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Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
nebu said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=409080 time=1671932271 user_id=21286]
Otherwise, it would still make sense to clear out karma attached to one's Sun, Venus, and Jupiter which could hinder their overall ability to attract wealth.
blitzkrieg, the most effective is usually to start by removing the affairs of the house than the sign itself?
general affirmation of removing negative karma and obstacles, is it good and functional? even though the focus of the cleaning is on wealth and money

Affirmation Target + Function of an Affirmation

No, the most effective working is that which targets the most important priority in your life. If you focus on a specific house or planet, you may fall short of fixing the largest obstacle within your life, as many problems can span multiple areas, like wealth.

Negative karma as a whole is a very broad category. You can specify that you are removing any negative karma or obstacles from a specific aspect of yourself, such as social behavior, happiness, intelligence, energy, etc. However, if you try to remove all karma from yourself at once, then this is too broad.

I get a lot of questions on affirmations and so it is important to clarify what the point of an affirmation is: The affirmation is simply a written statement to guide your intentions and program your energy with.

The key point here is not within the words itself, but in how well your intention is focused on transforming a goal. This can take some practice as you are translating what you sense in your mind onto paper with words. However, because the words themselves are not the critical part, then you can use whatever works for you, even if it violates grammar rules or includes literally nonsensical words.

The only stipulation is that whatever you have written must be used to reliably channel your intention and energy onto completing the objective that you are trying to accomplish.


Translation of Thought into Words

With the above in mind, some people should be more confident in their own abilities here. You don't necessarily need assistance to write a statement to fix what you already see in your own head (like gaining wealth or something you are unhappy about). In this case, you can already focus energy onto onto this concept or object well enough.

At the same time, affirmations do help and I understand why people may want help here. Those who have stronger Mercurial abilities are more able to analyze, process, define, and therefore write out statements which describe the energetic process for their affirmation.

From a runic perspective, while Mannaz helps with the abilities of the mind itself, Ansuz is the rune specific to communications and the act of translation (not just between languages, but between the mind and paper, or from expert to layman). We can use these energies to improve our understanding and application of occult principles.

Beyond the fault of laziness towards building affirmations, there can occur a problem as one attempts to reverse this process. In other words, what I have given you as an affirmation may mean something different to you than it does to me. My understanding of basic words like "health", "business", "organization", or "safety" could be different from how you view them.

In most cases this may not matter too much, however we can see that there is the possibility for the written affirmation to fail to communicate the full idea of the working. Therefore, it is important to practice creating your own affirmations to avoid this problem, as well as train your ability as an SS to problem-solve in this way.

If we help others though, it is important that we write a few sentences describing what we want accomplished by the working and affirmation, including defining what certain words or phrases mean. Then, a reader can more easily understand what you are attempting to convey.

Have some faith in yourself, but also take this subject seriously. For those who genuinely struggle here, apply the above solutions to improve this.


Affirmation Characteristics

In addition, we must think about the length and detail of one's affirmation. You may ask yourself "Why not just write out every detail that you need to target with the working?" Wouldn't this resolve the problem of having to define our affirmations to other people?

When we make a death spell, should we specify that the energy "enters the victim's nose, goes down and hits the heart, takes a left--err I mean it takes a right turn and goes to the brain" and so on? No! This creates unnecessary limits by distracting from the focus on the end goal; let the energy work in an efficient way.

On a similar note, why not just make the affirmation broad so we don't have to worry about this? Why cannot we make our affirmation to just solve our problem "in all ways, totally, strongly, with grace and excellence, as quick and possible, with a cherry on top, and permanently as well?" Surely this means nothing can go wrong? Actually, the opposite is true and the working will end up accomplishing nothing as the energies get dispersed into too many directions.

If you recall what was stated above, the function of an affirmation is to guide our intention and energy. Therefore, affirmation characteristics, like length and detail, influence the quality of our focus, as well as the efficiency of the working, for better or worse.

If your written affirmation is too long, then this will clearly strain your ability to focus on what is trying to be accomplished. Without sacrificing the actual function of the working, we have to be concise with our phrasing and words. This can involve directly shortening specific phrases or rearranging the entire affirmation. This also includes eliminating unnecessary redundancies.

The affirmation needs enough words for us to focus, but not too many that we lose sight of what we actually want accomplished.

At the same time, we can compensate for a simple lack of focus by going slower, as well as pausing between affirmations to more strongly visualize our goal. We can also continue to visualize after completing our set of affirmations. All of this will continue to aid the application of your will onto the energy being manipulated.

To conclude: focus on your goal and only the essential additions to this. Don't get lost in the details itself, unless they are critical. Remember that energy will flow in the most efficient way possible. Keep the end goal clear and concise, then let the energy do the work.


Energy Efficiency

It is one thing to damage your focus while manipulating energy, but it is a different problem to actually ruin the efficiency of your working based on what you want to accomplish.

To elaborate, we know that our energy is not infinite. Although it is hard for us to define our power output at one point in time, we do know that it is some finite amount which has to be used in a smart manner if we are to make good progress on our larger goals. Therefore, we have to chose how exactly we apply our finite energy either to ourselves or the world around us.

As we saw from the quoted question above, we do not want to be focusing on a specific house of our chart when the problem can exist elsewhere. While it is not necessary a bad idea to focus on a house or planet that we identify as problematic, usually we have plenty of already-known problems to fix first, which would take priority.

One way to analyze your workings includes asking questions:
-Questions based on effort:
"How much energy will this working require to solve?"
"Is it realistic for me to attempt this?"
"Is this working too specific and limited?"

-Questions based on advancement relativity:
"What do I need to solve to advance the quickest?"
"Does this address one of my weaknesses?"

-Questions based on priority of time:
"Am I wasting time by attempting this?"
“Should I work on something else?”
"What do I need to do first?"
"Is my working supported astrologically?"

Questions based on energy solution:
"Does this energy best apply to my problem?"
"Are these runes helpful or unrelated to my goal?"
"Am I generating enough energy to make a difference?"

In short, we are trying to determine the value of a certain working based upon its efficiency and its relevance to our larger goals. This can clash with simple interests or desires.

To give a more clear example, we may try to do something simple like “improve our natal Sun in a positive way”. While this is a good start, it is also important to know that our natal Sun encompasses a broad scope: including vitality, an aspect of power/wealth, confidence, relations with father figures, and acting/self expression.

It is possible for someone to have some aspects of these covered by other planets. For example, Mars can compensate for one’s health and aggression, but not for wealth. In this case, we would change the affirmation to target ambition, power within a career/organization, or confidence and self expression.

Similarly, when we study the runes, we can see that there is an overlap between some of the functions of runes, but one should be clearly better than another. For example, both Sowilo and Thurisaz can increase health or masculine behaviors, but Sowilo empowers all qualities of the soul, whereas Thurisaz is more limited to improvement of activity. Sowilo inspires confidence in all areas of life, whereas Thurisaz is limited more to the extremes of life or destruction.

To make a good decision on this, one should have a basic understanding of their natal chart and available solutions (runes, energy colors, planetary mantras, etc), as well as consult the Gods to know where they need to improve.



Once we have decided on the problem we are attempting to solve, then we pick the energy which best relates to this. After we define our objectives and solution, we develop our affirmation around the result/manifestation of this energetic process in action:

Energy being manipulated: Sowilo, Sun Square, Surya
Target: Myself
Goal: Improve self esteem and expression.
Conditions: Needs to be permanent and needs to be positive.

Therefore, we can come up with something like:

“This energy of Sowilo has permanently improved my self esteem and self expression, in a fully positive way for me.” x8

Then, we would visualize the white-gold solar energy interacting with ourselves and upgrading it. With visualizations you can be creative as long as it makes sense to you.

For example, perhaps you visualize the energy interacting with your chest and throat, filling you with a warm feeling of confidence and also improving the ability to express your thoughts, desires, and feelings onto the world. Also notice how the energy has permanently upgraded you, as if you have leveled up in a video game. Lastly, see and feel your happiness with the result, knowing that it is positive.

Alternatively, we may understand that we have health problems, but we may not know exactly how to address this. If we simply suffer from low energy, then it is ok to do general affirmations to remove vitality problems. Yet, if we have clear problems in our body that impede our work or comfort, then it would be better to target these directly.

Knowledge of the best rune for the working is key to being efficient. Many runes will share properties with one another, but not all are necessary. Picking more runes just for the sake of it is not smart here.
In the health example, Uruz is the best rune for health as it pertains to organic patterns (health). Yet, if the problem is specific to inflammation, then Berkano or Laguz may work better here. Similarly, although both Uruz and Berkano can help with social problems, Wunjo is the most specific to this.

If we are going to do a freeing working to resolve a health problem, then we should choose Uruz, as it possess both freeing and healing properties. Then we can make something like:

“This Uruz energy has permanently healed any issues [with my organ]/[pertaining to these symptoms] in the best way for me.” x9

Hopefully this post has helped people, but please reply if you feel like something else needs discussion.

For further examples of affirmations, please view Blitzkreig [JG]: Sun Square Thread.

Thanks for reading.
thank you very much future hp blitzkreig
this question makes me more curious and want to know more currently, because i did a 40-day release to remove specific problems like a laser to acquire wealth and money, but there are still some things that hinder me, and i keep asking myself what the fuck am i going to do

and with your clarification, i can only think of taking the ruling meaning of the planets i suspect, adapting and removing
nebu said:
this question makes me more curious and want to know more currently, because i did a 40-day release to remove specific problems like a laser to acquire wealth and money, but there are still some things that hinder me, and i keep asking myself what the fuck am i going to do

and with your clarification, i can only think of taking the ruling meaning of the planets i suspect, adapting and removing

In your case, it sounds like the affirmation was fine (removing any obstacles to wealth), but you likely have to continue this working. Combine this with planetary squares and this should do a lot to improve your situation.

Wealth as a whole is a very broad category that spans many planets and houses. This might sound discouraging, but it also means there is a much larger potential for growth, as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412514 time=1673284656 user_id=21286]

Combine this with planetary squares and this should do a lot to improve your situation.

to make money and attract wealth, or removing obstacles again?
nebu said:
thank you very much future hp blitzkreig
this question makes me more curious and want to know more currently, because i did a 40-day release to remove specific problems like a laser to acquire wealth and money, but there are still some things that hinder me, and i keep asking myself what the fuck am i going to do

and with your clarification, i can only think of taking the ruling meaning of the planets i suspect, adapting and removing

Wealth genuinely takes time, I noticed a several week delay before I could notice a difference. It is working, don't doubt your ability. Some problems, especially wealth, require multiple workings.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412474 time=1673261803 user_id=21286]
Thanks for reading.

Thank you for writing it.
If you share a crypto address I'll send you some crypto gratitude.
DeepScrub said:
Wealth genuinely takes time, I noticed a several week delay before I could notice a difference. It is working, don't doubt your ability. Some problems, especially wealth, require multiple workings.

hello brother, thanks for the support and comment, i feel this strangeness, because i manifest my goals very quickly, like, less than half of the work i already see a lot of improvement in practically anything

hail satan
This is a superb and great in-detail post about constructing workings and programming energies properly. Very in-depth, especially in describing how this can tie into one's planets and astrology. Definitely reminded me of my own erroneous tendencies of making affirmations too long and detailed. A very big help! Definitely a good post for the library in my opinion. Thanks for writing this :)
Very interesting thank you brother. I just wonder how is saying (in returning curses) "The light is cleaning and removing any and all negative energy" that much different than "any and all negative karma"?
This upcoming January 15th, 2022. There is a freeing the soul date.

If I choose this date do 108 Munka(I know how to vibrate it properly); albeit I don't know if Rune > Munka or Munka > Rune, the Ansuz rune seems interesting to use non the less.

But my affirmation x9 is "I am totally, completely, and permanently free from any and all negative karma" x9, visualization will the white-gold energy in through my body and out to my aura.

In your above quoted example:

Negative karma as a whole is a very broad category. You can specify that you are removing any negative karma or obstacles from a specific aspect of yourself, such as social behavior, happiness, intelligence, energy, etc. However, if you try to remove all karma from yourself at once, then this is too broad.

Specifically this. If I don't know my exact problem(I do have some inkling but...); but I'd like to do this working for as long as possible and extract any and all negative karma. Hell if 40 days goes well bump it to 90, if 90, then 180, if 180 then 270, if 270 then 365, if 365 then 720.

Yeah I'm willing to murk all the negative karma doing a two year working. Jan. 15th, 2023 -> Jan. 4th, 2025.

Is this a failure? Should I be specifying specific things and using the multiple dates in the Calendar to free the soul for 40/90 days.

I'm not sure how most people treat 40/90 days. I've read of some people going 40 days is fine for a number of people needing to go to 90 is some outliers out there.

Is freeing the soul THAT powerful that 108 vibrations murkulates the negative karma your specifically targeting?

One member replied to me in the questions and answers thread. That they did a general working and out popped a specific issue so they applied a specific target and the general working helped them discover the main issue.

I guess my most pressing issue that I've suffered for many years is this crippling compulsion to think. My air element is poor and I use it in a quirky way. I'm always thinking, processing, walking around, talking to myself. Relationship wise yeah another, financial etc.etc.

I can pinpoint stuff but I just don't know if an entire year's worth of freeing the soul can be useful. If going 40 minimum and 90 at most.

I'd like the general working but this article popped up making me think otherwise.
This is an excellently put together guide, very concise and easily understandable for everyone.

If there are any further clarifications needed please do ask on that thread.
I’ve been working on communicating better with the gods and opening my astral senses.

The affirmation I use is:“the energy of ansuz is amplifying permanently my capacity to communicate with the gods and my astral senses” x16

After vibrating the rune and cleaning my soul I visualise my GD in front of me talking to me.

I only use the rune ansuz x16 (4x4), but while I was reading this great topic an idea came to my mind, that I should add another rune to make this work stronger.

I was thinking in sowilo but it doesn’t convence me at all, dagaz looks like a greater idea having in mind that “Represents the climax of orgasm where the objective of the working is realized. Like the planet Uranus, this rune gives flashes of intuition and knowledge.”

Please let me know what do you think about it.

Again thank you so much for this topic, if I already have a great idea of how to create my own affirmations and why it’s not about the affirmation itself but what does it mean to the mind, the topic just clarify it even more in a very methodical but simple way that any person could understand.
One of the best posters on here is Blitz.

learned alot from him.
This made me realize I have been focusing too much on words as if words could express my intention without myself focusing properly. It's silly now that I think of it. Thank you!
Hi Blitz, I was going to start thinking, what are all the spiritual elements needed to be empowered so attracting wealth can be progressive.
I had that thought that if all aspects on working these are covered, coupled with a continual removal of obstacles, then the work gets easier and results better.
So, can you help out on spelling out if my ideas are right and elements or points to focus on, for example, I know a strong solar plexus, strong earth or water to attract money.
So when you do a spell.. or right out of Prayer of feelings or need help or to be directed and guided into something.. to State your affirmation to get your word out clear and to end a spell or a ritual with the right word of though behind it. To add to the spell more strength and gratitude. Adding to the power to make it stronger. Especially after doing an RTR and such
DarkDan666 said:
Very interesting thank you brother. I just wonder how is saying (in returning curses) "The light is cleaning and removing any and all negative energy" that much different than "any and all negative karma"?

Always remeber reading HPS Maxine saying SS dont get effected by Karma mainly as we dont beleive in it.
nebu said:
to make money and attract wealth, or removing obstacles again?

If you have a lot of karma in regards to wealth, then it would make sense to apply another soul-freeing working, in addition to adding more positive wealth karma onto your soul.

Master.mind said:
Thank you for writing it.
If you share a crypto address I'll send you some crypto gratitude.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't personally need it. If you want to donate, I would recommend donating to JoS itself.

DarkDan666 said:
Very interesting thank you brother. I just wonder how is saying (in returning curses) "The light is cleaning and removing any and all negative energy" that much different than "any and all negative karma"?

Negative karma and negative energy can overlap in some sense, but they are different. Negative karma is made worse by negative energy, or can be created by trauma or exposure to negative energy. However, negative karma relates more to concepts like behaviors or structures within our soul that may be creating negative circumstances.

For example, if someone learns a bad behavior, such as alcohol addiction, this represents negative karma which promotes for this bad behavior. The individual may have cravings, withdrawals, and so on, even if they clean their aura and chakras. At this point, the person would need to do a full 40+ day freeing working to resolve this addiction.

You can see all the combinations of planets within astrology to see where negative karma may come from. Someone can have a weak Sun, for example, but this is not necessarily from negative energy like a curse, but it could be due to an aspect of their Sun to their Neptune.

So to come back to your original question, when we do cleaning, this is to remove any negative energy, like dirt, impurities, curses, etc which may be dragging the soul down. It represents a more general form of advancement into a higher plane of existence, since the soul is cleaner and shining brighter.

Someone could fix their alcohol addiction but neglect to clean their soul and vice versa, where cleaning may not completely get rid of an addiction. This can be a little confusing because there is an overlap of these concepts, but I think of karma as the structure of the soul, whereas negative energy from cleaning as like dirt which may overlap that.

Gear88 said:
Is this a failure? Should I be specifying specific things and using the multiple dates in the Calendar to free the soul for 40/90 days.

I'm not sure how most people treat 40/90 days. I've read of some people going 40 days is fine for a number of people needing to go to 90 is some outliers out there.

Is freeing the soul THAT powerful that 108 vibrations murkulates the negative karma your specifically targeting?

One member replied to me in the questions and answers thread. That they did a general working and out popped a specific issue so they applied a specific target and the general working helped them discover the main issue.

I guess my most pressing issue that I've suffered for many years is this crippling compulsion to think. My air element is poor and I use it in a quirky way. I'm always thinking, processing, walking around, talking to myself. Relationship wise yeah another, financial etc.etc.

I can pinpoint stuff but I just don't know if an entire year's worth of freeing the soul can be useful. If going 40 minimum and 90 at most.

I'd like the general working but this article popped up making me think otherwise.

When I was newer I did a general working like yours, but I added "in a positive way for me". What happened was that it basically started with what was probably the worst of my karma, however it definitely didn't fix everything. Every planet in your chart can have multiple aspects of negative karma, including the sign itself.

Ideally, you find a middle ground between super specific and general so that you can do perhaps 80-120 days and get good results.

If I was you, I would just pick Munka and program it to free you from any negative behavior, obstacles, or karma associated with your thinking patterns, in the best way for you. This fits that "middle ground" and it will start with the karma which hinders your prosperity the most.

Instead of looking at just at planets with air signs, you have to look at Mercury itself and any aspects to it. Having planets in the third house as well as planets in Virgo would also alter your thinking behaviors. However, you already know what you want to work, so you don't have to directly identify it.

Alternatively, you can use Munka to target "any negative karma or obstacles which prevent me from advancing as a spiritual satanist, in the best way for me". This would target any overthinking, but also tendencies to want to think rather than act. It could also target something like Neptune aspects which create escapism.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412722 time=1673363991 user_id=21286]
nebu said:
to make money and attract wealth, or removing obstacles again?

If you have a lot of karma in regards to wealth, then it would make sense to apply another soul-freeing working, in addition to adding more positive wealth karma onto your soul.

Master.mind said:
Thank you for writing it.
If you share a crypto address I'll send you some crypto gratitude.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't personally need it. If you want to donate, I would recommend donating to JoS itself.

DarkDan666 said:
Very interesting thank you brother. I just wonder how is saying (in returning curses) "The light is cleaning and removing any and all negative energy" that much different than "any and all negative karma"?

Negative karma and negative energy can overlap in some sense, but they are different. Negative karma is made worse by negative energy, or can be created by trauma or exposure to negative energy. However, negative karma relates more to concepts like behaviors or structures within our soul that may be creating negative circumstances.

For example, if someone learns a bad behavior, such as alcohol addiction, this represents negative karma which promotes for this bad behavior. The individual may have cravings, withdrawals, and so on, even if they clean their aura and chakras. At this point, the person would need to do a full 40+ day freeing working to resolve this addiction.

You can see all the combinations of planets within astrology to see where negative karma may come from. Someone can have a weak Sun, for example, but this is not necessarily from negative energy like a curse, but it could be due to an aspect of their Sun to their Neptune.

So to come back to your original question, when we do cleaning, this is to remove any negative energy, like dirt, impurities, curses, etc which may be dragging the soul down. It represents a more general form of advancement into a higher plane of existence, since the soul is cleaner and shining brighter.

Someone could fix their alcohol addiction but neglect to clean their soul and vice versa, where cleaning may not completely get rid of an addiction. This can be a little confusing because there is an overlap of these concepts, but I think of karma as the structure of the soul, whereas negative energy from cleaning as like dirt which may overlap that.

Gear88 said:
Is this a failure? Should I be specifying specific things and using the multiple dates in the Calendar to free the soul for 40/90 days.

I'm not sure how most people treat 40/90 days. I've read of some people going 40 days is fine for a number of people needing to go to 90 is some outliers out there.

Is freeing the soul THAT powerful that 108 vibrations murkulates the negative karma your specifically targeting?

One member replied to me in the questions and answers thread. That they did a general working and out popped a specific issue so they applied a specific target and the general working helped them discover the main issue.

I guess my most pressing issue that I've suffered for many years is this crippling compulsion to think. My air element is poor and I use it in a quirky way. I'm always thinking, processing, walking around, talking to myself. Relationship wise yeah another, financial etc.etc.

I can pinpoint stuff but I just don't know if an entire year's worth of freeing the soul can be useful. If going 40 minimum and 90 at most.

I'd like the general working but this article popped up making me think otherwise.

When I was newer I did a general working like yours, but I added "in a positive way for me". What happened was that it basically started with what was probably the worst of my karma, however it definitely didn't fix everything. Every planet in your chart can have multiple aspects of negative karma, including the sign itself.

Ideally, you find a middle ground between super specific and general so that you can do perhaps 80-120 days and get good results.

If I was you, I would just pick Munka and program it to free you from any negative behavior, obstacles, or karma associated with your thinking patterns, in the best way for you. This fits that "middle ground" and it will start with the karma which hinders your prosperity the most.

Instead of looking at just at planets with air signs, you have to look at Mercury itself and any aspects to it. Having planets in the third house as well as planets in Virgo would also alter your thinking behaviors. However, you already know what you want to work, so you don't have to directly identify it.

Alternatively, you can use Munka to target "any negative karma or obstacles which prevent me from advancing as a spiritual satanist, in the best way for me". This would target any overthinking, but also tendencies to want to think rather than act. It could also target something like Neptune aspects which create escapism.

Yeah bro i can understand that , if i can find it, says an SS cant get bad karma.

Lucky i dont drink nor have in 15 years, 10 years out of jail, then took class A drug right after doing Kundalini yoga mate, total terrible an year hardcore on it then managed to break it two year of now thanks a lot to JOS.

Hope that doesnt put off anyone doing kundalini yoga oh my was the worst Blitz.

All good now :lol:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412474 time=1673261803 user_id=21286]

Thanks for reading.

Amazingly written brother, if only i was able to write like that :lol: ohh well maybe sometime in the future i'll catch up.

That said there is one part that can cause some confusion if you ask me, especially to those that are new to this:

To elaborate, we know that our energy is not infinite..... we have to chose how exactly we apply our finite energy

Wouldn't it be clearer to say that our energy reserve is not infinite? Since the energy itself is certainly not finite. We can access and breath in an unlimited amount of energy, but the amount of energy we can store and use at any given time is limited.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412474 time=1673261803 user_id=21286]
Therefore, we can come up with something like:

“This energy of Sowilo has permanently improved my self esteem and self expression, in a fully positive way for me.” x8

The way I see it,this is in the past tense(time).Is not the best,if it is in the present tense(time)?
I know that the future time is not good,but what about present and past confirmations?
Okay so a general working would be improper not because it's bad but because there is so much I'm reducing the effectiveness as a laser of drawing out this negative karma. There is TOO much negative karma thus it resists chipping away.

This 15th, I'm gonna start off with 40 days if everything goes well; my longest time doing a freeing the soul was 14 days before I stopped doing it. If I can hold out for 40 without burning out, I'd go 90.

My affirmation is going to be x9 "I am totally, completely and permanently free from excessive and unhealthy thinking and overthinking patterns of myself, in a fully positive way for me" x9.

And I think I'm going to take the Ansuz rune rather than Munka. Not that I'm comparing but it seems the Ansuz properties seem beneficial to help Mercurial processes.

You did say the properties of the rune affect you whether you emphasize them or not. The Runes have passive abilities granted, if so, then I'd like to work on Ansuz instead.
I have a question, you said not to make it too general, but where is the line? For example, I am using Munka with this affirmation - "I am totally and completely free from all karma that prevents me from spiritually advancing Satanism, now and permanently."

I know I said "all karma" but it is towards that karma which holds me back in any way spiritually

Thanks for this great post
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412474 time=1673261803 user_id=21286]
nebu said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=409080 time=1671932271 user_id=21286]
Otherwise, it would still make sense to clear out karma attached to one's Sun, Venus, and Jupiter which could hinder their overall ability to attract wealth.
blitzkrieg, the most effective is usually to start by removing the affairs of the house than the sign itself?
general affirmation of removing negative karma and obstacles, is it good and functional? even though the focus of the cleaning is on wealth and money

Affirmation Target + Function of an Affirmation

No, the most effective working is that which targets the most important priority in your life. If you focus on a specific house or planet, you may fall short of fixing the largest obstacle within your life, as many problems can span multiple areas, like wealth.

Negative karma as a whole is a very broad category. You can specify that you are removing any negative karma or obstacles from a specific aspect of yourself, such as social behavior, happiness, intelligence, energy, etc. However, if you try to remove all karma from yourself at once, then this is too broad.

I get a lot of questions on affirmations and so it is important to clarify what the point of an affirmation is: The affirmation is simply a written statement to guide your intentions and program your energy with.

The key point here is not within the words itself, but in how well your intention is focused on transforming a goal. This can take some practice as you are translating what you sense in your mind onto paper with words. However, because the words themselves are not the critical part, then you can use whatever works for you, even if it violates grammar rules or includes literally nonsensical words.

The only stipulation is that whatever you have written must be used to reliably channel your intention and energy onto completing the objective that you are trying to accomplish.


Translation of Thought into Words

With the above in mind, some people should be more confident in their own abilities here. You don't necessarily need assistance to write a statement to fix what you already see in your own head (like gaining wealth or something you are unhappy about). In this case, you can already focus energy onto onto this concept or object well enough.

At the same time, affirmations do help and I understand why people may want help here. Those who have stronger Mercurial abilities are more able to analyze, process, define, and therefore write out statements which describe the energetic process for their affirmation.

From a runic perspective, while Mannaz helps with the abilities of the mind itself, Ansuz is the rune specific to communications and the act of translation (not just between languages, but between the mind and paper, or from expert to layman). We can use these energies to improve our understanding and application of occult principles.

Beyond the fault of laziness towards building affirmations, there can occur a problem as one attempts to reverse this process. In other words, what I have given you as an affirmation may mean something different to you than it does to me. My understanding of basic words like "health", "business", "organization", or "safety" could be different from how you view them.

In most cases this may not matter too much, however we can see that there is the possibility for the written affirmation to fail to communicate the full idea of the working. Therefore, it is important to practice creating your own affirmations to avoid this problem, as well as train your ability as an SS to problem-solve in this way.

If we help others though, it is important that we write a few sentences describing what we want accomplished by the working and affirmation, including defining what certain words or phrases mean. Then, a reader can more easily understand what you are attempting to convey.

Have some faith in yourself, but also take this subject seriously. For those who genuinely struggle here, apply the above solutions to improve this.


Affirmation Characteristics

In addition, we must think about the length and detail of one's affirmation. You may ask yourself "Why not just write out every detail that you need to target with the working?" Wouldn't this resolve the problem of having to define our affirmations to other people?

When we make a death spell, should we specify that the energy "enters the victim's nose, goes down and hits the heart, takes a left--err I mean it takes a right turn and goes to the brain" and so on? No! This creates unnecessary limits by distracting from the focus on the end goal; let the energy work in an efficient way.

On a similar note, why not just make the affirmation broad so we don't have to worry about this? Why cannot we make our affirmation to just solve our problem "in all ways, totally, strongly, with grace and excellence, as quick and possible, with a cherry on top, and permanently as well?" Surely this means nothing can go wrong? Actually, the opposite is true and the working will end up accomplishing nothing as the energies get dispersed into too many directions.

If you recall what was stated above, the function of an affirmation is to guide our intention and energy. Therefore, affirmation characteristics, like length and detail, influence the quality of our focus, as well as the efficiency of the working, for better or worse.

If your written affirmation is too long, then this will clearly strain your ability to focus on what is trying to be accomplished. Without sacrificing the actual function of the working, we have to be concise with our phrasing and words. This can involve directly shortening specific phrases or rearranging the entire affirmation. This also includes eliminating unnecessary redundancies.

The affirmation needs enough words for us to focus, but not too many that we lose sight of what we actually want accomplished.

At the same time, we can compensate for a simple lack of focus by going slower, as well as pausing between affirmations to more strongly visualize our goal. We can also continue to visualize after completing our set of affirmations. All of this will continue to aid the application of your will onto the energy being manipulated.

To conclude: focus on your goal and only the essential additions to this. Don't get lost in the details itself, unless they are critical. Remember that energy will flow in the most efficient way possible. Keep the end goal clear and concise, then let the energy do the work.


Energy Efficiency

It is one thing to damage your focus while manipulating energy, but it is a different problem to actually ruin the efficiency of your working based on what you want to accomplish.

To elaborate, we know that our energy is not infinite. Although it is hard for us to define our power output at one point in time, we do know that it is some finite amount which has to be used in a smart manner if we are to make good progress on our larger goals. Therefore, we have to chose how exactly we apply our finite energy either to ourselves or the world around us.

As we saw from the quoted question above, we do not want to be focusing on a specific house of our chart when the problem can exist elsewhere. While it is not necessary a bad idea to focus on a house or planet that we identify as problematic, usually we have plenty of already-known problems to fix first, which would take priority.

One way to analyze your workings includes asking questions:
-Questions based on effort:
"How much energy will this working require to solve?"
"Is it realistic for me to attempt this?"
"Is this working too specific and limited?"

-Questions based on advancement relativity:
"What do I need to solve to advance the quickest?"
"Does this address one of my weaknesses?"

-Questions based on priority of time:
"Am I wasting time by attempting this?"
“Should I work on something else?”
"What do I need to do first?"
"Is my working supported astrologically?"

Questions based on energy solution:
"Does this energy best apply to my problem?"
"Are these runes helpful or unrelated to my goal?"
"Am I generating enough energy to make a difference?"

In short, we are trying to determine the value of a certain working based upon its efficiency and its relevance to our larger goals. This can clash with simple interests or desires.

To give a more clear example, we may try to do something simple like “improve our natal Sun in a positive way”. While this is a good start, it is also important to know that our natal Sun encompasses a broad scope: including vitality, an aspect of power/wealth, confidence, relations with father figures, and acting/self expression.

It is possible for someone to have some aspects of these covered by other planets. For example, Mars can compensate for one’s health and aggression, but not for wealth. In this case, we would change the affirmation to target ambition, power within a career/organization, or confidence and self expression.

Similarly, when we study the runes, we can see that there is an overlap between some of the functions of runes, but one should be clearly better than another. For example, both Sowilo and Thurisaz can increase health or masculine behaviors, but Sowilo empowers all qualities of the soul, whereas Thurisaz is more limited to improvement of activity. Sowilo inspires confidence in all areas of life, whereas Thurisaz is limited more to the extremes of life or destruction.

To make a good decision on this, one should have a basic understanding of their natal chart and available solutions (runes, energy colors, planetary mantras, etc), as well as consult the Gods to know where they need to improve.



Once we have decided on the problem we are attempting to solve, then we pick the energy which best relates to this. After we define our objectives and solution, we develop our affirmation around the process of this energy in action:

Energy being manipulated: Sowilo, Sun Square, Surya
Target: Myself
Goal: Improve self esteem and expression.
Conditions: Needs to be permanent and needs to be positive.

Therefore, we can come up with something like:

“This energy of Sowilo has permanently improved my self esteem and self expression, in a fully positive way for me.” x8

Then, we would visualize the white-gold solar energy interacting with ourselves and upgrading it. With visualizations you can be creative as long as it makes sense to you.

For example, perhaps you visualize the energy interacting with your chest and throat, filling you with a warm feeling of confidence and also improving the ability to express your thoughts, desires, and feelings onto the world. Also notice how the energy has permanently upgraded you, as if you have leveled up in a video game. Lastly, see and feel your happiness with the result, knowing that it is positive.

Alternatively, we may understand that we have health problems, but we may not know exactly how to address this. If we simply suffer from low energy, then it is ok to do general affirmations to remove vitality problems. Yet, if we have clear problems in our body that impede our work or comfort, then it would be better to target these directly.

Knowledge of the best rune for the working is key to being efficient. Many runes will share properties with one another, but not all are necessary. Picking more runes just for the sake of it is not smart here.
In the health example, Uruz is the best rune for health as it pertains to organic patterns (health). Yet, if the problem is specific to inflammation, then Berkano or Laguz may work better here. Similarly, although both Uruz and Berkano can help with social problems, Wunjo is the most specific to this.

If we are going to do a freeing working to resolve a health problem, then we should choose Uruz, as it possess both freeing and healing properties. Then we can make something like:

“This Uruz energy has permanently healed any issues [with my organ]/[pertaining to these symptoms] in the best way for me.” x9

Hopefully this post has helped people, but please reply if you feel like something else needs discussion.

For further examples of affirmations, please view Blitzkreig [JG]: Sun Square Thread.

Thanks for reading.

Blitzkrieg, what are the best affirmations to use with death spells? Please give examples of such effective affirmations?

Is it necessary to visualize the victim's face (jew) and details of the victim's appearance for success?
(I sometimes find it difficult to visualize the face of the victim (jew), I seem to forget how exactly the face looks, despite the fact that I have a photo of the victim (jew) in the phone, but she is on 5 years younger, or even more, as a result, when I visualize gray energy (aura ) around the victim (jew), I can not always imagine the exact appearance of the victim corresponding to the current age of the victim).

Is it better to visualize the gray energy of death in lighter shades of grey, or darker (dark grey), does that matter?

When I visualize a black aura around the victim (jew), does that aura only absorb all the hatred I pour out in affirmations and that hatred should kill him, or can visualizing a black aura around the victim with the following affirmation by itself kill the enemy(jew)? Affirmation: "I place a powerful destructive halo around N.N. that is constantly working to kill him"

What details of the death of the enemy must be visualized in order for black magic to work?
For example, do I need to visualize how the enemy stumbles over something and crushes his head to death with the appropriate affirmation, or is it enough for me to visualize when the enemy is already dead on the ground with a broken head from which the brain flows out and blood flows out?

When I tear off the gray energy of death from the earth, do I have to be physically present at the cemetery at that moment, or will it be enough to visualize the cemetery (cemeteries) from which (from which) I tear the energy of death from the earth?

Is it necessary to extract the gray energy of death from cemeteries and morgues (places of death), or will it be enough to visualize the gray energy of death from the air?

How long and how often during the day is it necessary to visualize and repeat affirmations for the success of the operation?
(I have been doing visualizations and affirmations for a little over a week, until I see the result).

Blitzkrieg, can you prepare a post about using, vibrating runes in black magic with affirmations (a post about runic black magic)?
(Previous posts about vibration runes for protection and money helped me a lot. Thanks to your detailed posts on the use of runes, I have recently started effective working with runes in white magic).

Will there be a separate universal RTR like the Final RTR, but that can be used against individual jews? (using all the power and technology of Final RTR, under which you can put any jew).
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412722 time=1673363991 user_id=21286]
Master.mind said:
Thank you for writing it.
If you share a crypto address I'll send you some crypto gratitude.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't personally need it. If you want to donate, I would recommend donating to JoS itself.

I donate when someone did something good to me or when donating to someone will improve my life in the future.
The information in your post will definitely improve my life in the future, so you merit a donation from my point of view.
The information on the JoS website improved my life, so I donated.
Will further donations to JoS improve my life in the future? I doubt it.
If tomorrow new information is put on the JoS website and this improves my life, I'll donate for sure.
It wasn't too long ago,,... one of you posted something on here about making planetary squares easier? Last year I had done a planetary Square on Venus and I had to start over again within 3 days. And then having to wait until the end of the month to start over again. I failed to make the affirmation to go with it. And had to start over again! And then decided to do my moon Square which turned out to be a lot easier.. because I have read everything that I was supposed to do? And even took notes... and a needless to say the rest of my year turned out to be pretty smooth. And I could function better at work and I slept better at night... and I can feel a good strong positive energy throughout the night especially when I had to stay up late and do night shifts at work! Now I know I must have done that planetary Square right? Because I wouldn't be experiencing anything positive from that if not... and this year I want to be able to do things right! So before I jump into any of these planetary squares! I want to learn how to do them properly and take my time! And read all of the content about them and even reading the new information on how to do them easier!... either way it pays to know! And I know that I want to do this right this year! Without having to start over again :D ....and see what happens...? 🤔🔥
Thank you for the detailed breakdown. This will truly help people understand the methodology behind affirmations, and consequently increase their effectiveness and efficiency.

I have some questions, though:

1. How do we know how much energy a working requires to manifest, or how much we are even able to produce for it to succeed? Sometimes it seems like I've tried to form things that required more energy than my current maximum threshold allowed me to possess and expend.

2. If we know that affirmations are intended to guide the energy to manifest through a specific way, but we must match a middle ground in terms for efficiency and possibility... couldn't we technically just not affirm anything, and only focus and visualize on the goal desired becoming real?
I believe that for many, due to varying factors, their sense of judgment, wording, and ability to determine exactly what they want and how they want it, might not be perfect, which could perhaps become the cause of flawed affirmations, and therefore flawed "pathing" of the energy.

If we make an affirmation that is too specific, the energy has no choice but to follow that and no other way, which eradicates any flexibility for it to work and come out in ways one might not have thought about. If we make it too general, it might come in a way that is unfortunate or at some unwanted price. As a result, we go with affirmations that are somewhere in between, and programmed to manifest in a positive way for us.

However, doesn't that technically mean that you can also just say nothing, and solely focus on strongly visualizing the desired outcome alone, as long as you clearly associate positivity with it, and therefore direct it that way?

There have been times when things have come out for me solely through desire and visualization alone, without me particularly programming, raising energy, or consciously directing anything, so I was wondering...

Is it within the realms of possibilities. To use the Munka working for 40 days to remove a square from my soul?

For example I did in 2019 Venus, Sun, and a few Jupiter. In 2017 or 2018 I performed a Saturn square as well.

If I were to remove A square or ALL the squares can it be done?

I am totally, completely and permanently freeing myself of any and all magickal squares I performed in my current lifetime in a fully balanced, positive, healthy, and happy way for me.

Or focus one by one

I am totally, completely, and permanently freeing myself of the Venus square I performed in a fully B., P., H., and H. way for me.

Has anyone ever attempted at removing a working from their soul? For example say someone programmed the wrong things. Can they pop it out like a computer program?

We talk and talk about adding things to the soul, changing karma etc.etc. But I've only on one or two occasions heard someone remove things like a computer program.
If I would have small amount of time, and I would like to put a small working into it but still effective, what minimum amount of reps of any rune I could choose? Is 10x or 15x (approximately) for example could give noticeable results? Or if someone is skilled with it, could it be even less?

Very beneficial post, this kind of help is similar to how Gods are helping us, showing others the way how we can do it by ourselves. Very nice, thank you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=412474 time=1673261803 user_id=21286]

If you recall what was stated above, the function of an affirmation is to guide our intention and energy. Therefore, affirmation characteristics, like length and detail, influence the quality of our focus, as well as the efficiency of the working, for better or worse.

If your written affirmation is too long, then this will clearly strain your ability to focus on what is trying to be accomplished. Without sacrificing the actual function of the working, we have to be concise with our phrasing and words. This can involve directly shortening specific phrases or rearranging the entire affirmation. This also includes eliminating unnecessary redundancies.

The affirmation needs enough words for us to focus, but not too many that we lose sight of what we actually want accomplished.

I think it is important to remind people to always include savewords like "in a positive way" money "free and easy" "healthy way",...

As a affirmation does also limit the bad outcome. It´s programming the energy.
TerKorian666 said:
If I would have small amount of time, and I would like to put a small working into it but still effective, what minimum amount of reps of any rune I could choose? Is 10x or 15x (approximately) for example could give noticeable results? Or if someone is skilled with it, could it be even less?

Very beneficial post, this kind of help is similar to how Gods are helping us, showing others the way how we can do it by ourselves. Very nice, thank you.

when i started working, i went for sexual attraction with women, i had no consistency in doing power meditation, i used gebo x8, yes, only 8, it worked perfectly well even without built power, really
(40d work)

visualized myself with the gebo rune in my aura, i am completely red and always well liked by women, however, my venus is exalted, i hope you understood my point

but i don't recommend it, for the time that can be lost, but if you think you're really strong with nothing, good
EnkiUK56 said:
Yeah bro i can understand that , if i can find it, says an SS cant get bad karma.

EnkiUK56 said:
Always remeber reading HPS Maxine saying SS dont get effected by Karma mainly as we dont beleive in it.

This is incorrect. Everyone and everything can be affected by bad karma, but more powerful people who have the right tools can defeat their karma.

Karma can be something like anger problems. Yet, if we use a rune like Ansuz, we can remove the negative parts of this and leave the positive parts, such as leadership ability or a drive to succeed.

When SS clean and empower their souls, this can help transmute negative karma, but for large problems we have to work on this directly.

The enemy has changed the definition of karma to be based on good versus evil. This is false. Just because I gave you a free lunch, for example, doesn't mean that the universe will grant me a bag of gold, or will remove my relationship problems. We have to work on our problems directly and with energy work.

SSinHeartandSoul said:
Amazingly written brother, if only i was able to write like that :lol: ohh well maybe sometime in the future i'll catch up.

Work on your mercurial energy and skills. Also check out how the various planets in the 3rd house, or planets with mercurial signs can act. When I write these big articles, I spend a lot of time on them, as well.

Wouldn't it be clearer to say that our energy reserve is not infinite? Since the energy itself is certainly not finite. We can access and breath in an unlimited amount of energy, but the amount of energy we can store and use at any given time is limited.

Yes. That is basically what I mean. The point is just to be realistic and recognize your own limitations here, regardless of what these may be.

AristocraticDragon666 said:

I will try my best to answer: For a specific affirmation, it helps to know a specific weakness of your enemy. However, you can just simply state and visualize "This energy has totally and permanently destroyed [subject], in the best way for me and Satan." Imagine them withering out into nothing, then visualize you standing in a positive and victorious way.

As far as visualizing, the more the better, except when you are straining yourself and ruining your will and intention. You do not need to visualize them perfectly, but you do need to have confidence in your energy. Don't let the lack of perfection ruin your confidence.

I don't know which shade of grey is worse, but this might be a silly detail to focus on. Instead, focus on whichever feels more damaging to you. Also see other details of the energy, like how it stinks, rots, and erodes the victim's soul. This is more important than the actual shade.

When you apply energy, it does whatever you command it to do. Black energy, associated with Saturn, can have positive properties of discipline, or negative properties of atrophy and weakness. When you apply this energy with negative intention, then you have used it like a weapon and it will do damage. Basically, your negative intentions have turned the energy negative, so this works in addition to the general hate you have applied as well.

Unless you know of a specific weakness of a person, it is probably better to avoid specific causes of death. Focus on the end result, rather than the exact way they will get there. Then the energy will take the most efficient route. This goes for all workings, not just curses.

You do not need to be physically present at a cemetery and this is too inconvenient, in my opinion. However, focusing on places where this energy is present can aid you in raising this energy. Although you can will any energy next to you, it is best to keep negative energy far away from you and yourself, both for safety and also better focus, in this case.

You don't need to spend excessive time visualizing. Perhaps spend 2 minutes total while doing your spell for that day. This should be plenty of time to successfully apply the energy. If you feel otherwise, it is better to work on your confidence with energy, rather than adding time. Additional time will just make the effect stronger, but the effect was already applied when your intentions acted on the energy, right at the start.

Making a full post about black magic is not exactly on my todo list, but if people need it then I will. I am trying to focus on the highest priorities first. Look at the rune page and this should make it pretty clear which runes work well for black magic, and how.

The Shattering RTR, which destroys protective energy of the enemy, can be used against individuals, as can the FRTR itself. This should be sufficient for weakening a specific individual, in preparation for an attack, or just to leave them defenseless.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=413550 time=1673687922 user_id=21286]
EnkiUK56 said:
Yeah bro i can understand that , if i can find it, says an SS cant get bad karma.

EnkiUK56 said:
Always remeber reading HPS Maxine saying SS dont get effected by Karma mainly as we dont beleive in it.

This is incorrect. Everyone and everything can be affected by bad karma, but more powerful people who have the right tools can defeat their karma.

Karma can be something like anger problems. Yet, if we use a rune like Ansuz, we can remove the negative parts of this and leave the positive parts, such as leadership ability or a drive to succeed.

When SS clean and empower their souls, this can help transmute negative karma, but for large problems we have to work on this directly.

The enemy has changed the definition of karma to be based on good versus evil. This is false. Just because I gave you a free lunch, for example, doesn't mean that the universe will grant me a bag of gold, or will remove my relationship problems. We have to work on our problems directly and with energy work.

SSinHeartandSoul said:
Amazingly written brother, if only i was able to write like that :lol: ohh well maybe sometime in the future i'll catch up.

Work on your mercurial energy and skills. Also check out how the various planets in the 3rd house, or planets with mercurial signs can act. When I write these big articles, I spend a lot of time on them, as well.

Wouldn't it be clearer to say that our energy reserve is not infinite? Since the energy itself is certainly not finite. We can access and breath in an unlimited amount of energy, but the amount of energy we can store and use at any given time is limited.

Yes. That is basically what I mean. The point is just to be realistic and recognize your own limitations here, regardless of what these may be.

AristocraticDragon666 said:

I will try my best to answer: For a specific affirmation, it helps to know a specific weakness of your enemy. However, you can just simply state and visualize "This energy has totally and permanently destroyed [subject], in the best way for me and Satan." Imagine them withering out into nothing, then visualize you standing in a positive and victorious way.

As far as visualizing, the more the better, except when you are straining yourself and ruining your will and intention. You do not need to visualize them perfectly, but you do need to have confidence in your energy. Don't let the lack of perfection ruin your confidence.

I don't know which shade of grey is worse, but this might be a silly detail to focus on. Instead, focus on whichever feels more damaging to you. Also see other details of the energy, like how it stinks, rots, and erodes the victim's soul. This is more important than the actual shade.

When you apply energy, it does whatever you command it to do. Black energy, associated with Saturn, can have positive properties of discipline, or negative properties of atrophy and weakness. When you apply this energy with negative intention, then you have used it like a weapon and it will do damage. Basically, your negative intentions have turned the energy negative, so this works in addition to the general hate you have applied as well.

Unless you know of a specific weakness of a person, it is probably better to avoid specific causes of death. Focus on the end result, rather than the exact way they will get there. Then the energy will take the most efficient route. This goes for all workings, not just curses.

You do not need to be physically present at a cemetery and this is too inconvenient, in my opinion. However, focusing on places where this energy is present can aid you in raising this energy. Although you can will any energy next to you, it is best to keep negative energy far away from you and yourself, both for safety and also better focus, in this case.

You don't need to spend excessive time visualizing. Perhaps spend 2 minutes total while doing your spell for that day. This should be plenty of time to successfully apply the energy. If you feel otherwise, it is better to work on your confidence with energy, rather than adding time. Additional time will just make the effect stronger, but the effect was already applied when your intentions acted on the energy, right at the start.

Making a full post about black magic is not exactly on my todo list, but if people need it then I will. I am trying to focus on the highest priorities first. Look at the rune page and this should make it pretty clear which runes work well for black magic, and how.

The Shattering RTR, which destroys protective energy of the enemy, can be used against individuals, as can the FRTR itself. This should be sufficient for weakening a specific individual, in preparation for an attack, or just to leave them defenseless.

That is maybe what HPS Maxine meant bro, yeah im with you.
Talking so much about negative karma,then I would highlight the work of Luis.

Working For Negative Karma by Luis

START: Waning moon in Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. Recommended to do in the hour of the Sun but any hour works. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate MUNKA 9 times into each of your seven chakras (from root chakra to crown chakra) while visualizing a brilliant white-gold light.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“In a positive and healthy way for me, my 7 major chakras and their extensions are completely and permanently free from any and all negative karma now and forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.
How to pronounce MUNKA: https://archive.is/87FxL

Original working: https://archive.is/lGUvl

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=413550 time=1673687922 user_id=21286]
EnkiUK56 said:
Yeah bro i can understand that , if i can find it, says an SS cant get bad karma.

EnkiUK56 said:
Always remeber reading HPS Maxine saying SS dont get effected by Karma mainly as we dont beleive in it.

This is incorrect. Everyone and everything can be affected by bad karma, but more powerful people who have the right tools can defeat their karma.

Karma can be something like anger problems. Yet, if we use a rune like Ansuz, we can remove the negative parts of this and leave the positive parts, such as leadership ability or a drive to succeed.

When SS clean and empower their souls, this can help transmute negative karma, but for large problems we have to work on this directly.

The enemy has changed the definition of karma to be based on good versus evil. This is false. Just because I gave you a free lunch, for example, doesn't mean that the universe will grant me a bag of gold, or will remove my relationship problems. We have to work on our problems directly and with energy work.

SSinHeartandSoul said:
Amazingly written brother, if only i was able to write like that :lol: ohh well maybe sometime in the future i'll catch up.

Work on your mercurial energy and skills. Also check out how the various planets in the 3rd house, or planets with mercurial signs can act. When I write these big articles, I spend a lot of time on them, as well.

Wouldn't it be clearer to say that our energy reserve is not infinite? Since the energy itself is certainly not finite. We can access and breath in an unlimited amount of energy, but the amount of energy we can store and use at any given time is limited.

Yes. That is basically what I mean. The point is just to be realistic and recognize your own limitations here, regardless of what these may be.

AristocraticDragon666 said:

I will try my best to answer: For a specific affirmation, it helps to know a specific weakness of your enemy. However, you can just simply state and visualize "This energy has totally and permanently destroyed [subject], in the best way for me and Satan." Imagine them withering out into nothing, then visualize you standing in a positive and victorious way.

As far as visualizing, the more the better, except when you are straining yourself and ruining your will and intention. You do not need to visualize them perfectly, but you do need to have confidence in your energy. Don't let the lack of perfection ruin your confidence.

I don't know which shade of grey is worse, but this might be a silly detail to focus on. Instead, focus on whichever feels more damaging to you. Also see other details of the energy, like how it stinks, rots, and erodes the victim's soul. This is more important than the actual shade.

When you apply energy, it does whatever you command it to do. Black energy, associated with Saturn, can have positive properties of discipline, or negative properties of atrophy and weakness. When you apply this energy with negative intention, then you have used it like a weapon and it will do damage. Basically, your negative intentions have turned the energy negative, so this works in addition to the general hate you have applied as well.

Unless you know of a specific weakness of a person, it is probably better to avoid specific causes of death. Focus on the end result, rather than the exact way they will get there. Then the energy will take the most efficient route. This goes for all workings, not just curses.

You do not need to be physically present at a cemetery and this is too inconvenient, in my opinion. However, focusing on places where this energy is present can aid you in raising this energy. Although you can will any energy next to you, it is best to keep negative energy far away from you and yourself, both for safety and also better focus, in this case.

You don't need to spend excessive time visualizing. Perhaps spend 2 minutes total while doing your spell for that day. This should be plenty of time to successfully apply the energy. If you feel otherwise, it is better to work on your confidence with energy, rather than adding time. Additional time will just make the effect stronger, but the effect was already applied when your intentions acted on the energy, right at the start.

Making a full post about black magic is not exactly on my todo list, but if people need it then I will. I am trying to focus on the highest priorities first. Look at the rune page and this should make it pretty clear which runes work well for black magic, and how.

The Shattering RTR, which destroys protective energy of the enemy, can be used against individuals, as can the FRTR itself. This should be sufficient for weakening a specific individual, in preparation for an attack, or just to leave them defenseless.

Blitzkrieg :!: :D Thank you very much :!: :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
