had written than the enemy aliens maintain the hexagon storm, and the rings, to increase the effect on Saturn's energy on Earth. Is that not the case?

No, this is all nonsense. They do not maintain any hexagram storms or any artificial rings. Any civilization that was able to do this, could easily fence, nuke, or do anything else with humanity. They would be too advanced to handle. One could imagine they could be living in some moon, but not really going into events of said magnitude.

If you can do things like this, causing things unimaginably worse could occur from them, which is not the case. And clearly, this is because the Gods do not allow this to happen. Even the above is nonsense.

The hexagon storm probably has to do with sound and resonance, and is also very important that is appears on Saturn. In regards to the Rings, I will write another topic, but the rings are also natural. Saturn is not what we presently know, let alone the crazy nonsense of David Icke or the Devil.

It rules the base and our very basic existence.

The main problem with Saturn's energy on earth, is that people do not meditate, and we do not handle this energy properly. Curses from the enemy, intensify all of these effects sadly, and they use planetary energies for these curses, no different than we use them and anyone else can use them.

Thank you for clearing that up!! This has bothered me for years. There are so many things that son of a bitch has taught many of us wrong. I am so fucking glad he is out.

Also, excellent sermon! I have a new and fresh way to see Saturn. I really look forward for your future sermons about the mysterious Saturn!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
