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Supporting our brothers and sisters in sharing information

Voice of Enki [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 20, 2017
Greetings brothers and sisters,

For the Joy of Satan to continue to grow, the JoS must be able to found online and increase its footprint with ease.

Unfortunately, the Joy of Satan is still heavily censored online, and our ability to share our information is limited by the extreme control over information the jews have to this day.

Odysee is one of the only video sites online where our material can be shared without being censored.

High Priest HoodedCobra has his own Odysee channel there where all his documentaries are kept.

This not only serves as an archive, but also as a way to permanently keep the information within the documentaries he made available online to be found by people.

Personally, if any of you haven't done so, I believe you should make an account on Odysee to help give legitimate traffic to the video's.

Just give them a like on there and leave a comment, better if you have time to give them a watch as well as the documentaries are all excellent and educational even for SS.

This is an easy way for us to support the spread of truth online, even if one doesn't have much time to do online warfare as we call it.

While we as Spiritual Satanists do not advocate for proselytization or the pushing of our material to convert people or whatever, we do wish for our material to be easily available online for self discovery by people.

Giving support to the works of our brothers and sisters who engage in creating material or sharing it, is of great benefit to create this snowball effect where the Joy of Satan slowly but surely increases its footprint and becomes more discoverable for those who care for the pursuit of truth.

HP HoodedCobra made a sermon about his Odysee channel here:


Other brothers and sisters too have made channels to promote truth or the materials by HP HoodedCobra, like SATchives:



It is a good initiative to support these efforts, even if all one can do is to follow the channel and to give a like on the video's, as that alone is better than doing noting for this at all.

Together we can come up with clever ways to share and support the truth, as well as to promote our materials online where possible so the Joy of Satan and the truths we stand for can become a subject of conversation rather than remain completely secluded and only known to a few in this world.

How long did it take some of you to discover the JoS, in your pursuit of truth?

For myself, I trudged through new age dirt and other crap for over 4 years after trying to study Spirituality, before finally by a seeming coincidence I stumbled upon the Joy of Satan and found my home.

For some it has taken much longer.

The Joy of Satan for being the most valuable place of truth and spiritual knowledge, is far too difficult to come upon at this time, despite already our discoverability being much better than it was a decade ago.

If we succeed in our endeavors to grow the Joy of Satan into an indisputable and infallible temple of the Gods, it will stand to help Gentiles for generations in their spiritual and intellectual pursuits, away from the jewish degeneracy and corruption.

Individually these things may appear small, together however they pile up bigger and bigger, till it sweeps over like an unstoppable tide and the Joy of Satan is known to the world for generations, to the benefit of millions of Gentiles.

We should be aware of the efforts our SS brothers and sisters make, and support these as we are able to.

It doesn't feel right to me that our brothers and sisters have to ask their fellow SS for support for work that benefits us all, made on their own expense of time and effort.

It should be a given we stand by each other to support fellow SS whose works are beneficial to the Joy of Satan as a whole.

For SS who make their own channels to share JoS materials, or who make their own materials for this purpose (always remain anonymous if creating materials directly about the Joy of Satan), post about this to the main forum as well as the JoS activism forum so we all can be aware of this.

Hail Satan!
Well said, Brother. The enemy is doing this everywhere, and they can afford online advertisement, we can't as it gets taken down. So all we can do is take advantage of the things we are allowed to do. There are many of us, and even if you only comment once everyday, or twice a week or whatever, it's still something, and it could still reach some people.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 said:
Any time wasted to push the message, raise websites, archive in jewtube, or spread PDF's, is not wasted time, you are changing lives of people even if just 20 people see the videos. One thing leads to another, the key is for you to open up a hole in the enemy ship, and then it starts to sink.
Damaging The Enemy with Truth

There's this thread, where we share the links of our posts, videos or whatever, so that the others can go like and comment.
What Today Needs!

Doing the bare minimum required for The Ten Year Plan, which is 3 comments, takes only like 5 minutes.
VoiceofEnki said:
Greetings brothers and sisters,

For the Joy of Satan to continue to grow, the JoS must be able to found online and increase its footprint with ease.

Unfortunately, the Joy of Satan is still heavily censored online, and our ability to share our information is limited by the extreme control over information the jews have to this day.

Odysee is one of the only video sites online where our material can be shared without being censored.

High Priest HoodedCobra has his own Odysee channel there where all his documentaries are kept.

This not only serves as an archive, but also as a way to permanently keep the information within the documentaries he made available online to be found by people.

Personally, if any of you haven't done so, I believe you should make an account on Odysee to help give legitimate traffic to the video's.

Just give them a like on there and leave a comment, better if you have time to give them a watch as well as the documentaries are all excellent and educational even for SS.

This is an easy way for us to support the spread of truth online, even if one doesn't have much time to do online warfare as we call it.

While we as Spiritual Satanists do not advocate for proselytization or the pushing of our material to convert people or whatever, we do wish for our material to be easily available online for self discovery by people.

Giving support to the works of our brothers and sisters who engage in creating material or sharing it, is of great benefit to create this snowball effect where the Joy of Satan slowly but surely increases its footprint and becomes more discoverable for those who care for the pursuit of truth.

HP HoodedCobra made a sermon about his Odysee channel here:


Other brothers and sisters too have made channels to promote truth or the materials by HP HoodedCobra, like SATchives:



It is a good initiative to support these efforts, even if all one can do is to follow the channel and to give a like on the video's, as that alone is better than doing noting for this at all.

Together we can come up with clever ways to share and support the truth, as well as to promote our materials online where possible so the Joy of Satan and the truths we stand for can become a subject of conversation rather than remain completely secluded and only known to a few in this world.

How long did it take some of you to discover the JoS, in your pursuit of truth?

For myself, I trudged through new age dirt and other crap for over 4 years after trying to study Spirituality, before finally by a seeming coincidence I stumbled upon the Joy of Satan and found my home.

For some it has taken much longer.

The Joy of Satan for being the most valuable place of truth and spiritual knowledge, is far too difficult to come upon at this time, despite already our discoverability being much better than it was a decade ago.

If we succeed in our endeavors to grow the Joy of Satan into an indisputable and infallible temple of the Gods, it will stand to help Gentiles for generations in their spiritual and intellectual pursuits, away from the jewish degeneracy and corruption.

Individually these things may appear small, together however they pile up bigger and bigger, till it sweeps over like an unstoppable tide and the Joy of Satan is known to the world for generations, to the benefit of millions of Gentiles.

We should be aware of the efforts our SS brothers and sisters make, and support these as we are able to.

It doesn't feel right to me that our brothers and sisters have to ask their fellow SS for support for work that benefits us all, made on their own expense of time and effort.

It should be a given we stand by each other to support fellow SS whose works are beneficial to the Joy of Satan as a whole.

For SS who make their own channels to share JoS materials, or who make their own materials for this purpose (always remain anonymous if creating materials directly about the Joy of Satan), post about this to the main forum as well as the JoS activism forum so we all can be aware of this.

Hail Satan!

Isn´t liking or following a channel the same red flag for the enemy data collectors, then uploading JOS content? I´m not fully aware how much Odysee does protect there user data/one can see the activity off a user.

If all off us would just use a marker, when they travel to crowded places and leave somewhere unnoticed a written link, with a statement like find out the truth:www.... .

This would have a huge hard tracebale worldwide reach.

Great Idea, it took me 4 years too, with the Qtards and new ager beleiving in the Galactic "we are only watching you die" force, to finally find the JoS on hidden wiki website.

Hail Satan
Fuchs said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Isn´t liking or following a channel the same red flag for the enemy data collectors, then uploading JOS content? I´m not fully aware how much Odysee does protect there user data/one can see the activity off a user.

If all off us would just use a marker, when they travel to crowded places and leave somewhere unnoticed a written link, with a statement like find out the truth:www.... .

This would have a huge hard tracebale worldwide reach.

there are articles here to familiar with enough cybersecurity to not be traceable, there are many ways to keep data separate from identifying information. such as blocking trackers and using your own vpn or tor network. or using tails.

I would never use a phone, or your naked ISP to view any of our content, use your own made VPN, a no log vpn that you trust, or tor network, there are articles on here under the keyword cybersecurity that should be of help to anyone.

we need to have an active daily online presence, and not live in fear, but use knowledge to protect ourselves while also doing warfare. it would be of great help if we had several active members had accounts and all liked and shared and supported each other on Odysee.

real world tracts have there place too, and if thats what you feel only comfortable doing then do it, but I think it would be very effective if we all uploaded and commented, liked and followed each other on these platforms. It's insane thinking to just not share our information online, and let the big tech censor us to oblivion, lets make the energy of our RTRs and Rituals have an easy path by putting information online everyday in new places in new ways creatively and consistently.

Maybe one day our links will break through a bug in their code happens and a video or two gets a lot of shares and views. but that will not happen as easily if we don't actively do warfare online. We should trust in our own judgement, intuition, and the Gods of course, but I think some of us are might be ruled by too much fear. not talking about anyone in particular.

Be safe, have common sense, but still fight both spiritually and online I believe is the answer.
I also want to add to my previous post, that I am living proof of what I've said, being that I'm still fine, no death threats, and unknown to the enemy, I've done a lot of online warfare, before the heavy censorship wave after 2015 I had an aliased fb account with a page that got an extreme amount of engagement, I had youtube channel that got a lot of engagement before it was shut down, and like 20 twitter accounts I ran with tweet deck, it's a million times more difficult today because of their a.i censorship and algorithms, but my point in all of this is using common sense, and not sharing any identifying details I've been able to stay safe. fear is of the enemy, and we all shouldn't live in fear. It's more free to do these things for those who live in the more free parts of the world such as united states of Satan I will agree. always common sense should prevail. and listen to your intuition, but I am seeing cracks in their power and we should take every opportunity to start making a greater impact.

the safest least censoring platforms I've found to be odysee which is blockchain, so it's very hard to delete the content as it's shared by all if I am understanding their model correctly, followed by gab, and minds, these places don't get anywhere near the traffic that places like youtube and twitter get, but they are heavily heavily censored, and very hard to get on and speak the truth and grow without getting banned, and they are probably the most data collecting ones as well.

as people get sick of big tech they will continue to go other places like minds/gab/odysee, rumble banned me the other day but rumble is probably mid tier if you watch your keywords you can probably stay on there and grow. but they will ban you and not give you any reason. Perhaps only talk about Spiritual Satanism on Rumble and not about the kikes. I haven't tested this.

this followed by sharing offline tracts to the platforms as well as to our sites will definitely help as well.

new stream, after 4 days I guess it times out. restarted new stream with new videos, new name, and new tags.
I like the idea and I think we should increase our reach and make JoS known to as many people as possible. I also have a lot of writing on my I2P Site (although it is still on hiatus for some reasons, but work is going on in the background), and I will have to spread this among I2P users.

There are also several channels on jewtube that discuss and promote the teachings of Joy Of Satan, but unfortunately they don't get a lot of views. I think it would be a good idea to spread the Truth on forums that many people use on the surface web.

We need to move JoS forward and take the veil off the destructive and ugly face of the enemy. Warning - If you want to spread JoS to larger communities, be sure to do so anonymously and securely. There are several posts that discuss internet security and they are there for a reason.

Just in case, my I2P Site available on http://666spiritualsatanism666.i2p/
I've wanted to make short advertisment videos for Jos for a while now.. I just don't know how to go about it as I'm not very video making savvy. So I may need to go another route. But I agree, we do need to keep on reaching out to people. I'll keep on trying to think of good ideas and maybe I'll come up with something useful soon enough.
SapphireDragon said:
I've wanted to make short advertisment videos for Jos for a while now.. I just don't know how to go about it as I'm not very video making savvy. So I may need to go another route. But I agree, we do need to keep on reaching out to people. I'll keep on trying to think of good ideas and maybe I'll come up with something useful soon enough.

OpenShot Video Editor is a free software you can use, it's very easy, just drag and drop.
BlackOnyx8 said:
OpenShot Video Editor is a free software you can use, it's very easy, just drag and drop.

Thank you for this! I'll check it out.
This is a good idea. I have some ideas for this.
VoiceofEnki said:
Odysee is one of the only video sites online where our material can be shared without being censored.

High Priest HoodedCobra has his own Odysee channel there where all his documentaries are kept.
The member Sabazios (I think Nova666 is his new account) has been creating subtitles for HP Cobra's documentaries for English and Romanian and I've been collaborating with him in reviewing/translating. The most important here is that once the English subtitles are done, they can be easily translated in any language by only changing the text in the .ass subtitle file.

I am quoting Sabazios/Nova666 as well.

This will help as well in spreading the documentaries to other communities, increasing their popularity to non-English speakers.
Odysee hasn't deliberately censored any material, not the same way youtube or other sites do.

I haven't seen any deliberate manipulation of search results to hide certain things, however I also haven't investigated this in depth, so it is possible this may be happening on Odysee as well.

This does make it all the more important in my opinion to support the material of other SS, to give the video's of our material more engagement, which if the search algorithms they use are unbiased (unlike jewgle or jewtube), would help to bring our material higher up on the results and thus make it more discoverable.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
