Sun exposure, in the case of skin with acne, can lead to the appearance of spots. What actually causes acne to worsen is not the sun, but any sea water (if the water is impure and not clear), and above all sunscreen. What you should do is look for a high protection sunscreen, suitable for oily skin with acne.
If you are interested in also treating acne in general I recommend 2 products: moisturizer and retinol. Clearly, before using these two products, find out about their function, to avoid making mistakes. In the evening, apply plenty of moisturizing cream, followed by a retinol product. In the morning instead only the moisturizer. Many say that makeup makes acne worse, but in my experience, if you use quality makeup, this is absolutely not the case. However, if you can, avoid using oil-bases foundations.
For cleansing, it may seem ambiguous, but I recommend using an intimate cleanser.
Do not use other products.
As soon as Venus is in a favorable astrological sign, perform the magic square of Venus by programming the energy towards the desired result (smooth and uniform skin).
Specificity with Workings and Affirmations - Blitzkreig [JG]