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Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I will explain this painful fact, which remains a painful fact that needs to be fixed. I decided to include this in this series because it's a both very basic and advanced subject that requires clarification, and the series will have a purpose to clean up some matters in a clear and coherent manner.

The situation with humanity is that we are an unfinished work. We are something in the making. We are not there to our fullest potential yet, if there is such a thing as an end to development that is, which, there is not. Satan and the Gods have explained to me on the subject, but I will relate the simple point, even if you generate a proper human being in everything such as form, body, and anything else, they still require formative time in the span of thousands of years or a few generations in order to finally grasp and understand spiritual concepts and train on them, to reach up to 'them' or be able to relate to them in a more direct manner. This is because this process deals with the self understanding the self. This is also why the Gods were here after our development helping us out and guiding us.

Even after they 'departed', they maintained contact with us astrally, to guide us to finish this process of development. With the rising of the enemy, the ability and lines of communications were lost, but regardless, our Gods did not stop neither from fighting the enemy, nor from helping us by unseen now, means, to 'finish' this work on ourselves.

As to the perfection of the human form in it's best fashion, this is something all scientific and otherwise minds have understood and admired. Man is a work of art as far as the species goes. While he can always improve, the mind behind the creation of man was one of the greatest minds, that is, Satan and the Gods who genetically engineered us. The supernal wisdom of the human body is beyond understanding. For the most part even our most advanced 'scientists' today are just crawling in trying to understand the marvel of this work, it's processes and functions. This is because the body is supposed to house something even greater.

This is because the process of self-realization through the soul takes time and doesn't come for free. And during the process like dough which will not become bread, if this process is not done properly (this is why the Gods were here and almost finished it) all you are left with is an unfinished work that can fall down and collapse unto itself. This is generally how works are manifested into this world, and everything has a formative stage, on which, something can be altered, corrupted, and destroyed.

The knowledge however on how to complete this work of the human being was left behind by the Gods who were running a 'global culture' (not globalist) at the time, and as such, people could complete the Magnum Opus and reach their higher potential. It also appears this process was happening for many thousands of years, and people did actually did the Magnum Opus, both then and afterwards when they left.

There are Demons who are around 10 thousand years old many of which are in the Goetia or the Demonology section. As Demon is a code name for the human soul on an elevated level of power and wisdom used by Ancient Greeks, a mixed term for Gods and people who have ascended. So there are ranging Demons of ranging powers in there. Just to be clear to not get this defiled as usual by the imaginative, 10 thousand years in their level of development is around 2 million in our development, given the type of civilization we have today. And their level of development is largely incomprehensible by the human mind at this point and with the things we 'know'.

We are not the same as them or as they are. This should be common knowledge. Actually, within what we call 'humanity' we have a ranging order of rank from 'people' lower than animals, to people who are way more developed. This understanding was common knowledge up until the last century, but this century people fancy to call everyone 'human' and give them 'humin rights' to all vermin before any aspect of humanity is proven and regardless of shown behavior. This has nothing to do with any ego either, it's just natural observational fact that one observes if they have an open mind. Decadence and the enemy exists and has existed but not everyone sinks into it the same way do they.

So the honest approach of the situation is that there is not only the enemy causing this downfall, but things in humans themselves that need serious fixing because they are not finalized yet. This process takes a while, and is not impossible. As to if everyone will be capable of this, dreamily and idealistically, how beautiful it would be, but realistically speaking the statement is simple: "Many will want to join at the last minute but it will be too late to do so".

Instantly when the enemy came into notice that this process was taking place into earth of developing us, it's written there was an attack and a sort of war on the solar system to stop this process from finalization for reasons explained in their own bible. The "Elohim" which is a plural were worried they would be 'usurped' from their position in the 'heavens', so 'god', the hive mind, attacked. This is the beginning of the jewish war on earth.

The fact we are against jews is not something extremely mystical, it's something factual and simple. The jews stroke a bargain with these entities to enslave the planet on their behalf, reverse and destroy the work of the gods, and have gains as a race because of such work, against all other people. This is the 'covenant' they signed with them. To this very day, as rabbis admit, they work with ET's as we work with our own through the centuries, so as to bring about the annihilation of the spirituality of mankind. We owe many interesting things to the jews like christianity, islam, judaism, nuclear energy capable of erasing our existence, communism. The jews on their own have testified to the ownership of these things with great pride.

Indeed, there isn't anything professed by us that the jews haven't professed about themselves, on their own, since forever. People somehow criminalize someone who transfers the words of someone who did something and admitted to doing this. People be hating on the messenger, because they cannot handle the message.

If one considers the statement of the JoS exaggerated because it doesn't fit their head, and consider the jews are more 'sensible' in that regard and less 'tinfoil hatted', I prompt these people to go read what some jews themselves have to say on the subject of racial exterminations under code names such as Amalek or Esav (European subgroups), bastardizing the goyim, destroying everyone spiritually, the fathering of Islam from Judaism, the creation of xianity by them directly, burning and destroying the world's information centers like Alexandria's Library, and seeing a bit around them as the "Abrahamic religions" have brought the world into a stalemate of development for around 20 centuries straight. Through time which we went from pyramid creation to being unable to do calculus for 17 centuries.

The proof of their work should be enough, but with the brainwashing and retardation going on today on this planet, the denial levels are also quite high, which is changing gradually.

Then there are other idiots who inwardly believe that Islam or even Xianity do represent in whatever form, the old religions. The stupidity here is apparent. Many of these people also think that the situation is 'above everyone's heads' because they are too stupid to understand their own rambling and bullshit. This is like taking a broken jewish carrier today and saying that since it follows a few basic roles of aerodynamics, this makes it an airplane.

As for the situation of the creation of man, Satan did not create us for 'free', anymore than a parent does not create children mindlessly or for 'free'. There are a few expectations the Gods would like us to fit in, for our greater good and to be able to live. However, some of the children can choose to not help back their own father, and they can turn to ignorance, even if their parent loves them and cares for them, but also, if one becomes a sworn enemy of their father, they can also expect the father to not like them at all. The laws of nature in themselves are vague in regards to choices and one can accept or reject these things, and where there is free choice, one can choose to do just about anything within their own grasping of power.

The original intention was to us to become Gods and to take part in the universal order of things in our own level of development like all the other advanced beings in the universe are doing. We were definitely not destined to be slaves as many idiots claim as it's counter productive to create highly intelligent slaves or slaves that can potentially turn back at you and attack you later. It's even more retarded, if you want slaves, to give them spiritual knowledge of any sort. This is why the enemy removes this, because this is what they want to turn us into: Slaves. What cannot be destroyed, is instead, corrupted.

The castrations the enemy is causing to us today, the Gods, if they wanted slaves, could have caused merely by design, such as the absence of specific organs in the human body, such as the reproductive organs, or the pineal gland. Slaves should be disposable and not have the ability to reproduce, for better management. If we were to only slave for the Gods, they would make a few generations of us with programmed DNA collapse at the reproductive level, and we would be done with and be disposed later. So all these stupid myths of the likes of Zecharia the Jew Stichin are essentially proven wrong by the default of reality.

One such castration is the destruction or elimination of the Pineal gland from the structure of man. This is warned by the Egyptian Pyramid texts in Egypt that the Gods dictated, major part of the Egyptian religion was rectification and taking proper care and empowering the 3rd eye or Pineal gland. It's also written explicitly there the "Gem of the Gods" will be turned out and stopped existing if people do not work on it. These were all recognized to be from the Gods and the Egyptians were fighting to preserve these. The same thing goes for other biological traits which many dismiss as useless. Compared to other animals, man, for his capabilities mental and otherwise, has a superior design.

As for if the Gods are only helping us out, this has to be hard, as the enemy is also an expansive force which seems to attack many places, not just our own. The Gods have a lot of 'operations' they are undergoing in the same time and we were one of these within the time spectrum.

Additionally, this is life, and this universe has nasty beings in it, some of which if one pays attention literally abducted Satan's children and they are using them against him en-masse. The Gods that were worshiped by all people a few thousand years back, are now stoned in the form of idols, and attacked and banished from everywhere in existence. This technique has also been done in warfare before and is still being practiced today in more materialized forms. For example, Persians abducted Greek kids of pure stock, raised them as 'Persians', and put them as heads to their military command in order to wage war back to the Greeks. Which is an irony, of using one's own stock to destroy them as your enemy. Artemisia was an example of this situation.

The influence of the Gods on mankind is to such an extent, that one can honestly say humanity wouldn't have figured out even the hut if it were not for the Gods. It's easy to do something after you are taught how to do it, or read it in a book, but the original capability to create and generate this from scratch is what is defining. This is why you have 1 Tesla per 100,000,000 normal people on the planet, and this is because few humans are as inventive or as advanced. The Gods taught us everything from simple agriculture, to music, to cultivation of animals, to the justice system, to even things like...Makeup, how to make weaponry etc.

Much of this teaching of civilization is credited to Azazel, and other Demons, who, in Babylonian tablets was written to have taught women the "Way of the dress" and the "Painting of beautifying the Face" such as what we call today makeup.

These reasons above are why Islam and Jews and Xians whine on the Demons. They made our life meaningful and turned us away from being useless worthless animals on the field in human form. Makes you wonder what grade of retard one has to be, and what grade of evil, to complain about the fact they are no longer an animal of the field.

Every aspect of our civilization is plated into the symbols and is still as it was in many ways, with the sole difference, it's perverted and dedicated to other and hostile entities, and controlled by enemies who want the worst of us. Fundamentally however anything that made life possible and worthwhile, came from the Gods, from the knowledge of writing, to makeup, to advanced architecture, to farming which is how we were able to be kept alive.

Our civilizations, the present and the ones gone, always belonged to and were dedicated to the Gods. Presently, they are taken over and perverted, but since we are the creators of these, we always go back and recreate on what is internally inside us, re-manifesting again and again similar types of the civilizations that are born from within us, so we can advance spiritually into their context.

As for the foolish primitivists who hate on civilization, then they also hate in spiritual progress. Spiritual progress is possible to happen within the context of a civilization, simply because, it cannot happen outside of it. You cannot be taking 4 hours a day to light a camp fire, and all the day hunting with a spear, then a whole day hungry, and eating poisonous mushrooms in the jungle and expecting to advance spiritually to your fullest extent.

Part of the creation of civilization is done so people can advance in mental, spiritual, or material needs advance. If we did not have spiritual and intellectual or advanced needs, there would be no need of civilization, and we would be just less hairy monkeys and be just happy with it.

The above is why macro-cosmically the Magnum Opus is portrayed as the process creation of the inner spiritual city or the 'perfect civilization' which many people took literally later.

By recreating ourselves and advancing we are also restoring our world back again to clear order. When this process fails to get done, then the outer world collapses as well, as people are the hands and feet that work on this world, because the people on their inside just lose the vitality to procure and advance further. To reverse and to prevent this process safeguards us from "Humanity's Fall", and to banish it permanently results in the Golden Age which is an age of mass spiritual development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for the information, I really appreciate how you and the other HPs take the time out of your day and write such informative sermons.

Hope you and the other HPs have a wonderful day ⛧

Hail Satan!
When we say Lord Satan and his demons genetically engineered us, does this mean from a cryo tube from scratch or they improved pre existing Proto humans. The gods look very much like us. Is this because of the similar evolution they went on their own planet. Which is similar to us ?
The covenant of the jews is a blood covenant they where put here as part of the reptilians racial line to conqueror the planet. And to create a massive energy vortex for the reptilians to feed off of.
Its very obvious in the ancient texts the culture before was based on ascension and the different level of the Magnum Opus. The Egyptians mentioned the Djedi the Serpent Priests where in the image of the golden age humanity and thus the ideal human. Society culture was set up to draw everyone upwards to the top with perfecting man. Now its turning everyone into a depraved jew.
Thank you for sharing this information from the Gods. It is imperative that all know the origins of their existence and to whom we owe it to. It's disgusting to think how so many have been corrupted to view their own father as someone evil.

Their ignorance is laughable and if they knew without a doubt that the one they deem 'evil' is the one that legitimately made them, I wonder of their reactions. I remember mine was confusion, fear, regret, and then triumph.

We must complete the work of our gods and become gods ourselves.
txg said:
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:

." The jews stroke a bargain with these entities to enslave the planet on their behalf, reverse and destroy the work of the gods, and have gains as a race because of such work, against all other people."

i thought the jews were made by the enemy ETs and sent down to do "their" bidding...can you clarify please?

You are asking me what I have personally wrote about and checked in with at my other work aka the Satanic Revelation PDF from Satan's Library.

Also you forgot to include the line I wrote later which explains it. The Covenant is actually a thing that is based on race and nothing less as the first term.

The first rule of the so called "Covenant" is for one to be a...jew...And why is this the case...because they are of the bloodlines of the tribes of jews in the torah. This is the first rule of the "Covenant", which is also the only reason the jews were "Chosen" to do this very work, because of what they are racially. Because this is the case then they were given the other aspects of it which is the literal guide and plan of world usurping and enslavement of the Gentiles, which are the bloodlines of their enmies.

This is why also the "Covenant" as to be upheld, as it's an agreement to keep the reptilian line going and deliver something within a context of time. This is why the jews also have 6000 years to "Fulfill" this covenant, or fail at it.

Like any other agreement, this covenant has do's, dont's, terms of precautions of punishments and so forth.

I simply wrote about the covenant here as it's literally what the jews themselves admit. The first rules of this 'covenant' is the jews can, in the first place, strike such a covenant, as they descend literally from their own Et's, the hebrew "Angels" which Rabbis say are the literal reptilians.

This is why the jews state "Only those of Abraham" aka the reptilian jews can be part of this "Covenant". The racial thing is already the first thing of the terms. This is why the jews claim that this is the first beginning of the covenant, to be jewish, which is the first term of it without which this would be impossible. Non-jews cannot be part of this, which is a racial term.

Part of the covenant is for the jews to always remain jewish, and not bastardize, so that they do not dilute their reptilian genes. It's a series of commands the jews have to follow in order to dominate the earth and deliver it to those with whom they have this intimate relationship, their reptilian daddies.

As for the general fact behind this you can read my other work which is called the Satanic Revelation in the library.

The "covenant" is a literal "covenant" in which the jews agree with their masters to deliver the earth onto their hands, at the exchange of authority and eternal slaving of the species of the earth in order for them to use them as cattle to have an empire of slaves. It's an agreement they have with their 'creators' to give them the world in exchange for them being rulers of it under the reptilians. A family contract between the creator and the created.

The jews are enslaved and they know it, and this is why many jews tried over the centuries to pointlessly stop being jews by trying to practice Paganism, out of which they gained nothing or got destroyed. This is why even in the bible, many jews tried to worship other "Gods", but the bible constantly tells them this is impossible, since they are by blood jews, and therefore, they will be met with disasters if they assosciate themselves with the "Gods" of the "Goyim".

The "Covenant" is where the earthly jews, or "lower Israel" in the Kabbalah, will drain off the Gentiles physically in the form of slavery, while the higher "Israel" or the reptilians and related ET forces will basically massacre the souls of the Gentiles, while both will benefit from both.

If they do not follow this family covenant and try to escape from it, they will be destroyed and punished likewise. Also, failure to deliver this will also result in the destruction or abandonment of the jews in the hands of their enemies.

So yes, the jews are a slave race by creative standards, and since the first time they existed they were on a mission, and they can never hope to be anything else.
Been silently waiting for this sermon. It's greatly appreciated, cheers.

Also, quite a sobering reminder you've presented here, "Many will want to join at the last minute, but it will be too late to do so."
I have spent weeks trying to help friends and family understand the importance of racial diversity as a must for human survival - e.g., that miscegenation dooms both races involved and bodily death is not a reliable way to avoid the consequences if we don't make better genetics in our offspring NOW (I have to use a purely scientific rational to support the occult or "supernatural" claims which are actually true but are hidden from ignorant minds - such as life after bodily death and experiencing the world as you left it before reincarnation etc - I can't use simple SS knowledge which I obviously need to keep private; and science is limited as is, but it's the best for those without who take science as religion x! Yet despite numerous efforts and approaches people do not seem to be able to grasp the basic call to action I make which will help us fight against a very real dilemma which will fuck us all big time if not negated. It faces us very squarely and nature doesn't care about political mixed race cuteness or bullshit equality. Make genetically better children who will have new traits, or make inferior children who will be a burden for all - if they suffer from conflicting racial psychology then the parents must live with being responsible for neurotic episodes owing to two races trying to be one! Madness! NOTHING ON EARTH FUCKS OTHER RACIAL GROUPS! NATURE DOESN'T WANT IT! WHERE WE HAVE FORCED RACIAL MIXED BREEDING IN LABS THE OFFSPRING HAVE ALWAYS BEENWEAK AND DETERIORATED! NEW GENETIC DISEASES ARE BORN BY THIS BACKWARD ACTION! This is denied even by medical students - this is lunacy and within retardation levels of knowledge. How is this not very easy for anyone to see?? Haha, HOW. Fuck ya.

Maybe two people have listened so far, but find it very difficult to accept the true reality of nature. It's too conceptually demanding and strange to them. They are enslaved to the most asinine teachings from school and on wards. To think that life could be much much longer than 70 or 80yrs is harder to convey to others than I expected. It's so obviously how it must be; energy is never destroyed so why should you be when a body is broken? I feel like I'm screaming into the wind while somnambulists stumble around the land, expecting fairness and justice to fall from the heavens (or however Hitler put it).

I needed the reminder that perhaps a lot of these people will not listen to reason until the rope is breaking their neck.I can put energy into better works knowing that some will not hear me regardless of my efforts made, so I don't need stress over it. Was worth a shot, but finding another way to advance understanding is clear and I can accept this wasn't so grand an idea perhaps. Haha.

Perfect timing, mate. Cheers.
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
txg said:
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:

." The jews stroke a bargain with these entities to enslave the planet on their behalf, reverse and destroy the work of the gods, and have gains as a race because of such work, against all other people."

i thought the jews were made by the enemy ETs and sent down to do "their" bidding...can you clarify please?

You are asking me what I have personally wrote about and checked in with at my other work aka the Satanic Revelation PDF from Satan's Library.

Also you forgot to include the line I wrote later which explains it. The Covenant is actually a thing that is based on race and nothing less as the first term.

The first rule of the so called "Covenant" is for one to be a...jew...And why is this the case...because they are of the bloodlines of the tribes of jews in the torah. This is the first rule of the "Covenant", which is also the only reason the jews were "Chosen" to do this very work, because of what they are racially. Because this is the case then they were given the other aspects of it which is the literal guide and plan of world usurping and enslavement of the Gentiles, which are the bloodlines of their enmies.

This is why also the "Covenant" as to be upheld, as it's an agreement to keep the reptilian line going and deliver something within a context of time. This is why the jews also have 6000 years to "Fulfill" this covenant, or fail at it.

Like any other agreement, this covenant has do's, dont's, terms of precautions of punishments and so forth.

I simply wrote about the covenant here as it's literally what the jews themselves admit. The first rules of this 'covenant' is the jews can, in the first place, strike such a covenant, as they descend literally from their own Et's, the hebrew "Angels" which Rabbis say are the literal reptilians.

This is why the jews state "Only those of Abraham" aka the reptilian jews can be part of this "Covenant". The racial thing is already the first thing of the terms. This is why the jews claim that this is the first beginning of the covenant, to be jewish, which is the first term of it without which this would be impossible. Non-jews cannot be part of this, which is a racial term.

Part of the covenant is for the jews to always remain jewish, and not bastardize, so that they do not dilute their reptilian genes. It's a series of commands the jews have to follow in order to dominate the earth and deliver it to those with whom they have this intimate relationship, their reptilian daddies.

As for the general fact behind this you can read my other work which is called the Satanic Revelation in the library.

The "covenant" is a literal "covenant" in which the jews agree with their masters to deliver the earth onto their hands, at the exchange of authority and eternal slaving of the species of the earth in order for them to use them as cattle to have an empire of slaves. It's an agreement they have with their 'creators' to give them the world in exchange for them being rulers of it under the reptilians. A family contract between the creator and the created.

The jews are enslaved and they know it, and this is why many jews tried over the centuries to pointlessly stop being jews by trying to practice Paganism, out of which they gained nothing or got destroyed. This is why even in the bible, many jews tried to worship other "Gods", but the bible constantly tells them this is impossible, since they are by blood jews, and therefore, they will be met with disasters if they assosciate themselves with the "Gods" of the "Goyim".

The "Covenant" is where the earthly jews, or "lower Israel" in the Kabbalah, will drain off the Gentiles physically in the form of slavery, while the higher "Israel" or the reptilians and related ET forces will basically massacre the souls of the Gentiles, while both will benefit from both.

If they do not follow this family covenant and try to escape from it, they will be destroyed and punished likewise. Also, failure to deliver this will also result in the destruction or abandonment of the jews in the hands of their enemies.

So yes, the jews are a slave race by creative standards, and since the first time they existed they were on a mission, and they can never hope to be anything else.
wow that says alot,it seems everybody is enslaved by the reptilians even the greys,I have also known that the higher order reptilians enslave their own people through genetic manipulation and make them inferior by turning most of their genes off,these reptilians only strives by enslavement,that is why they are very dangerous to our speices and why we need to act fast.like you said we fell because Satan's work was not completed that is why thoes who are not of Satan can never finish this work and be free,am proud to be here.
Hail satan
Norse 88 said:
Been silently waiting for this sermon. It's greatly appreciated, cheers.

Also, quite a sobering reminder you've presented here, "Many will want to join at the last minute, but it will be too late to do so."
I have spent weeks trying to help friends and family understand the importance of racial diversity as a must for human survival - e.g., that miscegenation dooms both races involved and bodily death is not a reliable way to avoid the consequences if we don't make better genetics in our offspring NOW (I have to use a purely scientific rational to support the occult or "supernatural" claims which are actually true but are hidden from ignorant minds - such as life after bodily death and experiencing the world as you left it before reincarnation etc - I can't use simple SS knowledge which I obviously need to keep private; and science is limited as is, but it's the best for those without who take science as religion x! Yet despite numerous efforts and approaches people do not seem to be able to grasp the basic call to action I make which will help us fight against a very real dilemma which will fuck us all big time if not negated. It faces us very squarely and nature doesn't care about political mixed race cuteness or bullshit equality. Make genetically better children who will have new traits, or make inferior children who will be a burden for all - if they suffer from conflicting racial psychology then the parents must live with being responsible for neurotic episodes owing to two races trying to be one! Madness! NOTHING ON EARTH FUCKS OTHER RACIAL GROUPS! NATURE DOESN'T WANT IT! WHERE WE HAVE FORCED RACIAL MIXED BREEDING IN LABS THE OFFSPRING HAVE ALWAYS BEENWEAK AND DETERIORATED! NEW GENETIC DISEASES ARE BORN BY THIS BACKWARD ACTION! This is denied even by medical students - this is lunacy and within retardation levels of knowledge. How is this not very easy for anyone to see?? Haha, HOW. Fuck ya.

Maybe two people have listened so far, but find it very difficult to accept the true reality of nature. It's too conceptually demanding and strange to them. They are enslaved to the most asinine teachings from school and on wards. To think that life could be much much longer than 70 or 80yrs is harder to convey to others than I expected. It's so obviously how it must be; energy is never destroyed so why should you be when a body is broken? I feel like I'm screaming into the wind while somnambulists stumble around the land, expecting fairness and justice to fall from the heavens (or however Hitler put it).

I needed the reminder that perhaps a lot of these people will not listen to reason until the rope is breaking their neck.I can put energy into better works knowing that some will not hear me regardless of my efforts made, so I don't need stress over it. Was worth a shot, but finding another way to advance understanding is clear and I can accept this wasn't so grand an idea perhaps. Haha.

Perfect timing, mate. Cheers.

Use dogs as an example about mixing races. All dogs are technically the same race, but even still mixing different versions if the dog race together often has deadly consequences that are perfectly clear to see. All the diseases, deformities, sicknesses. When compared to a pure breed dog with perfect health.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Norse 88 said:
Been silently waiting for this sermon. It's greatly appreciated, cheers.

Also, quite a sobering reminder you've presented here, "Many will want to join at the last minute, but it will be too late to do so."
I have spent weeks trying to help friends and family understand the importance of racial diversity as a must for human survival - e.g., that miscegenation dooms both races involved and bodily death is not a reliable way to avoid the consequences if we don't make better genetics in our offspring NOW (I have to use a purely scientific rational to support the occult or "supernatural" claims which are actually true but are hidden from ignorant minds - such as life after bodily death and experiencing the world as you left it before reincarnation etc - I can't use simple SS knowledge which I obviously need to keep private; and science is limited as is, but it's the best for those without who take science as religion x! Yet despite numerous efforts and approaches people do not seem to be able to grasp the basic call to action I make which will help us fight against a very real dilemma which will fuck us all big time if not negated. It faces us very squarely and nature doesn't care about political mixed race cuteness or bullshit equality. Make genetically better children who will have new traits, or make inferior children who will be a burden for all - if they suffer from conflicting racial psychology then the parents must live with being responsible for neurotic episodes owing to two races trying to be one! Madness! NOTHING ON EARTH FUCKS OTHER RACIAL GROUPS! NATURE DOESN'T WANT IT! WHERE WE HAVE FORCED RACIAL MIXED BREEDING IN LABS THE OFFSPRING HAVE ALWAYS BEENWEAK AND DETERIORATED! NEW GENETIC DISEASES ARE BORN BY THIS BACKWARD ACTION! This is denied even by medical students - this is lunacy and within retardation levels of knowledge. How is this not very easy for anyone to see?? Haha, HOW. Fuck ya.

Maybe two people have listened so far, but find it very difficult to accept the true reality of nature. It's too conceptually demanding and strange to them. They are enslaved to the most asinine teachings from school and on wards. To think that life could be much much longer than 70 or 80yrs is harder to convey to others than I expected. It's so obviously how it must be; energy is never destroyed so why should you be when a body is broken? I feel like I'm screaming into the wind while somnambulists stumble around the land, expecting fairness and justice to fall from the heavens (or however Hitler put it).

I needed the reminder that perhaps a lot of these people will not listen to reason until the rope is breaking their neck.I can put energy into better works knowing that some will not hear me regardless of my efforts made, so I don't need stress over it. Was worth a shot, but finding another way to advance understanding is clear and I can accept this wasn't so grand an idea perhaps. Haha.

Perfect timing, mate. Cheers.

Use dogs as an example about mixing races. All dogs are technically the same race, but even still mixing different versions if the dog race together often has deadly consequences that are perfectly clear to see. All the diseases, deformities, sicknesses. When compared to a pure breed dog with perfect health.

The thing with students is that they often get their information from 'jew approved' books with 'jew approved' information and thought.
Many seem to be making their reports using Google Scholar too.

Even doctors can not comprehend this thing. Maybe some vets may see these things happening if they get labradoodles, but even they won't instantly say oh you shouldn't mix them because of yada yada.
I think it should be explained to people on a deeper level, one that can't just be reached by words or face facts.
They are so used to the lies that they've become the lie themselves.

Trying to explain how natural processes work to be met with 'but inflammations are very severe and can kill' .. only the robotic scientific you are a body without soul and interactions between body systems are never taught kind of reply. They seem to generally know what the organs do.. but I wonder how much further than that the information goes.

Can't talk to them because you're not on the same level.
txg said:
not all domestic dogs are the same "race" however the proper term would be "breed" and not all "dogs" are the same species either. for instance a wild african dog is not the same species as a wild Australian dog nor is it the same species as a timber wolf for example.

I wasn't talking about wolves and wild dogs which can be different, only the pet ones. And even though they are different breeds/races, they are the same species.
txg said:
yea ok a pug and a husky are the same species....see the problem here?

You aren't understanding. Obviously a Husky and a Pug are 2 different races, but in their DNA they are the same species. They technically are able to interbreed together and have living children who can also breed, this is one of the main components of being the same species, but there are more. Like how white, black, and asian people are different races, they look and often act very differently, but they are all human, and human is the species. There is no difference between the human races and how races works with dogs except that it's easier to see the vast differences between the dog races. Chiwawa, poodle, lab, husky, these are just examples of different races within the dog species. You just think that since the dog races look so different from each other that somehow makes them different species, but that isn't how it works.
Many will want to join at the last minute but it will be too late to do so". Can someone explain this in detail ? I've heard teloc vovim and others say this, i get it to a certain extent but not fully. Can an hp or others explain ? Please and thank you. Oh, and does this mean in the future others can't join s.s ?
txg said:

Have you taken any detailed classes about genetics and biology? No, you're just being a Clown judging things only from your own incorrect ideas and feelings instead of using actual knowledge. I don't know why you would care to argue like this over such a simple fact that you are just plain wrong about. This is fact, not something subjective. All domesticated dogs belong to one single species called Canis lupus familiaris. I don't know why you care to drag along such a basic and simple fact like somehow I'm wrong about this, doesn't make any sense. If you just want to argue about something, the first step should be to actually know what you're trying to talk about. My suggestion to compare the effects of race mixing in people by showing the effects of race mixing in dogs is perfectly valid and correct, and your strange attempts to try to derail this example have no basis in reality. You're just wasting our time and looking like a clown.
The issue is that we cannot trust the (((academic))) interpretation of any area of study nowdays. What is known as the difference between 'race' and 'species' is blurry and cannot be taken very seriously. For example, many races considered as such could actualy even be different species, but because corruption in science this matter didn't develop in a way we can actually understand it.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
txg said:

Have you taken any detailed classes about genetics and biology?.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
txg said:

Have you taken any detailed classes about genetics and biology? No, you're just being a Clown judging things only from your own incorrect ideas and feelings instead of using actual knowledge. I don't know why you would care to argue like this over such a simple fact that you are just plain wrong about. This is fact, not something subjective. All domesticated dogs belong to one single species called Canis lupus familiaris. I don't know why you care to drag along such a basic and simple fact like somehow I'm wrong about this, doesn't make any sense. If you just want to argue about something, the first step should be to actually know what you're trying to talk about. My suggestion to compare the effects of race mixing in people by showing the effects of race mixing in dogs is perfectly valid and correct, and your strange attempts to try to derail this example have no basis in reality. You're just wasting our time and looking like a clown.

Comparing dogs vs humans is totally off, since gentile humans share only 1 common ancestor, Satan. Dogs are the same race, they literally come from the same species. What made them different physiologically is the selective (in)breeding of the species. And that is the cause why pure breed dogs have specific illnesses and diseases. Usually the mixed breed dogs have other health issues, but on average their are as healthy as pure breeds.
Dogs cannot race mix with other dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), as they are the same race. Same as white people cannot race mix with white people. You can selectively breed them, just like dogs, but that is not race mixing. As an analogy, if You breed blonde whites with only blondes, brunettes with brunettes, tall with tall and short with short whites, eventually You can get short blonde people of the white RACE and tall brown haired of the same RACE. And if one of the breeds shares a common health defect such as prone to hearth failure (like many dog breeds) this issue will be contained in that BREED and intermixing the breeds (which is the same white race) might eliminate the defect.
Siralom said:
Comparing dogs vs humans is totally off, since gentile humans share only 1 common ancestor, Satan. Dogs are the same race, they literally come from the same species. What made them different physiologically is the selective (in)breeding of the species. And that is the cause why pure breed dogs have specific illnesses and diseases. Usually the mixed breed dogs have other health issues, but on average their are as healthy as pure breeds.
Dogs cannot race mix with other dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), as they are the same race. Same as white people cannot race mix with white people. You can selectively breed them, just like dogs, but that is not race mixing. As an analogy, if You breed blonde whites with only blondes, brunettes with brunettes, tall with tall and short with short whites, eventually You can get short blonde people of the white RACE and tall brown haired of the same RACE. And if one of the breeds shares a common health defect such as prone to hearth failure (like many dog breeds) this issue will be contained in that BREED and intermixing the breeds (which is the same white race) might eliminate the defect.

This is a good point. With dogs, they can be healthy if the two breeds you mix are at least pretty similar. But most of the time mixing different breeds that have more difference between them, what you get is their children inherit the negative health problem traits from both breeds, and they do not inherit as much of the good qualities from either one. Like if one breed is prone to hip problems and another is prone to blindness, the child now has a very high likelyhood of both of these problems. And this accumulation of negative traits and genes that don't function correctly just keeps adding up as far as you go with it. At the same time, the spiritual template of that breed, in it's dna, like how german shepards are strong and love to work, retrievers like to find things, poodles are the smartest, some dogs chase and hunt, some dogs herd without biting, all the basic physical and personality traits that the breed is known for. If you blend 2 completely different ones together, it ends up with spiritual and phychological problems too. I think the best example is if you mix together a breed that herds other animals, and a breed that hunts, it will still chase at other animals, but once it gets there, it's soul is split down the middle if it wants to bite and eat it or just chase. It has 2 sets of exactly opposite instincts, but these are equally as powerful so it doesn't know what to do. So they end up with such horrible stress and mental problems in cases like this. (I've seen this almost as clearly in mixed humans, mixed from black and asian parents. These young men I knew had such extreme stress problems and depression, it's really obvious they had exactly this same problem. I've seen this in multiple different cases of black/asian mixes.) And at the same time, obviously they just don't have that strong genetic template that starts them at automatically a strong healthy confident level in every way, like a more purer breed would have. Now with dogs, if there was inbreeding a pure breed could still have some problems, but a pure breed from a gentile race obviously doesn't have any problems and in humans it's so much more clear to see how great and powerful a pure breed is. When you mix very different dog breeds, in most cases, you get a sickly weak confused animal prone to all kinds of diseases and defects, and full of totally conflicting opposing instincts, and overall just a more weaker and problematic genetic template. The problems accumulate from each breed, and the benefits from each breed are usually lost. But when you breed together two parents from the same breed or race, you have exactly the opposite effect as the benefits come together to create a stronger and improved child. Any little problem or defect in the genes is replaced by the other parent's healthy version of that same gene. But if the parents were different races, it wouldn't be able to fix each other like this because their genetic templates just wouldn't match up. With dogs these effects are usually so obvious and clear to see, but it works the same way with humans. Because this is just how dna works. Dna is a basic structure throughout nature, and it works the same no matter what kind of creature it's in.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Siralom said:

I want to add that even if the first race mixed human comes 'good' if they keep race mixing (wich is something that can happen more in a race mixed person because they are more confused) the offspring becomes more and more worse until there is nothing to do anymore. This is what the jews want to do...race mix everyone until we are all the same and all weak.

Animals have the instinct to not race mix. Like for example the Lion and the Tiger are pretty similar but they are different races and they never mix! Only the humans (probabily retarded that can not be called humans) tried to force them to mix and what come out was something that couldn't even reproduce and was weaker than the Tiger and Lion. Nature "punished" the offspring to not make it reproduce. There are rules in nature that have to be respected if not you'll seek the conseguences.
I was reading the sermon and stopped to take a bath and then in the while I got so emotined.I started to think what had just happened in my life.I time ago when I wasnt ss the biggest think could ever happen in my life was owning the lottery and then I faced Satanism.I'm sooo glad of your efforts.Every being working for Satan including him.This lifetime was the boundary from real death to eternity.I was drowning in the sea and you came.It's so mystical.I wish we meet after thousand of years when our time comes.When we turn something much greater.I dont know when Im going to complete the MO but if I do a past regression in the next lifetimes I would truly remember you and perpetuate the honor to be part of this.My secondary goal in this life is to work on my third eye until it pops up a real eye in my forehead so I'll never ever be lost again.Thank you all for giving me this unique oportunity.
Egon said:
The issue is that we cannot trust the (((academic))) interpretation of any area of study nowdays. What is known as the difference between 'race' and 'species' is blurry and cannot be taken very seriously. For example, many races considered as such could actualy even be different species, but because corruption in science this matter didn't develop in a way we can actually understand it.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
txg said:

Have you taken any detailed classes about genetics and biology?.

Hi Egon,

I get what you are saying and agree that most academics are not trustworthy or rigorous in their interpretations at the moment. I have personal insights I would like to offer on the subject.

The reason for the lack of trustworthy researchers has alot to do with universities (particularly the highly ranked ones - often a red flag for poor educative practices and jew influence in my opinion) actively not teaching undergraduates the right kind of scientific discourses which promote healthy skepticism, critical thinking and making certain that our most important objective findings in scientific literature are clearly understood (and instead teach in favour for politically correct nonsense - alot of sociology and other nonscientific fields sneak in and many fail to see which subjects are scientifically rigorous and which are not actually scientific, such as psychology for example), which permits graduates to know very little or even to have incorrect bodies of knowledge. Some of it also has to do with post-graduates and research candidates having their research proposals refused from receiving any financial grants or resources from universities if those proposals entail any intentions to research something that is not in line with the agendas and opinions of higher ups. It's quite tragic. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot simply study anything you want. Unless, of course, it's all out of your back pocket. But without a university to stand behind you and your work, which will give you the accreditation for other "academics" to take your work seriously, you are likely to find it very hard to have your research reach an audience.

This being considered, there are still a small number of academics out there who understand how to use creative and critical thinking, employ healthy and rational scrutiny and skepticism, and endeavour to study, develop and teach only the most truthful, objective, and rigorous science. Even if sometimes the findings are not convenient to the modern social sphere or any of its encompassed ideals and politically correct lessons. I consider myself amongst the latter cohort, small though it may be.* So for this reason, I don't think it's necessary to discount all academics, but certainly you are right in saying that most are not delivering trustworthy information.

The following I direct to all of us,

In regards to race as a term, it's important that we first define what we mean by race (the discussion of dog breeds has muddied the water for all of us here so far it seems).

It should not be confused with culture, people, ancestry, nationality, citizenship, religion, or background. It must be treated as a purely physical, quantifiable, and objectively measured set of parameters or features of human beings as a species which we can then use to class and group ourselves in races.

This was the purpose of the field of physical anthropology (also known as biological anthropology) up until around the 1950s. It was at this time that many professors (mostly Harvard graduates) decided that physical anthropology should no longer attempt to objectively study the races of humanity, and instead focus towards paleoanthropology and primatology, among some other areas of study, to explain in greater detail human variation.

Here is a website that links some older works written by physical anthropologists. You can see some progress developing in the explanation and understanding of the human races, and done without the total abandoning of scientific rigour, either. The updated works by Gunther are what I would consider to be fundamental reading to the SS. It was also very influential to Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler, from what I understand. Today, these works, among many others not listed, are collectively called "scientific racism" by the kike elites in universities. (It's very hilarious).


On a quick final note, I'll list the 5 basic requirements which need to be met for a field to be considered scientifically rigorous (a.k.a, "a science").

1. Clearly defined terminology.

2. Quantifiability.

3. Highly controlled experimental conditions.

4. Reproducicibility.

5. Predictability and testing.

For any reader who are not from a science background, or to those who are but need a refresher, then I would recommend remembering these basic requirements and then using them as a means of sorting the information you receive. Alternatively, some of the fields of science which display rigour and trustworthy practices (so long as they are not deviated from; people can still lie if they wish) are listed below for your convenience.

Biology [i.e., anthropology, physiology, genetics etc] Chemistry [i.e., biochemistry, organic chemistry, etc] Physics [i.e., Newtonian mechanics, thermodynamics, atomic theory, quantum mechanics, etc] Mathematics [i.e., linear algebra, calculus, geometry etc] Engineering and Astronomy to name a few.

*This being said, I no longer attend a university. This is because of how repulsive the whole of the education system has become. I do, however, feel it's very important to help bridge science with Satanism as much as possible. The two are not at odds, and all truthful science cooperates with the knowledge we have here perfectly. I intend to unravel the mechanics or physical workings of all our meditations and magick and share it with those here who would find that kind of thing interesting or useful. I find it very empowering to understand occult phenomena from an objective standpoint. It takes away any of the uncertainty of spiritual practice - which I admit, it was physics that led me to the occult and not the other way around; so for me, I must understand all that I do - and replaces it with grounded conviction and understanding.

Norse 88 said:
Egon said:
The issue is that we cannot trust the (((academic))) interpretation of any area of study nowdays. What is known as the difference between 'race' and 'species' is blurry and cannot be taken very seriously. For example, many races considered as such could actualy even be different species, but because corruption in science this matter didn't develop in a way we can actually understand it.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Have you taken any detailed classes about genetics and biology?.

Hi Egon,

I get what you are saying and agree that most academics are not trustworthy or rigorous in their interpretations at the moment. I have personal insights I would like to offer on the subject.

The reason for the lack of trustworthy researchers has alot to do with universities (particularly the highly ranked ones - often a red flag for poor educative practices and jew influence in my opinion) actively not teaching undergraduates the right kind of scientific discourses which promote healthy skepticism, critical thinking and making certain that our most important objective findings in scientific literature are clearly understood (and instead teach in favour for politically correct nonsense - alot of sociology and other nonscientific fields sneak in and many fail to see which subjects are scientifically rigorous and which are not actually scientific, such as psychology for example), which permits graduates to know very little or even to have incorrect bodies of knowledge. Some of it also has to do with post-graduates and research candidates having their research proposals refused from receiving any financial grants or resources from universities if those proposals entail any intentions to research something that is not in line with the agendas and opinions of higher ups. It's quite tragic. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot simply study anything you want. Unless, of course, it's all out of your back pocket. But without a university to stand behind you and your work, which will give you the accreditation for other "academics" to take your work seriously, you are likely to find it very hard to have your research reach an audience.

This being considered, there are still a small number of academics out there who understand how to use creative and critical thinking, employ healthy and rational scrutiny and skepticism, and endeavour to study, develop and teach only the most truthful, objective, and rigorous science. Even if sometimes the findings are not convenient to the modern social sphere or any of its encompassed ideals and politically correct lessons. I consider myself amongst the latter cohort, small though it may be.* So for this reason, I don't think it's necessary to discount all academics, but certainly you are right in saying that most are not delivering trustworthy information.

The following I direct to all of us,

In regards to race as a term, it's important that we first define what we mean by race (the discussion of dog breeds has muddied the water for all of us here so far it seems).

It should not be confused with culture, people, ancestry, nationality, citizenship, religion, or background. It must be treated as a purely physical, quantifiable, and objectively measured set of parameters or features of human beings as a species which we can then use to class and group ourselves in races.

This was the purpose of the field of physical anthropology (also known as biological anthropology) up until around the 1950s. It was at this time that many professors (mostly Harvard graduates) decided that physical anthropology should no longer attempt to objectively study the races of humanity, and instead focus towards paleoanthropology and primatology, among some other areas of study, to explain in greater detail human variation.

Here is a website that links some older works written by physical anthropologists. You can see some progress developing in the explanation and understanding of the human races, and done without the total abandoning of scientific rigour, either. The updated works by Gunther are what I would consider to be fundamental reading to the SS. It was also very influential to Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler, from what I understand. Today, these works, among many others not listed, are collectively called "scientific racism" by the kike elites in universities. (It's very hilarious).


On a quick final note, I'll list the 5 basic requirements which need to be met for a field to be considered scientifically rigorous (a.k.a, "a science").

1. Clearly defined terminology.

2. Quantifiability.

3. Highly controlled experimental conditions.

4. Reproducicibility.

5. Predictability and testing.

For any reader who are not from a science background, or to those who are but need a refresher, then I would recommend remembering these basic requirements and then using them as a means of sorting the information you receive. Alternatively, some of the fields of science which display rigour and trustworthy practices (so long as they are not deviated from; people can still lie if they wish) are listed below for your convenience.

Biology [i.e., anthropology, physiology, genetics etc] Chemistry [i.e., biochemistry, organic chemistry, etc] Physics [i.e., Newtonian mechanics, thermodynamics, atomic theory, quantum mechanics, etc] Mathematics [i.e., linear algebra, calculus, geometry etc] Engineering and Astronomy to name a few.

*This being said, I no longer attend a university. This is because of how repulsive the whole of the education system has become. I do, however, feel it's very important to help bridge science with Satanism as much as possible. The two are not at odds, and all truthful science cooperates with the knowledge we have here perfectly. I intend to unravel the mechanics or physical workings of all our meditations and magick and share it with those here who would find that kind of thing interesting or useful. I find it very empowering to understand occult phenomena from an objective standpoint. It takes away any of the uncertainty of spiritual practice - which I admit, it was physics that led me to the occult and not the other way around; so for me, I must understand all that I do - and replaces it with grounded conviction and understanding.


I really would appreciate a scientific explanation of the magick mechanics.These days I was wondering what is the difference between a spiritual working and a thought form.

For example: we can do a working with fehu for 40 days for atracting money and we can create a thought form to atract money as well.Both have the same objective but how the process happen with each one?

Another thing that I think is how psychic energy accumulate.Can it be measured?How much time energy starts to dissipate?

Just curiosities
muriceias said:
I really would appreciate a scientific explanation of the magick mechanics.These days I was wondering what is the difference between a spiritual working and a thought form.

For example: we can do a working with fehu for 40 days for atracting money and we can create a thought form to atract money as well.Both have the same objective but how the process happen with each one?

Another thing that I think is how psychic energy accumulate.Can it be measured?How much time energy starts to dissipate?

Just curiosities

Thank you for your reply, Muriceias.

I can assure you that what you're asking here is very scientifically grounded, explainable, testable, and, best of all, not metaphysics but real physics. I know it, and understand it, and it's taken me many years to find and accumulate all the knowledge so far, but much of it does not come in simple terms. The hard part is really in breaking down the complex mathematics and abstract language science uses and turning it into something people can relate to and feel empowered from, just as I do, but without needing a science education background.

Each of us here already does alot of incredibly advanced stuff in our meditations and magick regardless of any need to scientifically explain it - in fact, it is science who is trying to catch up to us! - but for the people who are naturally grounded in a passion for learning the physical sciences or for those who are simply curious, then learning it is helpful and adds to one's power, and so learning it should be kept simple and fun. All occult knowledge here is hand in hand with real science. I'll do my best to explain this to you without linear algebra, particle mechanics and so forth, but I'm still in the process of refining it all myself.

Thoughtforms and magick workings both stem from the same exact thing: thoughts. Essentially, if you are creativing a servitor to get you money, or vibrating Fehu everyday for a fixed number of repititions, then you are in both cases your mind is the starting point. This is the place where a thought is conceptualised by you to, in this case, get money to you so that you can have it. The next step is then to figure out the best method for you to achieve your goal. Fehu and Thoughtforms are not inherently money making devices, but both can be steered towards the purpose of attracting wealth of some kind. Already, we can start to see that even though these spiritual workings are different from each other, that it is not unreasonable that they can both be capable of performing similarly to each other. As far as 40 day workings go, or making a servitor, both are engagements where a consistent effort is a requirement for the magician. If he wishes to be successful here, then he must expend mental energy, focus, concentration and so forth from his mind and put them as best he can into these workings. The mind, or, the soul rather where you experience your consciousness and feel autonomy, is putting specific energy into a specific task for a specific length of time for a specific outcome.

The mind is objective and measurable. It exists not within normal 3D space as our bodies do, but very much links to our bodies in a coupling mechanism with the brain to send/receive energetic charge (electrical impulse) which then go out to the body and your cells and the universe around you, or conversely come to your conscious mind as experiences and new information. The 40 day workings relate to lunar cycle lengths, and each time a moon goes new and then all the way through the cycle to being new again, a certain checkpoint is passes where electric and magnetic forces in us and on the Earth are also energized and refreshed, if you will, and if something is kept actively involved energetically within you for a completed cycle, then when that refresh happens, then it becomes imprinted and permanent. If the thought form is powered up everyday by your own energy, then it falls apart or goes undesirably as well. Thought forms aren't permanent for 40 day workings because you actively create them as separate and non-personal energetic bundles. Strong ones need strong masters to destroy them afterwards, just as a 40 day working would need a decent effort if you wanted to undo it. We unconciously do a lot of 40 day workings to damage ourselves in school, and other places as hidden subversion tactics from the enemy. If you pray as xian every night before bed, then soon enough you will have got a few new kike workings under your belt constantly destroying you, but you would never know it. The same goes for the common belief that it takes 6 weeks to break a habit or learn a new one (6 x 7days = 42 days .... obviously psychology is run by kikes so the number 6 is much better to their causes and your demise than saying it takes 40 days to break a bad habit or learn a new one).

Psychic energy can be measured and certainly it does accumulate. Energy will dissipate depending on different factors, for the SS, we should at least just know that stronger minds are minds with knowledge, and the stronger you are, then the slower your energy will dissipate. The point of the magnum opus is to completely stop the energetic dissipation process so that your energetic framework ceases to degrade naturally. But before all of this you need to ask yourself: what is energy? what do you think it looks like? does it have a natural state? When you boil it down, psychic energy is more easily understood as being the same energy as any thing else, the only difference is what it's converted into. For the sake of keeping it simple, all energy comes from a dimensional built into everything of the universe, like an undulating ocean of endless and formless potentiality. It cannot be exhausted. It is where the mind is, and from there your thoughts can become energised enough manifest into relate as subatomic particles call neutrinos, with further energy put into them, they become photons of light. Light is an electromagnetic field, and this is very important to remember, because essentially all energy in the universe can understood as electromagnetic (electric and magnetic forces underpin the four quadrants of the soul, and also the elements - this is clearly spelled out on the JoS website). Psychic energy could be understood as EM energy, accumulation is expressed in vibrations; high frequencies have higher energies and meditations often cause tingling feelings for this reason, and too much advanced meditation can do you harm from electric and magnetic overloading.

The hotter something is, the greater it is vibrating, the greater something is vibrating, the more energy it has. Psychic energy is not in your brain. It is the capacity in which you can manage and direct thoughts from the endless ocean of energy in which they come from and turn them into electromagnetic energy, aka, light, for the physical reality to be influenced by. Your brain is the midway point between receiving electricmagnetic impulses from the mind, and sending it to the body, as well as receving electricmagnetic energy from the body and external environment and then passing it back to the mind.

I hope this helps. If you're not satisfied, and want more discrete terminology, then here are some topics you can might like to investigate.


Those websites have some interesting information to start with, but some of it can be technically demanding. Let me know if you have any questions or want me to clarify something I said. I'm still learning and processing this stuff as well.
Norse 88 said:
muriceias said:
I really would appreciate a scientific explanation of the magick mechanics.These days I was wondering what is the difference between a spiritual working and a thought form.

For example: we can do a working with fehu for 40 days for atracting money and we can create a thought form to atract money as well.Both have the same objective but how the process happen with each one?

Another thing that I think is how psychic energy accumulate.Can it be measured?How much time energy starts to dissipate?

Just curiosities

Thank you for your reply, Muriceias.

I can assure you that what you're asking here is very scientifically grounded, explainable, testable, and, best of all, not metaphysics but real physics. I know it, and understand it, and it's taken me many years to find and accumulate all the knowledge so far, but much of it does not come in simple terms. The hard part is really in breaking down the complex mathematics and abstract language science uses and turning it into something people can relate to and feel empowered from, just as I do, but without needing a science education background.

Each of us here already does alot of incredibly advanced stuff in our meditations and magick regardless of any need to scientifically explain it - in fact, it is science who is trying to catch up to us! - but for the people who are naturally grounded in a passion for learning the physical sciences or for those who are simply curious, then learning it is helpful and adds to one's power, and so learning it should be kept simple and fun. All occult knowledge here is hand in hand with real science. I'll do my best to explain this to you without linear algebra, particle mechanics and so forth, but I'm still in the process of refining it all myself.

Thoughtforms and magick workings both stem from the same exact thing: thoughts. Essentially, if you are creativing a servitor to get you money, or vibrating Fehu everyday for a fixed number of repititions, then you are in both cases your mind is the starting point. This is the place where a thought is conceptualised by you to, in this case, get money to you so that you can have it. The next step is then to figure out the best method for you to achieve your goal. Fehu and Thoughtforms are not inherently money making devices, but both can be steered towards the purpose of attracting wealth of some kind. Already, we can start to see that even though these spiritual workings are different from each other, that it is not unreasonable that they can both be capable of performing similarly to each other. As far as 40 day workings go, or making a servitor, both are engagements where a consistent effort is a requirement for the magician. If he wishes to be successful here, then he must expend mental energy, focus, concentration and so forth from his mind and put them as best he can into these workings. The mind, or, the soul rather where you experience your consciousness and feel autonomy, is putting specific energy into a specific task for a specific length of time for a specific outcome.

The mind is objective and measurable. It exists not within normal 3D space as our bodies do, but very much links to our bodies in a coupling mechanism with the brain to send/receive energetic charge (electrical impulse) which then go out to the body and your cells and the universe around you, or conversely come to your conscious mind as experiences and new information. The 40 day workings relate to lunar cycle lengths, and each time a moon goes new and then all the way through the cycle to being new again, a certain checkpoint is passes where electric and magnetic forces in us and on the Earth are also energized and refreshed, if you will, and if something is kept actively involved energetically within you for a completed cycle, then when that refresh happens, then it becomes imprinted and permanent. If the thought form is powered up everyday by your own energy, then it falls apart or goes undesirably as well. Thought forms aren't permanent for 40 day workings because you actively create them as separate and non-personal energetic bundles. Strong ones need strong masters to destroy them afterwards, just as a 40 day working would need a decent effort if you wanted to undo it. We unconciously do a lot of 40 day workings to damage ourselves in school, and other places as hidden subversion tactics from the enemy. If you pray as xian every night before bed, then soon enough you will have got a few new kike workings under your belt constantly destroying you, but you would never know it. The same goes for the common belief that it takes 6 weeks to break a habit or learn a new one (6 x 7days = 42 days .... obviously psychology is run by kikes so the number 6 is much better to their causes and your demise than saying it takes 40 days to break a bad habit or learn a new one).

Psychic energy can be measured and certainly it does accumulate. Energy will dissipate depending on different factors, for the SS, we should at least just know that stronger minds are minds with knowledge, and the stronger you are, then the slower your energy will dissipate. The point of the magnum opus is to completely stop the energetic dissipation process so that your energetic framework ceases to degrade naturally. But before all of this you need to ask yourself: what is energy? what do you think it looks like? does it have a natural state? When you boil it down, psychic energy is more easily understood as being the same energy as any thing else, the only difference is what it's converted into. For the sake of keeping it simple, all energy comes from a dimensional built into everything of the universe, like an undulating ocean of endless and formless potentiality. It cannot be exhausted. It is where the mind is, and from there your thoughts can become energised enough manifest into relate as subatomic particles call neutrinos, with further energy put into them, they become photons of light. Light is an electromagnetic field, and this is very important to remember, because essentially all energy in the universe can understood as electromagnetic (electric and magnetic forces underpin the four quadrants of the soul, and also the elements - this is clearly spelled out on the JoS website). Psychic energy could be understood as EM energy, accumulation is expressed in vibrations; high frequencies have higher energies and meditations often cause tingling feelings for this reason, and too much advanced meditation can do you harm from electric and magnetic overloading.

The hotter something is, the greater it is vibrating, the greater something is vibrating, the more energy it has. Psychic energy is not in your brain. It is the capacity in which you can manage and direct thoughts from the endless ocean of energy in which they come from and turn them into electromagnetic energy, aka, light, for the physical reality to be influenced by. Your brain is the midway point between receiving electricmagnetic impulses from the mind, and sending it to the body, as well as receving electricmagnetic energy from the body and external environment and then passing it back to the mind.

I hope this helps. If you're not satisfied, and want more discrete terminology, then here are some topics you can might like to investigate.


Those websites have some interesting information to start with, but some of it can be technically demanding. Let me know if you have any questions or want me to clarify something I said. I'm still learning and processing this stuff as well.

Thank you for your effort writing this interesting info and for sharing the links.I'll take my time to read them.

Have you ever put a magnet in a table and move it with another one under the table? I imagine magick like that.The table is the boundary from the material world to the spiritual and one influence the other through magnetism. Fantastic! I feel very prouded to practice something so advanced to our time :D .
muriceias said:
Thank you for your effort writing this interesting info and for sharing the links.I'll take my time to read them.

Have you ever put a magnet in a table and move it with another one under the table? I imagine magick like that.The table is the boundary from the material world to the spiritual and one influence the other through magnetism. Fantastic! I feel very prouded to practice something so advanced to our time :D .

I certainly have! I think your analogy works well. My scientific rationale asserts similarly that the hidden magnet (spiritual world) is the dimension of infinite energy where the mind lives; the table is the brain (the electric and magnetic receiver between worlds), and the magnet on the tabletop is the material world.

I'm very proud of learning this stuff too. I'm also really honoured to have others like me appreciate my knowledge and talents, so thank you. There's not many people out there who understand us.


P.S. I made a mistake before about the lunar cycle being 40 days; it's 29.5 days. I have forgotten why 40 day cycles do what they do (but they do do it, so don't stress).

Lastly, I felt I ought to clarify why I avoid using heavy maths and so forth: I like to use descriptive language, concepts and visualisations because they keep the creative mind (sub-conscious, intuition and psychic faculties) open and thus, the ability to learn is so much better. HP Mageson mentioned not too long ago why symbolism in pyramids, for example, is a great way to teach important concepts to a future that will not speak the ancient Egyptian language nor have much spiritual knowledge. The creative mind can access intuitive messages this way, and obviously we have done that. So on that note, please don't feel offended or patronised as if I'm trying to dumb down the science for you or other readers (in case you or anyone felt I was).
muriceias said:
Norse 88 said:
muriceias said:

Thank you for your effort writing this interesting info and for sharing the links.I'll take my time to read them.

Have you ever put a magnet in a table and move it with another one under the table? I imagine magick like that.The table is the boundary from the material world to the spiritual and one influence the other through magnetism. Fantastic! I feel very prouded to practice something so advanced to our time :D .
Keep in mind that telekinesis require a lot of energy and concentration. If you are new then you don't have probabily enough energy to do that unless you have meditated in a past life and you are powerful, you obviously Can try to do it anyway and it is a good exercise even for a void meditation, if you meditate everyday and try to do this everyday then you'll sure have some results (like moving small things!) Wich is awesome anyway!

By the way great informations Norse 88 :D
Everything we do is scientific, just science today doesn't because jews.
Norse 88 said:
muriceias said:
Thank you for your effort writing this interesting info and for sharing the links.I'll take my time to read them.

Have you ever put a magnet in a table and move it with another one under the table? I imagine magick like that.The table is the boundary from the material world to the spiritual and one influence the other through magnetism. Fantastic! I feel very prouded to practice something so advanced to our time :D .

I certainly have! I think your analogy works well. My scientific rationale asserts similarly that the hidden magnet (spiritual world) is the dimension of infinite energy where the mind lives; the table is the brain (the electric and magnetic receiver between worlds), and the magnet on the tabletop is the material world.

I'm very proud of learning this stuff too. I'm also really honoured to have others like me appreciate my knowledge and talents, so thank you. There's not many people out there who understand us.


P.S. I made a mistake before about the lunar cycle being 40 days; it's 29.5 days. I have forgotten why 40 day cycles do what they do (but they do do it, so don't stress).

Lastly, I felt I ought to clarify why I avoid using heavy maths and so forth: I like to use descriptive language, concepts and visualisations because they keep the creative mind (sub-conscious, intuition and psychic faculties) open and thus, the ability to learn is so much better. HP Mageson mentioned not too long ago why symbolism in pyramids, for example, is a great way to teach important concepts to a future that will not speak the ancient Egyptian language nor have much spiritual knowledge. The creative mind can access intuitive messages this way, and obviously we have done that. So on that note, please don't feel offended or patronised as if I'm trying to dumb down the science for you or other readers (in case you or anyone felt I was).

I agree with you about heavy math.Before I was ss I thought that solving hard equations would make me smarter or open my mind but now I see things very differently.

When I was at high school people thought I was so smart because I was very good at math :lol: .All that I did was to memorize the multplication table and follow steps.So stupid...There was some people that even called me a Cyborg and I really looked like one.

Now I see calculus as a tool and the knowledge/concepts a much higher thing and more important to grasp.
luis said:
muriceias said:
Norse 88 said:
Thank you for your effort writing this interesting info and for sharing the links.I'll take my time to read them.

Have you ever put a magnet in a table and move it with another one under the table? I imagine magick like that.The table is the boundary from the material world to the spiritual and one influence the other through magnetism. Fantastic! I feel very prouded to practice something so advanced to our time :D .
Keep in mind that telekinesis require a lot of energy and concentration. If you are new then you don't have probabily enough energy to do that unless you have meditated in a past life and you are powerful, you obviously Can try to do it anyway and it is a good exercise even for a void meditation, if you meditate everyday and try to do this everyday then you'll sure have some results (like moving small things!) Wich is awesome anyway!

By the way great informations Norse 88 :D
Everything we do is scientific, just science today doesn't because jews.

Sorry, actually I was talking about this:


If you move the upper magnet the lower will follow and vice versa.

For me telekinesis is fancy but pyrokinesis is fancier.If you was lost in the woods you could at least make a fire.
luis said:
By the way great informations Norse 88 :D
Everything we do is scientific, just science today doesn't because jews.

Thank you very much, Luis. It's my pleasure. I've got plenty more scientific-occult information to give, and I really enjoy helping out JoS with it when I can.

And you're quite right - I couldn't agree more.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
muriceias said:
For me telekinesis is fancy but pyrokinesis is fancier.If you was lost in the woods you could at least make a fire.

Look at Les Stroud he can make a fire anywhere from anything, doesn't need pyrokinesis. Learning how he does it is a lot easier and more likely than mastering pyrokinesis. :p

:lol: He mastered survivorkinesis

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
