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TEMPLE OF ZEUS: Temple Rituals Testimonials & Announcements

Hello! I want to share my recent experience with the blessing ritual in our virtual Satanic Temple. 🙂

Yesterday, I performed the ritual late at night. After I finished, I sat relaxed and focused on the energy, and for the first time, I felt strong pulses of energy with a blessing ritual the same way I've felt them when performing our Gods' Power Rituals. 🥰

I shortly went to sleep. In my dream, I saw that I traveled with someone to a city of Greece that I hadn't visited before. We didn't travel "physically" - I just thought of the city, and we ended up there. There was a small part of the city that looked very modern with modern houses, but the rest of it was with small houses with red rooftops.

Behind those houses extended a biiig mountain, and I could see all the greenery from up close, a huge hill unlike anything I've seen in my life! It was so beautiful, so majestic, so breathtaking!! I shouted at the other person, "Look, look! This is Greece, this is Greece," and I was feeling so excited and happy! Then, it became dark, and I looked at the sea and the sky overhead. We could clearly see the stars, and many of them appeared to be "falling," and I was so happy and excited! I loved every part of what I was seeing/experiencing!

I woke up very happy with this dream. 🙂

Today, on my way to work, I was thinking that I want to find a way to make more money, and I found some money on the street. 😆 Not a lot, but the fact that I found money on the street while I was having that thought was incredible. 😁

It's astounding how much more powerful our rituals can become when many people participate at the same time. I also really like the sacredness and the respect we ought to show to this place - even if it's something virtual, I love the thought of treating it as a Temple.
As soon as I manage to free my soul completely and no longer have to do more marathons of FRTR, I will also sign up for the group rituals of the Gods.
If you haven't been directly advised from your Guardian Demon to do this (to focus so much on FRTR) then I would also suggest to focus on the Power Rituals. 🙂
These rituals help immensely with your advancement. Compare having the direct influence of a God's power and energies in healing yourself, to just undoing jewish curses on your own.

Remember that certain God rituals also help with undoing jewish curses (look at Balaam's most beautiful ritual).
If you haven't been directly advised from your Guardian Demon to do this (to focus so much on FRTR) then I would also suggest to focus on the Power Rituals. 🙂
These rituals help immensely with your advancement. Compare having the direct influence of a God's power and energies in healing yourself, to just undoing jewish curses on your own.

Remember that certain God rituals also help with undoing jewish curses (look at Balaam's most beautiful ritual).
My GD does it, many times after the FRTRs they tell me to do the rituals of some specific Gods, especially the rituals of Abrasax, Balaam, Eligos and Forcas.
The rituals are indeed powerful. Amazing energy buzz, I only felt it after I opened my third eye, I almost passed out, that is how powerful it was.
I would recommend everyone to actively work on their chakras while participating in the ritual schedules if not doing so currently!

I also made a guide to join the ritual temple in case anyone still has issues/technical difficulties installing the programs for it
This is my first time writing my testimonial. I've been with our beloved Temple since our first coordinated ritual. I was going to share more details about my experience, but I think it’s better to keep it simple. Participating in the rituals has been a truly transformative experience for me. The person I was before is very different from who I am now. it’s like night and day. Our Temple has helped me find a clearer and more purposeful path. I am deeply honored to do the rituals with our beloved clergy, and to my brother and sisters. With the presence of our Temple, we are infinitely blessed!
I just want to reiterate how lucky we are to have our temple and do coordinated rituals. For me personally, the progress that I usually get in 6 - 12 months can be the same within just a span of 9 days and I am not joking. My testament is proof of how life changing this ritual is so for those who read this and haven't joined yet, you are missing a big thing in your spiritual path.

I will end this with a quote from @VanceViktori888 from yesterday *I am sorry for not asking permission to post this brother

"I just felt the presence of Lord Bes and Father Satanas come to me. They told me they love me and thanked me for being such an outstanding SS and they said and I quote
"The world as you knew it will be gone at the conclusion of this schedule"."

We still have a few days left to do FRTR. So to those who have not joined yet. It's a must. Don't make excuses.
Hosted and created by the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ, Assembly of the Gods, we opened a "virtual" (no less than a material one) - Temple, where we assemble and partake into group live rituals.

Many have already witnessed the immense power and blessings that arise from this gathering. Experiences range from conversations with the Gods, miracles, increased energy, personal blessings, up to the development of abilities and spiritual senses and powers. All who engage in these Rituals stand to gain endless blessings.

We are organized by Clergy and with approval of Clergy, schedules of theurgical operations, God Rituals.

One must understand the nature of Theurgy and that approaching this matter is in holiness, respect and seriousness. Whether in fast pace or in long meditation, you must understand that these procedures are divine, holding immense powers and put you in contact with the respective Gods and their blessings/occult powers.

Group Rituals amplify extreme collective power, facilitate blessings collectively and individually, and provide every SS the opportunity to experience the energies of the Gods directly.

Doing God Thoth Ritual, He wants us to have a system where SS can log publicly their Group Ritual experiences, as testimonies but also as public record of the divinities and affairs of Human to Gods that happen.

Therefore, this thread here is for this purpose. Everyone is encouraged to log what can be shared publicly and willingly here, their experiences with God rituals either everyday or per schedule. All of the posts will also be logged in to a Master PDF and other ways of preservation for all SS to learn from.

Every testimony and experience is valid, from contact with Gods, to a little energy tingle, all is exceptional and we must cherish it. As we have this here, as a public town square, all SS must have a personal-private journal of their own as well, where one writes for themselves the endless journey of being a true Spiritual Satanist.
🌞🌹💀⚡⚡ Want to be apart of this ja!^_^ Will look into finding this and look forward to that✨Thank you🙋🏼‍♀️👁️🙏🏼
Hosted and created by the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ, Assembly of the Gods, we opened a "virtual" (no less than a material one) - Temple, where we assemble and partake into group live rituals.

Many have already witnessed the immense power and blessings that arise from this gathering. Experiences range from conversations with the Gods, miracles, increased energy, personal blessings, up to the development of abilities and spiritual senses and powers. All who engage in these Rituals stand to gain endless blessings.

We are organized by Clergy and with approval of Clergy, schedules of theurgical operations, God Rituals.

One must understand the nature of Theurgy and that approaching this matter is in holiness, respect and seriousness. Whether in fast pace or in long meditation, you must understand that these procedures are divine, holding immense powers and put you in contact with the respective Gods and their blessings/occult powers.

Group Rituals amplify extreme collective power, facilitate blessings collectively and individually, and provide every SS the opportunity to experience the energies of the Gods directly.

Doing God Thoth Ritual, He wants us to have a system where SS can log publicly their Group Ritual experiences, as testimonies but also as public record of the divinities and affairs of Human to Gods that happen.

Therefore, this thread here is for this purpose. Everyone is encouraged to log what can be shared publicly and willingly here, their experiences with God rituals either everyday or per schedule. All of the posts will also be logged in to a Master PDF and other ways of preservation for all SS to learn from.

Every testimony and experience is valid, from contact with Gods, to a little energy tingle, all is exceptional and we must cherish it. As we have this here, as a public town square, all SS must have a personal-private journal of their own as well, where one writes for themselves the endless journey of being a true Spiritual Satanist.
Hosted and created by the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ, Assembly of the Gods, we opened a "virtual" (no less than a material one) - Temple, where we assemble and partake into group live rituals.

Many have already witnessed the immense power and blessings that arise from this gathering. Experiences range from conversations with the Gods, miracles, increased energy, personal blessings, up to the development of abilities and spiritual senses and powers. All who engage in these Rituals stand to gain endless blessings.

We are organized by Clergy and with approval of Clergy, schedules of theurgical operations, God Rituals.

One must understand the nature of Theurgy and that approaching this matter is in holiness, respect and seriousness. Whether in fast pace or in long meditation, you must understand that these procedures are divine, holding immense powers and put you in contact with the respective Gods and their blessings/occult powers.

Group Rituals amplify extreme collective power, facilitate blessings collectively and individually, and provide every SS the opportunity to experience the energies of the Gods directly.

Doing God Thoth Ritual, He wants us to have a system where SS can log publicly their Group Ritual experiences, as testimonies but also as public record of the divinities and affairs of Human to Gods that happen.

Therefore, this thread here is for this purpose. Everyone is encouraged to log what can be shared publicly and willingly here, their experiences with God rituals either everyday or per schedule. All of the posts will also be logged in to a Master PDF and other ways of preservation for all SS to learn from.

Every testimony and experience is valid, from contact with Gods, to a little energy tingle, all is exceptional and we must cherish it. As we have this here, as a public town square, all SS must have a personal-private journal of their own as well, where one writes for themselves the endless journey of being a true Spiritual Satanist.
I look forward to the day when I have more Spiritual Satanists in my life that I can engage in this with. I’ve had the honor of knowing a handful that have unfortunately fallen off. I yearn for a connection with those as dedicated as I to take root as a coven and amplify power with group rituals. Coming up on 9 years in the path it has definitely been a lonely one, although maybe it is something to meditate on to attract similar souls.
I am wanting to write a testimonial after completing Mother Lilith's Ritual today as recommended to me by the phenomenal TG Alexandros. Honestly, I have never felt an energy like this during the contemplative portion of the ritual at the end. At first I felt nothing as I looked at the sigil, then I felt like closing my eyes and a warmth physical and emotional slowly came over me building to a point. Now I'm wary of being overly imaginary, truly, I am not into self delusion, so it surprised me when a mental picture of a woman in a white Greek styled robe and mental voice spoke by itself "Let down your guard.." and it's true. I have a guard up. Constantly. What I didn't realize is that I have a huge guard up towards feminine energy. I consider myself a mans guy, fix up my motorcycle, martial arts and such. A few months ago I got out of a 7 year relationship, she moved in with and slept with my neighbor, and before that a 5 year. My mother is a Christian fanatic and has obsessive compulsive disorder about trying to convert me. Her energy isn't what I'd consider subtle or nurturing, more like a battering ram. All this to say, I'm extraordinarily guarded against feminine energy. This took a few moments, to actually drop my guard, like letting a plate down over my heart chakra. As I did this, I felt an immense nurturing energy...like, like being a little boy and laying your head in your Mother's lap, knowing that everything will be okay. Then I heard, "you are past the things that have been plaguing you, you can let them go and not worry about them coming back to haunt you. You must contemplate what to focus on now. Hold your head up high and do not fear, we are always with you." This was a truly beautiful and refreshing experience for me ! It made me realize how guarded I really am, how jaded and hardened towards women I've become, and how necessary it is to have true nurturing and feminine energy in my life that I can rely on and trust. If High Priest Hooded Cobra is still thinking of having, or has already started the group study for men, I would be highly interested. I think I need some guidance on how to begin to relate back to women and feminine energy.
Yesterday and today for me, the meditative portion of the rituals has been very remarkable. They've had such a magnetic quality... I feel like I could sit there and immerse in the energy for much longer if I wanted.

I've also been seeing the Shenu ring warp with energy while vibrating the runes. It's like if I soften my gaze a bit and let the trance come over then the Shenu ring will pulse and vibrate in a way that correlates to the magnetic feeling of this energy.
Hosted and created by the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ, Assembly of the Gods, we opened a "virtual" (no less than a material one) - Temple, where we assemble and partake into group live rituals.

Many have already witnessed the immense power and blessings that arise from this gathering. Experiences range from conversations with the Gods, miracles, increased energy, personal blessings, up to the development of abilities and spiritual senses and powers. All who engage in these Rituals stand to gain endless blessings.

We are organized by Clergy and with approval of Clergy, schedules of theurgical operations, God Rituals.

One must understand the nature of Theurgy and that approaching this matter is in holiness, respect and seriousness. Whether in fast pace or in long meditation, you must understand that these procedures are divine, holding immense powers and put you in contact with the respective Gods and their blessings/occult powers.

Group Rituals amplify extreme collective power, facilitate blessings collectively and individually, and provide every SS the opportunity to experience the energies of the Gods directly.

Doing God Thoth Ritual, He wants us to have a system where SS can log publicly their Group Ritual experiences, as testimonies but also as public record of the divinities and affairs of Human to Gods that happen.

Therefore, this thread here is for this purpose. Everyone is encouraged to log what can be shared publicly and willingly here, their experiences with God rituals either everyday or per schedule. All of the posts will also be logged in to a Master PDF and other ways of preservation for all SS to learn from.

Every testimony and experience is valid, from contact with Gods, to a little energy tingle, all is exceptional and we must cherish it. As we have this here, as a public town square, all SS must have a personal-private journal of their own as well, where one writes for themselves the endless journey of being a true Spiritual Satanist.
Hail by the Gods, I wish to speak to you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
