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There is a lot of talk and claims about Christianity being some kind of opposition to Jews and losers trying to push National Socialist idealism and honest discussion out of the scene. But beyond all this dishonest yap flapping sophism. Lets us just take a look around in REALITY at things to draw conclusions from and not losers with flapping lips. Who talk so much shit they have turned that hole under their nose into a talking butthole.

The current leader of Syria's, father who created the Syrian nation as it is. Once stated that Syria is "National Socialist" Assad pushed away the Marxists and Islam radicals to create a modern and excellent nation state. It was also Assad who was the locus of all major resistance to the Zionist occupation of the Middle East. It was Assad who nearly defeated Israel in a war that he lead against the Zionist occupation and genocide state of Israel. The Syrian's put up a excellent fight in the Yom Kippur War but were betrayed by the Egyptian leader, Sadat. But they still made headway to the point the Israeli leaders at the start of the conflict were getting beaten so badly by the Arabs under Assad's National Socialist leadership they were going to use the Samson defense. Keeping in mind the Israeli's had the best military equipment when the Arabs were using third rate Soviet crap and were betrayed by the Jewish deep state that ran the Soviet Union. The Assad's have also keep the Messiah Rabbinical Rothschild families banking system out of his nation.

It was also Assad who destroyed the Israeli's attempt to invade and destroy Lebanon and turn Southern Lebanon into another West Bank concentration camp for Arabs run by Jews. A former Mossad General wrote a book on the subject stating that Mossad created a civil war in Lebanon as a proxy conflict to invade it and take its territory for Israel. Assad sent the Syrian Army in and cut off vital regions to the Israeli advance and stagnated the Jewish plan. It was also mainly Assad who created Hezbollah which is the Lebanese political and military nationalist force. That was created to defend the Shia community during the civil war. It was Hezbollah that pushed the Israeli military out of Lebanon and then totally defeated an Israeli military force of almost one hundred thousand in the war of 2006.

The National Socialist, Syrian Nation that Assad created has been strong enough to hold together and beat back the proxy armies of tens of thousands sent against them with the backing of super powers and regional powers by Israel's Zionist global leaders. Assad called this war "The Israel-Syrian war" for a reason. The Syrian's were also able out smart the Arab Spring tactics used to take down Libya at the start of the civil war.

National Socialist Syria has been the axis of total successful resistance to the Jewish agenda in the Middle East. Eustace Mullins stated that the reason the Arab leaders are anti Israel is not for religious reasons, the Assad's are secular and their nation is religious freedom and secular freedom in Syria. But because the Arab's are woke to the writings of the founders of the Zionist state such as Ben Gurion the first Israeli leader that Israel aim to genocide the Arab People and nations. The Arab wars were defensive and a reaction to the invasion of the Middle East and genocide of the Arab People by the Jews.

National Socialism and National Socialist Arab leaders have provide the greatest resistance to the Jewish agenda against the Arab world. Just like National Socialist European nations and leaders have against the Jewish world order plan with Communism.

Hitler is the father of the successful Arab struggle and Hitler is also the father of Indian independence as well. As the Hindu guru Swami Prabhupada stated openly. It was Hitler working to build up Chandra Bose that got India its independence, Gandi is a fraud. A lot of Hindu academic's also know this. While America was pushed into the second war by the Jewish administration of FDR. The war ended up with the USSR destroyed and America becoming anti-Communist and rebuilding Europe into a strong anti-Communist alliance. Which the change gave time for the Soviet Union to collapse. As it never recovered from the war. Hitler destroyed the Soviet Union as former Red Army intelligence Officer, Suvorov stated in his book on the subject: "Stalin The Chief Culprit". Hitler is the liberator of much of the world. From a Jewish plan that would turn the entire world into the Gaza strip and West Bank under Communism.

The proxy war in Syria has now turned against Israel as I predicted it would. The Jews are know openly committing their forces into Syria as they are panicking over the fact Iran, Syria and Hezbollah are winning and now Syria is a Iranian military base on the Israeli boarder. The amount of new arms in the Syria conflict has also neutralized a lot of Israeli's traditional military advantages. They have lost numerous planes over Syria. Israel is now encircled by superior Arab forces and trying to go to open war with them. Israel ran scared from their plans to go to war with Lebanon at the start of the year. Because Hezbollah now has the military strength to literally destroy Israel.

Satan is the author of National Socialism, the Jewish Rabbinical elites know this. Hitler and his inner circle were from the Thule Society who were openly working with Satan and the Gods to bring about Gentile Liberation on this planet. This is why the Jews are even unconsciously terrified of Hitler and National Socialism just like they are of Satan. To the extreme the Jews have turned Hitler into a horror film monster and spread all kinds of lies about him which is what the Jews have done to our Gods with their Christian program. Why should a Gentile fear their original Gods? Because the Jews said so in a book they wrote that states the earth is flat.

The lie such as the mythical six million which was debunked already in the Zundel case. The case of the Thule Society is also why the Jews don't want Gentiles getting into contact with our Gods.

Just read the Torah the nations that overthrew Jewish domination and oppression such as in Egypt with the "Pharaoh who knew not Joseph" and destroyed Israel's Empire and scatter the Jews into oblivion such as the Assyrians and later the Babylon's and Romans. These Peoples were all PAGAN. The Christians have always lost and offered no resistance to the Jews worth mentioning, they worship the Jews. Hitler and his inner Nazi circle were all PAGANS.

The only people mass murdering people in death camps is the Jews, either in the Gulag system which the Russian historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who survived the Gulag stated they were run by open Jewish Rabbi's or the Gaza strip or West Bank. Just like the numerous slave plantations the Jews worked millions of African slaves to death on. As the book "The secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews In America" expose.
As a matter of fact, Hitler is known as a hero and liberator in most Arabic countries.
People there also never heard about the supposed holocaust and dictatorship of Hitler before Hollywood movies were getting popular in the region.

My only concern now is the kurdish country, as the kurds stated publicly that they're supported from israel an they even raised israeli flags while protesting for their shitty country. The kurds also call the israelis people their cousins.
This can be a big distraction to Assad and Iran.
Any thoughts on the matter?

As always, thank you for these awesome sermons!
The Kurds have worked with Israel and the West to carve their own nation out of Iraq, Turkey and Syria. However after how Bush the crypto betrayed the Kurds to Saddam I doubt how much they trust them. I think the Kurd situation is why the Turks have been acting the way they have with this conflict they are allies with Israel on. I think the Kurds are just in it for the Kurds and as long as the arms and money comes from the west they will kiss ass.

Coraxo said:
As a matter of fact, Hitler is known as a hero and liberator in most Arabic countries.
People there also never heard about the supposed holocaust and dictatorship of Hitler before Hollywood movies were getting popular in the region.

My only concern now is the kurdish country, as the kurds stated publicly that they're supported from israel an they even raised israeli flags while protesting for their shitty country. The kurds also call the israelis people their cousins.
This can be a big distraction to Assad and Iran.
Any thoughts on the matter?

As always, thank you for these awesome sermons!
This information is a royal right cross to the jaw of the ignorant parrots of that "neo-nazi" philosophy, as it is a major distinction when read between the lines.

Many jews are either blathering with illiteracy or blatantly lying about the true meaning between the lines of leaders like Adolf Hitler and their vocabulary and diplomatic approaches around the mainstream religious institutions of the times.

That is why I keep seeing all of the obvious "Hitler was a catholic, christian, jew (blatant lie)" etc.

As is it a left jab to the nose of the "sneer sneer" nose jews who try to blast occupied countries with their holly wood propaganda.

Its really invigorating to see all of this wrapped up into one post, as regards the middle and eastern countries supporting the original National Socialism.
Jews will stop at nothing. I got a following on Twitter " HOLY LANGUAGE TRIBE " (MESSIANIC JEWS) WTF?
Might have to hide for a day or two, at least till they and their mafia decide to go somewhere else.
Hopefully more people will look into the material on this website. They are generally all exposed to it now.
It sounds like Hitlers the man for the job. Is there a group working we can do to power up Hitlers soul or bring him back? Well its probably not something just anyone can do but its worth a shot right? I mean just look at all the xians praying nonstop for jewsus so shouldnt we back up our guys too?

Maby its best to keep bringing the enemy down first :idea:

Hey! :!: I read somewhere a while back that Hitlers the antichrist!
Hitler is still alive, he finished the Magnum Opus.

alreadygoneshopping said:
It sounds like Hitlers the man for the job. Is there a group working we can do to power up Hitlers soul or bring him back? Well its probably not something just anyone can do but its worth a shot right? I mean just look at all the xians praying nonstop for jewsus so shouldnt we back up our guys too?

Maby its best to keep bringing the enemy down first :idea:

Hey! :!: I read somewhere a while back that Hitlers the antichrist!
HP Mageson666 said:
Hitler is still alive, he finished the Magnum Opus.

alreadygoneshopping said:
It sounds like Hitlers the man for the job. Is there a group working we can do to power up Hitlers soul or bring him back? Well its probably not something just anyone can do but its worth a shot right? I mean just look at all the xians praying nonstop for jewsus so shouldnt we back up our guys too?

Maby its best to keep bringing the enemy down first :idea:

Hey! :!: I read somewhere a while back that Hitlers the antichrist!

What's the evidence for this ?
The fact is its well known now the bunker story was made up by the British Intelligence service at the end of the war. Stalin, Churchill and Eisenhower openly stated they didn't buy the story. There was a passage to the underground tunnel system in Hitler's bunker which people used to get around the allied bombing raids over the city. The fact is many people recall witness flying disk craft coming in low at the end of the war to make pick up's of people.

Hitler and the Nazi's had created a vast underground global network to carry on the struggle after the war. They never surrendered they kept up the struggle one way or another. Hitler was already a high ascended master and with direct instruction from the Gods he finished the process of the light body and become fully ascended. The evidence is we have been told by Hell directly this is the situation.

If you realize something a lot of the Demons were originally Humans like you and me who fully ascended by the magnum opus thousands of years ago. Hitler is one such Human who achieved the same in our life time.

Alexander said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Hitler is still alive, he finished the Magnum Opus.

alreadygoneshopping said:
It sounds like Hitlers the man for the job. Is there a group working we can do to power up Hitlers soul or bring him back? Well its probably not something just anyone can do but its worth a shot right? I mean just look at all the xians praying nonstop for jewsus so shouldnt we back up our guys too?

Maby its best to keep bringing the enemy down first :idea:

Hey! :!: I read somewhere a while back that Hitlers the antichrist!

What's the evidence for this ?
HP Mageson666 said:
The fact is its well known now the bunker story was made up by the British Intelligence service at the end of the war. Stalin, Churchill and Eisenhower openly stated they didn't buy the story. There was a passage to the underground tunnel system in Hitler's bunker which people used to get around the allied bombing raids over the city. The fact is many people recall witness flying disk craft coming in low at the end of the war to make pick up's of people.

Hitler and the Nazi's had created a vast underground global network to carry on the struggle after the war. They never surrendered they kept up the struggle one way or another. Hitler was already a high ascended master and with direct instruction from the Gods he finished the process of the light body and become fully ascended. The evidence is we have been told by Hell directly this is the situation.

If you realize something a lot of the Demons were originally Humans like you and me who fully ascended by the magnum opus thousands of years ago. Hitler is one such Human who achieved the same in our life time.

Alexander said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Hitler is still alive, he finished the Magnum Opus.

What's the evidence for this ?

Ok. Something gives me this crazy idea that maby he doesnt need help and we should keep going with the rtrs instead.

Thank you sharing. Thats alot to think about and learn from.
Coraxo said:
As a matter of fact, Hitler is known as a hero and liberator in most Arabic countries.
People there also never heard about the supposed holocaust and dictatorship of Hitler before Hollywood movies were getting popular in the region.

My only concern now is the kurdish country, as the kurds stated publicly that they're supported from israel an they even raised israeli flags while protesting for their shitty country. The kurds also call the israelis people their cousins.
This can be a big distraction to Assad and Iran.
Any thoughts on the matter?

As always, thank you for these awesome sermons!

Kurds are killing Yezidis with German and (((israeli))) weapons.


The guy who uploaded this video is a Yezidi refugee in Germany. He makes videos about the Yezidi worldview. 100% PAGAN stuff. Look into the description of the video. He also shared some interesting links:

"Study Finds Close Genetic Connection Between Jews, Kurds
read more: https://www.haaretz.com/study-finds-close-genetic-connection-between-jews-kurds-1.75273 "
Hitler definitely sparked Arab National Socialism as he met with the Palestinian grand mufti and gained his friendship. Many Nazi's went to Arabia after the war and worked there in various professional positions.

Let us not forget that everything the Jew does is controlled directly by the horrendous criminals the Grey aliens and Reptilian aliens who have been recorded to be actively involved in pushing Christianity not only through creating hoax, false miracles but through their contact with Jewish people such as the vatican leaders who have been recorded to have made a "deal" with them.

How many times or records have been lost or not recorded of these Reptilian and Grey E.T.'s and their involvement in all blood sacrifice, subversive programs, and Christianity and Judaism itself in general? I would bet they are the cause and true creators of these programs and the Jews rule on Earth will only lead to an even more horrific night mare planet - one that is beyond the scope of communism or imagination.

We must stay dedicated to educating the people about Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
The Yezidi are called Kurds but they are also not considered Kurds by others. They are Persians.

SS322 said:
Coraxo said:
As a matter of fact, Hitler is known as a hero and liberator in most Arabic countries.
People there also never heard about the supposed holocaust and dictatorship of Hitler before Hollywood movies were getting popular in the region.

My only concern now is the kurdish country, as the kurds stated publicly that they're supported from israel an they even raised israeli flags while protesting for their shitty country. The kurds also call the israelis people their cousins.
This can be a big distraction to Assad and Iran.
Any thoughts on the matter?

As always, thank you for these awesome sermons!

Kurds are killing Yezidis with German and (((israeli))) weapons.


The guy who uploaded this video is a Yezidi refugee in Germany. He makes videos about the Yezidi worldview. 100% PAGAN stuff. Look into the description of the video. He also shared some interesting links:

"Study Finds Close Genetic Connection Between Jews, Kurds
read more: https://www.haaretz.com/study-finds-close-genetic-connection-between-jews-kurds-1.75273 "
alreadygoneshopping said:
It sounds like Hitlers the man for the job. Is there a group working we can do to power up Hitlers soul or bring him back? Well its probably not something just anyone can do but its worth a shot right? I mean just look at all the xians praying nonstop for jewsus so shouldnt we back up our guys too?

Maby its best to keep bringing the enemy down first :idea:

Hey! :!: I read somewhere a while back that Hitlers the antichrist!

Check out this series by HP_Hammerofthegods http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/nazism2/
Talks all about how Hitler and the Thule group were in contact and how they invented rocketry through direct knowledge from Satan, Astaroth.
So Jews only win by believing their fairy tales? Anyone can lie and make a damn ego cult for themselves which is a pathetic act in ever form. So much for the poopoo's being the superior race! :lol:

In Philippines, we call IDF(Pssrael defense force), Israel DUWAG forces.
zolaluckystar said:
Wow HP Mageson I never knew this about Assad! Thanks for this post!

You say Hitler is alive. It makes me feel so good to imagine the terror the enemy (if He returns to us?) would experience at Him appearing here on Earth. Talk about putting the LIE to everything they have said about him! And to their Fake History!!!

I would think a LOT of White people from many countries (even non-whites) would be rallying to HIM. Just the thought of getting to see Him return makes me get tears in my eyes. I really want Him to come back to us. :cry:

Loved the video, thanks for sharing zolaluckystar.

Don't forget, Hitler can contact us through the astral just like any other Demon. The clergy has mentioned specifically in the past about astral interactions with our Anti Christ.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Yezidi are called Kurds but they are also not considered Kurds by others. They are Persians.

SS322 said:
Coraxo said:
As a matter of fact, Hitler is known as a hero and liberator in most Arabic countries.
People there also never heard about the supposed holocaust and dictatorship of Hitler before Hollywood movies were getting popular in the region.

My only concern now is the kurdish country, as the kurds stated publicly that they're supported from israel an they even raised israeli flags while protesting for their shitty country. The kurds also call the israelis people their cousins.
This can be a big distraction to Assad and Iran.
Any thoughts on the matter?

As always, thank you for these awesome sermons!

Kurds are killing Yezidis with German and (((israeli))) weapons.


The guy who uploaded this video is a Yezidi refugee in Germany. He makes videos about the Yezidi worldview. 100% PAGAN stuff. Look into the description of the video. He also shared some interesting links:

"Study Finds Close Genetic Connection Between Jews, Kurds
read more: https://www.haaretz.com/study-finds-close-genetic-connection-between-jews-kurds-1.75273 "

That Yezidi guy "Sonnenkind" got triggerd by me because I said that Yezidis are a branch of Zoroastrianism under one of my re-uploaded videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZlXzF75GRo&t=1s He said that Yezidis are a race on their own. Persians would be a different group and Kurds are also be a much younger group who tries to steal the history, language and territory of the Yezidis. I really recommend watching Sonnenkind's stuff to all who want to know more about what Yezidis are and believe. Books like the Al-Jilwah were not even written by the Yezidis themselves but are a description of their worldview by outsiders. Hence the words like (((children of Adam))) in the Al-Jilwah. Yezidis are older than the children of Adam. They identify as the original inhabitants of the middle east.

Great post by the way. When the Syrian war began, I immediately took the side of Assad because the western media wanted to present him as the bad guy and I knew this was just their regular agitation to destabilize a country. Then I used to be sceptical of Assad because he was allied with (((Putin))). After my research and if you take the (((zionist))) dimension away, the Syrian war is mainly a war between Gazprom and OPEC about a pipeline that OPEC wanted to build through Syria, Turkey and south-eastern Europe. Assad refused to build that pipeline out of reasons unknown to me. Maybe he saw it as a threat to the environemt or Syria's political and economical independence. Russia/Gazprom of course wants to keep its monopoly on the European energy market and wouldn't like to share with the Arabs, so they support Assad and oppose the pipeline. By now I think again that Assad might be the good guy... much better than those israeli-funded rebels at least who oppose him.
is the miguel serrano esoteric hitlerism okay and like our system?
Im reading Hitler the last Avatar at the moment
The Yezidi's did confirm that the Black Book is authentic when it was showed to them. Their community has become very open to the west in the last few decades with the changes in the region. Something to consider is the ancient Persians were Vedic Aryans like the Yezidi and both came from further east. Zoroastrianism tried to separate the Persians off from this. Its an anti Vedic, proto Xian ideology which states the Gods are really evil monsters. Just like xianity. Also note the Devil of this anti-Aryan cult of Zoroaster is called Ahriman. This is Sanskrit its Ari Manu which means Aryan Man in English and also the Aryan God, Manu is Manas the God of the European race in Germanic Paganism.

SS322 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Yezidi are called Kurds but they are also not considered Kurds by others. They are Persians.

SS322 said:
Kurds are killing Yezidis with German and (((israeli))) weapons.


The guy who uploaded this video is a Yezidi refugee in Germany. He makes videos about the Yezidi worldview. 100% PAGAN stuff. Look into the description of the video. He also shared some interesting links:

"Study Finds Close Genetic Connection Between Jews, Kurds
read more: https://www.haaretz.com/study-finds-close-genetic-connection-between-jews-kurds-1.75273 "

That Yezidi guy "Sonnenkind" got triggerd by me because I said that Yezidis are a branch of Zoroastrianism under one of my re-uploaded videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZlXzF75GRo&t=1s He said that Yezidis are a race on their own. Persians would be a different group and Kurds are also be a much younger group who tries to steal the history, language and territory of the Yezidis. I really recommend watching Sonnenkind's stuff to all who want to know more about what Yezidis are and believe. Books like the Al-Jilwah were not even written by the Yezidis themselves but are a description of their worldview by outsiders. Hence the words like (((children of Adam))) in the Al-Jilwah. Yezidis are older than the children of Adam. They identify as the original inhabitants of the middle east.

Great post by the way. When the Syrian war began, I immediately took the side of Assad because the western media wanted to present him as the bad guy and I knew this was just their regular agitation to destabilize a country. Then I used to be sceptical of Assad because he was allied with (((Putin))). After my research and if you take the (((zionist))) dimension away, the Syrian war is mainly a war between Gazprom and OPEC about a pipeline that OPEC wanted to build through Syria, Turkey and south-eastern Europe. Assad refused to build that pipeline out of reasons unknown to me. Maybe he saw it as a threat to the environemt or Syria's political and economical independence. Russia/Gazprom of course wants to keep its monopoly on the European energy market and wouldn't like to share with the Arabs, so they support Assad and oppose the pipeline. By now I think again that Assad might be the good guy... much better than those israeli-funded rebels at least who oppose him.
Serrano is a Christian gnostic. You may recall the lolz of when a talking wax mannequin named Sprockets, that looks like it huffs glue bottles. Came to life like in a movie and started ranting about how we are "The deceivers of Loki" and calling Satan titles of Yahweh and such nonsense. Well Sprockets is a drugged out student of Serrano's nonsense.

This is what happened when Sprockets found the JoS, the Christ consciousness just melted down in him

EnkiUK said:
is the miguel serrano esoteric hitlerism okay and like our system?
Im reading Hitler the last Avatar at the moment
I wrote about this before. Putin only stepped in directly when the Iranians were given full command by Assad of the military operations and were going to ship in tens of thousands more troops and turn Syria into a Iranian military base on the Israeli boarder. Putin then made a deal to take command instead. The Jews are doing what they already did during the Soviet time. Pretending to be the Arab's ally while stabbing them in the back. The Iranians found the Russian FSB was giving the Syrian, Iranian AA codes to the Israeli's so their planes could evade their AA and attack Iranian and Syrian positions. Putin is a leash on the Iranians and is working behind the scenes with his fellow Jews in Israel. Putin even stated Assad will have to step down. He is no friend of the Syrian's.

With the Oil mentioned there is a truth within this. But the Israeli's want to control that pipeline and Putin is a Zionist Jew. So it would not be that bad for his own business.

EasternFireLion666 said:
What is Putin's implication on Assad's affair? From what I know Putin is one of them. Yet he seems to support Assad in some limited ways.
SS322 said:
When the Syrian war began, I immediately took the side of Assad because the western media wanted to present him as the bad guy and I knew this was just their regular agitation to destabilize a country. Then I used to be sceptical of Assad because he was allied with (((Putin))). After my research and if you take the (((zionist))) dimension away, the Syrian war is mainly a war between Gazprom and OPEC about a pipeline that OPEC wanted to build through Syria, Turkey and south-eastern Europe. Assad refused to build that pipeline out of reasons unknown to me. Maybe he saw it as a threat to the environemt or Syria's political and economical independence. Russia/Gazprom of course wants to keep its monopoly on the European energy market and wouldn't like to share with the Arabs, so they support Assad and oppose the pipeline. By now I think again that Assad might be the good guy... much better than those israeli-funded rebels at least who oppose him.

The war in Syria is actually much deeper than just pipelines.

For what I've understood and after I studied the topic, I came to the conclusion that the reason for israel supporting the rebels, kurds and IS is to weaken the region's resistance against israel extending its land, and to divide Syria and Iraq to many small countries so it would be easier for them to occupy (classic tactics for the jews).
Especially for Syria, like what France did between 1923−1946, by creating 5 small "states" which were supposed to become separate countries. They were as the following;
State of Aleppo, Alawite State, Greater Lebanon, State of Damascus and Jabal Al-Durze State. And one of them stayed separated after the rebelion against the French colony was over (1925-1946).

As for Russia, HP Mageson has commented before that Russia is just there because Assad has paid them to (or something like this, I can't remember what he wrote exactly), and I personally think it's also there to insure security for israel and maybe spy on Assad's, Iran's and Hezbollah's military. As Syria probably still has chemical weapons even after it gave them to the united nations I think;
"a removal plan the U.S. and Russia had brokered with the United Nations"
And let's not forget that Iran has nuclear weapons and it might have military bases in Syria that has some nuclear missiles. So that too might be a reason for why is Russia so "into" the war in Syria.

I remember a couple of months ago, I read that israel has volunteered to """"defend"""" the southern part of Syria (which didn't happen). And now they're helping the kurds steal other people's lands, as it wasn't enough they stole their culture...

Btw, everything I wrote is only my own opinion on the matter, and can be false. Have an open mind.

P.S I might have posted this comment twice, sorry!
HP Mageson666 said:
The Yezidi's did confirm that the Black Book is authentic when it was showed to them. Their community has become very open to the west in the last few decades with the changes in the region. Something to consider is the ancient Persians were Vedic Aryans like the Yezidi and both came from further east. Zoroastrianism tried to separate the Persians off from this. Its an anti Vedic, proto Xian ideology which states the Gods are really evil monsters. Just like xianity. Also note the Devil of this anti-Aryan cult of Zoroaster is called Ahriman. This is Sanskrit its Ari Manu which means Aryan Man in English and also the Aryan God, Manu is Manas the God of the European race in Germanic Paganism.

SS322 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Yezidi are called Kurds but they are also not considered Kurds by others. They are Persians.

That Yezidi guy "Sonnenkind" got triggerd by me because I said that Yezidis are a branch of Zoroastrianism under one of my re-uploaded videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZlXzF75GRo&t=1s He said that Yezidis are a race on their own. Persians would be a different group and Kurds are also be a much younger group who tries to steal the history, language and territory of the Yezidis. I really recommend watching Sonnenkind's stuff to all who want to know more about what Yezidis are and believe. Books like the Al-Jilwah were not even written by the Yezidis themselves but are a description of their worldview by outsiders. Hence the words like (((children of Adam))) in the Al-Jilwah. Yezidis are older than the children of Adam. They identify as the original inhabitants of the middle east.


Satan stated to HPS Maxine that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines. I am thinking these could be the various other Yezidi texts that have alot of christian crap in them. However, the Al Jilwah may have been altered slightly to confuse and divert attention away from particularly important points, because it looks like it is pretty authentic.
fantastic post HP,

once again humbled by the collective knowledge in this group
Thank you for this info HP :)

HP Mageson666 said:
I wrote about this before. Putin only stepped in directly when the Iranians were given full command by Assad of the military operations and were going to ship in tens of thousands more troops and turn Syria into a Iranian military base on the Israeli boarder. Putin then made a deal to take command instead. The Jews are doing what they already did during the Soviet time. Pretending to be the Arab's ally while stabbing them in the back. The Iranians found the Russian FSB was giving the Syrian, Iranian AA codes to the Israeli's so their planes could evade their AA and attack Iranian and Syrian positions. Putin is a leash on the Iranians and is working behind the scenes with his fellow Jews in Israel. Putin even stated Assad will have to step down. He is no friend of the Syrian's.

With the Oil mentioned there is a truth within this. But the Israeli's want to control that pipeline and Putin is a Zionist Jew. So it would not be that bad for his own business.

EasternFireLion666 said:
What is Putin's implication on Assad's affair? From what I know Putin is one of them. Yet he seems to support Assad in some limited ways.
HP Mageson666 said:
Serrano is a Christian gnostic. You may recall the lolz of when a talking wax mannequin named Sprockets, that looks like it huffs glue bottles. Came to life like in a movie and started ranting about how we are "The deceivers of Loki" and calling Satan titles of Yahweh and such nonsense. Well Sprockets is a drugged out student of Serrano's nonsense.

This is what happened when Sprockets found the JoS, the Christ consciousness just melted down in him

I have read it mate it just seems very repetitive lacking a bit of structure.

Reason for reading as im doing a bit of political work reading Colin Jordans stuff and he states his religion as Esoteric Hitlerism
I haven't studied it extensively but I like Serrano if nothing else or the fact that his works get you to thinking and researching. I don't believe he is so wrong that it wouldn't help to look into it.

Same with Crowley or any of these people. They at least introduce you to concepts that you don't find elsewhere and then you can dig into the concepts themselves and find the truth. Sure sometimes people get stuff wrong but you might never even hear of something if it wasn't for them.

Even Alex Jones as crazy as he is, introduces people to things they had never thought about when they lived in the matrix. Not that I'm saying Jones is any good, but you get the gist. Even I still will watch a video from Infowars or something. It's good to seek sources all over.


All I can say is after follwing the Syrian conflict for a while now, I'm glad Bashar is finally winning. If you look you'll lots of people online are waking up to the fact that the so called "moderate rebels" are just jew funded zionist muslim jihadists trying to turn Syria into another pro-pissrael sunni puppet state like the gulf states. Shame aboout Jewtin's manipulations but maybe the Syrians will be able to kick him out after the war's over hopefully, who knows.

HP Mageson666 said:
Zoroastrianism tried to separate the Persians off from this. Its an anti Vedic, proto Xian ideology which states the Gods are really evil monsters.

I always was suspicious of Zoroastrianism it given the fact the koran tells mudslimes to not kill them and convert them, just tax them and leave them alone like it does with christians and jews. Wouldn't wanna be destroying one of their own progams, now would they?
Yes Odin im quite like that myself like to watch various things like info wars alex jones cosmic disclosure doesnt mean im taking everything for the truth.

You get some good things mostly its entertainment
I came across something it says Google plotted to overthrow Assad in Syria.
HP Mageson this was beautifully written and it covered a lot of important points. The relationship between Nazi Germany and the Middle East were quite unique. Egypt, even with occupying British troops, were pro-German and were neutral until the last year of war, in which the British forced King Farouk to declare war. Later on, many in Germany found welcome and refuge throughout Egypt after the war.
It is unique to mention both the Syrian Army and Hezbollah still use the same Roman Salute National Socialist Germany had used.

I think it's extremely important to mention, and this can be said openly to anyone, that without Hitler, the whole world would be Communist. Keep in mind, even by the end of World War II, the Soviet Army outnumbered the anti-communist nations 12 to 1.If Nationalist Germany didn't hold off the Jewish Bolsheviks and buy enough time for the rest of the world, we, as whole, would have been communists. Hitler was absolutely necessary to the preservation of all Gentile's today.
The Great General Patton (who had tremendous respect for German Generals) once said "We've defeated the wrong enemy." If you ever seen the movie Patton you could see Patton deeply hated Communists like no other. Our great American heroes hated the Jewish Bolsheviks with extreme passion, and Hitler's fight with the Red Army allowed all Gentile peoples the ability to be free. That is one of the most amazing, noble acts anyone can really imagine.
HP Mageson666 said:
Much thanks for that information.

No worries HP. It gets even more suspicious with them too, another thing I've found is that muslim "scholars" refer to zoroastrians (or magians as they call them), jews and christians all by the same umbrella term, the "people of the book", as the kikes themselves describe themselves.
HP Mageson666 said:
The fact is its well known now the bunker story was made up by the British Intelligence service at the end of the war. Stalin, Churchill and Eisenhower openly stated they didn't buy the story. There was a passage to the underground tunnel system in Hitler's bunker which people used to get around the allied bombing raids over the city. The fact is many people recall witness flying disk craft coming in low at the end of the war to make pick up's of people.

Hitler and the Nazi's had created a vast underground global network to carry on the struggle after the war. They never surrendered they kept up the struggle one way or another. Hitler was already a high ascended master and with direct instruction from the Gods he finished the process of the light body and become fully ascended. The evidence is we have been told by Hell directly this is the situation.

If you realize something a lot of the Demons were originally Humans like you and me who fully ascended by the magnum opus thousands of years ago. Hitler is one such Human who achieved the same in our life time.

Alexander said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Hitler is still alive, he finished the Magnum Opus.

What's the evidence for this ?
Is he still here on earth or did the 'flying disk' take him somewhere else?
Also this hit me really hard. Don't you think that running from the battleground and saving yourself alone and not others(Goebbels and his family, and many other officers who were at the bunker) is cowardly and dishonorable? I used to believe that he died and I think death by your own wish instead of the enemy in the battleground is honorable asf.
RedSword said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The fact is its well known now the bunker story was made up by the British Intelligence service at the end of the war. Stalin, Churchill and Eisenhower openly stated they didn't buy the story. There was a passage to the underground tunnel system in Hitler's bunker which people used to get around the allied bombing raids over the city. The fact is many people recall witness flying disk craft coming in low at the end of the war to make pick up's of people.

Hitler and the Nazi's had created a vast underground global network to carry on the struggle after the war. They never surrendered they kept up the struggle one way or another. Hitler was already a high ascended master and with direct instruction from the Gods he finished the process of the light body and become fully ascended. The evidence is we have been told by Hell directly this is the situation.

If you realize something a lot of the Demons were originally Humans like you and me who fully ascended by the magnum opus thousands of years ago. Hitler is one such Human who achieved the same in our life time.

Alexander said:
What's the evidence for this ?
Is he still here on earth or did the 'flying disk' take him somewhere else?
Also this hit me really hard. Don't you think that running from the battleground and saving yourself alone and not others(Goebbels and his family, and many other officers who were at the bunker) is cowardly and dishonorable? I used to believe that he died and I think death by your own wish instead of the enemy in the battleground is honorable asf.

yeah tell that to the jew;most of us walk this path alone

As for satanist stick and move

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
