Greetings! I hope this clears some things up for everyone. Please, if you have any questions not covered here, leave a comment
(Or email one of us if you do not have or want to create a forum account for whatever reason.)
Much credit to the author @ThomaSsS [JG] for making these calendars year after year. Others have helped as well, their names are always included in the final page of each calendar.
- I want to start by saying every year we try to improve the calendar, to make it even more useful. Next year’s (2023) will be the best version yet! [November 2024 edit: 2025's will be the best version yet!]
- Each calendar lists the time zones and countries for each version on the front page, make sure to download the one for your time zone. If your country is not listed, it’s simply because we are listing the largest ones, so just use the one that is in your time zone, it is valid.
- If your time zone is not listed, let us know and we will make one for your time zone. If you do not want to publicly state your location, you can email one of us. Otherwise you can use the time zone next to you and manually plus or minus an hour for everything, but we will be happy to make the version you need!
- The last page has explanations for the glyph symbols (planets, zodiac signs, retrograde and direct motion, and more).
- These calendars mark the Void of Course Moon (VoC) start and end times, in the box for each day where applicable.
- Moon signs are clearly marked in each day (again, glyph explanations are on the last page).
- It also marks Moon phases (new, first quarter, full, last quarter). From the New Moon to the Full Moon, the Moon is waxing (increasing in light). From Full to New, Moon is waning (decreasing in light). Again, glyph explanation is on the last page, in case you forget.
- Full Moons are marked with a blue background for the day box, making it easy to notice. Satanic holidays are with a green background, and Satan’s Day with a bold bright blue background.
- You will notice many days when the “Esbat” (Full Moon) is listed the day before the actual Full Moon, this happens when the Moon goes Full in the morning before around 9:30am. The effects of the Full Moon are the day leading up to it and the day itself, so it is best to do workings and spells before it goes Full, rather than 12-15 hours after. [November 2024 edit: From 2024 onwards we no longer do this due to coding, so the Moon is marked as full if it's after midnight.]
- Eclipses are also marked, in the box for the day they happen.
- Satanic holidays are clearly indicated with a green background for the day box, with information on each holiday in the Monthly Text Box for each page, and some ideas for how to celebrate. Also remember to check the forums during Satanic holidays, as we often have rituals posted by clergy on these power dates!
- Some of the monthly text is originally from HPS Maxine. The rest has been added by me.
- Planetary ingresses are in a box near the bottom right of each page. These show when a planet enters a sign, and when it is retrograde, which is marked in red (for the color version of the calendar). [November 2024 edit: Retrogrades are now shown as dotted lines.]
- Retrograde planets are also explained in Monthly Text Boxes, we try to have them in the month they go retrograde, but if there is no space, then in a previous month so you can be forewarned. Previously we only mentioned Venus, Mercury, and Mars; upcoming versions will include Saturn and Jupiter.
- The day a planet enters a sign is shown in the box for that day. There will be a glyph of the planet with an arrow pointing to the glyph for the sign, followed by the exact time it happens, in the day box (where applicable).
- The above is the same for when a planet goes retrograde or direct: it will have the glyph for the planet followed by "Rx", meaning retrograde, or "D" for direct, followed by the exact time this happens, in the day box (where applicable)
- The Dates For Magickal Workings (DFMW) are based on a combination of: Planetary day, Moon phase, Moon sign, and the Planet ruling the specific workings listed. What this means is, if you see a date with Waxing Moon in Libra on a Friday, for example, but no mention of love workings, that is because Venus is either retrograde or in a detrimental sign. Or, if you see a Saturday with Moon in Capricorn, but no mention of curses, it is because either the Moon in waxing instead of waning, or Mars is retrograde, for example.
- We try to give as many options as possible for DFMW. This means that, for example, you will find workings specific to Mercury, listed for Wednesday and Thursday, if applicable. Many people have busy lives, so not all workings listed are on only ideal dates. The point is to give as many options for dates that will be conducive.
- Tying in with the above point, magickal workings on a Full Moon are not always relating to the planetary day. Full Moons are very powerful, which is why you will find certain DFMW on a planetary day that is not optimal, but it is a Full Moon, so it’s there anyway. If we only did things on the exact ideal date, we would be waiting years, if not decades, to begin a spell. If the planetary day is not ideal, then try to do the working during the most optimal planetary hour to compensate.
- The planetary day does not begin at midnight! It begins with the Sunrise. From 2023 onward, all calendars will have this point mentioned in a Monthly Text Box.
- Planetary Squares are included, they are marked based on planetary day and the sign (ruling or exalted) the planet is in. Saturn’s square is not included, as it can be done any Saturday when it is in ruling or exalted sign, making for many months of it being indicated, so we opted to leave it out after the first calendar.
-[Added November 2024] For Moon Squares, the Moon needs to be nearly full to do its square. It cannot be done when the Moon is barely waxing, so it will not be listed for those dates. The Moon is too weak to do its square when its only a few days after a New Moon.
- Witches Sabbats are marked in clear black text. For more information about this purification cycle, please read HP HoodedCobra’s post.
- Any SS who do not have much privacy, if you download this, bury it somewhere safe in your computer files, within normal-looking files. Don't have it right on your desktop, and certainly do not print it. This has Demon sigils and names.
- You will notice at the bottom of each month, the Demon’s name, sigil, and their candle color is the color their names are written in. The dates listed for each of them are all according to the JoS.
- You can of course use your best judgment. By this I mean, if you want to throw a curse on a Friday (Venus day), then go ahead. Listed in these calendars, days for cursing are Tuesdays and Saturdays, with Waning Moon in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn. (Pisces is also listed for curses, as it does rule depression and vulnerability.) Curses can of course be thrown during Waxing Moons, but we keep these calendars straightforward and basic enough for new members.
- Tying in with the above, using your judgement, we no longer put the Saturn square notice in the calendar. Its square can be started any Saturday when Saturn is in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Libra. We decided to remove it simply because members were commenting about how it didn't look good to see it listed for every Saturday, for months on end.
- In closing, we really hope that these calendars are useful and informative for you
Much credit to the author @ThomaSsS [JG] for making these calendars year after year. Others have helped as well, their names are always included in the final page of each calendar.
- I want to start by saying every year we try to improve the calendar, to make it even more useful. Next year’s (2023) will be the best version yet! [November 2024 edit: 2025's will be the best version yet!]
- Each calendar lists the time zones and countries for each version on the front page, make sure to download the one for your time zone. If your country is not listed, it’s simply because we are listing the largest ones, so just use the one that is in your time zone, it is valid.
- If your time zone is not listed, let us know and we will make one for your time zone. If you do not want to publicly state your location, you can email one of us. Otherwise you can use the time zone next to you and manually plus or minus an hour for everything, but we will be happy to make the version you need!
- The last page has explanations for the glyph symbols (planets, zodiac signs, retrograde and direct motion, and more).
- These calendars mark the Void of Course Moon (VoC) start and end times, in the box for each day where applicable.
- Moon signs are clearly marked in each day (again, glyph explanations are on the last page).
- It also marks Moon phases (new, first quarter, full, last quarter). From the New Moon to the Full Moon, the Moon is waxing (increasing in light). From Full to New, Moon is waning (decreasing in light). Again, glyph explanation is on the last page, in case you forget.
- Full Moons are marked with a blue background for the day box, making it easy to notice. Satanic holidays are with a green background, and Satan’s Day with a bold bright blue background.
- You will notice many days when the “Esbat” (Full Moon) is listed the day before the actual Full Moon, this happens when the Moon goes Full in the morning before around 9:30am. The effects of the Full Moon are the day leading up to it and the day itself, so it is best to do workings and spells before it goes Full, rather than 12-15 hours after. [November 2024 edit: From 2024 onwards we no longer do this due to coding, so the Moon is marked as full if it's after midnight.]
- Eclipses are also marked, in the box for the day they happen.
- Satanic holidays are clearly indicated with a green background for the day box, with information on each holiday in the Monthly Text Box for each page, and some ideas for how to celebrate. Also remember to check the forums during Satanic holidays, as we often have rituals posted by clergy on these power dates!
- Some of the monthly text is originally from HPS Maxine. The rest has been added by me.
- Planetary ingresses are in a box near the bottom right of each page. These show when a planet enters a sign, and when it is retrograde, which is marked in red (for the color version of the calendar). [November 2024 edit: Retrogrades are now shown as dotted lines.]
- Retrograde planets are also explained in Monthly Text Boxes, we try to have them in the month they go retrograde, but if there is no space, then in a previous month so you can be forewarned. Previously we only mentioned Venus, Mercury, and Mars; upcoming versions will include Saturn and Jupiter.
- The day a planet enters a sign is shown in the box for that day. There will be a glyph of the planet with an arrow pointing to the glyph for the sign, followed by the exact time it happens, in the day box (where applicable).
- The above is the same for when a planet goes retrograde or direct: it will have the glyph for the planet followed by "Rx", meaning retrograde, or "D" for direct, followed by the exact time this happens, in the day box (where applicable)
- The Dates For Magickal Workings (DFMW) are based on a combination of: Planetary day, Moon phase, Moon sign, and the Planet ruling the specific workings listed. What this means is, if you see a date with Waxing Moon in Libra on a Friday, for example, but no mention of love workings, that is because Venus is either retrograde or in a detrimental sign. Or, if you see a Saturday with Moon in Capricorn, but no mention of curses, it is because either the Moon in waxing instead of waning, or Mars is retrograde, for example.
- We try to give as many options as possible for DFMW. This means that, for example, you will find workings specific to Mercury, listed for Wednesday and Thursday, if applicable. Many people have busy lives, so not all workings listed are on only ideal dates. The point is to give as many options for dates that will be conducive.
- Tying in with the above point, magickal workings on a Full Moon are not always relating to the planetary day. Full Moons are very powerful, which is why you will find certain DFMW on a planetary day that is not optimal, but it is a Full Moon, so it’s there anyway. If we only did things on the exact ideal date, we would be waiting years, if not decades, to begin a spell. If the planetary day is not ideal, then try to do the working during the most optimal planetary hour to compensate.
- The planetary day does not begin at midnight! It begins with the Sunrise. From 2023 onward, all calendars will have this point mentioned in a Monthly Text Box.
- Planetary Squares are included, they are marked based on planetary day and the sign (ruling or exalted) the planet is in. Saturn’s square is not included, as it can be done any Saturday when it is in ruling or exalted sign, making for many months of it being indicated, so we opted to leave it out after the first calendar.
-[Added November 2024] For Moon Squares, the Moon needs to be nearly full to do its square. It cannot be done when the Moon is barely waxing, so it will not be listed for those dates. The Moon is too weak to do its square when its only a few days after a New Moon.
- Witches Sabbats are marked in clear black text. For more information about this purification cycle, please read HP HoodedCobra’s post.
- Any SS who do not have much privacy, if you download this, bury it somewhere safe in your computer files, within normal-looking files. Don't have it right on your desktop, and certainly do not print it. This has Demon sigils and names.
- You will notice at the bottom of each month, the Demon’s name, sigil, and their candle color is the color their names are written in. The dates listed for each of them are all according to the JoS.
- You can of course use your best judgment. By this I mean, if you want to throw a curse on a Friday (Venus day), then go ahead. Listed in these calendars, days for cursing are Tuesdays and Saturdays, with Waning Moon in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn. (Pisces is also listed for curses, as it does rule depression and vulnerability.) Curses can of course be thrown during Waxing Moons, but we keep these calendars straightforward and basic enough for new members.
- Tying in with the above, using your judgement, we no longer put the Saturn square notice in the calendar. Its square can be started any Saturday when Saturn is in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Libra. We decided to remove it simply because members were commenting about how it didn't look good to see it listed for every Saturday, for months on end.
- In closing, we really hope that these calendars are useful and informative for you
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