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Swahili Translation Thread

Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations - https://mega.nz/file/EW4gADiJ#sRjOuoIWiAPEy6zgfnKX1H4YVr9FNtEZW-_0P4jc-fQ
Mp3 included

Removing the Obstacles That Prevent the Serpent from Ascending -
Mp3 included

Reversing the Curse upon the Serpent - https://mega.nz/file/saojDIpR#YQSo8VjJDDL3oncGws09vBVR3VoKPNIHkWNbFhkgWrs
Mp3 included.

72 stinking names - https://mega.nz/file/NCZhVAqC#KJQfFXHJYqWit3aAdWRBhqkbJBu8tdemelPtmf-ShFc
Mp3 included
Picture included

Destroying jewish rule and domination part 2 & 3 - https://mega.nz/file/4GQUwDxb#ZPmcTb4c97IWikA9klPmhYiWkcSQNJhUoErvJlYSsZM
No Mp3 available
The Alchemist7 said:
I don't know what to say here, since you are major they should let you decide yourself what you want to do with your life.

Even if I got a job acceptance abroad or education acceptance which I already got abroad they wouldn't pay for even the flight.. Or support and the unsecured loan I could get here won't pass 250 USD.
Since your more advanced than me is there another way to make money?
Or should I become a twitch/YouTube streamer of some sort and couple it with a working and something for hackers too :( ..
Or maybe I should directly state my story and ask for jobs here in the forums but there many infiltrators who roam the site.. idk kinda stranded here.
Or maybe there's a legitimate working for money as Satan has once a while ago shown me literal magic with money even though it was little idk
something's better than nothing.. that's why I chose my account name lasollor, if you know what it means in the enochian dictionary.

Note I've finished and uploaded all the rtr's here
https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/RTR_English.html except the current final 3. I could refine them as there some light errors (spelling/grammatical e.t.c) but my knowledge of it is done as much as it could be done. As my corrections will be minimal & there'll still be errors remaining and it will be a waste of space in the Swahili translation thread. So you should get someone who speaks kiswahili mufti or kiswahili sanifu (I don't know which is more refined than the other but both are more refined than standard Swahili
Anyway - for the upcoming RTR schedule inform me of the coming rtr's so I can refine them and at least have something posted Incase the forums goes multilingual next time in the rtr schedule
Thanks in advance
Hail Satan

Final RTR - https://mega.nz/file/MSpQ2ZyL#LaRSz2xmFcY0N-HHG7zSh0DE64H_lZTptDVHDSezJyU
Mp3 included.
Images included.

Killing Tetragrammaton RTR - https://mega.nz/file/MCAGVRja#SIXSc3J8x5oBUjmrvcN-0UONdk72miQnPD8UyhTeN2E
Pictures included
no Mp3 available
Lasollor said:

Shattering Jewish Soul Protection. - https://mega.nz/file/4HYCRbYY#q-_i_USNgMXThYHXZ8ft0xzneqxWPqrJa_5i55Ye5-Y

Shattering jewish soul protection - https://mega.nz/file/pagm1ACQ#_YwJa6dlJTeUCrEpnuehc5chWdXrcEtOZCj7wejgld8
Pictures now included.

Now Im sure I've done all rtr's. And I'm waiting on your confirmation to move onto the other non-RTR translations

You could also combined instruct me on how to astral project as I believe that's a method of solving many of my problems seeing as how I can create an astral temple as such e.t.c And yes I've already tried the Jos meditations page and A-P pdf those don't work :? ,
Thanks and waiting on general feedback.
Lasollor said:
Even if I got a job acceptance abroad or education acceptance which I already got abroad they wouldn't pay for even the flight.. Or support and the unsecured loan I could get here won't pass 250 USD.
If you get acceptance for education in a richer country and your parents cannot afford to pay it then you have to save money yourself to get there. You can most likely be financed by the government with a loan if you study at a university, but you will have to repay this money after you finish it and get a decent job. I noticed universities providing online learning are cheaper than normal universities where you physically attend courses, at least where I live. Basically if you get to move in a richer country where you can start a cheaper online university degree, you might be able as well to pay for it yourself from your sallary.

You might be able to get in a richer country by appling for a job that doesn't require any qualification, for example I noticed many countries bring people from `poorer` nations to work in buildings and construction if they can't get the required workforce from their own population. That's a way to get in a richer country. Probably nobody will kick you out afterwards, so you will be able to find better paid jobs. If you get to save some money, you can invest them in courses or qualifications in areas like IT or what domains are you interested in. I guess a big obstacle is this covid nonsense going on as many people have lost their jobs while many companies collapsed in the same time, therefore there is are lot of unemployed people while the number of jobs decreased and that's probably happening eveywhere. This is why I suggested to do a Standard ritual to Satan and the Gods, you never know how opportunities like these might arise. You also have to seek them and look for them.

Also regarding your parents, if they somehow can help you to get in another country to have a decently paid job, then you can also help them back by sending them some money every month for their expenses (food etc). Obviously if you get there you need to be really careful not to get into drugs, infractionality and friendship with weird people, I know someone who same emigrated to another country and went across such circumstances.

Lasollor said:
Or maybe I should directly state my story and ask for jobs here in the forums but there many infiltrators who roam the site.. idk kinda stranded here.
I highly doubt that anybody gets any money for the work they do here. Probably they could have been paid if Spiritual Satanism was receiving financial aid from the government like is happening with the enemy `religions`, but is not the case. But otherwise probably this forum and the JoS website are funded by donations of the members and by the expense of those who maintain the websites.

Lasollor said:
As my corrections will be minimal & there'll still be errors remaining and it will be a waste of space in the Swahili translation thread. So you should get someone who speaks kiswahili mufti or kiswahili sanifu (I don't know which is more refined than the other but both are more refined than standard Swahili
If Swahili speakers understand standard Swahili then is totally fine if you can translate using the standard language. Regarding the errors, where would they occur? I think leaving the letters as in english and translating the instructions as you do is fine, I don't know where errors might still exist in this case.
By the way, what is not listed there in the page you linked are the Rituals, namely the Race Awakening and Wealth And Prosperity Ritual, they would also need to be translated. There was another ritual as well but I don't remember now, I think that one with helping with the Amazon forest fires if you remember.

Wealth And Prosperity Ritual: https://web.archive.org/web/20200317042503/https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html
Racial Black awareness ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf
I don't know if is relevant to translate the ritual for White awareness but I still post it here in case you want to.
These would also need to be translated if you wish to. If you are looking for MP3s or a specific ritual but you cannot find it, I have a RTRs and Ritual Archive in my signature, all mp3s and rituals are there.
The Alchemist7 said:
Wealth And Prosperity Ritual: https://web.archive.org/web/20200317042503/https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html
Racial Black awareness ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf
I don't know if is relevant to translate the ritual for White awareness but I still post it here in case you want to.
These would also need to be translated if you wish to. If you are looking for MP3s or a specific ritual but you cannot find it, I have a RTRs and Ritual Archive in my signature, all mp3s and rituals are there.

Wealth and prosperity is already done I'll start with the white / black racial awareness next and finally I believe the Amazon rainforest one. Should be the last rtr
Then I'll continue to the Kabbalah exposed that I started, unless there another preferred translation you'd rather have done.

You can skip the message I sent you before this latest one and read this instead. I was asking about astral projection. Since I'm currently under a house arrest situation where I can't leave for X months, so if you know or knows someone who knows you can get me steps to this. It will be a blissful piece of freedom escape for me, and no what was posted on the meditations Jos page did not work for me including the pdf on AP and remote viewing too :(

Next white race awareness rtr

White race awareness RTR - https://mega.nz/file/8LpwiSqK#RXxeOBsipUYlQYKzXHal_8HoXZrRSs31qerJDPQG5MM

Black race awareness RTR - https://mega.nz/file/EfQQjJpb#7sUVNBDny0oyhiRRcBJgtUrJmKtItVcn57-zy68sR0Y
Mp3 included
Image included
Lasollor said:
You can skip the message I sent you before this latest one and read this instead. I was asking about astral projection. Since I'm currently under a house arrest situation where I can't leave for X months, so if you know or knows someone who knows you can get me steps to this. It will be a blissful piece of freedom escape for me, and no what was posted on the meditations Jos page did not work for me including the pdf on AP and remote viewing too :(
You mean home arrested by police? Lol
Astral projection requires a lot of pre-training and exercises that will prepare you for it. One of them for example was to raise your astral hands or legs. I would rather suggest you to do the 6 months meditation program.
The fifth month is missing apparently but I have it in my backups. The 6th month is just completion, which is doing exercises where you did not have great results. The astral projection is only in the fifth month.

Lasollor said:
Next white race awareness rtr
By the way RTR stands for Reverse Torah Ritual. The Black/White race awareness rituals are simple rituals, not RTRs.
The Alchemist7 said:
You mean home arrested by police?
No it's by a doctor who's only reason for that is so that I can stop weed use. My story goes far back and if you had an email id pour out my life's story for you.
Cause I tried to say it in the forums but posting a post but it seems the moderator din't like it, I posted my life's story thinking that there's be people to help in responses even possibly ask their Guardian demons for me. But it dint matter to the moderator.
I don't see myself living into 2022 to be honest. The only things that prevent me from going to physically see Satan are the rodent poisons available are like brodifacoum (anti clotting compounds that make you go blind and bleed through urine and other places, most have a 3-4 day delay anyway and can very quickly be forced treated with vitamin k1) and the buildings around aren't high enough. I'm only here for the translations as far as I see it. And yes I'm the previous years before this I've asked father Satan in rituals to uplift/improve/empower my life e.t.c but nothing really ever happens except for my family opening another business where I get nothing. I can't say I have anything to live for TBH and if you heard my story you'd surely know it too. I just don't wanna share here as this is here in a thread where many in time to come will come and see it and I don't think sharing my woa's here is of any benefit to me. Except me saying I have nothing and own nothing and have nothing prepared to look for, I don't even own my own legal documents like a passport and ID. Despite the fact that I'm not allowed to walk seriously anywhere without somebody beside me not to add that my freedom out is limited by how long they feel THEY would like to stay out + where they want to go.
No where to run to
I can't talk to the God's
I can't astral project. None of my astral senses work.
I don't know who my gd is. It's all shit

Amazon forest fire RTR - https://mega.nz/file/8bIRlayA#oKl69hDrR9OxLSC1ECfVMnY9LevSTUSZObM1Xp966ic
No mp3 or images where available.
What's the next file you want me to translate or should I just continue with kabbala exposed now that one finished all RTR's?
Hail Satan "Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the worlds." - Al jilwah
Lasollor said:
No it's by a doctor who's only reason for that is so that I can stop weed use.
Well you can indeed stop using weed. That would be a good start. You said you have a 3-4 dollars a day job but sttill spend money on weed. So as far as I understand your parents are quite rick but are extremely strict? Why they don;t send you to a good school in your country if not abroad? Or at least get you to do some good courses in IT or what you like to do. Also when you posted your story and got disproved, there was also a reason there. Either there was that reason for being disproved, or it was disproved by mistake. Better try posting again but avoid promoting things like weed use or having a harsh attitude towards your parents. I don't know why your message was disproved before but these might possibly be reasons.

Lasollor said:
I can't talk to the God's
I can't astral project. None of my astral senses work.
I don't know who my gd is. It's all shit
Spirituality is extremely similar to physical training. For example if you cannot lift let's say a 50 kg weight (maybe you can, is only an example) is because you are not physically strong enough, so in order to get strong enough to lift that weight you need to go to the gym or practice a sort of physical training to increase your strenght. Is exactly the same with spirituality/meditation. In order for your astral senses to work, you need to `train` them, to practice exercises like vizualization, vibration in the clairaudience, clairvoyance chakras/centres, breathing in energy in them, on a daily basis. Everything is described on the JoS, there is no easy way to open these. I really encourage you to do the 6 months meditation program, that's extremely useful to develop your foundation for advanced meditations. But the main point here is that any major work (such as astral projection) requires daily practice. For how long? Depends how consistent and dedicated you are with it.
Lasollor said:

By the way, if you make an account on mega you can upload all the documents to the same folder. That way you won't have to post a different link for each page you translate and everything will be in one place.
This read should be interesting for newer members.
Recently I was visualizing about jumping off a building the moment I was deciding to let go I noticed father sayams sigil behind me and it sit out strings that wrapped in my hands preventing me from falling. I told the sigil most of my problems in that impromptu meet. I could not hear what the sigil was saying, but it started too hear. Next was when I was visualizing a gun the sigil came took the gun and exploded it into particles.
This shows that Father Satan does not want you to die.

Infact it's motivated me enough to drive head on into meditations and that sixth month program.
With hatha and Kundalini yoga, breathing exercises and void meditation mentioned in https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=59254 <that thread will be the opening workout although Im not sure where to get Tai Chi or Qi Gong practice's that works for pagans or rather which is the best of the two
I plan to do that everyday together with but before the six month program + drawing energy from the sun and your chakra cleaning

Do you think that's excessive (pointlessly too much) or will it do the opposite and super boost me. For the third eye I plan to do single Serpent meditation and King and queen meditation and daily astral projection practice

Can this be my meditation program or is there refinement required, since I basically have the whole day available to meditate??

+ The only ritual tools or meditation tools I have are a phone. Will this work for the six month program as it needs candles and such??

Bonus image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oVWKEYBsH7FwmH6pqxTPS-7Q61kKED4X/view?usp=drivesdk
;) I'm just trying to make a killer mediation workout

& I found something between my heart chakra and throat chakra that was influencing me as mentioned in this topic
SigTyr said:
I've mentioned possessions.. that worth creating another topic if anyone is willing to read, but in short thanks to xians most of the people are possessed... Basically people are giving up their souls, and when they "let the Jewzuz in their hearts" they actually let the "insider" in their body... As you guessed they are chilling in the area between heart and throat chakras...
Hail Satan!

& Kabbalah Exposed folder -

Hail Satan
The Alchemist7 said:
. So as far as I understand your parents are quite rick but are extremely strict? Why they don;t send you to a good school in your country if not abroad? Or at least get you to do some good courses in IT or what you like to do. Also when you posted your story and got disproved, there was also a reason there. Either there was that reason for being disproved, or it was disproved by mistake. Better try posting again but avoid promoting things like weed use or having a harsh attitude towards your parents.
You should understand my parents are utterly shit parents
-For my recent 26th birthday they tried to force me to stay home and do nothing, with the cover up lie that they'd throw a party over the coming weekend (they've never thrown a party for me since I was about 7)
-Of all the 3 family business we currently have. I used to work as a waiter in the lowest class of the three business even the workers would make fun of me and I had no control over the runnings.
-In all the creations of the family business I was never promoted for input and when I was my else siblings opinions were taken and added
-My mother has been the sole reason of over 5 of my suspensions from primary and high school (she'd literally ask the head master to suspend me)

My life story topic managed to get posted and would serve as good reference to the next points.
Topic https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=60541

-Both my parents are responsible for dragging me into mental institutions. And funding the drugs for it. My father is the type of man who values mental injections and 'house arrest' over me getting an education
-My mother would search for and confiscate my **hidden** Satanic material and all legal documents and hand them over to me father. As my father basically never thinks twice about her (anything she says goes for him.)
At times I just think of running away and becoming homeless thinking that Satan would save me the way he saved HP Maxine Dietrich from being very very poor from what I've read in older forums to having a car and grand kids. But then I remember I'm not even the least bit spiritually aware
I could continue about my parents but I'm sure you have an idea about them already.

This is why I was asking you in the previous message if that meditation schedule is full proof enough given that I have all hours of the day to do everything/anything.. My aim is to be spiritually strong enough to stand on my own two feet and escape this family.
2 finally start my life
Lasollor said:
Do you think that's excessive (pointlessly too much) or will it do the opposite and super boost me. For the third eye I plan to do single Serpent meditation and King and queen meditation and daily astral projection practice
If you haven't meditated before, best is to start gradually. Exactly like when you go to the gym or do physical training, you don't start in the first day to lift 80 kg at chest or back. This might be an exageration but notice again the similarity between physical training and spiritual training.

It has been said on the forums that if one meditates too much at once or from the beginning, they can `burn` their chakras and won't be able to heal them, which I quite doubt personally, I doubt that permament damage to the chakras can occur from excessive meditation. Whether is true or not, best is to start gradually, if I remember right one of the HPs said that you can combine the first two months of the program and do them in the same time, day 1 of the first and second month are done in the same day, day 2 from both months the next day and so on. Beside these you should do the cleaning of the soul, the AOP meditations posted by HP plus the meditation that I posted if you wish, personally I found it to be really helpful and is really simple and short.

So is the first two months of the meditation program done together plus the AOP and chakra cleaning meditation. My opinion is that should be the program for one month because in this time you will do the meditations to open your chakras and the clairvoyance/clairaudience centers/chakras and the third eye, plus the other minor chakras. Then if I remember right in the third month of the program in the first week you have a meditation where you have to absorb energy from around you in your body. I think after you do that meditation you can then add soul empowering meditation, like the RAUM meditation, the Satanas meditation, daily meditations on the astral senses and the other ones you wanted to do. Best is to start slowly and gradually.

Also don't be disappointed if you do not feel results after a short period of time, it might take even years of consistent daily meditations to be able to do advanced things. That's extremely important, many people have big expectations and when they don't see results in a matter of weeks, they give up. In ancient times there were schools specifically created for meditations and spiritual training. Also nowadays there are spiritual schools for jews where they learn the oral torah and how to advance spiritually with their allien souls and their stolen knowledge. All this might take years, meditation must become part of your daily routine, exactly like when one of the High Priestesses (HPs Myla Limlai I think) stated that she is losing power if she doesn't meditate one day, or something similar.

And yes definitely the phone is probably all you need, to read the meditations. You need to see the images that you will need to visualize in one of the exercises and not much left. The less additional tools you use, the better. There was one meditation where you needed to focus on the fire of a candle but if you don't have a candle then you can just look on youtube for a burning candle and just use that one instead, although it won't be the same experience probably.
The Alchemist7 said:
If you haven't meditated before, best is to start gradually. Exactly like when you go to the gym or do physical training, you don't start in the first day to lift 80 kg at chest or back. This might be an exageration but notice again the similarity between physical training and spiritual training.

It has been said on the forums that if one meditates too much at once or from the beginning, they can `burn` their chakras and won't be able to heal them, which I quite doubt personally, I doubt that permament damage to the chakras can occur from excessive meditation. Whether is true or not, best is to start gradually, if I remember right one of the HPs said that you can combine the first two months of the program and do them in the same time, day 1 of the first and second month are done in the same day, day 2 from both months the next day and so on. Beside these you should do the cleaning of the soul, the AOP meditations posted by HP plus the meditation that I posted if you wish, personally I found it to be really helpful and is really simple and short.

So is the first two months of the meditation program done together plus the AOP and chakra cleaning meditation. My opinion is that should be the program for one month because in this time you will do the meditations to open your chakras and the clairvoyance/clairaudience centers/chakras and the third eye, plus the other minor chakras. Then if I remember right in the third month of the program in the first week you have a meditation where you have to absorb energy from around you in your body. I think after you do that meditation you can then add soul empowering meditation, like the RAUM meditation, the Satanas meditation, daily meditations on the astral senses and the other ones you wanted to do. Best is to start slowly and gradually.

Also don't be disappointed if you do not feel results after a short period of time, it might take even years of consistent daily meditations to be able to do advanced things. That's extremely important, many people have big expectations and when they don't see results in a matter of weeks, they give up. In ancient times there were schools specifically created for meditations and spiritual training. Also nowadays there are spiritual schools for jews where they learn the oral torah and how to advance spiritually with their allien souls and their stolen knowledge. All this might take years, meditation must become part of your daily routine, exactly like when one of the High Priestesses (HPs Myla Limlai I think) stated that she is losing power if she doesn't meditate one day, or something similar.

And yes definitely the phone is probably you need, to read the meditations. You need to see the images that you will need to visualize in one of the exercises and not much left. The less additional tools you use, the better. There was one meditation where you needed to focus on the fire of a candle but if you don't have a candle then you can just look on youtube for a burning candle and just use that one instead, although it won't be the same experience probably.
Thanks and sorry I just tried to talk about this just 15 mins before the moderator posted your reply so don't worry. I've read it and probably won't need to ask you anything meditation related for about >2 months :) . If there was somewhere else like another forum I could ask at that time that would help as I don't want to desecrate this Forum thread with my shit because the end-goal is what matters most. As this isn't a lasollor - alchemist 7 thread of you catch my drift..
By the way you've been a great help if one day I'm able to Astral project to you I don't know what id do. :D THANKS
Hail Satan!!
Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll be able to assist in the website creation, because the jewish hacker that's been on my case (ever since) disabled the wifi on my computer I even tried windows updates - a firewall app and antivirus But that did nothing I can still go to public cyber cafe computers but that's not safe. Not even a USB modem connects :? . I'm sorry I haven't been posting much recently but I really plan on getting back to that as soon as tomorrow.. I'm such a dense air type that I can't seem to stay consistent (this has happened for most of my life, but recently I've tried absorbing the earth element to counter this). I'm out of house arrest for now and working, while thinking about staying uni all over again next year but I don't know how successful that will be as I don't hear many graduates getting hired @32-33 - maybe starting a business will be the best thing as I have magic on my side 😪. Anyway I guess life's a journey and mine just has many speed bumps.
If u have any hurdles of your own feel free to tell me even if it's on the other thread I'd be glad to brotherly chip in where I can

It might even make me change my perspective.
Stay safe. Peace!

Hail Satan!!
Lasollor said:
Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll be able to assist in the website creation, because the jewish hacker that's been on my case (ever since) disabled the wifi on my computer I even tried windows updates - a firewall app and antivirus But that did nothing I can still go to public cyber cafe computers but that's not safe.
Hello. You don't have to get involved into the website creation, for this you would need to speak to HP Cobra anyway. Translating the files is more important because one can take these translations and put them in a website but only you can do the translations. But obviously even more important is to focus on yourself and your life problems. If you have the time and possibilities to do translations is great but getting your issues sorted is more important.
The Alchemist7 said:
.. If you have the time and possibilities to do translations is great but getting your issues sorted is more important.

Id like to continue with the kabbalah exposed translations first before I move on to others, could you send me the PDF link. I lost my copy and can't find it in Jos library or the notifications of ancient forums.
And I've decided to do money spells + solar chakra yoga to her my life issues sorted. Is there any other working you can add on for getting money or are those 2 workings enough or what's a kick ass millionaire affirmation 4 money?

and if I'm disturbing you I'm very sorry. I'm only trying to make it on my own and help Jos. to me your like the greatest penpal I've ever met hopefully when this is all over we will meet someday.

Hail Satan
Lasollor said:
Id like to continue with the kabbalah exposed translations first before I move on to others, could you send me the PDF link. I lost my copy and can't find it in Jos library or the notifications of ancient forums.
And I've decided to do money spells + solar chakra yoga to her my life issues sorted. Is there any other working you can add on for getting money or are those 2 workings enough or what's a kick ass millionaire affirmation 4 money?

and if I'm disturbing you I'm very sorry. I'm only trying to make it on my own and help Jos. to me your like the greatest penpal I've ever met hopefully when this is all over we will meet someday.

Hail Satan
You don't disturb with anything, this is what the forum is about. At the moment I do a money working myself. I started around two weeks ago and I want to do it for 90 days, wait 2-3 months and then start it again when the planetary placements allow it. The affirmation I use is:
AUM x 1
`Now and permanently I attract huge amounts of money and fortune that are completely under my property, in the safest and heathiest way for me` x10
AUM x1
I think is extremely important that both the Moon and the Sun are in good signs in the same time when you start a money spell and the Sun is not in retrograd.
While you perform the money spell your mind must be completely focused on proper vizualization, therefore while you do the working vizualize your soul and aura covered in green and golden dots all over the body, vizualize and feel how you are surrounded by endless money or how your bank account is full of money or how you are winning millions at lotto or similar things. After you finish the work you need to forget about it completely and stop thinking about having a lot of money so these thoughts won't interfere with the working. Also after you finish you need to breath in the soul white-gold energy a few times.

I would also advise to do the working after you have cleaned your aura and soul or after the meditation schedule when your energies are high, or maybe after the chakra yoga you are doing. Like don't do it after the RTRs unless you performed AoP in between. If you do yoga only for solar chakra you need also afterwards to do a meditation to balace out all the chakras, otherwise you end up empowering only one chakra and the other ones will remain `behind` in terms of advancement or cleaning. This meditation can mean vibrating SATANAS like 9 times in each chakra for example.

Is very important to be patient as these things can take months or even years and also to do physical things to concretely attract money, like studying something that pays well or playing at lotto or looking for a well paid job or starting a business or related. This might be problematic in you live in a rather poor country.

As general things meditating and cleaning the aura and soul are indirectly helping in this working as you are slowly eliminating blockages and negative energies from the soul. Also doing the RTRs and generally working for Satanism everyday brings blessing from the Gods and your live can improve, but it must be understood that working and fighting for our cause in general (RTRs, translations, online activism etc) is not something that you do for financial benefits, but something that you willingly do as a moral duty and responsability as Satanist.

Another thing I did, and gave up after a few weeks because of the mental pressure and the fact that I could not do much about it at that moment is the following medidation:
MUNKA x9 in Crown Chakra
Repeat for each main chakra from top to bottom.
Affirmation: `My main chakras are completely cleared of any blockages, curses and negative energies, in the safest and healthiest ways for me`.
Aum) x9
What this meditation is doing is that it brings to surface all the karmic issues that you have and is literally pressuring you mentally or pushing you to do something to fix them, which might at the beginning lead to depression and other negative things since these negative curses/issues are deeply rooted in the soul. If you faced poverty since small age then is likely that lack of money is a karmic issue in your soul and this meditation will bring it to the surface.

As a last resort, if nothing improves after let's say 1-2 years of continuous meditation and yoga and daily participation to warfare then definitely I suggest to contact a God or Satan for financial help. You will not hear if they come to you and you haven't opened your astral senses but eventually you will receive the help as long as you offer something in exchange like energy or more implication in warfare etc.

Regarding Kabbalah Exposed, I don't know of an actual PDF with that but you can either download it from the archive in my signature (individual .html files which you shoud be able to read even with a phone) either you can translate straight from the website
The Alchemist7 said:
you can either download it from the archive in my signature (individual .html files which you shoud be able to read even with a phone) either you can translate straight from the website

Thanks for being so patient with me and my delays. I'm going to try doing at least 1 page and more a day. Now i'm going to see you as my boss (since you have responsibility over my translations) and make this like a job for me, cause I know I wouldn't have been chosen if I wasn't capable and I know jos is going to grow and then be able offer employment. At least then I can say I did translations and get a job with the jos as it would have grown ​by then
So boss, I'll say I'm sorry for the delay.

And at least more than once when I finished doing a translation I felt something like a thoughtform in the figure of a human like pour some energy over me, What is this, should I be expecting this from Jos, was this a form of a spiritual blessing?
more info on this would be nice.

Kabbalah exposed Work - https://mega.nz/folder/NHx0RS5B#7XM9m_vlGX5_LrJpTvYftg
Lasollor said:
The Alchemist7 said:
you can either download it from the archive in my signature (individual .html files which you shoud be able to read even with a phone) either you can translate straight from the website

Thanks for being so patient with me and my delays. I'm going to try doing at least 1 page and more a day. Now i'm going to see you as my boss (since you have responsibility over my translations) and make this like a job for me, cause I know I wouldn't have been chosen if I wasn't capable and I know jos is going to grow and then be able offer employment. At least then I can say I did translations and get a job with the jos as it would have grown ​by then
So boss, I'll say I'm sorry for the delay.

And at least more than once when I finished doing a translation I felt something like a thoughtform in the figure of a human like pour some energy over me, What is this, should I be expecting this from Jos, was this a form of a spiritual blessing?
more info on this would be nice.

Kabbalah exposed Work - https://mega.nz/folder/NHx0RS5B#7XM9m_vlGX5_LrJpTvYftg
I recently started translating the whole JoS to Swahili. Can you give me your email? We can coordinate. Thank you.
Lasollor said:
Now i'm going to see you as my boss (since you have responsibility over my translations) and make this like a job for me, cause I know I wouldn't have been chosen if I wasn't capable and I know jos is going to grow and then be able offer employment.
So boss, I'll say I'm sorry for the delay.
Well boss is not a very fit term. I just download all translations and keep them together in the same place, as well as keeping real-time track of everything being translated and I also translate wherever requested as long as someone will verify and eliminate all errors. As about the responsability over the translations, the people who are responsible for them are the actual translators. If a translation in any language is discovered to be deliberately corrupted or negatively altered, the person who translated will probably be deemed as infiltrator and banned from the forum. I know when I posted first time about starting this project I said that I would double-check all translations using online translation software but I never imagined even for a second that what was just a proposal will actually get that big, basically around 75-80 members offering to translate JoS in 29-30 languages.

As about the JoS offering employment, that is interesting since it's not an impossible thing. In order for JoS to offer paid employment, it needs a vast constant income, for example like Christianity has endless income from the governments and people, which allows for this religious system to perpetuate. Honestly I dream to the day when JoS will become a well-established physical organization where we can undergo scientific and spiritual research and other impactant activities for humanity in general.

Lasollor said:
And at least more than once when I finished doing a translation I felt something like a thoughtform in the figure of a human like pour some energy over me, What is this, should I be expecting this from Jos, was this a form of a spiritual blessing?
more info on this would be nice.
As far as I noticed, blessings from the Gods manifest in concrete things like luck, improving in certain areas of your life (job, money, health, love etc) and related. If it was a spiritual blessing then same this should manifest somehow in increased sensitivity to astral or other spiritual improvements. If this energy that you felt did not bring any relevant positive impact in your life, then in my personal opinion, I wouldn't say that it was a blessing from the Gods.

Blackdragon666 said:
I recently started translating the whole JoS to Swahili. Can you give me your email? We can coordinate. Thank you.
That is great, you can also double-check each other's translation, which is an important factor in this project to ensure translations are as perfect as possible. HP Hooded Cobra advised that coordination should occur only via the forum as it's easier to prevent infiltration this way. You can also speak in Swahili with each other if you want.
Alright brother Alchemist, thank you.
Blackdragon666 said:
I recently started translating the whole JoS to Swahili. Can you give me your email? We can coordinate. Thank you.
Alchemist7 amesema tubonge ndani za hizi forum.. Mimi Sina shida na hiyo.
Una weza penda kufanya aje? kwasababu nime Sha translate RTR's zote na nime anza kabbalah exposed kama kiswahili yako Iko poa (mufti au sanifu) unaweza kuwa proof-reader wewe u rekebisha mahali nime anguka kwasababu Swahili yangu sio poa kabisa

Au unaweza anza kutafsiri files zingine tafauti zako zile zinazo itajika ndio tusikuwe na double pages

Ama ufanye hizo vitu mbili pamoja?
Unaona aje?
Lasollor said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I recently started translating the whole JoS to Swahili. Can you give me your email? We can coordinate. Thank you.
Alchemist7 amesema tubonge ndani za hizi forum.. Mimi Sina shida na hiyo.
Una weza penda kufanya aje? kwasababu nime Sha translate RTR's zote na nime anza kabbalah exposed kama kiswahili yako Iko poa (mufti au sanifu) unaweza kuwa proof-reader wewe u rekebisha mahali nime anguka kwasababu Swahili yangu sio poa kabisa

Au unaweza anza kutafsiri files zingine tafauti zako zile zinazo itajika ndio tusikuwe na double pages

Ama ufanye hizo vitu mbili pamoja?
Unaona aje?
Pole ndugu kwa nilivyochelewa kukujibu. Nilikuwa nimekaliwa na shughuli za kazini, lakini nimepata kazi nyingine mpya inayonilipa vizuri na haichukui muda mwingi kwenye siku yangu.

Pia mimi sina shida. :)

Nilikisoma Kiswahili kwenye shule ya upili, na nikapita vizuri. Kwa hivyo Kiswahili changu ni aghalabu kizuri, waweza sema sanifu. Na hata iwepo kuna matamshi magumu, kuna uwezekano wa kutumia kamusi.

Tunaweza tafsiri sote kisha tunasahihishiana, angalau kurasa moja kila siku kwenye tovuti kuu. Ningekuarifu umalize kutafsiri kabbalah exposed kwanza alafu utaniunga kwa kutafsiri tovuti kuu.
Kiswahili yangu sio poa so si elewi maneno zile ziko underlined

Blackdragon666 said:
Nilikisoma Kiswahili kwenye shule ya upili, na nikapita vizuri. Kwa hivyo Kiswahili changu ni aghalabu kizuri, waweza sema sanifu. Na hata iwepo kuna matamshi magumu, kuna uwezekano wa kutumia kamusi.

Tunaweza tafsiri sote kisha tunasahihishiana, angalau kurasa moja kila siku kwenye tovuti kuu. Ningekuarifu umalize kutafsiri kabbalah exposed kwanza alafu utaniunga kwa kutafsiri tovuti kuu.
Ukitaka unaweza proofread kazi yangu nikiifanya kila siku page 1+ au unaweza tafsiri (kilingana na kenye untaka na kenye masaa yako ina kubali). Uki taka ku proof read una weza anza na kenye nime sha upload Rtr's na kabala exposed nta endelea kuzi tafsiri kabla 11/12/21 ifike kwasababu saa hii sina uwezo ya simu (ilipotea) / Ukitaka ku tafsiri unaweza anza na document ile sija anzia ndio kusikuwe na confusion. Kumbuka kuunda mega.nz folder ya kueka kazi yako (ya kutafsiri) au final work yetu (ya ku proofread), Lakini uki tafsiri bado kuna mahili ya hii kazi bado ntahitaji ikwe proofread

Na nikimaliza karbala exposed nta fanya venye ulisema, ata pia una weza anzia vile vitu nime sha upload zikiwa bado kidogo
So ni wewe kuamua sasa venye hii kazi inaweza endelea.
The Alchemist7 said:
A question for when I will create the Kabbalah Exposed blogger, what flag do you suggest me to use? I saw Swahili is most associated with Tanzania but is a widespead language so it wouldn't be accurate to use only the Tanzanian flag.
I was thinking of this minus the textures.

Since kiswahili is a first national language in Kenya / Tanzania.
Lasollor said:
The Alchemist7 said:
A question for when I will create the Kabbalah Exposed blogger, what flag do you suggest me to use? I saw Swahili is most associated with Tanzania but is a widespead language so it wouldn't be accurate to use only the Tanzanian flag.
I was thinking of this minus the textures.
Since kiswahili is a first national language in Kenya / Tanzania.
Something like this?
The Alchemist7 said:
Something like this?
Answer->Yes you've read my mind. Those dual flags promote unity and togetherness against shared enemies.

But if all the flags on Satan's library are single flags shouldn't we do the same?
-https://satanslibrary.org/index.html Or did they pick each flag based on the translators nationality? If they did and me and Blackdragon666 turn out to be from 2 different nationalities what happens then?
:| I'm not trying to complicated things, just asking.
And while we're still talking
What's the quickest way to a growing financial freedom
Is it A,
and money works pdf
or B
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=62455&p=280432&hilit=Yoga+6th +
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=55467&p=248859 &

A works with the solar plexus
B opens all astral senses (as far as I know)

Would B be better cause then you can directly communicate with the gods to help you with the winning codes to the lottery or something in exchange for finishing their works or they tell you do particular thing(s) or prepare for ABCD, or set up shop here with XYZ. Which doesn't need the solar plexus i assume
Or is A superior in the long run

cause I think with B. the gods can just direct you somewhere and tell you dig. And you'll find someone else's buried money. Or should I sacrifice and do all A&B together?. What's your take on each?.

Plus can mantras still be as effective as RTR's when done non verbally (mentally)? Or is there a pagan meditation exception that must be done verbally or are all effective even non-verbally i still don't fully understand the verbal non verbal difference..

I've replaced my lost phone and I'm ready to start uploading work for your refinement. Unless you'd rather upload your own.
I still don't know which one you'd like to do?

My next upload tomorrow & onwards will be here https://mega.nz/folder/NHx0RS5B#7XM9m_vlGX5_LrJpTvYftg
Hail Satan.
Lasollor said:
B opens all astral senses (as far as I know)

Hail Satan.

I was talking about option B in that sense because since i restarted to translate kabbalah exposed I saw.

" Serpentine Power, telepathic communication and all knowledge are possible and with telepathic communication, there are no language barriers, as the communication is filtered down through the pineal gland from the communicator into whatever language the receiver mainly speaks and understands. This is why some telepathic communications can be ‘off’ sometimes. Specific words don’t always get filtered perfectly for one, due to an under-activated pineal gland, and for another, there are sometimes major differences in languages. In some languages there is no equivalent expression or word to convey what is meant in another language. "

This can be a gold mine. But I assume you already have yours open so you can help by giving me the facts to this

I hope you don't think I'm like Mr.Crabs from SpongeBob obsessed with money.↓

Truth >i only want enough money to give me the free time i need to meditate to God head and do RTR's and if I'll also be able to afford flag ship things every season that's a bonus, I'm not really seeking billionaire status tbh just a dozen or so businesses run by my head office to let me sit home all day and only appear 4 board meetings a few hours a day when needed.
That's my goal!
And that's why I keep disturbing people on the forums about money issues.
Lasollor said:
Or did they pick each flag based on the translators nationality?
The flags from the Library are based on languages, each flag represents a language. If one language is spoken in multiple countries, only one flag was choosen, probably the flag of the country where that language was formed. I assume there is an error on that archive where they put the Mexican flag for Spanish, when the Spanish flag should have been used instead. Though if you enter Kabbalah Exposed link in my signature, you will see dual flags for certain languages.

Lasollor said:
What's the quickest way to a growing financial freedom
I don't think there is a `quick` way for this. In order to achieve any kind of freedom, you need to eliminate karmic problems from your soul, and in this case financial freedom will probably be solved by default as you clean your soul and your financial situation will slowly start to improve. Then you can do meditations and yoga for money spells which will accelerate your financial `improvement` but without cleaning your soul through consistent daily meditation, I don't know how strong these spells can be. Financial freedom is a big and longterm goal which requires a lot of energy so it will take longer to manifest (months or years depending on your devotement and consistence). Is exactly like money, if you want to buy something expensive you need more money, same simple concept applies here. If you want to achieve a massive life-changing goal, you need to invest in a lot of energy, by meditation, cleaning the soul, yoga etc. There is no easy or quick way for this. You need to see financial freedom as a longterm goal and not a quick achievement, and understand that it will manifest gradually based on how consistent you are with meditation and soul cleaning, and I am speaking from experience and not what I read from others. Also maybe is not a good idea to be obsessed with money all day long, I know such people and the reality is they don't have a lot of money, for example they don't have enough for what they want to do on longterm. Maybe is a good idea to think about money as a resource and not as something to obsess about because this will likely affect your spells. You only need to vizualize huge amounts of money coming to you only when you are doing the money spells but outside them, you should take your mind off money and let your spells to manifest.

I think it also depends what you understand by financial freedom. For example I consider financial freedom is when you have enough money to pay your bills, not depending on anybody else, when you can pay for your own house (rent or monthly rates), let's say you also have some money for whatever `pleasures` you can have (holidays or clothes or things like this) and if you save some money aside at the end. For other people maybe financial freedom means having plenty money to buy expensive cars, expensive clothes, the lastest $2000 mobile phones, long expensive holidays in who knows what islands, expensive watches and so on. For me these things are completely useless bullshit and a total waste of money than can be used far far more wisely.
The Alchemist7 said:

Ok I've finally understood about the money. Finally, do you think doing all the meditations and RTR's e.t.c none verbaly is completely effective for all everything or are there some certain exceptions where there's no choice but to do them verbaly?

And if someone does Lydia's heart chakra yoga daily and mantra's + affirmations how long do you think it'll take for them to astral project? Are physical meditations be effective and applicable in the astral? Because the prospect of me lying in bed and advancing or having an astral temple and being able to travel the universe and hell and meet demons and other brings is all too good

And I'm happy to announce that I've resumed all my translations with 100% dedication as i have already done 5+ pages in the last 2 days. Hopefully if i finish quickly enough Hooded Cobra can forgive my delays and maybe you can put in done support for me to be a high priest or something once i finish(or even before i finish) translating everything.
- if this is still a possiblity, fingers crossed! if there other prerequisites to this like having a pineal gland open or something, I'd like to know now so i can start and have a chance

P.s aside from the high priest and astral projection thing i don't think i have any other questions. Cause I believe once i have my astral hearing/vision open by using Lydia's yoga/ mantras and HP Hooded Cobras PTAH meditation achieving God head and everything else will be easy with the help of my Guardian Demon and Succubus.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
