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Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

Gearhead said:
Thank you for replying.

Those two are actually the exact things I've tried; in both cases, the serpent quickened its pace and caused me significant physical and mental discomfort. Most recently, with the Witches' Sabbat, I actually began to feel extreme fatigue and drowsiness, coupled with severe headaches. I hate to admit it, but after that, I got scared and gave up. This is what I mean when I say any attempt at advancement either goes nowhere or goes wrong, and why I'm hesitant to try anything else unless I know full well what I'm doing is the right thing and what effects it will have. It feels a bit like I'm trying to defuse a nuclear bomb, to be honest: an incorrect step, or even a correct step at the wrong time, could have disastrous consequences, so at this point the only thing I can think of is to bide my time and see how things pan out. It's frustrating, but I don't know what else to do.
You have tried? You would need to be consistent to reap the benefits. How is your daily routine, by the way? If it is lacking, that is one thing to change right off the bat for improvement.

Furthermore in regard to being drowsy while raising energy: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=342741#p342741

For a clean slate so to speak you need to consistently clean with various methods and perhaps include a munka or ansuz working for freeing the soul. Also the following method would suit your situation, it is from HC666:
Freeing your Soul from enemy influences / Psychic Vampires.

****The meditation is quite simple:

Inhale blue Satanic energy into your chakras:

Vibrate Ansuz x9 or Ur x9 times in the chakra you feel is linked in someway to an enemy, or if you feel your chakras getting drained out of nowhere. Which is quite a disturbing feeling.

Affirmation: " The energy of the ___[rune you chose]___ is now freeing my ____ chakra from all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely, NOW"

You can keep the "NOW" away, but personally I believe its a good word to specify to your mind that you want it now, in the present. I know you get the idea, if you feel that you need to specifically fix something, get down there and fix it.

Feel the chakra vibrating and engulf it in blue Satanic fire. Imagine all links on the chakra getting burned and your chakra becoming bright as a blue Sun, or whitegold. You can do this for all your chakras, so that would be 9x7. You can do far more than x9 vibrations, this is up to you and how much energy you feel is needed for this to work. This will help cut off from bad links from past lives, present incarnation, people you could have linked
'involuntarily' like when you was drunk or when you had sex with somebody and just this.

Also, you might want to use Nauthiz for more stability and generally clean and empower base chakra for more stability. Of course other chakras need daily work as well.

I recommend to read JoS and sermons for refreshing your memory and learning new things. Knowledge, when applied to your practice will speed up your advancement.
Gearhead said:
This has made my advancement...rather difficult. Attempting to improve myself usually goes one of two ways: either it has no effect, because the constant flood of powerful fiery energy makes it impossible to attain the required level of concentration and my efforts end up being wasted, or I gain some slight traction, which releases more energy and overwhelms me, forcing me to back off. Of course, there's also all the attendant aches and pains, which at times can be debilitating, and if I'm having a particularly bad day, I sometimes travel down a particular line of questioning that concludes with "Have I irreparably damaged myself, and do I need to hit the reset button so I can get a fresh start in a new life?" I've yet to act on this, and the thought of doing so horrifies me, but the sentiment lingers.

What do you mean by "attempting to improve myself"? What sort of meditations or other work?

I think this is a situation where you have too much energy and need to focus on regulating it, balancing, and cleaning.

Henu's post covers cleaning and hatha yoga. What are your experiences with those? These should be done as a large focus of your new routine. As you mention, your raw power does not seem to be your limit here, rather managing it.

Besides that, you can use runes like Isa, Nauthiz, or Berkano to restore calm and structure to your body, with each rune doing something unique. Satanama can be used for balance, as well.

I would focus your affirmations and intentions on stabilizing your energies, in a positive manner.
My case here is that I have been here for a little over eight months and I feel at the same point. Doing frtr for me is a serious torture, to the point of frustrating me because it is as if I suddenly went in thought, last night I saw myself reciting a prayer to this damned Nazarene and when I was conscious it gave me more anger.

In material I have not made any progress, I am out of work, I have not been able to take off, I must say that I am a woman and since I have meditated my menstruation has become more intense, the emotional changes are abrupt, the pains are worse.

Today I got up to meditate and I could not do the frtr, I have been fighting for eight months to do it and I have not been able to do it, if I last two days in a row doing it well, it is a lot. What am I really struggling with?
Will it be like this all the time?
Fight and fight and fight and fight?

I have been fighting against the tide my whole life and I just feel worn out at times. I don't know what I should do....

I start the magic but I never finish it, even if I want to do it, my mind is not still and I lose focus unconsciously, I should clarify that when I meditate in a vacuum my mind is still but when I do frtr and meditations something goes off....

I should improve but sometimes I do not see progress, as if I was moving in circles.
At this point the doubts are horrible, they invade me and I just feel like I'm alone all the time.

When I feel that I am in contact with the Gods, it is only doubts and more doubts, as if something prevents me from seeing and makes me frustrated and angry. Sometimes anger attacks me abruptly and I just want to destroy, I use it in frtr but it is impossible, I end up doing everything wrong, I feel blocked from everything.
BrightSpace666 said:
FlameGhost said:
FlameGhost said:
I'm sorry if my message was hard to understand and I do often forget certain details in the moment.

It wasn't just in the dream though, it was from it. I have felt just like that from that moment till now and it's still there 24/7.

I will say that I agree on them attacking self esteem and doing all they can to make one feel weak and like they know nothing.

I haven't given up and I don't plan to.

Thank you for any bit of help and support you can give, and once I know what to do I will do a major cleaning, I mentioned the deep cleaning in one of the links send I plan to do that.

To be clear, I mean that I agree with the fact that they do use that and fear as a weapon to bring people down. I'm in no way saying that it's right.

I've even done many things in life that I regret because of those things.

And yes, my bad on the typo.

No problem. You can try the vibrating runes, they help a lot. In fact, the right rune and the right affirmation can work wonders.

Also, practicing Void Meditation is recommended to ignore such minor delusions and lies. Not incidentally, daily Meditation practices will raise your Bio-Electricity and improve your Energy Circulation and you will not have such complaints.

In any case, Spiritual Healing helps in all situations and is most effective.

Yoga is also recommended to get rid of accumulated stress and excess emotions. There are many types of Yoga exercises to choose from. Breathing Exercises are also effective and it is recommended to do one every day.

For problems, I recommend Fire Breathing and Alternating Nasal Breathing. Good luck!

I've been taking a bit to reply because I wanted to tell about the results of doing the meditations. But I may have to ask for help on another issue.

It seems to be desolving like a mist very slowly when I do a RAUM cleaning and focus on my Crown Chakra, I didn't actually know precisely where it was at first, I thought it was just on top of the head but I've finally looked and found that it is under and just within the head. I am also planning on doing a balancing and healing meditation on the Crown and Throat Chakra as I know the throat chakra also has a lot to do with emotions as the crown has to do with the mind.

The breathing exercises and bits of yoga do seem to relieve a bit of the nervous energy as well but I know that I will have to put energy into cleansing and or heal my mind and emotions

For the other issue, I've had an idea on going on what my parents were doing with researching the true Gods and use that with the truth about them to convert them from christianity and decided to also fight the spiritual hold on them with the Vinasa mantra.

I also did it without realising how easy it is to spread to myself as well and cause quite a bit of damage.. I didn't truly notice the suggestion to call upon a Demon for help. Of course I didn't completely use it on myself but I feel like there are a few holes in my soul/aura. Is there anything that I can use to help reverse that? It feels like the Satanama mantra is helping a bit with it.

But aside from that, thank you for your guidence and I now know what the source of my issue with my emotions is. It's obviously not a typical disorder "if it can even be called that" but I can see how my emotions have likely built up and cause a block in my emotions and mind. I also see that if I was truly attacked beyong that it wouldn't have occured in my dreams.

Thank you an absolute ton for your help and support!!
FlameGhost said:
BrightSpace666 said:
FlameGhost said:
To be clear, I mean that I agree with the fact that they do use that and fear as a weapon to bring people down. I'm in no way saying that it's right.

I've even done many things in life that I regret because of those things.

And yes, my bad on the typo.

No problem. You can try the vibrating runes, they help a lot. In fact, the right rune and the right affirmation can work wonders.

Also, practicing Void Meditation is recommended to ignore such minor delusions and lies. Not incidentally, daily Meditation practices will raise your Bio-Electricity and improve your Energy Circulation and you will not have such complaints.

In any case, Spiritual Healing helps in all situations and is most effective.

Yoga is also recommended to get rid of accumulated stress and excess emotions. There are many types of Yoga exercises to choose from. Breathing Exercises are also effective and it is recommended to do one every day.

For problems, I recommend Fire Breathing and Alternating Nasal Breathing. Good luck!

I've been taking a bit to reply because I wanted to tell about the results of doing the meditations. But I may have to ask for help on another issue.

It seems to be desolving like a mist very slowly when I do a RAUM cleaning and focus on my Crown Chakra, I didn't actually know precisely where it was at first, I thought it was just on top of the head but I've finally looked and found that it is under and just within the head. I am also planning on doing a balancing and healing meditation on the Crown and Throat Chakra as I know the throat chakra also has a lot to do with emotions as the crown has to do with the mind.

The breathing exercises and bits of yoga do seem to relieve a bit of the nervous energy as well but I know that I will have to put energy into cleansing and or heal my mind and emotions

For the other issue, I've had an idea on going on what my parents were doing with researching the true Gods and use that with the truth about them to convert them from christianity and decided to also fight the spiritual hold on them with the Vinasa mantra.

I also did it without realising how easy it is to spread to myself as well and cause quite a bit of damage.. I didn't truly notice the suggestion to call upon a Demon for help. Of course I didn't completely use it on myself but I feel like there are a few holes in my soul/aura. Is there anything that I can use to help reverse that? It feels like the Satanama mantra is helping a bit with it.

But aside from that, thank you for your guidence and I now know what the source of my issue with my emotions is. It's obviously not a typical disorder "if it can even be called that" but I can see how my emotions have likely built up and cause a block in my emotions and mind. I also see that if I was truly attacked beyong that it wouldn't have occured in my dreams.

Thank you an absolute ton for your help and support!!

I am glad you are feeling better. And don't stop meditating and keep evolving, all the way to Perfection. And as for what you wrote about your parents, here's what you can do - think carefully about what you did, and once you accept that you did it, then move on. Satanama and ongoing Aura and Soul Cleansing with chakra strengthening will really help you tremendously in this.

As for the holes, try to strengthen your aura with aura strengthening meditations and normalize your energy circulation. Build a powerful Protective Aura around yourself, for example 4 times a day, and in these 4 times say mantras up to 11x, 13x, 15x. This will help you to avoid problems.

And if you still have repressed emotions or similar, you can release them in a ritual and your emotional/spiritual state will improve nicely. Good luck, Brother!
Henu the Great said:
satanama666 said:
regular soul cleaning is too slow,workings of tens of days are too hard to do,i don't have the time for one and i can't remember the number of the day of it that i am in anyway,asking satan to help me at least through another demon(ess) didn't give me any obvious enough answer,what else could be done?
Addressing the root of the issue, which in your case is lack of organizing your efforts and not enough enduring could be good starting points.

So the first thing is to start organizing your day in a manner that enables you to do the neccessary steps to propel yourself forward by doing the meditations and workings that address the issue and build up on them. You also need to consider practical methods in your daily life and how they affect your time spent.

Start journaling the meditations so that you will not lose count. Plan ahead what you will do on the following day, and when. Then follow up on the plan. Just like carrying bricks on the construction yard, just do the thing and don't mind others too much. Do your thing, and then go from there. There might be things that should be avoided more or less as time consuming with no return to your advancement and those things you should cut out to get more time. If your work or school takes too much time, look for alternative ways of learning that could save you time, or do a working to this end for quicker retention, or for another job with more free time. If you are in a position where you consitently do not have time for your advancement then try to look ways to have a chunk of day for your advancement, every day. This could require quite a bit of changing of habits and whatnot, but it is for a good cause. For yourself and your future.

Even though you might feel like you can do thousand things, do not. Do smaller amount of things, but stay consistent. Once you have a steady habit established it is safer to add more to your tasks so that you will not lose track of what and when and so on. This applies to daily meditations as well, such as aura cleaning, aura of protection, void meditation and physical exercises such as hatha and kundalini yoga. You do not need to lift the whole world alone. Instead it is neccessary for you to stay consistent in your effort so that you would actually do what is required to do and stay with it. Basically a healthy habit building needs to happen to ensure success.

You said that you do meditations and such sporadically. You could address the issue with the rune Nauthiz, or invoking small amounts of Earth and program the energy to give you stability to structure what you need to in order to accomplish your tasks. Earth energy would give your abundant fire and air grounding so you would not lose your way and stay focused on what needs to be done. Hatha yoga would aid to this end as well, and I would likewise advise that you will simply do something little consistently to get yourself accustomed to doing it instead of not doing it at all and thus not progressing or doing a lot for once or twice and then letting go from doing these activities likewise not progressing.

For practical things to do to help building habits along with the keeping track of your progress by writing things up could be: Making a space for your activities, such as having yoga mat readily available for your practice as to make beginning to do this as easy as possible instead of needing to get something from another room or storage or something. Blocking unneccessary stimulus from your sphere, such as mobile phone could be turned off or be put in another room for removing the distraction or your computer could be turned off for a period when you need to meditate, for example. You get the idea.

I do not know if you live alone or with family or what, but having boundaries will help. If you find yourself distracted by other people you will need to make them know that you have a certain amount of me-time in which you can not be disturbed and you will not respond to their requests during that time. Push everything else aside for this time period and focus on yourself during this time. When the time is over you can return to other people.

I hope this sums up some things that can help you. Some of these I learned from Atomic Habits, even though I did some of these by myself before learning them. You can watch a video summarizing the book here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ7lDrwYdZc - How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear)

I also remember reading you telling that you lack empathy which would be a clear sign of lacking water element which rules it. To that end you could invoke small amounts of Water and program to balance your emotions in a healthy manner, or using the rune Berkano.

Overall cleaning and meditating on your chakras can and eventually will help balance your emotional and enduring issues as well so that should be on your to-do list as well.

If anything is unclear about the subject please do post about it. This is a platform for growth after all.
i can't.i just can't give up my evil side.i feel too attached to it.in fact,it's not me caring about satanic ethics that makes me want to get rid of it;it's just that it makes me lazy and snobbish and i'll NEVER meditate enough to become immortal if i keep it;on the other hand,without it,not only i would become too peaceful and defenseless;i would feel so hurt i would DIE both physically and spiritually and cease to exist from the huge depression i would fall in(pun intended);it's the reason i exist for.i can't live thinking i CAN'T have sex with anyone i want;i can't live thinking i CAN'T get everything i want for free just because it's ME who desires it;i can't live thinking i CAN'T kill anything and anyone i want just because it/they disobeyed me,offended me,or simply just for FUN(because,that is,i find other beings' deaths FUN;the more significant the life of the being is and the more brutal,yet only fast deaths satisfy me,the better);i can't live thinking that i CAN'T do ethically wrong things and still get away with it;or,even better, to be REWARDED for it or,at least,to get a higher compensation than the punishment for it,especially from the punisher themselves,even if it's just punishment to them for the punishment they gave to me.weren't it for my aim for REAL immortality,i would have FULLY and PERMANENTLY embraced this side;in fact,even now i barely resist it.i'm far from enlightenment,so i don't understand;how others like to help out of pure altruism;how others don't murder each other either for petty reasons or just pure fun;how others won't have sex with someone beautiful/handsome just because they're relatives,underage,or virtual;how others don't try to impose over one another and outright shouting with rage"bow down before me and submit to me,slave,because i am your lord and you have to do as i tell you!".i know it sounds like the perfect recipe for chaos,but i think it's because the universe is based on order that this doesn't work.why isn't the universe an endless,timeless lake of fire out of which powerful,destructive beings rise and make their own rules;beings that can make flames,lightning,feed on others' lifeforce,similar to the gods from underhand(android game on google play/aurora store/some other google play client app),things like liches,vampires,wendigoes,even the abrahamic satyr-like gargoyle demons and so on.somehow,it feels much more livable than this restraining,limited by far in comparison world.it makes me feel like whether i keep or destroy my evil side,i'll still be dross that the universe will weed out in the end.however,i still want to exist forever and i'll do whatever it takes to achieve this even if the entire universe works to take me down.not only i wonder how i still survived for 21+ years,i still wonder how did i even get born in the first place(complicated family story).still,it doesn't matter to me.i don't care if i shouldn't have existed and i should have been gone by now,all that matters to me is that i exist and that i want it to NEVER stop,regardless of the consequences.i'd rather be alone in an endless void than let the universe go on without me because i like to THINK.i like to be aware of myself,i like to have memories and NOTHING will take this joy away from me.nothing.i guess my only option is to wait until i have enough both logical AND emotional reasons to DESTROY the corruption that creeps into my mind like some river of evil,decay and rot.don't try to come up with yours,however.i won't listen.i'm too blinded.i have to figure them out by myself.let's hope i also SUCCEED while i'm at it.
Yeye95 said:

Two things popped into my head: What are you doing for your AOP? It sounds like you are getting attacked a lot.

Second, in regards to your focus and health, would you consider yourself yin deficient? In other words, dry skin, undereye discoloration, redness or other heat signs, excess thirst, hot flashes, etc.

Besides yin deficiency, which leads to liver blood deficiency, any stagnation of the liver itself will also make menstruation painful. This can also make you feel physically worn out, as well. This also influences you mentally and can make your thoughts harder to calm down.

How is your diet? It needs to be nourishing enough, without actually stagnating the digestion. Also, what are you doing in regards to yoga asanas? Hatha yoga?
satanama666 said:
i can't.i just can't give up my evil side.i feel too attached to it.in fact,it's not me caring about satanic ethics that makes me want to get rid of it;it's just that it makes me lazy and snobbish and i'll NEVER meditate enough to become immortal if i keep it;on the other hand,without it,not only i would become too peaceful and defenseless;i would feel so hurt i would DIE both physically and spiritually and cease to exist from the huge depression i would fall in(pun intended);it's the reason i exist for.i can't live thinking i CAN'T have sex with anyone i want;i can't live thinking i CAN'T get everything i want for free just because it's ME who desires it;i can't live thinking i CAN'T kill anything and anyone i want just because it/they disobeyed me,offended me,or simply just for FUN(because,that is,i find other beings' deaths FUN;the more significant the life of the being is and the more brutal,yet only fast deaths satisfy me,the better);i can't live thinking that i CAN'T do ethically wrong things and still get away with it;or,even better, to be REWARDED for it or,at least,to get a higher compensation than the punishment for it,especially from the punisher themselves,even if it's just punishment to them for the punishment they gave to me.weren't it for my aim for REAL immortality,i would have FULLY and PERMANENTLY embraced this side;in fact,even now i barely resist it.i'm far from enlightenment,so i don't understand;how others like to help out of pure altruism;how others don't murder each other either for petty reasons or just pure fun;how others won't have sex with someone beautiful/handsome just because they're relatives,underage,or virtual;how others don't try to impose over one another and outright shouting with rage"bow down before me and submit to me,slave,because i am your lord and you have to do as i tell you!".i know it sounds like the perfect recipe for chaos,but i think it's because the universe is based on order that this doesn't work.why isn't the universe an endless,timeless lake of fire out of which powerful,destructive beings rise and make their own rules;beings that can make flames,lightning,feed on others' lifeforce,similar to the gods from underhand(android game on google play/aurora store/some other google play client app),things like liches,vampires,wendigoes,even the abrahamic satyr-like gargoyle demons and so on.somehow,it feels much more livable than this restraining,limited by far in comparison world.it makes me feel like whether i keep or destroy my evil side,i'll still be dross that the universe will weed out in the end.however,i still want to exist forever and i'll do whatever it takes to achieve this even if the entire universe works to take me down.not only i wonder how i still survived for 21+ years,i still wonder how did i even get born in the first place(complicated family story).still,it doesn't matter to me.i don't care if i shouldn't have existed and i should have been gone by now,all that matters to me is that i exist and that i want it to NEVER stop,regardless of the consequences.i'd rather be alone in an endless void than let the universe go on without me because i like to THINK.i like to be aware of myself,i like to have memories and NOTHING will take this joy away from me.nothing.i guess my only option is to wait until i have enough both logical AND emotional reasons to DESTROY the corruption that creeps into my mind like some river of evil,decay and rot.don't try to come up with yours,however.i won't listen.i'm too blinded.i have to figure them out by myself.let's hope i also SUCCEED while i'm at it.

Henu did a good job addressing some of your other concerns. What he told you should give you a good direction in regards to what you should work on.

As far as your desires, some of these are not healthy, as you understand. However, they are not so different from other behaviors other people may have. Someone else may want to play video games all day, but they cannot do this without hurting themselves. The same goes for you.

You can use Ansuz or Munka to free yourself from negative karma or other unhealthy behaviors or limitations. You may have a strong lust for power, but that does not mean you cannot balance it in a way where society would love you, not want to hang you for doing these acts you describe.

You have to understand that everything is possible through Satanism, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. This is the case with people who have emotional blockages. Perhaps they feel unloveable, for example, but they have to be confident in their workings to remove these feelings.

Besides this, increasing your water in your soul, such as working on your moon or venus energies, or using runes like Berkano, Laguz, or Wunjo can help you feel others emotions and desire positive interactions. For example, Berkano and Moon energies will make you desire to nurture others.


So please, be calm with your thoughts. Understand that you can and will advance, yet you must be patient and do what is necessary.

Try this right now: Inhale 10 breaths of earth energy (which can look like fertile mud or dirt) into yourself, then program it like this "This earth energy has now made me disciplined with my meditations, in a positive manner for me."

Earth energy gives stability, discipline, endurance, and seriousness. It is what grounds you to your sense of survival and can give you the ability to feel like you HAVE to do something. In this case, you do have to meditate, so visualize the earth energy increasing your soul's ability to do what it needs to.

Additionally, you can try: "This earth energy has now balanced my earth element in all ways, in a positive manner for me."
You can see it filling in all the areas of your soul that need to be balanced, such as excess fire or lack of discipline and endurance. See this as a positive thing, where you soul is being returned to balanced, now stronger and more able.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343638 time=1649657582 user_id=21286]
Yeye95 said:

Two things popped into my head: What are you doing for your AOP? It sounds like you are getting attacked a lot.

Second, in regards to your focus and health, would you consider yourself yin deficient? In other words, dry skin, undereye discoloration, redness or other heat signs, excess thirst, hot flashes, etc.

Besides yin deficiency, which leads to liver blood deficiency, any stagnation of the liver itself will also make menstruation painful. This can also make you feel physically worn out, as well. This also influences you mentally and can make your thoughts harder to calm down.

How is your diet? It needs to be nourishing enough, without actually stagnating the digestion. Also, what are you doing in regards to yoga asanas? Hatha yoga?

As for the AOP, my routine is very simple for now.
In the morning I do a cleansing of my aura with the solar mantra RAUM, the aura of protection with the ALGIZ rune, vacuum meditation, I am opening my chakra extensions and the chakra rotation which by the way in this rotation is becoming difficult for me for some time now. At night I only do aura cleansing, vacuum meditation, aura protection and hatha yoga. I try to do hatha yoga twice a day and I do pranayamas, fire breathing before I start meditating.

In what you say about the yin deficiency, I have all the symptoms you mention, especially the physical tiredness, it is as if I wanted to hibernate, really, there are days that I would like to sleep all day, without stopping to recover my energy. How do I replenish that?

And in nutrition, well for now it is very low, since I will just start working this week and I will be able to buy vegetables, fruits and all that.
satanama666 said:
I am not here to tell you why, but how. So you have that one right, best to figure that "why" out, right?

Anyway, I just wanted to say that you need to reporgram your mind first and foremost. Most of your message is about you stating that you can not, in all caps, instead of can. This is something that has to change first, and then rest will follow. It sounds that you have conflict of interest in you, which in my view is solved by rigorous practice of the 8 fold path.

Yeye95 said:
As for the AOP, my routine is very simple for now.
In the morning I do a cleansing of my aura with the solar mantra RAUM, the aura of protection with the ALGIZ rune, vacuum meditation, I am opening my chakra extensions and the chakra rotation which by the way in this rotation is becoming difficult for me for some time now. At night I only do aura cleansing, vacuum meditation, aura protection and hatha yoga. I try to do hatha yoga twice a day and I do pranayamas, fire breathing before I start meditating.

In what you say about the yin deficiency, I have all the symptoms you mention, especially the physical tiredness, it is as if I wanted to hibernate, really, there are days that I would like to sleep all day, without stopping to recover my energy. How do I replenish that?

And in nutrition, well for now it is very low, since I will just start working this week and I will be able to buy vegetables, fruits and all that.
AoP can be boosted by adding Sowilo in the mix, and by spending more time with it.

More energy by spiritual means can be achieved by doing KY Basic Spinal Energy Series. You could change one hatha session per day for it.

And nutrition is very important. You can not expect to be on top of your tasks and excelling in whatever you do when you are malnourished.
UnderSatansAuthority said:
This year I’ve been dreaming more and more of the enemy and been getting more sleep paralysis attacks. Every time I go under sleep paralysis a horrible image occurs in my mind and I usually snap awake afterwards.. in my dreams it’s weird because everything at some point stops, then a entity appears. First time, before it appeared, everything was normal, I was with two family members and they both stopped talking then looked behind me and starred at something. I got a very uneasy feeling then i turned around and saw it, my vision became very blurry and I couldn’t see it clearly but it looked like a humanoid animal? That may sound like a horrible description but as I mentioned my vision got blurry and it looked startled once it saw I saw it, but then it got in a defensive position then I woke up. Another time I was in my old home where I grew up, everything was perfectly fine til I saw shadows appear all around my living room and this time through a hall way in the kitchen it appeared, this time the being was transparent, like a literal ghost and my vision got blurry once more. The shadows around me turned into little bodies of what I assume more of these little shits, I screamed Hail Satan towards it then woke up moments later.

What is going on? Why are they attacking me this much in such a short time? I’m working on my AoP continuously but I’m wondering if anyone knows why I became a person of interest, and with my vision becoming blurry every time it appears, if anyone came across a similar being?

Hail Satan my brothers and sisters.

Based on your description, I would hazard that the enemy has brainwashed and manipulated you in the past. These can be released and removed simply by performing RTRs and cleansing the soul.

Accumulated stress can also be a trigger for your sleep patterns and this needs to be changed. However, once you have identified the problem, you can start working on it. What you're experiencing could be chalked up to simple nightmares, but because you're SS, you need to take such things more seriously than mere ignorance.

The events of your sleep paralysis could be the result of you not properly nurturing your soul in the past, suffering hostile brainwashing, and it could affect your later life. As I said, these can be avoided and removed by a powerful soul cleansing in a Satanic Ritual where you seek our Father's help.

In such cases it is also helpful to visualize strong white-gold energy in your soul and Demonic Blue Energies around your aura. The combination of the two will protect you and keep you safe. Also, do AoP regularly and build and strengthen your Protective Aura.

Many people do not know that sleep paralysis has mental causes. These can be anxiety, or lack of confidence, or simply negative thoughts manipulated by the enemy and stuck in your mind.

The entities you encounter are probably from the enemy. The fact that your vision is blurred probably means that the entity does not want you to see it. It may be fear of its direction. I know you can't move your body when you experience paralysis, but you can think with your mind.

What you can do at such times is to do Void Meditation and quiet your mind. Or either before you fall asleep or during the day, you can create a thought-form for yourself that you program to protect you in any way you can during sleep paralysis. This takes some development, but it's not impossible.

In an SS, atrocities of this kind must be taken seriously and not neglected.

After clearing and freeing the mind, what you can do is to ensure a norm of restful sleep. For example, a soothing tea before going to sleep, or even an Aura cleansing before going to sleep, or anything that soothes you.
BrightSpace666 said:
I am glad you are feeling better. And don't stop meditating and keep evolving, all the way to Perfection. And as for what you wrote about your parents, here's what you can do - think carefully about what you did, and once you accept that you did it, then move on. Satanama and ongoing Aura and Soul Cleansing with chakra strengthening will really help you tremendously in this.

As for the holes, try to strengthen your aura with aura strengthening meditations and normalize your energy circulation. Build a powerful Protective Aura around yourself, for example 4 times a day, and in these 4 times say mantras up to 11x, 13x, 15x. This will help you to avoid problems.

And if you still have repressed emotions or similar, you can release them in a ritual and your emotional/spiritual state will improve nicely. Good luck, Brother!

Okay, for parasites, I've realised that it's not the root cause of my lack of emotions or negative build in my mind. But for the years that I've went with each thought form, even to the point of taking the holy kike thoughtform; I'm finally realising how much that's done to me and I've decided to vibrate Ansuz and Thaurisaz with blue Satanic flames into the water.

I thankfully realise as well that it wants me to react to it's lies by wasting my Crown chakra energy in trying to think of things against it and eating it after, so I'm also putting Blue flames into my Crown chakra before doing so.

I know that Slyscorpian has been talking about them, I'm not interely sure if that's the case with me or not but it is taking to deal with those energies.

I was wondering if you have any thoughts on what could be used to get rid of that?
BrightSpace666 said:
FlameGhost said:
BrightSpace666 said:
No problem. You can try the vibrating runes, they help a lot. In fact, the right rune and the right affirmation can work wonders.

Also, practicing Void Meditation is recommended to ignore such minor delusions and lies. Not incidentally, daily Meditation practices will raise your Bio-Electricity and improve your Energy Circulation and you will not have such complaints.

In any case, Spiritual Healing helps in all situations and is most effective.

Yoga is also recommended to get rid of accumulated stress and excess emotions. There are many types of Yoga exercises to choose from. Breathing Exercises are also effective and it is recommended to do one every day.

For problems, I recommend Fire Breathing and Alternating Nasal Breathing. Good luck!

I've been taking a bit to reply because I wanted to tell about the results of doing the meditations. But I may have to ask for help on another issue.

It seems to be desolving like a mist very slowly when I do a RAUM cleaning and focus on my Crown Chakra, I didn't actually know precisely where it was at first, I thought it was just on top of the head but I've finally looked and found that it is under and just within the head. I am also planning on doing a balancing and healing meditation on the Crown and Throat Chakra as I know the throat chakra also has a lot to do with emotions as the crown has to do with the mind.

The breathing exercises and bits of yoga do seem to relieve a bit of the nervous energy as well but I know that I will have to put energy into cleansing and or heal my mind and emotions

For the other issue, I've had an idea on going on what my parents were doing with researching the true Gods and use that with the truth about them to convert them from christianity and decided to also fight the spiritual hold on them with the Vinasa mantra.

I also did it without realising how easy it is to spread to myself as well and cause quite a bit of damage.. I didn't truly notice the suggestion to call upon a Demon for help. Of course I didn't completely use it on myself but I feel like there are a few holes in my soul/aura. Is there anything that I can use to help reverse that? It feels like the Satanama mantra is helping a bit with it.

But aside from that, thank you for your guidence and I now know what the source of my issue with my emotions is. It's obviously not a typical disorder "if it can even be called that" but I can see how my emotions have likely built up and cause a block in my emotions and mind. I also see that if I was truly attacked beyong that it wouldn't have occured in my dreams.

Thank you an absolute ton for your help and support!!

I am glad you are feeling better. And don't stop meditating and keep evolving, all the way to Perfection. And as for what you wrote about your parents, here's what you can do - think carefully about what you did, and once you accept that you did it, then move on. Satanama and ongoing Aura and Soul Cleansing with chakra strengthening will really help you tremendously in this.

As for the holes, try to strengthen your aura with aura strengthening meditations and normalize your energy circulation. Build a powerful Protective Aura around yourself, for example 4 times a day, and in these 4 times say mantras up to 11x, 13x, 15x. This will help you to avoid problems.

And if you still have repressed emotions or similar, you can release them in a ritual and your emotional/spiritual state will improve nicely. Good luck, Brother!

I may have a confession to make.. I've told my parents about Enki being Satan, I have not said about me believing in Enki as a God exactly, so I may be able to say something to help myself there.

I've also been on things like Discord and VRchat. I'm not sure if I've been attacked from it or not, I never gave my real name but I have mentioned about me being a Satanist to a few people on it here and there.

I'm not sure if I got something from it but while I am generally an anxious person who does suffer from anxiety. I've been feeling it more recently and it's been getting hard to keep my faith in the Gods despite what I know...

It's like it's something attacking my confidence and maybe pulling into xianity or something similar.

I've thought about just leaving those apps like some people.

I am aware that the "quest vr" has a built-in mic but owned by Facebook. Idk if it could be that either.

And being honest, will the God's save me if this gets too much for me bit I learn from my mistakes?

I am trying to

Also, what would help with general anxiety and could I still advance while living in a christian home?
BrightSpace666 said:
FlameGhost said:
BrightSpace666 said:
No problem. You can try the vibrating runes, they help a lot. In fact, the right rune and the right affirmation can work wonders.

Also, practicing Void Meditation is recommended to ignore such minor delusions and lies. Not incidentally, daily Meditation practices will raise your Bio-Electricity and improve your Energy Circulation and you will not have such complaints.

In any case, Spiritual Healing helps in all situations and is most effective.

Yoga is also recommended to get rid of accumulated stress and excess emotions. There are many types of Yoga exercises to choose from. Breathing Exercises are also effective and it is recommended to do one every day.

For problems, I recommend Fire Breathing and Alternating Nasal Breathing. Good luck!

I've been taking a bit to reply because I wanted to tell about the results of doing the meditations. But I may have to ask for help on another issue.

It seems to be desolving like a mist very slowly when I do a RAUM cleaning and focus on my Crown Chakra, I didn't actually know precisely where it was at first, I thought it was just on top of the head but I've finally looked and found that it is under and just within the head. I am also planning on doing a balancing and healing meditation on the Crown and Throat Chakra as I know the throat chakra also has a lot to do with emotions as the crown has to do with the mind.

The breathing exercises and bits of yoga do seem to relieve a bit of the nervous energy as well but I know that I will have to put energy into cleansing and or heal my mind and emotions

For the other issue, I've had an idea on going on what my parents were doing with researching the true Gods and use that with the truth about them to convert them from christianity and decided to also fight the spiritual hold on them with the Vinasa mantra.

I also did it without realising how easy it is to spread to myself as well and cause quite a bit of damage.. I didn't truly notice the suggestion to call upon a Demon for help. Of course I didn't completely use it on myself but I feel like there are a few holes in my soul/aura. Is there anything that I can use to help reverse that? It feels like the Satanama mantra is helping a bit with it.

But aside from that, thank you for your guidence and I now know what the source of my issue with my emotions is. It's obviously not a typical disorder "if it can even be called that" but I can see how my emotions have likely built up and cause a block in my emotions and mind. I also see that if I was truly attacked beyong that it wouldn't have occured in my dreams.

Thank you an absolute ton for your help and support!!

I am glad you are feeling better. And don't stop meditating and keep evolving, all the way to Perfection. And as for what you wrote about your parents, here's what you can do - think carefully about what you did, and once you accept that you did it, then move on. Satanama and ongoing Aura and Soul Cleansing with chakra strengthening will really help you tremendously in this.

As for the holes, try to strengthen your aura with aura strengthening meditations and normalize your energy circulation. Build a powerful Protective Aura around yourself, for example 4 times a day, and in these 4 times say mantras up to 11x, 13x, 15x. This will help you to avoid problems.

And if you still have repressed emotions or similar, you can release them in a ritual and your emotional/spiritual state will improve nicely. Good luck, Brother!

I may have a confession to make.. I've told my parents about Enki being Satan, I have not said about me believing in Enki as a God exactly, so I may be able to say something to help myself there.

I've also been on things like Discord and VRchat. I'm not sure if I've been attacked from it or not, I never gave my real name but I have mentioned about me being a Satanist to a few people on it here and there.

I'm not sure if I got something from it but while I am generally an anxious person who does suffer from anxiety. I've been feeling it more recently and it's been getting hard to keep my faith in the Gods despite what I know...

It's like it's something attacking my confidence and maybe pulling into xianity or something similar.

I've thought about just leaving those apps like some people.

I am aware that the "quest vr" has a built-in mic but owned by Facebook. Idk if it could be that either.

And being honest, will the God's save me if this gets too much for me bit I learn from my mistakes?

I am trying to

Also, what would help with general anxiety and could I still advance while living in a christian home?
FlameGhost said:
BrightSpace666 said:
FlameGhost said:
I've been taking a bit to reply because I wanted to tell about the results of doing the meditations. But I may have to ask for help on another issue.

It seems to be desolving like a mist very slowly when I do a RAUM cleaning and focus on my Crown Chakra, I didn't actually know precisely where it was at first, I thought it was just on top of the head but I've finally looked and found that it is under and just within the head. I am also planning on doing a balancing and healing meditation on the Crown and Throat Chakra as I know the throat chakra also has a lot to do with emotions as the crown has to do with the mind.

The breathing exercises and bits of yoga do seem to relieve a bit of the nervous energy as well but I know that I will have to put energy into cleansing and or heal my mind and emotions

For the other issue, I've had an idea on going on what my parents were doing with researching the true Gods and use that with the truth about them to convert them from christianity and decided to also fight the spiritual hold on them with the Vinasa mantra.

I also did it without realising how easy it is to spread to myself as well and cause quite a bit of damage.. I didn't truly notice the suggestion to call upon a Demon for help. Of course I didn't completely use it on myself but I feel like there are a few holes in my soul/aura. Is there anything that I can use to help reverse that? It feels like the Satanama mantra is helping a bit with it.

But aside from that, thank you for your guidence and I now know what the source of my issue with my emotions is. It's obviously not a typical disorder "if it can even be called that" but I can see how my emotions have likely built up and cause a block in my emotions and mind. I also see that if I was truly attacked beyong that it wouldn't have occured in my dreams.

Thank you an absolute ton for your help and support!!

I am glad you are feeling better. And don't stop meditating and keep evolving, all the way to Perfection. And as for what you wrote about your parents, here's what you can do - think carefully about what you did, and once you accept that you did it, then move on. Satanama and ongoing Aura and Soul Cleansing with chakra strengthening will really help you tremendously in this.

As for the holes, try to strengthen your aura with aura strengthening meditations and normalize your energy circulation. Build a powerful Protective Aura around yourself, for example 4 times a day, and in these 4 times say mantras up to 11x, 13x, 15x. This will help you to avoid problems.

And if you still have repressed emotions or similar, you can release them in a ritual and your emotional/spiritual state will improve nicely. Good luck, Brother!

I may have a confession to make.. I've told my parents about Enki being Satan, I have not said about me believing in Enki as a God exactly, so I may be able to say something to help myself there.

I've also been on things like Discord and VRchat. I'm not sure if I've been attacked from it or not, I never gave my real name but I have mentioned about me being a Satanist to a few people on it here and there.

I'm not sure if I got something from it but while I am generally an anxious person who does suffer from anxiety. I've been feeling it more recently and it's been getting hard to keep my faith in the Gods despite what I know...

It's like it's something attacking my confidence and maybe pulling into xianity or something similar.

I've thought about just leaving those apps like some people.

I am aware that the "quest vr" has a built-in mic but owned by Facebook. Idk if it could be that either.

And being honest, will the God's save me if this gets too much for me bit I learn from my mistakes?

I am trying to

Also, what would help with general anxiety and could I still advance while living in a christian home?

Okay, I just asked my parents if they were worried about me researching and learning about the old religions and they said no, It could be my normal anxius energy as well. At least I can be a bit more sure that it's not coming from them praying for me on that subject.
Alirght, sorry for the ton of posts but I did a Returning Curses ritual and I still do feel a bit of the energy there but I'm starting to feel a bit more relaxed and like my thoughts are more of their own now.

I still may have to do it more and go through everything on the website to check and validate so I can clear and have no more effect from the lies.
FlameGhost said:
BrightSpace666 said:
FlameGhost said:
I've been taking a bit to reply because I wanted to tell about the results of doing the meditations. But I may have to ask for help on another issue.

It seems to be desolving like a mist very slowly when I do a RAUM cleaning and focus on my Crown Chakra, I didn't actually know precisely where it was at first, I thought it was just on top of the head but I've finally looked and found that it is under and just within the head. I am also planning on doing a balancing and healing meditation on the Crown and Throat Chakra as I know the throat chakra also has a lot to do with emotions as the crown has to do with the mind.

The breathing exercises and bits of yoga do seem to relieve a bit of the nervous energy as well but I know that I will have to put energy into cleansing and or heal my mind and emotions

For the other issue, I've had an idea on going on what my parents were doing with researching the true Gods and use that with the truth about them to convert them from christianity and decided to also fight the spiritual hold on them with the Vinasa mantra.

I also did it without realising how easy it is to spread to myself as well and cause quite a bit of damage.. I didn't truly notice the suggestion to call upon a Demon for help. Of course I didn't completely use it on myself but I feel like there are a few holes in my soul/aura. Is there anything that I can use to help reverse that? It feels like the Satanama mantra is helping a bit with it.

But aside from that, thank you for your guidence and I now know what the source of my issue with my emotions is. It's obviously not a typical disorder "if it can even be called that" but I can see how my emotions have likely built up and cause a block in my emotions and mind. I also see that if I was truly attacked beyong that it wouldn't have occured in my dreams.

Thank you an absolute ton for your help and support!!

I am glad you are feeling better. And don't stop meditating and keep evolving, all the way to Perfection. And as for what you wrote about your parents, here's what you can do - think carefully about what you did, and once you accept that you did it, then move on. Satanama and ongoing Aura and Soul Cleansing with chakra strengthening will really help you tremendously in this.

As for the holes, try to strengthen your aura with aura strengthening meditations and normalize your energy circulation. Build a powerful Protective Aura around yourself, for example 4 times a day, and in these 4 times say mantras up to 11x, 13x, 15x. This will help you to avoid problems.

And if you still have repressed emotions or similar, you can release them in a ritual and your emotional/spiritual state will improve nicely. Good luck, Brother!

I may have a confession to make.. I've told my parents about Enki being Satan, I have not said about me believing in Enki as a God exactly, so I may be able to say something to help myself there.

I've also been on things like Discord and VRchat. I'm not sure if I've been attacked from it or not, I never gave my real name but I have mentioned about me being a Satanist to a few people on it here and there.

I'm not sure if I got something from it but while I am generally an anxious person who does suffer from anxiety. I've been feeling it more recently and it's been getting hard to keep my faith in the Gods despite what I know...

It's like it's something attacking my confidence and maybe pulling into xianity or something similar.

I've thought about just leaving those apps like some people.

I am aware that the "quest vr" has a built-in mic but owned by Facebook. Idk if it could be that either.

And being honest, will the God's save me if this gets too much for me bit I learn from my mistakes?

I am trying to

Also, what would help with general anxiety and could I still advance while living in a christian home?

Things like revealing the Truth directly, live, is not the best idea, for your own safety. These are things you can talk about with the right person or people, but you can do it without telling them who you are. You need to be careful with these things.

I don't know how old you are and how your parents reacted to this, but - if you are younger and dependent on them, don't say these things. If I asked you what you believe in, you could say you don't believe in anything because it's stupid or something.

Discord and the like are not the best choice for spreading the Truth or anything to do with Satanism. I also think Discord is a "chat" platform created by the enemy, so I think you should ignore it unless you have something more important to do there.

In fact, telling someone you're a Satanist will only scare them into not talking to you due to ignorance, or accidentally telling the wrong person (like the enemy), and it won't be so good from there. We have to be careful who we say what to whom about our religion.

I understand that people's ignorance can often go very far, and that they spread things/fictions about Satan and our Gods that are hateful - and it's hard to stop standing up for them and telling the Truth about how wonderful and perfect they really are.

Nor can we tell these people that they are brainwashed by the enemy. After all, the enemy has contaminated Spirituality as much as possible, so if one were to engage in Spirituality, one would immediately be labeled "sick".

Christianity has been haunting one's life for a long time, and it must be eliminated as soon as possible. Either seek help from our Father, or even begin a massive cleansing in which you deprogram yourself from Christianity.


(By the way, this link is included in our Project, but the Project is not yet complete.)

Self-confidence is a powerful quality, and lacking it is like trying to put out a fire without water. Self-confidence is important and don't let it affect you. Here you are, you're a Satanist, it should give you tremendous self-confidence. Do some meditation/magic exercises and show yourself how much power you have, and your confidence will come back to normal nicely.

The gods can protect you, but you also need to listen to what they say and what they advise you to do. They can protect you, but they also need you not to do anything stupid. For one to work, the other has to work - I hope you understand.

You can believe in Spiritual Satanism, but - you have to know they exist. There is a monumental difference between belief and knowledge. Take a look at Christians and you will see what I have written here.
Where does someone who has failed completely in the basic areas of life find strength, motivation and enthusiasm?

The days go by and I don't expect much from life anymore. Soon I will be 40. I've made bad decisions that have ruined my life. I'm not making circus out of this, I'm just stating it as a fact.

I will not have children and I have never had a long-term, serious relationship. I will probably stay single, my current circumstances do not allow for serious dating. And I got used to being alone.

My money is literally nothing, I live from one month to the next on the staggeringly low Hungarian minimum wage. And I have a lot of things to spend, so I won't be able to save money for a long time.

A more serious career in law is no longer an option for me. I graduated almost a year ago, but usually my job application fails early on because I don't get called for an interview. My degree is summa cum laude and I obtained my doctorate by working alongside the university. But I have no experience in any graduate work, and employers are afraid to hire me. The best I can hope for is to be hired for a job with a high school diploma, and from there slowly work my way up to a job as a lawyer or any graduate job (if the opportunity arises). But that's building a fortress out of shit. Law school has a high dropout rate, and summa cum laude degrees are very rare. I should be much higher, not clowning around at this level.

From what I have written so far, you can guess that I live in my parents' house. It's a separate flat (there are two parts of the house), but of course this was my farewell to independent, young adult life and privacy. Now, for many reasons, there is no realistic possibility for me to move into a rented flat, and this will remain the case for a very long time.

As I wrote, I am not making circus out of all this. But I am usually stressed, bored and unmotivated. As I see it, these feelings are slowly and gradually getting stronger. Few people on this forum understand that this is not a spiritual problem, but an incarnation fucked up by poor life management. :) And in such an incarnation, spiritual practices are also not motivating. If you start practising yoga and meditation at 40, you can of course theoretically achieve Magnum Opus. In practice, it is impossible if you have a job and other commitments, have to budget your money month by month, etc. Then you cannot meditate for hours every day.

But I do what I have to do. With Satan's help I got rid of alcoholism 3 years ago. I then did the initiation ceremony and last year the 40-day meditation program. Now I have started a meditation/yoga/FRTR program based on the helpful advice of Henu the Great. I'm starting a 6 week training program, and later when I'm in shape, I might try the traditional Hungarian martial art, Baranta. I work, I look for a job, I manage my money well, I look after my cat. I try to prepare for possible economic difficulties, etc., as my financial means allow. It's just that I no longer expect anything from my screwed-up life, and so it's difficult to deal with spirituality, for example. (And before there is any misunderstanding: you don't have to convince me of the theory of spirituality. I have read a lot of SS writings, done a lot of research and writing on my own. I made an informed, thoughtful decision in 2019 when I did my initiation.)

I cannot talk to Satan about these things, because I know that I cannot accept these things peacefully and calmly, but I cannot change them either. Therefore I cannot say anything about them to Satan. The problem is that I cannot see to what extent I will become burnt out and bitter as the years go by. As I wrote, at the moment my daily mood is tolerable, I'm interested in certain things and I can keep myself busy. And I know that I have made good choices alongside the bad ones. And I know that many good things would not have happened if I had not made some "bad" decisions. So I'm aware of these things, and I have a double feeling. However, as the years go by, the frustration and feeling of emptiness because of my ruined life seems to overcome me.

Closing remark: I deliberately did not elaborate on the fact that Hungary is heading towards a situation like Argentina, or even possibly towards war. In comparison, my personal problems are irrelevant. And I know that everyone on this forum is hopeful, but I probably wouldn't be able to meditate if there was a war in my country or no food to eat. There are some people and animals that are important to me, and other than trying to vote "right" (for the least evil) and collect non-perishable food, I watch helplessly as the country moves towards literal chaos and then ultimate destruction.
FlameGhost said:
I've also been on things like Discord and VRchat. I'm not sure if I've been attacked from it or not, I never gave my real name but I have mentioned about me being a Satanist to a few people on it here and there.

I'm not sure if I got something from it but while I am generally an anxious person who does suffer from anxiety. I've been feeling it more recently and it's been getting hard to keep my faith in the Gods despite what I know...

It's like it's something attacking my confidence and maybe pulling into xianity or something similar.

I've thought about just leaving those apps like some people.

I am aware that the "quest vr" has a built-in mic but owned by Facebook. Idk if it could be that either.

I am relatively certain that you are already aware, but we're supposed to be different people "out there". Even though you may be inclined to educate others about the truth and assist them, it is of utmost importance you keep Satanism separate from your identity in the outside world. It is mentioned in the Al-Jilwah, as we do not know what those without may do when our affiliation with Satan is revealed.

I am telling you this because I myself have spent over 1500 hours on VRChat, and understood precisely what can happen to us spiritually when interacting with other people around us. Interestingly enough, social interaction and its effects upon us is not restricted by distance or physical contact, because we are affected through the ties we form to the individuals we interact and bond with.

This is especially horrible when you don't know that the person you just spoke to for an hour was a jew, which has happened to me before. It's a terrible sinking sensation in the stomach.

There is also the fact that the enemy is able to use people you encounter, as puppets to channel their curses upon you. You know this firsthand as someone with xians in your direct environment. I had experienced some weird blocks in life when I found out someone I frequently spoke with on VRChat was muslim.

Your initial anxiety could potentially be amplified through negative energies latching onto you through your abundant interactions with all kinds of people on Discord/VRchat. Which might be why it's been increasingly worse recently.

Fortunately, it is most definitely fixable for us, and we can greatly mitigate negative energies and curses to the point where it barely affects us, and still allow us to enjoy games and life normally even when interacting with tons of unawakened souls directly around. It's how I'm able to play that game all the time and not experience too many spiritual after-effects from people.

It involves a hell of a lot of cleaning and protection. Lydia's thread at the beginning of the month, regarding the Sabbat cycle of vibrating SURYAE 36x into each chakra with a cleaning affirmation, has worked incredibly well for me. When it comes to actually severing bad ties to the people you've faced in life, however, I believe the MUNKA x108 working of liberating the soul would remedy such forms of weight more precisely.

You also mentioned you recently started incorporating the Returning Curses meditation? Both 1 and 2. Try to remember to perform that right as you wake up, every single day from now on. From my experience, it's prevented an incredible amount of things that I often hear people say ruin them.

Specifically regarding your (social) anxiety, I'll inform you of something very interesting. Actually don't quit Vrchat. It was thanks to that game I learned to talk endlessly when I thought I was unable to talk to people a few years ago, due to some traumatic history.

You can develop that confidence too when comfort and immersion is involved in interacting with someone you really get along with, or even strangers right off the bat once you find out you got something in common. It's an adventure on its own to find out all about another individual, and on Vrchat you'd be damn surprised of the coincidences, I swear lol.

Before you go on VRchat or Discord and talk to a lot of people, maybe close your chakras. It's mentioned somewhere on the JoS website that this can help temporarily block off negative energies in an environment where we do not want to absorb it from negative souls. Then before bed you could/should clean again just for extra measure.

Human beings are social creatures that seek interaction on a natural level, and achieving such is healthy and can be greatly cathartic especially when mutual understanding and agreement occurs. Many of my friends I've helped relieve social anxiety from, now they don't stop talking lol but it's lovely and we're on the same level.

And, hey... don't talk to the wolfy e-boys that dwell exclusively at the mirrors. They'll loop you into drinking and ERP don't do that shit lmfao.

With a clean soul you'll be able to distinguish the worthless from the worthwhile, which is crucial in social environments even for non-SS, but especially important for us due to how our chakras and shit absorb... shit.

Again, cleaning and protection are immense. Good luck and white-gold energy be with you
Dark Lawyer said:
Where does someone who has failed completely in the basic areas of life find strength, motivation and enthusiasm?

The days go by and I don't expect much from life anymore. Soon I will be 40. I've made bad decisions that have ruined my life. I'm not making circus out of this, I'm just stating it as a fact.

I will not have children and I have never had a long-term, serious relationship. I will probably stay single, my current circumstances do not allow for serious dating. And I got used to being alone.

My money is literally nothing, I live from one month to the next on the staggeringly low Hungarian minimum wage. And I have a lot of things to spend, so I won't be able to save money for a long time.

A more serious career in law is no longer an option for me. I graduated almost a year ago, but usually my job application fails early on because I don't get called for an interview. My degree is summa cum laude and I obtained my doctorate by working alongside the university. But I have no experience in any graduate work, and employers are afraid to hire me. The best I can hope for is to be hired for a job with a high school diploma, and from there slowly work my way up to a job as a lawyer or any graduate job (if the opportunity arises). But that's building a fortress out of shit. Law school has a high dropout rate, and summa cum laude degrees are very rare. I should be much higher, not clowning around at this level.

From what I have written so far, you can guess that I live in my parents' house. It's a separate flat (there are two parts of the house), but of course this was my farewell to independent, young adult life and privacy. Now, for many reasons, there is no realistic possibility for me to move into a rented flat, and this will remain the case for a very long time.

As I wrote, I am not making circus out of all this. But I am usually stressed, bored and unmotivated. As I see it, these feelings are slowly and gradually getting stronger. Few people on this forum understand that this is not a spiritual problem, but an incarnation fucked up by poor life management. :) And in such an incarnation, spiritual practices are also not motivating. If you start practising yoga and meditation at 40, you can of course theoretically achieve Magnum Opus. In practice, it is impossible if you have a job and other commitments, have to budget your money month by month, etc. Then you cannot meditate for hours every day.

But I do what I have to do. With Satan's help I got rid of alcoholism 3 years ago. I then did the initiation ceremony and last year the 40-day meditation program. Now I have started a meditation/yoga/FRTR program based on the helpful advice of Henu the Great. I'm starting a 6 week training program, and later when I'm in shape, I might try the traditional Hungarian martial art, Baranta. I work, I look for a job, I manage my money well, I look after my cat. I try to prepare for possible economic difficulties, etc., as my financial means allow. It's just that I no longer expect anything from my screwed-up life, and so it's difficult to deal with spirituality, for example. (And before there is any misunderstanding: you don't have to convince me of the theory of spirituality. I have read a lot of SS writings, done a lot of research and writing on my own. I made an informed, thoughtful decision in 2019 when I did my initiation.)

I cannot talk to Satan about these things, because I know that I cannot accept these things peacefully and calmly, but I cannot change them either. Therefore I cannot say anything about them to Satan. The problem is that I cannot see to what extent I will become burnt out and bitter as the years go by. As I wrote, at the moment my daily mood is tolerable, I'm interested in certain things and I can keep myself busy. And I know that I have made good choices alongside the bad ones. And I know that many good things would not have happened if I had not made some "bad" decisions. So I'm aware of these things, and I have a double feeling. However, as the years go by, the frustration and feeling of emptiness because of my ruined life seems to overcome me.

Closing remark: I deliberately did not elaborate on the fact that Hungary is heading towards a situation like Argentina, or even possibly towards war. In comparison, my personal problems are irrelevant. And I know that everyone on this forum is hopeful, but I probably wouldn't be able to meditate if there was a war in my country or no food to eat. There are some people and animals that are important to me, and other than trying to vote "right" (for the least evil) and collect non-perishable food, I watch helplessly as the country moves towards literal chaos and then ultimate destruction.

You can do money meditations to earn money successfully. You can do this over a longer process, for example over 40 or 80 days. And it is important to do daily aura and chakra cleansing, as this will remove negative energies and leave you feeling liberated.

If you feel these are not helping, then release your soul. Chant mantras into your soul, say affirmations about what you want to be free of, what feelings you want to be free of, etc.

War, CoVid - both can cause severe emotional blockage and dislocation and it is understandable that you feel this way. Change your routine and focus on progress. It's not too late to evolve psychologically at 40.

You can also do magical exercises to get the job of your choice. You can also work on this for 40 days. Breathe energy and say affirmations that are useful to you. The melancholy caused by the lack of a relationship can be resolved.

You just have to try. You must not give up or you will end up where you are now. You'll have to fight hard for work, for your girlfriend, but once you've overcome these, you'll be happy. The road to happiness is long and bumpy, but those who get there will be rewarded.

The above exercises should be enough. Change your mentality, use your satanic mind, and don't let melancholy continue to feed you.
BrightSpace666 said:
I cannot talk to Satan about these things, because I know that I cannot accept these things peacefully and calmly, but I cannot change them either. Therefore I cannot say anything about them to Satan.
Yes, you can talk to Him about anything and everything you would like to. Or some other Deity. You could even get some help from them, you never know. But if you do not open up then you can not develop a relationship, nor receive exclusive guidance, at least not as much as you would when you are actively engaging.

Some things you can not change, like your age, or some other similar thing that is pretty much hard set, but everything else is malleable when enough will and power are applied.
BrightSpace666 said:
You can do money meditations to earn money successfully. You can do this over a longer process, for example over 40 or 80 days. And it is important to do daily aura and chakra cleansing, as this will remove negative energies and leave you feeling liberated.

If you feel these are not helping, then release your soul. Chant mantras into your soul, say affirmations about what you want to be free of, what feelings you want to be free of, etc.

War, CoVid - both can cause severe emotional blockage and dislocation and it is understandable that you feel this way. Change your routine and focus on progress. It's not too late to evolve psychologically at 40.

You can also do magical exercises to get the job of your choice. You can also work on this for 40 days. Breathe energy and say affirmations that are useful to you. The melancholy caused by the lack of a relationship can be resolved.

You just have to try. You must not give up or you will end up where you are now. You'll have to fight hard for work, for your girlfriend, but once you've overcome these, you'll be happy. The road to happiness is long and bumpy, but those who get there will be rewarded.

The above exercises should be enough. Change your mentality, use your satanic mind, and don't let melancholy continue to feed you.

Thank you!

Perhaps you misunderstood me. I didn't write that I don't feel like fighting. I can fight. As an adult I had the courage to make a 180 degree turn, break with the Xianism I believed in, do research and join the SS through initiation.

I quit alcohol addiction without medication, specialist, group therapy 3 years ago.

I wrote about starting my working days at 6am while I was at university.

I have written about how I resisted social pressure in Hungary for the last year and a half and did not get the covid vaccine. I made sacrifices in my job search and fought against the vaccine dictatorship through petition, demonstration and legal action.

So it's not a lack of effort. It's simply that I see realistically that the things I listed in my previous post are probably not going to happen in my life. No matter what I do for them. And that makes me indifferent and enervated.

It's not about fighting, and it's not about magical rituals. It is about certain basic segments of normal, meaningful human life. It is about complex processes that take decades and cannot be started from scratch at 40. Please note: this does not mean I will not continue meditation, yoga, FRTR. But this is a spiritual support thread, and I just wanted to ask the question of where someone who has very little or no realistic prospects in life in the important areas listed above can draw strength from. Because the time needed to build the foundations has passed without results. And that is my fault.
Henu the Great said:
Yes, you can talk to Him about anything and everything you would like to. Or some other Deity. You could even get some help from them, you never know. But if you do not open up then you can not develop a relationship, nor receive exclusive guidance, at least not as much as you would when you are actively engaging.

Some things you can not change, like your age, or some other similar thing that is pretty much hard set, but everything else is malleable when enough will and power are applied.

Thank you for your reply! The forum shows BrightSpace666 as the author of the text you quoted, but I wrote that text. I think we don't understand each other. In my reply to BrightSpace666 I tried to express myself better.

But you are right, I will tell Satan the whole thing. Although I don't know why I'm telling Him, since it's a self-serving complaint for which there is no realistic solution (as I wrote, you can't build a castle out of shit).
Dark Lawyer said:
It is about certain basic segments of normal, meaningful human life. It is about complex processes that take decades and cannot be started from scratch at 40. Please note: this does not mean I will not continue meditation, yoga, FRTR. But this is a spiritual support thread, and I just wanted to ask the question of where someone who has very little or no realistic prospects in life in the important areas listed above can draw strength from. Because the time needed to build the foundations has passed without results. And that is my fault.

This is the unfortunate reality of the world caused by the enemy. There are many people in similar situations, for example, the large pool of college grads who cannot find a job. In the same sense, they botched a critical period of their development.
Yet, this critical period is only made like that because of our society and is not a true reflection of our own values or abilities.

First off, you will have to forgive yourself for the way your life has turned out. To a certain degree, you must detach yourself from the societal notions around this perception. Based on your astrology, this may be hard for you, or maybe not. With your astrology in mind, you may also have karmic patterns that resulted in this, as well.

So your situation cannot be thought of as entirely your fault, especially if you had no Satanic tools to deal with your problems before now.

Yes, you are restarting some areas of your life, but through Satanism, you can create more than anyone else could in a lifetime. As you advance, you will feel more confident about this.


At this current point in time, I don't see a problem with living with one's parents. For many, it is economically unreasonable to do so. You say you live in a separate building, which should give you freedom from them, as well.

For a job, yes you may be currently limited. Yet, through a Sun Square, for example, you can attract to yourself a worthy career. Even if not directly related to lawyer positions, your prior education is still proof of your own abilities.

The same can be done for relationships, through Venus or Mercury related-energy.

There are many options available, but you must be competent to implement them. While it may not seem like it, you are directly investing in your own position and life by meditating. Just because there is not an immediate material benefit does not mean their cannot be in even 6 months or 1 year. That is why you cannot give up too early.
Dark Lawyer said:
But you are right, I will tell Satan the whole thing. Although I don't know why I'm telling Him, since it's a self-serving complaint for which there is no realistic solution (as I wrote, you can't build a castle out of shit).

Your posts are infested with terms such as "can't", "probably won't", "impossible" etc etc.

Which suggests your mind is plagued by a defeatist mindset. You are at war with yourself and your mind is programmed to sabotage your life. You have taught yourself to look for and focus on reasons as to why you "cannot" do something, when you should teach your mind to focus on finding ways to make your goals manifest.

I do not intend to demoralize you but simply illustrate how this is affecting you negatively. Your mind is the instrument by which your soul directs energy towards manifesting an outcome. And your mind is focused on failure and thus a life of failure manifests. Purge these defeatist thoughts from your mind and teach your mind to find reasons and ways to succeed, rather than constantly bombarding you with reasons as to why you cannot have the life you crave.

As for your age, this is not at all an impassable barrier. Open your mind to all possibilities and you will find a solution to this also.

I have written a post about the defeatist mind, perhaps it will be of interest to you:
Dark Lawyer said:
But you are right, I will tell Satan the whole thing. Although I don't know why I'm telling Him, since it's a self-serving complaint for which there is no realistic solution (as I wrote, you can't build a castle out of shit).
It is very important to be in contact with Satan and others as they will greatly help your progress on this path. They understand our situation, feelings and everything else as well. Even when you are not talking to them like you are talking to someone on this Earth it's still good practice to stay in touch as this will build up a relationship and you'll gradually learn more.

Never underestimate that option.
Dahaarkan said:

Thank you for your reply. I will read the link you provided.

One note: if I were a complete defeatist, I would not have gotten rid of alcoholism and become a lawyer. This proves that what I see as a realistic possibility I am like a steam engine at. I think if I were a total defeatist I would not have joined the SS. And I wouldn't have successfully resisted a year and a half of total social vaccine-blackmail.

It's a different situation if I think about something carefully and I don't see a realistic way of doing it. For example, at university there was a huge drop-out rate. But I saw realistic opportunity to get a degree, so I persevered. And I even achieved my dream of summa cum laude. Now I'm starting to play sport because I see a real opportunity to improve my physique. Maybe later I'll take up martial art, because I see realistic potential for that as well. Do you understand the difference? What I don't see a realistic possibility for after the hundredth reconsideration, I'm helpless with.
Henu the Great said:
It is very important to be in contact with Satan and others as they will greatly help your progress on this path. They understand our situation, feelings and everything else as well. Even when you are not talking to them like you are talking to someone on this Earth it's still good practice to stay in touch as this will build up a relationship and you'll gradually learn more.

Never underestimate that option.

Thank you, I will do that. If you allow me a question: is it available anywhere how to pronounce and vibrate the names of the Gods? I have read about the Guardian Demon, the method of vibrating the name of the God we suspect may be our Guardian Demon. But I'm not sure of the pronunciations and how to vibrate (each letter separately as in the case of Satanas, or "traditional" vibration as in the case of Raum).
Dark Lawyer said:
Thank you, I will do that. If you allow me a question: is it available anywhere how to pronounce and vibrate the names of the Gods? I have read about the Guardian Demon, the method of vibrating the name of the God we suspect may be our Guardian Demon. But I'm not sure of the pronunciations and how to vibrate (each letter separately as in the case of Satanas, or "traditional" vibration as in the case of Raum).
You can try both, but vibrating them like brahmari breath style would work. Do not stress, just experiment.
Dark Lawyer said:

Your english is good and you are not stupid since you graduated with summa cum laude.
If you'd like to work in IT I can put you on the right path and I'm willing to loan you $1000 for certification exams. If you have a business idea we can discuss even more money.

But first you have to get your mind in order. Dahaarkan's advice is golden.
BrightSpace666 said:
FlameGhost said:
BrightSpace666 said:
I am glad you are feeling better. And don't stop meditating and keep evolving, all the way to Perfection. And as for what you wrote about your parents, here's what you can do - think carefully about what you did, and once you accept that you did it, then move on. Satanama and ongoing Aura and Soul Cleansing with chakra strengthening will really help you tremendously in this.

As for the holes, try to strengthen your aura with aura strengthening meditations and normalize your energy circulation. Build a powerful Protective Aura around yourself, for example 4 times a day, and in these 4 times say mantras up to 11x, 13x, 15x. This will help you to avoid problems.

And if you still have repressed emotions or similar, you can release them in a ritual and your emotional/spiritual state will improve nicely. Good luck, Brother!

I may have a confession to make.. I've told my parents about Enki being Satan, I have not said about me believing in Enki as a God exactly, so I may be able to say something to help myself there.

I've also been on things like Discord and VRchat. I'm not sure if I've been attacked from it or not, I never gave my real name but I have mentioned about me being a Satanist to a few people on it here and there.

I'm not sure if I got something from it but while I am generally an anxious person who does suffer from anxiety. I've been feeling it more recently and it's been getting hard to keep my faith in the Gods despite what I know...

It's like it's something attacking my confidence and maybe pulling into xianity or something similar.

I've thought about just leaving those apps like some people.

I am aware that the "quest vr" has a built-in mic but owned by Facebook. Idk if it could be that either.

And being honest, will the God's save me if this gets too much for me bit I learn from my mistakes?

I am trying to

Also, what would help with general anxiety and could I still advance while living in a christian home?

Things like revealing the Truth directly, live, is not the best idea, for your own safety. These are things you can talk about with the right person or people, but you can do it without telling them who you are. You need to be careful with these things.

I don't know how old you are and how your parents reacted to this, but - if you are younger and dependent on them, don't say these things. If I asked you what you believe in, you could say you don't believe in anything because it's stupid or something.

Discord and the like are not the best choice for spreading the Truth or anything to do with Satanism. I also think Discord is a "chat" platform created by the enemy, so I think you should ignore it unless you have something more important to do there.

In fact, telling someone you're a Satanist will only scare them into not talking to you due to ignorance, or accidentally telling the wrong person (like the enemy), and it won't be so good from there. We have to be careful who we say what to whom about our religion.

I understand that people's ignorance can often go very far, and that they spread things/fictions about Satan and our Gods that are hateful - and it's hard to stop standing up for them and telling the Truth about how wonderful and perfect they really are.

Nor can we tell these people that they are brainwashed by the enemy. After all, the enemy has contaminated Spirituality as much as possible, so if one were to engage in Spirituality, one would immediately be labeled "sick".

Christianity has been haunting one's life for a long time, and it must be eliminated as soon as possible. Either seek help from our Father, or even begin a massive cleansing in which you deprogram yourself from Christianity.


(By the way, this link is included in our Project, but the Project is not yet complete.)

Self-confidence is a powerful quality, and lacking it is like trying to put out a fire without water. Self-confidence is important and don't let it affect you. Here you are, you're a Satanist, it should give you tremendous self-confidence. Do some meditation/magic exercises and show yourself how much power you have, and your confidence will come back to normal nicely.

The gods can protect you, but you also need to listen to what they say and what they advise you to do. They can protect you, but they also need you not to do anything stupid. For one to work, the other has to work - I hope you understand.

You can believe in Spiritual Satanism, but - you have to know they exist. There is a monumental difference between belief and knowledge. Take a look at Christians and you will see what I have written here.

OhNoItsMook said:
FlameGhost said:
I've also been on things like Discord and VRchat. I'm not sure if I've been attacked from it or not, I never gave my real name but I have mentioned about me being a Satanist to a few people on it here and there.

I'm not sure if I got something from it but while I am generally an anxious person who does suffer from anxiety. I've been feeling it more recently and it's been getting hard to keep my faith in the Gods despite what I know...

It's like it's something attacking my confidence and maybe pulling into xianity or something similar.

I've thought about just leaving those apps like some people.

I am aware that the "quest vr" has a built-in mic but owned by Facebook. Idk if it could be that either.

I am relatively certain that you are already aware, but we're supposed to be different people "out there". Even though you may be inclined to educate others about the truth and assist them, it is of utmost importance you keep Satanism separate from your identity in the outside world. It is mentioned in the Al-Jilwah, as we do not know what those without may do when our affiliation with Satan is revealed.

I am telling you this because I myself have spent over 1500 hours on VRChat, and understood precisely what can happen to us spiritually when interacting with other people around us. Interestingly enough, social interaction and its effects upon us is not restricted by distance or physical contact, because we are affected through the ties we form to the individuals we interact and bond with.

This is especially horrible when you don't know that the person you just spoke to for an hour was a jew, which has happened to me before. It's a terrible sinking sensation in the stomach.

There is also the fact that the enemy is able to use people you encounter, as puppets to channel their curses upon you. You know this firsthand as someone with xians in your direct environment. I had experienced some weird blocks in life when I found out someone I frequently spoke with on VRChat was muslim.

Your initial anxiety could potentially be amplified through negative energies latching onto you through your abundant interactions with all kinds of people on Discord/VRchat. Which might be why it's been increasingly worse recently.

Fortunately, it is most definitely fixable for us, and we can greatly mitigate negative energies and curses to the point where it barely affects us, and still allow us to enjoy games and life normally even when interacting with tons of unawakened souls directly around. It's how I'm able to play that game all the time and not experience too many spiritual after-effects from people.

It involves a hell of a lot of cleaning and protection. Lydia's thread at the beginning of the month, regarding the Sabbat cycle of vibrating SURYAE 36x into each chakra with a cleaning affirmation, has worked incredibly well for me. When it comes to actually severing bad ties to the people you've faced in life, however, I believe the MUNKA x108 working of liberating the soul would remedy such forms of weight more precisely.

You also mentioned you recently started incorporating the Returning Curses meditation? Both 1 and 2. Try to remember to perform that right as you wake up, every single day from now on. From my experience, it's prevented an incredible amount of things that I often hear people say ruin them.

Specifically regarding your (social) anxiety, I'll inform you of something very interesting. Actually don't quit Vrchat. It was thanks to that game I learned to talk endlessly when I thought I was unable to talk to people a few years ago, due to some traumatic history.

You can develop that confidence too when comfort and immersion is involved in interacting with someone you really get along with, or even strangers right off the bat once you find out you got something in common. It's an adventure on its own to find out all about another individual, and on Vrchat you'd be damn surprised of the coincidences, I swear lol.

Before you go on VRchat or Discord and talk to a lot of people, maybe close your chakras. It's mentioned somewhere on the JoS website that this can help temporarily block off negative energies in an environment where we do not want to absorb it from negative souls. Then before bed you could/should clean again just for extra measure.

Human beings are social creatures that seek interaction on a natural level, and achieving such is healthy and can be greatly cathartic especially when mutual understanding and agreement occurs. Many of my friends I've helped relieve social anxiety from, now they don't stop talking lol but it's lovely and we're on the same level.

And, hey... don't talk to the wolfy e-boys that dwell exclusively at the mirrors. They'll loop you into drinking and ERP don't do that shit lmfao.

With a clean soul you'll be able to distinguish the worthless from the worthwhile, which is crucial in social environments even for non-SS, but especially important for us due to how our chakras and shit absorb... shit.

Again, cleaning and protection are immense. Good luck and white-gold energy be with you

Alright, I imagine it started since I started doing the RTRs; I think I felt the root of it being the "Am I a jew?" shit because I decided to vibrate Algis into bottled water and let it flood my system and banish any negative energies and those were my remaining negative thoughts in those moments.

As far as me being pulled back to the chripstard mentallity, I've held on to every fiber that I could and I do remember the idea of breathing in Satanic Blue flames and as I did I thought of every single flaw in the bible in put that with whatever shred of fatih into the Gods of Orion.

After doing that and setting it ablaze with my ounce of strength that I had left, I started getting better; I do think I was on the very edge of breaking before that tbh....

I may have to say that you came just in time and may have actually saved my life..

I caught what you said about Belief and Knowledge. I used knowledge and put that to faith.

I think another thing to count would be the Tower of Babel. I think that is the best one since it even says that "Lest we be scattered", hardly any christian notices that bit of the verse.

The last bit is that I think my fire is starting to blaze again. I know I've said this a few times and maybe I'm speaking on behalf of every Spiritual Satanist when I say that I'm not afraid to go to "Hell" in any form of the word, even torment. For doing the right thing.

And in being set ablaze again. I realize that the bible does put that fear in people and I don't think I've met any christian that could answer yes to that question of being willing to go to such a place for doing the right thing and doing the right thing for the sake of truly making life better.

I do think there should be a "pins" for people like me who are in this situation because I can feel how real it's getting and we are in the "last days" as the bible calls it where the kikes will indeed do anything they can and I can feel every bit of what they're sending to me.

What you have sent me is working. I do have a question on whether or not I use Munka and then visualize white/gold energy in the affirmation? That's what seems to work best for me in just using Munka vibration itself to nock out the filth in me.

I think I'm going to focus on this before getting to my healing because I finally see the number it's done on me.

And for returning curses. Like from the start, that has helped as well although idk if I can do it as soon as I wake up because I tend to have work early, unfortunetaly..

Although I think practice is making perfect since I get what people are saying about feeling where the problem is and imagining it repelling that and sending it back.

But yes, thanks to you both once again!
Another thing that paved the rest of the way in breaking away from the christard disorder was me realizing that despite what I wanted to believe, god could easily save people from "the darkness" if he wanted but doesn't for whatever fuck all reason.

Oh yes, he's a piss jealus "god thing"
Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Thank you, I will do that. If you allow me a question: is it available anywhere how to pronounce and vibrate the names of the Gods? I have read about the Guardian Demon, the method of vibrating the name of the God we suspect may be our Guardian Demon. But I'm not sure of the pronunciations and how to vibrate (each letter separately as in the case of Satanas, or "traditional" vibration as in the case of Raum).
You can try both, but vibrating them like brahmari breath style would work. Do not stress, just experiment.

Thanks! I found a video in which the names of several Gods are pronounced in both English and ancient Egyptian:


Perhaps the ancient Egyptian pronunciation would make a better connection when vibrating?
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Dark Lawyer said:

Your english is good and you are not stupid since you graduated with summa cum laude.
If you'd like to work in IT I can put you on the right path and I'm willing to loan you $1000 for certification exams. If you have a business idea we can discuss even more money.

But first you have to get your mind in order. Dahaarkan's advice is golden.

I don't want to work in IT, but thank you for offering your help. I am a lawyer, that's what I like and that's what I know. I paid a lot of money in tuition fees over the years to go to law school.

I do not speak English, I use the DeepL translator. :)

Yes, Dahaarkan's advice is useful. However, I have written a reply to him which I think refines the picture of defeatism:

Dark Lawyer said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Dark Lawyer said:

Your english is good and you are not stupid since you graduated with summa cum laude.
If you'd like to work in IT I can put you on the right path and I'm willing to loan you $1000 for certification exams. If you have a business idea we can discuss even more money.

But first you have to get your mind in order. Dahaarkan's advice is golden.

I don't want to work in IT, but thank you for offering your help. I am a lawyer, that's what I like and that's what I know. I paid a lot of money in tuition fees over the years to go to law school.

I do not speak English, I use the DeepL translator. :)

Yes, Dahaarkan's advice is useful. However, I have written a reply to him which I think refines the picture of defeatism:


Have you considered paying an employer to get the experience?
Dark Lawyer said:
Thanks! I found a video in which the names of several Gods are pronounced in both English and ancient Egyptian:


Perhaps the ancient Egyptian pronunciation would make a better connection when vibrating?
I do not see any harm trying since these look authentic.

The main point of importance is to kabbalisically vibrate the names, just as you would mantras.

More info: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Pronunciation.html
Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Thanks! I found a video in which the names of several Gods are pronounced in both English and ancient Egyptian:


Perhaps the ancient Egyptian pronunciation would make a better connection when vibrating?
I do not see any harm trying since these look authentic.

The main point of importance is to kabbalisically vibrate the names, just as you would mantras.

More info: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Pronunciation.html

Thank you for your reply.

"In Kabalistic 'Speech,' each of the letters must be correctly vibrated. Kabalistic sounds for each of the letters are a bit different than when used in everyday normal speech."

If I start learning a foreign language now, or fiddling with the pronunciation of runes, it's time, time, time again... I have so much to do and I'm trying to catch up. What are the consequences of mispronunciation? (When I was doing the 40-day program, I had the same problem: I didn't understand how to feel the vibration of a mantra in a particular chakra. So I just vibrated as I vibrated, otherwise I would have sat there all day...)
Dark Lawyer said:
If I start learning a foreign language now, or fiddling with the pronunciation of runes, it's time, time, time again... I have so much to do and I'm trying to catch up. What are the consequences of mispronunciation? (When I was doing the 40-day program, I had the same problem: I didn't understand how to feel the vibration of a mantra in a particular chakra. So I just vibrated as I vibrated, otherwise I would have sat there all day...)
The instructions are on the page. Do your best and adapt as you learn. Consequences depend on the severity of error and are related to the efficacy of the vibration.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
