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Logic 404: We spy on your phones because of CoVid

Henu the Great

Well-known member
Apr 14, 2020
Article from: https://www.rt.com/news/541692-israel-omicron-spying-phones/

Human rights groups in Israel have asked the supreme court to repeal the government’s decree reauthorizing the internal security service to spy on cell phones as part of a plan to stop the new Omicron Covid-19 variant.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, to use the phone-tracking technology initially developed for counter-terrorism purposes, as part of the measures announced Sunday aimed at preventing the new Omicron strain of the virus from spreading. Bennett also sealed Israel to all foreign travelers for 14 days.

Four human rights groups petitioned Israel’s High Court of Justice on Monday, challenging Bennett’s decision as “ill-fated and illegal” and in violation of the court’s earlier ruling.

“The High Court ruled in April 2020 that the Shin Bet cannot be authorized to implement contact tracing via Emergency regulations or government decision, but must convene the Knesset [Israel’s parliament] and advance legislation. Thus resuming the program via emergency regulation is a blatant disregard for the rule of law,” the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), one of the groups involved, said in a statement.

Furthermore, Shin Bet’s spying “violates the basic trust between the citizen and the government,” ACRI said. The program was first authorized in March 2020, under Covid-19 emergency measures, but the court ruled it “no longer justifiable” this March.

The surveillance technology matches the location of a person’s phone to others nearby to determine who may have come into close contact with a potential carrier of the virus. A Health Ministry official said on Sunday that its use would be “surgical” and target only confirmed or suspected carriers of Omicron.

Israel has two confirmed and ten more suspected cases of the new strain of the virus, first detected in southern Africa. While information about it is still limited, doctors in South Africa and Botswana have said it seemed significantly more transmissible than earlier variants, while causing only mild symptoms so far.

The supreme court has given Bennett until Tuesday to respond to the petition.
Omicron, as in the name and course of action by the enemy is literally targeting by sympathetic magic the destruction of our liberties.

Omicron in Jewish gematria has the same value with infection, the God math code and the gene Israel. These are the codes opposite of the real meaning, which are used to fortify a link and create the pool of energy. On the other side we have our God Apollo and Odin, which are a target of blasphemy and erosion on a collective consciousness by the above covid fake saga.

Translated the "small o" is literally targeting the 3 main parts of the body and soul by association with this virus and the magic system the jews have. We have the universal blood donors of the type O, which are reduced, limited in a metaphysical way by destroying the DNA, we have the Oxigen and the whole influence of the virus upon the respiratory system and then we have the psychic part, which is the targeting of the O, the feminine side of the soul, resulting in depression and mental health problems. All of these attachments are made with conscience and are deep, not something coincidental.

The number of omicron is 70 which is used as an aspect of acute change and manipulation of events. As it was said before 7 is related to our blessings but also our karma and dirt we have, which is used here against us. The bad seeds are being pushed forward to manifest on the feminine side of the O. Reducing the o.

The use of the Greek alphabet to level their own energies onto targets and points of destruction, or opposition, in a twisted way of manifesting on a collective consciousness their aims. I could go on but I guess it's pointless as it is evident.
NakedPluto said:
Omicron, as in the name and course of action by the enemy is literally targeting by sympathetic magic the destruction of our liberties.

Omicron in Jewish gematria has the same value with infection, the God math code and the gene Israel. These are the codes opposite of the real meaning, which are used to fortify a link and create the pool of energy. On the other side we have our God Apollo and Odin, which are a target of blasphemy and erosion on a collective consciousness by the above covid fake saga.

Translated the "small o" is literally targeting the 3 main parts of the body and soul by association with this virus and the magic system the jews have. We have the universal blood donors of the type O, which are reduced, limited in a metaphysical way by destroying the DNA, we have the Oxigen and the whole influence of the virus upon the respiratory system and then we have the psychic part, which is the targeting of the O, the feminine side of the soul, resulting in depression and mental health problems. All of these attachments are made with conscience and are deep, not something coincidental.

The number of omicron is 70 which is used as an aspect of acute change and manipulation of events. As it was said before 7 is related to our blessings but also our karma and dirt we have, which is used here against us. The bad seeds are being pushed forward to manifest on the feminine side of the O. Reducing the o.

The use of the Greek alphabet to level their own energies onto targets and points of destruction, or opposition, in a twisted way of manifesting on a collective consciousness their aims. I could go on but I guess it's pointless as it is evident.

holy shit you mean the names of the viruses like corona virus as explained is just sympathetic magic :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

would Joy of Satan ever do sympathetic magic?
Here's some research and basic numerology on the new strain.

The World Health Organization named the new strain "Omicron" on Nov 11.
Omicorn is know as B.1.1.529. The numbers add up to 18 which then equals 9.

The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 Nov. 4+2= 6

Omicron represent the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.
1 + 5 = saturnian 6.

9, 11, and 6 are numbers with varying uses but are mainly utilized for destruction and catalysts of great change.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
