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Comirnaty Injections Alter DNA, Recent Findings


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
I did some reading into this and I want to share what I learned. This is important information because it proves they are making permanent changes to the human genome. This might be a bit tedious to read but it has some riveting information.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impares DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination in Vitro:

"Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site."
("V(D)J recombination is the mechanism of somatic recombination that occurs only in developing lymphocytes during the early stages of T and B cell maturation. It results in the highly diverse repertoire of antibodies/immunoglobulins and T cell receptors (TCRs) found in B cells and T cells, respectively. The process is a defining feature of the adaptive immune system." - Wikipedia)

It's important to understand these two pathways, Non-homogulous end joining (NHEJ) and Homologous Recombination (HR) as explained in another quote:

"NHEJ repair and holologus recombination repair are two major DNA repair pathways that not only continuously monitor and ensure genome integrity but are also vital for adaptive immune cell functions."

From study "Comparison of nonhomologous end joining and homologous recombination in human cells:"

"...we conclude than in proliferating cells NHEJ repairs 75% of DSBs while HR repairs the remaining 25%."

The scientists (from the first study mentioned) used DNA treatments on damaged cells and tested them for SARS-CoV-2 proteins. The spike protein (in both NHEJ and HR) had an efficiency rate of around 10% and 20%, which means it inhibits this repair mechanism by 80% to 90%. (See slide below).


"To determine how the spike protein inhibits both NHEJ and HR repair pathways, we analyzed the recruitment of BRCA1 and B3BP1, which are key checkpoint proteins for HR and NHEJ repair, respectively. We found that the spike protein markedly inhibited both BRCA1 and B3BP1 foci formation. Together, these data show that the SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike protein inhibits DNA damage repair by hindering DNA repair protein recruitment."

These two gene mutations have been found to increase risk of cancer big time. (Quoting a separate study below):

"Women with germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations have five- to 20-fold increased risks of developing breast and ovarian cancer."

On 53BP1 (53-binding-protein-1):

53BP1: A key player of DNA damage response with critical functions in cancer:

"It has been extensively demonstrated that aberrant expression of 53BP1 contributes to tumor occurrence and development. 53BP1 loss of function in tumor tissues is also related in tumor progression and poor prognosis in human malignancies."
(*aberrant = changed/altered)

Interestingly, if you look at the vaccine inserts for J&J, Pfizer and AstraZeneca you will find this (right from the FDA):

"COMIRNATY has NOT been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of
male fertility."

In addition to this information, a study from Sweden of February this year proved that Pfizer vaccines alter DNA.

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line:

“In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro,”

(*HuH-7, hereafter Huh7, is an immortal cell line built from male hepatoma tissue.)
(*BNT162b2 is a lipid nanoparticle–formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine that encodes a prefusion stabilized, membrane-anchored SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike protein.)
(*hepatoma tissue = cancer cells of the kidney.)

The study found that the mRNA injection is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 and that the injections’ mRNA is reverse transcribed into DNA as fast as SIX HOURS after the cells were exposed to it.

“A possible mechanism for reverse transcription is through endogenous [intracellular] reverse transcriptase LINE-1, and the nucleus protein distribution of LINE-1 is elevated by BNT162b2.”

LINE-1 is a reverse transcriptase that we carry and it comprises ≈17% of our genome.

“Our study shows that [Pfizer’s mRNA injection] … can be reverse transcribed to DNA … and this may give rise to the concern if [injection]-derived DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects.”

Going through all this science stuff it makes me wonder how people are still standing and how long before these ticking time bombs go off full-scale. On top of all this you guys no doubt have seen the self-assembling nanotech that reacts to microwaves. The footage looks almost like it's from 30 years into the future. Crazy stuff.

Sources for information: NaturalNews.com, Bitchute.com
And unfortunately, they're not stopping. I truly ponder how many people are going to die from this in the long term.

All of this proves that the world's in a global, theocratic dictatorship under Jews, where whatever Jews, Christians, and Muslims say are considered "gospel" and anyone who tries to prove the truth is considered "disinformation."

If this doesn't convince anyone that we're in a global Jewish theocracy, then I don't know what else does. There's no sugarcoating around this.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
And unfortunately, they're not stopping. I truly ponder how many people are going to die from this in the long term.

All of this proves that the world's in a global, theocratic dictatorship under Jews, where whatever Jews, Christians, and Muslims say are considered "gospel" and anyone who tries to prove the truth is considered "disinformation."

If this doesn't convince anyone that we're in a global Jewish theocracy, then I don't know what else does. There's no sugarcoating around this.

I am constantly having to remind myself I'm not dreaming. I do always reassess my understanding of my life's knowledge. Constantly I am also reaffirmed that this is in fact real... It's a living nightmare, when you focus on the negative.


To have the opportunity to learn here on the JOS and rise above all the noise. It is truly like winning a lottery.
My opinion is that this virus has been artificially created to create an epidemic whereby the population is forced to accept the mandatory vaccine, obviously by means of manipulation, threats and propaganda. In some countries in Europe there is the question of fining those who refuse to be vaccinated with enormous sums. It is the typical Jewish mechanism of problem (virus) - reaction (risk of an epidemic) - solution ("anti-coronavirus" vaccines).

The real reason behind mandatory vaccination is the world's declining population. Why? Because some vaccines are proven to cause infertility. Basically, injected women end up not getting pregnant. Imagine white women not getting pregnant while white men die by the hundreds or even thousands every day. Add to that the continuing invasion of African "refugees" into white countries where governments pay them cash handouts for every child they have.

I think that's what's at stake. The Jews saw that whites weren't racially correcting fast enough and decided to resort to other methods, in any case sooner or later they would have come up with these mandatory vaccines anyway that not even the doctor administering it knows what it's made of. Basically the whites die and stop multiplying and the Soros-like Jews who own whole networks of NGOs and immigration agencies bring in their place Muslims and Africans to become slaves and cheap labor for multi-national corporations.

Here's an interesting article that shows how in the last century, a Jewish Rockefeller family institution was very actively involved in creating a type of vaccine in the US. Just like now, even then the virus spread and the only solution they came up with was the vaccine.
https://vactruth.com/2010/08/18/rockefe ... -revealed/
Bravera said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
And unfortunately, they're not stopping. I truly ponder how many people are going to die from this in the long term.

All of this proves that the world's in a global, theocratic dictatorship under Jews, where whatever Jews, Christians, and Muslims say are considered "gospel" and anyone who tries to prove the truth is considered "disinformation."

If this doesn't convince anyone that we're in a global Jewish theocracy, then I don't know what else does. There's no sugarcoating around this.

I am constantly having to remind myself I'm not dreaming. I do always reassess my understanding of my life's knowledge. Constantly I am also reaffirmed that this is in fact real... It's a living nightmare, when you focus on the negative.


To have the opportunity to learn here on the JOS and rise above all the noise. It is truly like winning a lottery.

This place is indeed a goldmine, that I agree on.

Continuing on, you have guys like Steve Kirsch, who, while his arguments and concerns regarding the corrupt health organizations and the people behind the suffering caused by vaccinations are legitimate, is targeting the wrong organizations; he doesn't realize that the politics and medical charts are red herrings, and that the religious organizations are the culprits are behind all the disease and infertility going on, and that the upstanding doctors who are stripped of medical credentials have been getting revoked, like Peter McCollough. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/..._id=81325814&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

It's like Patton uttered in the 1940s: People are still fighting the wrong enemies.
Ποταμοί said:
My opinion is that this virus has been artificially created to create an epidemic whereby the population is forced to accept the mandatory vaccine, obviously by means of manipulation, threats and propaganda. In some countries in Europe there is the question of fining those who refuse to be vaccinated with enormous sums. It is the typical Jewish mechanism of problem (virus) - reaction (risk of an epidemic) - solution ("anti-coronavirus" vaccines).

The real reason behind mandatory vaccination is the world's declining population. Why? Because some vaccines are proven to cause infertility. Basically, injected women end up not getting pregnant. Imagine white women not getting pregnant while white men die by the hundreds or even thousands every day. Add to that the continuing invasion of African "refugees" into white countries where governments pay them cash handouts for every child they have.

I think that's what's at stake. The Jews saw that whites weren't racially correcting fast enough and decided to resort to other methods, in any case sooner or later they would have come up with these mandatory vaccines anyway that not even the doctor administering it knows what it's made of. Basically the whites die and stop multiplying and the Soros-like Jews who own whole networks of NGOs and immigration agencies bring in their place Muslims and Africans to become slaves and cheap labor for multi-national corporations.

Here's an interesting article that shows how in the last century, a Jewish Rockefeller family institution was very actively involved in creating a type of vaccine in the US. Just like now, even then the virus spread and the only solution they came up with was the vaccine.
https://vactruth.com/2010/08/18/rockefe ... -revealed/

This was very well written! I never considered the kalergi agenda to the degree I should have but it makes perfect sense. Even beyond race mixing they create friction having people of completely different languages/cultures taking overtaking nations, which I think largely is the case with Ukraine. They seem to cover a lot of bases with major events like these.

An interesting thing I've been hearing is the likelihood that some of these experimental shots are actually saline solution. This was shown to be certain considering a video I saw where someone took all the VAERS data and separated adverse events from non-adverse events and categorized the groups by batches of shots issued.

In the end it the graph showed high cases, nothing and high cases again in repeating succession. I betcha they are targeting white races above all others. This is a tough one because VAERS doesn't catalogue race in their system. Jews run the medical system. James D Rockefeller even founded it and he could arguably be the worst jew in history.

I'm with you too, this virus is a figment of people's imagination. It's never been isolated and the testing methods are useless. This was demonstrated by the Governor of Burundi (Pierre Nkurunziza) who secretly had people test a goat and some fruit for COVID and results came back positive. He died of cardiac arrest shortly thereafter.

And there's Kary Mullis, the man who won a nobel prize for inventing the PCR test. He went on to say it was not effective for testing viruses and called out Fauci, saying he's an idiot and a front-man that knows nothing about biochemistry. He died in August 2019.

Then there's the AI stuff. A Russian hacker got into a secret server and found an active program tracing people's GPS and it included AI serial numbers and microprocessor hardware information.

I heard a neat thing once - COVID19 = Certificate of Verification ID (19 = ID). There is so much we still don't know about this whole conspiracy but truth, disclosure and admission are flooding the world, which is very liberating thing.

This place right here takes all this information and gives the only factual answer to the question "why?"

People think they can save these reptillian overlords with love and compassion (a recent video from AwakenwithJP was centered on this, titled 'Dear Tyrants' I believe).

Like these things can actually change... How lucky we are to be here discussing these things in such a sea of lies and corruption. Satan is good!

Ποταμοί said:
My opinion is that this virus has been artificially created to create an epidemic whereby the population is forced to accept the mandatory vaccine, obviously by means of manipulation, threats and propaganda. In some countries in Europe there is the question of fining those who refuse to be vaccinated with enormous sums. It is the typical Jewish mechanism of problem (virus) - reaction (risk of an epidemic) - solution ("anti-coronavirus" vaccines).

The real reason behind mandatory vaccination is the world's declining population. Why? Because some vaccines are proven to cause infertility. Basically, injected women end up not getting pregnant. Imagine white women not getting pregnant while white men die by the hundreds or even thousands every day. Add to that the continuing invasion of African "refugees" into white countries where governments pay them cash handouts for every child they have.

I think that's what's at stake. The Jews saw that whites weren't racially correcting fast enough and decided to resort to other methods, in any case sooner or later they would have come up with these mandatory vaccines anyway that not even the doctor administering it knows what it's made of. Basically the whites die and stop multiplying and the Soros-like Jews who own whole networks of NGOs and immigration agencies bring in their place Muslims and Africans to become slaves and cheap labor for multi-national corporations.

Here's an interesting article that shows how in the last century, a Jewish Rockefeller family institution was very actively involved in creating a type of vaccine in the US. Just like now, even then the virus spread and the only solution they came up with was the vaccine.
https://vactruth.com/2010/08/18/rockefe ... -revealed/

Oh and thank you for that bombshell article! It's going on my list. :)
DisillusionedCitizen said:

Yet more controlled opposition. Just a small glance at his Wikipedia page says a lot.

"In 1993, he founded the search engine Infoseek, which in 1999 was sold to the Walt Disney Co."

He also campaigned Fluvaxin, and antidepressent of the SSRI class (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with these people. Alex Jones is someone who veers on hate more than any, yet his statements ripple through this world and he's said some things that are true.

It's all sensationalized though with little actual information. The videos (2-3 hours long) are nothing but ads, cut-scenes and preamble with very little reporting. I can't stand watching him anymore yet early 2020 I was far more idiotic.

Thank you JoS for being the only place that asks the right questions and gives the right answers.
sublimestatanist said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:

Yet more controlled opposition. Just a small glance at his Wikipedia page says a lot.

"In 1993, he founded the search engine Infoseek, which in 1999 was sold to the Walt Disney Co."

He also campaigned Fluvaxin, and antidepressent of the SSRI class (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with these people. Alex Jones is someone who veers on hate more than any, yet his statements ripple through this world and he's said some things that are true.

It's all sensationalized though with little actual information. The videos (2-3 hours long) are nothing but ads, cut-scenes and preamble with very little reporting. I can't stand watching him anymore yet early 2020 I was far more idiotic.

Thank you JoS for being the only place that asks the right questions and gives the right answers.

Well... that confirms my suspicions that he's a piece of shit. Nevertheless, people are still going after the wrong enemies.
Ποταμοί said:
My opinion is that this virus has been artificially created to create an epidemic whereby the population is forced to accept the mandatory vaccine, obviously by means of manipulation, threats and propaganda. In some countries in Europe there is the question of fining those who refuse to be vaccinated with enormous sums. It is the typical Jewish mechanism of problem (virus) - reaction (risk of an epidemic) - solution ("anti-coronavirus" vaccines).

The real reason behind mandatory vaccination is the world's declining population. Why? Because some vaccines are proven to cause infertility. Basically, injected women end up not getting pregnant. Imagine white women not getting pregnant while white men die by the hundreds or even thousands every day. Add to that the continuing invasion of African "refugees" into white countries where governments pay them cash handouts for every child they have.

I think that's what's at stake. The Jews saw that whites weren't racially correcting fast enough and decided to resort to other methods, in any case sooner or later they would have come up with these mandatory vaccines anyway that not even the doctor administering it knows what it's made of. Basically the whites die and stop multiplying and the Soros-like Jews who own whole networks of NGOs and immigration agencies bring in their place Muslims and Africans to become slaves and cheap labor for multi-national corporations.

Here's an interesting article that shows how in the last century, a Jewish Rockefeller family institution was very actively involved in creating a type of vaccine in the US. Just like now, even then the virus spread and the only solution they came up with was the vaccine.
https://vactruth.com/2010/08/18/rockefe ... -revealed/

Hmmm, what if we told the people on social media that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the cause of all the diseases and mutations like cancer, autism, and infertility that come to mind? Would it work? Would we need to tell them in a way that points to them as the perpetrators of all these "crises?"
DisillusionedCitizen said:
sublimestatanist said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:

Yet more controlled opposition. Just a small glance at his Wikipedia page says a lot.

"In 1993, he founded the search engine Infoseek, which in 1999 was sold to the Walt Disney Co."

He also campaigned Fluvaxin, and antidepressent of the SSRI class (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with these people. Alex Jones is someone who veers on hate more than any, yet his statements ripple through this world and he's said some things that are true.

It's all sensationalized though with little actual information. The videos (2-3 hours long) are nothing but ads, cut-scenes and preamble with very little reporting. I can't stand watching him anymore yet early 2020 I was far more idiotic.

Thank you JoS for being the only place that asks the right questions and gives the right answers.

Well... that confirms my suspicions that he's a piece of shit. Nevertheless, people are still going after the wrong enemies.

Exactly! Things like that are red herrings It's all divide and conquer. For the sleeping NPCs these people are good for getting them started, but for us seeking ultimate truth they are only a distraction to finding it.

It's a pretty interesting matrix and honestly I'm sure most of these kinds of people are just ill-informed typical individuals. So much divide-and-conquer going on it's at a point where that's basically all there is. Still, we've been at war with the enemy since the times of ancient Egypt so I'm sure this was intended.

The most liberating thing here is we can find truth metaphysically. This to me takes all those nihilistic thoughts of "no one will ever know the full truth" out the window because, after all, we are at our core pure divinity made by Father Satan himself.

Hail Satan!
Comirnaty is the name of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccin.

Also I dont like the name. It doesn't fit with the english sentence structure and I wonder if it even means anything a a name. probably not.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Comirnaty is the name of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccin.

Also I dont like the name. It doesn't fit with the english sentence structure and I wonder if it even means anything a a name. probably not.

This is what it means:

Well, according to Beth Snyder Bulik writing for Fierce Pharma, the Brand Institute helped come up with the name. The name uses the prefix “co-” to represent community, the “mirna” for mRNA, and the “-ty” as a nod towards the end of both “community” and “immunity.” So the name is supposed to make you think about the technology behind the vaccine, immunity, and community at the same time,
Another trick the jew uses to make people take the vaccine,
is to say that one jew manufacturer is better or less risky than the other jew manufacturer.
It is about bringing people into this vicious cycle, whichever jew manufacturer you choose, it doesn't matter for them.

I have personal experience with vaccinated people from my family.
Some of them died after 2 months without having any health problems before taking the vaccine.
Some of them when they sit next to me,
their breath causes a burning sensation in my lungs and a feeling of something trying to expand.
Some i kissed, caused a burning sensation for hours on my lips.
They feel and look like they are not themselves anymore, they even try to make me take it with sweet words.

Be careful everyone, stay safe. Hail Satan!
This mRNA crap is just a long list of genetic alterations and tweaks to come with mildly disturbing side effects that will all add up. It is part of a series as Covid SHIT broke down all legal barriers to pushing any variation of this technology onto everyone with any subsequent scam. Lucifuge warned about this. That is the real 'time-bomb' here. Don't get hung up on Comirnaty in particular when it's the first in a series.
sublimestatanist said:
Comirnaty Injections Alter DNA, Recent Findings
I've been watching someone reading from a study performed by a UK government institute saying that the covid vaccines in 2 or more doses are ruining the natural immunity of the body, to the point where for a common flu people would need to vaccinate permanently, otherwise even that common flu can kill them. However I don't remember if the study was only about the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) or all vaccines. Also I don't know how long it would take for this to manifest if is true, otherwise we would see people dying everywhere from flu, which doesn't seem to be the case.

How many Jews took the shots and died from them? I doubt they're more than gentiles.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Thank you for sharing the evidence you gathered.

It helps a lot of us, including me who has a grandfather who took the 3 shots of the moderna biontech vaccine.

First shot there were no problems but then, some renal problems and now some stones at the bile.

Hope nothing bad happens.

Praying to Satan every day to keep him safe and steady :)

Hail Satan and we will win this war
Satanas Vindice
Satanas is my Hero forever

I'm glad to hear that. It's very sad the way people become ill. My aunt got cancer but it was benign thankfully.

As for the rest of my family, it's kind of a mystery. Nothing has come up yet but I worry about it sometimes.

Visceral fat is a major contributing factor to this bile stones, along with inflammatory foods (bad fats like canola oil, etc).

I'd encourage him to avoid refined sugar/flour and try getting whole foods as they are anti-inflammatory.

Dandelion tea is also good for kidney stones, and I've read that alfalfa and grapefruit can help. Also, apple cider vinegar (in whole form or tablets) has been shown to relive pain. Taking purified bile salts can help with breaking down cholesterol and fats. Digestive enzymes might help, and fermented foods (like yogurt, kefir, etc) help the microbiome which is responsible for a large part of our digestion.

Causes of gallstones can include stress (high cortisol), high insulin (from too many simple carbs), high estrogen (especially from GMO soy-products) and surprisingly a lack of saturated fat.

Saturated fat helps stimulate the gallbladder to produce more bile. Doctors will often tell patients to avoid things like eggs but this couldn't be farther from the truth because without enough fat our body isn't working to break it down and thus gallstones (largely made-up of fat) remain.

Overall, diet is the most important step. I know this isn't easy though... I've been trying to tell my dad to change his diet for years but he's stubborn and doesn't want the stress.

Nothing would surprise me with these jabs anymore. You probably heard about the Pfizer documents that leaked which showed over a dozen pages of adverse reactions. These spike proteins spread everywhere in the body and cause inflammation.

There's still so much I don't know but I feel inspired to share what little I do know with others. Of course take things with a grain of salt and don't take my word or anyone else's word as absolute truth. I find these things to be most likely but I could make mistakes, as we're human after all. :)

I hope he comes out of it okay. It could've been a lot worst at the very least.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
