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Thank you to Azazel.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
I wanted to make this post to thank Lord Azazel.

I was recently conversing with him this morning for a bit, and felt his strong presence.

Aferwards, I went to commute to work as usual and I had a very large deer run in front to my vehicle as I was going 50mph down a main road.

I slammed into it as I didn't have time to stop or slow before impact, and almost lost control, but I managed to straighten things out and maintain control of the wheel before I could pull over safely.

It destroyed the whole front side of my car, but it could have been way worse and I could have been severely injured or killed if it had leapt even more forward in front.

I am fortunately okay. I wanted to take a moment to thank Lord Azazel for his protection and guidance.

I also want to wish this animal a peaceful reincarnation.
I'm glad you are doing well. Mercury retrograde seems to have affected you in some way, pay more attention at this time.

I am doing a strong wealth and healing working so that may be part of this with some negative karma, but I am uncertain. Thank you, I will definitely watch out just in case.
I wanted to make this post to thank Lord Azazel.

I was recently conversing with him this morning for a bit, and felt his strong presence.

Aferwards, I went to commute to work as usual and I had a very large deer run in front to my vehicle as I was going 50mph down a main road.

I slammed into it as I didn't have time to stop or slow before impact, and almost lost control, but I managed to straighten things out and maintain control of the wheel before I could pull over safely.

It destroyed the whole front side of my car, but it could have been way worse and I could have been severely injured or killed if it had leapt even more forward in front.

I am fortunately okay. I wanted to take a moment to thank Lord Azazel for his protection and guidance.

I also want to wish this animal a peaceful reincarnation.
I honestly feel seriously bad about this deer.

Do you guys in the west go through this often?
I would’ve been forever traumatized if I accidentally killed a deer like this.

I once saw a guy with a car run over a cat when I was younger and smashed it I cursed at him and screamed hysterically. He just left and some muslim fucks (since I was in front of a mosque) kept preaching to me how humans are important and animals aren’t, etc. I fucking hated them and kept crying my eyes out when I came back home and hugged my cat.

Anyways, I’m sorry you had to go through this it must be hard and I’m glad you’re okay.
I honestly feel seriously bad about this deer.

Do you guys in the west go through this often?
I would’ve been forever traumatized if I accidentally killed a deer like this.

I once saw a guy with a car run over a cat when I was younger and smashed it I cursed at him and screamed hysterically. He just left and some muslim fucks (since I was in front of a mosque) kept preaching to me how humans are important and animals aren’t, etc. I fucking hated them and kept crying my eyes out when I came back home and hugged my cat.

Anyways, I’m sorry you had to go through this it must be hard and I’m glad you’re okay.

In some areas of the United States there is just far too many deer here especially if you are in a rural area.

I have had multiple close calls and have already hit one deer last year that dented the same fender that is now destroyed and needs replaced.

I feel sympathetic and I do my best to avoid accidents with local wildlife, but sometimes this is unavoidable.

I am fortunately lucky as this deer would have rolled off right through my windshield if it would have been a few more feet forward, people are hospitalized or killed when that happens.

Hopefully in the future with technological advances we can have less traffic commutes and more work from home based business, and also measures in place to prevent and cut down on car accidents involving wildlife. For now it's a dangerous reality we have to live with and exercise caution.

Thank you. I am just grateful this wasn't alot worse.
In some areas of the United States there is just far too many deer here especially if you are in a rural area.

I have had multiple close calls and have already hit one deer last year that dented the same fender that is now destroyed and needs replaced.

I feel sympathetic and I do my best to avoid accidents with local wildlife, but sometimes this is unavoidable.

I am fortunately lucky as this deer would have rolled off right through my windshield if it would have been a few more feet forward, people are hospitalized or killed when that happens.

Hopefully in the future with technological advances we can have less traffic commutes and more work from home based business, and also measures in place to prevent and cut down on car accidents involving wildlife. For now it's a dangerous reality we have to live with and exercise caution.

Thank you. I am just grateful this wasn't alot worse.
Yes, I figured that to be the case from the concept “road kill” stuff I see in movies or TV.

I’m glad you’re well brother.
The God's are very protective of us, I have very few experiences I could share from very many but I will do the more extreme ones where they saved my life.

1. When I was very young I went with my family on the Sea for the summer to enjoy our holidays and have a good time as each family usually have on the summer, right? I had a swim ring on my belly attached to keep me up on the water, there were big waves going on, I wasn't very deep far or in , but a big wave came in and throw me over, changing my body upside down , meaning I was with my head stuck in the water and my legs outside the water, I could not get back to normal position because of the swim ring attached to my belly and I was dawning, I thought I am about to die and I could hear my family calling my name because they were losing me after that big wave came in. Luckly , my brother found me in time and pull my legs up and getting me out of the water where I was drawing.

2. I was again very young at the village playing with the other kids football and one of them hits me with the ball very hard in my chest and my breath cuts off all of the sudden ,instantly . I was on the floor chocking , couldn't breath anymore and then all of the "sudden" some other kid comes and makes me breath to breath on my month to help me breath again and he saved my life, yay.

3.In some time of my life where I had a very dark period without too much future explications I attempted to take my own life by taking 30 pills which I did took , I don't quite remember if I was initiated back then or not but regardless , I always have been with Satan and the God's , even before making the ritual , that's why I am here , because I had previous lives with the God's not just this one, so I took them 30 pills and I was expecting my own death. In that time of weakness , where I was left over and alone, suffering in pain, I could had seen others smiling upon my own death and paint, something sparkle in me, in my soul , the God's again saved my life that day. In that day I was really fated to die, I have no ideea how does one body survives on taking 30 random pills and still breathing hours later but I am here now , doing as much as I can , I like being alive and help other souls with wanting nothing in return, but only the ones who are worthy and look like wanting to make a better not world not just thirsty for pure to fulfill their own ego's and indivdual desires.
And there's more and bigger then that, wait until I come with Father Satan First Encountering in this lifetime , my story and experience.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
