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Thank you my Lord


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
I'd like to take this time to show my deepest gratitude and respect to Lord Satan and the Gods for guiding me in my path. I thank the clergy for making this place where we can access this knowledge. You have my profound appreciation.

I've always been a lost and confused individual. Not having a sense of being at peace with myself and always agitated and on edge in relation to the world around me. Figuring things out ,I've had the great benefit of being guided by the Gods so I heal and become a better person than what I was. But I didn't know what the Gods had in store for me.

I had a very profound spiritual experience while doing the RTR on the 16th where after I just broke into tears all of a sudden without any reason. I couldn't understand what was going on and I was suddenly gripped with an overwhelming sense of grief ,anger and sadness being released from the deepest reaches of my subconscious.

And in the subsequent days till now it had been going on and it's all evaporated and in the moment I feel right now, I feel completely at peace and an unusual (and without any particular reason) happiness. It seems profound and really important as if I have been reborn.

I have had a series of personal realizations while feeling this way that have given themselves to peace on my mind and a profound sense of meaning. (((I know and I can feel it.))) Theres a feeling I'm currently feeling like a curse or a binding has been broken that was preventing me to be happy and at peace. I can finally see things clearly and the things I see and the way I feel is otherworldly. I haven't smiled like this since I was a little.

I don't know how many people will read this or if you will benefit everything but if you take something from my experience, know this. Father Satan saved me from the internal suffering and I cannot thank him enough. He is our true savior and through helping me through my own power and his knowledge and guidance, he has freed me of my pain.

I cannot recommend enough that you do the RTRs. I don't know if you will have the same experience as me, but what I know is that the RTR is doing something. And that something couldn't happen with me not doing it. Its fixing things within and removing things. It made me feel whole and with peace with myself. If nothing else, the Gods have my undying support and allegiance.

I will always stand steadfast of my oath to the Lord who gave me purpose

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Daemons and Gods of Hell!!!
I have also felt such experiences Brother. Usually when i'm doubting, that am i doing enough? Am i worthy of the 4th Reich, when it is time to FINALLY declare its Eternal stay in existence?

And everytime it ends with Father Satan smiling or playing the "real" version(i dont ACTUALLY know what the real version is) of the "Devils Trill" and everytime with me bursting into tears in my mind and physically and spiritually.

It really is one of the worlds EVER Greatest feelings Brother... NOTHING like it elsewhere. :) :)
Beautiful testimony, Jack. I am truly glad for you.

Hail Satan! Forever!
Cheers Brother, im really happy for you, when i was reading this i nearly bursted(?) into tears since the same thing happend to me on the 16th or 15th. The moment it happened a thought poped up in my head that a Big Curse has been lifted. I was also at war with myself, never really having peace, till now. I am gratefull to Father, Mother and the Gods for the help they have provided for me, and also the Clergy and the other members. And also Thanks alot to my Teacher and Guardian who( since i read that they are with you since you are born) for not abandoning me and saving me when i was intentionaly destroying myself. Thank you for this post.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
That resonated with the week six of past sermons revisited. That Satan and the Joy of Satan is all about joy.

Very nice experience and testimonial.

I take it your experience wasn't only from the Final RTR but in combination with soul cleaning meditations.

I tend to be happy and positive myself after doing the Final RTR and cleaning.

Nice one my Brother in Arms.

PS - In agreement with you. Now with all of the stresses out there at the moment. We have purpose and it's reassuring to know the Gods will support us through these unprecedented times.
I did not have the same experience but I have to say when I asked the God's always helped me and they where there. What we are doing right now is definitely making me more powerful. The F-RTR with the breaking curses on the serpent Rtrs are doing their job, i can feel it 100%.
Thanks for sharing this...it gave me a sense of excitement and motivation to continue the FRTR
Beautiful post brother
Jack said:
I cannot recommend enough that you do the RTRs. I don't know if you will have the same experience as me, but what I know is that the RTR is doing something. And that something couldn't happen with me not doing it. Its fixing things within and removing things. It made me feel whole and with peace with myself. If nothing else, the Gods have my undying support and allegiance.
Glad to hear about your breakthrough.

When I found about JoS last spring and the final rtr against the jews something clicked right in me. To have an actual weapon against them? Yes, truly so. After a few sessions I expierenced what could probably described as the removal of blockages since I had highest amount of bioelectricity running through me than ever before. I was basically stiff from all the energy.

Rtrs and power meditations have certainly brought peace of mind and purpose for me too.

I thank Satan if not every day, then at least every other day. Like I mean it, not just half heartedly. Gods are awesome and I like to make them proud of me.

Hail Satan! :)
Jack said:

Congratulations, Jack!

Btw, you have some catchy tunes in your signature.

Hail Satan!
I have had many emotional RTR experiences but one calls out to me in particular.

I was walking down a backroad staring down at my phone, I believe doing the FRTR, There were massive gray clouds above me the wind was blowing strong and I was overwhelmed by powerful emotions I cannot explain I could barely even finish my RTR my eyes filled with tears of pain but also hope. I cannot imagine the pain that Lord Satan has had to endure.... but I felt for those moments the pain of a million souls calling out, to fight and destroy the enemy once and for all.

Recently one of the HP talked about how the gods can speak to us in mysterious ways, and I have made an effort to listen carefully to everything around me. It seems as though each moment has a lesson to be learnt now, if only we listen and find what the gods have to say.
When I was new to the JoS, I was a huge outcast and also this was because of me like how I overreact a lot, is highly emotional where I am misunderstood as the asshole who started crap even if I never did. School systems need to change on this, the wellbeing of one student is more important than him just having a damn hoodie. I also blame Xtianity for what it has done to the minds of people. I realized this and saw misunderstanding between me and certain people. I had the same shit but I was alone learning from the JoS websites, even when I had xtians on the internet seem to go real hard on me when I first tried helping to spread awareness of how insane the kike religions were. I was new and did them out of panic. Not anymore now that I see much better than five years ago.

Articles motivated me to really quit gaming and a lot of distrating factors for the sake of Satan's mission when I decided to hit the hell's army page and in some time later, I realized how I was taking this too far. Yes, I was an extremist out of insane anger, I hid this from all of you and am regretting it until now. It has become a reminder of what will happen to me the next time I fall insane again.

I fought alongside all of you because I wanted vengeance, wanted to learn somethings in this warfare situation so I may use the same mechanics on people who thought were going to be my friends, keep my secrets, to be trusted and most of all keep me out of social hot water. It came to a point that I was avoided, mocked and laughed for dreaming big like I was insane.

I learned a lot because those xtards drove me to someday kill them.

Those people, before I discovered the JoS, drove me to suicides, cynical mindsets and self hate from successful gaslighting attempts. These narcissists projected like mad the second year until I was sent to home school with anxiety, depression, severe case of wanting to end it all knowing that my first dream to aero-space engineering was destroyed. I always dreamt of wanting to help mankind begin space colonization or in any way help humanity get moved to that.(NOT LIKE WHAT THE FUCKING ENEMY WANTS, I DO NOT WANT MANKIND TO MEET UP WITH SOME BUG HEADED RETARDS)

These kept on for two years straight that I went mad, I ended up in the JoS sometime after I thought that xtianity never did anything for me. I was right, so I dedicated in the astral somewhere near halloween after deciding that I want an end to this, I went to hell too angry to let those people get away with it. I went to hell carrying a knife of vengeance.

Now in the present, I'm not only driven by revenge. I mostly want to live in a Satanic future where the enemy no longer causes confusion and division between gentiles, so no one can end up like I did in the same tragic darknesses I had to crawl through on my own and with help of the gods. Along with understanding of basic facts of life we can apply to ourselves and for our own races, like laws against race mixing and so forth.

I'm fighting the enemy to get over all that the enemy has put on all of us because no one else looks like they can nearby me, over here in a province I now live in, safely and securely.

I will keep walking the left hand path no matter how powerful the tides of life and the enemy are thrown at me. Satan found and helped me enhance my second gift which involves being in some animation industry that is both a blessing and a curse(I beg you not to google hentai to those who do not know of such real life writhing lovecraftian nightmares that can turn people into outright degenerate losers...you have been warned...).

May the gods bless my Filipino people too.
Jack said:
I'd like to take this time to show my deepest gratitude and respect to Lord Satan and the Gods for guiding me in my path. I thank the clergy for making this place where we can access this knowledge. You have my profound appreciation.

I've always been a lost and confused individual. Not having a sense of being at peace with myself and always agitated and on edge in relation to the world around me. Figuring things out ,I've had the great benefit of being guided by the Gods so I heal and become a better person than what I was. But I didn't know what the Gods had in store for me.

I had a very profound spiritual experience while doing the RTR on the 16th where after I just broke into tears all of a sudden without any reason. I couldn't understand what was going on and I was suddenly gripped with an overwhelming sense of grief ,anger and sadness being released from the deepest reaches of my subconscious.

And in the subsequent days till now it had been going on and it's all evaporated and in the moment I feel right now, I feel completely at peace and an unusual (and without any particular reason) happiness. It seems profound and really important as if I have been reborn.

I have had a series of personal realizations while feeling this way that have given themselves to peace on my mind and a profound sense of meaning. (((I know and I can feel it.))) Theres a feeling I'm currently feeling like a curse or a binding has been broken that was preventing me to be happy and at peace. I can finally see things clearly and the things I see and the way I feel is otherworldly. I haven't smiled like this since I was a little.

I don't know how many people will read this or if you will benefit everything but if you take something from my experience, know this. Father Satan saved me from the internal suffering and I cannot thank him enough. He is our true savior and through helping me through my own power and his knowledge and guidance, he has freed me of my pain.

I cannot recommend enough that you do the RTRs. I don't know if you will have the same experience as me, but what I know is that the RTR is doing something. And that something couldn't happen with me not doing it. Its fixing things within and removing things. It made me feel whole and with peace with myself. If nothing else, the Gods have my undying support and allegiance.

I will always stand steadfast of my oath to the Lord who gave me purpose

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Daemons and Gods of Hell!!!

Awww that's beautiful.
Hey brother, thank you for posting this, it’s awesome. I’m happy for you! Hail victory!
Jack said:

Thank you for sharing brother. That was inspiring and motivating. I totally understand what you mean. The feeling of assurance i always have now and feeling the love Father Satan has for us is sometimes overwhelming, of course in the best way. Father Satan found me during the lowest point in my life, i was lost and desperate and i was prepared to end my life. Father Satan saved me and to this day, i feel like Father is always holding me. I never felt more loved and content in my life than now.

Keep going strong brother.

Hail Father Satan Forever!!!!
Really happy for you. I personally have not had an intense breakthrough like that; for me, my things have slowly unbound over long periods of time, as opposed to suddenly. Of course, we all experience Satan's freedom differently as individuals.
I am very sad and angry that I still do not have the freedoms I need to develop and fight. Life was already difficult and instead of getting better, the enemies made it even more difficult. However, I have been working for a long time to achieve my goal of independence and freedom. Life is a unique thing, just like the possibility that the Ancient and Eternal Gods have given us. Don't waste your chance.
Thank you for sharing that, Jack.

It was truly a heart warming experience to read about your success. Congratulations.

I also have to thank you for the subsequent moments I became entranced in reflecting upon a really special moment with Satan. He really is the best.

I love this feeling. Nothing quite like it.

Hail Satanas!
Jack said:
I'd like to take this time to show my deepest gratitude and respect to Lord Satan and the Gods for guiding me in my path. I thank the clergy for making this place where we can access this knowledge. You have my profound appreciation.

I've always been a lost and confused individual. Not having a sense of being at peace with myself and always agitated and on edge in relation to the world around me. Figuring things out ,I've had the great benefit of being guided by the Gods so I heal and become a better person than what I was. But I didn't know what the Gods had in store for me.

I had a very profound spiritual experience while doing the RTR on the 16th where after I just broke into tears all of a sudden without any reason. I couldn't understand what was going on and I was suddenly gripped with an overwhelming sense of grief ,anger and sadness being released from the deepest reaches of my subconscious.

And in the subsequent days till now it had been going on and it's all evaporated and in the moment I feel right now, I feel completely at peace and an unusual (and without any particular reason) happiness. It seems profound and really important as if I have been reborn.

I have had a series of personal realizations while feeling this way that have given themselves to peace on my mind and a profound sense of meaning. (((I know and I can feel it.))) Theres a feeling I'm currently feeling like a curse or a binding has been broken that was preventing me to be happy and at peace. I can finally see things clearly and the things I see and the way I feel is otherworldly. I haven't smiled like this since I was a little.

I don't know how many people will read this or if you will benefit everything but if you take something from my experience, know this. Father Satan saved me from the internal suffering and I cannot thank him enough. He is our true savior and through helping me through my own power and his knowledge and guidance, he has freed me of my pain.

I cannot recommend enough that you do the RTRs. I don't know if you will have the same experience as me, but what I know is that the RTR is doing something. And that something couldn't happen with me not doing it. Its fixing things within and removing things. It made me feel whole and with peace with myself. If nothing else, the Gods have my undying support and allegiance.

I will always stand steadfast of my oath to the Lord who gave me purpose

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Daemons and Gods of Hell!!!

I had nothing but bad shit happen to me before I came to Father Satan, enough to cause me to be highly paranoid with PTSD. I was always suffering by the hand of the enemy, especially when I was...Christian... so, I understand where you are coming from. I was always a lost soul, that is until I came to Father, when I saw him (I have psychic abilities)...and he told me who he is, I realized that he had always been there and the reason why I suffered so much (I was possessed by a lizard and Angels that he drove out of me) is because I'm a Satanist... originally, my soul is a Satanic soul and he explained to me why I fell for christ as a child. I grew up in a highly dysfunctional home. I was abused and neglected. So, after my parents kept shoving Christian crap down my throat, it worked because I wanted to be loved, not abused or neglected anymore. Well, the abuse got worse, because then Angels and the reptilians started abusing me. They threatened me every night, telling me...a little impressionable girl to "do as you're told or else we'll kill your family/we'll eat your parents." Naturally I was terrified. Jesus was always coming to me and hurting me or smiling as he watched his minions hurt me. One time he turned into a lizard when I was young and backhanded me, calling me "Satan's whore!". I was Christian. He also when give me nightmares about himself and his angels holding Satan captive, laughing.. then beating and hurting Father, along with me being kicked and beaten as well. They would do this for years since I was little, it was only when I was thirteen did it stop.

Growing up was hard for me. A dysfunctional family was bad enough, but dealing with an abusive deity such as christ made me hopeless, especially when they had me in chains and seals on my soul. Christ once called me Satan and his Angels would hurt me. Michael and Gabriel would do the worse to me, or at least they pretended to be them if not them. I remember them from a previous life. "Michael" would twist my wings and pin me down, he would give me nightmares of himself hurting me... either by twisting my wings, kicking and beating me, and by crushing my head under his foot. One time, my guardian Haures saved me (I knew her from a previous life, so, she's always been in my life), jesus and his angels were holding me against my will and letting a green serpent drip poison in my eyes, while they laughed.

The damn jews would visit me in my dreams, too, telling me to do as I'm told or else they'll kill me and everyone I love. I've been visited by the men in black, too, who threatened the same shit.

All this is but a taste of what I went through. I would also have dreams about previous lives of where I knew the gods and actually lived with them.

One life could end up as a repeat in this life, for I do want to bring back paganism to the people. Father Satan told me that I will do exactly that one, so that's why I need to study.

Anyway, my point is this... I know suffering. I've been stricken with bad luck before, too. I finally have a job thanks to Father and the help I need. He's helping me heal and move on. If it weren't for him and his demons, I'd have no hope. Thanks to him, I have it. I fear nothing now.

I used to always wish to be dead and I had a lot of self loathing. ..father helped me, he saved me from myself. I used to be so suicidal, but Father helped. He saved me, my gods, Satan saved me!

I love him, and he has also taught me to love myself.

Thank you for sharing.
Jack said:

It's great that you felt that, Brother. I didn't get that feeling yet, other than perhaps one time but it was very different, and Satan came and stayed with me for quite a few minutes as my mind was panicking badly, out of control... I'm ashamed to admit it was the effect of a drug, the only one I have take in this life and only because I was desperate as I couldn't yet meet the Gods after so much meditation and practice, other than a couple of very quick glimpses. Father was simply amazing, for some reason He looked to me like the Shiva statues in India, but completely surrounded by strong golden aura... I think He was possibly cleansing me and I was too foolish to see it before.
The sensation I would describe, as mentioned before, is really Joy. The "Joy of Satan" couldn't be a more perfect name for our website.

I do have pretty much work to do before I can feel that again, though. Issues to solve, possibly granthi I haven't been aware of yet. But knowing the Gods are always there for us, if we just move a few baby steps towards them (unless one keeps falling on his face, and I do that a lot), is definitely the best thing we could hope for. The day we are reunited with our True Family can't come soon enough.

Hail Father Satan Forever!
This put a smile on my face.
Glad that I read it.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this experience. I have lived a similar experience, I feel clean, calm and fulfilled. For a few days I added something extra to my meditation program and today while I slept a little after dinner, I know that I did not dream of anything, I was perfectly lucid and aware that I was in a deep sleep and I saw myself in bed with sleep, I swear I felt the fluid movement of the kundalini snake from the base of the neck to the last vertebra from the knot of the ass as it moved fluidly and I had an insane orgasm at the same time. He woke me up with a smile and a drastically increased vitality, I started meditating. I have a kind of arousal and orgasm slightly different from the sensation I had during sex. If I wasn't dedicated, I would set fire to the bed. That's how I burned spontaneously while reading some letters at the desk, somewhere in the 17th century. Thank you once again for the shared experience!

I am more deficient with english but I understand it perfectly, more difficult with grammar and the conversation part, I hope to understand myself.
I've also felt something happen to me while I've been doing the RTRs the past few days. It's not even close to what I felt the first time I did them all those years ago. It's incredible. It's no question that they are incredibly powerful. I can't wait to see what kind of person I become, and of course I can't wait to see the effect these will have on the enemy.

I don't think I've ever felt as genuinely grateful to be a part of this Family right now at any point in my life, ever. Glory to Humanity, to Father Satan, and to all the Gods of Hell now and forevermore!
Thank you for sharing, Jack. What a beautiful experience. :)

I haven’t experienced anything quite like that yet, I’m still rather new. But today doing the extra RTRs, the Ending Confusion RTR really resonated with me, as though that was one that helped me to discover that “Satan is TRUTH”! I am deeply grateful for all SS and JoS clergy who have been doing the RTRs for years, it is through their efforts that I found this path. And the deepest of gratitude to Satan and the Gods of Hell.

Hi, I'd appreciate it if you could interpret my dream yesterday. First, when I meditated and went to bed, I felt a strange energy in my room, and then I thought that a black and long-fingered hand was wrapping my body, which was not my idea, I was sure of it. I was playing ball with a guy I didn't know, and suddenly I ran into someone on the stairs looking at me. Her hair was long at neck level and her eyes were grey and horizontal like goat's eyes, the ball went to her and she picked it up and laughed, then I woke up in fear. is there anyone who can interpret dreams?
Hail Lord Satan!!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
