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Some Hard Talk

Great words have you spoken HP.
Unfortunately in this era people need to be shaken really hard.
We Gentiles are bombarded with stupid shit all the day, with the only purpose of loosing time and focus from the greater things.

More than one time I had to get myself together and self criticize on what I am doing, and what should I be doing.

The only thing that I want to say is that I thank Satan and the Gods for the opportunity the gave me.
I thank HP Maxine and you HP Cobra, who are the physical gates of the Gods, and all the people who work for this community.

There is no greater honor than working for the Gods and advancing spiritually.
VerSus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't see any hard talk here. Just some unstructured text with a lot of logical fallacies and vague..you are vague in 3 words and in a 5000 words.

Jews can't be an example for us in every aspect..just because they serve their community with great zeal they do it for their own safety and survival due to their history. Even this place I suspect, is helping jews much more than gentiles. They can LEARN about their history for free here. More than that, a rabbi would go to them and say: see how much the nations are hating you LOOK HERE and you got the point. Oppression is what really helps them. For sure they even instil it artifically to keep their herd in check. a random jew is cattle as well. Total replaceable slave to their own kind. They are locked in the houses eating biscuits at the candle light to save shekels. Like christians following the herd and their leaders blindly.
Taking people and turning them into profets or SAINTS. Wtf. We Satanists are turning them into GODS equals to our actual Gods - such an arrogance if you ask me. This is not a model to follow. At least not for me.
Satanism is not a reaction to christinaity and is not reverse christianity but aparently we are doing only reversals and even mirroring. Jos is gospel you say. No, it's not. It's an imperfect GREAT WORK but still imperfect and incomplete.

And why judge people who are showing their asses that gain more money than presidents? Who cares? Why this example. Why comparing such things. ". Showing ass (and not even giving it to any male at this point...LOL)" - High priest - be a serious person - this are not jokes to be made, if you want to be taken serious.

I would write more as you don't pay close attention to what you write always, despite you being an extremely inteligent individual but I am time restricted.
Respectfully my aim is not to offend anybody and especially you since you carry the heavy burden of taking care of things. My respect for you and Maxine always and beyond words.

my appreciation once again for all the time and hard work invested here and for helping this community. May Satan bless you, protect you and enlighten you.
wishing the best to each SATANIC soul in here.

This is a lot of words. You talk about Satan, the Gods, and wishing the best for every Satanic Soul, but you shit on the JOS, us, and the Gods at the same time. Your reply was an obvious slander to our HP. You even said we have elevated the Jews to God status next to our Gods?

Instead of commenting this garbage maybe just stay silent next time.
serpentwalker666 said:
We have much more capabilities then the skewer scum that has shackled our planet. And as a people it's NECESSARY we reach as HIGH AS POSSIBLE when it comes to physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and spiritually development so we can be forged in the image our creator Satan intended us to be.

I'm not saying so hard we burn out though. A gradual upward spiral, at a slower or faster pace depending on the individual is more so what I mean.

I agree.
For Baalzebul!

Do I love your sermon Master Cobra!

As your words are so true, some phrases really made me laugh, not because they are funny, I do respect you a lot, but because they are a real slap on the face of the stupid goyim I see everywhere, and maybe that is exactly what they need to wake up and realize that the fucking nazarene never ever existed.

The things you describe are exactly what I see, hear and perceive every time I have to go out, which I do only if necessary, because I hate the inmense amount of stupid zombies I see, hear and their idiotic belief that "jesus is coming, repent! written in so many street walls in Caracas. Endless senseless chants in the churches, but the attendants just realize they come out of church to get stabbed, just so the thief can take their shoes, or even a cigarrette, and yet, they say to acts like this that "it was god's will", and nothing can erase that thought from their brain.

Master, I believe I am privileged for being a child of Satan. Unfortunately, as Maxine used to say, this path is not for everyone.
Alright, I'll throw in my 2 cents. From my point of view this hard talk is both right and somehow wrong at the same time. If you don't like the rant please scroll down straight to the solutions I propose :cool:

It's right because it speaks the truth which is that things are bad right now for Gentiles in general. And Gentiles themselves are getting worse instead of getting better. It's like when you take bitter medicine, it tastes bad, but it actually cures you. Thing is, nobody really wants this because you know, it tastes bad. You have to understand people are like little children, if they don't like something or have a biased opinion that something is "bad/not true/not for them" they will not do it no matter how much you beg them to do it. They "know" better. A kid will eat/drink a bitter drug only if they feel really really bad and you tell them it will make them feel better. Only then they agree. But try and give them a candy, oh boy!

Now for the wrong part. It is not wrong per se, but in my opinion your approach is quite lacking in my opinion. You see HP, you have the greatest product of all times which is Satanism. But, although you're doing a great job at explaining things, you're a poor salesman. You expect people to do things solely out of duty. Or because it is the right thing to do. Which is simply not the case. You don't give any incentives. Actually you do, but they're all in the long term. Do this and from x months/years from now it will be good for you. Or when you die, the Gods will welcome you with great honors. While this is appealing, it doesn't bring that many results does it? I know, people are not worthy, but maybe they are, with a little nudge. And the ones expecting things from them get disappointed. Fair enough I would say.

But in real life things work differently.

For instance, most(99%) women go for tall guys, or at least taller than them. And you can't change your height now can you? But at the same time they get angry if men don't pick them because they are fat. Which is a totally subject to change matter. Fair? NOT. For all the men in here who got a girlfriend/wife ask them if they will still be with you if you were ugly, poor and had a little weenie. But with great personality and honest, hard working skills. And yes, you can be poor even if you work hard.

I have seen a healthy restaurant in a food court area that sold great salads and soups. My wife loved it. You know what happened? It closed. Meanwhile @KFC there are always people in line. Fair? NOT.

Do you know the joke about the man and the 3 wives? Let's suppose not everyone one here knows it. A man had to choose from 3 women the one he was going to marry, but couldn't make up his mind. So he gave each of them 10k$ to spend. The first spent the money on makeup saying she made herself beautiful for him. The second one spent the money on things he liked like beer, sports stuff whatever saying she cares so much about him. The third one invested the money and doubled the sum, saying she cares about their future together. Now, after a long debate, he chose the one with big boobs. Fair? NOT so much :lol: Ladies it's just a joke don't be offended.

Where I'm going with this is that people do stuff for instant gratification, for the thrills, for whatever reason they see fit. I am not a master psychologist, but I will humbly attempt an answer. First, the values in the world are upside down.

We have stupid lying cheating people in positions of power and they are admired. Why? Because they made it. Being wealthy and sneaky means more than anything else. After height and looks, women go for money. And a sneaky one can take better care of her needs. I want to ask our fellow Romanian member NakedPluto what he thinks about this little gem https://adevarul.ro/blogurile-adevarul/marea-amnistie-lectia-la-care-curtea-2215931.html. For the rest of our members let's just say that our highest jurisdiction court just gave amnesty to mostly white collar criminals. How is this even allowed by the Gods? FRTR after FRTR, doing our duty and this happens. If this isn't depressing I don't know what is. Fair? NOT :evil:

Second, most people base their actions on logic. As HP pointed out in a previous post, the mind is easily tricked. If people would check their hearts more often that would be another story. And logic is mostly based on if you see it is real. If you don't, then it doesn't exist. So why does an onlyfans ass worth more than a JOS donation? Well, the first one is round, nice, I can see it and even though I know I will never have it I enjoy throwing coins at it as see how it shakes. And yeah, I can fap over it. And maybe I'm doing it out of spite because nobody in the real world gave me a chance. All the princesses out there thought they deserved better. So yeah, screw them let me pay this nice hoe instead. And not waste my money and time on something that will never happen. And that will bring me depression in the end. Or I end up paying alimony and having half of my assets taken away. Look how nice that ass is, mmmmm. JOS donation? Yeah, I'll do it someday, I promise. When I will feel guilty enough or when HP posts again like a beggar he is. But I bet he uses some of those monies himself to pay for some hot twat as well :lol: (Sarcasm, don't curse me HP pls)

One more with logic. People injected boosters after boosters of snake oil because logic, muh science said so. And because they could post it on kikebook and brag about it. Feels good man :cool: Instant gratification at its finest. And yeah the others are conspiracy freaks, lock them up. Please take into account I'm talking here about people who are educated.

Third, yes people are very disconnected. You can see how many people suffer from depression. This is caused I believe due to the total lack of spiritual practice. It's precisely as HP put it, a flower without sun can't fathom what it means/feels like to live on a meadow. Exquisite line if I may.

Now, for all this and all the Gentile people we are expecting to wake up and support us, I'll just say this.


It's a war HP, not everyone is going to make it. Yes, they are hurting us by their ignorance, but that's how it is. They'll either wake up or they'll get caught in the crossfire it's not up to us to save them. Nobody can be saved if they don't want to. There are many people who died trying to save other people from drowning. I certainly don't want that. What we can do, is shine brighter and hope they see the Truth. Other than that, each to his own.

Then, you all have to understand people are trying to cope. The best they can. Videogames, LeagueOfLegends, Halo, Fifa, Football Manager you name it. If it brings a little happiness in their lives they will do it. Onlyfans, drugs, gambling, sports betting, booze, porn, junk food whatever, you name it. The void is real and it needs filled. What you're offering is the real deal, but it's not instant. How long it will take until the meditations kick in?

Besides, remember in the Matrix when Cypher I guess it was betrayed them because he was fed up to eat food without taste? Yes, he was living the Truth, but went back and chose ignorance. Willingly. Same, there will be SS who will go back to what they were before. The Holy War, the Truth is not for everyone. Not at any time anyways. Sometimes, people are just not ready. Not powerful enough. And I can tell you doing rituals every day and then getting attacked by whatever entities or being confronted by normies in the family or at work is not really fun either. Maybe after 10 hours at work some people like to play a game or two and hit the sack. I know they aren't supposed to, but reality is hard for many. I know Lydia didn't miss a day on her meditations, but I for instance can't say that. I recently did the Demonic authority ritual 10 times in a row. It took me a few hours. I didn't feel anything special, it knocked me straight to sleep :lol:

And once we fail, we feel ashamed and guilty for not being good enough. I'm sure a lot of the translators who bailed out felt the pressure on their shoulders. Every day they didn't deliver adds up and makes them feel even more hopeless. Now you come here and say you are disappointed. I'm pretty sure this will send them deeper into depression. Motivation by fear and shaming can only accomplish so much in my opinion.

You said the Goddess Maat appeared to you. You saw, hence you believe. For the rest of us, this didn't happen. It's a bit harder to believe. I would bet most of SS here knew in their hearts the Gods are real because they worked with them in previous lives. We were mages, druids and so on. We did magic. Maybe the common normie didn't do any of this. If for us SS is hard at times to believe, imagine for them is straight up impossible. And the rare moments they do, they find the joo on the stick. So, being ignorant saves them a lot of pain in effect. I know it doesn't help them, but I can see the reasons. Or at least I believe I do.

Anyway, this post is getting long and I'm not the one to do public shaming. You taught me that in one of your replies. So what I suggest is that you/we become better at selling.

They make competitions on who will give more in holidays, in accordance to how much they can. When kikes write one Torah scroll, a situation often-times costly, they literally throw a fucking party left and right, and they fight one another on who will copy the scroll, dancing for hours and hours constantly.

================ SOLUTIONS ===================

I believe this is your answer right here. Instead of complaining about the state of donations why not bring some incentives to the table? Let's say every month those who donate enter a contest where you draw the winner and he/she gets an astrology reading from our HP, Lydia (I know you quit, yes) or our new experts. Or I don't know, the one with the highest amount, or top 3 get something. Every time I look at your signature and I see "Azazel's market closed" it saddens me. What's the point of displaying it, if it's closed :?: I know you don't do readings anymore, but let's train people and open the shop. This is a sure way of making money.

You could also add more ranks and titles in the forum. We only have HP and guardians. Like a handful of people. Let's give more like Master Librarian, Holy Translator and so on. You could check the Warhammer universe they had all these legions who had chapters and companies. You could assign us to some Holy Satanic Legions based on what Demon we have as Guardian. You could customize the forum and the shop so we can buy some stuff, like they do in video games. People might not donate for doing the right thing, but I'm sure as hell they will pay for a nice gif next to their name. You could also add medals and awards for people based on their longevity or based on their participation. Come on HP, the possibilities are endless.

You could also sell lesser readings like tarot readings, or greater readings coming straight from the Gods, or readings for one to meet their DG. I have a post where I ask people to tell me their stories how they met their DG and how they are because I want to write poems dedicated to them, but only a few posted.

We also need stories, poems, hymns about our Gods. Materials like coffee cups, T-shirts and so on. Paintings, songs, movies, merchandise of all kind. Sell, sell, sell. We have the Truth, we just need to ship it out there. Not because it's the right thing to do, but because it's cool and it's the new hype. At least to our own.

How about selling spells? I know, you teach us how to do it. But, maybe there people who are willing to do this on behalf of others for a nice coin. Maybe there are SS who don't have the time to do their own rituals. What could be better than having Jack, the love working Master write/perform a spell for you or maybe you pay for a few sessions with him via email. Like hey boss I did this and that it's not working. What should I improve. How many of you out here would like an SS partner? :cool:

Coaching sessions about everything from tarot to money/health workings. Yes, it's all in there, but it's going to be better having a mentor. And I wouldn't mind paying for it. Let's say for each 100$ paid to someone from the JOS team, 10% goes to the site. Or everyone decides their own fees. And the JOS clergy approves people who can do different readings/coaching sessions so we don't have frauds among us.

Also we could have guilds like Writers' Guild (I know there are a few writers here e.g. tabby), Astrologers' Guild etc and dedicated forum space and maybe group emails like when you ask a question it will go those members. People also work better in teams when they can share impressions and encourage each other. We are now very separated due to privacy issues. But this doesn't have to stretch all the way into becoming total strangers like we are now and I'm sure some of us would actually like some social gatherings let's say. Don't shoot me HP, it's just an idea, but the way I see it too much privacy is also not that good. I'm not saying let's get a beer at the local pub right away, but we need to think at some ways to connect. There is strength in numbers and in friendship.

We could have paid classes via email of how to become a reader, you join the course and in x years you graduate. This is like applied learning. I think motivation would rocket. Let's not have anymore disappointed SS among us :mrgreen:

P.S. 1) If I am to complain myself I could say there are certain member(s) who even have my name on their signature and yet have failed to return my last emails. But I don't :lol: I guess they just didn't know what to say. As for my SS writings I can say it has brought me more pain than pleasure so far, but I'm not Cypher :mrgreen:
P.S. 2) Some people love the war for war itself, others do it for glory and honors, but some do it for pillaging :mrgreen:
Not as bad as what it was when i started being a satanist in this lifetime now 11 years ago now but yes it's painful to see so many move in slow motion i have been defeating a lot of stupid little shit habits of mine now this year I'm pretty happy about that i hope it all just goes pop it's still very annoying how people even know about the deep state but still won't admit to them all being Jews or their ties to Jewish programs they always use a censor word like elite rather then jew and while they are now finally pointing fingers at and finally are casting out the right people (Slowly but surely) they still can't say the word jew for fear of being considered mega evil Nazis annoyance to no end on that front but we will get there and set the record straight.

And yes the astronomical level of patience the gods have is a super power of it's own i have now even learned to adopt this level of patience every time i want to have a melt down for being so super angry to the point i just want to trash everything in my surroundings i can just focus on the image of Satan and i calm right down i would like to get to the point where i can do what they can do and just mellow out or have total control on my own without having to use an inspiring and loved persons image but the shoe fits for now.

I know i say this a lot in my posts but I'm still very happy that the situation was not as bad as i thought it was going to be (so far) and that the enemy's collapse continues to happen at a nice strong pace I just want this next couple of years to hurry up so we can be a lot more proactive and be in the public eye a lot more once they have lost all power and influence.
I am greatful that I have constantly taken action upon the things that I have known nothing about.

Knowledge was provided and I constantly did accept the higher truths, I was devoted to the Truth, and truth did prevail.

Why was I assigned this fate that did lead me to becoming an excellent individual and being as best I could, in service to our true purpose as humanity.

Was it my choice to encounter the God's? They set the seeds, and by their will did I find this place.

Now I am so hungry for more. I cannot be satisfied with a dying world, I am not tranquil.
Yes he is.

I have made a promise to Satan that as soon as I earn enough money, will start to donate. No question. I am working on a project, just it needs its time to manifest. I am thinking big towards Satanism, I am not afraid to show it.
One of my personal rule is to stand by my word. To be like a rock and not to roll.
HoodedCobra inspires me to do it even more so.
Greetings and best wishes to you!
Love666 said:
You not angry with me are you?

Why should I be angry at you? Just however pick up a few books about dogs or make sure to google everything before doing something to your dog or giving it to him/her. So you can love him in a way that is good for him.
Anyone who finds Joy of Satan in his/her life and doesn't stay is a total idiot and there is no other way to say it.

Outside right now, the world is INSANE, we are the only one who gonna survive this.

Satan must love me very much so to be here.
Ramier108666 said:
I was not expecting this, but it’s good that you brought this up HP HoodedCobra. I’ll take this to heart so I can advance for my people, and help them also in whatever way I can.
I'm glad to hear this Brother. I know we'll accomplish much for our people in this life. Hail Satan!
Not hard talk but TRUE words. Now i can also understand some things on your previous sermons. Words might be hard but they shine like the brightest light, cause they have truth on them! Also it is a very good reminder on my own struggle on deprogramming from the jewish filth
VerSus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't see any hard talk here. Just some unstructured text with a lot of logical fallacies and vague..you are vague in 3 words and in a 5000 words.

Jews can't be an example for us in every aspect..just because they serve their community with great zeal they do it for their own safety and survival due to their history. Even this place I suspect, is helping jews much more than gentiles. They can LEARN about their history for free here. More than that, a rabbi would go to them and say: see how much the nations are hating you LOOK HERE and you got the point. Oppression is what really helps them. For sure they even instil it artifically to keep their herd in check. a random jew is cattle as well. Total replaceable slave to their own kind. They are locked in the houses eating biscuits at the candle light to save shekels. Like christians following the herd and their leaders blindly.
Taking people and turning them into profets or SAINTS. Wtf. We Satanists are turning them into GODS equals to our actual Gods - such an arrogance if you ask me. This is not a model to follow. At least not for me.
Satanism is not a reaction to christinaity and is not reverse christianity but aparently we are doing only reversals and even mirroring. Jos is gospel you say. No, it's not. It's an imperfect GREAT WORK but still imperfect and incomplete.

And why judge people who are showing their asses that gain more money than presidents? Who cares? Why this example. Why comparing such things. ". Showing ass (and not even giving it to any male at this point...LOL)" - High priest - be a serious person - this are not jokes to be made, if you want to be taken serious.

I would write more as you don't pay close attention to what you write always, despite you being an extremely inteligent individual but I am time restricted.
Respectfully my aim is not to offend anybody and especially you since you carry the heavy burden of taking care of things. My respect for you and Maxine always and beyond words.

my appreciation once again for all the time and hard work invested here and for helping this community. May Satan bless you, protect you and enlighten you.
wishing the best to each SATANIC soul in here.

Please open your mind and study little bit more so you would be able to read this article for what it is. You should consider this by yourself as you see other members giving thanks and praises HP HC for these words.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'll tell you what's hard from my perspective. Kikes meanwhile will throw parties everytime one shitty Torah scroll is written for days on end.

On the contrary, the December 23rd approaches and certain translators have bailed out from translating and potentially saving millions of Gentiles for generations with their translation with everything being given, ready, and certain to be done.

What brings love in my perspective is this: When certain few people are working to actually manifest the will and power of the Gods, getting infinite blessings in the process and awakening their soul while helping society.

Instead of throwing a party literally and receiving the fulfillment of work of the Gods or progress in one's life and the world, many people choose the shit path.

Don't be one of these people. You'll be disappointed.


I really don't understand why some people are just .... :cry:
I don't know from which country they were, but if you are one of the translators who is still loyal and you are reading my reply, let me tell you two things:

1. First of all preferably do not use google translate, or if you have no other choice, MAKE SURE THAT THE TRANSLATION IS COHERENT. There are many other factors and dimensions of the meanings of some terms exclusive to JoS. Don't just copy and paste, that is EXTREMELY rude and disrespectful to the Gods and honestly you'd be better off not translating anything.

2. If you see that things are going slowly and people aren't putting much effort, remind them. If you see they don't listen, then start taking on more responsibility, or even do their part of the work yourself if you are actually serious in all this. There is absolutely no shame in translating a few pages for the Gods. People in the Ancient times went to war and DIED for the glory of their Gods, and you can't translate a few pages?

I saw you mentioning me here :)

Sadly for you, I am not the translator you are talking about, I am just a teenager who will reach adult hood after 2 years.

That is all.

In rest, I do not use google translate or deepL and programs like this.

Most of the text I write purely comes out from my head and also, happens to be with avlot of grammatical mistakes as I write on mobile rather than PC / Laptop.

But, either way, I do not and also will not use google translate or anything.

Regarding translations, I would be very glad to do this after I have more resources in the future, because my current status doesn't permit this.

I sincerely am resourceless in terms of translation works, (currently), but when an eben brighter future than the one I have in front of me right now will come, I will be glad to help with Romanian and English translations.

I will give the signal when I am ready to help in the JoS Translation forum.

Hail Satan Brother and take care and do even greater work for Satan and Powers of Hell.

high priest was replying to you when he made that post, but i was only replying to him, not you. I wasn't referring to you, but to the ones HP mentioned who left.
Immortal said:
Alright, I'll throw in my 2 cents.

Why did it not occur to you to email HP Cobra directly? He posts his email address everywhere. You could have worded this all better and less condescending, in a personal email to him with your ideas. Many of us who work on projects go to him directly, instead of writing in a condescending and somewhat complaining manner publicly. This could have been an email. But you lowered it, therefore lowering its value. (Which is a bit ironic as you were mentioning sales.)

You turned what could have been a brilliant email, into a boarderline cringe post :(

Think higher. Think more Godly, do more Godly.
Immortal said:
P.S. 1) If I am to complain myself I could say there are certain member(s) who even have my name on their signature and yet have failed to return my last emails. But I don't :lol: I guess they just didn't know what to say. As for my SS writings I can say it has brought me more pain than pleasure so far, but I'm not Cypher :mrgreen:
P.S. 2) Some people love the war for war itself, others do it for glory and honors, but some do it for pillaging :mrgreen:

I didn't answer you because I was mad at you and I didn't want to call you a big asshole. Yes.
You see, I fear Lord Baalzebub enough not to go looking for trouble at another SS.
Besides, considering your last poems, you got your answer.
It is said.

Otherwise, I will always thank you for being a messenger of the Gods.

To come back to your message about the subject, the donations, the translations, there are some quite insulting things that I don't agree with, and some proposals that can be interesting.
Immortal said:

In addition to what I previously wrote:

If you were actually and truly interested in the growth of the JoS, you would have emailed HP Cobra directly with your ideas. Why didn't you? Think on that.
Immortal said:
Alright, I'll throw in my 2 cents. From my point of view this hard talk is both right and somehow wrong at the same time. If you don't like the rant please scroll down straight to the solutions I propose :cool:

It's right because it speaks the truth which is that things are bad right now for Gentiles in general. And Gentiles themselves are getting worse instead of getting better. It's like when you take bitter medicine, it tastes bad, but it actually cures you. Thing is, nobody really wants this because you know, it tastes bad. You have to understand people are like little children, if they don't like something or have a biased opinion that something is "bad/not true/not for them" they will not do it no matter how much you beg them to do it. They "know" better. A kid will eat/drink a bitter drug only if they feel really really bad and you tell them it will make them feel better. Only then they agree. But try and give them a candy, oh boy!

Now for the wrong part. It is not wrong per se, but in my opinion your approach is quite lacking in my opinion. You see HP, you have the greatest product of all times which is Satanism. But, although you're doing a great job at explaining things, you're a poor salesman. You expect people to do things solely out of duty. Or because it is the right thing to do. Which is simply not the case. You don't give any incentives. Actually you do, but they're all in the long term. Do this and from x months/years from now it will be good for you. Or when you die, the Gods will welcome you with great honors. While this is appealing, it doesn't bring that many results does it? I know, people are not worthy, but maybe they are, with a little nudge. And the ones expecting things from them get disappointed. Fair enough I would say.

But in real life things work differently.

For instance, most(99%) women go for tall guys, or at least taller than them. And you can't change your height now can you? But at the same time they get angry if men don't pick them because they are fat. Which is a totally subject to change matter. Fair? NOT. For all the men in here who got a girlfriend/wife ask them if they will still be with you if you were ugly, poor and had a little weenie. But with great personality and honest, hard working skills. And yes, you can be poor even if you work hard.

I have seen a healthy restaurant in a food court area that sold great salads and soups. My wife loved it. You know what happened? It closed. Meanwhile @KFC there are always people in line. Fair? NOT.

Do you know the joke about the man and the 3 wives? Let's suppose not everyone one here knows it. A man had to choose from 3 women the one he was going to marry, but couldn't make up his mind. So he gave each of them 10k$ to spend. The first spent the money on makeup saying she made herself beautiful for him. The second one spent the money on things he liked like beer, sports stuff whatever saying she cares so much about him. The third one invested the money and doubled the sum, saying she cares about their future together. Now, after a long debate, he chose the one with big boobs. Fair? NOT so much :lol: Ladies it's just a joke don't be offended.

Where I'm going with this is that people do stuff for instant gratification, for the thrills, for whatever reason they see fit. I am not a master psychologist, but I will humbly attempt an answer. First, the values in the world are upside down.

We have stupid lying cheating people in positions of power and they are admired. Why? Because they made it. Being wealthy and sneaky means more than anything else. After height and looks, women go for money. And a sneaky one can take better care of her needs. I want to ask our fellow Romanian member NakedPluto what he thinks about this little gem https://adevarul.ro/blogurile-adevarul/marea-amnistie-lectia-la-care-curtea-2215931.html. For the rest of our members let's just say that our highest jurisdiction court just gave amnesty to mostly white collar criminals. How is this even allowed by the Gods? FRTR after FRTR, doing our duty and this happens. If this isn't depressing I don't know what is. Fair? NOT :evil:

Second, most people base their actions on logic. As HP pointed out in a previous post, the mind is easily tricked. If people would check their hearts more often that would be another story. And logic is mostly based on if you see it is real. If you don't, then it doesn't exist. So why does an onlyfans ass worth more than a JOS donation? Well, the first one is round, nice, I can see it and even though I know I will never have it I enjoy throwing coins at it as see how it shakes. And yeah, I can fap over it. And maybe I'm doing it out of spite because nobody in the real world gave me a chance. All the princesses out there thought they deserved better. So yeah, screw them let me pay this nice hoe instead. And not waste my money and time on something that will never happen. And that will bring me depression in the end. Or I end up paying alimony and having half of my assets taken away. Look how nice that ass is, mmmmm. JOS donation? Yeah, I'll do it someday, I promise. When I will feel guilty enough or when HP posts again like a beggar he is. But I bet he uses some of those monies himself to pay for some hot twat as well :lol: (Sarcasm, don't curse me HP pls)

One more with logic. People injected boosters after boosters of snake oil because logic, muh science said so. And because they could post it on kikebook and brag about it. Feels good man :cool: Instant gratification at its finest. And yeah the others are conspiracy freaks, lock them up. Please take into account I'm talking here about people who are educated.

Third, yes people are very disconnected. You can see how many people suffer from depression. This is caused I believe due to the total lack of spiritual practice. It's precisely as HP put it, a flower without sun can't fathom what it means/feels like to live on a meadow. Exquisite line if I may.

Now, for all this and all the Gentile people we are expecting to wake up and support us, I'll just say this.


It's a war HP, not everyone is going to make it. Yes, they are hurting us by their ignorance, but that's how it is. They'll either wake up or they'll get caught in the crossfire it's not up to us to save them. Nobody can be saved if they don't want to. There are many people who died trying to save other people from drowning. I certainly don't want that. What we can do, is shine brighter and hope they see the Truth. Other than that, each to his own.

Then, you all have to understand people are trying to cope. The best they can. Videogames, LeagueOfLegends, Halo, Fifa, Football Manager you name it. If it brings a little happiness in their lives they will do it. Onlyfans, drugs, gambling, sports betting, booze, porn, junk food whatever, you name it. The void is real and it needs filled. What you're offering is the real deal, but it's not instant. How long it will take until the meditations kick in?

Besides, remember in the Matrix when Cypher I guess it was betrayed them because he was fed up to eat food without taste? Yes, he was living the Truth, but went back and chose ignorance. Willingly. Same, there will be SS who will go back to what they were before. The Holy War, the Truth is not for everyone. Not at any time anyways. Sometimes, people are just not ready. Not powerful enough. And I can tell you doing rituals every day and then getting attacked by whatever entities or being confronted by normies in the family or at work is not really fun either. Maybe after 10 hours at work some people like to play a game or two and hit the sack. I know they aren't supposed to, but reality is hard for many. I know Lydia didn't miss a day on her meditations, but I for instance can't say that. I recently did the Demonic authority ritual 10 times in a row. It took me a few hours. I didn't feel anything special, it knocked me straight to sleep :lol:

And once we fail, we feel ashamed and guilty for not being good enough. I'm sure a lot of the translators who bailed out felt the pressure on their shoulders. Every day they didn't deliver adds up and makes them feel even more hopeless. Now you come here and say you are disappointed. I'm pretty sure this will send them deeper into depression. Motivation by fear and shaming can only accomplish so much in my opinion.

You said the Goddess Maat appeared to you. You saw, hence you believe. For the rest of us, this didn't happen. It's a bit harder to believe. I would bet most of SS here knew in their hearts the Gods are real because they worked with them in previous lives. We were mages, druids and so on. We did magic. Maybe the common normie didn't do any of this. If for us SS is hard at times to believe, imagine for them is straight up impossible. And the rare moments they do, they find the joo on the stick. So, being ignorant saves them a lot of pain in effect. I know it doesn't help them, but I can see the reasons. Or at least I believe I do.

Anyway, this post is getting long and I'm not the one to do public shaming. You taught me that in one of your replies. So what I suggest is that you/we become better at selling.

They make competitions on who will give more in holidays, in accordance to how much they can. When kikes write one Torah scroll, a situation often-times costly, they literally throw a fucking party left and right, and they fight one another on who will copy the scroll, dancing for hours and hours constantly.

================ SOLUTIONS ===================

I believe this is your answer right here. Instead of complaining about the state of donations why not bring some incentives to the table? Let's say every month those who donate enter a contest where you draw the winner and he/she gets an astrology reading from our HP, Lydia (I know you quit, yes) or our new experts. Or I don't know, the one with the highest amount, or top 3 get something. Every time I look at your signature and I see "Azazel's market closed" it saddens me. What's the point of displaying it, if it's closed :?: I know you don't do readings anymore, but let's train people and open the shop. This is a sure way of making money.

You could also add more ranks and titles in the forum. We only have HP and guardians. Like a handful of people. Let's give more like Master Librarian, Holy Translator and so on. You could check the Warhammer universe they had all these legions who had chapters and companies. You could assign us to some Holy Satanic Legions based on what Demon we have as Guardian. You could customize the forum and the shop so we can buy some stuff, like they do in video games. People might not donate for doing the right thing, but I'm sure as hell they will pay for a nice gif next to their name. You could also add medals and awards for people based on their longevity or based on their participation. Come on HP, the possibilities are endless.

You could also sell lesser readings like tarot readings, or greater readings coming straight from the Gods, or readings for one to meet their DG. I have a post where I ask people to tell me their stories how they met their DG and how they are because I want to write poems dedicated to them, but only a few posted.

We also need stories, poems, hymns about our Gods. Materials like coffee cups, T-shirts and so on. Paintings, songs, movies, merchandise of all kind. Sell, sell, sell. We have the Truth, we just need to ship it out there. Not because it's the right thing to do, but because it's cool and it's the new hype. At least to our own.

How about selling spells? I know, you teach us how to do it. But, maybe there people who are willing to do this on behalf of others for a nice coin. Maybe there are SS who don't have the time to do their own rituals. What could be better than having Jack, the love working Master write/perform a spell for you or maybe you pay for a few sessions with him via email. Like hey boss I did this and that it's not working. What should I improve. How many of you out here would like an SS partner? :cool:

Coaching sessions about everything from tarot to money/health workings. Yes, it's all in there, but it's going to be better having a mentor. And I wouldn't mind paying for it. Let's say for each 100$ paid to someone from the JOS team, 10% goes to the site. Or everyone decides their own fees. And the JOS clergy approves people who can do different readings/coaching sessions so we don't have frauds among us.

Also we could have guilds like Writers' Guild (I know there are a few writers here e.g. tabby), Astrologers' Guild etc and dedicated forum space and maybe group emails like when you ask a question it will go those members. People also work better in teams when they can share impressions and encourage each other. We are now very separated due to privacy issues. But this doesn't have to stretch all the way into becoming total strangers like we are now and I'm sure some of us would actually like some social gatherings let's say. Don't shoot me HP, it's just an idea, but the way I see it too much privacy is also not that good. I'm not saying let's get a beer at the local pub right away, but we need to think at some ways to connect. There is strength in numbers and in friendship.

We could have paid classes via email of how to become a reader, you join the course and in x years you graduate. This is like applied learning. I think motivation would rocket. Let's not have anymore disappointed SS among us :mrgreen:

P.S. 1) If I am to complain myself I could say there are certain member(s) who even have my name on their signature and yet have failed to return my last emails. But I don't :lol: I guess they just didn't know what to say. As for my SS writings I can say it has brought me more pain than pleasure so far, but I'm not Cypher :mrgreen:
P.S. 2) Some people love the war for war itself, others do it for glory and honors, but some do it for pillaging :mrgreen:

I decided to add my input. While you may agree to HP’s overall understanding I can also see what you are trying to insinuate. Please the masses with a reward kind of system. While this is fine and well, when it comes to spirituality in Satanism it is highly individual. So no, the laziness of the world wrought with the constant jewing and lies, psychological bs that mankind has been brutally indoctrinated with will not lead anywhere, and a reward system you would think is a good idea, won’t work even now. Why?

Look at what you wrote. In essence you are following the same paradigm we as a whole species is inoculated with albeit in a manner that leaves us dissatisfied. No one wants to work hard because simply put they don’t want to.

This makes it harder for us, easy for the enemy. You want to give away things for a reward. Where is the work of that said person to become better. I learned a long time ago the Gods will help you, but after a certain point they will help you to help yourself. There is no reward system in that sense of you get rewarded by the Gods, only by hard work do you get that reward you put forward.

Meaning no one gives it to you on a silver platter.

You either put the time in, or don’t. It’s simple. Incentives only work to a degree before it turns into a dependent system later on. Your method while admirable is flawed by the constructs of the current society. Flawed as it may be, there are ways to improve upon it to make it a perfection. But as it stands now, it will lack many things.
Thanks for the hard talk, these subjects are in my mind all day

Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=397568 time=1667569983 user_id=19170]
In my eyes, HPHC is of the calibrate of Hitler and Alexander the Great.

Hail Satan!

Always these two historical figures I have respected and loved the most in my entire life.
To me, Hp is like a second Hitler.

And again it's good to see you acknowledge Hitler and you speak well of him(Hitler),you black SS brother.

I am now beginning to realise how right I was to have never been a member of any national movement or skinhead.As I have always been attracted to national socialism, I was also interested in the skienhead movements,but I could never join them(skienhead),because somehow I always knew in my heart that this was not the right way and I felt so much more than that.Not to mention that it is a form of pseudo-Nazism.

Of course I had not read this article at the time,it was only after reading these that I really understood why I didn't take up this pseudo-Nazi skinhead movement much longer ago.
But it wouldn't have been appropriate for me to hire it anyway,because I would have been a central target for the local gypsy community(They were much more numerous and cohesive).
This is a repost for this topic as it is more pertinent to it.

People are misunderstanding yet again.

The Jews have their eyes on the prize. This is as simple as it gets. Even a rat like this has an agenda. It gets a standing ovation from an institution meant to be the supposed flower of civilisation for Gentiles, bragging about how it made 50 million by being a criminal and a toilet. The 'elite' goy toys are so degenerated that they are all clapping for this creature like some idiot circus seals. It still had to put itself OUT THERE to do this and to push a nefarious agenda, even on the lowest echelon of the pig farm. Many Gentiles are not even getting to the step of 'OUT THERE'.

Nietzsche mentioned all of this 150 years ago because even then there was enough moronic phenomena misleading the masses. For pointing this out, he got endlessly slandered by the likes of the xian-leaning antisemites misrepresenting his point. Fast forward we had magestein trying to pull the same nonsense.

Things have truly gotten so bad that even Idiocracy seems like an understatement. People, the best of Gentiles like Petrarch, da Vinci, Copernicus, Paracelsus, Newton and many others didn't appear out of nowhere at a time when the church controlled all flow of knowledge and even literacy. They had patronage networks, investments, bankrolling, PR networks and so on. People were prepared to give them resources over the church which was deliberately blocking the flow of wisdom to entrench its control.

HP Cobra is being very kind in the circumstances. We have a pool of morons putting money hand over fist into the likes of some cesspit like Amaranth or a cuck like Jerma or something whose only 'talent' is playing video games. If not that, judging by the horde of scum on twitter, it's some prostitute, scum drill rappers, the local Democrat politician LARPing as transgender Lenin or playing a character on P-Valley when they're not on the job, or some retard like Patrisse who gives alla dat green to her babydaddy. What are their talents? Nothing. What will their legacy be other than signing on the dotted line to not 'offend' the social media mob on one octave and the enemy several levels above it? Oh yeah. Nothing. What's their loyalty to YOU or to Gentiles as a collective? Zero. What's their life? A lie. These things aren't even on the level of a celebrity. Even someone like Kanye is leagues above this trash.

As for the JoS, what is more deserving than actual spiritual knowledge? This is worth more than gold.

It isn't hard to translate the JoS if you already speak both English and your native language. I can't fathom why this is so apparently taxing other than having suspicions about the lifestyle imbalances of certain members. Especially with the assistance of things like SysTran and DeepL (I'd still never use these), one only has to make appropriate corrections of technical vocabulary and choices that that sound natural to the writing style of the HPs.
Karnonnos said:
People are misunderstanding yet again.

The Jews have their eyes on the prize. This is as simple as it gets. Even a rat like this has an agenda. It gets a standing ovation from an institution meant to be the supposed flower of civilisation for Gentiles, bragging about how it made 50 million by being a criminal and a toilet. The 'elite' goy toys are so degenerated that they are all clapping for this creature like some idiot circus seals. It still had to put itself OUT THERE to do this and to push a nefarious agenda, even on the lowest echelon of the pig farm. Many Gentiles are not even getting to the step of 'OUT THERE'.

For literally being just a sex performer and all of this to get 50 million, it would strike as sensible to donate at least 10 million for worthwhile societal progress.

Not long ago someone told me about a very famous streamer, who was doing porn videos. I was not believing the things I was being related to in regards to their videos and what they got in return or how many literally almost millions were following that.

Because the person insisted I would see this, they also showed me a video of their so called sex "tapes". It was boring to watch after 15 seconds as it was like a looped lazy video. Porn is also in my view extremely boring.

I just sat there thinking to myself how unmasculine and of poor sexual taste people must have become to literally watch a woman lazily have sex with a piece of plastic, especially women who clearly do not have any sexual skills, passion, physical beauty, or a spark, are not even "anything" at what they do.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this jewy looking creature just lazily sucking on a piece of plastic, that this would generate as much revenue. That one on this post is like an ugly version of Cardi B but plus the jewish snout and everything.

The jews in control of OnlyFans clearly know what they are doing and promoting, it seems the tribe ranks the highest in this platform and in every porn platform. They are known to do this for since this fad began.

Clearly, our world is sexually starved and men have went insane if they price these things so highly. This is the consequence of people being beaten down on their masculinity all day long too. As stupidity grows, so does the state of sexual tastes drops lower and lower. Back in the day, if a woman was to succeed with sexual prowess, there had to be some sort of quality or effort involved.

Regardless, the fact that now these people or the content of let's say Oxford university, simply highlights where our world will be very soon.

The sexual level is just going lower by the day with expression of sexuality going lower and lower.

I have to talk to people at current year where they see this and say it's sensible and great all of this. Basically the economy is attention driven now and most people just look at digital vagina all day, so that is technically not a bad business model. Reasons why? Mentioned above.

Humanity is clearly fixated still on solely the lowest levels of existence in a never ending loop thanks to jews.

This society might not deserve JoS in the end of the day if you look at some things. This is like watching an evolving cancer.

Yet the Gods think otherwise and are extremely understanding of how stupid we have become, we do our best and so on, but maybe in the end of the day they deserve an ugly jewish version of Cardi B whom they see pixelated on a screen and make sure she gets more wealth than George Washington.

I have my personal reservations about what society deserves in all ways after seeing all of this bombardment of stupidity but I insist to keep my attention on worthwhile subjects and the real world 99% of the time. Sometimes I look out on the 1% window to remind myself in what world I am before I retreat again to the other subjects.

And to approach the matter with loving kindness and understanding. But the insanity on the daily is off the charts.

Jews also elevate this trash or low level people exactly to cause mental warfare in the minds of the worthwhile people of a civilization that they want to break mentally.

[Just copy pasting my reply from the other post].
Immortal said:

My response here is to you Immortal in that I would like to add one thing in addition to what Ramier wrote to you.

From a certain perspective, you have correctly reported the state of affairs, that is, people want instant gratification. You reminded me of the piece the author wrote on the book The Bitcoin Standard, where in this period of society there is a high preference of time over the low perference of time [if you or a reader reading this post does not know what it means, the author in question explained very well, very recommended to buy the book or download the pdf from libgen-the author himself agrees with this practice-].

But fundamentally, to me, your approach to that problem is erroneous, or better said, it doesn't make sense.

You said that HP need to incentivize a person, this implies that that person already has a good background on satanic knowledge but does nothing or little. Based on this assumption, I then ask you a simple question:
Why do you prefer a method (the incentivization) that "enslaves" them to that incentive, instead of making them aware by elevating them, to interrupt this mentality of getting only immediate gratification? Isn't it better to make people understand that certain things are so important, morally and ethically, than to reduce everything to an equation with prizes? In this way you elevate the person, don't?

The example here that Hooded gave about jews donating money to a rabbi, do they do it to get something in return? No, do they just donate, with their eyes closed, no matter to what, because they know that a much more well above consideration is at stake, namely the survival of their race. Why can't we -as SS- do that too, to JoS?

Some might also say that your proposal is blasphemy, they have a point, because the consequences could be very dangerous i.e. people lose the real goal/essence of Satanism, chasing after the goal of having a badge, or the things you said, i.e. materialistic things. The most you can get is the title, but as has already been said, it is only for hierarchy and not for mere 'titling', it is a subtle difference.

I hope you understand well my point of view, thank you and ciao!
Immortal said:

We don't need people who can only provide anything with an incentive.

We look for people who care and put in the effort because they see the value in the JoS and what it can bring to the world when it grows.

To be honest, I never ask or expect anything in return for a donation for example, or anything else.

I did not become a Satanist to be blessed by the Gods, or to receive their protections and rewards now or in the after life.

I became a Spiritual Satanist to obtain true power and learn true spirituality, so I can learn to elevate myself, and also elevate the world after reaching a significant level of advancement and power.

I donate to the JoS to see it grow, so we can truly reach and improve the lives of millions and even billions of people with our teachings and knowledge.

So many will be helped by reading our material.

I want this world to be elevated, and become a place of worth as it was intended.

That is my reward and the only reward I seek to obtain.

Any merits which may come through advancement or other success in my life, will ie more a bonus rather than an incentive.

Of course, to reach the Godhead is on the personal level the ultimate aim and ultimate reward for the efforts made, but all of this comes from ones own efforts.

If one needs incentives like those mentioned, then one is looking at this entirely wrong with blinded eyes.

The success of the Joy of Satan and the elevation of this world, however slow, is the true reward for all that we do here.

If you don't care for it or don't see how this is what truly matters, you really lack vision and dedication as an SS.

Do you think Satan gains anything from putting in endless efforts and energy helping us ignorant and irrelevant beings?

He gets literally nothing out of it. Even if we become Gods, to Satan that is neither a gain nor a loss.

He does what he does because he cares about the people who are loosely descended from him and because he wants to see our world and the universe as a whole become elevated.

Even if all 7 billion people on Earth would reach the Godhead right now, to Satan that doesn't give him any gains or rewards in the literal manner at all.

As he is elevated very far above where this matters to his own growth/gain or loss.

Yet, he still helps us all and he still puts efforts towards the elevation and growth of our world.

He does so without any ulterior motives or future rewards in mind.

The only incentive is his desire to see our world elevated as he envisioned, elevated to a level that is worthwhile and prosperous in wealth, wisdom, knowledge, beauty, etc.

The JoS is meant to provide the gateway to this, the catalyst to this elevation which is to occur in the age of Aquarius.

I care about the JoS because I want this elevation to become a reality, so our Earth can forever rise to a higher and more worthwhile level of existence for all Gentiles.

Which would elevate and benefit countless many people.

When I too manage to overcome all my own obstacles and complete the Magnum Opus, I can watch with my fellow Satanic Brothers and Sisters, along side the Gods, as our handiwork done now and in the years to come elevates our Earth and enriches the souls and lives of literally billions of people in invaluable ways for thousands of years.

I long for the day that I can see this with my own eyes, that this manifests one full and is not merely a dream or a wish.

Only the Joy of Satan can make that happen. Therefore, I care for it.

That is the true purpose of the Joy of Satan, and of all true dedicated SS.

To think any other incentive is needed, or to expect any other incentive, is to me an insult to the great purpose I know we have.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Only if you saw what kikes have been doing for this "Great Patriarch" of their race, you would understand. Now, the "Goyim" is busy worshipping Kim Kardashian and leaving people like Tesla or others, or even dudes like me in the gutter.

There are people who spend more than a million to look like Kim Kardashian. Each one do whatever with one's money but I find it very curious.

I dont think that there is a "right" way to spend your money but considering the nature of the human soul you can observe a lack of something by this choice. Like, why will you spend so much money just to look like someone else? Dont you want to look like yourself? It is not even the case of having similar taste for clothes for example. The person want to literally copy paste the appearance of Kim.

Fine, we want to be like the gods but in the sense of advancing spiritually and reaching our purpose which is unique. Not in the sense of being identical to them.
Immortal said:
This isn't HC's problem, this is YOUR problem, that's because even though you're an SS you keep thinking like a goyim, incentives this incentives that. "Let's donate to get a shiny title, or to get a reading from HC, who doesn't profit in any way from donations, but let's ask him anyway to waste his time for those who want incentives".

Let go of this inferior way of thinking and perhaps you will advance even more. Think of it this way, you were given free knowledge that in no other part of the internet you will find, that will catapult your life to higher levels, and that will make it very much easier to succeed in life, by donating you're giving back and not only do the people who work tirelessly don't get that money, that money goes to increasing even more the knowledge the JoS has and making sure that even more people are gonna be able to benefit from it.

Idiots literally are complaining because HC is asking for money that will cover the server costs of the platforms in which they are literally complaining. Just admit that you don't want to donate because you're stingy and stop wasting the bandwidth you're using to complain (general rant).
There are things we have in mind as the world is as is, don't worry about that. I understand the point of what you write and have for a long time.

Give it some time, there is major planning ahead. The value of what has been already received is well beyond what is presently understood.

Whomever has helped JoS until now will also get rewarded. The lines between helping without distinctions and everyone are very fine and this is undoubtedly the case.

Immortal said:
VerSus said:
I don't see any hard talk here. Just some unstructured text with a lot of logical fallacies and vague..you are vague in 3 words and in a 5000 words.
His statements seem vague to you because your whole understanding about the world is vague in itself. If you would clear up and sharpen your understanding about the world, about how the enemy works, how they control people and so on, you won't perceive his sermons as vague anymore. The more you understand the world you live in, the more you will understand our position and our stance. This is done through a lot of study. You need to study as much as you can and meditate in order to expand and improve your understanding, awareness and consciousness. After 3-5 years or constant and consistent meditation and study you will be at least surprised at how different you became compared to how you was just 3-4-5 years ago, while people on the outside might achieve such leap in understand in multiple decades, but most people after they reach a certain point of maturity they barely change anymore for the rest of their life.

Now by pursuing an important career that requires a lot of knowledge, by mixing this with meditation and advancement in your life imagine how much you can advance as a being in 15-20 years, and how your accumulated knowledge and understanding can create and inovate. it goes beyond the understanding of most people. Any human being that is making extensive and longterm use of healthy and constructive spiritual practices has the potential to become close to the most known people in history in their domains.
Immortal said:
You expect people to do things solely out of duty. Or because it is the right thing to do. Which is simply not the case. You don't give any incentives.
What on Earth are you talking about? This is immature, spoiled teenager mentality at best.
You don't need any incentives once you deeply understand how things really are in this jewed sewer. It all got so far because of people who didn't have any incentive (or had all the wrong ones).
Clearly you haven't yet realized the priorities in this reality. Otherwise you'd go all-in with your development and warfare contribution without needing free candy or brass plaques.
During that hard work, at some point, you'll start to feel the Gods watching and helping you. This is priceless! Imagine being one of those brave souls who really change the world. This is my incentive.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Spiritual slavery has indeed nearly taken over basically everything in the world and it all can be traced back to the kikes and their fabricated trinity of abrahamic enslavement programs. The information on this is highly complex and contrived yet it's undeniable.

These inhuman hybrid creatures are the enemy of our TRUE GODS and the people of those Gods (Gentiles). Thank you HoodedCobruh (lol) for waking us all up to this and so many other truths!

I'm curious, why do these kikes re-write the torah anyway? You mentioned a translator translates it into another language and I never knew about any of that. It seems odd to me as it's no doubt already been translated into every language spoken today. I tried researching this a bit and came across this:

"A Sefer Torah, or Torah scroll, is the holiest object in Judaism. It comprises the five books of Moses and must be written by a specially trained pious scribe called a Sofer Setam."

One interesting thing I read HPS Maxine wrote once is that the torah is a scroll because (in occult terms) it has no start or end and thus it repeats itself. I'm paraphrasing not very well here but that's the general idea I got from that one sermon.

We should never underestimate our enemy. The fact that they take things seriously in life means we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. We need to improve ourselves daily while resisting the many NPC routes that constantly surround us. The Truth here is the only actually liberating thing on this earth.

Thanks HP and Satanic Blessings to you!!
Remaja mana yang tidak suka nongkrong di kafe kekinian? Hampir semua remaja menyukainya bukan? Dengan fakta tersebut, bisnis kafe saat ini menjadi salah satu bisnis yang paling menjanjikan dan menguntungkan saat ini.

Bisnis Kafe Kontemporer Gaya Anak Muda

Café kini menjadi salah satu destinasi yang paling sering dikunjungi dan dicari, terutama oleh sekelompok anak muda. Café yang sering menjual menu berbagai jenis kopi, minuman, dan snack.

Café adalah tempat paling cocok untuk berkumpul bersama teman-teman. Melihat banyaknya remaja yang membutuhkan tempat yang sesuai dengan mereka, membuat para pebisnis kafe kontemporer membuat kafe dengan karakteristik yang cenderung disukai remaja.

Hanya dengan menambahkan kata 'saat ini' dan mengubah konsep kafe yang disukai anak muda, membuat bisnis kafe ini semakin menguntungkan dan menjanjikan.

Bahkan untuk memulai dan menjalankan bisnis ini, modal yang digunakan tidak harus banyak. Anda bisa memulai kafe kontemporer ini dalam skala kecil. Seiring waktu, Anda dapat mengembangkan bisnis Anda lebih besar lagi.

Bisnis Café Kontemporer Paluang

Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui, bisnis café di Indonesia sangat mudah menyebar terutama di kota-kota besar. Café merupakan tempat yang sering dikunjungi oleh orang-orang dari berbagai latar belakang, dengan tujuan untuk berkumpul bersama teman, mencari inspirasi, atau sekedar bersantai.

Melihat peluang bisnis yang masih terbuka lebar ini, Anda juga bisa mencoba bisnis tersebut. Jangan khawatir, bisnis ini sudah terbukti dengan banyaknya pelaku bisnis café kekinian yang meraup untung besar.

Persaingan pasar dalam bisnis ini semakin ketat akhir-akhir ini, namun bukan berarti Anda tidak bisa mencoba dan menjalankan bisnis tersebut. Tentu perlu persiapan dan strategi yang matang, serta konsep bisnis yang bisa diterima semua orang.

Kenyamanan Bisnis Kafe Kontemporer

Sebelumnya dikatakan bahwa bisnis ini mudah untuk dicoba dan dijalankan, tetapi apa saja kemudahan dari bisnis kafe modern ini?

Selain memiliki konsep kekinian yang sangat digemari banyak kalangan terutama kalangan remaja, bisnis café kekinian ini dikatakan mudah karena memiliki konsep bisnis yang sederhana. Jadi bisa dijalankan oleh siapa saja. Berikut beberapa kemudahan bisnis kafe kekinian yang perlu Anda ketahui:

1. Miliki Menu yang Mudah Dibuat

Yang pertama, di sebuah kafe tentunya akan memberikan daftar menu makanan dan minuman yang akan dijual. Nah, menu makanan dan minuman di kafe umumnya sederhana dan mudah dibuat.

Kafe adalah bisnis sederhana dengan menyediakan daftar menu sederhana juga. Jadi Anda tidak perlu khawatir kesulitan membuat makanan dan minuman yang akan menarik perhatian.

2. Modal Yang Dibutuhkan Tidak Harus Besar

Apalagi modal yang dibutuhkan untuk mendirikan dan menjalankan bisnis ini tidak harus besar. Meski bermodal minim, Anda juga bisa memulai bisnis kafe kekinian ini. Untuk itu Anda perlu memiliki catatan detail yang akan Anda gunakan untuk kebutuhan kafe Anda.

3. Memiliki Penghasilan Yang Cukup Besar

Yang namanya kafe pasti akan dikunjungi pelanggan setiap harinya. Dan hal ini tentunya membuat pendapatan yang didapat cukup besar. Untuk mendapatkan pelanggan tidak terlalu sulit, Anda hanya perlu memberikan pelayanan yang sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan.

Layanan ini bisa di semua aspek. Mulai dari kualitas menu yang disajikan, hingga pelayanan dan sikap diri kita sebagai pemilik kafe. Untuk kualitas menunya sendiri, Anda bisa menggunakan bahan-bahan berkualitas baik, serta peralatan seperti mesin kopi dan penggiling kopi terbaik.

4. Bisa dijalankan dimana saja

Yap, bisnis café kekinian ini bisa kamu jalankan dimana saja. Yang pasti tempat berbisnis ini harus strategis dan mudah ditemukan orang. Hal ini juga mempengaruhi pendapatan Anda dan kesuksesan Anda dalam bisnis.

Itulah beberapa penjelasan singkat tentang bisnis café kekinian. Semoga informasi di atas dapat membantu Anda dalam memulai bisnis kafe sekaligus menambah pengetahuan Anda tentang bisnis kafe saat ini. Sampai jumpa di diskusi dan topik menarik dan bermanfaat lainnya di artikel lainnya.
Apprentice said:
Immortal said:
You expect people to do things solely out of duty. Or because it is the right thing to do. Which is simply not the case. You don't give any incentives.
What on Earth are you talking about? This is immature, spoiled teenager mentality at best.
You don't need any incentives once you deeply understand how things really are in this jewed sewer. It all got so far because of people who didn't have any incentive (or had all the wrong ones).
Clearly you haven't yet realized the priorities in this reality. Otherwise you'd go all-in with your development and warfare contribution without needing free candy or brass plaques.
During that hard work, at some point, you'll start to feel the Gods watching and helping you. This is priceless! Imagine being one of those brave souls who really change the world. This is my incentive.
If someone really wants to do this they will evolve past the point of needing incentives.
We don't need such people, we are an Elite and HPHC has stated it several times. If some don't bother to save themselves then they aren't fit to be SS and it would be a disgrace for us to have them in our midst and a waste of time to try to bring them here.
babanana said:
...Itulah beberapa penjelasan singkat tentang bisnis café kekinian. Semoga informasi di atas dapat membantu Anda dalam memulai bisnis kafe sekaligus menambah pengetahuan Anda tentang bisnis kafe saat ini. Sampai jumpa di diskusi dan topik menarik dan bermanfaat lainnya di artikel lainnya.

Your post has nothing to do with these forums, where do these people come from??

I translated a bit (from Indonesian) and it's a constant redundancy of pointless words suggesting how to run a successful coffee business, one major focus being getting young customers and teenagers because this makes things 'trendy' and 'appealing' to customers. The link they added is also for purchasing an espresso machine.

You moderators truly must have a lot to deal with so take your time. I know none of us will fall for this outright scam and if they do they well deserve it.
The donating thing sets my teeth on edge (among the other things). People pay for a netflix subscription every month to fill their head with garbage... pay for school, college, car gas, food... You'd think if one is here, they'd count JoS as a necessity among everything else one is willing to put money to.

Myself and Jrvan have had issues when donating each time so far, it's been frustrating and annoying but we've done it. We made it happen, and got over all the techy hurdles that just randomly seem to only come up when we try to donate. Why? because it's worth it. You'll only understand why it's worth it if you choose to advance, and apply the knowledge given here. The enemy doesn't want this place to grow, so why let them have their way? Help out in any way you can, even if you face hurdles. The things worth fighting for don't grow by being afraid, lazy, negligent, or overly self-serving.

JoS, like anything anyone wants to have last in the world, needs our time, effort, dedication, and everyone doing what they can. So be brave and just try to do the best thing you can for yourself and everyone. Better to try and succeed, than do nothing and lose.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Apprentice said:
Immortal said:
You expect people to do things solely out of duty. Or because it is the right thing to do. Which is simply not the case. You don't give any incentives.
What on Earth are you talking about? This is immature, spoiled teenager mentality at best.
You don't need any incentives once you deeply understand how things really are in this jewed sewer. It all got so far because of people who didn't have any incentive (or had all the wrong ones).
Clearly you haven't yet realized the priorities in this reality. Otherwise you'd go all-in with your development and warfare contribution without needing free candy or brass plaques.
During that hard work, at some point, you'll start to feel the Gods watching and helping you. This is priceless! Imagine being one of those brave souls who really change the world. This is my incentive.
If someone really wants to do this they will evolve past the point of needing incentives.
We don't need such people, we are an Elite and HPHC has stated it several times. If some don't bother to save themselves then they aren't fit to be SS and it would be a disgrace for us to have them in our midst and a waste of time to try to bring them here.

Absolutely agree. People who need a damn carrot to do anything, those who are giving said carrot to make people move have to give more and more as time goes just so that these people will do SOMETHING and keep them satisfied. And that is of no benefit to anyone... the person doesn't advance, and the givers become exhausted. None here have that kind of energy to spend on people who don't want to take action on their own or at least get to a point where they can.

We do what we do because we have the hearts and drive to actually give a shit and care about ourselves, our people, our Gods, and the world we belong in. We are thanked in turn for what we do out of the good in our hearts. That's how you create family and civilization that means something. End of story, really.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
