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Staying Alive: Avoiding Wuhan Coronavirus Infection Guide


New member
Oct 22, 2017
Real Time Infection and Fatality Trackers

2019-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSV

BNO News: Tracking Coronavirus: Map, Data, and Timeline

Virus Information

Beware of fear mongering, click bait, and outright false information. The Wuhan coronavirus is a new pathogen and there is very little information about the disease. Scientists can make educated guesses about the disease based on its similarity to other viruses (SARS in particular). Numbers will change as more data becomes available.

Wuhan Coronavirus Information and Research Sources

Name: Wuhan coronavirus, 2019-nCoV
Type: coronavirus, closely related to the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Symptoms: Cough, fever, shortness of breath, bilateral infiltrates (pneumonia)
Incubation time: 2-14 days, average of 4.8 days (source: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.25.919787v1 )
Mortality rate: UNKNOWN, Mortalities are much more common among the elderly (>60 years old) and people with underlying health conditions (heart disease, diabetes, etc) source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30211-7/fulltext
Transmission: respiratory droplets, fomites (contaminated objects), other transmission routes possible, more research is needed
Survival time outside of a host: UNKNOWN, the closely related SARS virus can survive for several days (source https://www.who.int/csr/sars/survival_2003_05_04/en/ )

Tips for Avoiding Infection

1. Do Not Panic

Panicking is one of the worst things you can do. You will make stupid decisions while panicked and make a bad situation worse. You are a Satanist and have access to abilities and knowledge that most people can only dream of. You have the power to protect yourself against this disease.

2. DO NOT TOUCH your eyes, nose, or mouth

Your eyes, nose, and mouth are openings that can give the virus entry to your body. The primary means of transmission of the virus are through respiratory droplets and fomites (infected surfaces). Touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth will introduce the virus to your body.

3. Wash Your Hands or Use Hand Sanitizer

You need to wash your hands like an obsessive-compulsive germaphobe because this virus is serious. Proper hand washing technique is essential. Improper technique will leave your hands contaminated with the virus.

A. Wet your hands then turn off the water.
B. Lather with soap. Make sure to lather between your fingers, under your nails, and the backs of your hands.
C. Scrub for 20 seconds
D. Turn the water back on, rinse, and then dry your hands

Hand sanitizer containing 60% alcohol or more can be used to sanitize your hands. Place some hand sanitizer in the palm of one hand and then rub the hand sanitizer between your fingers, under your nails, and on the front and back of your hands until dry. Hand sanitizer is NOT EFFECTIVE if your hands are dirty or greasy.

4. Avoid Infected People

The virus mainly spreads through respiratory droplets and fomites (infected surfaces). Small droplets of moisture are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets contain the virus and will contaminate surfaces and infect nearby people who inhale the droplets. Close contact with infected people is one of the fastest ways to get infected.

Infected people are contagious even before showing symptoms (source https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2001468 )

5. Wear a Mask or Respirator

There is evidence masks are effective at reducing transmission of contagious respiratory disease (source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5779801/ Another source: https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712%2808%2901008-4/fulltext ). Masks are already extremely hard to find and are completely sold out where I live. Amazon is mostly sold out. The mask shortage will only get worse as the virus spreads.

6. Wear Goggles or a Face Shield

Goggles or a face shield prevent infected droplets from getting into your eyes. They also prevent you from touching your eyes. Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with contaminated hands gives the virus a chance to infect you.

7. Disinfect Contaminated Surfaces


Bleach- Do not mix bleach with any other chemicals. Bleach reacts with many chemicals in dangerous ways. Bleach + ammonia = toxic chlorine gas. Bleach breaks down in sunlight. Do not store your bleach in direct sunlight. Bleach loses its strength over time. You should make a new batch of diluted bleach after 24 hours.

Disinfectant Recipe:
1 part 5% sodium hypochlorite bleach
99 parts water

Alcohol- 70% alcohol is an effective disinfectant. Alcohol is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. Do not use around any ignition sources like open flames.


UV Light-Handheld UV wands require optimal conditions to be effective. Dirt, far target distance, and nooks or crannies in the target surface all reduce the efficacy of UV sterilization (source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28609247) . Viruses vary in their susceptibility to UV light. (source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30300783 ) A quick swing of a UV wand will not effectively sanitize most surfaces.
Colloidal Silver- Colloidal silver is ineffective as a surface disinfectant (source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11482142 )

8. Clean Your Aura

You need to clean your aura like a maniac. Disease manifests in the aura before you physically become ill. Cleaning your aura is essential for preventing disease.

How to Clean Your Aura

9. Build an Aura of Protection

An aura of protection is mandatory at all times, not just during a crisis like this. A strong aura of protection prevents accidents, disease, bad luck, and other misfortune.

How to Build an Aura of Protection

You can use the mantras SURYAE (SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY) or RAUM (RR-AHH-UUU-MMM )to empower your aura of protection. A good affirmation is “I am at all times safe, secure, protected, powerful, strong, and healthy in a positive way for me. “

10. Keep Your Energies High

Many spiritual practices including yoga and breathing exercises raise your energies. High levels of life force improve your general vitality and resistance to disease.

Breathing Exercises

List of Yoga Poses

Kundalini Yoga Routines (There is a lot of corrupted information on the website. Ignore everything except the physical routines)
For what is known,

pneumococcal vaccine may help specialy if you have asthma or underlying condition to avoid superinfection in the case you're infected... if the vaccine is available ...

complications of flu-like symptoms are caused by superinfection.

That's great to see you on this forum johnson_akemi , welcome back
johnson_akemi said:
2. DO NOT TOUCH your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Also let's not forget if one is eating something with his hand(s) carrying the virus, like you buy a sandwich or a quick meal from the shop. People don't wash their hands when they do this. Or when they take medicines that they have to touch. Is just a matter of a few hours until the virus will potentially be absorbed straight in the blood. So is also a good idea to wash your hands very well before eating anything or taking medecines.
India just announced that the #coronavirus had at least 4 protein inserts from HIV, which is a sign of engineering, leading them to believe this was an engineered bioweapon. Source: https://twitter.com/BraveTheWorld/status/1223347380029968384?s=20
Academic Scholar said:
India just announced that the #coronavirus had at least 4 protein inserts from HIV, which is a sign of engineering, leading them to believe this was an engineered bioweapon. Source: https://twitter.com/BraveTheWorld/status/1223347380029968384?s=20

This situation is far more serious than people understand. This has now went into a global emergency status, and Chinese economy already gets hits. China doesn't look like they have successfully contained everything yet. People are giving a huge battle over there to succeed.

Meanwhile, if other countries also fail at border control, this may spread. This may not even be under their control, as nobody knows WTF is going on yet with the virus itself. We don't even have a clue what this is really yet or what will happen out of this virus.

That aside, the enemy is testing numerous things. For one, they have been censoring all the news in Social Media which they do not agree with, supposedly for public concerns. A lot of trolling and lies are there as it is, but they block also possibly revealing news.

With that being stated this publication doesn't seem like it comes from India as a country, it's just a random paper, if even that. If that is real, it is only reinforcing evidence this is some sort of strange experiment that was being prepared for a bioweapon, and just broke out, but originated actually from bats and was kept in a lab for research purposes.
johnson_akemi said:

Concerning keeping energy high. Lately I have been doing the merkaba and I used gold. Now just on Friday I started another merkaba with the color green. So I’m doing two merkaba daily with different colors at different times. I just want to know if this is good or safe or adviced. Because I just started the second merkaba meditation. Thank you for your answers.

Hail Satan
You can work with other colors, however, Whitegold contains all the color spectrum, which in turn also contains Green in it.

Manofsatan said:
johnson_akemi said:

Concerning keeping energy high. Lately I have been doing the merkaba and I used gold. Now just on Friday I started another merkaba with the color green. So I’m doing two merkaba daily with different colors at different times. I just want to know if this is good or safe or adviced. Because I just started the second merkaba meditation. Thank you for your answers.

Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You can work with other colors, however, Whitegold contains all the color spectrum, which in turn also contains Green in it.

Manofsatan said:
johnson_akemi said:

Concerning keeping energy high. Lately I have been doing the merkaba and I used gold. Now just on Friday I started another merkaba with the color green. So I’m doing two merkaba daily with different colors at different times. I just want to know if this is good or safe or adviced. Because I just started the second merkaba meditation. Thank you for your answers.

Hail Satan

Yes. But is it okay to do two merkaba meditations of different colors in a day. I was going through your book on Jos the one with the baphomet and I was inspired to to do The merkaba especially now I’m having serious heart issues. I think I can use this opportunity to ask for your advice in the relationship thing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
With that being stated this publication doesn't seem like it comes from India as a country, it's just a random paper, if even that. If that is real, it is only reinforcing evidence this is some sort of strange experiment that was being prepared for a bioweapon, and just broke out, but originated actually from bats and was kept in a lab for research purposes.

The paper is real, as far as I can tell from the source. The researchers are Indian, but idk if they are affiliated with the Indian gov. or not.

Academic Scholar said:
India just announced that the #coronavirus had at least 4 protein inserts from HIV, which is a sign of engineering, leading them to believe this was an engineered bioweapon. Source: https://twitter.com/BraveTheWorld/status/1223347380029968384?s=20

This is the kind of sensational click bait that everyone needs to be cognizant of. The Wuhan coronavirus sharing some amino acid sequences with HIV does NOT indicate an engineered bioweapon. Unfortunately the extremely competitive publish-or-perish academic environment forces scientists to do what is necessary to keep getting funding. This includes making tenuous links to hot button topics like cancer and AIDS.

The Scientific Paper in Question (Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag)

The BLAST database used in the paper is open to the public. You can search the four protein inserts mentioned in the paper. You will find HUNDREDS of matches. The researchers deliberately focused on HIV matches and conveniently ignored most everything else.

BLAST Database

TL:DR There are hundreds of proteins, not just HIV, that match the four amino acid sequences. Irresponsible scientists gave their paper a sensational title and the media latched on.
About using RAUM or SURYAE mantras for cleaning or protection. I remember we spoke about the number of repetitions of said mantras before but I cannot remember now what the number was changed to. Is 108 times still the best number of repetitions.


Affirmation X 9
RAUM X 108
Affirmation X 9.
Personal Growth said:
About using RAUM or SURYAE mantras for cleaning or protection. I remember we spoke about the number of repetitions of said mantras before but I cannot remember now what the number was changed to. Is 108 times still the best number of repetitions.


Affirmation X 9
RAUM X 108
Affirmation X 9.

The best number is 111. I would use 9 affirmations for (permanence, ending) cleaning and 8 for (infinity) protection. Please correct me if I am wrong on affirmations.

I can't thank the JoS community enough for all the invaluable information shared and guidance given in such times of need, and also in other instances when fellow SS were suffering. You people have saved lives, over and over again. I am one of those you've saved. Now I'm involved in this spiritual warfare, persisting as one of you, for the greater cause. I am very thankful and proud to be an SS.


Meanwhile some fake swami in India (just for humor):
MalinBaze said:
Personal Growth said:
About using RAUM or SURYAE mantras for cleaning or protection. I remember we spoke about the number of repetitions of said mantras before but I cannot remember now what the number was changed to. Is 108 times still the best number of repetitions.


Affirmation X 9
RAUM X 108
Affirmation X 9.

The best number is 111. I would use 9 affirmations for (permanence, ending) cleaning and 8 for (infinity) protection. Please correct me if I am wrong on affirmations.

I can't thank the JoS community enough for all the invaluable information shared and guidance given in such times of need, and also in other instances when fellow SS were suffering. You people have saved lives, over and over again. I am one of those you've saved. Now I'm involved in this spiritual warfare, persisting as one of you, for the greater cause. I am very thankful and proud to be an SS.


Meanwhile some fake swami in India (just for humor):

Thank you my friend.

And I don't know how your fake Indian Swami there came up with that. I wouldn't hold my breath is sacred cow dung ritual is going to stop the corona virus.
MalinBaze said:
Personal Growth said:
About using RAUM or SURYAE mantras for cleaning or protection. I remember we spoke about the number of repetitions of said mantras before but I cannot remember now what the number was changed to. Is 108 times still the best number of repetitions.


Affirmation X 9
RAUM X 108
Affirmation X 9.

The best number is 111. I would use 9 affirmations for (permanence, ending) cleaning and 8 for (infinity) protection. Please correct me if I am wrong on affirmations.

I can't thank the JoS community enough for all the invaluable information shared and guidance given in such times of need, and also in other instances when fellow SS were suffering. You people have saved lives, over and over again. I am one of those you've saved. Now I'm involved in this spiritual warfare, persisting as one of you, for the greater cause. I am very thankful and proud to be an SS.


Meanwhile some fake swami in India (just for humor):
108 is not a bad number but it has to be done in cicles of 40 days. If you can go for 216 wich is one of the best numbers, 111 and 100 are good too but 108 is not evil or anything it's just that needs to be done for 40 days or if you do this for longer (wich you should if it's protection) it has to be done in cicles of 40 for the best outcome.
luis said:
108 is not a bad number but it has to be done in cicles of 40 days. If you can go for 216 wich is one of the best numbers, 111 and 100 are good too but 108 is not evil or anything it's just that needs to be done for 40 days or if you do this for longer (wich you should if it's protection) it has to be done in cicles of 40 for the best outcome.

I had totally forgotten about 216!! Thank you for elaborating on the numbers. I had missed all this.

The virus has been detected in mouth secretions and feces of infected individuals (source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191?query=featured_coronavirus ) Survival time of the virus in feces is currently UNKNOWN. This means the virus can possibly spread through the fecal-oral route (e.g. an infected person shits in a bush, a fly lands on the poop, and then the fly lands on your sandwich)

I cannot edit my posts or add more tips to my original post so here are additional tips for avoiding infection:

11. Sanitation, sanitation, sanitation

Anything that comes into contact with food must be cleaned with soap and water or sanitized with bleach, alcohol, or another effective sanitizer. This includes countertops and cookware like pots and spoons.

All food should be thoroughly cooked. An infected person may have touched your cabbage at the store or a cockroach may have crawled out of a sewer drain and walked all over the apples.

Wash your hands like a paranoid germaphobe before preparing food.

Make sure all U traps in your plumbing system are functioning properly. U traps prevent sewer gases from entering your house/apartment. The closely related SARS virus infected many people in an apartment block after one infected person had diarrhea. Exhaust fans sucked small droplets containing SARS into peoples’ homes though U traps that were not functioning properly (source: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-4192-8_13 )

12. Eliminate pests

Pests like cockroaches and rats live in filth and will track that filth all over your house/apartment. Cockroaches and rats tested positive for SARS during the SARS outbreak (source: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-4192-8_13 )

The #1 way to get rid of pests is cleanliness. Pests want food, water, and shelter. Deny them the things they want and they will leave. Keep all surfaces clean of crumbs and food residue and keep all food in sealed containers. Trash needs to be sealed. Pet food should not be let out overnight.

Fix all leaks. Pests need a water source. A drop of water left on the counter overnight is enough to sustain a cockroach for a week.

Deny pests entry to your home by sealing gaps in window screens, walls, and doors. You should also screen off dryer vents, chimneys, and any other opening pests can use to get into your house.

Snap traps are very effective for killing rats. Snap traps should be placed along walls and in corners where rats like to travel. I do not recommend glue traps. Glue traps will trap non-target animals like small snakes, chipmunks, and kittens.

Cockroaches can be effectively baited with a mixture of equal parts boric acid, flour, and sugar. The mixture can be placed under the fridge and stove, behind cupboards, and in other dark places cockroaches like to hide.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
