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Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

So it would be ok if I took out some words from an affirmation to a Munka working I'm currently doing? I'm past 1/3 of 90 days.

Only planing on taking out some repetive words like "totally and completely safe, happy and secure for me. " for example as some of those words are already said in the beginning and over I feel it is a bit too many words.

Just want to double check if that's fine even if we are well into a working as long as it's just that and not changing the core of the affirmation.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=413550 time=1673687922 user_id=21286]
EnkiUK56 said:
Yeah bro i can understand that , if i can find it, says an SS cant get bad karma.

EnkiUK56 said:
Always remeber reading HPS Maxine saying SS dont get effected by Karma mainly as we dont beleive in it.

This is incorrect. Everyone and everything can be affected by bad karma, but more powerful people who have the right tools can defeat their karma.

Karma can be something like anger problems. Yet, if we use a rune like Ansuz, we can remove the negative parts of this and leave the positive parts, such as leadership ability or a drive to succeed.

When SS clean and empower their souls, this can help transmute negative karma, but for large problems we have to work on this directly.

The enemy has changed the definition of karma to be based on good versus evil. This is false. Just because I gave you a free lunch, for example, doesn't mean that the universe will grant me a bag of gold, or will remove my relationship problems. We have to work on our problems directly and with energy work.

SSinHeartandSoul said:
Amazingly written brother, if only i was able to write like that :lol: ohh well maybe sometime in the future i'll catch up.

Work on your mercurial energy and skills. Also check out how the various planets in the 3rd house, or planets with mercurial signs can act. When I write these big articles, I spend a lot of time on them, as well.

Wouldn't it be clearer to say that our energy reserve is not infinite? Since the energy itself is certainly not finite. We can access and breath in an unlimited amount of energy, but the amount of energy we can store and use at any given time is limited.

Yes. That is basically what I mean. The point is just to be realistic and recognize your own limitations here, regardless of what these may be.

AristocraticDragon666 said:

I will try my best to answer: For a specific affirmation, it helps to know a specific weakness of your enemy. However, you can just simply state and visualize "This energy has totally and permanently destroyed [subject], in the best way for me and Satan." Imagine them withering out into nothing, then visualize you standing in a positive and victorious way.

As far as visualizing, the more the better, except when you are straining yourself and ruining your will and intention. You do not need to visualize them perfectly, but you do need to have confidence in your energy. Don't let the lack of perfection ruin your confidence.

I don't know which shade of grey is worse, but this might be a silly detail to focus on. Instead, focus on whichever feels more damaging to you. Also see other details of the energy, like how it stinks, rots, and erodes the victim's soul. This is more important than the actual shade.

When you apply energy, it does whatever you command it to do. Black energy, associated with Saturn, can have positive properties of discipline, or negative properties of atrophy and weakness. When you apply this energy with negative intention, then you have used it like a weapon and it will do damage. Basically, your negative intentions have turned the energy negative, so this works in addition to the general hate you have applied as well.

Unless you know of a specific weakness of a person, it is probably better to avoid specific causes of death. Focus on the end result, rather than the exact way they will get there. Then the energy will take the most efficient route. This goes for all workings, not just curses.

You do not need to be physically present at a cemetery and this is too inconvenient, in my opinion. However, focusing on places where this energy is present can aid you in raising this energy. Although you can will any energy next to you, it is best to keep negative energy far away from you and yourself, both for safety and also better focus, in this case.

You don't need to spend excessive time visualizing. Perhaps spend 2 minutes total while doing your spell for that day. This should be plenty of time to successfully apply the energy. If you feel otherwise, it is better to work on your confidence with energy, rather than adding time. Additional time will just make the effect stronger, but the effect was already applied when your intentions acted on the energy, right at the start.

Making a full post about black magic is not exactly on my todo list, but if people need it then I will. I am trying to focus on the highest priorities first. Look at the rune page and this should make it pretty clear which runes work well for black magic, and how.

The Shattering RTR, which destroys protective energy of the enemy, can be used against individuals, as can the FRTR itself. This should be sufficient for weakening a specific individual, in preparation for an attack, or just to leave them defenseless.

Their was a spell I used to do were i written what I wanted an burnt the paper anyway, i had a few good results,but when I saw the JoS version of magic was a little different, from what I was use to,but anyway the question I ask is,

does one need to say an affirmation or can I just write it down an say this is what I want?

before I became a jos member I didn't use mantras for a work,but still had some results with the spell
hailourtruegod said:
So it would be ok if I took out some words from an affirmation to a Munka working I'm currently doing? I'm past 1/3 of 90 days.

Only planing on taking out some repetive words like "totally and completely safe, happy and secure for me. " for example as some of those words are already said in the beginning and over I feel it is a bit too many words.

Just want to double check if that's fine even if we are well into a working as long as it's just that and not changing the core of the affirmation.

Maybe, if the words are entirely redundant, but since you are nearly at 40 days, it may also be best not to screw with it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is an excellently put together guide, very concise and easily understandable for everyone.

If there are any further clarifications needed please do ask on that thread.

I have read the guide however I do not have any knowledge on the runes and the energies described here I will appreciate any further guidance on this subject
Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is an excellently put together guide, very concise and easily understandable for everyone.

If there are any further clarifications needed please do ask on that thread.

I have read the guide however I do not have any knowledge on the runes and the energies described here I will appreciate any further guidance on this subject
Thank you.
It is very important to read all of what joyofsatan.org has to offer, including sermons by Maxine and Hoodedcobra. It is equally very important to practice meditation and other related practices, such as breathing exercises to become accustomed to them and their effects, learning them.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=414283 time=1674006665 user_id=21286]
hailourtruegod said:
So it would be ok if I took out some words from an affirmation to a Munka working I'm currently doing? I'm past 1/3 of 90 days.

Only planing on taking out some repetive words like "totally and completely safe, happy and secure for me. " for example as some of those words are already said in the beginning and over I feel it is a bit too many words.

Just want to double check if that's fine even if we are well into a working as long as it's just that and not changing the core of the affirmation.

Maybe, if the words are entirely redundant, but since you are nearly at 40 days, it may also be best not to screw with it.

Hello :)

Well, I have a question and that would imply a rune: the rune Jera.

On the site it is stated that it represents the ones growth.

But, the question is, is it okay if I do it for internal growth like developing very good physical and mental abilities, or not?

Are there any other rune combinations and affirmations that I can use?

And, yeah, another question: is it okay if I affirm, when working with the Jera rune, that "all my abilities are awaken and I have internal power"?

Thanks in advance and Hail Satan
Fire Kobra said:

This is not true, because the Gods would not allow this happen. Focus on your own advancement and on the rituals we have, not on "rescuing Maxine" or anything that is way beyond your ability. Let the Gods handle matters like that while you handle matters concerning yourself, the FRTR, and the Gods' rituals.

Likewise, focus on your base chakra and earth element to help protect yourself from these sorts of problems. The base chakra is how we survive problems such as disturbing thoughts or energies in our location, so please clean/spin it and do your yoga.
balo666 said:

Ansuz is the primary rune ruling the communication of knowledge, with Dagaz being the flash of knowledge itself, whether from a God or through your own discovery. So Dagaz is a part of communication, but not the most important part, in my opinion. It would help your understanding of knowledge imparted to you, however.

What you want is a strong connection to the Gods, and this is what Ansuz, as well as individual connection to a God produces. Also remember the role of intuition, where a God may send a feeling to you, as opposed to specific thoughts.

Runes like Laguz or Berkano can be used to increase your sensitivity to the Gods messages, so that they are more easily received. Dagaz would help your ability to process them, but Ansuz would facilitate easier communication overall.

You may want to chant your GD's name and imagine connecting to them, as well as connecting your throat and 6th chakra to them/their sigil.

Lastly, 16 vibrations of Ansuz might be on the lower end of energy generation, unless you vibrate them for a long period. It might make sense for you to simply increase the energy which you are generated here.

Manofsatan said:

This post by Karnonnos may help: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=407619#p407619

Our solar energies rule our power, which includes wealth. Venus rules material good and luxuries, Pluto rules extreme power, Jupiter rules mobile wealth and opportunity. Look at the elements associated with them to see the elemental connection.

Also look at your 2nd house of materials, 4th house which rules real estate, 5th house with its gambling connection, and 8th house and its connection to taxes and debts. Any afflictions to these houses can produce similar effects as afflictions to their associated planets.

Doing a working to remove negative karma would help all of this. Then you can use runes like Sowilo, Fehu, Jera, Gebo, and Odhal to attract the different varieties of wealth.

[quote=Dragonheart666 said:

Yes, all spells should have some kind of intention behind it. This can be an affirmation or visualizations, or both. This is always necessary to guide the energy appropriately. Having a strong solar chakra is necessary for easily willing things to happen.

It is very important to focus while doing this, especially for important workings. If one has trouble focusing or visualizing, they can compensate by going slower and visualizing for a longer period of time.

88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:

Here is the answer to this: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=409240#p409240

Gear88 said:

It is not that the negative karma would completely resist chipping away. If you say direct the energy to work positively, it will do something rather than nothing to give you a positive result. However, this can still be too broad. Normally the Gods want us working on specific things first.

This working sounds good, and yes Ansuz is the better choice here. Let me know how this has worked for you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=415973 time=1674591058 user_id=21286]
Fire Kobra said:

This is not true, because the Gods would not allow this happen. Focus on your own advancement and on the rituals we have, not on "rescuing Maxine" or anything that is way beyond your ability. Let the Gods handle matters like that while you handle matters concerning yourself, the FRTR, and the Gods' rituals.

Likewise, focus on your base chakra and earth element to help protect yourself from these sorts of problems. The base chakra is how we survive problems such as disturbing thoughts or energies in our location, so please clean/spin it and do your yoga.
This answer is not for me,but I think exactly the same and I do,what you propose here Blitzkreig.

What he write here is confusing enough,Because Astarte, as the queen of Aldebaran known at.https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AstarteHC.html
I wouldn't think that there's the enemy's headquarters.

#1: (BTW before I go on Blitzkrieg was my original account before I was mass banned by Mageson. Can my account be turned off or deleted or powered off and you can re-create your name as the E and I not being transposed?)

I'm going to finish my 40-day on Feb. 23, 2023. My affirmation I changed to "I am totally, completely, and permanently free from birth trauma in a fully balanced, beneficial, positive, healthy, and happy way for me". x9

I made the affirmation too long but I don't plan on quitting the working I'll continue. So far my visualization is focus the vibration on the Ansuz(F looking symbol) in my center of my soul/body.

#2: (BTW I want to ask what should I visualize my soul? I try and visualize white-gold energy and my chakras but I always visualize my soul as black in the darkness. I'm not open to the spiritual world everything is my imagination/visualization whatever you want to call it. Is there a specific look or vision I need to visualize my soul?)

#3: (Also how do I breath in energy? What I mean is I breath in white-gold energy and fill my soul with it and then push out the white-gold energy to my aura for the AoP. But when I visualize white-gold in my soul and then breath in energy I can't see a difference or can't make the energy brighter thus if my soul is white-gold and the white-gold environment and or solar energy is coming in. How can I separate the contrast between my soul's white-gold color and the white-gold I'm breathing in?)

#4: (Also is there a difference between Ansuz, Munka, and Uruz when it comes to freeing the Soul?) I'm using Ansuz for it's mercurial counterparts since it's been mentioned the parameters of the rune affect you.

In fact funny enough I can maintain the F symbol very well for my abilities. I guess maybe the Rune is easy to visualize or maybe Ansuz symbolically helps maybe some sort of psychological effect.

Anyways I made the affirmation too long. But I do plan on the next 40-day working when I look at the astro calendar and check out another 40-day working date.

My next affirmation is going to be: I am fully free from suppressed trauma, now and forever, in a fully positive, healthy, and best way for me." x9 found the affirmation in the teens forum by that guy phantom stranger.

To return to Ansuz: After my visualization I visualize the energy dispersing throughout my limbs and aura white-gold/electrical discharges. And also visualize chains and hemp rope bindings collapse and fall off my body. I don't know what to visualize I just perform the 108 Ansuz and perform the affirmation and visualize something.

I've also visualize my wings coming off unbinded from the chains and ropes as an extra visual factor.

Honestly I don't know what to visualize.

I'm gonna be honest Blitzkreig like in my previous sentence. I don't know what to visualize.

I spend my time reading the forums or websites mentioning stuff on rituals or spells. And I see this spectacular imagery but when I sit down and try and perform the same thing. My vision just shuts off on me. It's like it goes from super imaginative while reading and processing like a book. To completely dead and buried in darkness and greyish tone of barely being able to "see" the image in my mind.

It's like my reading trance and reading imagination helps me visualize greatness or a greater scene. But when I sit down and dedicate my time to visualizing it's beyond my comprehension it just turns off to zero in some cases it's so bad it's utter darkness and greyness of being barely able to visualize.

Shannon did mention one time even if you can't "see" it in your mind's eyes know full well it's going through. But still it's like my mind turns off. It's no surprise I'm a thinker and talk to myself copiously every day. My mind is a rattlesnake tail of thoughts.


For the future I don't know what to do. I'd like to get rid of suppressed trauma IF I have either way that should be removed. I'd like to remove from my personality my shyness, timidness, unconfidence, and fear. I go out in the World completely fearful of everything. If I go to a place several times I'm fine. But I'd like to improve myself.

I just don't know how to read my astrological chart in a way I can go if I do these 3 or 4 or 5 freeing the soul spells I can eliminate a chunk of my astro negativity.

This is why I wish I was advanced and yet I barely do much to advance. So I can have an entity tell me do this, this, and that from now till 2024 and you'll fix your negatives and free your soul significantly.

My schedule is clean/protect, purify(every Fri-Sat), x10 Sanskrit Aum FCM 7 main, Shoulders(Z vibration), Pineal(Gaum), 3rd eye(Thaum), MerKaBa, Advanced Spinning(Speed of light), Freeing the Soul working. On February I plan on returning back to Yoga. I like physical exercises cause I feel like I'm doing something but I don't think anything occurs.

I don't know I just feel like I'm wasting my time doing this stuff. It ain't going to go away I gotta carry on society is advancing and reality is changing and I gotta evolve.

But I feel like I'm wasting my time. I can't void, trance, nor single-pointed. I can visualize in some cases strong like my center manipura chakra or sahasrara chakra.

I don't know if I should be visualizing inside my body or if I can express the chakra outside my body and vibrate into it thus going into the chakra.

But I strongly overthink, overprocess, and overhype meditation. Like my friend he bodybuilds cause it's the "better" activity in life and he loves it. But does go like Black Metal; exercising bodybuilding isn't going to get you laid, or improve your life, or make you a better person. Your going to do it as a discipline motivation or not a discipline and your going to be too perturbed doing the lifting and weights to think about the negatives of this. Until you acclimate it as a discipline and do it whether you like it or not.

I honestly don't know what I'm doing. I vibrate there kinda like a lunatic(my Moon is in aspect to a sign of being lunatic) hell just the other day a family member criticized me once again for sitting down and doing these weird vibrations. Again I can barely vibrate at my house without being criticized and having this bullshit from this xtian idiot.

Sheer fact is never tell anyone your NS/SS personnel. Just avoid it. I guess either I'm stupid or arrogant or brash to stop myself.

After all this xtian fucker did want me to start speaking. I finally reveal I'm NS/SS since 1997 and 2003 and poof shit hit the fan.

Now every time I meditate I have to be assured this fucktard isn't listening or has his earbuds in or whatever.

Sheer fact is I feel more free and alive thinking and processing Satanism back since 2003 when I would zone out and day dream in class about Satanism and like my usual thinking about WW2 since 1997 when I got the history channel and just contemplate all day.

Apparently like one Satanist replied to me, Thinking, Processing, and Contemplating isn't spirituality or making you smart. You don't meditate that isn't doing anything. Your just wasting time and passing the time. Do meditations or don't do them but don't think walking around and thinking for hours on end is meditation or making you more advanced.

Sheer fact is I wake up and live such a boring dead life. That meditation is the last thing I want to do. I see people of all ages have fun and enjoy their lives and me Same shit; Different Day living the same exact shit way since being born basically.

I'm still the same baby, toddler, and child I was since I was born. Never changing never improving just living existing for the sake of existing.

Like I said I felt freeing NOT doing meditation then when doing meditations. I honestly have no fucking idea what to do. If I can't void, trance, nor single-pointed what is the point. But then if I treat myself like a Robotic Saturn-Plutonic machine. Why am I so afraid of being a meditation robot in not thinking and processing.

I certainly am the thinker statue and not the zen statue. Maybe that is what I need to do combine my thinking with zen or something. But every time I try the zen the meditation the sit down and calm I hate it. I loathe it. I loathe calming down, I loathe breathing, I loathe relaxing, I loathe meditation. It's never served a purpose and my other family member always go abandon that NS/SS shit and be free. I guess people just wish to live a shitty life eat, sleep, and shit and work and then die without ever delving into their soul.

I hate to die one of these days in the far future. And have my guardian or entities come in and go "You did 1% of meditation". Sure you cleaned your more nearing a fuller virginity than other souls. But WTF barely any yoga barely any meditation, barely any Satanic Career.

Your mind is a chaos and you relish in chaos your mind relishes existing as a Hanuman army of monkeys jumping around like crazy. You never fixed your low air element nor balanced much your elements.

You did as hard and disciplined work on meditation and your entirety is merely "1% of your entire life".

I don't know Blitz I've been at this since 2003 and then again in 2016 when I said "The suck, has to stop". But I'm more unhappy, unfulfilled, and dying of boredom and living the same shit life and shitty way since ever. In other words I'm kinda like Wotanwarrior or Dark Lawyer who mentioned.

Basically our lives suck and life sucks. What is the point of living if it's SS;DD(Same shit; different day). In fact both iterated we are nothing more than losers who live with our parents and just exist for the sake of existing we are hypocrites to our NS/SS ways we don't want to live or work or do anything. Society sucks there are people out there who do know how to live their lives. Apparently when reality came we checked out and never received not even a memo on how to live life.

I'm the same way like the song loser from Beck.

What can I say another pathetic human shit born into reality into a shit reality full of shit to play with shit and spread shit around in a never ending shit reality.

I apologize for lashing out and apologize to Wotan and Dark Lawyer. But the reality is I checked out of life a long time. Life become boring and worthless a long time ago. I'm just aging and meditating like a basic person starting off. Everyday is a new beginning of meditations.

Like one member replied, You've been here since 2003 that is 20 years you should be fully kundalini risen by now.

That's not how reality works. Reality is a worthless piece of shit that sucks enthusiasm and fun out of everything.

I'm tired of being stuck in the same SS;DD pattern. Never changing never improving. Just perpetual Eternal Now, Rotar.

Either way I'm still meditating and still doing it but I see no advancement. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years from now I post.

Greetings it's Gear88 I've been meditating for 10 years now. And nothing has happened. Not even an energy buzz. And everyone just dog piles me with your a loser who sucks and eats shit. Die in a fire motherfucker.

I guess I'll take it.

Anyways apologizes for lashing out but sheer fact is it's like Rob Zombie says in Real Solutions #9: 24 Hour Psychoholic Madness.

I'm not in a trance, not in a void, not in a single-pointed concentration. Hell I've never even Astral Projected and barely lucid dreamed like people who can control their dream and materialize stuff or change their scenarios and create better dreams.

Since 1999 I've known about this I probably at 9 years old probably knew more about this stuff than people my age or even adults. And that doesn't even count my time in the occult dealing with Mahraji(Prem Rawat) and other occult things even going to the xtian occultists house and having him help me deal with an issue back in 1995 when I was 5 years old.

I've literally been in the occult at least 29 out of 32 years of my life.

Is the occult, spirituality just a life long preoccupation so we do good and not mess with society and do bad things?
Gear88 said:
#1: Don't worry about this.

#2: When viewing the whole soul just visualize a white body of light. This does not need to be overly detailed for the purpose of applying energy.

#3: Go based off feeling. Just focus on the energy going in, rather than trying to get all the visualizations perfect. This is not essential.

#4: Yes, there is a degree of difference with these runes. I cannot fully distinguish Munka from Ansuz, but we can see that Uruz is Mars-based, whereas Ansuz is air-based.

Honestly I don't know what to visualize:
Your visualizations are fine, but it seems that you lose confidence in them because they are not somehow perfect or valid or something. The intent is more important than the visual. Just go for very basic visualizations. For example, dirt or karma removal = black stuff being removed, then focus on yourself and feel happy.

Shannon did mention one time even if you can't "see" it in your mind's eyes know full well it's going through. But still it's like my mind turns off.
She is correct and that is why your situation is fine. The visualizations will come from mind training and astral training. I am unsure if your medical conditions are influencing this, but regardless of that, the energy can still be applied successfully.

For the future I don't know what to do.

My schedule is clean/protect, purify(every Fri-Sat), x10 Sanskrit Aum FCM 7 main, Shoulders(Z vibration), Pineal(Gaum), 3rd eye(Thaum), MerKaBa, Advanced Spinning(Speed of light), Freeing the Soul working. On February I plan on returning back to Yoga. I like physical exercises cause I feel like I'm doing something but I don't think anything occurs.

I don't know I just feel like I'm wasting my time doing this stuff. It ain't going to go away I gotta carry on society is advancing and reality is changing and I gotta evolve.

But I feel like I'm wasting my time. I can't void, trance, nor single-pointed. I can visualize in some cases strong like my center manipura chakra or sahasrara chakra.

You are not wasting your time. Focus heavily on cleaning and karmic removal, rather than heavy empowerment, especially with advanced exercises that may frustrate you.

Focus on workings which improve your SS abilities, such as removing karma pertaining to excess thinking or other emotional obstacles to meditation. Focus on improving other aspects of life like emotions, finances, happiness, stability, removal of trauma, etc.

You can use something like Eihwhaz to improve meditative skills, so the solutions are all there, assuming you don't quit.
Thinking is fine, but meditation is more related to Eihwaz (sensing + action = transformation).

You are closer than you realize, but giving up based on all of these reasons which are not actually obstacles.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I have a question, you said not to make it too general, but where is the line? For example, I am using Munka with this affirmation - "I am totally and completely free from all karma that prevents me from spiritually advancing Satanism, now and permanently."

This is ok and not overly focused.

OhNoItsMook said:

1) You won't always "know" as there are many factors involved. Depending on the goal, you should normally expect to spend a decent amount of time and energy, relying on the consistent application of energy over many days to bring change.

Heavy negative karma can take even up to a year to fully and totally fix. If you are trying to achieve a very large goal, then it could similarly take a long time.

You have to think about the energy needed to achieve something and try to estimate how hard it will be to achieve. Picking the right energy can go a long way at improving efficiency, but not always.

2) Yes. The affirmation is only a guide so that you can repeat the same programming of your energy, which includes visualizations.

The above should inspire confidence in people who are not good with literally describing what they want, but can see it. Yet since it is standard practice to use an affirmation, they could choose a simple phrase, or even just draw a picture of what they want to visualize each time.

The key point is just the consistent application of some type of programming, whether this comes from words, emotional intent, visualizations, or all of that.

TerKorian666 said:
If I would have small amount of time, and I would like to put a small working into it but still effective, what minimum amount of reps of any rune I could choose? Is 10x or 15x (approximately) for example could give noticeable results? Or if someone is skilled with it, could it be even less?

It is hard to say, because it is based on your own power, skills, how long you vibrate each mantra, and what you are trying to achieve. Yes, more skill means less time is needed for the same result, but it is hard for anyone but yourself to determine how capable you are.

You can try reducing your reps to perhaps half of what you normally would use, then judge the results for that working, but I would not start at a very small amount. For example, doing 40x of a mantra is not that bad at all, but is still decent enough that results are likely, given the working is carried over many days.

Fuchs said:
I think it is important to remind people to always include savewords like "in a positive way" money "free and easy" "healthy way",...

As a affirmation does also limit the bad outcome. It´s programming the energy.

You are correct. Thank you. I will edit my post to include this reminder.

I have read the guide however I do not have any knowledge on the runes and the energies described here I will appreciate any further guidance on this subject
Thank you.

Look here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html
Brother, thank you for your amazing posts. I have two questions:

How exactly does the Munka workings tie into this? Is it true that for any problem, you first have to dissolve and break down the dense pattern of negative energy using Munka, and then move on to healing something to using magick on something?
my second question is about the "all about immune system and how to improve it".... would you mind making a similar post like that with the details therein, but for teeth and oral health specifically?
my second question is about the "all about immune system and how to improve it".... would you mind making a similar post like that with the details therein, but for teeth and oral health specifically?
Brother, thank you for your amazing posts. I have two questions:

How exactly does the Munka workings tie into this? Is it true that for any problem, you first have to dissolve and break down the dense pattern of negative energy using Munka, and then move on to healing something to using magick on something?
@Blitzkreig [JG]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
