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Swedisch Scientists Discover: CoVid19 Vaccines are Mutagens


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2018
Satan's Empire
Swedisch Scientists Discovered, the Spike Protein (Which is used in CoVid Vaccines) can enter human cells and nuclei. Within the nucleus, there is all of the human genetic material, the DNA, and the epi-genetic, and other proteins. The vaccine was NOT supposed to enter the nucleus, as now it can mess with the DNA and how the DNA is being processed by epi-genetic etc.

What the Swedish Scientists discovered was (Actually Scientists who ARE in Sweden, but are actually Chinese), that the Spike Protein inhibts the proper fixing of damaged DNA, especially the double stranded breaks where both strands are broken (DNA Broken in half). It interferes with the BRCA1 Protein, which is supposed to fix the DNA Damage (Each day all of our Nucleaus and DNA is being damaged MANY MANY TIMES naturally).

if the BRCA1 Gene is mutated, it is one of the highest predispositional mutations for cancer development. This is because BRCA1 is there for fixing DNA damage (like DNA that is shared/broken in half) and thus, actively tackles cancer development.

The spike proteine also prevents the 53bp1 Protein within your nuclei from working properly. (And probably many more, as well, it is in the damn core of your own very DNA). It is believed, that this protein, links broken parts of the DNA, correctly together, so that the DNA is connected back together correctly, and that not DNA from other sources is being used. So that not 2 Chromosomes which are NOT supposed to be linked together, are NOT linked together for example.

Also what happens by that is, that this prevents our immunesystem to response in a flexible and diverse manner, where it can deal with all kinds of intrusions, viruses, bacteria etc. Thus weakening the immunesystem heavily.

If this is correct, and other scientists can reproduce this study, then this means that the used spike protein is a mutagen. This alleged mutagen can circulate in the blood for many months on end in the exosomes -> this means for months, it has access to the entire human body and can enter any cell and nulceus.

It is very important to fix and repair damaged DNA asap, this is what our bodies do, so our DNA does not effectively mutate overall in the body, and that cancer is not being developed. It is estimated that each and every cell experienced 70.000 lesions a day, from whitch 25 are those where the DNA is cut in half (the worst and most dangerous of all).

So in conclusion, what effectively would happen is, that cells (with the spike protein within the Nucleus) would not repair DNA damage as they are supposed to do, which leads to a situation, where those cells would have a much much higer increase in developing genetic mutations and Cancer development in literally ANY body cell. It also can take many years until actual clinical symptoms show up.

Vaccines are NOT safe, they were not tested enough, and this is the result. All people who got the vaccine now have the Spikeproteins within their system for MONTHS, which is a mutagen and will (very likely) lead to genetic mutations and cancer development in potentially ANY and multiple cells.

Vaccines are not safe, all you can say is that they do not lead to many acute clinical symptoms.

The thing is, that all of this is already manifesting, even German NewsPaper pointing out, how many young athletes suffer from heart diseases. This all has to do with the vaccination, because this is the only factor that changed the world recently. HEADLINE: German Newspaper Highlights “Unusually Large” Number of Soccer Players Who Have Collapsed Recently. (Original in German)


Researchers are now investigating reports that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines “are likely causing the inflammatory heart conditions myocarditis and pericarditis.”


Related Headlines:

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The FC Nantes player, victim of a heart attack, has come out of a coma
http://dailycapitalmail.com/en/5289/ said:
Chaman: A player died of a heart attack during a football match
https://www.straitstimes.com/sport/football/football-players-who-have-collapsed-on-the-pitch said:
Football: Players who have collapsed on the pitch
https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/essex/news/north-jersey-rugby-player-critical-after-suffering-heart-attack-during-game/818786/ said:
North Jersey Rugby Player Critical After Suffering Heart Attack During Game


Dr. Michala Rashik:

Study by Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei at the Department of Molecular Bioscience in Stockholm University and Department of Clinical Microbiology in Umeå University:
This is actually very true and when getting a vaccine (any) vaccine, ask to see the vaccine insert. You can request it at any time and if they don't show you it then get the heck out of Dodge. Oh and I'm changing my name Helmoflight. I feel like names with light are entry level garbage for people who think they know Lucifer hahaha. I'll be using Sea Algae random, easy, satanic :cool:
This is exactly the kind of thing I myself and many others here were expecting.

Unfortunately all my family have taken the vaccine and my attempts at persuading them otherwise didn't succeed.

They seem mostly healthy for now, so perhaps depending on individual circumstances this can happen sooner or later, or manifest more severely in some people.

Perhaps it is possible for the body to fight this off naturally anyway, by cleaning up the damaged cells more aggressively, however this would mean, even if cancer doesn't develop out of control, many cells which would otherwise have been repaired and able to continue replicating until reaching the hayflick-limit, are now prematurely annihilated to prevent cancer development in the body, which is a massive toll on natural lifespan over time, since in absolute terms the natural lifespan is limited by the hayflick-limit (the shortening of telomeres).

When people are born it is possible to calculate the maximum number of cell divisions their body can go through before cell division all over the body begins to fail, leading to rapid decline of all the bodily functions and ultimately, death.

Things which do damage to the body and require excessive cell division to repair, such as severe illness, will take away from the natural lifespan as cells are prematurely destroyed and increased division from surrounding cells is required to replace the damaged or destroyed cells.

Cancer is doubly damaging, as it takes a lot of effort by the body to fight it, expending a lot of cells to deal with it, while it itself is caused by faulty cell replication or cells that have exceeded the hayflick-limit replicating.

The vaccine does a heavy toll on the body and then continues to linger and tax the body for months with this invasive spike protein (which is also known to imbed itself into the blood vessel walls, creating thorns on the inside of the blood vessels which can rupture red blood cells, which is the primary cause of blood cloths that cause many vaccine related deaths in older people).

Even if the young and healthy body can use it's vitality to repair this damage before it takes hold and get through this period of time without any major damage, undoubtedly the damage is done and it impacts the persons natural lifespan negatively.

Similar to how a person in their early 20's can party day and night, drink alchohol, do drugs, etc, and be seemingly fine despite all of this, but then a few years later, around 30 years of age this prior damage catches up with them and suddenly they realize they aren't as invincible as they used to think they were.

In reality what the person has done is expend all their youthful vitality to repair self inflicted damage and taken a decade or two off their natural lifespan because of the lifestyle choices they made.

The vaccine has a similar effect on the body, taxing the vitality and doing grave harm long term, which may not be noticed by the person for years, but suddenly they notice all kinds of fatigue and health issues crop up as they approach 30 or 40 years of age and it turns out the body had been breaking down rapidly for all those years and just cannot keep up with it anymore, something which under normal circumstances is only supposed to happen around the age of 70+.

I'll be carefully observing any family members of advanced age to see how the vaccine affects them long term versus any younger relatives.

I would also be interested to see what this vaccine does to fertility. Since the spike protein can affect DNA and Gene expression negatively in living cells, it is save to assume it can and does interfere in the formation of sperm cells or even ovulation in woman, lowering fertility rates explosively.

I haven't found any actual scientific studies on this yet, but I have read speculation about this multiple times, so I expect it to be the case.
Thank you for sharing this. This is very useful information. It verifies our concerns, and unfortunately this probably is only the beginning.
The question I ask myself is one. Why would the enemy want to have dead people? They want slaves right? Maybe they just want sick people so they can control them better? But isn't this risky? I wonder what the heck are they trying to do with this. We will only find out in the future. Here in Italy is something like 72% vaccinated and they are starting with the third dose. I know many who had to take the vaccine and they are fine but like you said the side effects can come much later. I honestly think is a crazy situation, at least if a lot of people start to die because of vaccination the enemy will be exposed but I still think it's stupid that the enemy wants to kill us if they want slaves. We will see in the future what happens.
VoiceofEnki said:
This is exactly the kind of thing I myself and many others here were expecting.

Unfortunately all my family have taken the vaccine and my attempts at persuading them otherwise didn't succeed.

They seem mostly healthy for now, so perhaps depending on individual circumstances this can happen sooner or later, or manifest more severely in some people.

Perhaps it is possible for the body to fight this off naturally anyway, by cleaning up the damaged cells more aggressively, however this would mean, even if cancer doesn't develop out of control, many cells which would otherwise have been repaired and able to continue replicating until reaching the hayflick-limit, are now prematurely annihilated to prevent cancer development in the body, which is a massive toll on natural lifespan over time, since in absolute terms the natural lifespan is limited by the hayflick-limit (the shortening of telomeres).

When people are born it is possible to calculate the maximum number of cell divisions their body can go through before cell division all over the body begins to fail, leading to rapid decline of all the bodily functions and ultimately, death.

Things which do damage to the body and require excessive cell division to repair, such as severe illness, will take away from the natural lifespan as cells are prematurely destroyed and increased division from surrounding cells is required to replace the damaged or destroyed cells.

Cancer is doubly damaging, as it takes a lot of effort by the body to fight it, expending a lot of cells to deal with it, while it itself is caused by faulty cell replication or cells that have exceeded the hayflick-limit replicating.

The vaccine does a heavy toll on the body and then continues to linger and tax the body for months with this invasive spike protein (which is also known to imbed itself into the blood vessel walls, creating thorns on the inside of the blood vessels which can rupture red blood cells, which is the primary cause of blood cloths that cause many vaccine related deaths in older people).

Even if the young and healthy body can use it's vitality to repair this damage before it takes hold and get through this period of time without any major damage, undoubtedly the damage is done and it impacts the persons natural lifespan negatively.

Similar to how a person in their early 20's can party day and night, drink alchohol, do drugs, etc, and be seemingly fine despite all of this, but then a few years later, around 30 years of age this prior damage catches up with them and suddenly they realize they aren't as invincible as they used to think they were.

In reality what the person has done is expend all their youthful vitality to repair self inflicted damage and taken a decade or two off their natural lifespan because of the lifestyle choices they made.

The vaccine has a similar effect on the body, taxing the vitality and doing grave harm long term, which may not be noticed by the person for years, but suddenly they notice all kinds of fatigue and health issues crop up as they approach 30 or 40 years of age and it turns out the body had been breaking down rapidly for all those years and just cannot keep up with it anymore, something which under normal circumstances is only supposed to happen around the age of 70+.

I'll be carefully observing any family members of advanced age to see how the vaccine affects them long term versus any younger relatives.

I would also be interested to see what this vaccine does to fertility. Since the spike protein can affect DNA and Gene expression negatively in living cells, it is save to assume it can and does interfere in the formation of sperm cells or even ovulation in woman, lowering fertility rates explosively.

I haven't found any actual scientific studies on this yet, but I have read speculation about this multiple times, so I expect it to be the case.

wow my family also is all taking the vaccine and they are trying to convince me of it for the reasons of if bidumb mandates it don't i wanna keep my job and the whole if we leave the country you'll have to take it but the main reason they are taking it is to travel the world and i told them what with all the stuff happening this isn't the best time for that i don't know how i'll be independent soon what with how expensive it is if they move to another country and try to convince me to take the vaccine to be with them....
Stormblood said:
We're just scratching the surface. We're still in the "short-term" of effects, leaning toward the "medium-term". Can't imagine what will happen in the long and very long term in these ignorant guinea pigs. They'll reap what they sowed.

How much you bet solution to this will be to isolate people with destroyed immune system into pods and offer them that metaverse crap as replacement for real world?
Maya said:
Thank you for sharing this. This is very useful information. It verifies our concerns, and unfortunately this probably is only the beginning.

I also do not think this is will end any time soon as well, let’s see if other people will actually share it and if other Scientists will try to recreate the study and publish their results or if they just let this stuff getting cold until people manifest all sorts of disgusting side-effects 💀

This is already a huge red flag that this stuff can enter the Nuclei💀
Stormblood said:
We're just scratching the surface. We're still in the "short-term" of effects, leaning toward the "medium-term". Can't imagine what will happen in the long and very long term in these ignorant guinea pigs. They'll reap what they sowed.

Short term effects: people get sick, and drop dead because of heart attacks and other related problems

Mid term: people‘s immunesystem is fucked, and people die because of the common cold etc

Long term: people develop genetic diseases left and right, become retarded, just drop dead, start ageing like crazy, and develop dangerous cases of cancer frequently.

What funny is, is the fact that if you are below the age of 50, there is a higher chance to develop known severe side effects like myocarditis, and dying of heart attack, than dying from the Virus. (While the study was from Israel, so it is probably even more likely to develop dangerous side effects than what they claim, especially now with booster shots etc)
Excellent article, thank you. That spike protein is mysterious. One question, what are you talking about with regards to the 70.000 damage the cells suffer?
Master said:
Excellent article, thank you. That spike protein is mysterious. One question, what are you talking about with regards to the 70.000 damage the cells suffer?

On a natural basis, cells get damaged or destroyed, either because of an so called programmed cell death, or our own immune system, or because of oxidants, or toxins, infections, bacteria/viruses, natural radiation (Talking about ionising radiation, like the earth's own radiation or cosmic radiation) and some more factors.
And in 25/70.000 your DNA gets destroyed or damaged in the process. However, this is natural, and not an issue for our bodies.

When your DNA gets damaged, the source code of this cell is broken, it runs wild, doing crazy things, so in this case you need to fix the issue asap, or for example it can start reproducing itself over and over, which is cancer. But many many more possible outcomes are realistic. This is the very Core of your Self and also Soul.
On a lesser not, which wouldn't do much damage, a skin cell, could think it is a haircell, or stuff like that could be possible as well, which wouldn't be that much of an issue. However, many genetic diseases could also manifest, which would be very bad.

If a program is broken on your computer, and you have only 50% of that code, your programm can do a lot of damage to the rest of the system. It is not that your Program will just du half of it's work, not it will run wild, rewriting memory, damaging the system, crashing your PC, returing wrong results, doing stuff it is not supposed to do at all etc. Same happens with your DNA. It needs to be fixed asap, and therefore we have special proteins within the nucleus which do that.

The spike protein, inhibtis this process. The repair is slowed down, and also, it inhibts the ability to correctly assemble the broken DNA together. Imagine what can happen if your DNA sequence is changed? Genetic diseases, Mutations and Cancer are the result.

aaaand thank you for your words
NinRick said:
Master said:
Excellent article, thank you. That spike protein is mysterious. One question, what are you talking about with regards to the 70.000 damage the cells suffer?

On a natural basis, cells get damaged or destroyed, either because of an so called programmed cell death, or our own immune system, or because of oxidants, or toxins, infections, bacteria/viruses, natural radiation (Talking about ionising radiation, like the earth's own radiation or cosmic radiation) and some more factors.
And in 25/70.000 your DNA gets destroyed or damaged in the process. However, this is natural, and not an issue for our bodies.

When your DNA gets damaged, the source code of this cell is broken, it runs wild, doing crazy things, so in this case you need to fix the issue asap, or for example it can start reproducing itself over and over, which is cancer. But many many more possible outcomes are realistic. This is the very Core of your Self and also Soul.
On a lesser not, which wouldn't do much damage, a skin cell, could think it is a haircell, or stuff like that could be possible as well, which wouldn't be that much of an issue. However, many genetic diseases could also manifest, which would be very bad.

If a program is broken on your computer, and you have only 50% of that code, your programm can do a lot of damage to the rest of the system. It is not that your Program will just du half of it's work, not it will run wild, rewriting memory, damaging the system, crashing your PC, returing wrong results, doing stuff it is not supposed to do at all etc. Same happens with your DNA. It needs to be fixed asap, and therefore we have special proteins within the nucleus which do that.

The spike protein, inhibtis this process. The repair is slowed down, and also, it inhibts the ability to correctly assemble the broken DNA together. Imagine what can happen if your DNA sequence is changed? Genetic diseases, Mutations and Cancer are the result.

aaaand thank you for your words

Many thanks for the explanation. In addition to the mechanisms and great capacities of cells, the immune system also protects the body from the proliferation of cancer cells as well as from external threats, up to a certain point of course.

The body cannot handle too great or difficult damage on its own, such as radioactive metals or the like. If I'm not mistaken, gamma rays in large quantities can do very serious damage because they literally shred DNA and can kill instantly with the right dose, it sounds like those energy waves in Dragonball that annihilate beings fighting there.
luis said:
The question I ask myself is one. Why would the enemy want to have dead people? They want slaves right? Maybe they just want sick people so they can control them better? But isn't this risky? I wonder what the heck are they trying to do with this. We will only find out in the future. Here in Italy is something like 72% vaccinated and they are starting with the third dose. I know many who had to take the vaccine and they are fine but like you said the side effects can come much later. I honestly think is a crazy situation, at least if a lot of people start to die because of vaccination the enemy will be exposed but I still think it's stupid that the enemy wants to kill us if they want slaves. We will see in the future what happens.

This has all to do with the Jewish agenda, which was laid out for millennia. The enemy doesn’t has much time left, as the age of Pisces (Xianity) is ending right now, while the Age of Aquarius is about to emerge. The enemy sees in which direction this is going, and they have to act now, or else they lose 666%, they run out of time, on many levels, so if they want to succeed they need to push now, if they wait for too long it’s done and we won. Or rather let’s put it this way... they ran out of time anyways, Aquarius is going to extremes, while Pisces is more passive (like xians, curse of humans not taking action, freezing etc) so now will come the extreme suffering and manifestation of the enemy, they will .. very blatantly...

„they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause“
- Asmodeus

after that comes the blatant cleaning of the enemy, and after that, our civilisation is allowed to advance to other extremes in all aspects.

The plan of the jews was to kill most gentiles, eradicate them, and have a small number for slaves. They do understand that they are inferior to us, and that their ETs are way inferior against SATAN and our TRUE GODS. So they had only Infiltration, lying, misinformation, manipulation, and leading gentiles into killing each other. They are weaker than us, and inferior, however, they are good deceivers and make us fight each other. This is how they operate, manipulating their hosts, like other known parasites.

The only thing they do not understand is, that they are more like us than they think, enough like us, so their Masters hate them even more than us. However they will never be like us.
They are a throwaway species, nothing special, and are born losers, it is in their DNA, they were never meant to win, only to lose.

After their job is done, their masters will eradicate them.
However, this is not going to happen, as they have messed with Satan‘s house, and made Father Satan, the eternal Lord furious. We will eradicate them, this is also a good opportunity to show what we are made of as a species, good practice.
As we were created to empower Satan.
So in other words, we will show them our pure demonic sides, and let the demons, which they summoned, eat them alive.

Hail Satan!
luis said:
The question I ask myself is one. Why would the enemy want to have dead people? They want slaves right? Maybe they just want sick people so they can control them better? But isn't this risky? I wonder what the heck are they trying to do with this. We will only find out in the future. Here in Italy is something like 72% vaccinated and they are starting with the third dose. I know many who had to take the vaccine and they are fine but like you said the side effects can come much later. I honestly think is a crazy situation, at least if a lot of people start to die because of vaccination the enemy will be exposed but I still think it's stupid that the enemy wants to kill us if they want slaves. We will see in the future what happens.

While death for these many people will not necessarily arrive, and while many will get away with this [the recurring vax situation], the main problem that will arise out of this is probably a drastic lowering of the average health of people who take this. If this situation keeps repeating, then we might be expecting things to get worse.

Many people were also panicking this would kill everyone within a year or so. We are now one year after they started with this, and this hasn't occurred. Slowly however, the rate of dead vaccinated aside the claimed "Co-Vid" victims, is making a secondary fresh statistic of dead people.

Regardless, what strange fallout may come from this if this process is kept being done as they claim, every 6 months, we are opening up ourselves to quite a lot of disaster scenarios, some involving the vaccinated, others the virus [potential mutation], all the way to the next doses actually being something really bad.

The scenario we are seeing with certainty is that if people don't raise their heads then we will be confronted with real bad scenarios as time goes, especially in shrinking of freedoms.
The numbers recently on Co-Vid also don't add up. Either the vaccinated are dropping sick to extreme extents, or they are more vulnerable, or they are inflating numbers. However it appears the vaccination program has failed, and therefore, the unvaccinated are now used as a scapegoat to cover up for this situation.

Needless to say, the coming winter isn't really looking good on a global scale.
BlackJackal said:
Stormblood said:
We're just scratching the surface. We're still in the "short-term" of effects, leaning toward the "medium-term". Can't imagine what will happen in the long and very long term in these ignorant guinea pigs. They'll reap what they sowed.

How much you bet solution to this will be to isolate people with destroyed immune system into pods and offer them that metaverse crap as replacement for real world?

That seems to be the intention. Here, the ONS is starting to annoy people with surveys to assess compliance to their covid nonsense. Some even verbally attack you on letters, saying that you are liable if you decide not to reply to their surveys. What a joke.

Look what this infiltrator here says.

HelmOfLight said:
This is actually very true and when getting a vaccine (any) vaccine, ask to see the vaccine insert. You can request it at any time and if they don't show you it then get the heck out of Dodge. Oh and I'm changing my name Helmoflight. I feel like names with light are entry level garbage for people who think they know Lucifer hahaha. I'll be using Sea Algae random, easy, satanic :cool:
luis said:
The question I ask myself is one. Why would the enemy want to have dead people? They want slaves right? Maybe they just want sick people so they can control them better? But isn't this risky? I wonder what the heck are they trying to do with this. We will only find out in the future. Here in Italy is something like 72% vaccinated and they are starting with the third dose. I know many who had to take the vaccine and they are fine but like you said the side effects can come much later. I honestly think is a crazy situation, at least if a lot of people start to die because of vaccination the enemy will be exposed but I still think it's stupid that the enemy wants to kill us if they want slaves. We will see in the future what happens.

I think thear main target is to kill off the weak, no income producing gentiles and on the other hand affect the reproduction organs of the healthy tax payers. Of course they will offer a solution, so you can buy back your abbility to reproduce for a heavy price.

Until they have thear only 500 million people planet.
Master said:

Look what this infiltrator here says.

HelmOfLight said:
This is actually very true and when getting a vaccine (any) vaccine, ask to see the vaccine insert. You can request it at any time and if they don't show you it then get the heck out of Dodge. Oh and I'm changing my name Helmoflight. I feel like names with light are entry level garbage for people who think they know Lucifer hahaha. I'll be using Sea Algae random, easy, satanic :cool:

Thanks Master. I hope I am wrong
SShiva_fr said:
Master said:

Look what this infiltrator here says.

HelmOfLight said:
This is actually very true and when getting a vaccine (any) vaccine, ask to see the vaccine insert. You can request it at any time and if they don't show you it then get the heck out of Dodge. Oh and I'm changing my name Helmoflight. I feel like names with light are entry level garbage for people who think they know Lucifer hahaha. I'll be using Sea Algae random, easy, satanic :cool:

Thanks Master. I hope I am wrong

I actually suspect that this is an infiltrator, people can say anything, especially anonymously. Never let your guard down.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
