Coof-19 vaccine isn't subject to debate; if I state keep that shit away from me it's over. I think in my personal opinion this is a legal vs lawful situation. The constitution states nothing about vaccines it's been codified into the legal system but can bump up against the lawful system.
It's like money every person with American USD = illegal. We use fiat infinite money printer go brrrr money. The money of the U.S. is gold-standard only unless you codified other things such as for example Labor-backed money a.l.a Hitler's money system.
Sheer fact is all these laws on coofy are like EULA many times they come in only to fail at a lower court. Or a lower court approves but a higher court denies it.
I think the issue is simply NYC = Democrap shit hole blue city. They WILL mandate and demand everyone have this dangerous biological experimental agent(BEA).
Sheer fact is it should be dissented and should be attacked. I think flat out refusing coof vaccine is part of it.
For example: What if a person states I got omicron variant coofy. I'm fully coof protected within reason as the virus causes a memory in the system of my body. I don't need the vaccine why bother with vax/boosts if my body is already acquired the capacity to fight it back better next time I get sick. I can get sick again and I can even get the vax/boost and get sick again. Like Bill Gates said the best vaccine to ever happen was omicron it spread like wildfire and immunized people far more effectively and quickly than we can ever do with our vax/boosts.
So if I already acquired omicron coof. I do have a risk of some health for example the issues with lungs early coofy doing nasty things to people's lungs. But I'm protected not for a few weeks or a few months no a lifetime protection from coof. I CAN still get sick again. But why do I need the vaccine? I'm already vaccinated by the virus to a certain reasonable degree not unlike some diseases or the normal influenza cold flu virus.
What happens if someone denied coof not for religious reasons but simply because scientifically speaking that's what it happens. What if someone states "Science is my religion and in my religion we study with science".
Interesting debate the religious scientist such as our own JoS organization whom employs scientific oversight on everything no matter what. Like George Lincoln Rockwell "National Socialism fundamentally is the application of Science to inanimate objects and animals but through mankind himself".
I think this situation is simply Health crisis = mag dump people the vax/boost. If your not vaxed from coof your ebil, debil.
I'm not quite getting the message in full since the article is so poorly written one reason why Tim Pool uses politico in certain videos to show. I think he mentioned Politico is biased a bit but is newsguard certified.
Either way coof vaccination should have no bearing on people. What's next mandate a vaccine on everyone with HIV to take an experimental agent that somehow cures aids even if it risks heavily their health.
I think this is the legal system not able to catch up to the sciences and understanding. As it's been said in the JoS we are basically a 1940s-1950s society with smartphones and technology.
Gay marriage/School system:
I've been listening to Tim Pool on this and he made a very interesting case. IF Gay marriage is denied in a reconsideration. Then what stops hetero marriage from being on the cutting board.
Right now gay marriage is more of a equals benefit to hetero marriage. In hetero standard marriage people gain Federal benefits. Certain tax breaks, alimony(child support), etc.etc. If gay marriage has this clause added to it to bring it up with marriage laws. Why remove gay marriage and let all marriage have this protection. It's an interesting case of Federalism as well as Checks and Balances. Fact of the matter is with Roe and Kasey it's interesting support for states rights i.e. Federal overreach.
Congress not the Supreme Court makes laws, SCOTUS is simply an arbiter nothing more. Federal abortion could have been codified 15 years ago during Obama's term. Same for gay marriage if congress approves Supreme Court might entertain and state since this was codified by congress legally and congress wishes to expand rights protections to citizens this isn't a violation of the constitution but a aggrandizer of the constitution. So gay marriage by congress = constitutional boost to citizens since it adds protection to a minority of the population not a race but a orientation.
Like Tim Pool said if the Government expands an amendment by stating 1A is now being enhanced that isn't a violation of ANY law or the constitution and it's amendment. IF anything there would be no grounds to attack such law in fact such law is amplifying the rights of citizens. Rights of Citizens = VERY important.
So it's interesting.
Another thing that could be on the chopping block is federal overreach of the school system including Brown vs Board of Education. As one pocket article from Firefox's pocket "Is Brown next?" showing a 1950s picture of B vs BOE.
I can easily see federal education programs being shot down including brown due to Federal overreach and violating constitution through failure to codify along with failure to include checks and balances.
Federal school system = violation of State's rights due to State's deciding the school and curriculum.
I don't know how that would fair with civil rights act but I can easily see motions to move on B vs BOE and School systems. Trump administration was pushing for more school choice and many Trump candidates push for school choice even DeSantis expanded this in Florida.
I CAN see issues trying to steamroll the Federal Government on school with certain Federal acts and like I said equal rights on minorities. But this SCOTUS situation opens up a lot of angles of attacks. Like a Fighter Jet even oblique angles of attacks(bad to shoot at it if your dogfighting) are just another avenue someone can make an argument for and attack back at the Federal overreach. In other words no matter how much the Federal squirms around they are being forced to come to terms with States rights. Not unlike one of the reasons why the Civil War started.
Clarence is a legal genius and is quite fair and appropriate in his statements. Sheer fact is like Pool said we need more C.T.s in our political system.
Clarence Thomas might have opened up pandora's box towards States rights and along with increasing checks and balances all without doing much. A simple short legal blitzkrieg.
In fact all the lefties are stupid they literally believe abortion is banned. NO, these don't mean that it just means Federal mandates which is in violation of States rights.
DeSantis is the only guy with a brain in the Union 15-week should have been 16-week, 4 months rather than 3.3 months. But like HP.Cobra said at the 4-5 month time period is the danger zone for reincarnated souls when the soul can be damaged.
DeSantis is a juggernaut and Florida is basically King of the Union right now. So DeSantis's 15-week abortion ban is quite fair and respective towards Woman.
The problem is lefties want extreme abortions even crowning abortions whereby they kill the live child and even euthanasia post birth killings, in some cases. There's some crazy ass lefties out there even the normies are going "WTF?"
If you lose the normies you lose the game.
Sheer fact is this is a victory for States rights, reduction of Federal overreach and a significant boost to checks and balances. IF anything the Supreme Court is using it's legal process to state "We fucked up decades ago". We gave ourselves powers we never had only congress has so we are surrendering power. Not something you see every day.
A Government arm purposefully surrendering power saying. We had not just too much power but we created something that our arm of the system has no power or capacity to do.
TLDR: Increase in States rights, awareness of Federalism, increased Checks and Balances, seeing Federal oversight, and Federal outreach being pumped down.
In terms of NS/SS/RF this equals victory up the ass. Both the hostile left and hostile right both wings of the enemy system are popped. It's like both got a taste of a legal/verbal/law second amendment gunfight and they lost. This hurts the left especially the more extreme they get and hurts the right especially the more christarded ones.
It's funny the xtians are all like "Yay hallelujah jebus crast more slaves for us". Funny that is not and you got popped just as badly as the left.
And in the end the normies and moderates are like "Hmm interesting especially when they stop listening to MSM judenpresse and actually study this stuff."
Funny even some of our fellow JoS'ers fell into the trap of the enemy only for some of our brilliant minded members to explain very succinctly and carefully distill this victory and they went "

Knowledge is power and the supreme court just played a huge power play against both of the political spectrum.