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- Apr 28, 2022
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I've been wanting to do this for some time, and it may just be me nitpicking again, but I've always felt something... Off about the Jews' speech patterns, primarily the ones at the top positions. Now here's one example in Fancy Mancy's post on another topic.
Link: [J/NEWS] Schools, Colleges and Universities are jewish poison grounds and jail/indoctrination centres
This has me calling something into question here: Just because someone in public gave their audience some sort of charismatic speech to keep the hopes of the latter high, does it mean that the speaker is honest? Now, I know the High Priests here are actually honest with their speeches and actually mean it, but with the Jews, many people make this very same assumption about them, which leads to all the economic problems seen right now, compounded by many of them being in positions of power. It's also in the very same shitty drivel Christians spout in regard to their fictional Rabbi Jewsus ["Jewsus will save everyone!" "Jewsus is coming," blah, blah, fucking blah. I'd rather spend better time pissing on a Bible right now, save that shit for some bleeding heart.] (ditto applies to Allah for Mudslimes, and Buddha for Butthicks, and whatever for the New Agers). Regardless, this is especially a problematic notion in public, where calling out the Jewish global oligarchic speakers for their highly veiled, "well-spoken" dishonesty can almost instantly make one an outcast. In my opinion, it's one of the few cases where common sense can fail them in spotting the deception; Again, yeah the Jew can deliver a "well-spoken, eloquent, and charismatic speech" to influence, yeah, they can deliver comforting speeches to people who go through "hard times" and loss, but does that make them, as charismatic speakers, honest? People here are going to argue that hope is a powerful thing, but I'm going to warn that this too be factored into the Jews' deception; the more hopeful the victim, the easier it is for the Jew to deceive.
More of the same Quote from the same user, who demonstrates an example:
The above makes me learn to have a slight admiration for brutally honest people; their words hurt, sure, but they're not going to look the other way or bury their heads in the sands, no, they make their opinions clear, even if people don't like them.
As a reminder, this post doesn't intend to discourage people from being influential speakers, but to address the notion that a person speaking charismatically doesn't automatically make them honest. I'll repeat it again, public charisma doesn't make a person honest. At worst, It gives them the illusion of being honest. I can't believe I have to post this kind of lesson.
Happy Wednesday, everyone...
FancyMancy said:The jew has learnt at least some of Human psychology. It knows that well-spoken, eloquent, charismatic speech, and speaking with authourity (argument from authourity, in most cases; the jew reckons it is the highest authourity), etc., influences people. It works to get into high places, it restructures things, it has an agenda that it works on/for/to/from/with, and it tries to change what others talk about to its own thing, for that agenda; thus, 1984/wrongthink/controlling people's interests and words = controlling people's thoughts = controlling people. See this, for example.
Link: [J/NEWS] Schools, Colleges and Universities are jewish poison grounds and jail/indoctrination centres
This has me calling something into question here: Just because someone in public gave their audience some sort of charismatic speech to keep the hopes of the latter high, does it mean that the speaker is honest? Now, I know the High Priests here are actually honest with their speeches and actually mean it, but with the Jews, many people make this very same assumption about them, which leads to all the economic problems seen right now, compounded by many of them being in positions of power. It's also in the very same shitty drivel Christians spout in regard to their fictional Rabbi Jewsus ["Jewsus will save everyone!" "Jewsus is coming," blah, blah, fucking blah. I'd rather spend better time pissing on a Bible right now, save that shit for some bleeding heart.] (ditto applies to Allah for Mudslimes, and Buddha for Butthicks, and whatever for the New Agers). Regardless, this is especially a problematic notion in public, where calling out the Jewish global oligarchic speakers for their highly veiled, "well-spoken" dishonesty can almost instantly make one an outcast. In my opinion, it's one of the few cases where common sense can fail them in spotting the deception; Again, yeah the Jew can deliver a "well-spoken, eloquent, and charismatic speech" to influence, yeah, they can deliver comforting speeches to people who go through "hard times" and loss, but does that make them, as charismatic speakers, honest? People here are going to argue that hope is a powerful thing, but I'm going to warn that this too be factored into the Jews' deception; the more hopeful the victim, the easier it is for the Jew to deceive.
More of the same Quote from the same user, who demonstrates an example:
FancyMancy said:Maybe the jew is not retarded; it is clever and knows some Human psychology, so it goes on regardless - and relentlessly. The jew has a role to play, so sometimes it plays stupid. If you went up to a Black person, or more-specifically a Black gangster, and say "the N-word"... you know what probably would happen. Comedy is similar - it is the (probably-jew) comedian being knowledgeable about topics, and making fun of those topics and making fun of people and influencing people/lolling along with its fellow jew - and getting paid to do so. The more things are repeated, the more these things sink-in to people's Minds - familarising/normalising things. As I say - dissimilation; the jew dissimilates - changes things, meanings, words... all to be channelled into its agenda. See politicians - always speaking with rhetoric and hyperbole...
The above makes me learn to have a slight admiration for brutally honest people; their words hurt, sure, but they're not going to look the other way or bury their heads in the sands, no, they make their opinions clear, even if people don't like them.
As a reminder, this post doesn't intend to discourage people from being influential speakers, but to address the notion that a person speaking charismatically doesn't automatically make them honest. I'll repeat it again, public charisma doesn't make a person honest. At worst, It gives them the illusion of being honest. I can't believe I have to post this kind of lesson.
Happy Wednesday, everyone...