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Song Of The Siren

Sinistra said:
The problem with leftist thought is that it tries to play saviour without discriminating people on their worth or considering the big picture such as is that gonna benefit the whole or hurt it to keep these people around. And of course the kikes love pushing that mentality in all their "siren songs" aimed at turning people into marshmallows. That's how we end up with idiots holding welcome refugees banners in one street while in the alley neabry these same rapefugees are raping them. But we can remove the bible and remove toxic elements. It doesn't have to be limited to the former. This world needs Justice. And these people all want to be judged anyway. Xtians and mudslimes want to die and have their soul "judged" by God for their actions. I say let them get the judgement they always wanted. God stands for Justice and He has been wronged very much :

Sinistra said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Just show a Christian that jesus stated in the bible its second coming would be within in 40 years which is the time the jewish messiah must return in. And you can watch the look on their face their whole religion belief is built on jesus is coming back anytime now. Start to point out the contradictions in the bible and their head spins it really affects them. The Christian has been taught this is the perfect word of god. It dismantles the entire mental construct they have. Just taking their bible away plays into their persecution mentality and it makes them go deeper into the religion it does not work. The National Socialist's knew it would take time to slowly bring the Xian population out of it. They banned the printing of the bible but didn't go door to door confiscating them.

They can start saying BS and evade constantly. They can say generation means " [insert random number] of years according to g_d". They can say none knows the time of the return of the nazarene. They can throw insults without listening. Or they will just go to their pastor/priest/pedophile and ask him to clarify and he will add another thick layer of brainwashing on their brain. And this is why it's not really possible to argue with xtians in most cases. They simply don't care. Xtians have the attitude of MaximumShitWhizztard.

All the research the clergy have done on xtianity, it's of course extremely useful, but it's only relevant for people who care about knowing the Truth. It's not relevant for people who simply don't care. Many have thick ear waxes that they don't wanna remove. Even if some of the most retarded xtians stumbled of the JOS main page by hazard they would probably close it in terror immediately to not allow the Devil to "tempt" them or "demons to possess them" or some other shit like that that their guru made up. They would see "Satan" in the title they would freak out and start chanting some xtian garbage and prey the nazarene to save them from "demonic possession" opening themselves for actual possession by the enemy...

These types are 9 out of 10 times literally lost cases.

Brainwashing, past a point, removes your ears. These people do not use selective defense. They can look at the cloudy sky and say it was Rabbi Jesus crying on them for their sins.
The way to deal with the xtian infestation is very simple
1) Crush the root of their power : the jewish problem, and the power and wealth of the (jewish owned) Church
2) With positive propaganda and cultural renaissance of paganism teach the masses about pagan and pro-life values and against pro-death values of xtian decay.
Without their power and with this positive unbrainwashing the more healthy and less gollum'ified ones will free themselves an become healthy members of society. A few will radicalise and go into full persecution paranoia and fanaticism delirium. Concerning those irredeemable fools :
3) Crush them
If the logical part of the brain was the one at target and the one causing changes to people, at least half of the clicks of the JoS would consider it far more seriously. A solid percent would dedicate and advance at once.

But this is not the case and the enemy knows this, the striking majority of people do not think logically on these subjects. If they did, the enemy would have been concluded with a couple centuries ago.
Generation does mean 40 years in Hebrew the Rabbi's openly stated this. I already know this works as a argument and this is just one example of thousands of arguments that works.

The fact is this you don't have the power to ban the bible nor does anyone else so the theoretical arguments don't mean anything. Working with what can be done for real and works is what is working. Even the National Socialists used the soft method because they understood how this works and they had the power to remove Christianity politically. You don't and neither do I.

Sinistra said:
They can start saying BS and evade constantly. They can say generation means " [insert random number] of years according to g_d". They can say none knows the time of the return of the nazarene. They can throw insults without listening. Or they will just go to their pastor/priest/pedophile and ask him to clarify and he will add another thick layer of brainwashing on their brain. And this is why it's not really possible to argue with xtians in most cases. They simply don't care. Xtians have the attitude of MaximumShitWhizztard.

All the research the clergy have done on xtianity, it's of course extremely useful, but it's only relevant for people who care about knowing the Truth. It's not relevant for people who simply don't care. Many have thick ear waxes that they don't wanna remove. Even if some of the most retarded xtians stumbled of the JOS main page by hazard they would probably close it in terror immediately to not allow the Devil to "tempt" them or "demons to possess them" or some other shit like that that their guru made up. They would see "Satan" in the title they would freak out and start chanting some xtian garbage and prey the nazarene to save them from "demonic possession" opening themselves for actual possession by the enemy...
Sinistra said:
The way to deal with the xtian infestation is very simple
1) Crush the root of their power : the jewish problem, and the power and wealth of the (jewish owned) Church
2) With positive propaganda and cultural renaissance of paganism teach the masses about pagan and pro-life values and against pro-death values of xtian decay.
Without their power and with this positive unbrainwashing the more healthy and less gollum'ified ones will free themselves an become healthy members of society. A few will radicalise and go into full persecution paranoia and fanaticism delirium. Concerning those irredeemable fools :
3) Crush them

Xians, the majority of them, if you attack them or by your mere existence alone, and you disagreeing, are already a militant sect as it is. If they were not, someone would have removed them earlier. But they are. Many people are ready to kill their own family or nation over this topic, this is far from superficial.

If one is on a xian forum they post literal guns with inscribed bullets they will put in "Satanist" heads, use in the apocalypse and so forth.

After the enemy will be deconstructed in all levels, it will all come down. As for them, the structure will collapse on top of them.

Their shekels is what keeps them going. The church however holds so many shekels that it's literally beyond the sizable economy of most nations. The church probably owns more than America's whole wealth with Germany combined does as an institution.
Sinistra said:
Even if some of the most retarded xtians stumbled of the JOS main page by hazard they would probably close it in terror immediately to not allow the Devil to "tempt" them or "demons to possess them" or some other shit like that that their guru made up. They would see "Satan" in the title they would freak out and start chanting some xtian garbage and prey the nazarene to save them from "demonic possession" opening themselves for actual possession by the enemy...

I always find great humour in how utterly terrified of us they are where they immediately go to sit upon the toilet and pray to their shithova. None of my housemates are aware that I'm a Satanist, but this xian garbage that moved in does a bunch of drugs that's mentally fucked her up and she can apparently see what I am as she called me out before and tried to 'convert' me to her bullshit. She knows when I've done a working and she knows when I've done the RTR.

In her eyes though my energy is harmful and 'evil' and it brings her fear. And damn right it does because she's obviously deeply indoctrinated by the enemy, so of course the opposite energy of the enemy is going to bring her harm. I already know that even if I tried to explain the truth about Satan to her she would just avoid me like she usually does and whip out her bible around me. Apparently she figured out that this book 'repels' me and it does, albeit out of disgust and it makes me feel like my soul is being turned inside-out, but she thinks it's because I'm 'an evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d'. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought holy water home one day to throw it on me.

The point is some of them just aren't even worth it.
HP Mageson666 said:
Its time some of you people smarten up if you want to win. Because the level of behaviour from some of you is not that great right now.

This may come off like an empty comment, and more to the point, I never want to disparage my brothers and sisters in the movement, but if I felt like there was one thing infecting people more and more, its an inability to know when one needs to give things a second glance.

Not that I ever want to sound arrogant, but my point is the opposite. Once or twice I've said something that at the time, wasn't thought through far enough, and not well articulated enough. Righteously, someone called me out, and ultimately I agreed and restated my point. Deep down, I like the idea I still have more to learn, it gives the experience of life meaning. Even if the person at the time was hilariously and unnecessarily hostile, they were still technically correct.

The issue I see around here on occasion is people's unwillingness to admit an error. More than once I've seen people opt for a massive shitfight instead of just admitting to an objective mistake in thought. All it does is waste people's time and fray tensions. Personal pride is important, but not when it leads to blindness of how one can grow.

This is secondary to the point I wanted to make however, though, has to do with the curious nature of things around here. There are still scores of people here who act like we're a den of black robe and goat blood wearing cult of abomination worshipers, completely oblivious to paganism or pagan history. So many people are a but a mere few steps above Safe Satanism in thought it's almost concerning. Every day I feel like there's a new post of someone asking how they can "SUMMON TEH DEBIL AND CTHULHU". I can't really insult newcomers in the way that hey, if they're here they'll learn, but you have people here who have been here for years still acting like darkedge gothlords. Perhaps its whiny to complain about how people compose themselves, it's really a minor trifle, but I feel like its a slight disservice to the Gods' nature and composure.

The way I've tried to compose myself is along the lines of a "Satanic Pagan". To be aware of the full extent of history and how our ancestors did things. And as trivial as the complaint is, there is a large sum of people still acting like a 1970s faux-"satanic" Euronymous type of person. And it causes a regrettable feeling of disconnect on occasion. A conversation I had with Astarte, when she informed me she'd be preferred to be known as such instead of Astaroth, I was too unsure of my own capabilities to make a statement, only chiming in when hey, the very next week, others started reporting it too, having the same conversation. And then a month later, people still cling to the old name, in spite of any conversation. And this is more or less just an echo of how many people weirdly treat the Goetia and other "Daemonium" as gospel truths. Or try to chopshop ancestral paganism to fit the mold of kosher certified demon grimoires. This same crowd of people I feel also treat the Gods like assholes. I've heard so many times, ad nauseam, "don't bother the Gods, they're too busy! Never speak to them! Sort your own shit out and don't ask for guidance!" completely oblivious to the Gods caring and patient nature. From a pure lifetime of experience, even if its anecdotal, I know the Gods aren't the impatient, bite-your-head-off-if-you-step-one-foot-out-of-line entities that a few particular people seem to claim.

Like I said, I understand these are trivial sentiments that right now do not really effect the movement, nor the fight against the enemy. I'm more or less noting I feel like there's a slight disunity within the movement, that there's two groups of people here, one that clings more blatantly to folkish pagan sentiments, and the other, which reflects the aesthetic and thought processes of previous "Satanic" movements.

And this is without mentioning how many weirdos have turned up only to say "we need to get rid of fags" or "genocide niggers".

In spite of anything however I think we're still an effective fighting movement against the enemy and this will continue. And although I said much of this is trivial in the moment and we really must focus all attention on the enemy... as time goes on and we grow and grow as the primary influencers in this worlds astral, I think even these little things need to be inspected. I won't claim to be on the righteouss side, my perception is still being fine tuned. I love this movement, and I'd never want to rock the boat. But in the same breath, I'd feel worse for not speaking about certain things. This being said, in true tradition of my point of view, if the movement as a whole considers me wrong, I'd be happy for ten people all to tell me to shut my mouth and I'd simply get back to the rituals without a complaint. My opinion in this context is only meaningful if others here deem it so. And this post was way longer than I thought it was going to be.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sinistra said:
Even if some of the most retarded xtians stumbled of the JOS main page by hazard they would probably close it in terror immediately to not allow the Devil to "tempt" them or "demons to possess them" or some other shit like that that their guru made up. They would see "Satan" in the title they would freak out and start chanting some xtian garbage and prey the nazarene to save them from "demonic possession" opening themselves for actual possession by the enemy...

I always find great humour in how utterly terrified of us they are where they immediately go to sit upon the toilet and pray to their shithova. None of my housemates are aware that I'm a Satanist, but this xian garbage that moved in does a bunch of drugs that's mentally fucked her up and she can apparently see what I am as she called me out before and tried to 'convert' me to her bullshit. She knows when I've done a working and she knows when I've done the RTR.

In her eyes though my energy is harmful and 'evil' and it brings her fear. And damn right it does because she's obviously deeply indoctrinated by the enemy, so of course the opposite energy of the enemy is going to bring her harm. I already know that even if I tried to explain the truth about Satan to her she would just avoid me like she usually does and whip out her bible around me. Apparently she figured out that this book 'repels' me and it does, albeit out of disgust and it makes me feel like my soul is being turned inside-out, but she thinks it's because I'm 'an evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d'. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought holy water home one day to throw it on me.

The point is some of them just aren't even worth it.
Just bind her if you are worried that she will do more to you...
Astarte - Sirens

Summoning upon another reality.
Sailing to the unsafe kingdom of nymph
Cedar smoke of thyme
Singing high and low

Eyes wet scanning the bare horizon
Her worm voice rose
Hellenic Gods watching seduction
Snake body linking
Ambrosia enslaved
Sirens, Mythic Desire
Sirens liar
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Your mind except of 'getting information' should also know the art of putting wax to your ears. When this is done, the Siren will sing the song and tell you you are 'close minded'. But you have wax in the ears you cannot hear that. Also the singing never stops all you have to do is move past it, or remove the wax and get ruined. The choice is really yours.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I knew I really need to take this sermon seriously. I had someone close to mine. He is still religous (although he started to get more and more agnostoc from talking to me). At first, I was just trying to empathize to him by trying to listen and to understand just because he listen to me too. Sometimes I use religion to explain and try to get him into higher perspective.
Days after days, weeks after weeks, I got confused about who's the jew who's not. The jew started to look gentile to my mind. Fortunately I didn't go far enough, I immediately put my guard up and sttengthen my willpower.
It's hard to find friends nowadays, even harder finding partner.
I believe many people also had attack experience like mine, put your damn wax! Seriously! Better use the time to empower our own self or do research to empower ourself than to listen to the jew siren.
HP Mageson666 said:
It was the knowledge of the Siren what it was that allowed them to survive, education and that means information. Knowledge is power.

In the past I realized something when the Anarchists came in here and were interested in Satanism but asked about Anarchism I was too ham fisted in my arguments against them and came off wrong and this drove them away and we lost some decent people over this. So I understood my mistake decided to study the two most important works of Anarchism that of Conquest of Bread and Mutual Aid that every Anarchist quotes. These two works are the platform of Anarchism outside of Marx. I read both these books to form a better understanding of their arguements of their worldview and to be able to answer questions and improve my knowledge base on probably the one of the most dominate ideology outside of Marx. I spent a lot of time studying Marx but not much outside of it. So I made the time finally.

I included in an article on the history of political and economic change in the west from the Magna Carta to the current day a section on the Enlightement and the ideologies that come from it of Libertarianism [Anarchism]. In this I gave a critic of Kropotkin's work Mutual Aid and Conquest of Bread. Kropotkin was the most important Anarchist leader in history. And as well I used his critque of Marx's which showed Marxism is horrible. I was fair and showed correctly Mutual Aid as the deciding fact in evolution meaning that cooperation within ones who species from ants to human races and tribes is correct. But Kropotkin's political interperation of what this means and how to apply this in a political-socialist form is wrong. I used the contradictions within Kropotkin's work Conquest of Bread to show this. And also used Kropotkin's criticism of Marx to show Marx was wrong as well. I also showed how Anarchism opened the door to Marxism and the consequences. Despite as showing Marxism was not popular among the other Anarchists it still won. Anarchism can't stand up to Marxism. Because the structure of its ideology can't allow for the needed strength. This is also outside of the fact Anarchism simply will not work anyway.

So I wrote this section to educate people on Anarchism and the problems within it. So people would have information to understand this with. And what happens....... Some people complained that I promoted Kropotkin somehow because I used an intellectual criticism against him and didn't just call him a doody head. So highbrow critique is over their head. So a mod pulled the article and I don't have a back up so its gone.

Now who wins from that...... The otherside because the information to educate people on the subject to warn them is gone. Hitler wrote in the second chapter of the first volume of Mein Kampf one must have an intellectual understanding of the doctrines of the left which in his time is the same as now Anarcho-Marxism. To defeat them properly.

Now take a look at the quality of people who hid behind Hitler such as Voiceofsomeguy to disparge me for following Hitler's instructions. All the while Voiceofsomeguy was invoking Hitler to base his willful ignorance of any of the leftist ideology upon and demanding even an intellectual criticism is somehow too far. We all need to pretend the doctrines of the left somehow don't exist and just calling them doody heads is enough. Voiceofsomeguy's intellectual level of contribution to the community in every post has been at the level of crushing beer cans on his forehead. Being a moron his entire life works for him but not everyone. And he is not the intellectual standard we want to aspire to here is he.

Its time some of you people smarten up if you want to win. Because the level of behaviour from some of you is not that great right now.

What you are saying in this detalied comment reminds me of something. IDK what to say ... but... in Mein kampf Hitler said that most of the people cannot be approached by intellectualy justifying your points of view but by sentiment, emotion and pure fanatism. It was a quick move and he probably did not have the time to waiot and awaken everyone. Many such moves in history are short of time and the quickest way to someones mind is actually the emotional highway...
Arcadia said:

I find your opinion is in fact meaningful and you bring to light many things that haven't directly been brought up before in a more 'official' statement. I've been around the forum for years and years, new accounts when old ones are replaced, in and out with random bouts of activity and I've never gone a year without seeing several people come into this path thinking it's some 'edgy' 'cool' thing to be 'worshipping the devil' or individuals thinking just because they figured out how to open a single chakra that they can look down on everyone who hasn't yet and view them as inferior.

I've seen many new members come into this path only for themselves, only as a power-trip and nothing more where they don't care or do anything in return for the gods or Satan. They treat everything so selfishly for their own gains and care not for the freedom and advancement of humanity or others around them. At best they'll put a half-assed effort to fight the enemy but they only do so to say things like 'Hey, I'm important, I fight the enemy, you should treat me like I'm already a god'

And in regards to the whole "don't bother the Gods, they're too busy! Never speak to them! Sort your own shit out and don't ask for guidance!", a good reason is usually needed when contacting the gods as it's obviously not suggested one should summon or contact them just to say 'how's it going' unless they've already established a good relationship. They are of course there to help you when you need it as they are our guides, teachers and friends.

You may notice from my own posts that I personally encourage people to try to solve their problems on their own first before going to the demons for help; this is only however if I don't believe the situation is too dire. We value independence and so do the gods for if they believe we can handle something on our own they will sometimes not interfere until we figure this out as has been the case for me a great number of times. But no, newer members should not be afraid to call them for help or assistance when needed as they are always willing to guide and protect us.

For the people that don't take this path seriously or see it for what it is, so long as they fight the enemy and do the RTRs and don't cause any major trouble it would be preferable to keep them around until the enemy is destroyed.... their worth and value to Satan will be revealed to them eventually after the fact if they don't smarten up by then.
Sinistra said:
Astarte - Sirens

Summoning upon another reality.
Sailing to the unsafe kingdom of nymph
Cedar smoke of thyme
Singing high and low

Eyes wet scanning the bare horizon
Her worm voice rose
Hellenic Gods watching seduction
Snake body linking
Ambrosia enslaved
Sirens, Mythic Desire
Sirens liar

Sinistra you are beyond a beautiful person right now. Every bit of that poem is right on many levels.

The lies they go far and wide
Truth never told
Body of lies
Hear me speak as I desire
Death of voice
Lost of fire
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sinistra said:
Even if some of the most retarded xtians stumbled of the JOS main page by hazard they would probably close it in terror immediately to not allow the Devil to "tempt" them or "demons to possess them" or some other shit like that that their guru made up. They would see "Satan" in the title they would freak out and start chanting some xtian garbage and prey the nazarene to save them from "demonic possession" opening themselves for actual possession by the enemy...

In her eyes though my energy is harmful and 'evil' and it brings her fear. And damn right it does because she's obviously deeply indoctrinated by the enemy, so of course the opposite energy of the enemy is going to bring her harm. I already know that even if I tried to explain the truth about Satan to her she would just avoid me like she usually does and whip out her bible around me. Apparently she figured out that this book 'repels' me and it does, albeit out of disgust and it makes me feel like my soul is being turned inside-out, but she thinks it's because I'm 'an evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d'. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought holy water home one day to throw it on me.

The point is some of them just aren't even worth it.

You're only an "evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d" if your an "evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d" regardless of whether your catching that thought off of her, or you just think that's what she thinks about you.

And she "figured you out"? They are all idiots lol, you're right about the energy but they are useless people. Also the enemy is fucking melting back into particles along with her "good book". Stop conforming to an idea, you are your own person. You show a lot of knowledge in posts and seem to be developing greatly, you need to recondition your thinking around this matter though. A fucking book and some "words" from a "language" about the idea that you should be a slave is blatant to you as it is to most on the planet. It's just some sounds and some papers with symbols on, it only affects you and changes you if it does- I know I see a cross and think "oh fuck, I'm a satanist I should be melting rn" then I get all angry then people near me are freaked out. I decided this wasn't going to be the case for me some time ago though, so I personally can't say such a thing has happened to me but ik that's not the case for others here.

Change your identity, and utilise the subconscious part of your mind where you are affirming and knowing. Also stop being an edgelord, "haha fuck her lol I'm just gonna post some shit but then not do anything spiritual about it- developing me and getting rid of this problem" type person. I know you are someone who is aware of the affirmational stuff, and you have probably helped people on not affirming their own failure, but why should that not also apply to you?

To tell people to not know their whole life into shit, but then to not apply said knowledge to yourself- to know a dirtbag person IS actually having an effect, ON A SS?! How could YOU, allow such a bizarrity to yourself.

I know it is in you to not be so lax, brother- now know it in yourself.
(P.S their entire life is some fucking nightmare slideshow where every ideal is this meme to be inserted in "given situation" and they genuinely think they have no control over anything and that everything is fated, and their HYPOCRISY of so called love light and virtue living in such a state oof oof oof.)
13th_Wolf said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
In her eyes though my energy is harmful and 'evil' and it brings her fear. And damn right it does because she's obviously deeply indoctrinated by the enemy, so of course the opposite energy of the enemy is going to bring her harm. I already know that even if I tried to explain the truth about Satan to her she would just avoid me like she usually does and whip out her bible around me. Apparently she figured out that this book 'repels' me and it does, albeit out of disgust and it makes me feel like my soul is being turned inside-out, but she thinks it's because I'm 'an evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d'. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought holy water home one day to throw it on me.

The point is some of them just aren't even worth it.

You're only an "evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d" if your an "evil demon that is harmed by the word of g_d" regardless of whether your catching that thought off of her, or you just think that's what she thinks about you.

It's not hard to pinpoint what the predictable xian garbage will assume these days from their 'teachings'.

And she "figured you out"? They are all idiots lol, you're right about the energy but they are useless people. Also the enemy is fucking melting back into particles along with her "good book". Stop conforming to an idea, you are your own person. You show a lot of knowledge in posts and seem to be developing greatly, you need to recondition your thinking around this matter though. A fucking book and some "words" from a "language" about the idea that you should be a slave is blatant to you as it is to most on the planet. It's just some sounds and some papers with symbols on, it only affects you and changes you if it does-

I was raised in a xian family so enemy bullshit is associated to a lot more than just what I know. The enemy has spent very real 'magic' on their disgusting dogmas that they've used throughout the ages to ensnare and corrupt humanity. These magics go against everything that we are on a natural level and do in fact negatively impact us.

She also did not 'figure me out' in some sense that I was making anything obvious. Just that every time I've been around her I noticed she would cling to her garbage belongings, not that I'd make some kind of dramatic show of melting. I don't react in any way that would make anything apparent.

I know I see a cross and think "oh fuck, I'm a satanist I should be melting rn" then I get all angry then people near me are freaked out. I decided this wasn't going to be the case for me some time ago though, so I personally can't say such a thing has happened to me but ik that's not the case for others here.

Change your identity, and utilise the subconscious part of your mind where you are affirming and knowing. Also stop being an edgelord, "haha fuck her lol I'm just gonna post some shit but then not do anything spiritual about it- developing me and getting rid of this problem" type person. I know you are someone who is aware of the affirmational stuff, and you have probably helped people on not affirming their own failure, but why should that not also apply to you?

I've programmed my aura to repel her and deflect negative energy she sends off back to her a long while ago, I don't go around flaunting how 'capable' I am on the forums, I just like to casually bitch about shit. And she doesn't interfere with my spiritual progress as of 3 weeks ago. It was dealt with quickly and your assumptions based on things you've never even asked for clarification on is counterproductive.

To tell people to not know their whole life into shit, but then to not apply said knowledge to yourself- to know a dirtbag person IS actually having an effect, ON A SS?! How could YOU, allow such a bizarrity to yourself.

Again I already dealt with the situation. For all of these impressions of me you seem to for some reason think I lay back and let myself get attacked. I don't think I'm going to explode if I see a cross as she wears one all the damn time, but her book is what has strong negative connotations with me as per my past, which is honestly none of your business.

I know it is in you to not be so lax, brother- now know it in yourself.
(P.S their entire life is some fucking nightmare slideshow where every ideal is this meme to be inserted in "given situation" and they genuinely think they have no control over anything and that everything is fated, and their HYPOCRISY of so called love light and virtue living in such a state oof oof oof.)

I am probably one of the least lax people here when it comes to any spiritual warfare, I don't need to know this because it's my routine lifestyle on a regular basis. I appreciate you trying to essentially 'call someone out on their bullshit' though.
Ghost in the Machine said:
13th_Wolf said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
It's not hard to pinpoint what the predictable xian garbage will assume these days from their 'teachings'.

I was raised in a xian family so enemy bullshit is associated to a lot more than just what I know. The enemy has spent very real 'magic' on their disgusting dogmas that they've used throughout the ages to ensnare and corrupt humanity. These magics go against everything that we are on a natural level and do in fact negatively impact us.

She also did not 'figure me out' in some sense that I was making anything obvious. Just that every time I've been around her I noticed she would cling to her garbage belongings, not that I'd make some kind of dramatic show of melting. I don't react in any way that would make anything apparent.

I've programmed my aura to repel her and deflect negative energy she sends off back to her a long while ago, I don't go around flaunting how 'capable' I am on the forums, I just like to casually bitch about shit. And she doesn't interfere with my spiritual progress as of 3 weeks ago. It was dealt with quickly and your assumptions based on things you've never even asked for clarification on is counterproductive.

Again I already dealt with the situation. For all of these impressions of me you seem to for some reason think I lay back and let myself get attacked. I don't think I'm going to explode if I see a cross as she wears one all the damn time, but her book is what has strong negative connotations with me as per my past, which is honestly none of your business.

I am probably one of the least lax people here when it comes to any spiritual warfare, I don't need to know this because it's my routine lifestyle on a regular basis. I appreciate you trying to essentially 'call someone out on their bullshit' though.

I apologise for being weird and exaggerative. I also know you are one of the people who doesn't really need any help I feel like a bit of a cunt :|

Either way its said and done, I definitely didn't need to say anything at all but I'm pretty sure you got a good show of grandiosity and idealistic stuff based on my false assumptions ha. Also the knowledge that I am in fact probably not so refined, which is good in later development but now kikes know I'm not so developed, but its fine anyway because we can all work together and point 3- alot of others on here are worse with the whole egoic throwing their shit around stuff... so i must not be so bad right?..............................................................................

I must say I like how straightforward and laserlike your words are (and mostly have been in other posts) and that you can share your ideas and also have a little fun and idea throwing but not getting in the way of what you're actually saying. I aspire to this, I really do- you are awesome in this.
I suppose I took your casual bitching of things as naivety and loose handling, you did say "some of them aren't even worth it" which is what I mostly said so, I'm not so glad I missed that.

Parts of my message could still be useful to some who read it though so I don't want to take it down, but it is a fucking meme.
I apologise again for the *ahem* sperg or whatever but I don't think thats the word? it might be. For the waste of time(?) and for the assuming your persons and situation I apologise acutely.
Good post... The jewish creations and programs always have something "off" about them like Corrupted Wagner. You can sense the fakeness but their influence cannot be underestimated.

I also agree with Mageson on the silly bravado of the right and National Socialist movement. I too used to be too ham fisted and not take the left as seriously as required to defeat such people. So I stopped using the word libtard and spewing that type of humor and actually read more on Marx. I am not a highly educated person, and it is not that I or anyone else are stupid or unable to debate, but in general our side really needs to pull up our socks and work on our optics and tactics in the way that was described. Just try twice harder and we can win three times as fast.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
