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TEMPLE OF ZEUS: Temple Rituals Testimonials & Announcements

As soon as I manage to free my soul completely and no longer have to do more marathons of FRTR, I will also sign up for the group rituals of the Gods.
I was told directly from a Guardian that this is the most powerful magic. You should do it and use it's energies to free you and empower you more than anything else. You also shouldn't do marathons of FRTR's unless you can handle them which most actually can not. Focusing all your might energy and power into them is way more important: or as JG Alexderous Iowno so wisely put it, "smallest input for the highest output," and it makes so much sense. Why else do we time our magic in conjunction with the heavens. Why roll a 1000 pound bolder two feet when timing it right makes it a 10 pound block you can carry up a mountain.

These rituals have made someone who has barely been on the path, me, have religious experiences. Working on one with High Priest Lyida was life changing. I felt what it means to see a king on a battlefield and feeling inspired. Even now my skin just tingled thinking about it. The effort I was able to draw forth and put in was amazing. My body was hyper charged afterwards and it felt as if the molecules of my skin where shaking.

I have also made great progress mentally and emotionally because of the few I've done. Mental clarity like never before, joy like never before, focus like never before: these are literally what people mean when say 'more powerful than drugs.'

You can also quite easily get burnout from them so be careful. I'm currently taking a break for a another day or maybe a few due to the fact THESE ARE POWERFUL! So much so you won't realize. I literally had an effect from one nearly an hour later until I grounded myself by working out and eating: hence the break.

I only advise you out of love and care and too try and repay back the deep kindness I've been offered by this AMAZING SATANIC FAMILY!

As soon as I manage to free my soul completely and no longer have to do more marathons of FRTR, I will also sign up for the group rituals of the Gods.
What makes you think you could not participate and benefit right now, right here? This is a massive boon, and it should not be underestimated.
I was told directly from a Guardian that this is the most powerful magic. You should do it and use it's energies to free you and empower you more than anything else. You also shouldn't do marathons of FRTR's unless you can handle them which most actually can not. Focusing all your might energy and power into them is way more important: or as JG Alexderous Iowno so wisely put it, "smallest input for the highest output," and it makes so much sense. Why else do we time our magic in conjunction with the heavens. Why roll a 1000 pound bolder two feet when timing it right makes it a 10 pound block you can carry up a mountain.

These rituals have made someone who has barely been on the path, me, have religious experiences. Working on one with High Priest Lyida was life changing. I felt what it means to see a king on a battlefield and feeling inspired. Even now my skin just tingled thinking about it. The effort I was able to draw forth and put in was amazing. My body was hyper charged afterwards and it felt as if the molecules of my skin where shaking.

I have also made great progress mentally and emotionally because of the few I've done. Mental clarity like never before, joy like never before, focus like never before: these are literally what people mean when say 'more powerful than drugs.'

You can also quite easily get burnout from them so be careful. I'm currently taking a break for a another day or maybe a few due to the fact THESE ARE POWERFUL! So much so you won't realize. I literally had an effect from one nearly an hour later until I grounded myself by working out and eating: hence the break.

I only advise you out of love and care and too try and repay back the deep kindness I've been offered by this AMAZING SATANIC FAMILY!

I still need to continue working with the FRTR, reversing the tetragrammaton, destroying Jewish defenses to finish freeing my soul.
Besides, I still continue participating in the rituals schedules without fail.
I still need to continue working with the FRTR, reversing the tetragrammaton, destroying Jewish defenses to finish freeing my soul.
Besides, I still continue participating in the rituals schedules without fail.
We are simply saying you are missing out on this opportunity to further help you to accelerate this progress of yours. The doors are open for everyone despite their attributes, in other words, all Humans welcome.

Today is the last day of group ritual schedule behind these doors. After that, who knows, but there will be more.
Even in less than optimal conditions, when a ritual is performed with good focus and strong intent it still brings an amazing result.

Today despite being at work I decided to try, so I went to an empty warehouse, vibrated rather low volume and I'm very glad I did.

A direct lesson from today (one that has previously surfaced but was now reaffirmed) was that the limits of our performance, if at all existent, are in most cases beyond what we can imagine.

Thank you HPS Lydia and everyone that was present.
This happened just the other day. Recently, the semester finished, ending with two massive tests. I had a desired score that I worked very hard to get on these. Unfortunately, I did not meet these scores and I was devastated to get the email saying I would no longer be apart of the program.

I began to question my efforts. I cried for I don't know how long. Then, when the tears had stopped, I prayed. I checked the forums and found motivation. I accepted that I would no longer become the nurse I thought I would. And I was at peace with this. I had to remind myself that I am apart of a Great Family. One of the Gods and all my brothers and sisters.

It was after I had this feeling of acceptance that I received another email. This one saying that I was a special case, and much consideration would be taken. Although I didn't meet the scores I wanted, I had improved significantly by the end of the semester and this hadn't gone unnoticed.

I again broke into tears, this time of joy. I cried and laughed, I was so happy! Then I performed Satan's Ritual, as way of giving thanks. I could feel His energy and love. I knew then that I truly don't need to worry as the Gods are by my side. As long as I don't give up on myself, they will not give up on me.

I've come a long way this year. And I'm proud of all the work I've accomplished. Both in educationaland spiritual. I am finally seeing my efforts bear fruit and I cannot wait to see what more there is for me to achieve. Just know that even in the darkest times, the helping hand of Satan and the Gods is always present.
After performing the last ritual to Lord Thoth I saw the Shenu ring upon my forehead in my mind. I focused on it and felt it as if tattooed there. I felt it rush into me and in my mind I saw blocks of dross being pushed again and gotten rid of. Afterwards I began to wheeze that subsisted and found myself to breath more easily and more deeply! A healing hand was offered to me by the God who has said that "Breath Is Life."

Thank you Gracious Thoth for your kindness and healing.
If there are errors registering, I will look into it. Element recently pushed some new update through, hopefully nothing terribly difficult to fix.

EDIT: The server was upgraded. If you weren't allowed to join, can you try joining again? If it doesn't work still, email or message me.
Last edited:
If there are errors registering, I will look into it. Element recently pushed some new update through, hopefully nothing terribly difficult to fix.

EDIT: The server was upgraded. If you weren't allowed to join, can you try joining again? If it doesn't work still, email or message me.
I don’t know how can I write Message to you. I’ve tried many times to go in this room on Element, but it still doesn’t work. It shows: „Request failed: bad gateway (502)”
Doing God Thoth Ritual, He wants us to have a system where SS can log publicly their Group Ritual experiences, as testimonies but also as public record of the divinities and affairs of Human to Gods that happen.

Therefore, this thread here is for this purpose. Everyone is encouraged to log what can be shared publicly and willingly here, their experiences with God rituals either everyday or per schedule. All of the posts will also be logged in to a Master PDF and other ways of preservation for all SS to learn from.
I understand why God Thoth would want this and makes totally sense. I will proceed with then sharing my experiences as well, experiences which I should had been shared many years ago. We are the closest beings to the God's , it is our job to wake up others and make a better world. I hope that everything that JOS has helped many as it did helped me A LOT.

I think this thread/post should be kept only for testimonials in regards the ritual groups and not the personal one's as well, for the personal one should do another topic.
-But that's just my opinion and it does not necessarily has to be like this , I will do mine out of this topic as I find it better to remain and be just group ritual testimonials.
It's great idea.

But couldn't we put this ritual space on this forum?

I would be happy to have something like this on the forum.
Hosted and created by the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ, Assembly of the Gods, we opened a "virtual" (no less than a material one) - Temple, where we assemble and partake into group live rituals.

Many have already witnessed the immense power and blessings that arise from this gathering. Experiences range from conversations with the Gods, miracles, increased energy, personal blessings, up to the development of abilities and spiritual senses and powers. All who engage in these Rituals stand to gain endless blessings.

We are organized by Clergy and with approval of Clergy, schedules of theurgical operations, God Rituals.

One must understand the nature of Theurgy and that approaching this matter is in holiness, respect and seriousness. Whether in fast pace or in long meditation, you must understand that these procedures are divine, holding immense powers and put you in contact with the respective Gods and their blessings/occult powers.

Group Rituals amplify extreme collective power, facilitate blessings collectively and individually, and provide every SS the opportunity to experience the energies of the Gods directly.

Doing God Thoth Ritual, He wants us to have a system where SS can log publicly their Group Ritual experiences, as testimonies but also as public record of the divinities and affairs of Human to Gods that happen.

Therefore, this thread here is for this purpose. Everyone is encouraged to log what can be shared publicly and willingly here, their experiences with God rituals either everyday or per schedule. All of the posts will also be logged in to a Master PDF and other ways of preservation for all SS to learn from.

Every testimony and experience is valid, from contact with Gods, to a little energy tingle, all is exceptional and we must cherish it. As we have this here, as a public town square, all SS must have a personal-private journal of their own as well, where one writes for themselves the endless journey of being a true Spiritual Satanist.
Every time I found myself doing a ritual alone I felt my energy slowly going out during the ritual.
With group rituals I feel an incredible energy around me given by the fact that we are all connected on the same frequency! I can perceive my strength better and I feel much more vital.

It is a great honor that is given to everyone. And everyone should take advantage of it according to my own level of advancement. There are no competitions, but only collective participation to honor our Gods.

can I please join the group rituals ?
Check out this post:

instructions on how to join are outlined there.
Check out this post:

instructions on how to join are outlined there.
So I must contact via element?
I can say that every group ritual results in some experience I have. It does not differ too much when I do the rituals alone on my schedule, but with group rituals this experience gets more intensive (I feel more heat). So I will not write every time it is "more heat", "more energy" as this would be too repetitive. However, I would like to share two unique experiences here.

1. The first group rituals I had was with Forcas and Eligos. When doing these rituals, I think I actually felt the Kundalini Serpent in a very blatant way. At least this was the prompt in my mind, and my spine was burning in a pretty pleasurable way. Next days, I was continuing my schedule. And I can clearly say the following now. After doing the rituals for Forcas and Eligos, I have started feeling and seeing my own aura much more intensively. And my mind, spiritual power got much more powerful. I feel that after doing the schedule of Forcas and Eligos something very deep has changed. For me and the whole JoS. I am not too sure what exactly, but I think we will find out pretty soon next year.

2. I had a bad day (was pretty angry due to the wrong done to me), but when I did a community blessing ritual which was led by the @HPS Lydia , I got much calmer after it.

So I am grateful for these group rituals. These rituals definitely make me advance much faster. I am grateful to my Satanic family and Father Satan who saw potential in me and decided to invite me here to advance spiritually.

Hail Satan!
I want to add another entry describing Osiris' group ritual today.

I had been recently perplexed and unknowing of where my focus should be settling with my life. I decided to perform and feel his energy to open myself up to him and let go of my focus on the first day which felt nothing less than healing. But today performing his ritual as group, I realized that whenever we feel we're 'in the dark,' what we must do is look for the light inside ourselves and discover how we can bring this light out onto the world so that it may expand.

Even if you see a hint of this light inside you, there's always a way to manifest it onto reality. And when it does, you can also breathe the light of your creation back into yourself and become an even brighter being of light because of it.

We must be brave to enter the darkness because it only means there's a new light to be found and a new reality to create and expand upon. In a way, this is you deciding to be created by the act of your creation. The interplay between darkness and light I feel was revealed to me, at least, a sense of it.

Hail Osiris, the Great King of Kings!
Amazing experience, most educational. Such power yet so calm and a new meaning of silence. What a way to start a new cycle.

Gratitude to all participants for making it even more special but also for what they've done for themselves. It elevates the collective to a new level bringing us closer to where we're meant to be.
Do you mean the Live Rituals chat on the Forums? For some reason it never succeeded, but the Live Rituals Temple on Element has been a huge success.
Yes. I just looked at it a few minutes ago. I hadn't noticed it before. It is not obvious enough to achieve. It's easy to overlook.

In any case, rituals could also be organised here.
Yes. I just looked at it a few minutes ago. I hadn't noticed it before. It is not obvious enough to achieve. It's easy to overlook.

In any case, rituals could also be organised here.
I've seen many people who are unable to join the Live Rituals Temple on Element. They can organise in the chat.
I've seen many people who are unable to join the Live Rituals Temple on Element. They can organise in the chat.
Yes, perhaps someone who is in Element near the time a ritual will begin can inform in the chat here, that way those who are having problems joining element are able to participate too :)
Error installing the application.
This hasn't been messaged back yet and I would love to get you on it. What help do you need? If you want you may DM private and I shall try my damnest to make sure it happens. We need you and you deserve it!
I am meditating better and am working for outreach. I am learning from my betters and admiring my Brothers and Sisters each and every day. Life is good. You should join on it! Just being around my family is causing me to get energy buzzes from all the time I'm spending there.

Join outreach, work for the JOS, you deserve to burn your negative Karma: and working for the Guardians is a pleasure. They teach me to better just by being themselves. JG Alexanderos is an amazing teacher and ferocious at that. He is kind and funny but stern like a Father is to his children. Just in the short time I've been blessed to directly interact with him I've learned a lot. You will too so long as you are willing to listen and have respect. He is teaching me respect and I'm grateful for it. He is more of a Father to me than any human ever has been to me: and for that I am ever grateful for him. He is Sir to me and I am most proud to say that. The enemy wouldn't dare meet him on the battlefield with out cowering. I can only imagine what his Grace and Lordship High Priest Cobra Son of the Sacred Spark is like to work with directly. Satanas willing I might know so one day. 🙏
This hasn't been messaged back yet and I would love to get you on it. What help do you need? If you want you may DM private and I shall try my damnest to make sure it happens. We need you and you deserve it!
Why do it privately? If the solution is better, to post it here and thus help other members who have the same problem as me.
Why do it privately? If the solution is better, to post it here and thus help other members who have the same problem as me.
Oh I was only offering if you wanting it done quicker hence why "if you want you may" as in the choice was yours; but yes please lets get to work.

Ok firstly you downloaded it I assume to the downloaded folder. When you go to install it what happens?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
