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Swahili Translation Thread

Lasollor said:
Ok I've finally understood about the money. Finally, do you think doing all the meditations and RTR's e.t.c none verbaly is completely effective for all everything or are there some certain exceptions where there's no choice but to do them verbaly?
Is not completely effective but it is still effective. Doing meditations and RTRs mentally will still have impact but it will be smaller. I think you can open astral senses by inspiring enegy in the relevant chakras but I don't think power meditation is really possible this way as you need to vibrate power words in order to generate energy. Vibrating them mentally while focusing on the soul part you are meditating on will still be effective but it will take considerably longer to advance this way.

Lasollor said:
And if someone does Lydia's heart chakra yoga daily and mantra's + affirmations how long do you think it'll take for them to astral project?
Nobody can assign a certain time because people with different spiritual past will have different results. If someone has practiced meditations in their past lives it will be way easier for them to advance. It also depends on your consistency and practice with these meditations. You need to start doing them and record your progress on a constant basis. It can take even years to astral project if you don't follow a coherent daily program. Is very important to have a strong and focused mind so you don't allow it to wander in random thoughts while you meditate because it will tremendouly decrease the power and effect of the meditations. If you are not 100% focused on what you are meditating, it will decrease its power. I know Gear88 was dealing with this before, I don't know if his situation improved. It worth quoting him.

Lasollor said:
Are physical meditations be effective and applicable in the astral?
It is possible to do certain meditations on astral but on long term is not feasible because a soul needs a physical body to advance. For example you won't be able to do yoga in astral, which is required for advancement.

Lasollor said:
And I'm happy to announce that I've resumed all my translations with 100% dedication as i have already done 5+ pages in the last 2 days. Hopefully if i finish quickly enough Hooded Cobra can forgive my delays and maybe you can put in done support for me to be a high priest or something once i finish(or even before i finish) translating everything.
Well I cannot supporting anybody in becoming a high priest :lol:
I assume there are some tough conditions to become one, you might rather want to ask HP Hooded Cobra or any other HP, what they had to do in order to become a High Priest. It might be something that involves the Gods directly, especially since the fake HP mageson was exposed and kicked out. But translations are more or less a moral duty to awaken people, we don't do them to gain certain advantages or benefits. Is our moral duty as Satanists (people whose ancient religions were destroyed by jews) to inform as many people as possible about spirituality, jewish threat and so on.

I answered this but it would be more indicated to open a topic in Joy of Satan 666 and just copy paste your message/request there because you are likely to receive better and more comprehensive advice. Also translation threads should be kept only to translations and spiritual matters should be adressed in the Joy of Satan forum.
The Alchemist7 said:
Also translation threads should be kept only to translations and spiritual matters should be adressed in the Joy of Satan forum.

Sir Yes sir!, if i have questions when necessary l necessary I'll post to the forums.
For now I'll try (like today) to be doing 3 - 5 Pages of translations for about 3 years ±½ with cumulative one month break each year to see whether i can finish my translations duty of
Joy of Satan Main Website
Exposing Christianity
The Black Sun 666
Kabbalah Exposed
The Third Reich and Satanism/Christianity
Death of Communism
The Real Holocaust
White Death of Islam
Exposing the Lie of Islam
Forum (if any) - after others are done
Joy of Satan Library (if any) - after others are done
RTRs ( :!: done)
Rituals Page &
Jewtrix Documentary
by that time.
*Continuing with kabbalah exposed link already posted.
Peace !

I'm stuck at part 5, Page 6, paragraph 6 of my translations of the the kabbalah exposed
Where it says

"Neshama which is the name of the should comes from Anasema which means "The Breath" or the power to breathe. This again goes to the Hindu Vayu and the concept of the breath."
The way i translated it was
Neshama ambalo ni jina la should linatokana na Anasema ambalo linamaanisha "Pumzi" au nguvu ya kupumua. Hii tena inakwenda kwa Hindu Vayu na dhana ya pumzi

Should i change it to
Neshama ambalo ni jina la lazima linatokana na Anasema ambalo linamaanisha "Pumzi" au nguvu ya kupumua. Hii tena inakwenda kwa Hindu Vayu na dhana ya pumzi

Lazima in Kenyan English means must or force when used as lazimisha
And is there a faster way if resolving such issues like directly emailing Blackdragon666 cause he knows more kiswahili and he seems legit (and i have the free time). Since sharing our Whatsapp phone numbers is unsafe since there lurkers.. .?
Lasollor said:
"Neshama which is the name of the should comes from Anasema which means "The Breath"
I think is a mistake there.
I found `Neshama`would mean `soul` but I am not confident enough on that, it would make sense in that context given the christian concept of the thoughtform blowing air into Adam and creating a soul but I am not sure if `soul` was intented to use in that sentence. To be honest what I would do is, translate that sentence simply as:
Neshama comes from Anasema which means "The Breath" ...

By the way never share any personal details with anybody, including phone numbers, your real personal email adress, names etc. One can become a target very easy due to sharing any personal details. As HP Hooded Cobra said, for safety and security all issues should be sorted over the forum.

Alchemist7 I have noticed a discrepancy in your mega.nz offline files.

The kabbalah exposed, part 19 has a paragraph near the bottom that has been jew'd. I assume others that have finished before me have already brought this up unless they see it as work and not a duty. I've continued translating while correcting where ever I knew I could regardless.
The paragraph
" Jews whine that the guys who have this 666 will openly oppose the jewish agenda and fight with them. And they cry in this book that one day they will replace all of them, the lamb will replace the ram, the 10 crowns will be replaced by the saints, the leader of it all (Satan) will be replaced by Rabbi Jesus who even tries to steal Satan's title as the Morning Star, while the "Whore" that keeps the Cup of "Fornication" (aka immortality) for the "Goyim" to drink, she will be destroyed too. And they also say they desire to take the world for their own. So all in all we have a wet dream as always. "
Lasollor said:
Lasollor said:
B opens all astral senses (as far as I know)

Hail Satan.

I was talking about option B in that sense because since i restarted to translate kabbalah exposed I saw.

" Serpentine Power, telepathic communication and all knowledge are possible and with telepathic communication, there are no language barriers, as the communication is filtered down through the pineal gland from the communicator into whatever language the receiver mainly speaks and understands. This is why some telepathic communications can be ‘off’ sometimes. Specific words don’t always get filtered perfectly for one, due to an under-activated pineal gland, and for another, there are sometimes major differences in languages. In some languages there is no equivalent expression or word to convey what is meant in another language. "

This can be a gold mine. But I assume you already have yours open so you can help by giving me the facts to this

I hope you don't think I'm like Mr.Crabs from SpongeBob obsessed with money.↓

Truth >i only want enough money to give me the free time i need to meditate to God head and do RTR's and if I'll also be able to afford flag ship things every season that's a bonus, I'm not really seeking billionaire status tbh just a dozen or so businesses run by my head office to let me sit home all day and only appear 4 board meetings a few hours a day when needed.
That's my goal!
And that's why I keep disturbing people on the forums about money issues.
I hope you are well Brother. I would like to notify you that I am already translating the whole of exposing xianity. I should post it by next month. I figured since I speak Swahili fluently I should do it. It has a lot of technicalities that get missed by Google translate.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=327955 time=1645714054 user_id=19170]

Welcome and thank you.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=327955 time=1645714054 user_id=19170]

Please notice for uniformity. I translate Satans name as Satan not shaitan or shetani cose its respectful. Unless the text is trying to say Satanist or Satanism and such.
In short if its Satans name i say it in english not swahili as it sounds offensive. What do you think?
Lasollor said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=327955 time=1645714054 user_id=19170]

Please notice for uniformity. I translate Satans name as Satan not shaitan or shetani cose its respectful. Unless the text is trying to say Satanist or Satanism and such.
In short if its Satans name i say it in english not swahili as it sounds offensive. What do you think?

I can be giving you my translations to go through before we submit to Alchemist. For uniformity.

Satan's name has a horrible connotation in most languages, not just Swahili. I say we just use the Swahili version. The reader will get deprogrammed easier. The only instances I use English words are where there is no Swahili equivalent and I also note that it's an English word. This also makes it look professional.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=329660 time=1646072424 user_id=19170]
I say we just use the Swahili version. The reader will get deprogrammed easier.

Alright then.
Lasollor said:
The kabbalah exposed, part 19 has a paragraph near the bottom that has been jew'd. I assume others that have finished before me have already brought this up unless they see it as work and not a duty. I've continued translating while correcting where ever I knew I could regardless.
The paragraph
" Jews whine that the guys who have this 666 will openly oppose the jewish agenda and fight with them. And they cry in this book that one day they will replace all of them, the lamb will replace the ram, the 10 crowns will be replaced by the saints, the leader of it all (Satan) will be replaced by Rabbi Jesus who even tries to steal Satan's title as the Morning Star, while the "Whore" that keeps the Cup of "Fornication" (aka immortality) for the "Goyim" to drink, she will be destroyed too. And they also say they desire to take the world for their own. So all in all we have a wet dream as always. "
I had a look, I think the paragraph says the jews have written in their books that they will destroy the gentiles and their spirituality and to steal their symbols, and the text is written in a `colloquival` manner to criticize the jews for these writings.

Hi friend I'm back again I've just done Satan's Absolution Ritual in Swahili and I'm going to work on Astrate's Ritual tomorrow then back to normal translations for the Kabbalah exposed. Be sure to back up my work! Thanks.

Plus would you be in a position to tell me about the perks of completing these translations. So I can know what to look for, besides the recognition in the forums and the feeling of gratification of finishing translations?. Thanks again
Lasollor said:
Plus would you be in a position to tell me about the perks of completing these translations. So I can know what to look for, besides the recognition in the forums and the feeling of gratification of finishing translations?. Thanks again
Hello. As said before all I know is what HP said at the beginning that there will be `spiritual gifts` when we finish, although is quite unclear what `finish` means because it will take a matter of years to finish all websites in all languages. However joining the translations is not intended to bring a certain reward. At least when I proposed the plan at the beginning I did it without having any interest of reaping certain benefits from it, but merely from my desire to help expand and increase JoS in influence and in number of people we are able to reach. I don't think anyone who got involved is expecting a particular reward but did it from the same reasons, although as said before I strongly believe doing the translations would uplift you in front of the Gods in case you will ask for their help in your future.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
