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Teaching Real Odinism to the... (((Odinists)))

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Teaching Real Odinism to the... (((Odinists))) : JoyofSatan666  

The BIGGEST *LIE* about White religions is the spoken and judaic 'fact' that somehow, all White people didn't really practice spirituality, or that their spirituality was not legit or largely practiced, or things along these lines. The minor form of this is that they were slobs who didn't really bother with all of that and just focused on the physical realm. Which is untrue, as they were excellent in both.

If they didn't bother with Spirituality and their faiths were in vain, why does the enemy jew want to exterminate us to the last man, woman and child, which they openly did so in the middle ages, and after that imposed judeo-christianity? All the unspiritual, dumb people of these "Races" are alive, and all the high, hierarchic, spiritual castes have been destroyed, same as any otherwise successful person, killed, tortured and chased to death in the witch hunts, middle ages, and many other incidents. While the normal, everyday, jeboo race traitor sloths, and submissive cucks, have always had it easy.

So why do they go on a rampage to kill every last druid and spiritual person. While all those who are 'not interest' make it fine by selling the soul to jeboo? Do you do this to people who don't matter, or who are just believing into 'useless' things?

The second room of the same lies goes that Whites have always had the 'orthological/pure logic' type of thought (materialism under a new name, which was inspired by Spinoza and other jews, and passed down as a 'thinking system- mind you all these jews were deep into the occult and judeo-kabbalah themselves). This is a hijacking. The philosophers openly stated that this deals with the occult and opening up the higher consciousness. Only then is true logic materialized. Otherwise its airy jumbo, parading as theory. After all even the 'orthological' and 'empiricists' lies of the jews, are just funny dupes. Not even jews believe their own crap.

Even Karl Marx was deep into the occult from his Rabbi daddy, who probably taught him the divine torah since infancy. As this is what Rabbis do to their children (no, really) reading the Torah to the kids since infancy. And teach them jewish prayers since day one so that these ingrained into the deeper unconscious of their jewish generated creep ghoul. He also knew the Talmud page to page. Because this is his 'scientific work' anyway.

Advocating against all ownership (for the goy), he had the richest millionaire friends and backer jews of his time. And wrote a Talmud for gentile consumption, and a guide to enslavement of the Goy through exploitation for non-spiritual jews. Or namely the physical footsoldiers of the jewish agenda. Even the Stalin creep that destroyed all supposed 'religion' had churches going in the USSR, especially during the war. To amass that occult energy baby. And this creep rejoiced himself in one of the largest, occult libraries ever. While all Russians were illiterate. Confiscating half of it from National Socialist libraries. And Hitler's personal library. Why go to such range to just get your hands on 'lunacy' and 'useless' things. For thousands of years time jooz poozy?

The Frankfurt school was the other giant joke, same as the circles of (((Germans))) and many other circles in the jewniversities of the time. Who read occult manuscripts, changed words and terms, and tried to make a jewish rehash and present it as their own discovery. While its "physical empiricism" for the Goyim, and living occult advice for the fellow jews who knew how to read through these and through the codes. Which is exactly what xianity, islam, and all the sects of these are as well, a dupe on the goyim, lifesavers for jews.

The jews who wrote the bible were nothing but the Frankfurt School of dumbasses, just in their own prelithic times and version. And used psyop to fuck up the "goyim" and eslave their believers, turning them into creeps and people afraid to live. And all jews know it so why would they give a damn about xianity, except of exploiting the loot of gold, shekels, and endless goyim supply that it provides? Who wants to work when you can get holoLOL reparations? As for (((scientific empiricism)))...Only for the cattle again.

So who's the empiricist, "goyim"? Only we Gentiles are supposed for that. Foolish idiots, I don't care who they are or where, who disregard that fact, are at the best affirming that "YES I AM AN UNSPIRITUAL CATTLE" and "I THINK MY OWN CULTURE IS JUST CRAP SUPERSITION BECAUSE JEWS SAID SO AND I AM A CUCK TO THINK OUTSIDE THE JOOBOX". This should be written down the Judaism Ritual at "sunday blood drinking emulation", down the jeboo church, for every person going there. We can add "YES I AM A CUCK THAT CONDONES MY PEOPLE STAY ENSLAVED DUE TO SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE" in the form as well. "Check". That's all.

These lies are created by the jews, and these are to misdirect even the most studied White people into becoming Goyim (spiritually inaware animals), which leads to xianity in the first place, and make them dumb men who think that all 'religion' is useless nonsense as a result of that. Or just useless superstition. And that sort of like our Ancestors were just dumb uncivilized cattle, living in nature, just having sex in forests, and not minding a thing, while drinking mead and acting drunkard like the show "Vikings". Where the jeboo protagonist is a shill to the judeo-christianity, made into a Hero...Cohencidentally. The line goes...And that even the Vikings were supposedly dumb idiots that took a ship and took turns over the planet, just to pillage, rape and fight, while stoning themselves with mead.

This is the classical jewish story on how the civilizers of the planet all were retarded "Goyim" without a spiritual culture. Which then the jews try to translate into that only them out of all the "Goyim" had spiritual culture. Even if you have the Pyramids, or China, or even nowadays, advanced Nordic and non White culture in so many places. Hindus are nuts, everyone is nuts, except of jews. Jeboo is the new normal.

After all as the jewish jewdicial system goes, even if one is a criminal and its not found, they are not a criminal. In the same way, if the church for a 1000 years desecrated all these deeper occult things from White people, these don't exist.

Many 'wise Whites' who are also 'studied' do fall in other traps, such as the "Loki Vs Odin" meme. Which is a systematic Christianity 2.0, bleached from the jewish names, into a new meme, where Loki is the bad guy, and Odin is the good guy. Its the same old Hegelian crap, in a new uniform.

The same goes for the other legends about the 'Dragon' and the 'Great Wolf' that need to be 'killed', and the judeo-cucks tying this to the jew, "Saint George". However in the occult lore, this is not a killing of "Evil", neither a message for a supposed cosmological battle such as the jewish 'apocalypse' that many shills and fools of the enemy try to pass it down. For easy consumption for the xianized, 'goyim' who can't live without this stupid and bizarre jewish mindset.

Well, While Odin is the Crown, Loki symbolized the Base chakra. The Yggdrasil Tree is actually the Soul, linking the upper and the lower world (Astral and Physical). When the Dragon is looming on the lower side of the tree, its a dragon or a serpent, but when the Eagle, takes the Serpent and raises it up on the top of the Tree (Valhalla) here its said the Serpent can see the world. This was of course ripped by the jews into becoming the "Tree of Life" in the jewish kabbalistic, excrement.

And becomes in some legends the actual Eagle, which was the symbol of the National Socialists and as thus the Risen Serpent. Becomes the Eagle. The Eagle is the same symbol nowadays, and it still is shown with the serpent. The Serpent is also never shown dead in any of these inscriptions, but well alive. The National Socialists used the Eagle as the sing of the Risen Serpentine consciousness and the Consciousness of the Race. While the Kundalini Serpent if left untamed and dormant, brings one to 'hel', if ascended and uplifted, it brings one to Asgard/Valhalla. Its not 'evil'. Its a force of consciousness.

"Oy Vey the National Socialists were xian cucks!". Just where? Even their symbol here shows the Risen Serpentine consciousness. Over the Far Eastern Swastika. Because this is who we are. Satanic Pagans, and this is whom we always were. People such as Himmler practiced all of the above, because this is our Racial-cultural heritage. One the large scale, this is Satanism, and applies in different forms to all Gentile people. Real, Satanic, Clean from jewish veneer, Odinism, is just the purest doctrine of "Spiritual Satanism".

The fight of Odin to conquer the Dragon, is the struggling to bring this manifold force of the Serpent under one's control, and draw it upward. This results in the 'inevitable world destruction' upon which all Gods clash (the positive and the negative aspects of the Soul) and the world is destroyed (this is the real "cosmological" battle with the Soul being the "World"). Everything is then destroyed and degenerated.

All the positive Gods die, Loki kills Baldur (the God of Light) and most other Gods are also slaughtered by the 'forces of evil', which mainly deal with the Nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus (which is akin to the death of the individual, and the complete loss of every 'hope' and 'light'). After this there is resurrection. In the second battle, the Gods of light win, and the world is restored, then we have the fable about controlling everything again.

The "Berserker rage" is a spiritual term for the energies of the Soul/Serpent, that lead to apotheosis, and make someone do impossible deeds. This is well documented in how people nowadays while threatened, they can lift cars and things like that. As for an occult term, its the flooding of the energy. The warrior fights best when they drink enough MEAD- mead is the spiritual energy or force.

As after the war is over. Then The Gods reinstate everything on their positions, and the Gods go along again together. There is no 'death' of the 'evil Gods'. Because they are not evil. Meanwhile xianity promises the KILLING of the dragon, or the Kundalini Serpent. So that people will forever fall in spiritual shackles. "Odin" is actually, except of the "God", he is not the strongest "God", but also symbolic of the man who seeks enlightenment and practices for it. Odin sacrifices his eye, because the eye is actually a metaphor for the overly physical perception. This has to be sacrificed, and only 'one' eye remains, which is symbolic of the third eye, or the True vision.

The Captone in Egypt which the kikes stolen is also from that, same as the Cyclops that are written in Odyssey. In the Greek fable, the hero Odesseus has to kill the giant cyclops that is blind, by plucking him in the eye with a spear. The spear is symbolic of the spine, and Kundalini energy, the spearhead going into the head. So the cyclops, third eye or the second sight is conquered.

The whole 'battle' is a guide for the Magnum Opus and purification of the Soul, so that one can reach the Godhead, in all of these Aryan fables. Its the same pattern. The same pattern the jews sold and they are now selling as legitimate 'white' culture, for the uneducated 'goyim'. The Runes given to Odin are to be inscribed on the Tree, and with Blood (lifeforce), the Tree, is the Yggdrasil, the Soul, seat of the life, and lifeforce. Everything is connected to the tree, and all of existence. The Tree is the allegory within all civilizations, and goes back to Sumeria. Yes that place with the blue eyed statues, that was of the first to be annihilated due to being 'Satanic'. The Runes themselves are the actual "Tree" of Yggdrasil. The runes are to be carved on the Tree (the Human Soul) and when carved correctly, one attains the powers of the Gods. Externally, these can be used as magick.

The chanting/vibrating and singing does that. You can see below here, the "Tree" that is the Soul, and all the powers adjusted on it. These are the 'carvings' that need to be done on the tree. The Tree has to be watered, so it can also grow, and this is metaphorical of the daily meditation and adherence to the spiritual practice. This is what the Druids actively, and daily practiced, and all of the strong White tribes who didn't fall first in the Middle Ages, and fought to the last man. Then the jewish jeboo infiltrated and now people think that htis is their culture. You should ask your DEAD ANCESTORS who DIED from this JEWISH CANCER, as to what this is.

Midgard, Asgard, and Hel are actually the three knots in the Soul and the three levels of consciousness. Hel is the lower chakras, Midgard is the Heart, and Asgard are the chakras from the Throat and up. Baldur symbolizes the divine clean, pure and indestructible light of the Soul, while Loki the everlasting darkness. Both are necessary for one's existence, and the 'darkness' is not what's devoid of light, but actually the unperceived light.

The wolf 'Fenrir' and Odin's Valkyries, are actually the powers of the Soul, the 'polar negative' and 'polar positive' energies. Odin sends Valkyries to help those who fight for this war, and he prepares an army for the great war (which is the also an occult terminology for the amassment of the light, or awakening of the chakras and individual very small energy centers). These are troops that will fight against the forces of 'evil' and attempt retaking the world (Soul) and bringing it on a higher level. Why would the Norse appreciate Loki, and use Wolves and all these 'evil' signs as their emblems were they "evil"...Because they were NOT evil, but allegorical. All the Gods represent a chakra, and a center of consciousness.

There is no 'evil' in the sense of judaism, and hatred against "Satan" in any other Gentile religion, except of the jewish religions. This is "Beyond Good and Evil", and this is the core of the Aryan religion. "Evil" as in regards to jews, doesn't have to do with any Loki, or any reverse two sided Hegelianism. Jews are not present in any of such system.

As for the names of the Gods, the names obviously change in every White culture, as these are aliases, and they change and adjust to the native populations. Which is the root of culture anyway. But the examples are always the same. For one example, Aphrodite, Venus, and Freya, Isis, Astarte are the same exact entity, under different, adjusted aliases in native populations.

The 12 God pantheons are representations of the divine energies, but also real beings and worshiped progenitors of the White people. The identities within the characters are almost identical if not entirely the same. All aliases are deeply occult, honorable titles. And obviously these entities, have different names. Same "Satanism" in the deeper core. None of the Pagan Gods is 'evil', because none of that condones literal actions. But is occult allegories. Our people did NOT invent existential, or pseudoethical 'evil' through the religion sense. But due to common, human, sense and ethics that come from the inside.

For those who doubt or misinform in regards to the Pagan origins, the Spiritual Practices, and what Whites have been practicing for thousands of years, I advise reading the following, in the SATANIC way, and by using correct judgment:

"The Eddas: The Keys to the Mysteries of the North", by James Allen Chisholm. Has some good points, but read it in the Satanic way. This shows a lot of things on its own.

For the dumbs, dumbfucks, or victimized and misinformed who think Aryan culture is 'unspiritual' or not 'spiritually founded', or basically an occult culture read the following:

"Pagan Resurrection", by Richard Rudgley - NOTE, this is a "MAINSTREAM" book so a lot of info in it is streamlined to 'act normal' in regards to the dictatorial judeo-philliac world. Even (((independent))) made a page about it. Don't get tangled up in all notions, just read it in a Satanic mindset. I haven't read all of it, but there is proof on how the Aryan people were even doing yoga in it.

As of tonight, I leave many "(((Odinist shills)))" jobless, and many real White people awake from this deadly jewish slumber the jews have done to our Ancestral faiths. Please find another place to shill, or wake up and go to the real occult root of your Ancestry. Or just change the names and continue praising Jeboo, the circumcised Rabbi.

Please steal my writting and post it as your universally grasped information, but don't forget to add some jeboo the circumcised, Rabbi Yashua was an Aryan (mandatory so that Whites remain asleep), positive cucktianity (mandatory, because just WHO can survive without a kike on your race's neck?), shilling lawyerism (oy vey dis and dat), dumbo Truth evasionism. But I may have a copyright hanging just somewhere? I don't know? I don't really know. Got to keep up with the times of shillers.

Which will soon will have the shils who do this on purpose under the fucking bus. And no "Fight against Loki the evil guy" or "Jews are Loki", "Rabbi Jesus is going to save the White Race" is going to save you from the fact that you are purposefully trolling your own Race while spewing rehashed judaism and xianity.

This is the Truth, and Satanism is the Master Key and system that encompasses all of this.

Whites are waking up.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

the show vikings is a double edged sword because there is no crusades and it's phony like that, but also, there is a scene where a Saxon states that Odin hanging on a cross is way older than Jesus on the cross, plus when this athelstan (Viking convert via captivity) is praying to jewhova, entities are fucking with him. It shows Harbard come and save one child while ridding of others (which is Christian superstition of Paganism/Occult). It is 50/50, not everything is black and white

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
