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Staying Alive: Crisis Survival Guide


New member
Oct 22, 2017
The things you need to stay alive in order of importance are:

Shelter: dead in 3 hours in bad weather without shelter
Water: dead in 3 days without water
Food: dead in 3 weeks without food

This is a viral outbreak. Viruses don’t destroy houses. Shelter won’t be a problem for most people.

Those of you living in extremely hot or cold climates should take precautions in case there is a loss of electricity or gas service in your area.

Cold Weather
DO NOT burn objects in an enclosed room without ventilation. This releases carbon monoxide (CO) which is colorless, odorless, and extremely deadly. Burning charcoal in an enclosed room is a common method of suicide in East Asia (source https://www.psychiatrist.com/JCP/article/Pages/2002/v63n05/v63n0512.aspx )

Tips for cold weather:
+Wear layers of clothing to retain body heat
+Block drafts and insulate windows with towels or blankets
+Build a small structure in your house that insulates you from the cold air. A good example is here: http://www.practicalsurvivor.com/urbansheltercoldweather This example structure is built of cardboard and styrofoam and is 20 F (16 C) warmer than the surrounding environment.

Hot weather
Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are the primary dangers during hot weather.

Heat Illness Warning Signs

Hot weather tips:
+DRINK WATER. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. People in the sun in a hot weather can need 1 cup (240 mL) of water per 15 minutes.
+Stay out of the sun
+Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing. You can wet your clothing to provide additional cooling.
+Dress like a farm worker: long pants, long sleeves, hat, and neck protection. Long pants and long sleeves may seem counter intuitive. Covering your entire body with loose clothing keeps you cooler because the clothing absorbs the heat of the sun and the heat is lost before it reaches your skin. (source https://www.nature.com/articles/283373a0 )
+Replace minerals lost through sweating. Sports drinks like Gatorade replace lost electrolytes. A recipe is below.

Recipe for Gatorade Electrolyte drink
2 Quarts (2 L )Water
1 envelope flavored drink mix (optional)
½ teaspoon (two big pinches, 1 gram) sodium chloride table salt
¼ teaspoon (one big pinch, ½ gram) potassium chloride salt substitute
½ cup (190 grams) sugar, you can increase or decrease the amount to taste

You need 1 gallon (4 L) of clean water per person per day minimum for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. Bathtubs, pots, and any other container in your house can be filled with water. This will give you an emergency supply of water in case water service is disrupted. You need at least 2 different methods of purifying water. This is so you have a backup method of purification in case your main method of purification is unfeasible (i.e. you can’t boil water because gas and electricity aren’t working)

Boiling- Bring the water to a rolling boil and boil for one minute. Put a lid on the container of water you are boiling. The water boils faster and you lose less water to evaporation.
Iodine- Add 5-10 drops of iodine tincture per quart (liter) of water. Clear running water requires less iodine. Cloudy water requires more iodine. Let the water sit for 30 minutes to let the iodine kill all harmful microbes. The iodine tincture doubles as an excellent antiseptic for wounds.
Chlorine/Bleach- Add 2 drops of bleach per quart (liter) of water. Let stand for 15 minutes. The water should have a faint chlorine odor. If the water has no chlorine odor, add more bleach. Cloudy water will require more bleach than clean water.
Water Filters- There are many water filters available at outdoor sporting goods stores and online. Make sure you get a filter that is rated to remove harmful bacteria and parasites. There are portable filters, straw filters, high volume filters, and many others. Find one or several that meet your needs.

UV sterilization- UV sterilization is ineffective in cloudy or dirty water. Dirt and debris shield harmful microbes from the UV radiation. Harmful pathogens vary in their susceptibility to UV radiation and some require much higher doses of UV light to become inactivated (source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27363153 )

Stockpile shelf stable food. This is food that can last on the shelf for months without refrigeration. This includes:

Dry beans
Dry rice
Uncooked pasta
Flour and cornmeal
Canned or jarred goods
Powdered milk
Dried fruit
Dried meat
Most packaged foods (chips/crisps, cookies, cereal, etc. )
Potato flakes
Sugar and honey

The number one threat to your food stockpile is other people. Desperate people will do desperate things and they will try to steal your food. Keep your food stockpile hidden away from windows. Tell nobody about your food stash. In public, pretend that you are starving like everyone else. Complain about how bad you have it and how much you are suffering. Keep your food a secret so nobody targets you.

Pests like flour beetles and rodents are a danger to your food stocks but are much less dangerous than starving people. All your food should be kept in airtight, hard-sided containers. Bulk goods like rice and beans can be frozen overnight to kill any pests. The bulk goods can then be removed from the freezer and stored in a hard-sided airtight container. Large plastic storage containers are available at any big box retailer for very cheap.
Welcome back dear Sister.
johnson_akemi said:
Thanks for the post. Hope you are doing well. :)
Awesome work here, and good to see you again.

For pests, now is a good time to empty all shelves etc, and clean out any insects that may be around. Put everything on the floor, clean, and put them all back, checking expiry dates, damage, and so on. This will help prevent further infestations that can get out of control, and added bonus of taking note of inventory and having it organized.

Also, microfibre cloths are great for cleaning, and they are very cheap and durable.
Wow, she's back! We've been missing you all, Sister. Welcome back! <3
Glad you are back :) and thanks for the good informations!
Woah! Welcome back Akemi :D
Yeah I’m so glad to see the name Johnson akemi. I asked if you about two months ago when our yahoo group was still on. Really you made great impacts with your posts. Glad to have you back
I wouldn't suggest using bleach because that's actually harmful to the body.. only if you have absolutely no other option.

As for the clothes.. for summer. Usually white is used.. but I noticed that if you use black and wear another layer underneath, it also feels quite cool. Not black direct on the skin because that black shirt gets painfully hot.

Lydia said:
Awesome work here, and good to see you again.

For pests, now is a good time to empty all shelves etc, and clean out any insects that may be around. Put everything on the floor, clean, and put them all back, checking expiry dates, damage, and so on. This will help prevent further infestations that can get out of control, and added bonus of taking note of inventory and having it organized.

Also, microfibre cloths are great for cleaning, and they are very cheap and durable.

Yes microfibre = awesome. If you are really on a budget, you could use viscose, they'll get thinner over time but you can also wash and reuse those. Microfibre lasts longer though.
And old towels that are worn down can also be used as cleaning cloths..

Also, if you do find pests, make sure to vacuum clean the corners. Beetles can hide in between the shelf edges, and definetily keep an eye on weather or not they're coming back.
Storing in airtight containers should prevent a pest outbreak throughout your stored goods.. Or at least keep it to that container only.

As I learned the hard way last summer.. to not keep teas that I bought in their original paper bags or plastic bags.. put them in jars or something, airtight. Glass, plastic could be used also.
Hello johnson_akemi!

Good to see you posting again. Thank you for the guide!
Welcome back! :D
A late welcome back and thank you for the post!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
