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SS And Veganism


New member
Oct 12, 2024
I am NOT a vegan! I think i read somewhere on the Jos that killing animals for food is okay. But lately i can't deny the attraction to veganism. My main problem is i don't really like the taste of veggies. When it comes to the meat I'm slowly losing interest, I'll admit it. I have also noticed (🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃) that even though meat is tasty it isn't good for us once it goes past the mouth... And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings and that is the biggest reason why this thing is following me. Anyway what are your thoughts on this subject?
If you can't eat animals, eat their products to still get the nutrients you need. Vegetables are just as important. You shouldn't just have a meat only based diet. But you cannot have an only vegetable based diet either.

I remember when I was new to SS, newly dedicated, I tried not eating any meat or animal products, being vegan. I didn't last a month. Eating meat felt so good. I think the reason I did it is because everyone said I was too fat when I was my normal weight. It fucked with me as a child. I'm better now and I cannot see my life without meat, lol.

If you want cruelty free meat, go to farmers.
Before answering you, I am not a dietician or a doctor, therefore always ask the opinion of a professional.

The Joy of Satanas leaves to the satanist free choice, so the Gods or the Clergy will not expel you if you want to become a vegan. However, our saying goes "responsibility to the responsible", it means you have to take responsibility of your choices, which is a consequence of freedom of choice. A balanced diet is what really keeps you healthy.

Consumption of Meat and Health
Meat has so many nutrients you will not find in vegetables, and those nutrients are vital for our well being. It's not only about proteins, but also about many other substances that are essential. You need nutrients from both animal and plant based products, and meat is not skippable.

Ethics is a point of view. It seems brutal to say it this way, but it's true. We can see this in nature. From a gazelle's point of view is ethically bad to see another gazelle be killed by a lion, but from a lion's perspective it's something beneficial, because its meat is essential for survival. It is true that animals suffer when they die, but their meat is essential for us. But if you change perspective, you will see something very interesting, the point of view of humans. Many humans literally healed from deseases or health disorders by just adopting a carnivore diet or an animal based diet, fixed their diabetes, excess cholesterol, even problems doctors told their patient that would affect them for the rest of their life. This is not to promote carnivore diet, but just to tell you the beneficial effect of meat. And speaking about health, remember that veganism is pushed by the enemy. A study shows how creatine is beneficial for the human brain, and before then people thought creatine was only for muscle growth, but it's also for the brain, and creatine is in meat. Do your own research on the subject.

And about ethics points of view, whatever you eat is a living being. Even when you eat plants, they are living beings and they have a soul, but you need them to survive.

However, the fact we need animal products doens't mean animals can suffer, that's why we are against animal sufferance. Even when an animal has to die for our nutrition, said animal must live a happy life, have enough space, and they must have a swift and painless death. So meat from animals that are from the meat industry is bad for your health, because of the constant state of stress and suffering animals live in, which translates to constant cortisol in their blood, which is bad for their and our health, they are fed food that is not good for them and they are given medicines to not be infected by illnesses, since animals live together in secluded spaces. For example, chickens are fed grains, while they should eat worms, cows are also fed grains if i remember correctly, but they should eat grass, same applies with pigs. That's why there is the very important distinction between meat and GRASS-FED MEAT, which is healthier than "normal" meat, from which you basically eat medicines, cortisol and bad muscle fibers that grew up in an unhealthy environment. Plus, I've heard meat industry meat causes inflammation, which in the long term can contribute to cancer, but I have to read scientific literature to confirm what I just wrote.

About taste, you can simply eat veggies with something that can cover or change its taste.

On a last note, make your own research and make your own decision, but many other SS here can tell you their opinion on the subject and to make a better and conscious choice.
And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings and that is the biggest reason why this thing is following me.

There's this mistaken idea that animals are conscious beings but plants are not. Plants are as much conscious as animals are, so when you decide you only want to eat plants you're still eating conscious beings anyway. Read this:

But anyway you're not forced to eat meat if you don't like it.
that even though meat is tasty it isn't good for us once it goes past the mouth.

Read this:

And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings

Read this:

Anyway what are your thoughts on this subject?

Read this:

Try asking before a meat or fish meal something like, "may the Gods bless and protect the soul of this animal!" Or something specific. Today of course there are no means to perform litanies and rituals to bless the souls of animals, due to lack of spiritual knowledge. But such a prayer before the meal could go a long way. Animals are sacred to the gods.
@TheEvilTruth Sorry, Brother, I got the notification that you quoted me in a reply, and actually you quoted replies, but you didn't write anything, but you just quoted them. Can I ask you if you had any additional questions? Maybe a bug or incorrect entry didn't show it. Let me know if I can be helpful again! :D
We can see this in nature. From a gazelle's point of view is ethically bad to see another gazelle be killed by a lion, but from a lion's perspective it's something beneficial, because its meat is essential.
I guess it is what it is! Not easy to comprehend. Maybe it's a weakness in me but I'll work on it and will consult the gods about it. It just slowly grew in me with time but i guess we need meat and there's nothing that can be done
@TheEvilTruth Sorry, Brother, I got the notification that you quoted me in a reply, and actually you quoted replies, but you didn't write anything, but you just quoted them. Can I ask you if you had any additional questions? Maybe a bug or incorrect entry didn't show it. Let me know if I can be helpful again! :D
I'm having a hard time with the quote button. I'm finding it hard comprehending the truth but at the end of the day it is the truth and it is natural. I guess it's a weakness in myself and it grew in me over time. We need meat it just is what it is. I'll consult the gods to help me with it...
I am NOT a vegan! I think i read somewhere on the Jos that killing animals for food is okay. But lately i can't deny the attraction to veganism. My main problem is i don't really like the taste of veggies. When it comes to the meat I'm slowly losing interest, I'll admit it. I have also noticed (🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃) that even though meat is tasty it isn't good for us once it goes past the mouth... And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings and that is the biggest reason why this thing is following me. Anyway what are your thoughts on this subject?
Thats a good point , i eat meat ( im a Hindu ) , it might be surprising for some people but out of 100% hindus , 40-50% of them eat meat , infact we also offer meat in our temples to the gods and even goddess Kali / Lilith.

since in india Hinduism has been divided into many sects ( not caste ) some eat meat , some dont eat meat , irrespective of the caste tbh .

Now before i dint use to eat meat , cause then i used to feel sad about eating an animal ( im becoming a Vet ) . I dont eat fish , cause i like fish as an animal so not eating that. i eat chicken only , i dont eat beef (cows) cause i actually like that animal.

So i have my own understanding about food , it depends on you like ( free will ) , you can eat what you want . I dont think the gods will be Upset about it. I dont eat chicken for taste , i eat it cause i get like 35 gms of protein ,and other nutrients , and its perfect.
i also eat vegetables , its good , it has nutrients as well ( not all the nutrients you need obv ) , i have eggs almost everyday , drink milk everyday. , cheese . All diff types of cheese .

people get so worked up about what to eat and what not to eat. now when we talk about vegan - its actually more bad for your health. id rather just eat 10 almonds than almond milk. So dont eat vegan its not good for your body , it dosent have the vitamins that is needed for your body to work/ regenerate your cells.

So eat a mix of veggies and Meat , and thats simple yk its good , its tasty. Will get your workout requirements too .

Hindus dont eat cow meat , but we have their dairy products everyday , ( everyone ). The actual reason for why we dont eat cows , is because we thought it would be more beneficial to Drink Milk , and eat its by product in larger quantity. And love the animal at the same time. In the olden days almost everyone had cows/Buffalos in their house , that was not only their source of income , but also the source of their food ( milk,cheese etc etc )

( in the ancient times warriors used to eat meat )

eating the cow would decrease the number of cows in the herd , so the more suitable option was to switch to dairy products.

Even Krishna ( avatar of Vishnu) used to eat a lot of makhan ( another dairy product out of milk ) ( pure butter from milk ) and also he was a herdsman so he loved his Cows.

Thats the actual reason why we dont eat Beef thats all
I am NOT a vegan! I think i read somewhere on the Jos that killing animals for food is okay. But lately i can't deny the attraction to veganism. My main problem is i don't really like the taste of veggies. When it comes to the meat I'm slowly losing interest, I'll admit it. I have also noticed (🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃) that even though meat is tasty it isn't good for us once it goes past the mouth... And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings and that is the biggest reason why this thing is following me. Anyway what are your thoughts on this subject?
You can eat whatever you want. I was vegan for almost 2 years and I don’t recommend it to anyone. I was weak and had many nutritional deficiencies. I had to take supplements, because mein body couldn’t get enough iron from plants. 🌱
It’s your choice what you will do, but if you choose vegan diet, don’t forget to take B12 supplements, it is very important.
I am NOT a vegan! I think i read somewhere on the Jos that killing animals for food is okay. But lately i can't deny the attraction to veganism. My main problem is i don't really like the taste of veggies. When it comes to the meat I'm slowly losing interest, I'll admit it. I have also noticed (🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃) that even though meat is tasty it isn't good for us once it goes past the mouth... And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings and that is the biggest reason why this thing is following me. Anyway what are your thoughts on this subject?

You can be vegetarian if you eat dairy products (eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc.), animal fats and proteins are good for you and dairy doesn't kill the animals if its an issue. Veganism is really hard to pull off because you need to take supplements and most end up malnourished causing them to go crazy. If you are vegetarian onion/garlic type foods are bad for you and should minimize how much you consume. If you are a omnivore then onion/garlic foods are good for you. The human body is adaptable although most people on here will tell you be omnivore.

Genetics is also an issue with diet that most don't factor in. White people can do a vegetarian with dairy fairly easy. Some demographics are lactose intolerant. Native Americans do bad with carbs and lactose so eating meat more important for them. Vegetarian diet for Asians tends lead to physical weakness because most have a hard time with dairy as well focusing more on soy proteins. With diet its not a black or white issue. You can be a carnivore and unhealthy, omnivore and unhealthy, vegetarian and unhealthy or vegan unhealthy. Its better to understand how nutrition and the body works than blindly following fads.
Thats the actual reason why we dont eat Beef thats all
According to reliable sources who have heard from Brahmins, this is what Hindus are told, but is not the actual reason.

The real reason, according to Brahmins, was to manage the population of the lower castes, because they thought veganism would decrease fertility.

Europeans ate meat and never ran out of cows. What do Hindus do after a cow dies from old age? Bury it? Let it rot? Europeans would kill the cow shortly before it would die of old age and eat the meat, so no waste.
I guess it's a weakness in myself and it grew in me over time

You created an account on the forum in October and have about ten posts. Try to be understanding with yourself. It is too unrealistic to hope to understand all universal truths in less than three months. You cannot reach the highest levels without effort, but immediately.

All Satanism works by working with our abilities. It will not rain miracles down on you every time it is cloudy. You don't even have to forgive yourself for your mistakes in interpreting the Gods and their teachings because there is simply nothing to forgive, your situation is so normal that potentially the only "mistake" you have ever made so far is just "blaming yourself."

Now you have figured things out, so obviously making the mistake was worth it. How many times did it happen to me to have an immature idea of reality, ask a very stupid question, get corrected only once, and manage to be able to not be wrong again the next thousand or two thousand times--it's worth it. Be happy, not depressed. :) <3
According to reliable sources who have heard from Brahmins, this is what Hindus are told, but is not the actual reason.

The real reason, according to Brahmins, was to decrease the population of the lower castes, because they thought veganism would decrease fertility.

Europeans ate meat and never ran out of cows. What do Hindus do after a cow dies from old age? Bury it? Let it rot? Europeans would kill the cow shortly before it would die of old age and eat the meat, so no waste.

There are a lot of Indo-European myths that are along the lines of not allowing non-whites to use cows since they were a gift from the Gods. At the time the main source of power giving them a huge advantage over other demographics. Later the horse works its way into the myths. That could be true. Didn't Brahmans also take a vegetarian vow?
There are a lot of Indo-European myths that are along the lines of not allowing non-whites to use cows since they were a gift from the Gods. At the time the main source of power giving them a huge advantage over other demographics. Later the horse works its way into the myths. That could be true. Didn't Brahmans also take a vegetarian vow?
From my understanding, Brahmins pretend to be vegetarian, to promote it to the lower castes, and so the lower castes won't suspect them.

Just because people take vows, doesn't mean they keep them. Xian priests are a perfect example of that (celibacy, yet they rape children and nuns). Married couples, the xian marriage vows, another example. Vows are meaningless for many people, in this world that ignores True Spirituality and noble acts.
From my understanding, Brahmins pretend to be vegetarian, to promote it to the lower castes, and so the lower castes won't suspect them.

Just because people take vows, doesn't mean they keep them. Xian priests are a perfect example of that (celibacy, yet they rape children and nuns). Married couples, the xian marriage vows, another example. Vows are meaningless for many people, in this world that ignores True Spirituality and noble acts.
Fair enough. I was thinking more a few thousand years ago. Wouldn't surprise me if it was a lie the whole time.

I agree too many people making vows and not following them. I do think there is a lot of power in a vow if taken sincerely. A vow is a sacrifice for something greater. Marriage vows for example; if made sincerely is something powerful at the same time its a lot of sacrifice to make work. I have very little faith in what modern India has become with all its fake masters with fake enlightenment. Hopefully that will change and India will return to the Gods instead of disgracing them. I feel the same way about the west to be fair.
According to reliable sources who have heard from Brahmins, this is what Hindus are told, but is not the actual reason.

The real reason, according to Brahmins, was to manage the population of the lower castes, because they thought veganism would decrease fertility.

Europeans ate meat and never ran out of cows. What do Hindus do after a cow dies from old age? Bury it? Let it rot? Europeans would kill the cow shortly before it would die of old age and eat the meat, so no waste.
Then i have another Question which has been bothering me a lot these days , ISKCON , i feel it is corrupted cause they openly support jews , and jewish communities , and explains in great detail about their so called " jewish monothetic god " and they support it for some reason the members of iskcon.

More over since Majority of the hindus , follow krishna consciousness and ISKCON is the main organization for it , what they say about meat eating ( Srila Prabhupada dialogues of conversation about meat eating ) and even inside the Bhagwat Gita (as it is version - its said to be almost close to original ) idk if it is or not ofc , but so what they say is Animals have soul , plants and vegetables also have soul , , and eating all of them is wrong . They further talk about how god is very generous , and if you like eating animals you will be born as an animal next time so you can freely eat meat.

even people like Sadh Guru refrain from eating meat / onions / garlic ,... are they all corrupted ??

Then they say about Meat being tamsic and it causes problems with karma and give you bad karma and wont let you advance spiritually ,

im giving the link of the website where i read it from and also the dialogue in it

""""" Sometimes the question is put before us: “You ask us not to eat meat, but you are eating vegetables. Do you think that is not violence?” The answer is that eating vegetables is violence, and vegetarians are also committing violence against other living entities because vegetables also have life. Non-devotees are killing cows, goats and so many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is also killing. But here, significantly, it is stated that every living entity has to live by killing another entity; that is the law of nature. Jīvo jīvasya jīvanam: one living entity is the life for another living entity. But for a human being, that violence should be committed only as much as necessary.

A human being is not to eat anything which is not offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yajna-sistasinah santah: one becomes freed from all sinful reactions by eating foodstuffs which are offered to Yajna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A devotee therefore eats only prasada, or foodstuffs offered to the Supreme Lord, and Krishna says that when a devotee offers Him foodstuffs from the vegetable kingdom, with devotion, He eats that. A devotee is to offer to Krishna foodstuffs prepared from vegetables. If the Supreme Lord wanted foodstuffs prepared from animal food, the devotee could offer this, but He does not order to do that.”

So yes even plants and vegetables have souls and killing them unnecessarily and for personal sense gratification causes sin, that’s why it is recommended to offer the vegetarian food to Lord Krishna first then later eat that food as Prashadam or mercy. Lord Krishna can do anything so he transforms the food offered to him into spiritual food, this will free us from sin and karmic reactions.

Eating only food offered to Krishna is the ultimate perfection of the vegetarian diet. After all, pigeons and monkeys are also vegetarian, so becoming a vegetarian is not in itself the greatest of accomplishments. The Vedas inform us that the purpose of human life is to reawaken the soul to its relationship with God, and only when we go beyond vegetarianism to prasada can our eating be helpful in achieving this goal. """"

i know modern hinduism is corrupted , but the truth has to come out right ?
I am NOT a vegan! I think i read somewhere on the Jos that killing animals for food is okay. But lately i can't deny the attraction to veganism. My main problem is i don't really like the taste of veggies. When it comes to the meat I'm slowly losing interest, I'll admit it. I have also noticed (🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃) that even though meat is tasty it isn't good for us once it goes past the mouth... And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings and that is the biggest reason why this thing is following me. Anyway what are your thoughts on this subject?
There is not ONE SINGLE BIT of actual proof that meat is bad for us. Not a single credible study, nothing. Fat is blamed for causing the harm that actually is caused by sugars and vegetable oils.
Look at vegans - the vast majority of them are severely malnourished, and many are mentally ill. Too much lack of animal fat can literally damage the brain. Also look at who is behind pushing it - jews, jews, and of course, more jews. The same shitbags that push the consumption of refined carbohydrates, which our bodies have ZERO need for and lead to loads of disease. We don't need to any carbs at all and function far better when our bodies use fat for energy instead, provided the rest of the diet is in check.
If you stop eating meat, make sure to eat enough eggs and butter.
I have been studying on the Jos website since 2013!!!

Yes. Since 2013 it may actually seem like a long time. However personally I have been dedicated since 2017 and until mid-2024 I was a complete idiot without any context of possible improvement, so it is not actually a matter of years of time.

We simply sometimes have to have the opportunity to be able to be supported and confront each other in our ideas. If it were not for the opportunities I have had on this since 2017 I myself would not have had little more improvement than the degradation I was in during those years.

It is normal that to improve it is not enough just to be in one thing, sometimes we should also have the opportunity to understand a certain discourse according to more personal points of view to know better what is being said. Your presence on the forum is probably the natural evolution of your journey that started in 2013. I repeat, it literally took me 8 years to become something other than the degraded state and it was thanks to the brothers and sisters I met along the way that brought out the best side of me. You will have a way (and time) to do the same. :)
What do Hindus do after a cow dies from old age? Bury it? Let it rot? Europeans would kill the cow shortly before it would die of old age and eat the meat, so no waste.
Evidently Hindus bury or cremate the cow after it dies, instead of eating it. So this debunks their belief in not eating cows to keep it for milk... because cows die anyway.
Evidently Hindus bury or cremate the cow after it dies, instead of eating it. So this debunks their belief in not eating cows to keep it for milk... because cows die anyway.
All those potential juicy steaks, gone to waste. I hate it when people waste good food. And steak is getting more and more expensive these days.

Hindus waste so much potential steak. We could all eat free steaks for life, if we had the amount they waste.
I am NOT a vegan! I think i read somewhere on the Jos that killing animals for food is okay. But lately i can't deny the attraction to veganism. My main problem is i don't really like the taste of veggies. When it comes to the meat I'm slowly losing interest, I'll admit it. I have also noticed (🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃) that even though meat is tasty it isn't good for us once it goes past the mouth... And lastly the persistent problem that comes with consciousness is seeing the animals as conscious beings and that is the biggest reason why this thing is following me. Anyway what are your thoughts on this subject?
Then i have another Question which has been bothering me a lot these days , ISKCON , i feel it is corrupted cause they openly support jews , and jewish communities , and explains in great detail about their so called " jewish monothetic god " and they support it for some reason the members of iskcon.

More over since Majority of the hindus , follow krishna consciousness and ISKCON is the main organization for it , what they say about meat eating ( Srila Prabhupada dialogues of conversation about meat eating ) and even inside the Bhagwat Gita (as it is version - its said to be almost close to original ) idk if it is or not ofc , but so what they say is Animals have soul , plants and vegetables also have soul , , and eating all of them is wrong . They further talk about how god is very generous , and if you like eating animals you will be born as an animal next time so you can freely eat meat.

even people like Sadh Guru refrain from eating meat / onions / garlic ,... are they all corrupted ??

Then they say about Meat being tamsic and it causes problems with karma and give you bad karma and wont let you advance spiritually ,

im giving the link of the website where i read it from and also the dialogue in it

""""" Sometimes the question is put before us: “You ask us not to eat meat, but you are eating vegetables. Do you think that is not violence?” The answer is that eating vegetables is violence, and vegetarians are also committing violence against other living entities because vegetables also have life. Non-devotees are killing cows, goats and so many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is also killing. But here, significantly, it is stated that every living entity has to live by killing another entity; that is the law of nature. Jīvo jīvasya jīvanam: one living entity is the life for another living entity. But for a human being, that violence should be committed only as much as necessary.

A human being is not to eat anything which is not offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yajna-sistasinah santah: one becomes freed from all sinful reactions by eating foodstuffs which are offered to Yajna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A devotee therefore eats only prasada, or foodstuffs offered to the Supreme Lord, and Krishna says that when a devotee offers Him foodstuffs from the vegetable kingdom, with devotion, He eats that. A devotee is to offer to Krishna foodstuffs prepared from vegetables. If the Supreme Lord wanted foodstuffs prepared from animal food, the devotee could offer this, but He does not order to do that.”

So yes even plants and vegetables have souls and killing them unnecessarily and for personal sense gratification causes sin, that’s why it is recommended to offer the vegetarian food to Lord Krishna first then later eat that food as Prashadam or mercy. Lord Krishna can do anything so he transforms the food offered to him into spiritual food, this will free us from sin and karmic reactions.

Eating only food offered to Krishna is the ultimate perfection of the vegetarian diet. After all, pigeons and monkeys are also vegetarian, so becoming a vegetarian is not in itself the greatest of accomplishments. The Vedas inform us that the purpose of human life is to reawaken the soul to its relationship with God, and only when we go beyond vegetarianism to prasada can our eating be helpful in achieving this goal. """"

i know modern hinduism is corrupted , but the truth has to come out right ?

The problem is not whether the animals have souls or not, or whether there is violence involved or not, but whether it is right to kill and eat. This is a matter of hierarchy and human/animal relationship. When we take from animals, we do and should not abuse them. We seek to minimize suffering and waste. We also provide for these animals to grow and live in the first place (in the case of farms). On a global scale, we take the responsibility of caretaker for the planet, and this gives us a right to hunt.

We do not genocide entire species, but we take what we need. In fact, the populations of many domesticated species have flourished in human farms, rather than the opposite. Do not get distracted by the abuse that you see perpetuated by the enemy, as this does not invalidate the entire relationship system.

In my opinion, taking from animals can be seen almost like a tax, which they pay to us for caretaking. Further than this, as we advance spiritually and materially, so do they. Many house pets have great lives and experiences never before possible, due to our own advancement (not counting crap pet foods or other corruptions).

We have an authority, but also obligation, towards animals. Just like a King taxes his people, we receive a "tax" from the animals in return for our service. The service we provide is that we ultimately expedite their advancement, as they are our fellow creatures within this reality of life. Yet, without them, we would have significantly less material wealth, not just food, but also leather, horsepower, hairbrushes, etc. We invented this, but they provide. Done in a fair manner, there is nothing wrong with this.


Image Source: industrysourcing.com of Vinamilk's farm in Lam Dong, Vietnam

Proper human/animal relationships contribute directly to our spiritual and material wealth and advancement, which returns to the animals. Thinking you get "bad karma" from engaging in this hurts BOTH animals and humans.

As always, the enemy abuses something, then uses that as "evidence" for why we cannot enjoy the positive aspects of this, such as wealth or sex. Do not let the enemy take authority over entire "channels" or avenues of life itself.
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The problem is not whether the animals have souls or not, or whether there is violence involved or not, but whether it is right to kill and eat. This is a matter of hierarchy and human/animal relationship. When we take from animals, we do and should not abuse them. We seek to minimize suffering and waste. We also provide for these animals to grow and live in the first place (in the case of farms). On a global scale, we take the responsibility of caretaker for the planet, and this gives us a right to hunt.

We do not genocide entire species, but we take what we need. In fact, the populations of many domesticated species have flourished in human farms, rather than the opposite. Do not get distracted by the abuse that you see perpetuated by the enemy, as this does not invalidate the entire relationship system.

In my opinion, taking from animals can be seen almost like a tax, which they pay to us for caretaking. Further than this, as we advance spiritually and materially, so do they. Many house pets have great lives and experiences never before possible, due to our own advancement (not counting crap pet foods or other corruptions).

We have an authority, but also obligation, towards animals. Just like a King taxes his people, we receive a "tax" from the animals in return for our service. The service we provide is that we ultimately expedite their advancement, as they are our fellow creatures within this reality of life. Yet, without them, we would have significantly less material wealth, not just food, but also leather, horsepower, hairbrushes, etc. We invented this, but they provide. Done in a fair manner, there is nothing wrong with this.

View attachment 5470
Image Source: industrysourcing.com of Vinamilk's farm in Lam Dong, Vietnam

Proper human/animal relationships contribute directly to our spiritual and material wealth and advancement, which returns to the animals. Thinking you get "bad karma" from engaging in this hurts BOTH animals and humans.

As always, the enemy abuses something, then uses that as "evidence" for why we cannot enjoy the positive aspects of this, such as wealth or sex. Do not let the enemy take authority over entire "channels" or avenues of life itself.
thankyou man , i understand now. i even read more further about the isckon topic in jos , some old threads back in 2012 . Damn so much is corrupted by the enemy , sometimes it makes me sad , but i understand that i shouldnt get affected by it , and focus on spiritually advancing myself. As it will also help the ones around me.
Keep in mind that we need nutrients from all nutrition groups. Yes, animals even when killed for food must not feel pain, I agree with you.

Sometimes certain aspects in regards to natural understanding might come from Mercury as it relates to communication and learning. Sure there may be an emotional component to it, but for a larger specter, doing a Mercury Square (they are on the SS calendar, you can try hitting the Mercury hour as well for extra power) could help us clear a lot of areas of understanding in time.
The Gods did not say that to you, that is your own mind, as meat is healthy and necessary, I keep reading of long term vegans who just die because of nutritional deficiencies.
The Gods did not say that to you, that is your own mind, as meat is healthy and necessary, I keep reading of long term vegans who just die because of nutritional deficiencies.
(🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃)
There is a reason why i put the running emoji on that part 😂 lol. Anyway vegans have claimed it time and time again (meaning i keep reading of it) that meat isn't good for us in the long term. They say all kinds of things like we don't really have carnivore teeth etc (i keep reading of it). There's also gout (i keeping reading of it). Proccessed meat is carcinogenic (keep reading of it)...

The part where the gods 'said' meat isn't good for us was more of a joke than anything else. I do appreciate you setting the record straight there but you just rephrased the exact same response AFODO gave (if you scroll up this thread you will see this)...
The Gods did not say that to you, that is your own mind, as meat is healthy and necessary, I keep reading of long term vegans who just die because of nutritional deficiencies.
(🏃 ie had it shown to me possibly by the gods 🏃)
There is a reason why i put the running emoji on that part 😂 lol. Anyway vegans have claimed it time and time again (meaning i keep reading of it) that meat isn't good for us in the long term. They say all kinds of things like we don't really have carnivore teeth etc (i keep reading of it). There's also gout (i keeping reading of it). The part where the gods 'said' meat isn't good for us was more of a joke than anything else. I do appreciate you setting the record straight there but you just rephrased the exact same response AFODO gave (if you scroll up this thread you will see this)...
There is a reason why i put the running emoji on that part 😂 lol. Anyway vegans have claimed it time and time again (meaning i keep reading of it) that meat isn't good for us in the long term. They say all kinds of things like we don't really have carnivore teeth etc (i keep reading of it). There's also gout (i keeping reading of it). The part where the gods 'said' meat isn't good for us was more of a joke than anything else. I do appreciate you setting the record straight there but you just rephrased the exact same response AFODO gave (if you scroll up this thread you will see this)...

What I find interesting is that anyone who has done carnivore diet has a couple weeks to a month of the worst S*^%s possible while the body adapts to the carnivore diet. The intestine switch from a fiber motivated digestion into what it uses for meat (fat?). The body is adaptable. I'm curious if this what ozempic does to cause people to lose weight.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
