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Something to be Aware of Regarding Medical

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
As most of you already know, Jews dominate the medical profession. The percentage of Jewish physicians, and related is way out of proportion in contrast to Gentiles.

A physician, given their knowledge and such can easily commit murder. I've seen this myself when I saw what they did to my grandfather who was conscious, aware and lucid when admitted to the ER for mild chest pains. Within 2 days, he was dead.

Jewish Dr shot him full of drugs, then when he was unconscious, asked the family to sign papers so "all life support could be withdrawn." Which they did. The combination of the drugs obviously and knowingly reacted to cause his death when abruptly stopped.

Another incident, White couple was expecting a baby. Jewish doctor advised an abortion, claiming the baby was "retarded." The couple went ahead and had their baby anyway. A little girl who was 100% normal.

I got to reading this morning how a woman was told the heartbeat of her 10 week old fetus could no longer be detected. The Dr stated the baby was dead and prescribed a drug to abort it. I don't know whether the baby was really dead or not, but what if it wasn't?

I heard where a percentage of Jewish Drs have s quota, kill 1 in 10 of Gentile patients. The Third Reich was aware of this sort of thing. Laws were enforced that Jews could no longer treat Gentile patients, they could only treat their own.

If you or a loved one ever is diagnosed with anything serious like the above, always get a second or even third opinion. Unbeknownst to the original Dr.

The medical profession is drastically and fast deteriorating.

If you have an illness, learn everything you can about it from as many sources that you can. If ever prescribed any medications, learn everything you can about them before taking them. Read all of the fine print. Do research on the internet, and from any sources you can.

My point in writing this is what if her baby (she wanted her baby and was grieving) was really alive?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I have had people in my family go into hospitals and come out dead. My mom used to work in a hospital, one of her relatives caught staph infection and died from it.. she told me that she went into work one day to find her boss, who normally never does anything, geared up in scrubs with gloves on and things. People were coming to inspect the hospital or something I believe, and my mom didn't know yet that her aunt or whatnot was deceased right around this time. She told me about another relative who ended up with alzheimer's after waking up from anesthesia.

It IS important to take your health into your own hands as much as humanly possible. Honestly though, I never considered that jews, or anyone in the medical field might try to kill gentiles.. that's disturbing.

I already have thought of psychiatry in this sort of way though..
GP8 said:
I have had people in my family go into hospitals and come out dead. My mom used to work in a hospital, one of her relatives caught staph infection and died from it.. she told me that she went into work one day to find her boss, who normally never does anything, geared up in scrubs with gloves on and things. People were coming to inspect the hospital or something I believe, and my mom didn't know yet that her aunt or whatnot was deceased right around this time. She told me about another relative who ended up with alzheimer's after waking up from anesthesia.

It IS important to take your health into your own hands as much as humanly possible. Honestly though, I never considered that jews, or anyone in the medical field might try to kill gentiles.. that's disturbing.

I already have thought of psychiatry in this sort of way though..

There are many ways to 'legally' kill people, and being a doctor is one of these ways. A doctor can kill someone legally and get away with it. Having another jew lawyer, and they can jew their way out of the consequences of said crime. They can also cause irreversible damage for example with wrong medication.

They poison all of mankind, a little murder here and there, is nothing to them.

After all, "Doctors do mistakes too, Goyim."
Speaking of this, my uncle (from mom's side) had his leg amputated "to stop cancer from spreading", yet it seemed fine and nothing was wrong, then he got admitted to chemotherapy and died like almost a month later....

We had so much good and joyful plans planned, to go fishing and spend some time together.... but it was all taken away.... *Sigh* I hope he is in Hell and protected.. I miss him.. just as my grandfather..... :cry:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
GP8 said:
After all, "Doctors do mistakes too, Goyim."

Do you think the same about psychiatry? I think that most mental illness is self-correctable and a lot of conduct issues stem from bad pieces of information someone gained at some point in there life, for instance of what acceptable ways to treat people are. And these little "glitches" or wrongful things, stack up into columns of problems a person has in how they think and behave - like dominos falling into eachother, causing a chain reaction. I have seen more harm than good come from psychiatry in my own life. I've met a lot of people and even grew up around a bunch, that were on medication and receiving treatment for "mental illness" that never got better. Most of the ways these kids were acting were likely because of the environment they lived in and experiences they had in and outside of it. Even if chemical imbalance in the brain exists and is related to certain types of (mis)behavior, I'd say that those imbalances probably can be corrected by your own body if you can figure out where your problems are really coming from.. and if chemical imbalance exists and in some or all cases cannot be fixed by your own mind and body, in a significant amount of cases I'd say that these imbalances are irrelevant and don't have complete governance over a person's behavior.. in many cases they're even irrelevant, I'm sure.
There was a SA man who was wounded in a political rally that was attacked by the Communists in Berlin. When Goebbels found out he was taken to a hospital were Jewish doctors where treating people. He hopped in the car with a dozen other SA men and speed down to the place and pulled their man out of their before he went in. And got him treated with a NS Gentile doctor. Because they as mentioned they knew about this.
GP8 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
GP8 said:
After all, "Doctors do mistakes too, Goyim."


Some people need psychiatric help and attendance. There are some people who have serious issues that may need actual medical attention and biochemical alteration to be brought to a level where they can at least take some steps to self-heal.

But not the majority of people diagnosed. Some could just benefit from simple mental or spiritual exercise.

There are many people destroyed and made into lunatics simply for financial gain. The psychiatric wards are proof of this. Many people go there to 'heal' and all that happens is they spend the rest of their life in these cells and just are shot and experimented upon.

Psychiatry is a gazillion dollar business.

Now even kids are on psychiatric drugs such as Prozac. They give them dosage the same as an elephant by the time they are 5 or 6. Then naturally these kids become ruined and dependable their whole life.
HP Mageson666 said:
There was a SA man who was wounded in a political rally that was attacked by the Communists in Berlin. When Goebbels found out he was taken to a hospital were Jewish doctors where treating people. He hopped in the car with a dozen other SA men and speed down to the place and pulled their man out of their before he went in. And got him treated with a NS Gentile doctor. Because they as mentioned they knew about this.

I think 1 in 10 is a wishful number.

Probably it's more like...

Heal 1, swindle 2, jew-out-with-imaginary-diseases 2, Make addicted to random drugs about non-existant 'diagnosed' diseases another 2, instruct another 2 to do fake and non-necessary surgerym, then kill 1 just to say we did it.
Two years ago when my grandmother was admitted to the hospital she was dying due to having recieved medication in combination with blood thinners which caused her heart to falter and weaken to the point she nearly fell into a coma, having a heart beat of less than 20 for multiple hours at the night in the hospital.

She was admitted to the hospital because she had fallen down and injured her hip, where she recieved this medication which almost killed her.

My mother called me during that night, when my grandmother was fighting for her life and already pronounced dead by the hospital staff, my grandfather was already being pushed by my family to sign the papers to deny life support.

That night after my mother called I worked the whole night to send her energy, I didn't stop for a second and frantically send energy to her, connecting my soul to her own in order to have her syphon directly of me (not recommended, but I was unable to send enough energy without doing this and used a desperate measure to safe her at any cost) since I wanted to safe her life and prevent her from dying in such a heinious way, being murdered in a hospital by some insane "doctors". It was the most intense experience I have ever had in my life..

I was being drained very quickly and lost all my strength, I knew I didn't have enough energy to safe her myself, and asked Satan if he could help me with this, though I was very polite about it as I felt bad about asking him to use his energy to safe my grandmothers life.

At that moment I felt a hand on my back and a surge of energy flow into me. I heard Satan's voice tell me to keep going and to focus on sending the energy without stopping, that she would be saved.

In the morning I was exausted to the point I couldn't even sit on my knees, I had no strength left at all, she drained me so much that even breathing was difficult and it felt like I'd fall unconscious myself, but that was fine with me since she lived.

My mother called me again early in the morning and told me she had suddenly miracilously stabalized, but she and the rest of my family was still convinced that it would be over for her and the doctors had made up the idea she had a seisure which would incapacitate her and turn her into a vegetable.

I immediately visited her in the hospital that morning and noticed Satan was with me in the car as I was on my way to my grandmother. He came with me to see her and told me that she would not die yet this time, that it was not her time to go and that she would be in good hands.

When I entered the room my family was sitting around my grandma who was barely conscious, because she had been denied food and water the past two days while she was in the hospital and while fighting for her life, because they had already decided she'd pass away and thus wouldn't need to eat or drink any more.

My grandfather was standing at the window holding the papers to sign her death basically and admit her to a hospice where she would not recieve any health care anymore and would just be left to die, literally. He didn't want to sign them, but he was already being convinced by one of my aunts to do it (who has become a hidious monster of a woman after being married to a jew for some time).

The doctors were standing around the room as well.

It was then that I saw it clearly on their faces. I listened to their explanation about my grandmothers situation, and immediately knew it was nonsense. On the spot I denied them and told them they are just speculating and haven't even investigated anything, that they are just leaving her to die.

I was pissed at my family for just accepting their explanation, which they literally pulled out of their ass without even properly looking at her health in any way and told them all how they are leaving her to die and not even trying to safe her.

Those doctors looked at me with gaping mouths, surprised. One of them was a jew, he knew that I knew, the look on his face was incredible as he saw me walk in furiously, at first he smirked, but soon that smile turned into a look of horror and he just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

I could clearly see how vile he was. Capable of all evil. Needless to say they quickly left the room after I had arrived and didn't return, they just stared at me with fear in their eyes from behind their little office..

I felt Satan behind me as I entered the room and sat down next to grandma. He walked over to her and placed his hand on her, then told me she would be fine and he left, it was such a small looking gesture, but I saw him project an orb of light from the palm of his hand into my grandmothers body.

At that moment I noticed her soul shine brightly and filled with golden and green light, the light from the orb dispersed through her soul like a liquid and filled all the holes in her aura, it began to fix her up rapidly. It was honestly one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed..

A few hours later she recovered like nothing had ever happened to her.

To this day my family talks about how miraculous this was. What she went through would have severely affected anyone, or probably would have killed most people, as her brain was deprived of oxygen for multiple hours, but she didn't suffer any negative health issues other than what she already had and for some weeks she was better off than before. While dying on the hospital bed at night, her condition began to stabelize and reverse at the exact same time I began to send her energy.

She went to live 2 more years after this and passed away content in her own home earlier this year, surrounded by her family, in a peaceful and painless way without any stress or suffering. Her soul is also free from xianity now and resides safely in Duat.

There is a lot we can do ourselves. Having basic medical knowledge is so important so you can catch your doctors bullshitting you. They don't like dealing with smart patients who understand what's up, but it saves you a lot of trouble if you have some knowledge in these fields, it takes a lot of their power away from them.

Also to all other members here don't underestimate what can be done with your own personal spiritual power, and being an SS it is possible the Gods will help you if a relative is in danger and might still be saved, however always remember they aren't required to do anything for you, you can always ask them for help but don't expect them to jump to your rescue.

Satan told me back then part of the reason he helped me is because I was earnestly fighting for the life of my relative, even to the point of self sacrifice and found this admirable although it was foolish, but also because I was a dedicated SS who worked regularly on the RTR's and other things that can be done. The Gods watch over you and your family when you work with them and do your part.
VoiceofEnki said:

I wonder why people think that doctors are like, good people. I have met 1 doctor out of 10 being a decent and honest individual. Some are also extremely lazy. It's a job to them.

I have went to docs for simple things and I even lied about symptoms once to see what they would say. They are always read to say you have fatal diseases, or you require surgery etc. Some people can also be dramatic to the point docs just pick up on this and feel obligated to fool them further. Always too ready to throw people in chemotherapy, expensive surgeries and the like.

I have friends who are docs and they have told me that many doctors just invent diseases on the spot, without the patient even having them. For example you can go with x disease, they rule it out as a flu, and they sell you flu shots. Everyone knows this happens. Then you heal by coincidence or something, or get other symptoms from a said medication, and then they say it's escalation of your first condition etc etc.

If doctors healed all people they would become unemployed. This just cannot happen.

Then you have docs who also advertise certain pills and have deals with companies. If they do not get an x amount of people on said medication or addicted (like they do with many psycho inducing drugs) then they lose big sponsorships. This is only one thing doctors do.

There are also other sorts of doctors in particular surgeons. Who may for example work for the mafia or synergize with rich individuals in need with transplants. When someone is ill, they accidentally 'die', and they can take a liver out to help their friend with it. This is happening in 3'rd world developing countries very often.

Sometimes docs save lifes, but sometimes, (((Docs))) ruin lives too.

Glory to the 10% of them that does their job on their Hippocratic Oath, but the 90% are just charlatans or speculate no more than anyone else. One can go to three different docs to get like three different diagnostics on the same thing.

Jews just of course, on Yom Kippur, just wipe out this so called 'Oath' and proceed on killing people easily, efficiently, and freely.

Another day in goyim land.

PS: I am not against docs or the medical profession. But study on your own, take care of your own, and always seek the best and most honest docs at all times.
I've had my grandfather die in the hospital after getting pumped full of so many sedatives he simply fell asleep and never woke up. This also happened to many other relatives of mine, and it always comes back to the same hospital. I don't know why they're *not* being sued for malpractice.
I wonder why people think that doctors are like, good people. I have met 1 doctor out of 10 being a decent and honest individual. Some are also extremely lazy. It's a job to them.

I have went to docs for simple things and I even lied about symptoms once to see what they would say. They are always read to say you have fatal diseases, or you require surgery etc. Some people can also be dramatic to the point docs just pick up on this and feel obligated to fool them further. Always too ready to throw people in chemotherapy, expensive surgeries and the like.

I have friends who are docs and they have told me that many doctors just invent diseases on the spot, without the patient even having them. For example you can go with x disease, they rule it out as a flu, and they sell you flu shots. Everyone knows this happens. Then you heal by coincidence or something, or get other symptoms from a said medication, and then they say it's escalation of your first condition etc etc.

I've noticed all this personally as well. Many doctors are very lazy and just prescribe whatever for whatever disease that somewhat fits the symptoms of the patient that comes to mind first, without doing a check for anything and say to themselves "Whatever, it's close enough.".

They always push the most expensive treatments if they can and do just about everything to rip their patent off. Where I live I have met one "good" doctor, but even this dude was lazy and simply put up a pleasant attitude to give a better impression than the other dooctors I know, though he generally didn't swindle anyone on purpose, but that is one out of dozens of doctors I have seen in my life.

A lot of people who become doctors or dentists actually get into the profession because it pays well, not because they want to heal people or save lives. Of course there are those who do have good motives, but many of those with good motives actually cannot get into the universities where they need to study for their degrees because they only have a limited number of applicants they can take and a majority of the spots are automatically taken by filthy jews who bribe their filthy jew kids into medical school behind the scenes.

I've known a few people who instead became vetrenarians because they couldn't get into medical school to become a doctor, but their passion for medicine and healing was real so they instead became vets, whose wage is about three or so times less in my country.

People like that are definitely a minority though, and it is sad, but these are the people who are truly needed in health care.

Real doctors though are some of the most incredible people in the world, but they really are few and far between..
What a coincidence this was posted. I just met with a college advisor today and changed my major to pre-med. I remember thinking, "how can being a doctor help Satan?"
Well, I really want to help people and take some of the suffering out of this world. I have always had a knack for healing. It's in my natal chat, hugely. So we will have one less Jewish doctor and one less careless, heartless one.
Those who are doctors... Any advice for me so I go down the best path?
My aunt was pregant on her first child. The doctor told her the baby would have Downs syndrome and that she needed to abort the pregnancy. She and her husband decided to keep the baby anyway. This baby grew up and has superior intelligence, musical talent, athletic ability (black belt in martial arts and plays other sports), is kind hearted and caring, pure Aryan with white-blond hair blue eyes.

And if my aunt listened to the doctors, he would not have been born.

I knew a dr once, drs are indoctrinated on what to know, not how to learn. He argued with me that coconut oil is bad, fluoride is good, and so on. At least he would research after I made my points and he admitted I was right (he was a Gentile).
I have a big breathing difficulty... my nose tissue is vert thick and sonetimes it gets even thicker. I can barely do normal breathing exercises. In 2014 i said enough and signed up for an operation. Jw doctor. The day i was supposed to have the op the doc got sick and we postponed a day. In the meantime me and my father looked over some reviews about this type of intervention and 80% of the cases were getting worse after. So i cancelled it.

After signing the cancellation files the nurse came to me and asked me if i know anything about this doc. I said no. She said i did very good that i cancelled. It may be possible that someone saved me that day.

The thing is i still to this day need to find a way to solve this problem...
Viktoria88 said:
What a coincidence this was posted. I just met with a college advisor today and changed my major to pre-med. I remember thinking, "how can being a doctor help Satan?"
Well, I really want to help people and take some of the suffering out of this world. I have always had a knack for healing. It's in my natal chat, hugely. So we will have one less Jewish doctor and one less careless, heartless one.
Those who are doctors... Any advice for me so I go down the best path?
Maybe not one less, but one more gentile.
Anyways, I, too have had bad experiences with jewish doctors. One molested me when I was 3. My mother was not bright, and he told her to leave the room. She didn't think twice about it. I knew he was jewish because of his exclusive surname. His looks were fitting too.
As an adult, I had some symptoms I won't disclose that were so bad, I was going to go to the ER, but I opted to go to urgent care. I figured I wouldn't have to wait as long to be seen, and if it was indeed an emergency, they'd send me there.
While sitting in the office waiting for the doctor, I could hear his voice down the hallway. I immediately felt that jewish vibe. Strongly. Turned out he had a very exclusive surname as well. Like Goldstein.
I felt horrible, but I almost left. Sure enough, in walks this...thing. He told me there was nothing wrong with me at all. Smirking, he said that I wouldn't like to hear it, but it was all in my head. But then, there was this drug we could try to see if it helps this mystery thing. It had horrible side effects and was very very expensive. Sure, gamble with myself on a chance. Ok. I was desperate. I went to get the prescription and the pharmacist looked very sad for me. She asked if I wanted to do this. I did, but returned it before walking out of the pharmacy and they let me. She said to me something like, "Good. You shouldn't need this. You're so young and this is so powerful."
I ended up going to a different urgent care later that day.
Lydia said:
My aunt was pregant on her first child. The doctor told her the baby would have Downs syndrome and that she needed to abort the pregnancy. She and her husband decided to keep the baby anyway. This baby grew up and has superior intelligence, musical talent, athletic ability (black belt in martial arts and plays other sports), is kind hearted and caring, pure Aryan with white-blond hair blue eyes.

And if my aunt listened to the doctors, he would not have been born.

I knew a dr once, drs are indoctrinated on what to know, not how to learn. He argued with me that coconut oil is bad, fluoride is good, and so on. At least he would research after I made my points and he admitted I was right (he was a Gentile).

for some reason I find that funny that he admitted you were right haha I guess I wouldn't expect that of someone.
True doctors are astute observers of the natural world and how this reflects in the human body..

Western medically trained doctors are not imbued this by virtue of their education but a small few develop it themselves.. Such a small few I believe I have met less than 1 in my lifetime, but I have heard that they exist.

A true doctor is capable of being medicinally trained, a psychologist and a spiritual medium at any given time, dependent upon the patient at hand and the needs of said patient.
Centralforce666 said:
True doctors are astute observers of the natural world and how this reflects in the human body..

Western medically trained doctors are not imbued this by virtue of their education but a small few develop it themselves.. Such a small few I believe I have met less than 1 in my lifetime, but I have heard that they exist.

A true doctor is capable of being medicinally trained, a psychologist and a spiritual medium at any given time, dependent upon the patient at hand and the needs of said patient.
I’d love to have you as a doctor mate, you already contributed to my health a lot by mail, unfortunstely I probabily will never meet a doc like you in Italy.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

I wonder why people think that doctors are like, good people. I have met 1 doctor out of 10 being a decent and honest individual. Some are also extremely lazy. It's a job to them.

I have went to docs for simple things and I even lied about symptoms once to see what they would say. They are always read to say you have fatal diseases, or you require surgery etc. Some people can also be dramatic to the point docs just pick up on this and feel obligated to fool them further. Always too ready to throw people in chemotherapy, expensive surgeries and the like.

I have friends who are docs and they have told me that many doctors just invent diseases on the spot, without the patient even having them. For example you can go with x disease, they rule it out as a flu, and they sell you flu shots. Everyone knows this happens. Then you heal by coincidence or something, or get other symptoms from a said medication, and then they say it's escalation of your first condition etc etc.

If doctors healed all people they would become unemployed. This just cannot happen.

Then you have docs who also advertise certain pills and have deals with companies. If they do not get an x amount of people on said medication or addicted (like they do with many psycho inducing drugs) then they lose big sponsorships. This is only one thing doctors do.

There are also other sorts of doctors in particular surgeons. Who may for example work for the mafia or synergize with rich individuals in need with transplants. When someone is ill, they accidentally 'die', and they can take a liver out to help their friend with it. This is happening in 3'rd world developing countries very often.

Sometimes docs save lifes, but sometimes, (((Docs))) ruin lives too.

Glory to the 10% of them that does their job on their Hippocratic Oath, but the 90% are just charlatans or speculate no more than anyone else. One can go to three different docs to get like three different diagnostics on the same thing.

Jews just of course, on Yom Kippur, just wipe out this so called 'Oath' and proceed on killing people easily, efficiently, and freely.

Another day in goyim land.

PS: I am not against docs or the medical profession. But study on your own, take care of your own, and always seek the best and most honest docs at all times.

Chemotherapy is poison
Hiv Aids drugs will cause aids waay faster then the virus itself because they inhibit normal human cells DNA
they can cause tuberculosis in just 2-3 months of regular use
been trying to read medical books and stuff in the past and notice the many contradictions inserted of the specific diseases and their causes. a lot of causes are supposedly unknown in a lot of diseases, then you flip some pages and WALLAH, some other information regarding a disease, organ, or just random knowledge that gets you to question even the truthfulness of what doctors prescribe as our biology. having even more knowledge and bouncing around from other websites regarding health or health issue, a lot of answers from these untreatable or unknown inflictions are there in other sources. there are some books regarding meditation telling people not to waste there time in going to the hospital as the doctors were bullshitting and that they were being attack for problems that was coming into their lives.. The question: how could someone as healthy and strong as that person, who eats healthy foods consistently and works out every inch of his body (hopefully meditate) get sick or get sick easily. what if they ate organic foods mostly and just had a healthy life and approach to it. doctors lie to people. prescribe medicine for a simple flue or the vaccine for the fake swine flu that in multiple of other websites are saying is bullshit. freeing the soul. spiritual warfare. enemy attacks and crap.

Hail Satan!!!!
"Hiv Aids drugs will cause aids waay faster then the virus itself because they inhibit normal human cells DNA
they can cause tuberculosis in just 2-3 months of regular use[/quote]

Well what am I supposed to do as I was diagnosed with HIV. This catches my attention cause about 4 months after I started the drugs they said I had TB. Scary is there a way to heal it.
I have a family doctor that I grew up with and he is the most inefficient doctor we have ever known. He either actually became retarded or stopped trying after he was finally able to afford his million dollar "upper class house". Muscle pain = xray, skin = magic cream for every diagnose. If you had him as your doctor you'll see he isn't passionate in his field, at-least not anymore, good thing though is that he got me and my family into herbal home care remedies.

Along with that he charged extra money for signatures, I probably could've bribed him for mandatory vaccine records though :?
The sanitary system is totally corrupt, all the doctors that I have seen the only they do is send a lot of drugs that never heal anything, all this is designed to keep people sick.

I also lost a very important family member for me, specifically my mother, due to complications in her delivery when my sister born, my mother needed a blood transfusion and it turns out that the blood was contaminated with hepatitis C, she was years sick and in the end died from liver complications caused by this disease.
On the topic of medicine; Does anyone have any advice for studying to be a doctor without going through the colleges?

I've thrown the idea of becoming a doctor around a bit in my head, and I'm more than capable of doing the job. But the 10-12 years of school, debt, and soul crushing hours (at least in residence) would quite possibly end up destroying me.

So, instead I'm planning to study the medical field on my own. And combine the knowledge with my natural abilities to heal myself and others.

And if that's not a possible way, here in a few months I'd be able to go back to college and work a very good job at the same time. Though I despise the college and university systems.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
As most of you already know, Jews dominate the medical profession. The percentage of Jewish physicians, and related is way out of proportion in contrast to Gentiles.

A physician, given their knowledge and such can easily commit murder. I've seen this myself when I saw what they did to my grandfather who was conscious, aware and lucid when admitted to the ER for mild chest pains. Within 2 days, he was dead.

Jewish Dr shot him full of drugs, then when he was unconscious, asked the family to sign papers so "all life support could be withdrawn." Which they did. The combination of the drugs obviously and knowingly reacted to cause his death when abruptly stopped.

Another incident, White couple was expecting a baby. Jewish doctor advised an abortion, claiming the baby was "retarded." The couple went ahead and had their baby anyway. A little girl who was 100% normal.

I got to reading this morning how a woman was told the heartbeat of her 10 week old fetus could no longer be detected. The Dr stated the baby was dead and prescribed a drug to abort it. I don't know whether the baby was really dead or not, but what if it wasn't?

I heard where a percentage of Jewish Drs have s quota, kill 1 in 10 of Gentile patients. The Third Reich was aware of this sort of thing. Laws were enforced that Jews could no longer treat Gentile patients, they could only treat their own.

If you or a loved one ever is diagnosed with anything serious like the above, always get a second or even third opinion. Unbeknownst to the original Dr.

The medical profession is drastically and fast deteriorating.

If you have an illness, learn everything you can about it from as many sources that you can. If ever prescribed any medications, learn everything you can about them before taking them. Read all of the fine print. Do research on the internet, and from any sources you can.

My point in writing this is what if her baby (she wanted her baby and was grieving) was really alive?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Jeez take all this info and just imagine what Jewish psych doctors do to Gentiles who are diagnosed insane ?? Make them even more insane and pump them full of drugs just making something that was probably never their even worse... We all here should never put limitations on what we can study Satan himself is a scientist doctor and engineer .. Who knows what else I'm sure way more than that I'm guessing no wonder it's so much harder for Gentiles financially speaking to attain education in vast amount of fields I personally wish I could study medicine and every area of engineering even farming , in my eyes I see this as advancement
darkmonkey666 said:
"Hiv Aids drugs will cause aids waay faster then the virus itself because they inhibit normal human cells DNA
they can cause tuberculosis in just 2-3 months of regular use

Well what am I supposed to do as I was diagnosed with HIV. This catches my attention cause about 4 months after I started the drugs they said I had TB. Scary is there a way to heal it.[/quote]

The One Minute Cure.

Has some info and says that it can cure HIV too.
Its an infection right? Or a virus? I am not sure but would collidal silver be any good?
Other than that I can only think of supporting the body in natural ways.
darkmonkey666 said:
"Hiv Aids drugs will cause aids waay faster then the virus itself because they inhibit normal human cells DNA
they can cause tuberculosis in just 2-3 months of regular use

Well what am I supposed to do as I was diagnosed with HIV. This catches my attention cause about 4 months after I started the drugs they said I had TB. Scary is there a way to heal it.[/quote]
I don't know if what he said is true but you can always use magic.

You can use a Sun Square or just the sun mantra for 40 days or more, you can use Satanas or/and a rune. If i were in you i would use all the method considering how bad is HIV. Try your best and you will succed.

If you have some questions you can ask here or open a topic in the forum.
Poweredbythesun said:
On the topic of medicine; Does anyone have any advice for studying to be a doctor without going through the colleges?

I've thrown the idea of becoming a doctor around a bit in my head, and I'm more than capable of doing the job. But the 10-12 years of school, debt, and soul crushing hours (at least in residence) would quite possibly end up destroying me.

So, instead I'm planning to study the medical field on my own. And combine the knowledge with my natural abilities to heal myself and others.

And if that's not a possible way, here in a few months I'd be able to go back to college and work a very good job at the same time. Though I despise the college and university systems.

Here where I live, and pretty much rest of the Europe, no, no way someone is gonna allow you to work as a doctor, without graduating from medical university/college.

Currently, it is one of those professions which you just cannot do without a degree.
This reminds me of the one time when I went to see my GP because I was having weird pains in my chest. The guy quickly concluded that I had a form of pneumonia (it was in Summer), and put me on some three different medications, one of which was a strong antibiotic.
So I went to another doc who sent me to do an X-ray. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my lungs. He gave me a plant syrup and sent me off.

It eventually turned out that I was suffering from a common disease called Veganism.
Poweredbythesun said:
On the topic of medicine; Does anyone have any advice for studying to be a doctor without going through the colleges?

I've thrown the idea of becoming a doctor around a bit in my head, and I'm more than capable of doing the job. But the 10-12 years of school, debt, and soul crushing hours (at least in residence) would quite possibly end up destroying me.

So, instead I'm planning to study the medical field on my own. And combine the knowledge with my natural abilities to heal myself and others.

And if that's not a possible way, here in a few months I'd be able to go back to college and work a very good job at the same time. Though I despise the college and university systems.

There are colleges who teach natural therapys such as Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine along with other systems.

Learning these would be advisable however remember that the laws of where you live may prevent you from practicing in any reasonable sense without an appropriate qualification.

As for HIV drugs.. These drugs are designed to kill the free virus outside the host cells.. They cannot do anything to the virus when it is inside the T-cells. The reason TB shows up is less related to the virus and more related to the unfortunate fact that HIV kills and destroys immune cells and they become totally useless in fighting a bacteria which can often be latent in the body..

This means that many people actually have TB in their body but it never gets out of check because the immune system keeps it in very low numbers. Any immune deficit will cause it to multiply to infective numbers.

Antiviral drugs will however over the long term cause kidney and liver damage, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and nerve degradation.
Larissa666 said:
Poweredbythesun said:
On the topic of medicine; Does anyone have any advice for studying to be a doctor without going through the colleges?

I've thrown the idea of becoming a doctor around a bit in my head, and I'm more than capable of doing the job. But the 10-12 years of school, debt, and soul crushing hours (at least in residence) would quite possibly end up destroying me.

So, instead I'm planning to study the medical field on my own. And combine the knowledge with my natural abilities to heal myself and others.

And if that's not a possible way, here in a few months I'd be able to go back to college and work a very good job at the same time. Though I despise the college and university systems.

Here where I live, and pretty much rest of the Europe, no, no way someone is gonna allow you to work as a doctor, without graduating from medical university/college.

Currently, it is one of those professions which you just cannot do without a degree.

That's unfortunate, though that won't keep me from research if I turn out to be genuinely interested in being a doctor. Where I would probably start off first is a local massage therapy school (since that's becoming popular), and then learn more on the side as I work.

Sadly I live in a certain country where the laws are almost the same as Europe, and finding someone to teach me via apprenticeship would not sit well with the colleges and those who license doctors. What I'd like to do long term is learn as much as I can, and use my powers as I develop them so that I may better / more easily do my job. And if I were to wait until my Kundalini rises, this work out even better for me. The good thing in all this though is I have time, and time is a SS's greatest resource.

Thank you :)
I wasn't sure whether to make a new thread or just ask here. I'm having a hard time finding truthful information on vaccines. I'm having my first child next month and I'm really not sure about vaccines. The Jewish filth has infiltrated every part of our society and for the first time I'm having a hard time finding the truth mixed with lies when it comes to the topic about vaccines. I have read many reports of parents claiming their child has become autistic or had developed other medical issues within 24-48 hours of receiving vaccines. I myself was vaccinated when I was a child but that was back in 1986 and I don't know if the Jewish filth had as much influence in the medical field yet at that point. Bill Gates is now a huge influence in vaccines and he was not when I was a child so I'm not sure if the vaccines I received were ok back then and now in this time period have become contaminated and corrupted. I'm having a really hard time finding good information on this subject matter. If anyone knows more on the subject or has links to more information i can study I would much appreciate it.
HakuHari said:

Here are some threads which discuss about vaccines or weaponizing of them:


Here is copy-paste quotation to answer your question right away:


"Jew Medical Scams

The drug and vaccinations multinational companies are owned by the Jewish Rothschild's and Rockefellers as Mullins pointed out in his work.

Bayer is a Rothschild company. They purposely dumped AIDS infected drugs onto the global market. Why...... When more people have AIDS they will need more AIDS medications and the Jews sit back and make more shekels. Problem, reaction, solution.

Makes you wonder if they didn't just create the AIDS virus in the start as evidence points to and injected it into the populations by injected vaccnes..... They already got caught deliberately infecting millions of people with AIDS here.....

Makes you wonder what else are they putting in those vaccines they are trying to force onto the public by force of law....


Drugs company Bayer realised their product had been contaminated with AIDS, so what did they do, they still sold it because they didn't want to lose money, and when the US officials found out, they knew they couldn't continue, so they sold it to the Europeans, with full knowledge of US officials.

Now another drugs company, Baxter got caught shipping vaccines with live bird-flu virus in them to 18 countries, and when caught out were calling it an 'accident' !!!:"
HakuHari said:
I wasn't sure whether to make a new thread or just ask here. I'm having a hard time finding truthful information on vaccines. I'm having my first child next month and I'm really not sure about vaccines. The Jewish filth has infiltrated every part of our society and for the first time I'm having a hard time finding the truth mixed with lies when it comes to the topic about vaccines. I have read many reports of parents claiming their child has become autistic or had developed other medical issues within 24-48 hours of receiving vaccines. I myself was vaccinated when I was a child but that was back in 1986 and I don't know if the Jewish filth had as much influence in the medical field yet at that point. Bill Gates is now a huge influence in vaccines and he was not when I was a child so I'm not sure if the vaccines I received were ok back then and now in this time period have become contaminated and corrupted. I'm having a really hard time finding good information on this subject matter. If anyone knows more on the subject or has links to more information i can study I would much appreciate it.

There were all types of videos and information on YouTube about this with before and after pictures of people kids that the people themselves posted. Vaccines are extremely dangerous. When overhearing some jews speak recently, one jew stopped taking vaccines because it almost killed him.
Prismalayam said:

Here are some threads which discuss about vaccines or weaponizing of them:


I'm not sure how to view these links? I tried to copy paste in the yahoo group and couldnt find it and in the web browser bar and couldn't find it. Am i supposed to put them somewhere else?
HakuHari said:
Prismalayam said:

Here are some threads which discuss about vaccines or weaponizing of them:


I'm not sure how to view these links? I tried to copy paste in the yahoo group and couldnt find it and in the web browser bar and couldn't find it. Am i supposed to put them somewhere else?
It was missing the "https://ancient-forums.com/" in front of them.


I posted the https://ancient-forums.com/ in front of each of these links and they work now, but for some reason that part is not shown on the screen to be part of the link, but it's really in there.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
