Real Time Infection and Fatality Trackers
2019-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSV
BNO News: Tracking Coronavirus: Map, Data, and Timeline
Virus Information
Beware of fear mongering, click bait, and outright false information. The Wuhan coronavirus is a new pathogen and there is very little information about the disease. Scientists can make educated guesses about the disease based on its similarity to other viruses (SARS in particular). Numbers will change as more data becomes available.
Wuhan Coronavirus Information and Research Sources
Name: Wuhan coronavirus, 2019-nCoV
Type: coronavirus, closely related to the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Symptoms: Cough, fever, shortness of breath, bilateral infiltrates (pneumonia)
Incubation time: 2-14 days, average of 4.8 days (source: )
Mortality rate: UNKNOWN, Mortalities are much more common among the elderly (>60 years old) and people with underlying health conditions (heart disease, diabetes, etc) source:
Transmission: respiratory droplets, fomites (contaminated objects), other transmission routes possible, more research is needed
Survival time outside of a host: UNKNOWN, the closely related SARS virus can survive for several days (source )
Tips for Avoiding Infection
1. Do Not Panic
Panicking is one of the worst things you can do. You will make stupid decisions while panicked and make a bad situation worse. You are a Satanist and have access to abilities and knowledge that most people can only dream of. You have the power to protect yourself against this disease.
2. DO NOT TOUCH your eyes, nose, or mouth
Your eyes, nose, and mouth are openings that can give the virus entry to your body. The primary means of transmission of the virus are through respiratory droplets and fomites (infected surfaces). Touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth will introduce the virus to your body.
3. Wash Your Hands or Use Hand Sanitizer
You need to wash your hands like an obsessive-compulsive germaphobe because this virus is serious. Proper hand washing technique is essential. Improper technique will leave your hands contaminated with the virus.
A. Wet your hands then turn off the water.
B. Lather with soap. Make sure to lather between your fingers, under your nails, and the backs of your hands.
C. Scrub for 20 seconds
D. Turn the water back on, rinse, and then dry your hands
Hand sanitizer containing 60% alcohol or more can be used to sanitize your hands. Place some hand sanitizer in the palm of one hand and then rub the hand sanitizer between your fingers, under your nails, and on the front and back of your hands until dry. Hand sanitizer is NOT EFFECTIVE if your hands are dirty or greasy.
4. Avoid Infected People
The virus mainly spreads through respiratory droplets and fomites (infected surfaces). Small droplets of moisture are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets contain the virus and will contaminate surfaces and infect nearby people who inhale the droplets. Close contact with infected people is one of the fastest ways to get infected.
Infected people are contagious even before showing symptoms (source )
5. Wear a Mask or Respirator
There is evidence masks are effective at reducing transmission of contagious respiratory disease (source: Another source: ). Masks are already extremely hard to find and are completely sold out where I live. Amazon is mostly sold out. The mask shortage will only get worse as the virus spreads.
6. Wear Goggles or a Face Shield
Goggles or a face shield prevent infected droplets from getting into your eyes. They also prevent you from touching your eyes. Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with contaminated hands gives the virus a chance to infect you.
7. Disinfect Contaminated Surfaces
Bleach- Do not mix bleach with any other chemicals. Bleach reacts with many chemicals in dangerous ways. Bleach + ammonia = toxic chlorine gas. Bleach breaks down in sunlight. Do not store your bleach in direct sunlight. Bleach loses its strength over time. You should make a new batch of diluted bleach after 24 hours.
Disinfectant Recipe:
1 part 5% sodium hypochlorite bleach
99 parts water
Alcohol- 70% alcohol is an effective disinfectant. Alcohol is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. Do not use around any ignition sources like open flames.
UV Light-Handheld UV wands require optimal conditions to be effective. Dirt, far target distance, and nooks or crannies in the target surface all reduce the efficacy of UV sterilization (source . Viruses vary in their susceptibility to UV light. (source ) A quick swing of a UV wand will not effectively sanitize most surfaces.
Colloidal Silver- Colloidal silver is ineffective as a surface disinfectant (source )
8. Clean Your Aura
You need to clean your aura like a maniac. Disease manifests in the aura before you physically become ill. Cleaning your aura is essential for preventing disease.
How to Clean Your Aura
9. Build an Aura of Protection
An aura of protection is mandatory at all times, not just during a crisis like this. A strong aura of protection prevents accidents, disease, bad luck, and other misfortune.
How to Build an Aura of Protection
You can use the mantras SURYAE (SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY) or RAUM (RR-AHH-UUU-MMM )to empower your aura of protection. A good affirmation is “I am at all times safe, secure, protected, powerful, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me. “
10. Keep Your Energies High
Many spiritual practices including yoga and breathing exercises raise your energies. High levels of life force improve your general vitality and resistance to disease.
Breathing Exercises
List of Yoga Poses
Kundalini Yoga Routines (There is a lot of corrupted information on the website. Ignore everything except the physical routines)
2019-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSV
BNO News: Tracking Coronavirus: Map, Data, and Timeline
Virus Information
Beware of fear mongering, click bait, and outright false information. The Wuhan coronavirus is a new pathogen and there is very little information about the disease. Scientists can make educated guesses about the disease based on its similarity to other viruses (SARS in particular). Numbers will change as more data becomes available.
Wuhan Coronavirus Information and Research Sources
Name: Wuhan coronavirus, 2019-nCoV
Type: coronavirus, closely related to the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Symptoms: Cough, fever, shortness of breath, bilateral infiltrates (pneumonia)
Incubation time: 2-14 days, average of 4.8 days (source: )
Mortality rate: UNKNOWN, Mortalities are much more common among the elderly (>60 years old) and people with underlying health conditions (heart disease, diabetes, etc) source:
Transmission: respiratory droplets, fomites (contaminated objects), other transmission routes possible, more research is needed
Survival time outside of a host: UNKNOWN, the closely related SARS virus can survive for several days (source )
Tips for Avoiding Infection
1. Do Not Panic
Panicking is one of the worst things you can do. You will make stupid decisions while panicked and make a bad situation worse. You are a Satanist and have access to abilities and knowledge that most people can only dream of. You have the power to protect yourself against this disease.
2. DO NOT TOUCH your eyes, nose, or mouth
Your eyes, nose, and mouth are openings that can give the virus entry to your body. The primary means of transmission of the virus are through respiratory droplets and fomites (infected surfaces). Touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth will introduce the virus to your body.
3. Wash Your Hands or Use Hand Sanitizer
You need to wash your hands like an obsessive-compulsive germaphobe because this virus is serious. Proper hand washing technique is essential. Improper technique will leave your hands contaminated with the virus.
A. Wet your hands then turn off the water.
B. Lather with soap. Make sure to lather between your fingers, under your nails, and the backs of your hands.
C. Scrub for 20 seconds
D. Turn the water back on, rinse, and then dry your hands
Hand sanitizer containing 60% alcohol or more can be used to sanitize your hands. Place some hand sanitizer in the palm of one hand and then rub the hand sanitizer between your fingers, under your nails, and on the front and back of your hands until dry. Hand sanitizer is NOT EFFECTIVE if your hands are dirty or greasy.
4. Avoid Infected People
The virus mainly spreads through respiratory droplets and fomites (infected surfaces). Small droplets of moisture are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets contain the virus and will contaminate surfaces and infect nearby people who inhale the droplets. Close contact with infected people is one of the fastest ways to get infected.
Infected people are contagious even before showing symptoms (source )
5. Wear a Mask or Respirator
There is evidence masks are effective at reducing transmission of contagious respiratory disease (source: Another source: ). Masks are already extremely hard to find and are completely sold out where I live. Amazon is mostly sold out. The mask shortage will only get worse as the virus spreads.
6. Wear Goggles or a Face Shield
Goggles or a face shield prevent infected droplets from getting into your eyes. They also prevent you from touching your eyes. Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with contaminated hands gives the virus a chance to infect you.
7. Disinfect Contaminated Surfaces
Bleach- Do not mix bleach with any other chemicals. Bleach reacts with many chemicals in dangerous ways. Bleach + ammonia = toxic chlorine gas. Bleach breaks down in sunlight. Do not store your bleach in direct sunlight. Bleach loses its strength over time. You should make a new batch of diluted bleach after 24 hours.
Disinfectant Recipe:
1 part 5% sodium hypochlorite bleach
99 parts water
Alcohol- 70% alcohol is an effective disinfectant. Alcohol is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. Do not use around any ignition sources like open flames.
UV Light-Handheld UV wands require optimal conditions to be effective. Dirt, far target distance, and nooks or crannies in the target surface all reduce the efficacy of UV sterilization (source . Viruses vary in their susceptibility to UV light. (source ) A quick swing of a UV wand will not effectively sanitize most surfaces.
Colloidal Silver- Colloidal silver is ineffective as a surface disinfectant (source )
8. Clean Your Aura
You need to clean your aura like a maniac. Disease manifests in the aura before you physically become ill. Cleaning your aura is essential for preventing disease.
How to Clean Your Aura
9. Build an Aura of Protection
An aura of protection is mandatory at all times, not just during a crisis like this. A strong aura of protection prevents accidents, disease, bad luck, and other misfortune.
How to Build an Aura of Protection
You can use the mantras SURYAE (SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY) or RAUM (RR-AHH-UUU-MMM )to empower your aura of protection. A good affirmation is “I am at all times safe, secure, protected, powerful, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me. “
10. Keep Your Energies High
Many spiritual practices including yoga and breathing exercises raise your energies. High levels of life force improve your general vitality and resistance to disease.
Breathing Exercises
List of Yoga Poses
Kundalini Yoga Routines (There is a lot of corrupted information on the website. Ignore everything except the physical routines)