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Something to be Aware of Regarding Medical

Apprentice said:
On a lesser note, CoS official site endorses vaxxing. How caring of them.
darkmonkey666 said:
"Hiv Aids drugs will cause aids waay faster then the virus itself because they inhibit normal human cells DNA
they can cause tuberculosis in just 2-3 months of regular use

Well what am I supposed to do as I was diagnosed with HIV. This catches my attention cause about 4 months after I started the drugs they said I had TB. Scary is there a way to heal it.

Don´t take the drugs

HIV-AIDS: The Greatest Lie of 21st Century
T.A.O.L. said:
darkmonkey666 said:
"Hiv Aids drugs will cause aids waay faster then the virus itself because they inhibit normal human cells DNA
they can cause tuberculosis in just 2-3 months of regular use

Well what am I supposed to do as I was diagnosed with HIV. This catches my attention cause about 4 months after I started the drugs they said I had TB. Scary is there a way to heal it.

The One Minute Cure.

Has some info and says that it can cure HIV too.
Its an infection right? Or a virus? I am not sure but would collidal silver be any good?
Other than that I can only think of supporting the body in natural ways.[/quote]

Collidal Gold
animeman666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:
darkmonkey666 said:
"Hiv Aids drugs will cause aids waay faster then the virus itself because they inhibit normal human cells DNA
they can cause tuberculosis in just 2-3 months of regular use

Well what am I supposed to do as I was diagnosed with HIV. This catches my attention cause about 4 months after I started the drugs they said I had TB. Scary is there a way to heal it.

The One Minute Cure.

Has some info and says that it can cure HIV too.
Its an infection right? Or a virus? I am not sure but would collidal silver be any good?
Other than that I can only think of supporting the body in natural ways.

Collidal Gold[/quote]
Bullshit. Eating gold will not help you. Might cause other problems.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
animeman666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:
The One Minute Cure.

Has some info and says that it can cure HIV too.
Its an infection right? Or a virus? I am not sure but would collidal silver be any good?
Other than that I can only think of supporting the body in natural ways.

Collidal Gold
Bullshit. Eating gold will not help you. Might cause other problems.

Colloidal gold in moderation doesn't cause any problem. Moderation also includes short periods of supplementation, not long-term supplementation, to avoid a build-up in your system. Colloidal gold in excess and ionic gold in any quantities causes poisoing, like everything that is excessive or poorly made, including the ionic silver that some people here want to market as colloidal silver and that causes argyria instead.
Don’t forget the DENTIST and ORTHODONTIST always push removing teeth and surgery whenever they can.

Went to the dentist last year. Don’t think he was Jewish. He said I need wisdom teeth removed, why? Nobody knows why. It’s just a common thing that happens to everyone now like Circumcision, or being vaccinated.

Why should I get my wisdom teeth removed? Why was I circumcised as an infant with no say in any of it? My point is these things are now so common because of the (((medical establishment))) when they shouldn’t be.

Also people forget that medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death. I never liked docs or dentists. Even some nurses are bitchy and think they know everything.

Last time I went to the doc in June I was pushed to take the HPV vaccine, again WHY? I told the nurse no I didn’t need it. But she said I can get cancer or blah blah blah if I didn’t take it, In a very condescending way like I’m some dumbass because I don’t want your poison. Probably the last time I go there.

A doctor who I now believe is Jewish misdiagnosed my dad as having heartburn and when he continued to bother the doctor for more answers he was 2 weeks away from death. His life could’ve been saved had he seen a different doctor. This same doctor also scheduled me for a very serious bile duct surgery that I did not even need, and would’ve caused me lifelong health problems or worse. I wound up moving the week it was scheduled and had to cancel the surgery, got a second opinion closer to where I was, and the doctor was so OFF I don’t even see how he came to the assumption I would need such a rare surgery. There was no evidence of the condition he suspected and he was going to do it anyway, he wasn’t even a qualified gastroenterologist.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

The RTR’s and our wins are also working to shatter these situations. One Jew infested hospital got completely fucked and the ENTIRE staff was wiped and re-staffed. Every Jew there lost their job and possibly got charged. There’s probably new jews in there though.
Specter said:
I have a family doctor that I grew up with and he is the most inefficient doctor we have ever known. He either actually became retarded or stopped trying after he was finally able to afford his million dollar "upper class house". Muscle pain = xray, skin = magic cream for every diagnose. If you had him as your doctor you'll see he isn't passionate in his field, at-least not anymore, good thing though is that he got me and my family into herbal home care remedies.

Along with that he charged extra money for signatures, I probably could've bribed him for mandatory vaccine records though :?

Doctors who aren’t passionate in their field and take cheap shortcuts Jew or not need to be completely booted. They have lives in their hands. One doctor my dad saw who was in charge of his chemotherapy half-assedly gave him one year to live on a regime of basic chemo not tailored to what he was going through in any way, and my dad was devastated. He said fuck that, found a new doctor that gave him real hope and gave him many extra years. This doctor didn’t give him a fucking life either, and really helped keep his spirits high. This is the same as the enemy giving unethical bad news, that isn’t even accurate. He definitely exceeded the expectancy compared to others with what he was dealing with. When he went to the board with his experience with this 1-year giving doctor, the doctor said he was going through a divorce and lost his motivation to try. What a piss poor excuse. He did lose his job after that thanks to my dad reporting his half-assed nature. The doctor my dad saw gave him honest expectations without removing any hope and didn’t outright say you’re dying and there’s nothing else we can do until weeks away from the actual end. Still though, if kikes didn’t exist in every area of this profession, he’d be alive and many others. The insurance companies technically really did him in and he could’ve lived longer. They took everything he worked hard for and then his life. Cancer treatments are fucked and people in serious situations are completely backed into a corner.

The best doctors are also research scientists and specialists who do their job to learn and advance regardless of how off it may still be due to the enemy. Kikes still exist here but in smaller numbers. Kikes want a quick buck and have no interest in helping unless it means having a certain status and power over others where they can continue to corrupt.
Sundara said:
Specter said:
I have a family doctor that I grew up with and he is the most inefficient doctor we have ever known. He either actually became retarded or stopped trying after he was finally able to afford his million dollar "upper class house". Muscle pain = xray, skin = magic cream for every diagnose. If you had him as your doctor you'll see he isn't passionate in his field, at-least not anymore, good thing though is that he got me and my family into herbal home care remedies.

Along with that he charged extra money for signatures, I probably could've bribed him for mandatory vaccine records though :?

Doctors who aren’t passionate in their field and take cheap shortcuts Jew or not need to be completely booted. They have lives in their hands. One doctor my dad saw who was in charge of his chemotherapy half-assedly gave him one year to live on a regime of basic chemo not tailored to what he was going through in any way, and my dad was devastated. He said fuck that, found a new doctor that gave him real hope and gave him many extra years. This doctor didn’t give him a fucking life either, and really helped keep his spirits high. This is the same as the enemy giving unethical bad news, that isn’t even accurate. He definitely exceeded the expectancy compared to others with what he was dealing with. When he went to the board with his experience with this 1-year giving doctor, the doctor said he was going through a divorce and lost his motivation to try. What a piss poor excuse. He did lose his job after that thanks to my dad reporting his half-assed nature. The doctor my dad saw gave him honest expectations without removing any hope and didn’t outright say you’re dying and there’s nothing else we can do until weeks away from the actual end. Still though, if kikes didn’t exist in every area of this profession, he’d be alive and many others. The insurance companies technically really did him in and he could’ve lived longer. They took everything he worked hard for and then his life. Cancer treatments are fucked and people in serious situations are completely backed into a corner.

The best doctors are also research scientists and specialists who do their job to learn and advance regardless of how off it may still be due to the enemy. Kikes still exist here but in smaller numbers. Kikes want a quick buck and have no interest in helping unless it means having a certain status and power over others where they can continue to corrupt.

It's not just these Doctors, the entire system of the medical field in general needs to be changed. The "politically correct" doctors are fronts for pharmaceutical/medical companies to pump money, recommending the same garbage that may or may not even work or in the process cause other health problems in the process. Even if a doctor might actually be passionate about his career, he must comply to these standards to some degree and is not entirely immune from it. However, it's not entirely in that they prove useful once in a while but I highly encourage individuals to not rely on it with blind faith regardless and always research everything and always look for potential alternative methods. Because of my doctor proving to be so incompetent this is what got me into learning about home remedies and traditional/alternative medicine.

I know a relative of mine who was having a skin condition for months with nothing seaming to work so I recommended them to use a eucalyptus soap I had just brought from a herbal shop and it was gone in no less than 10 minutes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
