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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
If you are able to STOCK UP NOW!! DO NOT WAIT!

"The administration declared a public health emergency in the United States and said it would close the border to foreign nationals who have recently been in China."

What this translates into is Chinese  cargo ships, cargo airplanes and related won't be able to dock or land here. 

Today, 1st of the month is food stamp day in the US. Shortages could happen very quickly and be long lasting. 

Go through your cupboards, refrigerator,  freezer,  everything and take an inventory. 

Never purchase anything you don't normally need or use in the way of food. This wastes both space and money. 

Suggested Foods and items to stock up on. A 6 month supply is recommended:

Water Water Water 

One gallon per person per day.
Water filter that adjusts to your tap
First aid kit 

Sanitation and hygiene items, including moist towelettes,  feminine products, soap, shampoo, paper towels, toilet paper.

Matches, or a lighter
Reliable US made can opener 
Cash and coins if ATMs might go down. 
Contact lens solutions 

Items for infants and toddlers:
Baby food 

New mothers who are breastfeeding should keep their milk flowing and continue to do so for obvious reasons. 

For the elderly:
Denture items 
Hearing aid batteries 

Paper cups, plates, plastic utensils 

Household cleaning products,  bleach,  dish soap, etc.

Sugar,  salt, pepper, seasonings.

Yeast (Amazon.com sells yeast in bulk, much cheaper than little jars of store bought, if you do a lot of baking,  store in your freezer).

Case of flour 

Case of cooking oil

Aluminum foil 

Plastic wrap 

Paper, writing utensils 



Powdered milk 

Dried fruit 

Dry crackers 

Instant Potatoes 

Canned fruits, juices, vegetables, meats and fish. 

Ready to eat cereals,  uncooked instant cereals 




Baking powder 

Baking soda 


Dried beans


Dry pasta 

Dried grains

Pet food,  supplies and medicines

Keep a list of items that occur to you and purchase them ASAP. 

I also strongly recommend a food dehydrator. I will be writing an article about this. 

We've received an unusual amount of signs from our Gods, along with verbal communications. (Ministry) that this situation going to escalate and get much worse.
I'm sure many more of you have as well. 

If anyone can add more suggestions to this list, this would really help. 

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 
Are the jews trying to attempt to start another type of version of an atificial famine like they have done in the past?
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
Are the jews trying to attempt to start another type of version of an artificial famine like they have done in the past?

China said everything was "under control" but there are no signs to that, back in the 24th of January. There is no "under control", infections are only ramping up. The problem is only increasing. It's viable to think now this is only going to worsen. They have failed to contain the virus effectively until now.

This is also related energetically as HPS Maxine said to the Bubonic plague. It will not reach that standard, but as the posts from HPS Maxine and Mageson explain, all of this is really deliberate.

So far one week later the procedure to contain the virus has only but failed. Towns also require quarantine after they are hit. All it takes is 10 people not being caught in the airport, and then, these go to public transportation. Sneeze a few times, and then the wagon is infected. 1000 people go in daily, only 5 getting it, and this spreads.

Unfortunately this is the reality of things. Governments aren't going to say things as they are, because people will start panicking out of their boots, and panic will mean casualties.

The good news is that the death ratio of the virus is really low, around 200 people dead in 10,000 people looks hopeful *[Updated on other topics, that is mainstream data only], and that it is not some sort of supreme dead virus. However, as this was created as some sort of research and possibly weapon, nobody really knows the ramifications of this in the future.

Amazon is extensively China based and the US depends a lot on Amazon for products and services. It's a good idea to be prepared and not be stupid.

If China fails further on the containment, they are in deep trouble, and so is everyone else. Towns have to be deserted or quarantined and this in itself creates a huge production halting.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Let's make them play right into our hands with this virus garbage. In addition to stocking up and ensuring your safety, everyone SPAM THE RTR!!! The bigger the actions they try to take, the more it will backfire on them and accelerate their unmasking and destruction. This attempt of theirs will lead to a huge win for us.
Thank you for taking the time to make these articles, and to everyone else who has added input.

Everyone, stay open to guidance from the Gods, use your intuition and common sense. And look for sales, buying some things online can be a lot cheaper especially if you buy things you use in bulk.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
Are the jews trying to attempt to start another type of version of an artificial famine like they have done in the past?

China said everything was "under control" but there are no signs to that, back in the 24th of January. There is no "under control", infections are only ramping up. The problem is only increasing. It's viable to think now this is only going to worsen. They have failed to contain the virus effectively until now.

This is also related energetically as HPS Maxine said to the Bubonic plague. It will not reach that standard, but as the posts from HPS Maxine and Mageson explain, all of this is really deliberate.

So far one week later the procedure to contain the virus has only but failed. Towns also require quarantine after they are hit. All it takes is 10 people not being caught in the airport, and then, these go to public transportation. Sneeze a few times, and then the wagon is infected. 1000 people go in daily, only 5 getting it, and this spreads.

Unfortunately this is the reality of things. Governments aren't going to say things as they are, because people will start panicking out of their boots, and panic will mean casualties.

The good news is that the death ratio of the virus is really low, around 200 people dead in 10,000 people looks hopeful, and that it is not some sort of supreme dead virus. However, as this was created as some sort of research and possibly weapon, nobody really knows the ramifications of this in the future.

Amazon is extensively China based and the US depends a lot on Amazon for products and services. It's a good idea to be prepared and not be stupid.

If China fails further on the containment, they are in deep trouble, and so is everyone else. Towns have to be deserted or quarantined and this in itself creates a huge production halting.

But isn't it worse than Swine Flu? I read it somewhere the mortality rate is higher than swine flu. In the 2009 Swine flu pandemic, in UK out of every 30,000 infected around 210 died because of the Swine Flu. And now more than 12,000 have been infected and out them over 250 have already died. Clearly the mortality rate here is higher than Swine Flu. Plus, I don't really trust the numbers coming out of the mouth of some jews & communists, I do know the governments don't want the public to panic, which would make things worse but because of the RTR's many people are using their brains and they know the numbers are higher than they have been told.

But anyways I may be wrong so please correct me if I am wrong.
Be safe everyone!
It has been said in previous posts by the HP and many of our brothers and sister yet it cannot be stressed enough.

Besides the already mentioned:
-Keeping your vehicle in good condition and have plenty of gas.
-self defense
- generators and plenty of fuel for them.
- Fm radio (better than cellphones since it's a separated device and you should only use the phone when necesary)
- avoid large groups of people if possible.
- don't eat out if possible.
We are being lied severely over the data of both the dead and the infected. The official data is around 12,000 infected and less than 300 dead, at least according to some sources.

The article below I post only to show the other dimension, ie, what is possibly being withheld from us.

According to this, there are closely 80,000 infected in China, alone, dead number unknown. The death toll is also way higher. Whomever spoke of these things has been purged, and the only narrative that is accepted is the "official".

Governments have all the reasons to lie to people as to reduce panic mode, and that is not a bad idea either, as many people will be scared to their boots, and this will create total chaos before anything has actually happened.

On the claim of it being a bio-engineered virus, which many dismiss quickly as mere "Disinformation", the situation is also written about in the paper.

My own strictly personal view is that this was kept in a lab for testing and research, actually came from bats as is claimed, and only potential use as a bio-warfare agent. However, for such a virus to break out, is really difficult and really rare, if kept inside for research purposes.

Whether or not this was on purpose or some major fuck up, it still can classify as pandemic or bio-warfare potential, even if not intended. And may have similar ramifications.

The publishing website in question was purged out of Twitter merely for reporting the narrative.

I asked in another topic but probably not many seen the post, any tips about how one can convince his xian familly that a crisis might be aproaching and and we need to stock up resources to survive? I speak about people who believe only what they see on the TV on the jewish media, so it's extremely difficult to make them realize this.
The Alchemist7 said:
I asked in another topic but probably not many seen the post, any tips about how one can convince his xian familly that a crisis might be aproaching and and we need to stock up resources to survive? I speak about people who believe only what they see on the TV on the jewish media, so it's extremely difficult to make them realize this.

Try showing them the evidence as in the news articles, in a calm composed manner. Most people aren't really going to take any protection measures and that is always the case with these things. Only when some sort of red alarm siren goes on they will take anything seriously.

Also, start reading what is necessary yourself. The good news about having family nearby is that one way or another, they can and they will mobilize when and if this escalates. In that case, you can use knowledge you have yourself with this.

Do what you can on yourself first and foremost, such as knowing what to do etc.
I had an emergency situation happen to me recently that drained my finances. Now I don’t even have a place to live starting tomorrow. Gonna be in the car. Seems like some $20 10 day supply ain’t gonna cut. But seems like doesn’t matter any way for me. Super excited about all this. I had in the last month two insanely expensive emergencies put me in horrible debt. 10s of thousands. Have to live in the car. And it’s perfect timing.

I have really good job, but they’re cutting my hours until the spring. So not really making anything. But I can’t afford to leave the job cause come spring the money is too good to pass. I have to stick it out. But again couldn’t be worse timing to have hours cut while all this is happening.

All of this was literally beyond my control. Life just happened and trying to deal with it. Just sudden emergency things. The first emergency happened and I thought damn I might lose my home, but then upped protection and try to have faith in the gods. Then #2 happened a couple of days ago and boom. So it’s worrying. I know the gods can help us. But it’s definitely thin help so I can’t rely on that. I mean I’m homeless tomorrow.
Eric13 said:
I had an emergency situation happen to me recently that drained my finances. Now I don’t even have a place to live starting tomorrow. Gonna be in the car. Seems like some $20 10 day supply ain’t gonna cut. But seems like doesn’t matter any way for me. Super excited about all this. I had in the last month two insanely expensive emergencies put me in horrible debt. 10s of thousands. Have to live in the car. And it’s perfect timing.

I have really good job, but they’re cutting my hours until the spring. So not really making anything. But I can’t afford to leave the job cause come spring the money is too good to pass. I have to stick it out. But again couldn’t be worse timing to have hours cut while all this is happening.

All of this was literally beyond my control. Life just happened and trying to deal with it. Just sudden emergency things. The first emergency happened and I thought damn I might lose my home, but then upped protection and try to have faith in the gods. Then #2 happened a couple of days ago and boom. So it’s worrying. I know the gods can help us. But it’s definitely thin help so I can’t rely on that. I mean I’m homeless tomorrow.

You appear to be having some sort of real malignant transit. Like the sort of transit you have to really be prepared for before it hits in every way.

Try negotiating with the home owner on retaining the home until you come in a better situation. Many people delay rent payments and they cannot just kick you out of the blue. Do the same with the work manager.
Eric13 said:
Like Cobra said, this is very likely a big malefic transit.

If this is the case, then it was indeed your own fault for not checking this in advance and adequately preparing for it. Astrology can be a huge asshole at times, but it can all be predicted. These things should be known a year or even several years in advance before they happen, and then an adequate protection against the energies must be built for a very fair amount of time to ensure it will pass smoothly. If this is neglected then one shouldn't think that the Gods would somehow just "nullify" the bad effects for you. Keep in mind things never happen by "coincidence", as it can all be seen clearly astrologically (especially big events).

Either way, that knowledge won't help you now that it already happened. Try to stay open for signs and apply the advice that HC gave you. The Gods do help us to atleast get out of these things again if we are open to their guidance, which I think you are. I wish you good luck.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Try negotiating with the home owner on retaining the home until you come in a better situation. Many people delay rent payments and they cannot just kick you out of the blue. Do the same with the work manager.
You’re right, they can’t just kick me out so suddenly on one missed payment. I tried reasoning with them and we got in a big argument. They were very adamant. I’m out tomorrow. Can’t afford a lawyer to sue them and even if I could I’m still out tomorrow regardless.

With all my savings gone as of yesterday. And my income in the next months dropping, I can only afford food and gas and I’ll have to just pass on other bills. No way I can stock and no where to put anything if I could.

I’m very very good at staying positive. But that doesn’t negate some very real worry I have at the same time. I’m diligent and always do my spiritual work and will continue. And just take the days as they come and work my way out. All I can do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Try showing them the evidence as in the news articles, in a calm composed manner. Most people aren't really going to take any protection measures and that is always the case with these things. Only when some sort of red alarm siren goes on they will take anything seriously.

Also, start reading what is necessary yourself. The good news about having family nearby is that one way or another, they can and they will mobilize when and if this escalates. In that case, you can use knowledge you have yourself with this.

Do what you can on yourself first and foremost, such as knowing what to do etc.

Thanks. I will give them hints and "BTWs" that cities with many people infected are quarantined and we may not have the possibility to leave the house if our city get's infected. I believe that the jews might be planting the virus in places where it normally shouldn't reach by a person to person transmission. It is weird how the virus reached Europe so quickly without any infected chinese person being involved.
Eric13 said:
I had an emergency situation happen to me recently that drained my finances. Now I don’t even have a place to live starting tomorrow.

You need to be pursuing any type of financial aid or welfare possible, at this point. Don't be ashamed, you are in need.

I can't tell from your post, but are merely lacking in funds, or actually in debt? If you are in debt, you need to first make sure that you can meet the monthly payments. If the payments are too much for you to handle, the debts can spiral out of control. Ensure you have a handle on that, as soon as possible.

I don't know, given the viral outbreak, if pursuing some sort of homeless shelter is worth it. Additionally, a car will give you the privacy for workings. If you can make it work, the car may be better for those reasons alone.

I am trying to think of more advice for your situation. You should certainly start googling the matter and see what advice others can have. For any other specific questions you may have, please post them, as I and many others are happy to help. Good luck, man.
Eric13 said:
I had an emergency situation happen to me recently that drained my finances. Now I don’t even have a place to live starting tomorrow. Gonna be in the car. Seems like some $20 10 day supply ain’t gonna cut. But seems like doesn’t matter any way for me. Super excited about all this. I had in the last month two insanely expensive emergencies put me in horrible debt. 10s of thousands. Have to live in the car. And it’s perfect timing.

I have really good job, but they’re cutting my hours until the spring. So not really making anything. But I can’t afford to leave the job cause come spring the money is too good to pass. I have to stick it out. But again couldn’t be worse timing to have hours cut while all this is happening.

All of this was literally beyond my control. Life just happened and trying to deal with it. Just sudden emergency things. The first emergency happened and I thought damn I might lose my home, but then upped protection and try to have faith in the gods. Then #2 happened a couple of days ago and boom. So it’s worrying. I know the gods can help us. But it’s definitely thin help so I can’t rely on that. I mean I’m homeless tomorrow.
Make sure that you build a powerful aura of protection and a lot of cleaning at least. Like HP said it does seem you have been through a massive bad trasit..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are being lied severely over the data of both the dead and the infected. The official data is around 12,000 infected and less than 300 dead, at least according to some sources.

The article below I post only to show the other dimension, ie, what is possibly being withheld from us.

According to this, there are closely 80,000 infected in China, alone, dead number unknown. The death toll is also way higher. Whomever spoke of these things has been purged, and the only narrative that is accepted is the "official".

Governments have all the reasons to lie to people as to reduce panic mode, and that is not a bad idea either, as many people will be scared to their boots, and this will create total chaos before anything has actually happened.

On the claim of it being a bio-engineered virus, which many dismiss quickly as mere "Disinformation", the situation is also written about in the paper.

My own strictly personal view is that this was kept in a lab for testing and research, actually came from bats as is claimed, and only potential use as a bio-warfare agent. However, for such a virus to break out, is really difficult and really rare, if kept inside for research purposes.

Whether or not this was on purpose or some major fuck up, it still can classify as pandemic or bio-warfare potential, even if not intended. And may have similar ramifications.

The publishing website in question was purged out of Twitter merely for reporting the narrative.


Maybe Im wrong.. but wasn't Wuhan or somewhere in that region not the capital of the healthcare system? Also factories for medicine etc?
Also I went to the store look for first aid stuff.. there's basicly none. They used to have masks in the past. There's none on the shelves. And then I saw some sterile bandages of which on the package it said it came from Hubei, litterally the big town very close maybe even directly connected to Wuhan.. which got me thinking about the above.. Didn't take it with me though. Bought what I needed from another brand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric13 said:
I had an emergency situation happen to me recently that drained my finances. Now I don’t even have a place to live starting tomorrow. Gonna be in the car. Seems like some $20 10 day supply ain’t gonna cut. But seems like doesn’t matter any way for me. Super excited about all this. I had in the last month two insanely expensive emergencies put me in horrible debt. 10s of thousands. Have to live in the car. And it’s perfect timing.

I have really good job, but they’re cutting my hours until the spring. So not really making anything. But I can’t afford to leave the job cause come spring the money is too good to pass. I have to stick it out. But again couldn’t be worse timing to have hours cut while all this is happening.

All of this was literally beyond my control. Life just happened and trying to deal with it. Just sudden emergency things. The first emergency happened and I thought damn I might lose my home, but then upped protection and try to have faith in the gods. Then #2 happened a couple of days ago and boom. So it’s worrying. I know the gods can help us. But it’s definitely thin help so I can’t rely on that. I mean I’m homeless tomorrow.

You appear to be having some sort of real malignant transit. Like the sort of transit you have to really be prepared for before it hits in every way.

Try negotiating with the home owner on retaining the home until you come in a better situation. Many people delay rent payments and they cannot just kick you out of the blue. Do the same with the work manager.

I agree, if this is america. Eviction processes are hell and can take months to actually go into effect... not advising to create bad ends, but when push comes to shove, he/she must do whatever it takes to survive.
They cannot kick you out like that, unless you choose to go out on your own, which appears they try to intimidate you in doing. They cannot sue you over one missed payment and get anything meaningful out of it. The amount for the suing will be triple the payment in most cases, if not more. For them to get to sue you, they need to put way more money into it.

Bringing the police on you, if we are to presuppose the person is such a total jew, even the police cannot get you out. If they do this or something like that, the shit is on them, and it is intimidation. This also depends on your contract. These cases, even if they go to court, assuming you are in a good US state, the State can provide with you a random lawyer. If push comes to shove, record the conversation, especially if you get intimidated, called names, or otherwise verbally assaulted or bullied.

That is, if you want to keep your house and you consider it's worthwhile. If you have a plan B that is better, might as well move away.

I have heard of cases with payments that haven't been paid for as many as 6 months without anything bad. On the other hand, if you think you will be pressing your luck for nothing, and you think you'll be better elsewhere, move out, and seek another residence. Look it up also online. Maybe you can find some temporary cheap residence somewhere instead, that will cost half or less the price.

I really hope what you spent on actually saved something for you. Others will provide further advice for you. Also, a good idea would be to summon a Demon.

Debt is like some sort of shit that everyone is into, that should be the least worry of your list for now. Debt is a universal problem at this century, everyone has excessive debts. I rarely hear someone who does not have any debt or isn't balls in in debt. Unfortunately this is the current state of affairs for people worldwide, especially those like in their 20's to 40's range as of current.

Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Try negotiating with the home owner on retaining the home until you come in a better situation. Many people delay rent payments and they cannot just kick you out of the blue. Do the same with the work manager.

You’re right, they can’t just kick me out so suddenly on one missed payment. I tried reasoning with them and we got in a big argument. They were very adamant. I’m out tomorrow. Can’t afford a lawyer to sue them and even if I could I’m still out tomorrow regardless.

With all my savings gone as of yesterday. And my income in the next months dropping, I can only afford food and gas and I’ll have to just pass on other bills. No way I can stock and no where to put anything if I could.

I’m very very good at staying positive. But that doesn’t negate some very real worry I have at the same time. I’m diligent and always do my spiritual work and will continue. And just take the days as they come and work my way out. All I can do.
Eric13 said:
I had an emergency situation happen to me recently that drained my finances. Now I don’t even have a place to live starting tomorrow. Gonna be in the car. Seems like some $20 10 day supply ain’t gonna cut. But seems like doesn’t matter any way for me. Super excited about all this. I had in the last month two insanely expensive emergencies put me in horrible debt. 10s of thousands. Have to live in the car. And it’s perfect timing.

I have really good job, but they’re cutting my hours until the spring. So not really making anything. But I can’t afford to leave the job cause come spring the money is too good to pass. I have to stick it out. But again couldn’t be worse timing to have hours cut while all this is happening.

All of this was literally beyond my control. Life just happened and trying to deal with it. Just sudden emergency things. The first emergency happened and I thought damn I might lose my home, but then upped protection and try to have faith in the gods. Then #2 happened a couple of days ago and boom. So it’s worrying. I know the gods can help us. But it’s definitely thin help so I can’t rely on that. I mean I’m homeless tomorrow.
Didn't you hear? Poverty is a choice, goy. Haven't you ever considered... just don't be homeless? Just decide you're not in debt anymore and bam, all debts are magically forgiven. Simple as. Only an NPC wouldn't be able to do this. 4head

If you're from the US you could try general assistance.
I don't remember the last time they started closing borders for any epedemic, shit is getting real. i hear the virus has already reached parts of NL. Meanwhile theres sill a brushfire in Austrailia. I think they are still trying to raise all sorts of bad energy to make something big happen..gives a bad feeling.
Shadowcat said:
I don't remember the last time they started closing borders for any epedemic, shit is getting real. i hear the virus has already reached parts of NL. Meanwhile theres sill a brushfire in Austrailia. I think they are still trying to raise all sorts of bad energy to make something big happen..gives a bad feeling.

As stated the enemy is really in need of both energy and some sort of global catastrophic episode, and death etc energy. They have even tried another war last month, then the mass death of endless animals, natural disasters etc. But people are really on a flashpoint of awareness today never existed before in recent history.

All this is is that they are panicking. One just reads comment sections on YouTube, and they can see that the Globalist Jew crap has just collapsed in the minds of people. It no longer holds any effect of mass faith as it did before.

All negative events only just backfire on them somehow. The more shit they do, the more they dig their own hole.

Their energetic system is in a fucked up state. Control is drifting from them.

Actually with all this, there are far more wins than losses for us. It is mostly wins until now. The enemy in some sort of spastic mode.

Imagine being a tribe running a carefully weaved centuries old conspiracy and seeing in YouTube random 'goy' shilling against you and call you virus creating globalist cabal. Like shieeeeet.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I don't remember the last time they started closing borders for any epedemic, shit is getting real. i hear the virus has already reached parts of NL. Meanwhile theres sill a brushfire in Austrailia. I think they are still trying to raise all sorts of bad energy to make something big happen..gives a bad feeling.

As stated the enemy is really in need of both energy and some sort of global catastrophic episode, and death etc energy. They have even tried another war last month, then the mass death of endless animals, natural disasters etc. But people are really on a flashpoint of awareness today never existed before in recent history.

All this is is that they are panicking. One just reads comment sections on YouTube, and they can see that the Globalist Jew crap has just collapsed in the minds of people. It no longer holds any effect of mass faith as it did before.

All negative events only just backfire on them somehow. The more shit they do, the more they dig their own hole.

Their energetic system is in a fucked up state. Control is drifting from them.

Actually with all this, there are far more wins than losses for us. It is mostly wins until now. The enemy in some sort of spastic mode.

Imagine being a tribe running a carefully weaved centuries old conspiracy and seeing in YouTube random 'goy' shilling against you and call you virus creating globalist cabal. Like shieeeeet.

Hp this may be an odd question and may not be anything but have you ever heard of any rain that is so thin it just gets blown about by the wind all onto your face?
We had that weird kind of weather on dec 31 and again somewhere last januar. There had been a lot of mist all day. You don't usually see that either, though it's been misty before for entire days so no one worries about it.

Also shadowcat, what is your source on that? :s We often have the flu in winter time. We have 'flue epidemic' on the newspapers every year at this time. Though I believe it has been recorded that it is more severe this year?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The good news is that the death ratio of the virus is really low, around 200 people dead in 10,000 people looks hopeful, and that it is not some sort of supreme dead virus. However, as this was created as some sort of research and possibly weapon, nobody really knows the ramifications of this in the future.

I don't believe the official data released by the Chinese government at all, knowing how the Communists behaved during Chernobyl, one can be certain that the actual numbers are way bigger than what they are telling us.
Shael said:
I fallow my transits and shit dude of course. Don’t talk to me like Im a knob okay. Please. Last thing I need. I’m in no mood. I’ve been spending so much time dedicated to protecting and cleansing. Hours and hours some days. I’m aware of my transits. I’m not new to this life. I understand my responsibilities and adhere to them the best I’m able.

The reason I’ve vented in frustration on this thread is because anyone about to be cast to the streets has a right to feel frustrated, especially when they have been doing so much in regards to protecting and cleaning and especially when this happens while we’re being sincerely warned daily to prepare for a crisis.

I was aware of bad transits and upped my protection as I said, and did what I could. Sometimes it isn’t enough and shit still happens. What can a person do? I didn’t just sit around and let it happen. I don’t blame anyone or even myself. I tried, but such is life sometimes. Sometimes it doesn’t work. I surly am not just relying on gods to coddle me in comfort. I would never do that. And even despite the situation I’m in, I still can’t bring myself to ask them for help. Cause I have too much on my plate. Last thing I need is debts to the gods as well. I’ll figure it out. I’m strong like bull.

One things for certain is I can’t lose. That’s not who I am. Losing a battle isn’t the same as losing a war. I’m still fighting on.

Thanks everyone else for advice and concern.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I don't remember the last time they started closing borders for any epedemic, shit is getting real. i hear the virus has already reached parts of NL. Meanwhile theres sill a brushfire in Austrailia. I think they are still trying to raise all sorts of bad energy to make something big happen..gives a bad feeling.

As stated the enemy is really in need of both energy and some sort of global catastrophic episode, and death etc energy. They have even tried another war last month, then the mass death of endless animals, natural disasters etc. But people are really on a flashpoint of awareness today never existed before in recent history.

All this is is that they are panicking. One just reads comment sections on YouTube, and they can see that the Globalist Jew crap has just collapsed in the minds of people. It no longer holds any effect of mass faith as it did before.

All negative events only just backfire on them somehow. The more shit they do, the more they dig their own hole.

Their energetic system is in a fucked up state. Control is drifting from them.

Actually with all this, there are far more wins than losses for us. It is mostly wins until now. The enemy in some sort of spastic mode.

Imagine being a tribe running a carefully weaved centuries old conspiracy and seeing in YouTube random 'goy' shilling against you and call you virus creating globalist cabal. Like shieeeeet.

Could we do a group healing working for the sick people, or a group destruction working against the virus? (along with final rtr)
Eric13 said:
I never had any intention of talking to you like you are a "noob", and I know that you are an experienced and mature SS. I was merely trying to give advice. This event here could potentially be a sign that the protection you were doing may have been applied in the wrong direction and that this consequentially let this event manifest despite your efforts. I'm not saying that this is the case, but rather that it's a possibility. Only you yourself know the exact details of what protections you have done and what transit it is that caused this event.

Generally, I believe that Sun and Jupiter squares are superior in sublimating bad transits, rather than just increasing your general AoP.

Also it's possible that this event is just a very temporary one, and that it will all just work out smoothly in the end with very little issues. I know this might seem impossible right now when looking at the immediate, but I've had those things happen to me before. Either way I think you'll get through just fine considering you have a good mentality.
Let's compare with the Spanish flu.

I quote parts from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu

The 1918 influenza pandemic (January 1918 – December 1920; colloquially known as Spanish flu) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. The death toll is estimated to have been 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million .

Influenza may have killed as many as 25 million people in its first 25 weeks. Older estimates say it killed 40–50 million people, while current estimates put the death toll at probably 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million.

By August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone, and the United States,, the virus had mutated to a much deadlier form. October 1918 was the deadliest month of the whole pandemic.
The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much deadlier than the first.
The virus had mutated to a much deadlier form. October 1918 was the deadliest month of the whole pandemic.

After the lethal second wave struck in late 1918, new cases dropped abruptly – almost to nothing after the peak in the second wave.

There are various theories of why the Spanish flu was "forgotten". The rapid pace of the pandemic, which, for example, killed most of its victims in the United States within less than nine months, resulted in limited media coverage.

So the months August, September and, October of 1918 were the deadliest.
Let see what happened in these months.

Toronto Canada. The virulent Spanish flu, a devastating and previously unknown form of influenza, struck Canada hard between 1918 and 1920. This international pandemic killed approximately 55,000 people in Canada, most of whom were young adults between the ages of 20 and 40.

August 1918, People from Canada were not so worried about the Spanish flu but rather went face to face with the Greeks in the biggest riot against the Greeks without mouth caps.



''After the lethal second wave struck in late 1918, new cases dropped abruptly – almost to nothing after the peak in the second wave.''

They had to write this otherwise they couldn't explain Armistice Day 1918.
Just 11 days after the deadliest month in the Spanish Flu deaths, nobody was worried about that.


In the Deadliest Spanish flu dead month in France, well you got the Encirclement of Lille 17 October 1918 as well.; I think you can guess it now, No mouth pieces to see in this photo video and a whole crowd together.


Roulers fell the next day and by 16 October, the British held the north bank of the Lys up to Harelbeke and had crossed the river at several points.[6] By 17 October, Thourout, Ostend, Lille and Douai had been recaptured;


Isn't it strange that what video you search of 1918, nobody was afraid, everybody seems happy and nobody weared mouth pieces.

London 1918, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzXHtE9CeOc&t=2s

And in the country where i live in. In September 1918, one of the 3 deadliest months, (Princeday is always on the thuesday of the 3rd week of September. The elite of the Netherlands didn't seem to worry about the Spanish Flu.


What they have not, or maybe could not achieved with the Spanish flu, they may now be trying to do with the Chinese flu. Time will tell.
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Try negotiating with the home owner on retaining the home until you come in a better situation. Many people delay rent payments and they cannot just kick you out of the blue. Do the same with the work manager.
You’re right, they can’t just kick me out so suddenly on one missed payment. I tried reasoning with them and we got in a big argument. They were very adamant. I’m out tomorrow. Can’t afford a lawyer to sue them and even if I could I’m still out tomorrow regardless.

With all my savings gone as of yesterday. And my income in the next months dropping, I can only afford food and gas and I’ll have to just pass on other bills. No way I can stock and no where to put anything if I could.

I’m very very good at staying positive. But that doesn’t negate some very real worry I have at the same time. I’m diligent and always do my spiritual work and will continue. And just take the days as they come and work my way out. All I can do.

I wish you the best

I've always wanted to try this. It may not provide all of your water but it can certainly help. But it does seem like a little much to go through just to get water. You can probably improve this design. You could use a bigger boiling container, longer copper line and wider diameter coil with a large container of water surrounding the coil. The solar aspect is interesting too but I doubt there will be enough heat to boil a large container, maybe a small one would work...
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I don't remember the last time they started closing borders for any epedemic, shit is getting real. i hear the virus has already reached parts of NL. Meanwhile theres sill a brushfire in Austrailia. I think they are still trying to raise all sorts of bad energy to make something big happen..gives a bad feeling.

As stated the enemy is really in need of both energy and some sort of global catastrophic episode, and death etc energy. They have even tried another war last month, then the mass death of endless animals, natural disasters etc. But people are really on a flashpoint of awareness today never existed before in recent history.

All this is is that they are panicking. One just reads comment sections on YouTube, and they can see that the Globalist Jew crap has just collapsed in the minds of people. It no longer holds any effect of mass faith as it did before.

All negative events only just backfire on them somehow. The more shit they do, the more they dig their own hole.

Their energetic system is in a fucked up state. Control is drifting from them.

Actually with all this, there are far more wins than losses for us. It is mostly wins until now. The enemy in some sort of spastic mode.

Imagine being a tribe running a carefully weaved centuries old conspiracy and seeing in YouTube random 'goy' shilling against you and call you virus creating globalist cabal. Like shieeeeet.

Could we do a group healing working for the sick people, or a group destruction working against the virus? (along with final rtr)
i like that idea too
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I don't remember the last time they started closing borders for any epedemic, shit is getting real. i hear the virus has already reached parts of NL. Meanwhile theres sill a brushfire in Austrailia. I think they are still trying to raise all sorts of bad energy to make something big happen..gives a bad feeling.

As stated the enemy is really in need of both energy and some sort of global catastrophic episode, and death etc energy. They have even tried another war last month, then the mass death of endless animals, natural disasters etc. But people are really on a flashpoint of awareness today never existed before in recent history.

All this is is that they are panicking. One just reads comment sections on YouTube, and they can see that the Globalist Jew crap has just collapsed in the minds of people. It no longer holds any effect of mass faith as it did before.

All negative events only just backfire on them somehow. The more shit they do, the more they dig their own hole.

Their energetic system is in a fucked up state. Control is drifting from them.

Actually with all this, there are far more wins than losses for us. It is mostly wins until now. The enemy in some sort of spastic mode.

Imagine being a tribe running a carefully weaved centuries old conspiracy and seeing in YouTube random 'goy' shilling against you and call you virus creating globalist cabal. Like shieeeeet.

Hp this may be an odd question and may not be anything but have you ever heard of any rain that is so thin it just gets blown about by the wind all onto your face?
We had that weird kind of weather on dec 31 and again somewhere last januar. There had been a lot of mist all day. You don't usually see that either, though it's been misty before for entire days so no one worries about it.

Also shadowcat, what is your source on that? :s We often have the flu in winter time. We have 'flue epidemic' on the newspapers every year at this time. Though I believe it has been recorded that it is more severe this year?
i rechecked some sources and luckily i heard wrong on the corona virus in nl. 3 people were tested recently too and came up negative. whew. X.x https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/01/three-people-in-nl-tested-for-coronavirus-all-results-negative/
curio said:
Eric13 said:
I had an emergency situation happen to me recently that drained my finances. Now I don’t even have a place to live starting tomorrow. Gonna be in the car. Seems like some $20 10 day supply ain’t gonna cut. But seems like doesn’t matter any way for me. Super excited about all this. I had in the last month two insanely expensive emergencies put me in horrible debt. 10s of thousands. Have to live in the car. And it’s perfect timing.

I have really good job, but they’re cutting my hours until the spring. So not really making anything. But I can’t afford to leave the job cause come spring the money is too good to pass. I have to stick it out. But again couldn’t be worse timing to have hours cut while all this is happening.

All of this was literally beyond my control. Life just happened and trying to deal with it. Just sudden emergency things. The first emergency happened and I thought damn I might lose my home, but then upped protection and try to have faith in the gods. Then #2 happened a couple of days ago and boom. So it’s worrying. I know the gods can help us. But it’s definitely thin help so I can’t rely on that. I mean I’m homeless tomorrow.
Didn't you hear? Poverty is a choice, goy. Haven't you ever considered... just don't be homeless? Just decide you're not in debt anymore and bam, all debts are magically forgiven. Simple as. Only an NPC wouldn't be able to do this. 4head

If you're from the US you could try general assistance.

Curio I'm so happy for you that you're very comfortable in life and have no hardships.

And I appreciate the general consensus is that people that land up homeless do so from personal lifestyle choices.

However Eric13 is one of us and I'm sure no junkie. Besides he said he had something crop up that wiped his savings out.

And some other members have mentioned that they don't have much money in the stocking up threads.

Curio I have been dedicated and of Satan for many years now. And I don't drink or do any drugs. And am a very hard working person that works and wants to work.

And you know what.... Something also came up in my life and I also landed up homeless with only a car to live out of.

And I can tell you it blew my mind that it really can happen to anyone.

It really can happen to anyone!

I could not believe that I, a sensible, serious and aware individual could land up in such a situation.

I thought of how the Gypsies like that type of lifestyle. And that it's not the situations and events that happen to us but our reaction to them that matters.

It's all about the mindset. Eric13 is going through a tough period now, but. This too shall pass.

Eric13 needs to put it down as life experience. You have ups and downs in life. You fight and you go on to win and fight another day.

Curio please don't be sarcastic to a brother that's going through an unpleasant change in circumstance. We need to treat each other respectfully here. And Eric13 needs our understanding. I understand it although a person may not realise how cold a car gets over night.

Eric13 keep dedicated and I trust the Gods will help you as they did for me. Looking back now it seems it wasn't so bad. You take it one day at a time and you make your plans and work and look after yourself. Then you look back and hey presto you're back on your feet again and it's all good.

Don't give up the fight brother. You're not like the others
DiscipleOfSatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The good news is that the death ratio of the virus is really low, around 200 people dead in 10,000 people looks hopeful, and that it is not some sort of supreme dead virus. However, as this was created as some sort of research and possibly weapon, nobody really knows the ramifications of this in the future.

I don't believe the official data released by the Chinese government at all, knowing how the Communists behaved during Chernobyl, one can be certain that the actual numbers are way bigger than what they are telling us.

I know, I wrote about this in another reply, after I read more on the subject. But I wrote too many answering questions, so it's difficult for everyone to read every reply.
Personal Growth said:
Curio I'm so happy for you that you're very comfortable in life and have no hardships.
Bro I'm pretty sure Curio was being sarcastic with that first paragraph.
Shael said:
I’m sorry for reacting angrily. Just stressed as I mentioned, but thanks for the input.

And ‘knob’ it means like an asshole basically.
After having all necessities, I would try and get cases of these supplies & foods you eat, and just stockpile them one at a time.

Of course you do not want people seeing you walking out with so many essential goods or being caught hoarding things, so to be on the safe side do things one at a time and/or have a bag to put it in after cashing it out. I'm not sure if it was the same for everyone but the pre-2020 new year and Yule shopping was pretty tough, extremely crowded and people were pretty much pushing each other. Now think of how it will be when they realize their well being is at stake, panicking and making the most they can for them and their family. You don't want to be there either.

Also if you have relatives or friends who work at grocery stores or the related, try and have their numbers. If shtf and you still don't have something, or have very little or just need to restock, just give them a call to "hold off" some items from the shelf for you. They most likely may want a bribe depending on the situation or the relationship you have with them hence keeping cash could be useful. This will be much more effective than going through the regular customer service line which always ends up being extremely busy in hectic times.

It would also be best to have defensive weapons that you can conceal, just in case you're put in a situation that compromises your safety. Such can be firearms, tazer, pepper spray (for humans) or pocket flip knives(don't actually stab anyone but revealing you have one is enough to get attackers to back off). However if you're in a country that's cucked out on these things a simple pepper spray for either dogs or bears should be available but get something you can conceal easily and then use it when you have to and run for it.

More recommended items:
-Soups, dried & canned. Some miso packets wouldn't hurt either.
-Portable cooking equipment
I don't think we get that much food from China. The typical dollar store food items tend to come from China, but the average grocer is stocking mostly domestic food items. At least that's my understanding.

But, I suppose if you really think shit's about to get out of control, you should prepare/overprepare as opposed to underprepare.

Some books cataloguing edible plants native to your region might be handy as well if you want to plant a garden for long term preparation. Even if you don't need it, having your own garden-grown vegetables without all the chemicals and crap put in to canned/frozen food is still satisfying.

I hope you're wrong about needing to stock up. But if you're not, I hope you and your loved ones are all okay.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
